Contact Report 852/第852次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年07月11日,星期二,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年07月15日,星期六,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Here I am again.
Even I. – Received another ice cream from Daniela, while doing so she asked if you would also like one?
No, that's not my thing.
Okay, that's what I suspected and also told Daniela.
Yes, that is good, because such things are really not convenient for me.
That's what I just thought. – But something else: Bernadette told me that I had mentioned something wrong, namely concerning the Trilanern and Adromedans. Somehow I must have confused the two.
That cannot be, because I seem to remember correctly that you were talking about the little Trilanern, in the context of the Six-Fingered Family living in Brazil.
That's right, Bernadette gave me this page number here from the conversation report. Wait, I will look in the report – – look, this. Yes – here it is, page 7705 – … yes, here. – It says: However, these little ones with the acid skin have nothing to do with the other little ones, the Trilanern, who come from completely different worlds. So it is correct and not a mistake. Wait a minute, I will phone Bernadette right away …
沒錯,Bernadette給了我一份對話報告,她告訴我是這個頁數。等等,我在報告中找找看 —— 看,就是這裡。是的 —— 在這裡,第7705頁 —— ... 是的,在這裡。這裡寫著:這些有酸性皮膚的小生物並不與其他的小型生物,即Trilanians,有關,這些Trilanians來自完全不同的星球。所以沒有錯,這是正確的。等一下,我馬上給Bernadette打個電話 ...
So it was misunderstood, because it was assumed that 'the other little ones, the Trilanern, …' meant the Andromedans, because I also call them 'little ones'. I never talked about the fact that there are other Trilanern without acid skin who come from another world in the same planetary system, but who have nothing to do with the Andromedans, but who were also not here with the acidic buddies, but who came here at a later time. As a result, no one also knew anything about these little ones. And because there was no contact with them, it also soon disappeared from my memory without me telling anything about these little ones and their visit. For me, it was simply that they were here once and that was that.
這是一個誤解,原因是認為“其他的小傢伙們,也就是Trilanians, ... ”指的是仙女座星系人(Andromedans),因為我也稱他們為“小傢伙們”。我從來沒有說過還有其他沒有酸性皮膚的Trilanern人,他們來自同一行星系的另一個世界,但他們與仙女座星系人無關。然而,他們也沒有和這裡的酸性生物有任何關係,雖然他們曾在後來的某個時間來過這裡,但我從未提到過這些小傢伙。因此,沒有人知道這些小傢伙的任何資訊。因為沒有和他們接觸,所以也很快就從我的記憶中消失了,我也沒有告訴任何關於這些小傢伙和他們來訪的事情。對我來說,他們只是來過一次,僅此而已。
But that is why the misunderstanding with Bernadette came about.
It was not her, it was someone who read the published contact report and brought it to Bernadette's attention.
You have observed several times over the last few years that any persons around the Centre have made an appearance …
在過去的幾年裡,你曾多次觀察到有人在中心周圍出現 ...
… yes, but Brigitt and Madeleine also observed them and so they saw them, but we could not ascertain which persons they were and where they came from. Wait, someone's ringing the bell again and wants to come in.
... 是的,但Brigitt和Madeleine也觀察到他們並看到了他們,但我們無法確定是哪些人和他們來自哪裡。等一下,又有人按鈴要進來了。
That should not be. – But now I want to tell you that we have now been able to clarify what is moving so mysteriously around the Centre, because we have been able to find out that it is about various Federation members who are interested in knowing how the Centre and its surroundings are designed and so on. But they are all trying to remain hidden and also not to frighten anyone. They also, and this concerns all of them as a whole, do not want to cause any confrontation with you or the centre members, etc.
– Oh, it was Daniel I see leaving here on the screen. So I quickly run out and call him, that he knows … – S …
哦,剛剛是Daniel,我在螢幕上看到他離開。我快跑出去告訴他,讓他知道 ...
… here I am again. – So this is how it is with the figures, as you say, that we see so mysteriously around the Centre. But I would like you to tell these visitors that we take note of their visits, and also that we will not make any special effort to become aware of them. What is important for us is that we know that they are peaceful and that they are not foreigners who might want something from us. It is enough that we … are being spied on, and their efforts are in vain, but annoying. Besides, according to your futuristic technology, it is also … impossible to detect anything. Therefore, we find it ridiculous that … This is also found ridiculous by visitors from the USA, Germany, England, Austria, Italy, Australia and Japan, some of whom were even able to capture these very ridiculous and obvious spying efforts on film and photograph.
... 我回來了。所以,對於像你所說的那些人影,我想透過你讓他們知道,我們注意到他們的訪問,並且我們不會特別努力去看到他們。對我們來說重要的是,我們知道他們是和平的,並且他們不是那些可能想從我們這裡獲得什麼訊息的外星人。我們已經被監視夠了,而他們的努力是徒勞的,但確實令人困擾。此外,根據你們的未來技術,還有 ... 不可能被探測到任何東西。因此,我們認為 ... 這也被來自美國、德國、英國、奧地利、義大利、澳大利亞和日本的訪客覺得是可笑的,他們有時甚至能夠以影片和照片記錄下這些非常可笑和明顯的間諜活動。
The whole thing is really ridiculous because not even the foreigners are able to locate, hear or see us through their really sophisticated technology, let alone that … That would be impossible through the still very primitive means that … have at their disposal.
整個事情真的很荒謬,因為即使是外星人也無法通過他們真正先進的技術找到我們的位置,聽到我們的聲音或看到我們,更不用說 ... 通過 ... 他們所掌握的仍然非常原始的手段,那是不可能的。
I do know that, and that's why I find everything so ridiculous, as do others who have eyes in their heads and observe everything. But let's leave that alone, because earlier we were talking about me forgetting this and that, like the visits of the non-acidic Trilaner. This is also the case with you, as I know that you also know forgetfulness, as I know from Sfath and Ptaah. Both told me that it was inevitable because it would be burdensome to remember everything that had happened in life.
