Contact Report 125
• Contact Reports volume: 3 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 3)
• Page number(s): 397 - 418
• Date/time of contact: Tuesday, December 11, 1979, 12:34 PM
• Translator(s): Benjamin Stevens
• Date of original translation: September 6, 2011
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Semjase
This is the entire contact. It is an authorized but unofficial translation and may contain errors.
Hello, there is a rather strong storm up here. If you don't maneuver the ship, then… damn, we'll ram the treetop. - Already done. Good day, my child, I'm happy to see you. If you get me the treetop, I could use that at the turn of the year as a Christmas tree. It would be something different, so a top of a full-grown fir. It certainly measures 32 meters.
1. That is your strangest greeting that you have ever made, my dear friend.
2. Be welcome.
3. Yes, there is a strong turbulence here, and I'll get you the top of the tree.
4. Unfortunately, I had to turn off the protective shields and the stabilization fields when I brought you up; therefore, the ship was exposed to the storm gusts, by what means we, unfortunately, damaged the tree.
5. But that isn't so bad.
6. What's much worse are the things and concerns, for which I have called you.
You're giving me entirely nice hopes for a friendly chat. So I would like to ask you right away, before I no longer get an opportunity, what's with the list of names?
7. I have some of those here.
8. I will give them to you, but now, listen carefully to the very unpleasant things that I have to report to you:
9. Since our last meeting, we have tried to analyze, in every detail, all still unchecked recordings as well as recordings that have newly started in the meantime, which has led to a result that will be just as unpleasant for you as it also was for us.
10. Also your group members certainly won't feel warm and happy feelings about it.
What the devil is going on now, that you talk like that?
11. You know the contexts very well, for which reasons we had to end our contacts and, nevertheless, declared ourselves willing to maintain purely friendly contacts further, on our own responsibility.
Of course. How should I forget that?
12. Then you probably also remember that for the further maintenance of the friendly contacts, we set certain conditions to be fulfilled and followed, which were imposed on every single member of the group of your community?
Of course I remember that. How should I forget that, too? In addition to the fact that everything was readable in the corresponding contact report for every group member, I also spoke with everyone about the fact that there could be absolutely no doubt that your conditions are now final and must also be fulfilled accordingly by every single group member; otherwise, also these remaining contacts would be broken off. It was, therefore, urged to each individual to pull him- or herself together from now on in every relation, to work expediently, and to change for the better.
13. Sure.
14. And what impression have you gotten?
15. Was this arrangement followed by all?
I wouldn't like to express myself about that.
16. I understand, you don't want to express your opinion about anyone and don't want any ill-will.
17. When I consider that in such a way, I understand you very well, but by that, aren't you acting illogically, my friend?
18. Think about it once very thoroughly…
19. Still, you are probably right, but you are no longer able to change anything at all by that, because we are already oriented in the best way by our analyses and have made our final decision.
Then finally talk already, girl, if you must deliver me bad news and a devil's message.
20. You can actually call it that.
21. So listen, then:
22. Our remaining analyses revealed that our set conditions were in no way kept by various group members, which led to even much graver results than what we had worked out up to the 11th of November, after which we grasped our now seemingly hasty decisions at that time, in reference to different group members and their time-restricted emigration to America.
23. At that time, we mentioned to you the names of the group members Elsi, Johann, Madeleine, and Bernadette, who were to go away for different reasons, but we only explained the deeper reasons to you unofficially.
24. Today, however, I cannot help but come on behalf of everyone, in order to mention these reasons in our conversation, so that they will be transmitted later in the contact report.
25. The first thing to mention is that the true and exact reason for all time-restricted emigrations of the various group members rests in the fact that they were so harmed by the conduct of Jacobus in every relation that only through this emigration measure could they have been preserved from a departure and withdrawal from the group.
26. But now, as a result of the remaining acquired analyses, it has arisen that the things relating to this are even very much worse and that Jacobus, in an incredibly selfish form, has had such a profoundly negative impact in all group members, especially again in the last three months, that even this measure is no longer able to lead to success, which is why you can now also finally write off this plan with America.
27. Not only Madeleine, Bernadette, and Johann have become group-exiting in their subconscious because of Jacobus, but also some other group members, with which the things in this relation have also partially become rather acute.
28. Especially with Elsi, things have already intensified to a rather peculiar form, whereby she has already partially acquired certain characteristics of Jacobus, which quite often leads to disagreements between you and her - regrettably.
29. Also, according to the recordings, Jacobus, already for quite some time, has no longer endeavored himself in a determinative and suitable form around the teaching, for whose non-compliance he feigns reasons that are not such.
30. His thoughts and actions correspond to a stubbornness without equal, with a profound egoism being widely grown in him.
31. The recordings also showed that he, at every inappropriate opportunity, lets his egoistic thoughts and actions uninhibitedly run wild for quite some time, whereby he accuses all other group members of inactivity, parasitism and even laziness, without any justification or truth.
32. In such cases, he went and goes so far that he treacherously incites non-group members and makes them inharmonious towards the other group members, by what means in this year alone, nine interested persons retreated from their efforts to apply for core group candidature, as my personal analyses yielded, which I made when I came across this fact.
33. It is also clear from this that Jacobus in no way strove to change himself truthfully, so he also ignored my continuous impulses, which I sent to him since that time, when I said that he needs a wife who rebukes him with a hard kitchen utensil.
34. Since these impulses were simply ignored by him because he wasn't willing to change truthfully and because he stubbornly continues to believe that only his way of his conduct is masculine - which it is, however, in no case - I release him immediately from my impulse irradiation, by what means his true being will again reach implementation and be in full force down to the last negative detail.
35. I must recognize now that for him, all impulse assistance represents a pointless effort and that if another change should still enter, this must now be made by him alone, which will not and cannot be the case, however, if he doesn't voluntarily strive to wed within a short time.
36. He…
Do you mean, by what you just said, that he should marry?
37. Sure, that is to be represented by that.
38. Only then can he be changed, but he is afraid of that because he knows very well that he would then have to discard his selfish nature and truly behave as a man.
39. His present nature, however, doesn't correspond yet to that of a grown man but rather to that of a teenage boy, who is absolutely at odds with himself and with the world and the environment, which is why he sees only himself in every relation.
40. We can now only give him a single opportunity for improvement, and this time, it must be final.
41. We grant him, and thus, also the responsible group, one more time period until the last day of the month of June in the year 1980.
42. If he hasn't finally endeavored on the right path by then, then he has to be excluded from the group.
43. Until then, however, this contact conversation will be the last one that we'll still transmit to you.
44. So until then, no further contact conversations will be transmitted for the group members, and you have to be silent until then about all still purely friendly contacts with yourself, without mentioning any details, etc.
45. If it should turn out that by the date specified in the next year, Jabcobus hasn't fundamentally changed and hasn't otherwise been excluded by the group members, then the termination of the connection to the group will also remain for all time, just as if not all group members are truly integrated into the group by then.
46. This especially applies to your wife, whose actions and attitude have, for quite some time, actually been openly pursuing the same forms as those of Jacobus.
47. Also, for quite some time, she has no longer endeavored truthfully and in honesty around the determinative concerns, which is why she has disappointed me very bitterly.
48. Her in particular, I had locked very deeply into my friendly feelings, and now she of all has saddened and disappointed me very bitterly.
49. She, too, should now finally be clear about everything, especially about what very important form she holds in our common mission.
50. She must be completely clear about the fact that she represents and embodies the most important form of that example, which you have already been trying to fulfill for months in the team of three, which should then finally become the earthly and natural norm in the distant future.
51. She, however, likewise has to discard her egoism, as this must also be the case with Jacobus.
52. She has to recognize and learn that the true truth is not what she imagines but that this alone is the truth, which we have brought and which you have written down through your attained knowledge.
See, girl, I often tried to make all that clear to Jacobus as well as to my Agapulla, but everything has borne no fruit. Behind everything lies, in my opinion, not only egoism, jealousy and conceit, but also anxiety, fear, not wanting to understand, and stubbornly not wanting to give up their own wrong views, but there's also a rather large portion of self-pity, but also betrayal on the part of my wife.
53. That will probably be denied to you, but it actually corresponds to the truth, for as I now know, your fears relating to her were fully justified.
54. But I first recognized this in a true form a few days ago.
55. From her side are lying and deception, dishonesty and falsehood against you, the mission, and also against the group members, whom she has harmed financially as well as in belongings, as she also did to you.
I know that damn well, but what should I do? I can't do more than talk and talk again, right?
56. Sure, and I know very well that you also try that over and over again.
Yes, I most certainly do that, and certainly no one can give me a reproach concerning this. But I am mostly driven quite simply halfway to insanity with illogical answers and with senseless counterattacks and with not thinking about what I have said and explained, such that I get fed up with it and scream out loud.
