Third Density Pain
You said earlier that a bunch of symptoms you mentioned – all of which I've had – were symptoms of moving into the fourth density.
你在較早時曾說,你所提到的一連串徵候 —— 全都已經出現在我身上 —— 是移入第四密度時所出現的徵候。
T hey are symptoms of moving into fourth density, while still retaining some connections to third.
O kay, I have a little confusion about pain being created by friction.
Y ou have a habit of thinking of yourself in a certain way as a third-density being. When you begin to have the notion, or become aware of the idea of fourth density, you will find that you usually begin to explore that understanding from a third-density point of view. One of the things you all have created in your society, to begin the exploration of fourth density from a third density point of view, is the creation of a belief, that as third-density individuals you have a slower vibration than you will have as fourth-density individuals. But this is still the remnant of a judgment, the creation of the idea or belief that the third density is somehow less than the fourth density. So you create a separation while you are "forcing yourselves" to explore fourth density, and allowing yourselves to experience some acceleration of energy. You still hold on to the idea that while you are doing the exploring, you are still somehow something less than what it is you are becoming. You are moving at a slower vibration in that way.
T herefore, as you create the idea of fourth density to be represented in your mentality as a so-called higher vibration, and at the same time still retain a notion that while you are doing this you are a slower vibration, this judgment and this comparison of separation then creates the scenario wherein you have two different vibrations within the same body. This causes friction, which causes pain.
W hen you know that you are what you are at any given moment, and what you are is what you need to be, you will then accelerate as a smooth oneness of vibration and not create comparisons between something you think is less, and then become something you think is more. You will become one vibration; you will erase the friction, and there will be no pain.