Yes, that corresponds to the truth. A good memory is valuable, but if human beings were able to remember too much, they would – as you once said – go mad. We Plejaren also show memory deficits, which corresponds absolutely to the norm of humanity. So if we show memory deficits according to the years we have lived through, then this corresponds to an absolute normality, which is also determined by health. And if you are therefore classified as having memory loss, especially when I consider your effective age, then that is completely normal. The memory does not simply diminish and become weaker, but the memory covers up certain values and thus creates a relief, whereby the health of the memory is preserved, consequently a memory becomes partially or completely current again, if a memory is stimulated by any circumstances or indications from fellow human beings.
This is interestingly the explanation I have already received from Sfath and Ptaah.
This corresponds to what we learn as knowledge.
Of course, already Sfath said that, as Ptaah also mentioned. But look here, you know this, this photo I took with a Polaroid camera in front of the Capitol in America when I was over there quickly one night with Bermunda. It just happened that there was a UFO in front of the back of the Capitol and it came into the picture. But here come thugs now claiming that the photo was faked, while someone even claimed that Bermunda or something was photographed in the dark part of the picture.
Although there is no need to waste a lot of words about it, it should be mentioned that with regard to many Earth-humans – I learned that during the time that I have been in your workroom 2 to 3 times a day for weeks and I can speak to you, as I also read and listen to on the loudspeaker – that not only those who are ignorant of the truth, know-it-alls, dreamers, the ignorant, conceited and actually uneducated, but also the insane and mentally ill (Billy’s note: this is how Quetzal describes people with a damaged mental state what the Earthlings refer to as 'mentally ill' due to ignorance and lack of knowledge), but undoubtedly also effective liars, cheats, self-serving, megalomaniacs, self-important as well as envious, troublemakers, malicious and largely addicted to a religious or worldly delusion inhabit the Earth.
儘管對此言多無益,但值得一提的是,對於許多地球人來說 —— 這是我在過去幾週每天兩到三次來到你的工作室和你交談的時間中學到的,我也閱讀並聽到廣播 —— 不僅是那些對真相一無所知的人、自以為是、空想家、無知之人、妄想症者和實際上無知的人,以及精神錯亂和思想失調者(比利註:Quetzal將這些人定義為心理狀態受損的人,而地球人由於不了解和無知,將其稱為「精神病」),但毫無疑問,地球上還居住著真正的騙子、欺詐者、自吹自擂者、妄自尊大者以及嫉妒者、攪局者、惡意者,大部分人陷入了宗教或世俗的妄信之中,使地球變得繁忙不已。
This is something that certainly does not need to be discussed, besides, every normal one of the Earthlings knows that this is true. But it is actually the case that every idiot already knows – let alone every normal human being – that Polaroid photos cannot simply be faked and effectively only show what is in front of the camera. And if something has to be faked, then it has to be someone experienced in the field, with the necessary equipment, as well as a specially equipped workroom. And it is also important that no persons know anything about it, just as no persons keep their eyes and ears open all the time to make sure that nothing can be done secretly or even falsified. But let's leave that alone, because today I still have the interesting article that I also integrated in the Sign of the Times SE No. 71 concerning the fraud of the Corona vaccinations. Now I want to include the article in our contact report, because certainly not all persons have access to the published Sonder-Zeitzeichen, which I compile from newspaper articles that Achim supplies me with. On the other hand, you dictated the following to me verbatim on the 6th of July after you had read the article, to which I added a heading:
這當然不需要討論,而且每個正常的地球人都知道這是真的。但實際上,每一個白癡都知道,更不用說每一個正常人了,拍立得照片不能簡單地被偽造,它們只會顯示相機前方的內容。如果真的有人進行偽造,那麼必須是在該領域有經驗的人,還需要相應的設備和專門設備的工作場所。還有一個重要因素是沒有人能知道這件事,也沒有人能時刻保持警覺,以防止秘密行動或偽造的發生。但讓我們暫且不談這個,因為今天我還保留著那篇有趣的文章,我也把它放在了《時代特徵》(Sign of the Times;SE)第71期上,關於冠狀病毒疫苗的詐騙行為。現在我想把這篇文章放到我們的接觸報告中,因為並不是所有人都能看到我根據Achim提供給我的報紙文章編輯出版的《Sonder-Zeitzeichen》。另一方面,你在7月6日讀了這篇文章後,向我口述了以下內容,我在其中加了一個標題:
What the Plejaren Quetzal Has to Dictate Right Now:
眾所周知,Plejaren Quetzal在此時正在口述的內容:
For once, outside of a written down conversation, I must say the following, regarding the following article that Billy is processing into a 'Sign of the Times' at the moment I am present. For what is actually occurring and the case on Earth, and what Earth-humans should know and think about, is the following: What Billy and we Plejaren have been saying since the beginning of the war and always with regard to what is happening in the Ukraine and also discuss in the reports of conversations and Billy also publishes and makes known some of it, is now also openly spoken out by responsible Americans. Why don't those NEONAZIS in the leadership of the state in Germany listen to this and let those lead the state and direct the people who are true righteous leaders of the state and not NEONAZIs, like the majority of powerful leaders of the state. The righteous leaders want peace and freedom, but they do not want to be dependent on the world-domination-addicted Americans who, through the agitation of their shadow government and the incompetent Nazi-like leaders, bring war and disaster upon the Earth and earthly humanity. They are all truly those who caused the war in Ukraine and are underhandedly waging it under their direction, which the majority of the American people do not want and are in no manner involved in and are not of the same mind as the criminal Nazi-like leaders. 6.7.2023, 17:46 hrs
It is even worse:
German Scientists Reveal the Dark Truth About Pfizer Vaccination
德國科學家揭示輝瑞疫苗接種的黑暗真相, 5th July 2023,2023年7月5日
German scientists have discovered that a significant proportion of the Pfizer vaccine batches imported into the European Union appear to be placebos. Even more remarkable: The Paul Ehrlich Institute did not subject these batches to any quality control. The institute considered this 'not necessary'. The German scientists refer to a Danish study which shows that the Pfizer batches can be divided into groups with regard to their harmfulness. They distinguished three groups: One group of batches (blue) caused extremely many side effects (one report per ten injections), one group (green) caused quite a few side effects (one report per 400 injections). And one group of batches (yellow) caused no side effects at all.
