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Enjoy the Third


My experience with the third density hasn't been particularly enjoyable.


T hen you will probably remain in it until you realize that it can be. The idea is that when you invalidate an experience you obviously chose to have, then you are not getting out of it what you can get out of it. And it will usually allow you to remain in that experience until you understand the reason for why you chose to be in it to begin with. The quickest way to get to the twelfth level is to realize that you can – absolutely, in every way – enjoy the third.

那你可能就會留下來,直至明白它也可以使你快樂為止。問題是,很明顯的是你所選擇的經驗失去效用的時候,你便無法從中逃避你本可逃避的東西。而且,那往往會使你停留在那個經驗之內,直至你瞭解原因,知道起初你為什麼會選擇它為止。到達第十二層次的最快方法就是去弄明白,你也可以 —— 以每一種方式;完全地 —— 享受第三層次。

W e l l , I haven't reached the point yet where I find limitations particularly enjoyable.


All right. But understand there are many different kinds of limitations. It is a form of limitation just to be focused in a specific way. Even in what you would call twelfth density, there is still the idea of a particular awareness or focus that allows you to conceive of the fact that you are in twelfth density. That is still a type of limitation. Limitation, in and of itself, does not have to be inherently negative. You are simply buying into the belief system, or one of the belief systems in your third-density reality, that all limitation is inherently negative – or that there can be situations that are inherently negative. But there aren't.

好的。但你要明白,限制有各式各樣的種類。僅以特定方式集中注意力,即是限制的一種形式。即使在你稱為第十二密度的地方,也仍然存有一種特殊的覺知或專注,使你可以看到這個你正處在第十二密度之中的事實。那仍然是一種限制。限制中或限制的本身,並不必然帶有固有的負向性。你只是接受了第三層實相中的信念體系或其中之一,認為一切限制都帶有固有的負向性 —— 或某些情境本來即是負向的。但這些情境並不存在。

Let me say again that no situation has any built-in meaning. Whatever meaning you give to a situation is what you have been taught to give to that situation; it's what you have been taught to believe that situation means. The meaning you give to a neutral situation – a neutral set of circumstances or set of props – the meaning you give to it utterly determines the effect you get out of it.

容我再說一遍,沒有任何一個情境會帶有任何固有的意義。無論你為某個情境賦予什麼意義,那都是來自你所接受的教導;你被教導去相信,那個情境具有那種意義。你給予一個中性情境 —— 一組中性的狀況或道具 —— 的意義,將決定你從中所獲得的效果。

So if you do not find third-density pleasant, then it is because you have been taught to believe that it is not. Only that belief – ONLY that belief!! – creates third- density to be effectually unpleasant, only that belief. There is nothing built into physical reality that says physical reality has to be unpleasant. Just because it is a limitation in a particular way does not mean you cannot soar with exuberance in third-density reality.

故此,倘若你覺得第三密度並不令人愉悅,那麼這只是因為,你曾經被教導去相信它就是那樣。只是那個信念 —— 只是那個信念!! —— 創造了第三密度令人不悅的效果。只是那個信念而已。肉身實相中並不具有某種本有的東西,它說:肉身實相必然是令人愉悅的。只因為它在特定方面是一種限制,並不表示你就無法在第三層實相中帶著豐盛的生命往高處翱翔。

Again, paradoxically, since you obviously have chosen to be in third-density reality, it is our suggestion that when you finally let yourself realize you can become absolutely ecstatic in the third density, that is when you will have cognition of the fact that you already exist on all the other levels already. And allowing yourself to know that will be the simple matter of shifting your perspective, rather than feeling you have to climb your way out of some thick dark mire into which you have fallen. It is all point of view.


N ow, perhaps this will be of some assistance to you, if you are willing to absorb it directly into your heart. Pay close attention to the following definition, even though we have stated it before. Your idea – and we are speaking in general as well – of going from level to level, plane to plane: that idea, or process, is simply one of recognizing that you actually are the dimension itself that you previously thought you existed in.

現在,如果你願意把這個道理直接吸納到心裡,那麼它或許會對你有所幫助。請十分注意以下的界定 —— 雖然我們在過去已經陳述過了。一般而言,你那個有關從層次到層次、從層面到層面地進展的想法:那個觀念,或過程,本即要你去認清,你其實即是過去你認為存在其中的那個密度。

So if you find yourself thinking that you exist in third density, think again. You ARE third density; you ARE the physical universe; the physical universe IS you. When you know that you are all you experience the physical universe to be – when you are in control of what it is you do experience the physical universe to be – then it will be heaven on Earth, twelfth density on Earth.

所以,如果你發覺,你認為自己正存在第三密度中,那麼就多想一下。你就是第三密度;你就是這個物質性的宇宙;這個物質性的宇宙就是你。當你知道,你把這個物質宇宙經驗成什麼,你便是什麼, —— 當你能主控自己所經驗的物質宇宙是什麼的時候,那麼,天國便將會出現在地上,第十二密度便將會出現在地上。

All levels align at a particular way of thinking, in a particular mode of thought. All levels align. All you have to do is realize that going from level to level to level is the recognition that you already exist as that level, and think of yourself in that point of view. When you allow yourself to operate as the collective totality that you are, then no one level will seem to be overwhelming – because you will be drawing on the totality of all that you are.