57. You shouldn't let yourself be tempted into that.
I know, but from time to time, my nerves just simply won't take it anymore.
58. Sure, I already understand, and I know very well that you have no easy time at such moments.
59. And honestly said, I would like to confess to you once that I could never muster up as much patience as you.
60. Only, I wouldn't raise my voice in such a way as what you can do; rather, I would remove myself from the area of such unreasonable and stubborn human beings.
61. Perhaps I would try the same thing again two or three times, but then I would finally break these things off, as every other human being would also do - thus, just as it would not only be the case with us, if there were still such things with us, but as it is truly the case, according to my knowledge, also with you on Earth.
62. But your patience and perseverance, my dear friend, they shouldn't also appear so fast with another human being on the Earth.
That may be, but I just can't help it. Maybe you understand that?
63. Sure.
Good, then at least that. But what should we do now with regard to America? If the contacts are now flattened so far that even no more contact reports will be given, then it's also no longer possible that we can clarify these America things for a new construction, etc., right? You did say that at least until the end of June of 1980, I am also no longer allowed to tell anything more about the contacts.
64. That's right, sure, and it must also remain so.
65. The credit for this belongs to Jacobus, which must now, unfortunately, be said.
66. According to our judgment, it would have also been more right if Madeleine, Bernadette and Johann didn't have to be chosen to go to America, but this was due to the unreasonable, unjustified, and selfish behavior and abuse of Jacobus.
67. According to our insights, it would have been the most useful if Johann could have decided to move into the Center, and also Bernadette and Madeleine could have continued to stay there.
68. The whole manner of Jacobus, however, required other measures, but this can now also no longer have validity, as we now have to put the whole responsibility for everything entirely into the hands of all group members.
69. They all must now see themselves, how the continuance is to be.
70. That is our final decision, and it is certain.
Then that means, in other words, that at least until the end of June of 1980, you will no longer make yourselves available with pieces of advice, etc., you will keep yourselves completely out of everything, and we can no longer reach you with any concerns at all?
71. Sure, that is the meaning of my words.
72. Something will only change one last time if by the date mentioned, everything is finally organized in such a way as is expected by us.
73. Moreover, I would still like to suggest to you that by then, even rather a month before, you create another workroom, and to be sure, here or here, as you see on this drawing here.
But why that?
74. If you, by the date mentioned, still continue to work furthermore in your current workroom, the greatest danger for your life will exist.
75. The actions of the brothers H. and K. and the publication of the book, in addition to leading to very much success, have also set many negative things in motion.
76. Our probability calculations relating to this revealed that your current workroom becomes extremely dangerous for you starting from the date mentioned, which is why you should make yourself another one here or here.
That will, however, cost quite a lot again.
77. Nevertheless, no other choice remains for you.
And what should happen, then, with the current office?
78. Other group members can use it without concern, for there is no danger for them.
79. Who should be harmed in life and limb, this refers only to you alone.
80. The group members themselves are neither endangered now nor in the coming time.
But that is ridiculous, I think. After all, attacks can also be perpetrated on them.
81. That will not be the case, for you are that person who is supposed to be turned off for the sake of concealing the truth.
82. Thus, act in accordance with my advice; otherwise, no further help can be given to you.
Alright, I'll have to, whether I like it or not. But tell me, since you now also want to cut off the contact reports, how does it stand, then, with your promise that I can soon take new pictures once again, when you have your new ship?
83. The decision of us all stands above my promise, unfortunately, so I cannot redeem this for the time being.
84. Under certain circumstances, depending on how the decision falls on the last day of June of 1980, I can then tell you further details about it.
85. I will keep my promise, of that you can be sure, but until then, it can last a very long time for you.
Then there's probably nothing more to be done there.
86. You're right, unfortunately. I now have to go back again, so I must say goodbye to you.
But you said, nevertheless, that you brought along the list with the names.
87. It is only a first part of names, which I will still transmit to you, of course, despite our decision.
88. For now, I've listed the letters A, B and D alphabetically here, and for each letter, I listed 21 female names and 21 male names.
89. But I can no longer read this list aloud to you now, due to lack of time, so I will simply transmit it to you at a suitable opportunity.
That's also all right with me, and by the way, I am still to convey to you rather dear greetings from all group members.
90. I thank them very lovingly for that, and under other circumstances, I would be happy about it even very much more than today.
91. But return to them, despite everything, also my greetings, which will be the last, unfortunately, up to the last day of June of 1980 or even forever, depending on what results up to decision day.
92. But now, farewell, my dear friend.
93. Farewell, and don't be too sad, even if our contacts are now even much rarer than what was the case in the last times.
94. But always keep in mind our secret agreement from the 11th of November, because this is irrefutable.
Even so, I must come to terms with that, whether I like it or not - damn it. All this isn't so easy, damn it again. Silence is often very difficult. Till we meet again, dear child, bye, till we meet again.
95. Farewell, dear friend…
Continuation of the Contact
96. I'm sorry that I brought you up once again, but with all the saddening explanations, I forgot to mention a very important point, which we've already discussed several times, but this brought no success at all because you in no way tried to change these things.
I don't understand, girl, what do you now want to address again with that?
97. You will immediately understand very well.
98. I speak of the fact that we've already laid on you several times to arrange yourself with all the group members, so that you don't have to pay monthly residential contributions anymore.
99. We fin…
About that, there is really nothing more to talk about. I myself have found, for different reasons, that I should pay this rent, and that's that. In return, I have all those rooms for my family that I need for them. Also, peace is given with the fact that no accusations can be made about me, that I'm resting on the pockets of the group and taking advantage of them, in order to live in the Center for free. That should now finally also be clear to you all.
100. No, that isn't clear to us.
101. We are of the conviction that you may not pay one more remuneration for the necessary rooms because your work exceeds this by hundreds and millions of times.
102. Solely what you've done so far in work for the whole group and for all of humankind, you can never be compensated for, so it is absolutely inappropriate that you pay one more residential payment for the necessary rooms.
103. We were never in agreement with that at any point in time, which is why this must now finally be put in order.
104. As is common with the human beings of Earth, a purposeful contract is now to be made between you and all group members, which grants you and all your family members an absolute exemption from payments and free-to-use premises for life, where also the energy is to be free, which is necessary for heating and lighting and for living and preservation.
105. We have oriented ourselves in this regard and know about the fact that also water and electrical energy, etc. are subject to fees on the Earth, which is why we also want to see a corresponding clause anchored in an appropriate contract, which you shall then submit to us for inspection.
106. Since up to now, you have done nothing in this connection to initiate these things, this time, it is to be such that these concerns are transmitted to you in writing, by what means every group member can gain insight therein and act accordingly.
107. It's just not right that you continue to pay a remuneration because as I already often told you, neither are you able to bear this financially in the long run, nor is it a fact of fairness, for through your work already done, you have given very much more than what you can ever be compensated for.
108. And since solely all your family members, by their presence around you, have helped you in the greatest measure with all your tasks and works and their fulfillment, the same is to apply to them.
109. That is our decision, which you now have to hold in honor.
I find that unfair.
110. So would it only be, if you would not act according to our instructions.
111. If you should not act accordingly in the future, then you would also sadden me very much.
I wouldn't want that, but you do know my reasons for my actions.
112. These should have never been accepted by the group members as right.
113. On the contrary, all group members should have striven for your protection, in order to protect you against such unwarranted attacks and intrigues.
114. In the future, the whole group is to be responsible for this task, and that is my final word on this matter.
115. Now farewell, my dear friend, and act accordingly.
But that…
116. That was my final word on that.
117. Farewell.
Okay, bye, girl. Even you seem to want to cause me trouble now.
118. That doesn't correspond to the truth, my friend; think about it thoroughly and logically once.
119. But now, farewell, and till we meet again, because I'm in a rush today and must return.
It's all right. I don't want to keep you any further; I'm already going. Bye, my child, bye.
120. Till we meet again.
121. Ah, one moment…
(Semjase receives a call via her communication device and answers it briefly. However, I don't understand what is being said because I am not master of the spoken language.)
122. … I have just received the message that my task has otherwise settled itself in the meantime; consequently, I can still remain here and report to you what has arisen with my further look into the future, which I carried out once again since our last contact and whose data reach up to the year 2000.
123. If you want, I can still inform you about it.
Of course. Let's hear what you have to report.
(The following information was first made accessible to parts of the core group in the year 2003; until then, nobody knew anything of the following conspiracy talk and actions between Semjase and Billy.)
124. First, I would like to explain to you some things that will happen with regard to the group members starting from next year, and I must name Guido in the first place, for whom I have not yet found out the exact date of the occurrence that is approaching him, however.
125. But it will certainly be in the course of next year, when it happens, that Guido will suffer an infarction of his heart and will have to be hospitalized.