德國科學家發現,歐盟引入的德國輝瑞(Biontech-Pfizer)疫苗中,有相當一部分批次顯然是安慰劑。更令人驚訝的是,Paul Ehrlich研究所並未對這些批次進行任何質量檢查,該研究所認為這是“不必要的”。德國科學家引用了一項丹麥的研究,該研究表明輝瑞疫苗批次在其危害性方面可以分為幾組。他們將其分為三組:一組批次(藍色)引起了極多的副作用(每十次注射中有一次報告),一組批次(綠色)引起了相當多的副作用(每四百次注射中有一次報告)。還有一組批次(黃色)根本沒有引起任何副作用。
This could mean that every third Pfizer vaccination was a placebo. Half of all death reports came from five percent of the vaccine batches, the blue group.
Kim Iversen said on her show that there are two possibilities: The particularly bad batches were quietly taken off the market by the authorities, or the human beings were deliberately given a placebo from the start as part of a large experiment with the knowledge of the regulatory authorities. She considers this 'criminal'.
Kim Iversen在她的節目中表示,有兩種可能性:特別糟糕的批次已被當局悄悄地從市場上撤下,或者人們在監管機構的知識下最初就被故意注射了安慰劑作為一項大型實驗。她認為這是“犯罪行為”。
"Experiments were carried out on human beings."
Anton Theunissen mentions another possible explanation: They had tried to optimise the production process, but this had not always succeeded. The most harmful batches were then quietly taken off the market.
Anton Theunissen提出了另一種可能的解釋:他們試圖優化生產過程,但並不總是成功。於是,危害最大的批次產品被悄然下架。
In addition, I think it is also necessary to say again that during the time I am on secondment to Earth to maintain contact with you, I come to you almost daily and we discuss all sorts of things together, as I did on the 6th of July when I dictated something additional to you while you were working on a 'Sign of the Times'. In my opinion it was necessary that I dictated some things to you, because how earthly humanity has been lied to and deceived in this respect is as bad as the war in the Ukraine. The only difference is that the very many deaths caused by the ineffective and also life-destroying Corona rampantly spreading disease vaccinations have so far claimed many times what the nonsensical fighting in Ukraine is causing in this respect. And the fact that many state leaders in their stupidity have irresponsibly participated in the whole work of lies and the shameful and life-destroying deception of humanity corresponds to the absolutely criminal and obvious incompetence of their state leadership.
But this efficiency, as you call it, is indeed lacking in the majority of all rulers around the world, in every country without exception, of which I do not exclude Switzerland. The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead, strife and war continue to be waged with other peoples and even with one's own national population, which often threatens to degenerate into civil war, as can become the case in Russia if …
然而,正如你所說,全世界的統治者幾乎都缺乏這種能力,無論是哪個國家,包括瑞士在內。大多數全球統治者只會大言不慚,口出狂言,這些言辭既毫無根據,也毫無價值,無法確保真正而持久的和平存在,反而繼續對其他民族和自己的國內人民進行不和平和戰爭,這往往可能演變成內戰,例如俄羅斯的情況,如果 ...
You should not …
這是你不應該 ...
… I already know that, also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false placebo vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known. This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives. Besides, I am only telling you what I said about …, and so I only make dots when I write it down. But what I have to say is that all those in power and many of the people – with a few exceptions of the righteous – are only crying, lying and hypocritical for peace, freely following the lie of the Christian Bible. Already in the books of Moses everything begins with murder, manslaughter, revenge and retaliation, as I can quote this to you from the 'Holy Scriptures' of Christianity, but for that I have to get the Bible out of the bookcase, just a moment. It says, please … here, … wait a minute, I'm getting it … yes, here, there are some things written. For example, in Genesis 21:12, it says: "Whoever strikes a human being so that he dies, he shall die." Then in Exodus 21:14, "But if any man offend his neighbour, and slay him with guile, thou shalt take him away from mine altar to be put to death." Further at Ex. 21. 15, "Whosoever smiteth father or mother shall surely be put to death." Further at Ex. 21. 16 it says, "Whoever steals a human being, whether he sells him or is found with him, he shall die the death." Then at Ex. 21. 17. it is said, "He that curseth father or mother shall surely die the death." This is actually what the worldwide conduct of humanity was built on, which has continued to this day and has become many times worse with all the development of technology and chemistry. Especially the machinery of war and the nature-destroying chemistry as well as the poisons have become so rampant on Earth that the planet Earth has already been almost completely plundered and destroyed, just as nature, and to a large extent also the fauna and flora, has been wiped out, many forests have been burnt down, the water and atmosphere have been poisoned, the climate has been forced to change and all ecosystems have been maltreated.
