Q: Was the Apostle Paul/Saul influenced by the Bafath?
A: No, he wasnt.
Q: How is Semjase doing? I don't mean whether she has spoken to you or if she will contact us soon or whatever... or anything like that...! I mean her, personally !! We all owe her our gratitude & thanks (Really big time, eh?)... I think you know what I'm getting at here !! Thanx (to FIGU etc. !!) for the opportunity to ask, eh?
問:目前Semjase好嗎?我的意思不是指她是否和你說過話,或者是否不久會和我們接觸以及類似這些等等…!我們都虧欠對她的感謝(真是非常多,嗯?)… 我想你知道我在這裡正得到甚麼!!謝謝(FIGU等等!)給我機會提問,嗯?
A: She is fine (Billy said "excellent"). She sends her best regards to all FIGU people all over the world.
Q: Is current JHWH governing our planet Earth a yellow race human being?
A: No, he isn't. Ptaah is the one in charge, and he belongs to a white race. However, he is not "governing"; he's "responsible" regarding the spiritual teachings and the various developments on Earth.
Q: Very briefly, could you describe what the average Earth human experiences between lives...Thanks.
A: That's not possible because we don't remember and we don't have the words to describe it. No personality exists anymore, and therefore no thoughts as we are familiar with in our lifetime. It's the spirit form and the "comprehensive consciousness block" (Gesamtbewusstseinsblock) that enter the Beyond. The spirit form and the comprehensive consciousness block "analyses/reviews" (= aufarbeiten) what has not been digested/assimilated prior to death. Love, wisdom etc. are transformed into a fine-matter form. The former personality is dissolved and transformed into neutral energy. Then a new personality is "worked out"/developed which incarnates - together with the spirit form - into an embryo at the 21st day after conception. The new personality has nothing in common with the former one!
Q: What happens when two persons with the same spirit form get together in a time trip, like Billy and Jmmanuel? Billy can tell his first hand experience, I hope.
A: It is not the "same" spirit form, even if it is of the same lineage. One spirit form is less developed/evolved than the other, and there are two entirely different personalities present. The same is true even when a person visits oneself in the actual life (through time travel). The best way to make this understandable is when a person of, say, 50 years looks at an old photograph when he or she was 10 years old. The child was a different personality than at the age of 50! You will be aware of this if/when you look at a photograph!
Q: Can hypnosis be used to uncover past lives on other planets besides planet earth?
A: No.
Q: As we aware that there is no evil spirits but only ignorant ones. Is there any explanations that in the TJ there are many places mentioned "evil spirits". One significant event was in Chapter 8 "The healing of two possessed people". 8/32 Then the evil spirits in the possessed asked him, "Master, please drive us out, so that we may go into the herd of swine grazig just over there"........ the whole herd rushed down to the water and drowned. What was really happened in that event? Is there any scientific explanation?
問:我們知道只有無知的靈而沒有"邪靈",而在《以馬內利的教誨》(The Talmud of Jmmanuel)這本書內,有許多處提到"邪靈",這作何解釋呢?其中最主要的事件是在第八章的"為兩個人驅魔"。第8/32寫到:然後在兩個被附身的人身上的邪靈求他"主啊,請驅趕我們出來,好讓我們進到那邊的放牧的羊群裡面"…… 整個羊群全部都衝向水中淹死了。整件事到底真相如何?由沒有任何科學的解釋?
A: "Evil spirits" means negative psychic conditions.
Q: Taking into account what Billy said about the afterlife, how is it that some beings, like the Dalai Lama, apparently have some knowledge and/or control regarding their past and future lives (incarnations)?
A: He doesn't have this knowledge from out of himself. The knowledge is drummed into him (taught) at a very early age. A search for a next Dalai Lama serves the fact that the religious system of Tibetan Buddhism needs a head.
Q: If it is known which portion(s) of the TJ are missing from the original text, could we possibly get a list of the missing section(s)?
A: No.
Q: I suffer from a spinal cord injury and paralysis, I received when I was run over by a car on a bicycle, at age 16, it was a hit-and-run. I was wondering if there are any Plejaran meditations etc., for aiding in a physical healing?
A: No, unfortunately meditation cannot be used for such physical healing. Spiral cord injuries cannot be healed with actual terrestrial means/knowledge.
Q: Was the late Marcel Vogel a "telepathic" contactee?
A: No.
Q: Is there a new calculation for reincarnating lives in the present time ? I assume that spirits are coming back into new lives sooner than the standard lifetime plus one half , because of overpopulation .
A: Yes, they are coming back sooner.
Q: Why is it necessary that a comprehensive consciousness exists seperate from the spirit form between lives? I thought that the spirit alone could digest the info while in the beyond...
A: Because there must be a connection (or relay station) between the pure material and the pure spiritual.