126. The heart attack will, indeed, be quite serious, but he will overcome everything well, so you don't have to worry.
127. The whole thing will, however, bring with it harmful consequences for Guido's health; consequently, in the future, he will succumb to heart-related problems, which he will have to bear throughout his remaining years of life, which he will do, however, with bravado.
128. Although more or less unpleasant setbacks will appear during the later years, nevertheless, he will master these just as well as also the separation and divorce from his wife, which will be pending in 1981 or 1982.
129. Nevertheless, he will later be wed again, namely to a core group member, who will step into appearance during the eighties and will become his spouse.
130. So much is to be said with regard to Guido up to the year 2000.
131. I haven't investigated further about his future.
That's enough already. But what about Elsi? You recently gave me an indication that she will become disloyal to the mission and our community.
132. That's right, because in the course of the upcoming eighties, she will, for frivolous and unjustified reasons, withdraw from the group community and go her separate way.
133. The reasons will be such that they relate to unfulfillable demands that are familiar to you.
134. She will first appear irregularly in the Center and at the meetings for some time, after which she will then distance herself and withdraw from everything definitively.
135. But to my knowledge, Quetzal has already given you an explanation about that.
He has, yes. Elsi's demands really are unfulfillable, and I ask myself, from where she actually thinks. Also her imperiousness is a thing in itself, with which one cannot get along, along with certain behaviors. So perhaps it is really better if she removes herself from our mission and from all of us and has nothing more to do with the whole thing.
136. We think that, too, because her behavior regarding her demands could cause a lot of harm, and to be sure, both in your group as well as abroad with those not involved.
137. But listen further to what I have to say:
138. Concerning Eva's birthing of the son, which will bring you two and the group members very much joy, it probably isn't necessary to give you further explanations, because that which you already know from me should be sufficient.
139. It is to be mentioned that also Bernadette will bring a son into the world during the eighties, and that on the 9th of May, 1982.
140. Also Cornelia will follow with the birth of a child, for on the 31st of July, 1986 she will give birth to a daughter.
141. Another birth will then occur once more through Eva, for she will give birth to a daughter.
142. Unfortunately, the child will be severely disabled, but this will change nothing in your love for the girl.
143. You, dear friend, will be the father of the child, who will be born on the 18th of January, 1997.
144. Concerning the divorce of your wife, Eva will become your future life partner, but you won't be in a civil marriage but rather in a free marriage, as we also exercise it, when a husband and wife will live together.
145. During the first time relating to this, during approximately 12 years, a little more will still happen, but I wasn't able to clarify this completely yet, which is why I will first report further details about this to you when I can give exact facts.
146. Therefore, don't ask me about it.
147. I will certainly explain everything to you when I have exact information.
148. Moreover, I must suggest to you that you do not speak openly about all the things mentioned, not even with regard to Guido, in order not to cause fears and anxieties and in order not to rashly influence the course of that which is already fixed, for perhaps one and another would seek to change something that may not be changed.
You should know, nevertheless, that I only ever pass on information that you allow me to. Moreover, I myself have come across the fact that I wrap myself in silence even with Guido, in order not to frighten him.
149. Of course, I know that you will be silent.
150. I simply wanted to suggest it to you once again.
You are illogical, my child. But now, was that everything that you had to report, or are there still other things up to the turn of the millennium?
151. Yes, there are still sad things to report, if you want to hear them?
152. They also concern your family.
Oh - if you speak of sadness, then you probably mean the sorrow of death, if I understand you correctly and interpret your facial expression correctly?
153. Yes, I speak of that.
154. I still don't have the exact dates, but I've already fathomed the approximate years.
If you say that, then you are already quite sure, right?
155. Quite, yes.
So then it concerns my family members. Which one or ones must I carry to the grave, then?
156. There will also be a core group member who will die in the early nineties, perhaps already at the end of the eighties, namely Hans Benz, who sees his best friend in you.
… Well,… it really hits me, because even if one has already often experienced the same, it still lashes out on the psyche again and again. One really doesn't like to lose a human being. That always gives me very much to think about, and indeed, even when I see unfamiliar human beings dying or even only hear of their dying, when they die or are killed, etc. But you are evading me with your answer, dear girl. You have addressed my family.
157. Should I really …?
… Yes. … It'll be all right. Moreover, it is inevitable, because the current life doesn't last forever, and indeed, also not with me and also not with my relatives. This is as clear to me as the fact that life begins at begetting.
158. Then I will speak of your brother Karl, who will suffer a fatal traffic accident almost certainly in the year 1984 or 1985.
159. Then, in 1989, your father will die; around 1994, your mother, and then, around the turn of the millennium, your brother Gottlieb, and shortly after that, your sister Verena will follow. -
160. You wanted me to tell you this.
… -…, Yes, I wanted that. Thanks. - As usual, nothing is to change, I think.
161. I am sorry, my dear friend.
162. It…
But, it was all right. You wanted to say, nevertheless, that it wasn't right that you told me everything.
163. Yes, that's what I wanted to say.
164. I am truly sorry…
You don't need to be sorry, girl, because I told you, nevertheless, that I know that the current life doesn't last forever.
165. But there are five of your family members who will part from your world in only about 15 years.
I know that, and I've also already experienced it several times.
166. I know that, too, your dear friends and lifelong companions, whom you lost so tragically.
Please. We shouldn't talk about that. Already that which you've reported to me hurts enough. I don't need any more right now. - So let's talk about something else. How does it stand with my children Gilgamesha, Atlantis, and Methusalem?
167. Do you really want to know that, too?
Let's go whole hog.
168. As you wish:
169. Gilgamesha will succumb to a very serious car accident and will become severely disabled at the beginning of the nineties, around the time she comes of age.
170. She will no longer be accessible to her task in terms of the mission and everything, and neither will Methusalem, who will completely alienate himself from the mission.
171. At first, this will also be the case with Atlantis, but at a later time, he will find a return to the mission and to the group community.
172. On the 4th of June, I could not yet give you all this information, unfortunately, because it was not yet known to me.
All right. It is sufficient for today, in order to be finished with that. Somehow, I will soon digest and take in your bad news. You shouldn't doubt that.
173. I don't, because in your life, you already have so many things that must be processed and taken in, by which many other human beings would be broken.
I don't want to argue with you. Rather, I would still like to ask you a question.
174. You change the subject quickly.
175. But that is, indeed, your way, in order not to let unpleasantness become tragedy.
176. So then, bring forward your question.
I know from Quetzal that the volcanoes Vesuvius, Etna, and Stromboli should become very active in the coming time, and Vesuvius should erupt when the Third World War comes. Is that still valid?
177. The situation concerning the eruption of Vesuvius has changed, but the danger will exist furthermore.
178. The things of world events have already shifted time-wise, and certain prophecies will thereby change, be canceled, or come true at a later point in time.
179. The Etna volcano and Stromboli, however, will become very active, particularly starting in the late nineties, and will carry the risk of exploding in themselves.
180. Similarly, this applies to an Atlantic volcano of the Spanish Archipelagos.
181. But now, dear friend, I still want to give you the list with the names here, which I've forgotten to hand over to you.
Thanks. Surely, also all the group members will be pleased to receive this list of names. Oh, strange names, which aren't so unknown to me, however. Somehow, I remember them. Are these now the new names that you wanted to bring me?