... 我知道,全球大約有一千八百五十萬人被這些假安慰劑疫苗所害死,正如Ptaah向我解釋的那樣,當然這遭到了堅決的否認,因為他們不希望大眾知道真相。同樣他們也不希望大眾知道有多少人終身受到疫苗損害的影響。此外,我只告訴你,我說過的那些事情,我在寫下來的時候只會打點點(…)。不過,我還想說的是,所有的統治者和大部分人民 —— 除了少數正直的人 —— 都在哭泣、虛偽和偽善地呼喊和平,這正是根據基督教《聖經》的謊言。從《摩西的書》開始,一切都是謀殺、殺人、報復和復仇,我可以從基督教的《聖經》中引用這些內容,但我需要從書架上拿出聖經,稍等片刻。請等一下 ... 這裡 ... 稍等,我馬上找到了 ... 是的,在這裡,有一些文字。例如,在《出埃及記》21章12節中寫道:「打死人的,必被處死刑。」然後在《出埃及記》21章14節中說:「凡用詭計殺人的,要從我的壇上拉下來,把他治死。」接著在《出埃及記》21章15節中說:「凡打父母的,必被處死刑。」再來是在《出埃及記》21章16節中:「凡拐帶人口的,或是把人賣了,或是在他手下搜出人口的,必被處死刑。」然後在《出埃及記》21章17節中說:「凡咒駡父母的,必被處死刑。」這實際上是全人類行為的基礎,一直延續至今,並且在科技和化學的發展中變得更加嚴重。特別是戰爭機器、對自然的破壞性化學品和毒物在地球上蔓延,地球已經幾乎被掠奪和破壞殆盡,大部分的動植物被滅絕,許多森林被燒毀,水和大氣被污染,氣候被迫改變,所有生態系統都遭受破壞。
Furthermore, it is to be said that the old-fashioned murder and revenge behaviour etc., as it existed in the Bible and thus in Christianity – as well as in other religions – has been preserved until today, because the death penalty and war etc. are still as present as in the old days, when all the criminally criminal nonsense and everything else contemptuous of humanity was raised, written, believed in and from it the Christian faith was formed. Since then, many billions of non-thinking and therefore stupid human beings have become believers in religion, and millions have been tortured, massacred and died innocently 'in the name of God'. Just think of the Holocaust, which was brought about by nonsensical racial hatred. The anti-Semitism that worked in a world war in this regard only arose in reality because the Christian pack of the time – sorry for this expression, but there is no other manner to say it to them – invented hatred of the Jews at that time over 2,000 years ago, because the believers in the Jews were supposed to have crucified 'God's Son', which in reality the Romans did. And that which Moses fantasised, did and said back then, when he was still functioning in the world, which was even more exaggerated and falsified by the scribblers of that time, has remained so until today. This is despite the fact that the persecution of Christians arose from it, but ended again, but not the hatred of the Jews, which claimed millions of lives. It still exists, as does Christianity, which is hostile to the Jews – and this is again becoming more and more prevalent due to fanatical advertising, with the result that murderous sects are once again expanding their activities, just as this kind of fraudulent sect can do its work, protected by flimsy legislation, so that sect organisations get off scot-free, such as Scientology, which is mainly based in America – which vehemently denies hostility towards the Jews. People do not think realistically, but believe the religious lies and deceptions and thus lead a life of stupidity as believers in religion, in fact in the faith of all lying religions.
還有一點需要說的是,傳統的謀殺和報復行為等,正如它在《聖經》和基督教(以及其他宗教)中存在的那樣,至今仍然保留下來,因為死刑和戰爭等仍然像古代一樣存在。那時候,所有犯罪和對人類的蔑視都被提出、記錄、相信,並從中形成了基督教信仰。數十億沒有思考能力、陷入愚昧中的人成為了宗教信徒,數百萬人因此而遭受折磨、屠殺和無辜地死去,都是“以神的名義”。僅僅想一想大屠殺,是由荒謬的種族仇恨引發的。與此相關的反猶太主義在一場世界大戰中浮現出來,實際上只是因為那些當時的“基督徒那幫人”(Christian pack)(對不起,用其他詞語無法形容他們)在2000多年前發明了對猶太人的仇恨,因為據說猶太人信徒“釘死了上帝的兒子”,而事實上是羅馬人所為。而當時摩西還在活動的時候,他幻想、做過和說過的事情,被當時的撰寫者誇大和篡改,一直延續至今。儘管由此產生了對基督徒的迫害,但它最終結束了,但對猶太人的仇恨並未結束,造成了數百萬人的死亡。它至今仍然存在,正如反猶太主義基督教一樣 —— 隨著狂熱分子的煽動,這種現象再次變得越來越多,使得那些謀殺邪教的活動擴大,這樣的欺騙性邪教組織可以繼續他們的活動,而且還得到了站不住腳的法律保護,因此邪教組織能夠逍遙法外,例如位於美國的山達基(Scientology)。這堅決否認了對猶太人的敵視。他們沒有做到現實的思考,而是相信宗教的謊言和欺騙,因此以宗教信徒的身份過著愚昧的生活,相信所有虛偽的宗教。
Jmmanuel's (alias Jesus, which was never his name) teaching was falsified in a lying manner, as the lies are also put into his mouth in Matthew 10:34 to 37 and it is written: "You shall not think that I have come to bring peace to the Earth. I have not come to bring peace, but the sword. 35, = For I am come to provoke the human being against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36, = And the enemies of the human beings will be his own household." Further, Romans 12:19 mendaciously claims that Jmmanuel said, "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to the wrath of God; for it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay …" The truth is that Jmmanuel never said this, but it all corresponds to a Christian religious lie, as all religions and their sects correspond to nothing but lies and deceptions, and furthermore there is no God. Nor is the universe 'God', as the majority of scientists claim and believe, and indeed today about 65% of all scientists are believers in God, as Ptaah says, which at the time of Sfath was still over 92%, as he declared at the time.
The truth is that the Earthling is striving for world peace at last, but there is already strife in the family, among acquaintances, in friendships, at the workplace, in communities, as well as in other trivial encounters, and so on. Deep within the human beings, in addition to the religious delusion, fear, hatred and revenge, retaliation, addiction and the delusion of needing to be rich, of needing to be in control, of self-expression and of being more than one's neighbour, in addition to the fanatical desire to be right and to be able to exercise power. And all this was already indoctrinated into the human being in youth and in the course of life, namely through the upbringing and 'pampering' of parents, family and relatives, acquaintances, friends, teachers, religion, etc., and has deposited itself unprocessed and deeply anchored in the character and is constantly waiting to erupt immediately when the opportunity presents itself. And that Earth's humanity truly does not want real and lasting peace, the best proof of this is that in every country an army is kept and constantly equipped with the most modern weapons for murder and destruction, whereby innocent human beings are then actually murdered and immense destruction of human achievements as well as irreparable spoilage, extermination and destruction of nature and of fauna and flora are caused. In fact, an army, like NATO, is in and of itself a murderer's organisation, forcing to murder those human beings who by law must involuntarily join it, just as all those who voluntarily join the army or NATO, or who hire themselves out as mercenaries, are murderers. This is all in addition to the fact that those in power interfere in the affairs of foreign countries and even supply weapons to war zones and to one country in order to make a pig of another country in a partisan manner and to join in if possible when a war already exists or is being fought. However, it is enough for the government of one country to make a pig of another, namely by the rulers treacherously taking over sanctions from a dictatorship and applying them in a partisan manner against another country, as has happened in Switzerland, thereby making a mockery of the time-honoured neutrality. But here I have another article regarding that a journalist dares to say a frank word about what the rulers of America really are, how they abuse their might, lie and deceive the people, manage dirty schemes that could not be meaner to indulge in the delusion of world domination and win it with war, murder, manslaughter and destruction.