所有層次都根據某個思考模式,用某個思考方法串聯起來;所有層次都串聯好了。你只要去瞭解,從層次走向層次,即是去認知:你早就作為那個層次而存在,並且以那個層次的觀點來看待自己。當你讓自己作為那個集合性整體 —— 那即是你 —— 那樣地運作的時候,那麼便沒有任何層面會顯得令人難以承受 —— 因為你將會靠在那個你即是它的整體之上。

Y ou are not cut off from yourself in twelfth density; you are always able to draw from all of the power, all of the existence, the totality of the spirit and the soul that you are. Then no one level will seem to be overwhelming, because any one level will seem to be a small fraction of the total being, the total creator that you are. And when you function in that way, enjoying where you are, when you are there, living in the moment, living totally in the present, that is paradoxically exactly the way you allow the future and all the levels to accelerate most quickly into your present experience. For you do not go anywhere… all happens within you. You bring those experiences to you – and even that, you are not literally doing. Nothing in the universe truly literally actually moves or goes anywhere; it is all perspective and point of view – all of it.

在第十二密度之中,你並沒有與自己割離;你永遠能夠從一切力量、一切存在之中,吸住你們靈魂的全體。那麼便沒有任何層次會令人無法承受,因為,任何一個層次將只像整體生命體、整體創造者 —— 即是 —— 的一小部分而已。而當你如此發揮作用,適時適地而歡 —— 活在當下,全然地活在現在 —— 的時候,很矛盾,你便容許未來以及所有的層面,能最快地加速進入你的當下經驗裡面。因為你那裡都不會去;一切都發生在你的裡面。你把那些經驗帶給自己 —— 即使這一點,你也沒有真的在做。宇宙中沒有任何東西真的在移動或到任何地方去;這一切都是觀點觀看的角度而已 —— 一切都是

D o remember this – and this also may assist you greatly when you allow it to sink into whatever portion of you it needs to sink into: many of the ideas of what many people in your civilization believe to be entrapment ― “I'm stuck here; I'm stuck there” ― is because you have been taught to believe that consciousness exists in the body. It doesn't. The body exists within your consciousness. There is a vast difference in the realization of those two definitions, and the idea, therefore, is very unlimiting, very expansive. For you can recognize that what you think of as your body is but one focal point within the combined idea of the consciousness you are, out of which is created all the physical reality you experience. You have much more mobility, because you can diversify your focus, disperse your point of view, broaden and expand the way you look at yourself – the way you look through yourself, the way you look through the idea of yourself that is expressed in bodily terms. Thus, it is important to remember that the body is immersed in the collective consciousness that you are.

請務必記住這個道理 —— 而且,當你讓它滲入任何一個它需要進入的部分時,它可能也會給你巨大的協助:在你們的文明中,很多人都相信為某種圈套 —— 「我這裡圈住了;我那裡套住了」 —— 的多種觀念,都是由於你們曾被教導去相信「意識存在身體之內」的緣故。其實不是;身體存在你的意識之中。對於這兩種界定的領悟,會帶來非常巨大的差異,而這個觀念因此就十分不受局限、十分具有擴展性。因為你可以看到,你所認為的身體,只不過是在一個有關你這個意識的綜合觀念之中的一個焦點而已 —— 而你所經驗的所有物質實相,都是從這個意識中被創造出來的。你擁有更大的彈性,因為你可以變化你的焦點,分散你的觀點,拓寬、擴大你看待自己的方式 —— 你透視自己的方式、你透視那個以肉體言詞來表達的、有關你自己的觀念的方式。於是,重要的是要記住: 這個軀體正浸沒在集體意識 —— 那即是 —— 的裡面

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And now as a final note to all of you: from this point forward, you will begin, at your own rate, your own timing, to notice the increase of synchronicity in your lives, the ecstatic explosion of coincidence. And perhaps, just perhaps, you will begin to forget your past. Do not fear that forgetting, for that forgetting is what will allow you to live in the moment, knowing everything you need to know when you need to know it, and recognizing that you are indeed unlimited beings. Now you are unlimited beings! I thank you for your co-creation.

那麼,對你們全體而言,這便是最後的一項說明:從這一個點開始,你將會開始以自己的速率和計時方式,注意到生命中同時性的增加 —— 那種巧合的狂喜爆發。而且,或許 —— 或許而已 —— 你也將會開始忘卻自己的過去。不要害怕遺忘,因為,正是遺忘讓你可以活在當下,在需要時知道你所需要知道的一切,並且認清自己其實即是無限的生命體。現在你就是無限的生命體!感謝你們參與了這一次的共同創造

Welcome to the fourth density!


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