1 Abdjlos = The Man Who is Loyal to Creation
2 Abaos = The Good Father
3 Atlantjs = Guardian of the Seas
4 Absalomos = Father of Peace
5 Aagapos = The Loving Man
6 Akumo = Guardian of the Stars and Planets
7 Akazjo = The Immaculate Man
8 Anandos = The Joyous and Happy Man
9 Arahat = The Precious Man
10 Aarjel = Guardian of the Hearth Fire of Creation
11 Astros = The Man Who is a Star Observer
12 Atlan = Guardian of the Mountains
13 Athersata = The Man Who Contemplates the Times
14 Atlant = The Man Who Bears the Celestial Vault
15 Atmabodas = The Self-discerning Man
16 Audjos = The Man Who Hears
17 Afestaos = The Law-bearing Man
18 Arkanos = The Man Who Bears Secrets
19 Äeros = Guardian of the Sky
20 Agensos = The Cause-forming Man
21 Asramas = The Self-endeavoring Man
1 Abdjla = The Woman Who is Loyal to Creation
2 Abaga = The Good Mother
3 Atlanta = The Woman Who Bears the Celestial Vault
4 Ananda = The Joyous and Happy Woman
5 Arkana = The Woman Who Bears Secrets
6 Asjna = The Woman Who is a Sea Dancer
7 Alena = The Soft and Tender Woman
8 Agja = The Woman Who Controls
9 Aagapa = The Loving Woman
10 Aramata = The Woman Who is Loved
11 Arkanana = Guardianess of the Secrets
12 Asjsa = The Bird Protectress
13 Askesa = The Skilled Woman
14 Athana = The Fire Guardianess
15 Athara = Mother of the Night
16 Athmara = The Universal Discerning Woman
17 Aula = The Woman Who is Enwalled by Light
18 Auruma = The Woman Who is Enwalled by Glory
19 Afantara = The Woman Who Bears the Power of Creation
20 Alumbrada = The Enlightened Woman
21 Amata = The Beloved Woman
1 Bafomethos = The Man with the Beard
2 Barsabal = The Iron Man
3 Bjnar = The Man Who is Rational and Full of Understanding
4 Bodo = The Discerning Man
5 Bramo = The Strong Man
6 Budho = The Enlightened Man
7 Begam = The Princely Man
8 Belan = The Royal Man
9 Belzant = The Man Who is a Nicely Sounding Singer
10 Beljsal = The Victorious Man
11 Berjlos = The Noble Man
12 Bjosos = The Living Man
13 Bjar = The Administering Man
14 Boljdos = The Meteoric Man
15 Botanjs = The Man Who is a Plant Expert
16 Budger = The Man Who is a Planner
17 Burthel = The Man Who is a Game Fighter
18 Bukoljk = The Herdsman and Shepherd Poet
19 Burdjon = The Man Who Tells Stories
20 Bajas = The Man Who Drives Antics
21 Bursal = The Man Who Offers Shelter
1 Baala = The Mistress
2 Bjnara = The Woman Who is Rational and Full of Understanding
3 Bursala = The Woman Who Offers Shelter
4 Burdjda = The Woman Who Tells Stories
5 Bajata = The Woman Who Stands as a Candidate
6 Beresjta = The Woman Who is a Beginner
7 Bjrda = The Woman Who is a Researcher
8 Bjsa = The Woman Who Unifies
9 Bajrafa = The Woman Who is a Secret Instructor
10 Barukata = The Woman Who is an Announcer
11 Bresjta = The Woman Who is an Origination Expert
12 Banja = The Cleanly Woman
13 Bjzjnja = The Woman Who is a Song Singer
14 Bjaljke = The Woman Who is a Lyricist
15 Benara = The Woman Who is a Trainer of Knowledge
16 Bauzjsa = The Good Wife
17 Belanjra = The Beauty
18 Banjra = The Woman Who is an Onlooker
19 Basjlja = The Woman Who is a Law Expert
20 Benesa = The Woman Who is an Alliance Closer
21 Berzelja = The Woman Who is an Analyzer
1 Dedukton = The Man Who Deduces
2 Demjrgo = The Man Who Works Well with His Hands
3 Djmos = Guardian of Fairness
4 Deukalon = The Self-saving Man
5 Djras = The Man Who is an Expert of the Cosmos
6 Dorados = The Gold-bearing Man
7 Dobar = The Flying Man
8 Daboran = The Groundbreaking Man
9 Deltos = The Man Who is a Sailor
10 Damjrgo = The Man Who Seeks Value
11 Djtrakos = The Unforgettable Man
12 Djtanon = The Mighty Man
13 Detlal = The Man Who Searches
14 Djdjkol = The Man Who is a Fighter
15 Desadon = The Man Who is a Hunter
16 Durdak = The Man Who is a Finder
17 Dosjdon = The Magnanimous Man
18 Durjas = The Man Who is a Daredevil
19 Desjal = The Man Who is Mild in Behavior
20 Dakar = The Hot-blooded Man
21 Deljro = The Man Who is a Dreamer
1 Debarjma = The Woman Who Speaks
2 Darja = The Supportive Woman
3 Demetra = The Planet Mother
4 Defja = The Woman Who is a Celestial Being
5 Djmara = Guardianess of Fairness
6 Dekora = The Moral Woman
7 Daktja = The Woman Who is Full of Expressiveness
8 Doona = The Woman Who Catches Birds
9 Dorada = The Gold-bearing Woman
10 Dotazja = The Woman Who Gives
11 Drjada = The Tree Nymph
12 Dunara = The Woman Who Upholds Decency
13 Daktjlja = The Self-creative Woman
14 Damona = The Friend
15 Damjela = The Weaver
16 Demjra = The Blossoming Woman
17 Delja = The Flagrant Flower
18 Doljara = The Woman Who Plays
19 Djnate = The Hard-working Woman
20 Deljra = The Dreaming Woman
21 Dantarj = The Virtuous Woman
1 Eklesjos = The Man Who Gathers
2 Eljes = The Man Who Will Be
3 Ejdolonos = The Man Who Makes Pictures
4 Eklektos = The Chosen Man
5 Emjnemos = The Excellent Man
6 Emfadoklas = The Ethical Man
7 Enkjrjdon = The Man Who Holds Everything in Hand
8 Enduradon = The World-renouncing Man
9 Entelekon = The Man Who is Perfect in Himself
10 Epopton = The Watchman
11 Eskatalogon = The Man Who Recognizes the Last Things
12 Esenasal = The Man Who Heals
13 Etjkon = The Man Who is of Firm Character
14 Enkarjstol = The Man Who Gives Thanks
15 Edamonjsmos = The Man Who Thinks of Self-happiness
16 Enrjtmos = The Man Who Creates Harmony
17 Efoluton = The Self-evolving and Self-unfolding Man
18 Efergetol = The Well-doing Man
19 Ekaltaton = The Man Who Rises Up
20 Ekegestal = The Man Who Elucidates
21 Ekorzjston = The Suggestive Man
1 Eklesja = The Woman Who Gathers
2 Ejdolona = The Woman Who Makes Pictures
3 Eklekta = The Chosen Woman
4 Emjnema = The Excellent Woman
5 Emfadokla = The Ethical Woman
6 Enkjrjda = The Woman Who Holds Everything in Hand
7 Endurana = The World-renouncing Woman
8 Entelekoa = The Woman Who is Perfect in Herself
9 Epopta = The Watchwoman
10 Eskataloga = The Woman Who Recognizes the Last Things
11 Esenasa = The Woman Who Heals
12 Etjkona = The Woman Who is of Firm Character
13 Enkarjsta = The Woman Who Gives Thanks
14 Edamonjsa = The Woman Who Thinks of Self-happiness
15 Enrjtma = The Woman Who Creates Harmony
16 Efergeta = The Well-doing Woman
17 Efoluta = The Self-evolving and Self-unfolding Woman
18 Ekaltata = The Woman Who Rises Up
19 Ekegesta = The Woman Who Elucidates
20 Efa = The Parturient Woman
21 Eloha = The Woman Who Bids Welcome
1 Fabulanon = The Man Who Versifies Narratives
2 Fakjranon = The Man Who Uses Legerdemain
3 Fanumatol = The Convincing Man
4 Flujdasan = The Man Who Knows the Non-comprehensible and the Non-ascertainable
5 Forderaron = The Man Who Unifies
6 Fohater = The Man Who Sees the Primal Light
7 Fazeraso = The Man Who Produces Artificial Items
8 Fjaton = The Man Who Sees that All that is Necessary is Done
9 Formaljston = The Overemphasizing Man
10 Fratresto = The Brotherly Man
11 Fjatonlukos = The Man Who Sees that the Necessary Light is Made
12 Fanumo = The Convinced Man
13 Fedaljon = The Noble-blooded Man
14 Ferbon = The Man Who Has the Word
15 Fjtarsol = The Man Who Has the Life
16 Foluntaron = The Man Who Has the Will
17 Funkatol = The Man Who is Bubbling in Energy
18 Fanumolon = The Man Who is a Zealot and Enthusiast
19 Fjkumo = The Firmly Formed Man
20 Furjoson = The Stormy Man
21 Fjktjonos = The Man Who Fabulates the Future
1 Fabulana = The Woman Who Versifies Narratives
2 Fakjrana = The Woman Who Uses Legerdemain
3 Fanumata = The Convincing Woman
4 Flujdasa = The Woman Who Knows the Non-comprehensible and the Non-ascertainable
5 Forderara = The Woman Who Unifies
6 Fohata = The Woman Who Sees the Primal Light
7 Fazerasa = The Woman Who Produces Artificial Items
8 Fjata = The Woman Who Sees that All that is Necessary is Done
9 Formaljna = The Overemphasizing Woman
10 Fjktjona = The Woman Who Fabulates the Future