"They lied about Afghanistan. They lied about Iraq. And they are lying about Ukraine."
Author: Chris Hedges, 4th July 2023
作者:克里斯.赫傑斯(Chris Hedges),2023年7月4日
“Preying for Peace – by Mr Fish”, “Jagd nach Friede”: So it says under the original graphic accompanying Chris Hedges' article on Scheerpost.
(Red.) Much like Seymour Hersh, so too is Chris Hedges, a renowned journalist and book author in the US. And he too is not afraid to use harsh words in his comments on US politics. His thesis is that it is primarily the arms industry that keeps leading the United States into new wars, defeats or not.
(編輯)與西莫.赫許(Seymour Hersh)一樣,克里斯.赫傑斯(Chris Hedges)也是美國一位享有盛譽的記者和作家。他毫不避諱在對美國政治發表評論時使用尖銳的措辭。他的觀點是,美國的軍火工業是導致美國一次又一次捲入新戰爭的主要原因,不論勝敗如何。
The US public has once again been misled into pouring billions into another endless war. The script that the pimps of war use to lure us into one military fiasco after another, including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Ukraine, is not changing. Freedom and democracy are under threat. Evil must be defeated. Human rights must be protected. The fate of Europe and NATO and a 'rules-based international order' is at stake. Victory is certain.
The results are always the same. The justifications and narratives are exposed as lies. The sanguine predictions are false. Those in whose name we are supposedly fighting are as venal as those we are fighting against.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine was a war crime, albeit one provoked by NATO expansion and US support for the 2014 'Maidan' coup that deposed democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych wanted economic integration with the European Union, but not at the expense of economic and political relations with Russia. The war will only be resolved through negotiations that grant autonomy to ethnic Russians in Ukraine and Moscow's protection, as well as Ukrainian neutrality, which means the country cannot join NATO. The longer these negotiations are delayed, the more Ukrainians will suffer and die. Their cities and infrastructure will continue to be reduced to rubble.
俄羅斯對烏克蘭的入侵是一項戰爭罪行,雖然這是受到北約擴張和美國對2014年「廣場起義」(Maidan)政變的支持所挑釁,該政變推翻了烏克蘭的民選總統維克托.亞努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovych)。亞努科維奇希望與歐洲聯盟進行經濟一體化,但不以犧牲與俄羅斯的經濟和政治關係為代價。這場戰爭只能通過談判解決,並且要給予烏克蘭的俄羅斯族群自治和莫斯科的保護,同時確保烏克蘭保持中立,這意味著該國不能加入北約。這些談判被拖延的時間越長,烏克蘭人就會遭受越多的苦難和死亡。他們的城市和基礎設施將繼續被摧毀成廢墟。
In the Interest of the USA
But this proxy war in Ukraine serves US interests. It enriches arms manufacturers, weakens the Russian military and isolates Russia from Europe. What happens to Ukraine, on the other hand, is irrelevant.
"First, equipping our friends on the front lines to defend themselves is a far cheaper way – both in dollars and in American human lives – to weaken Russia's ability to threaten the US," Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledged. "Second, the effective defence of Ukrainian territory teaches us how to improve the defence of partners threatened by China. It is no surprise that senior officials from Taiwan are so supportive of efforts to help Ukraine defeat Russia. Third, most of the money allocated for security assistance to Ukraine is not really going to Ukraine. It is being invested in the American arms industry. It is being used to fund new weapons and ammunition for US forces to replace the older equipment that we have supplied to Ukraine. Let me be clear: this aid means more jobs for American workers and newer weapons for American soldiers."
「首先,我們向前線的朋友提供裝備,讓他們能夠自衛,這是一種更經濟的方式 —— 無論是以美元還是以美國人的生命計算 —— 來削弱俄羅斯對美國的威脅能力。」共和黨參議院領袖米奇.麥康諾(Mitch McConnell)承認。「其次,有效保衛烏克蘭領土教會我們如何改進保衛受到中國威脅的夥伴的防禦能力。毫不奇怪,台灣的高級官員非常支持幫助烏克蘭擊敗俄羅斯的努力。第三,提供給烏克蘭的安全支援資金大部分並未真正流向烏克蘭,而是投資於美國的軍工業。這些資金將用於資助美國軍隊的新武器和彈藥,以替換我們提供給烏克蘭的老舊裝備。讓我明確地說:這種援助意味著更多的就業機會給美國工人,以及更先進的武器給美國士兵。」
Once the truth about these endless wars seeps into the public consciousness, the media, which slavishly promotes these conflicts, drastically reduces coverage. The military debacles, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, remain largely off the radar. When the US finally admits defeat, most barely remember that these wars are being fought at all.
The pimps of war who stage these military fiascos change from government to government. In between, they sit in think tanks – 'Project for the New American Century', 'American Enterprise Institute', 'Foreign Policy Initiative', 'Institute for the Study of War', 'The Atlantic Council' and 'The Brookings Institution' – funded by corporations and the war industry. As soon as the war in Ukraine comes to its inevitable conclusion, these Dr Strangeloves will try to instigate a war with China. The US Navy and military are already threatening and encircling China. God help us if we don't stop them.
戰爭的幕後推手們在不同政府之間轉換。他們在智庫機構中間輪流出現 —— 像是「美國新世紀計畫」、「美國企業研究所」、「外交政策倡議」、「戰爭研究所」、「大西洋理事會」和「布魯金斯學會」 —— 這些機構都受到企業和戰爭工業的資助。一旦烏克蘭戰爭走向不可避免的結束,這些“怪博士”(Dr Strangeloves)將試圖點燃一場與中國的戰爭。美國海軍和美國軍隊已經威脅並圍困中國。如果我們不能阻止他們,願上帝保佑我們。
The USA, the Saviours of the World …
美國,世界的救星 ...
These pimps of war engage us in conflict after conflict with flattering narratives that portray us as the saviours of the world. They don't even have to be innovative. The rhetoric is taken from the old playbook. We naively take the bait and embrace the flag – blue and yellow this time – becoming ignorant agents of our self-destruction.
這些戰爭皮條客讓我們捲入一場又一場衝突,用諂媚的口吻把我們描繪成世界的救世主。他們甚至不需要創新。他們的說辭都是老一套。我們天真地上鉤,擁抱旗幟 —— 這一次是藍色和黃色的旗幟 —— 成為我們自我毀滅的無知代理人。
Since the end of World War II, the government has spent between 45 and 90 per cent of the federal budget on past, present and future military operations. It is the largest enduring activity of the US government. It no longer matters – at least to the pimps of war – whether these wars are rational or wise. The war industry metastasises in the bowels of the American empire, hollowing it out from within. The US is reviled abroad, drowning in debt, has an impoverished working class and is saddled with a decaying infrastructure and shoddy social services.
Wasn't the Russian military supposed to have collapsed months ago – because of low morale, bad generals, outdated weapons, desertions, ammunition shortages that reportedly forced soldiers to fight with shovels, and severe supply shortages? Shouldn't Putin have been driven from power? Shouldn't the sanctions have plunged the rouble into a death spiral? Shouldn't the disconnection of the Russian banking system from SWIFT, the international money transfer system, have crippled the Russian economy? How come inflation rates in Europe and the US are higher than in Russia despite these attacks on the Russian economy?
Shouldn't the nearly $150 billion in sophisticated military equipment, financial and humanitarian aid pledged by the US, EU and 11 other countries have turned the tide of the war? How is it that perhaps a third of the tanks provided by Germany and the US at the start of the vaunted counter-offensive were quickly turned into charred metal pieces by Russian mines, artillery, anti-tank weapons, air strikes and missiles? Wasn't this latest Ukrainian counter-offensive, originally called the 'Spring Offensive', supposed to break through the heavily fortified Russian front lines and retake large swathes of territory? How can the tens of thousands of Ukrainian military personnel and the forced recruitment of the Ukrainian military be explained? Even our retired generals and former CIA, FBI, NSA and Homeland Security officials who work as analysts for networks like CNN and MSNBC can no longer claim that the offensive is successful.
And What About Ukrainian Democracy?
And what about Ukrainian democracy, which we are fighting to protect? Why did the Ukrainian parliament abolish the official use of minority languages, including Russian, three days after the 2014 coup? How do we explain the eight years of war against ethnic Russians in the Donbass region before the Russian invasion in February 2022? How do we explain the murder of more than 14,200 human beings and the 1.5 million human beings displaced before the Russian invasion last year?
How do we defend President Volodymyr Selenskyj's decision to ban 11 opposition parties, including the opposition platform 'For Life', which held 10 per cent of the seats in the Supreme Council, Ukraine's unicameral parliament, along with the 'Shariy Party'? 'Nashi', the Opposition Bloc, the 'Left Opposition', the 'Union of Left Forces', the State, the 'Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine', the 'Socialist Party of Ukraine', the 'Socialist Party' and the 'Volodymyr Balance Bloc'? How can we accept the banning of these opposition parties – many of which are left-wing – while Selensky allows the fascists of the 'Svoboda' and 'Right Sector' parties and the Banderite Azov Battalion and other extremist militias to flourish?
我們如何辯護烏克蘭總統弗拉基米爾.澤連斯基(Volodymyr Selenskyj)禁止包括反對派平台「為生活而戰」在內的11個反對派黨派,該黨在烏克蘭最高議會(烏克蘭單議會)中佔有10%的席位?同時,澤連斯基允許「自由黨」和「右翼部隊」等法西斯黨派以及Banderite的亞速營(Azov Battalion)和其他極端民兵組織發展壯大?
How do we deal with the anti-Russian purges and arrests of alleged 'fifth columns' that are rampant in Ukraine, where 30 per cent of the population is Russian-speaking? How do we respond to the Selensky government-backed neo-Nazi groups that harass and attack the LGBT community, the Roma population and anti-fascist protests, and threaten city council members, media, artists and foreign students? How can we accept the decision of the US and its Western allies to block negotiations with Russia to end the war, even though Kiev and Moscow seem to be close to negotiating a peace treaty?
我們如何應對烏克蘭猖獗的反俄清洗和逮捕所謂"第五縱隊"的行為?我們如何應對塞連斯基政府支援的新納粹組織騷擾和攻擊同性戀(LGBT)社群、羅姆人(Roma population)和反法西斯抗議活動,並威脅市議員、媒體、藝術家和外國留學生?我們如何接受美國及其西方盟國阻止與俄羅斯談判以結束戰爭的決定,儘管基輔和莫斯科似乎接近談判達成和平條約?
We Were Naive …
I reported from Eastern and Central Europe in 1989, during the collapse of the Soviet Union. We assumed that NATO had become obsolete. President Mikhail Gorbachev proposed security and economic agreements with Washington and Europe. Secretary of State James Baker in Ronald Reagan's administration and West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher assured Gorbachev that NATO would not be extended beyond the borders of unified Germany. We naively thought that the end of the Cold War meant that Russia, Europe and the US would no longer have to spend massive resources on their militaries. The so-called 'peace dividend' remained a pipe dream.