11 Fjataluka = The Woman Who Sees that the Necessary Light is Made
12 Frorela = The Sisterly Woman
13 Ferbona = The Woman Who Has the Word
14 Fjtara = The Woman Who Has the Life
15 Foluntara = The Woman Who Has the Will
16 Funka = The Woman Who is Bubbling in Energy
17 Fanuma = The Convinced Woman
18 Fedalja = The Noble-blooded Woman
19 Fanumala = The Woman Who is a Zealot and Enthusiast
20 Fjkuma = The Firmly Formed Woman
21 Furjosa = The Stormy Woman
1 Gabrjel = The Mighty Man from the Creation
2 Gotamas = The Man Who is Greater than a God
3 Gjmaranon = The Man Who Has the Full Explanations
4 Gjmatrjon = The Man Who Knows the Numerical Values
5 Genesos = The Man Who Instructs the Teaching of Creation
6 Genjos = The Man to Whom the Natural is Innate
7 Geblemon = The Man Who Knows the Solution
8 Gensangon = The Man Who Admires the World
9 Gljfhos = The Man Who Records
10 Gnananos = The Man Who Knows about the Initiating
11 Gnomenon = The Man Who Controls in Truth
12 Goetjos = The Power-unfolding Man
13 Gralon = The Man who Makes Bowls
14 Grafhjelon = The Rousing Man
15 Grafhologon = The Man Who is an Expert of Hand Lines
16 Guron = The Honorable Man
17 Gjroson = The Man Who Predicts the Future
18 Galakton = The Man Who is a Galaxy Expert
19 Gamatos = The Man Who Knows the Function of Higher Mathematics
20 Gjlgamesh = The Man Who Seeks the Wellspring of Life
21 Gloron = The Glorious Man
1 Gabrjela = The Mighty Woman from the Creation
2 Gotama = The Woman Who is Greater than a Goddess
3 Gjmara = The Woman Who Has the Full Explanations
4 Gjmatrja = The Woman Who Knows the Numerical Values
5 Genesja = The Woman Who Instructs the Teaching of Creation
6 Genja = The Woman to Whom the Natural is Innate
7 Geblema = The Woman Who Knows the Solution
8 Gensanga = The Woman Who Admires the World
9 Gljfhja = The Woman Who Records
10 Gnanana = The Woman Who Knows about the Initiating
11 Gnomena = The Woman Who Controls in Truth
12 Goetja = The Power-unfolding Woman
13 Grala = The Woman who Makes Bowls
14 Grafhjela = The Rousing Woman
15 Grafhologa = The Woman Who is an Expert of Hand Lines
16 Gura = The Honorable Woman
17 Gjresa = The Woman Who Predicts the Future
18 Gjlgamesha = The Woman Who Seeks the Wellspring of Life
19 Gama = The Woman Who Knows the Function of Higher Mathematics
20 Genjana = The Woman Who Draws from the Power of the Spirit
21 Glora = The Glorious Woman
1 Hadanol = The Man Who is the Rescuer of the Suppressed Ones
2 Hagadal = The Man Who is a Speaker
3 Halankol = The Man Who is able to Change Developmentally
4 Harfokraton = The Silent Man
5 Hasmodal = The Man Who Watches the Moon
6 Henok = The Man Who Bears the Pillars of the Mission
7 Hermenos = The Man Who is the Messenger of Creation
8 Hermenekos = The Interpreter
9 Hermeton = The Man Who is an Expert in the Knowledge of Nature
10 Heseklon = The Man Who is Becoming a God
11 Hereston = The Man Who Discovers
12 Hjrarkol = The Man Who Rules in Controllingness
13 Hjmafatol = The Man Who Wanders in the Snow
14 Hjramon = The Man Who is a Builder
15 Hjsmalon = The Man Who Announces the Truth
16 Hodon = The Man Who Sees and Understands the Zohar
17 Homeron = The Man Who Laughs
18 Halel = The Man Who Expresses Praise
19 Halogenon = The Man Who Forms Salt
20 Halon = The Man Who Creates Light
21 Herosos = The Heroic Man
1 Hadanola = The Woman Who is the Rescuer of the Suppressed Ones
2 Hagada = The Woman Who is a Speaker
3 Halanka = The Woman Who is able to Change Developmentally
4 Harfokrata = The Silent Woman
5 Hasmodala = The Woman Who Watches the Moon
6 Hermena = The Woman Who is the Messenger of Creation
7 Hermeneka = The Interpretress
8 Hermeta = The Woman Who is an Expert in the Knowledge of Nature
9 Hesekla = The Woman Who is Becoming a Goddess
10 Heresta = The Woman Who Discovers
11 Hjrarka = The Woman Who Rules in Controllingness
12 Hjmafata = The Woman Who Wanders in the Snow
13 Hjrama = The Woman Who is a Builder
14 Hjsmala = The Woman Who Announces the Truth
15 Hodona = The Woman Who Sees and Understands the Zohar
16 Homera = The Woman Who Laughs
17 Halela = The Woman Who Expresses Praise
18 Halogena = The Woman Who Forms Salt
19 Halona = The Woman Who Creates Light
20 Herosa = The Heroic Woman
21 Hjrata = The Dignified Priestess
1 Jatrjkon = The Man Who is a Healing Expert
2 Jktjsos = The Fisherman
3 Jmanuel = The Man with Godly Knowledge
4 Jnjtjos = The Man Who Introduces
5 Jsfaron = The Man Who is a World Leader
6 Jezjras = The Man Who Forms
7 Jesodos = The Fundamental Man
8 Jsodos = The Man Who is Loyal to Himself
9 Jrenon = The Peace-loving Man
10 Jrenjkol = The Man Who is an Instructor of Peace
11 Jogandol = The Man Who Withdraws into Himself
12 Justjtol = The Justice-speaking Man
13 Jubjlon = The Festive Man
14 Jmposanto = The Impressive Man
15 Jdaljson = The Enthusiastic Man
16 Jslamon = The Man Who is Obedient to Creation
17 Jfsjsos = The Man Who is Himself
18 Jasar = The Man Who Fights against the Untruth
19 Jjfan = The Man Who Fulfills the Life Principle
20 Johanon = The Guardian of the Places of the Truth
21 Jjdalon = The Man With Great Understanding of Life
1 Jatrjka = The Woman Who is a Healing Expert
2 Jktjsa = The Fisherwoman
3 Jmanuela = The Woman with Godly Knowledge
4 Jnjtja = The Woman Who Introduces
5 Jsfara = The Woman Who is a World Leader
6 Jezjra = The Woman Who Forms
7 Jesoda = The Fundamental Woman
8 Jofhjela = The Beauty of Creation
9 Jrjsja = The Woman Who is Like a Lily
10 Jrenona = The Peace-loving Woman
11 Joganda = The Woman Who Withdraws into Herself
12 Justjta = The Justice-speaking Woman
13 Jubjla = The Festive Woman
14 Jslama = The Woman Who is Obedient to Creation
15 Jfsjsa = The Woman Who is Herself
16 Jasara = The Woman Who Fights against the Untruth
17 Jjfa = The Woman Who Fulfills the Life Principle
18 Juluda = The Woman Who is Like a Flower
19 Jjdjla = The Woman Who Loves a Peaceful Life
20 Jmobjla = The Woman Who is Against War
21 Jntagra = The Blameless Woman
1 Kabalos = The Man Who Hands Down
2 Kadosos = The Consecrated Man
3 Kajfaljon = The Man Who is Absolute
4 Kalendaron = The Man Who Manages His Own Time
5 Kanonon = The Rule-giving Man
6 Karmas = The Active Man
7 Kasjnaton = The Man Who is Complete
8 Katharjson = The Man Who Cleans
9 Keteron = The Crowned Man
10 Ketarjon = The Man Who Knows the Past and Future
11 Kerubon = The Position-worthy Man
12 Kudakon = The Man Who is a Collector of Texts
13 Kljnsor = The Erudite, Power-unfolding Man
14 Kuranon = The Man Who Announces the Truth
15 Krjteon = The Man Who Assesses
16 Kumaraos = The Virtuous Man
17 Kwadonon = The Man Who Raises Flowers
18 Kjbernetos = The Helmsman
19 Kjbaljono = The Man Who Knows the Laws of Sevenness
20 Komjton = The Man Who is a Comet Expert
21 Kasandros = The Man Who is a Seer and Warner
1 Kabala = The Woman Who Hands Down
2 Kadosa = The Consecrated Woman
3 Kajfalja = The Woman Who is Absolute
4 Kalendra = The Woman Who Manages Her Own Time
5 Kanonona = The Rule-giving Woman
6 Karma = The Active Woman
7 Kasjnta = The Woman Who is Complete
8 Katharjsa = The Woman Who Cleans
9 Ketera = The Crowned Woman
10 Ketarja = The Woman Who Knows the Past and Future
11 Kerubona = The Position-worthy Woman
12 Kudaka = The Woman Who is a Collector of Texts
13 Kljnsora = The Erudite, Power-unfolding Woman
14 Kuranona = The Woman Who Announces the Truth
15 Krjtea = The Woman Who Assesses
16 Kumara = The Virtuous Woman
17 Kaleopa = The Muse of Epic Poetry
18 Kwadona = The Woman Who Raises Flowers
19 Komjta = The Woman Who is a Comet Expert
20 Kasandra = The Woman Who is a Seer and Warner
21 Kasazja = The Woman Who Endows
1 Latjhanon = The Man Who is Becoming Close
2 Lajanon = The Man Who Stands at the Transition to the Next Level
3 Lektjonos = The Man Who is a Lecturer of Knowledge