我在1989年蘇聯解體時報導了東歐和中歐的情況。我們當時認為北約已經過時了。米哈伊爾.戈爾巴喬夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)總統提議與華盛頓和歐洲達成安全和經濟協議。美國總統羅納德.雷根(Ronald Reagan)政府的國務卿詹姆斯.貝克(James Baker)和西德的外交部長漢斯-迪特里希.根舍(Hans-Dietrich Genscher)向戈爾巴喬夫保證北約不會擴張到統一的德國邊界之外。我們天真地以為冷戰結束意味著俄羅斯、歐洲和美國不再需要大量投入軍事資源。所謂的「和平紅利」(peace dividend)只是癡人說夢。
If Russia did not want to be the enemy, Russia would be forced to be the NATO enemy (necessary for NATO's self-legitimisation, ed.). The pimps of war recruited former Soviet republics for NATO by portraying Russia as a threat. The countries that joined NATO, which now include Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and northern Macedonia, retooled their armed forces – often with the help of tens of millions of dollars in Western loans – to make them compatible with NATO's military equipment. This brought billions in profits for the arms manufacturers.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was a consensus in Eastern and Central Europe that NATO enlargement would be unnecessary and a dangerous provocation. It no longer made geopolitical sense. But it made economic sense: war is a business!
A secret diplomatic cable of 1st February 2008 – obtained and published by WikiLeaks – drafted from Moscow and addressed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the NATO-EU Co-operative, the National Security Council, the Russia-Moscow Political Collective, the US Secretary of Defence and the US Secretary of State, made it unequivocally clear that NATO enlargement risked conflict with Russia, especially over Ukraine.
"Russia not only sees encirclement [by NATO] and efforts to undermine Russia's influence in the region, but also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences that would seriously affect Russian security interests," the letter said. "Experts tell us that Russia is particularly concerned that Ukraine's strong divisions over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic Russian community opposed to membership, could lead to a major split that would result in violence or, at worst, civil war. In such a case, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene – a decision it does not want to make. …"
在這封信中,提到「俄羅斯不僅看到了(北約對其)的圍堵和削弱俄羅斯在該地區的影響力的努力,還擔心可能導致不可預測和不可控的後果,這將嚴重損害俄羅斯的安全利益。」專家們告訴我們,俄羅斯特別擔心烏克蘭在北約成員資格問題上的強烈分裂,其中大部分俄羅斯族群社群反對成為北約成員,這可能導致更大的分裂,從而引發暴力衝突,最壞的情況是引發內戰。在這種情況下,俄羅斯將不得不決定是否介入,這是他們不希望作出的決定。... 」
"Dmitri Trenin, (then) deputy director of the 'Carnegie-Moscow Center', expressed concern that Ukraine was potentially the most destabilising factor in US-Russian relations in the long term, given the emotions and nervousness caused by the pursuit of NATO membership…" the cable reads. "As membership continued to cause disunity in Ukrainian domestic politics, it created an opportunity for Russian intervention. Trenin expressed fear that elements within the Russian establishment would be encouraged to interfere, leading the US to openly support opposing political forces and putting the US and Russia in a classic confrontational posture."
在這份電報中提到,當時的Carnegie-Moscow Center(暫譯為「卡內基莫斯科中心」)副主任Dmitri Trenin(暫譯為迪米特里.特列寧)表示擔憂,在追求北約成員資格引起的情緒和緊張氛圍下,烏克蘭長期來說可能成為美俄關係中最具潛在破壞性的因素 ... 由於烏克蘭成員資格問題在烏克蘭內部政治中仍然引起分歧,這為俄羅斯干預提供了機會。特列寧(Trenin)擔心,俄羅斯體制內的某些成員可能被鼓勵幹預,這將促使美國公開支持對立的政治力量,將美國和俄羅斯推向典型的對抗態勢。
The Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have happened if the Western alliance had kept its promise not to expand NATO beyond its borders and Ukraine had remained neutral. The pimps of war knew the possible consequences of NATO expansion. However, war is their only vocation, even if it leads to a nuclear holocaust with Russia or China.
The war industry, not Putin, is our most dangerous enemy.
To the original article by Chris Hedges on Scheerpost. There are also numerous links to the sources used by Hedges.
And the following is another interesting report from Brazil:
Dear friend and teacher,
How are you, my friend?
Here is a very, very interesting report for you.
Scientist thrown off roof from Wuhan Institute of Virology.
T.H.G., 5th July 2023
Full news source:
The story at a glance:
According to witnesses, a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) named Zhou Yusen was thrown to his death from the roof of the laboratory in May 2020, three months after he filed a patent for a COVID vaccine.
據目擊者稱,2020年5月,武漢病毒研究所(WIV)一位名叫周玉森(Zhou Yusen的音譯)的科學家在申請COVID疫苗專利三個月後,被人從實驗室屋頂推下身亡。
The patent indicates that Zhou Yusen had been working on the vaccine, which authorities say was a previously unknown virus of zoonotic origin, before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. The timing of the patent application is further evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was developed in a laboratory.
There is also evidence linking SARS-CoV-2 to Chinese bioweapons research. WIV researchers have also developed a coronavirus that is far more deadly than SARS-CoV-2 – with a 75% kill rate. This research was funded in part by EcoHealth grants from the US government.
At least nine viruses related to SARS-CoV-2 were found in a Chinese mineshaft, but only research on one virus has been published.
Saalome and warm greetings from your eternally loyal Brazilian friend,
José Barreto Silva
José Barreto Silva
🕸📜📖🕯It is better to be eternally slapped by the Prophet Billy Meier's hard, only bitterly true truth, than to be fatally kissed by the sweetness and poisonous lie of religions of all colours and denominations. 😉
Book of OM 32:1979. "To bury the truth, there are not enough shovels." *… And those who try end up digging their own graves…. (*note by J.B.S) – Billy Meier: Is the true prophet of the new age.
《OM之書》32:1979. 「要埋葬真相,是沒有足夠的鏟子的。」*…而那些試圖這樣做的人,最終只會挖自己的墳墓…(*J.B.S的註釋)—比利.邁爾:是新時代的真正先知。
All of this should be for the Earth-humans to finally realise the truth and begin to think and act accordingly.