4 Lekjkonon = The Man Who Knows Terms
5 Lemnologon = The Man Who Explores the Seas
6 Ljtologon = The Man Who is a Rock Expert
7 Logjkos = The Man Who Thinks Logically
8 Ljranos = The Man Who is a Harp Player
9 Ljrjdon = The Man Who Observes Shooting Stars
10 Ljrjkon = The Man Who Versifies Feelings
11 Ljrjsmon = The Sentimental Man
12 Laharon = The Man Who Builds Engineering Structures
13 Ljljthon = The Man Who Rules the Stars
14 Ljmanon = The Lagoon Guardian
15 Ljtanel = The Man Who is an Intercessor
16 Lukas = The Man Who is a Woodcarver
17 Luzjfel = The Man Who is a Light Bringer
18 Lazaron = The Man Who is a Protector of the Outcasts
19 Leanon = The Beloved of His Wife
20 Latjkjon = The Man Who is a Confidante
21 Lautse = The Man Who is a Profound Thinker
1 Latjhana = The Woman Who is Becoming Close
2 Lajana = The Woman Who Stands at the Transition to the Next Level
3 Lektjona = The Woman Who is a Lecturer of Knowledge
4 Leftosoma = The Slender Woman
5 Lekjjkona = The Woman Who Knows Terms
6 Lemnologa = The Woman Who Explores the Seas
7 Ljtologa = The Woman Who is a Rock Expert
8 Logjka = The Woman Who Thinks Logically
9 Ljra = The Woman Who is a Harp Player
10 Ljrjda = The Woman Who Observes Shooting Stars
11 Ljrjka = The Woman Who Versifies Feelings
12 Ljrjsma = The Sentimental Woman
13 Labanona = The Dance Artist
14 Lahara = The Woman Who Builds Engineering Structures
15 Lebelja = The Water Maiden
16 Ljljtha = The Woman Who Rules the Stars
17 Ljmana = The Lagoon Guardianess
18 Ljtanela = The Woman Who is an Intercessor
19 Lukana = The Woman Who is a Woodcarver
20 Luzjfela = The Woman Who is a Light Bringer
21 Lea = The Beloved of Her Husband
1 Marganos = The Man Who is a Path Builder
2 Mahan = The Man Who is a Great Master
3 Mahaton = The Great Man
4 Mahatmaro = The Sublime, Wise Man
5 Manasos = The Mentally Thinking Man
6 Manaos = The Man Who is a Questioner
7 Mantjeon = The Man Who Prophesies
8 Methusalan = The Man Who is an Arrow of Death against the Untruth
9 Moshorato = The Man Who Hands Down Secrets
10 Markafano = The Man Who Flies Celestial Vehicles
11 Majos = The Man Who is an Illusionist
12 Medosos = The Man Who is an Intermediary between the Levels
13 Metadon = The Man Who Joins Together
14 Mjkael = The Man Who Asks, "Who is Like the Creation?"
15 Mjtradon = The Man Who is a Turban Bearer
16 Muhamad = The Praised Man
17 Monasos = The Man Who Forms Unity
18 Mudras = The Man Who Puts Under a Seal
19 Mjstenos = The Newly Initiated Man
20 Mjstjkos = The Man Who is Entrusted with Secrets
21 Musas = The Man Who is a Founder of the People
1 Maha = The Woman Who is a Great Master
2 Mahata = The Great Woman
3 Mahatmara = The Sublime, Wise Woman
4 Manasa = The Mentally Thinking Woman
5 Mana = The Woman Who is a Questioner
6 Mantjea = The Woman Who Prophesies
7 Marga = The Woman Who is a Path Builder
8 Moshorata = The Woman Who Hands Down Secrets
9 Markafana = The Woman Who Flies Celestial Vehicles
10 Maja = The Woman Who is an Illusionist
11 Medosa = The Woman Who is an Intermediary between the Levels
12 Meta = The Woman Who Joins Together
13 Mjkaela = The Woman Who Asks, "Who is Like the Creation?"
14 Mjtra = The Woman Who is a Turban Bearer
15 Muhajada = The Praised Woman
16 Monasa = The Woman Who Forms Unity
17 Mudra = The Woman Who Puts Under a Seal
18 Mjstena = The Newly Initiated Woman
19 Mjstjka = The Woman Who is Entrusted with Secrets
20 Musa = The Woman Who is a Founder of the People
21 Muna = The Alone Woman
1 Nakjel = The Man with the Creational Shine
2 Nadjon = The Man Who Builds Canals
3 Nananon = The Watchman of the World of Blossoms and Flowers
4 Nekaton = The Man Who Triumphs in Firmness
5 Nuktameron = The Man Who Illuminates the Night with Daylight
6 Najadeon = The River Mussel Fisherman
7 Nautjkos = The Man Who is a Navigation Expert
8 Nautjljon = The Cuttlefish Fisherman
9 Nektaron = The Man Who Gathers Honey
10 Nemeson = The Man Who Punishes in Fairness
11 Nefrjton = The Jade-like Man
12 Nastor = The Man Who is a Wise Counselor
13 Nemroder = The Man Who is an Enthusiastic Hunter
14 Noemater = The Man with Great Thought Content
15 Noetjkon = The Cognition-instructing Man
16 Nomadon = The Nomadic Shepherd
17 Normon = The Man Who Measures
18 Nuson = The Man Who Comprehends
19 Nadjron = The Man Who Stands under the Zenith
20 Natan = The Man Who is a Representative
21 Negebon = The Man Who is Capable of Surviving in the Desert
1 Nakjela = The Woman with the Creational Shine
2 Nadja = The Woman Who Builds Canals
3 Nanana = The Watchwoman of the World of Blossoms and Flowers
4 Neka = The Woman Who Triumphs in Firmness
5 Nuktamera = The Woman Who Illuminates the Night with Daylight
6 Najadea = The River Mussel Fisherwoman
7 Nautjka = The Woman Who is a Navigation Expert
8 Nautjlja = The Cuttlefish Fisherwoman
9 Nektara = The Woman Who Gathers Honey
10 Nemesa = The Woman Who Punishes in Fairness
11 Nefrjta = The Jade-like Woman
12 Nastora = The Woman Who is a Wise Counselor
13 Nemroda = The Woman Who is an Enthusiastic Hunter
14 Noemata = The Woman with Great Thought Content
15 Noetjka = The Cognition-instructing Woman
16 Nomada = The Nomadic Shepherdess
17 Norma = The Woman Who Measures
18 Nusona = The Woman Who Comprehends
19 Nadjrona = The Woman Who Stands under the Zenith
20 Natana = The Woman Who is a Representative
21 Negeba = The Woman Who is Capable of Surviving in the Desert
1 Odoser = The Pervasive Man
2 Ofjter = The Man Who is a Snake Lover
3 Ordon = The Man Who Regulates
4 Orfeon = The Man Who is a Myth Singer
5 Osmologan = The Man Who is a Fragrance Producer
6 Oaser = The Man Who Gives Life to the Desert
7 Okranol = The Secret Watchman
8 Odeonas = The Man Who is a Celebration Song Singer
9 Okenumon = The Man Who is a Land Cultivator
10 Oljmpos = The Significant Man
11 Opaler = The Man Shining Through (The Man Who Shines Through Things)
12 Ofatron = The Opaque Man (The Non-transparent Man)
13 Oftjmjtor = The Life-affirming Man
14 Ordaler = The Man Who Determines (Directs) according to the Laws of Creation
15 Orealon = The Man from the Mountain Forest
16 Okjmorol = The Word-combining Man
17 Ostjaker = The Man Who is a Deer Breeder
18 Ostenakon = The Persistent Man
19 Otjamo = The Contemplative and Peaceful Man
20 Oszjlon = The Oscillating Man
21 Orogener = The Man Who is a Mountain Former
1 Odosa = The Pervasive Woman
2 Ofjta = The Woman Who is a Snake Lover
3 Ordana = The Woman Who Regulates
4 Orfea = The Woman Who is a Myth Singer
5 Osmologa = The Woman Who is a Fragrance Producer
6 Oasa = The Woman Who Gives Life to the Desert
7 Okranola = The Secret Watchwoman
8 Odea = The Woman Who is a Celebration Song Singer
9 Okenuma = The Woman Who is a Land Cultivator
10 Oljmposa = The Significant Woman
11 Opala = The Woman Shining Through (The Woman Who Shines Through Things)
12 Ofatra = The Opaque Woman (The Non-transparent Woman)
13 Oftjmjta = The Life-affirming Woman
14 Ordalea = The Woman Who Determines (Directs) according to the Laws of Creation
15 Oreala = The Woman from the Mountain Forest
16 Okjmora = The Word-combining Woman
17 Ostjaka = The Woman Who is a Deer Breeder
18 Ostenaka = The Persistent Woman
19 Otjama = The Contemplative and Peaceful Woman
20 Oszjla = The Oscillating Woman
21 Orogenea = The Woman Who is a Mountain Former
1 Panazeon = The Man Who is an All-healing Expert
2 Paljngeneson = The Man Who Restores
3 Posader = The Man Who Carefully Passes By
4 Pjlosofon = The Wisdom-loving Man
5 Platon = The Man Who is an Initiate in Old Mysteries
6 Prananon = The Man Who Respires Life Artificially
7 Pranamajtro = The Man Who Bears the Breath of Life
8 Probater = The Man Who is an Examiner
9 Psjkon = The Breath-striking Man
10 Psjkjko = The Well-balanced Man
11 Purakon = The Inhaling Man
12 Pajdjon = The Man with a Comprehensive Education
13 Paljmneser = The Man Who Remembers the Forgotten
14 Pankreanon = The Man Who is a Science Writer
15 Panegjron = The Praise-giving Man
16 Pantokraton = The Man who is an All-ruler
17 Perango = The Dagger-bearing Man
18 Paton = The Passionate Man
19 Perjodon = The Regularly Returning Man
20 Panaker = The Joyful Man
21 Pateonon = The Bold Man
1 Panazea = The Woman Who is an All-healing Expert
2 Paljngenesa = The Woman Who Restores
3 Posada = The Woman Who Carefully Passes By
4 Pjlosofa = The Wisdom-loving Woman
5 Plata = The Woman Who is an Initiate in Old Mysteries
6 Prana = The Woman Who Respires Life Artificially
7 Pranamajtra = The Woman Who Bears the Breath of Life
8 Probata = The Woman Who is an Examiner
9 Psjkona = The Breath-striking Woman
10 Psjkjka = The Well-balanced Woman
11 Puraka = The Inhaling Woman
12 Pajdjona = The Woman with a Comprehensive Education
13 Paljmnesa = The Woman Who Remembers the Forgotten
14 Pankreana = The Woman Who is a Science Writer
15 Panegjra = The Praise-giving Woman
16 Pantokrata = The Woman who is an All-ruler
17 Peranga = The Dagger-bearing Woman
18 Patona = The Passionate Woman
19 Perjoda = The Regularly Returning Woman
20 Panaka = The Joyful Woman
21 Pateona = The Bold Woman
1 Rabjn = The Man Who is a Teacher of the Secret Mysteries
2 Rabalan = The Man Who is a Humanist
3 Rakamon = The Benevolent Man
4 Rajanel = The Great King
5 Rafael = The Creation-lawful Physician
6 Rekakaon = The Exhaling Man
7 Rajalaner = The Little King
8 Regulon = The Man Who Lives in Accordance with the Teaching of Truth
9 Rjton = The Man Who Performs Ceremonies
10 Roseon = The Secretive Man
11 Radalon = The Radiant Man
12 Radjon = The Man Who is an Expert of Rays
13 Radsaon = The Princely Man
14 Rafjner = The Purifying Man
15 Rebeker = The Man Who is a Winner
16 Rekter = The Man Who is a Leader
17 Rafsodon = The Man Who is a Traveling Singer
18 Radeonon = The Man Who is Like Precious Metal
19 Retoron = The Man Who is a Master of Speech
20 Rjtmon = The Man Who is an Instructor of Kinematics
21 Robon = The Festively Clothed Man
1 Raba = The Woman Who is a Teacher of the Secret Mysteries
2 Rabala = The Woman Who is a Humanist
3 Rakama = The Benevolent Woman
4 Rajana = The Great Queen
5 Rafaea = The Creation-lawful Physicianess
6 Rekaka = The Exhaling Woman
7 Rajalana = The Little Queen
8 Regula = The Woman Who Lives in Accordance with the Teaching of Truth
9 Rjta = The Woman Who Performs Ceremonies
10 Rosea = The Secretive Woman
11 Radalona = The Radiant Woman
12 Radja = The Woman Who is an Expert of Rays
13 Radsa = The Princessly Woman
14 Rafjna = The Purifying Woman
15 Rebeka = The Woman Who is a Winner
16 Rekta = The Woman Who is a Leader
17 Rafsoda = The Woman Who is a Traveling Singer
18 Radeona = The Woman Who is Like Precious Metal
19 Retora = The Woman Who is a Master of Speech
20 Rjtma = The Woman Who is an Instructor of Kinematics
21 Roba = The Festively Clothed Woman
1 Santanos = The Herald of Light
2 Samadon = The Self-concentrating Man
3 Sekjnon = The Man in Whom the Creation Dwells
4 Sem = The Man Who Gives the Names
5 Senzar = The Man Who Knows the Secret Mysteries of Language
6 Serafon = The Inflaming Man
7 Sastron = The Treating Man
8 Sakan = The Homy Man
9 Sjbjljon = The Man Who Makes Known the Laws of Creation
10 Sjdon = The Invulnerable Man
11 Sokrates = The Self-deliberating Man
12 Sorater = The Sun Guardian
13 Stjljon = The Pillar-like Man
14 Suron = The Man Who is a Line Writer
15 Surjon = The Man Who is a Line Lover
16 Susjlon = The Man Who is Arranged into the Laws of Creation
17 Swamon = The Man Who is Head of the House of Knowledge
18 Sjmetron = The Man of Equal Weight
19 Samoser = The Man Who is a Sweet Wine Producer
20 Sanatoger = The Fortifying Man
21 Satelon = The Bodyguard
1 Santana = The Heraldess of Light
2 Samada = The Self-concentrating Woman
3 Sekjna = The Woman in Whom the Creation Dwells
4 Sema = The Woman Who Gives the Names
5 Senza = The Woman Who Knows the Secret Mysteries of Language
6 Serafa = The Inflaming Woman
7 Sastra = The Treating Woman
8 Sakana = The Homy Woman
9 Sjbjlja = The Woman Who Makes Known the Laws of Creation
10 Sjda = The Invulnerable Woman
11 Sokrata = The Self-deliberating Woman
12 Sorata = The Sun Guardianess
13 Stjlja = The Pillar-like Woman
14 Sura = The Woman Who is a Line Writer
15 Surja = The Woman Who is a Line Lover
16 Susjla = The Woman Who is Arranged into the Laws of Creation
17 Swama = The Woman Who is Head of the House of Knowledge
18 Sjmetra = The Woman of Equal Weight
19 Samosa = The Woman Who is a Sweet Wine Producer
20 Sanatoga = The Fortifying Woman
21 Satela = The Bodyguardess
1 Tergumon = The Man Who Speaks in Allegories
2 Telemon = The Strong-willed Man
3 Tokater = The Man Who is a Perceiver
4 Toron = The Law-giving Man
5 Tumjmon = The Man Who Knows Perfection
6 Tjfereter = The Man Who is Living in Beauty
7 Terjel = The Scout
8 Trjsanon = The Threefold Controlling Man
9 Tubalkan = The Man Who is an Iron Tool Producer
10 Tabor = The Uncompromising Man
11 Takjel = The Cautious Man
12 Takton = The Wisely Calculating Man
13 Takjtol = The Skillful and Prudent Man
14 Telant = The Talented Man
15 Teljsmon = The Man Who is a Bringer of Fortune
16 Teurgjn = The Miracle-working Man
17 Tekton = The Sculptor
18 Tekrjter = The Man Who Checks
19 Tematon = The Man with the Guiding Principles
20 Tujar = The Guardian of the Tree of Life
21 Tropan = The Decorating Man
1 Terguma = The Woman Who Speaks in Allegories
2 Telema = The Strong-willed Woman
3 Tokata = The Woman Who is a Perceiver
4 Torona = The Law-giving Woman
5 Tumjma = The Woman Who Knows Perfection
6 Tjfereta = The Woman Who is Living in Beauty
7 Terjela = The Scoutess
8 Trjsana = The Threefold Controlling Woman
9 Tubalka = The Woman Who is an Iron Tool Producer
10 Taba = The Uncompromising Woman
11 Takjela = The Cautious Woman
12 Taktona = The Wisely Calculating Woman
13 Takjta = The Skillful and Prudent Woman
14 Telanta = The Talented Woman
15 Teljsmona = The Woman Who is a Bringer of Fortune
16 Teurgjna = The Miracle-working Woman
17 Tektona = The Sculptress
18 Tekrjta = The Woman Who Checks
19 Temata = The Woman with the Guiding Principles
20 Tuja = The Guardianess of the Tree of Life
21 Tropa = The Decorating Woman
1 Uranjdon = The Titan-like Man
2 Ulan = The Man Who is a Lancer
3 Urbas = The Polite Man
4 Usuljn = The Man Who is an Educator
5 Uson = The Habitual Man
6 Utopon = The Man Who is a Wishful Thinker
7 Ufazen = The Administering Man
8 Unkas = The Man Who Decrees
9 Uleman = The Man Who is a Rights Expert
10 Uljkes = The Adventurer
11 Unjkas = The Unique Man
12 Uranjan = The Man Who is a Star Expert
13 Urgjon = The Admonishing Man
14 Uruk = The Enormous Man
15 Uketer = The Man Who is a String Player
16 Upjs = The Farsighted Man
17 Udelon = The Man Who is a Literature Expert
18 Utan = The Way of Living
19 Utaro = The Triumphing Man
20 Unton = The Gold-embossing Man
21 Utar = The Man Who is a Fighter
1 Uranjda = The Titan-like Woman
2 Ula = The Woman Who is a Lancer
3 Urbasa = The Polite Woman
4 Usuljna = The Woman Who is an Educator
5 Usona = The Habitual Woman
6 Utopona = Die The Woman Who is a Wishful Thinker
7 Ufazea = The Administering Woman
8 Unka = The Woman Who Decrees
9 Ulemana = The Woman Who is a Rights Expert
10 Uljka = The Adventuress
11 Unjka = The Unique Woman
12 Uranjana = The Woman Who is a Star Expert
13 Urgja = The Admonishing Woman
14 Uruka = The Enormous Woman
15 Uketa = The Woman Who is a String Player
16 Upja = The Farsighted Woman
17 Udelona = The Woman Who is a Literature Expert
18 Utana = The Way of Living
19 Utara = The Triumphing Woman
20 Unta = The Gold-embossing Woman
21 Uta = The Woman Who is a Fighter
1 Wajkar = The Calling Man
2 Warjan = The Man Who Moves through the Air
3 Wedant = The Man Who Attained the Possible Knowledge
4 Wjnajan = The Disciplined Man
5 Wjwekon = The Man Who is Strong in Assessment
6 Wampan = The Man Who Creates Agreements
7 Watuser = The Cattle Herdsman
8 Wedjn = The Primeval Man
9 Wegan = The Man Who is a Lyre Player
10 Wjdan = The Man Who is a Shoe Worker
11 Wjkjton = The Man Who is an Airship Builder
12 Wjlaet = The Land Steward
13 Wjteron = The Man Who is a Reformer
14 Wjtjman = The Man Who is a Precious Metal Seeker
15 Wakj = The Man Who Processes Sounds
16 Wjnt = The Man Who is a Fencer
17 Waram = The Decision-making Man
18 Wjkjman = The Man Who Rides on Water
19 Wotal = The Ruling Man
20 Wusar = The Man Who is a Chronicler
21 Wudar = The Purifying Man
1 Wajka = The Calling Woman
2 Warja = The Woman Who Moves through the Air
3 Wedana = The Woman Who Attained the Possible Knowledge
4 Wjnaja = The Disciplined Woman
5 Wjweka = The Woman Who is Strong in Assessment
6 Wampana = The Woman Who Creates Agreements
7 Watusa = The Cattle Herdswoman
8 Wedjna = The Primeval Woman
9 Wega = The Woman Who is a Lyre Player
10 Wjdana = The Woman Who is a Shoe Worker
11 Wjkjta = The Woman Who is an Airship Builder
12 Wjlaeta = The Land Stewardess
13 Wjtera = The Woman Who is a Reformer
14 Wjtjma = The Woman Who is a Precious Metal Seeker
15 Wakja = The Woman Who Processes Sounds
16 Wjnta = The Woman Who is a Fencer
17 Warama = The Decision-making Woman
18 Wjkjma = The Woman Who Rides on Water
19 Wota = The Ruling Woman
20 Wusara = The Woman Who is a Chronicler
21 Wuda = The Purifying Woman
1 Zabul = The Man Who is a Dwelling Builder
2 Zebaton = The Man Who is Master of the Armies
3 Zedeker = The Man Who is Master over Kings
4 Zeleton = The Eagerly Studying Man
5 Zender = The Fire Guardian
6 Zentos = The Man Standing in the Center
7 Zodjas = The Man Who is a Friend to Animals
8 Zostas = The Goods-possessing Man
9 Zenobjon = The Hermit
10 Zedekon = The People's King
11 Zeran = The Man Who is Full of Courage
12 Zenos = The Man Who is a Census Taker
13 Zefjron = The Man Who Comes with the Wind of Sundown
14 Zerbjron = The Watchful Man
15 Zosjm = The Man Who is a History Writer
16 Zulan = The Man Who is Mild in Behavior
17 Zerjn = The Sensitive Man
18 Zuron = The Man Who is a Diver
19 Zumon = The Man Who is a Beamship Operator
20 Zedok = The Lively Man
21 Zjkloson = The Whirling Man
1 Zabula = The Woman Who is a Dwelling Builder
2 Zebatona = The Woman Who is Master of the Armies
3 Zedeka = The Woman Who is Master over Kings
4 Zeleta = The Eagerly Studying Woman
5 Zenda = The Fire Guardianess
6 Zenta = The Woman Standing in the Center
7 Zodja = The Woman Who is a Friend to Animals
8 Zosta = The Goods-possessing Woman
9 Zenobja = The Hermitess
10 Zedekana = The People's Queen
11 Zerana = The Woman Who is Full of Courage
12 Zenosa = The Woman Who is a Census Taker
13 Zefjra = The Woman Who Comes with the Wind of Sundown
14 Zerbjra = The Watchful Woman
15 Zosjma = The Woman Who is a History Writer
16 Zula = The Woman Who is Mild in Behavior
17 Zerjna = The Sensitive Woman
18 Zura = The Woman Who is a Diver
19 Zuma = The Woman Who is a Beamship Operator
20 Zedoka = The Lively Woman
21 Zjklosa = The Whirling Woman
182. Those, my friend, are the names, as I already promised them to you long ago.
183. Listed in accordance with our alphabet letters, I selected 21 male and 21 female names for you, as these were common on Earth about 14,000 years ago and were brought at that time by our direct ancestors.
184. The names handed over to you come from two languages, the original Lyran and Vegan languages, but at the same time, different dialects were united by those living together on the Earth.
185. Unfortunately, due to all the cataclysms in the course of thousands of years, only very few of these names were received or received in resemblance.
186. In the main, they only exist in old languages, which have already become historic languages on your planet and are only spoken very seldom.
187. In many cases, however, they have also fallen to rather bad changes and distortions in these languages, so they are often hardly recognizable therein.
188. Most values are still contained in the so-called Ancient Greek, but this language itself already represents a distortion, for truly, this concerns the latest Minoan.
189. Thus, that language which was spoken by the people of the Minoans and which, by these, was taught to the ancient Hellenes (Greeks), together with many things of their culture at that time, until the Santorini volcano exploded about 3,500 years ago and the Minoans had to flee to the mainland.
190. If it should be possible for me time-wise, I will, perhaps, transmit to you 3 female and 3 male names from each letter in some time again, but for my part, this shouldn't be a promise, so don't count on it.
191. For my part, I would be very glad if through the given list of names, these old names, which are also still current with us, would find use again on Earth, for they are truly value-containing.
192. Now farewell, my friend, until next time.
Translator's Note:
I had some difficulty in deciding how to translate the German meanings of many of the names, primarily because of the limitations of the English language. While a German-speaking person would readily know that a meaning which begins with the masculine definite article "der" must necessarily apply to a man, and a meaning that begins with the feminine definite article "die" must necessarily apply to a woman, an English-speaking person cannot readily tell this by reading "the," which is the standard way of translating both German articles since English has no masculine or feminine definite article. In order to resolve this difficulty, I chose many times to insert the phrase "man who is a" or "woman who is a," so that the English-speaking person would readily know to what gender the name should be applied, if he or she saw the meaning isolated from the list or within another context. So for instance, where "Der Geschichtsschreiber" could simply be translated as "The History Writer," I chose to translate it as "The Man Who is a History Writer." This way, the English-speaking person knows that the respective name must be applied to a man, in the same way that the German-speaking person already knows this from reading "der." Also, many times where the word "one" would normally be used in the translation of a meaning of a name, in order to designate the individual to whom it applies, I chose to substitute it with "man" or "woman," again so that the English-speaking person would be on par with the German-speaking person, who already knows the applicable gender because of the article. Moreover, in German, "in" is often added to the end of a noun that designates a person's position, in order to make it applicable to a woman, in the same way that "ess" is often added to such in English, in order to do the same, such as in the case of "Hüter / Hüterin" = "Guardian / Guardianess." In many cases where the "in" can be added in German, it would not sound right in English if the "ess" would simply be added to the respective English noun, so I had to avoid trying to do so altogether and had to come up with a different way of conveying the meaning. As much as possible, I tried to use the "ess" approach, as long as the English words found general use among English speakers, though such words might not presently appear in English dictionaries. Nevertheless, English itself is an expanding language, and the more that people use such words, which should readily make sense to those who are already masters of the English language, the more that such words will be added to the dictionaries in the future.