You have hopes. – As long as the Earthlings are still religious believers and believe in a 'dear God' and in 'Jesus', in the kingdom of heaven and in hell, there will still be murder and manslaughter on Earth as well as hatred, revenge, retaliation and destruction, annihilation, genocide resp. genocide, racial hatred as well as religious hatred and murders because of it, as well as armies and other murderous organisations, such as NATO and mercenary troops etc. But in this respect I am only talking into the wind with the bulk of earthly humanity resp. its moronic overpopulation. So, then, I want to take the speech to something else, and that is: What do you think about what Ptaah and I once discussed, what we then brought before the group, but due to something else and important forgot and did not finish, namely 'voice contact reports' resp. that contact reports and books are spoken on tape and disc etc., for human beings who are ignorant of reading and writing, or who cannot spend enough time to read because they are on the road a lot with vehicles, but could listen to contact reports set to music?
This was discussed earlier in our committee and it was decided that this idea should be realised, which was also passed on to you by me as a decision. Unfortunately, however, nothing more was said about this on your part until you asked now.
Unfortunately, embarrassingly, all this was forgotten, but today Bernadette asked me about it again because it was asked about from Australia. So I tell her that we will note it down as an agenda item and officially negotiate it at the next general assembly.
It should have been a long time ago, but it can still be sorted out, only care must be taken that no adulterations find entry, which is why it was advised by the panel at that time that it should be advised that from the Centre alone should be the such activity of discussing suitable sound reproducers and the distribution of the same.
I think that would also be reasonable. That would not prevent that also privately tapes, CDs or other sound carriers can be reviewed and so-called audio reports and audio books etc. can be made, but these can only be used personally and not for groups, right?
Correct, it would have to be determined in this manner, as it is already prescribed for writings and books, if these may be translated privately into another language and also only privately, but not otherwise used in any process. This is regulated and must therefore be observed without exception, so also for language sound reproducers, as well as for writings and books, whereby the Centre-KG (core group) must exercise control over the correctness of the procedures, production and distribution. If this were not decided, then the whole thing should not be allowed, because only in this process can it be prevented that the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life' is not falsified and becomes a delusion of faith. This has happened many times since the time of Enoch up to the present day, namely through the fact that through enormous falsifications of the teaching, great religions with unparalleled falsehoods have been produced, whereby Earth-humans on the whole have changed in such a way that their degenerations surpass the natural nature of all species and kinds of predators. This is evidenced by the militaries, which you rightly call 'murderous organisations', which were very early formed by the Earth-humans in a primitive process, and by which battles were waged with very primitive weapons in ghastly slaughters. As a result, already in ancient times, tremendous killings were committed all over the Earth and in many lands, as I know from records that I read before I came here and oriented myself a little more closely with regard to the history of Earth mankind, which Sfath researched and also summarised in annals. He also used records that were made by very early visitors of our ancestors up to 25 million years before our time, which we found in the sphere you know. They were …
正確,應該這樣規定,就像對於文字和書籍一樣,當這些私下翻譯成其他語言時,也只能私下使用,而不能以任何其他方式使用。這已經被規定並且必須無例外地遵守,這也適用於語音播放機,就像適用於文字和書籍一樣。中心核心工作小組應該對過程的準確性、產品的生產和分發進行控制。如果這個決議不被接受,那麼整個事情就不允許,因為只有這樣才能防止「真相的教導,造物能量的教導,生命的教導」被歪曲並變成一種迷信。從以諾時代到今天,這種情況已經發生了很多次,那就是透過對教導的重大篡改,出現了大量充滿謬誤的宗教,從而使地球上的人們整體上發生了如此巨大的變化,以至於他們的墮落超越了所有掠食動物和物種的自然本性。這通過你正確稱之為“殺手組織”的軍隊得到了證明,這些軍隊早在很早以前就以非常原始的方式由地球人形成,並且用非常原始的武器進行了恐怖的戰鬥。因此,早在古代時期,全球和許多國家就發生了重大的屠殺事件,我通過閱讀在我出生前的記錄得知,我對地球人類歷史有了一些更深入的瞭解,這是由Sfath研究並總結在《大事記要》中。他還利用了一些記錄,這些記錄可以追溯到我們這個時代之前的兩千五百萬年,我們在你所熟悉的球體中發現了它們。那些是 ...
… yes I know which sphere you mean, which is actually a huge and many millions of years old library sphere.
... 是的,我知道你指的是哪個球體,它實際上是一個巨大的、有數百萬年歷史的圖書館球體(library sphere)。
Correct. – They were records from when the natural dimensional gate was found and the first of our very distant ancestors came through that into this DERN universe and ultimately to this Earth. All the records of the library sphere, as you call it, showed us other dimensional gateways near which some of our peoples settled on life-bearing planets. Furthermore, through the information records in the sphere, we became aware that at the time 267 million years ago, it was discovered that this Creation corresponded to a twin Creation, as well as that a way was found to enter the sister Creation, the 'Dajansini arg lasergnoralin' resp. the 'Second Born Creation', the twin Creation. Consequently, 2 of our distant ancestral peoples emigrated to the sister Creation and settled there.
正確。這些都是自然維度之門被發現時的記錄,我們第一批非常遙遠的祖先通過自然維度之門來到這個「DERN」宇宙,並最終來到這個地球。正如你所稱的圖書館球體中的所有記錄所顯示的那樣,還有其他維度之門,我們的一些族群在附近的生命適居行星上定居下來。此外,通過球體中的資訊記錄,我們瞭解到,早在兩億六千七百萬年前就發現了這個「創世宇宙」(Creation)是一個孿生宇宙,並找到了進入姊妹宇宙,即「Dajansini arg lasergnoralin」或「第二誕生的造化宇宙」,也就是那一個孿生宇宙的方法。因此,我們遙遠的祖先中有兩個族群移民到了姊妹宇宙並在那裡定居下來。
Aha, then they were the ancestors of the Sonaer and Asket's people. As Sfath told me, there had been contact between them and the Plejaren for millions of years, but Sfath could not explain to me how this came about.
I suppose that is understandable, for everything fell into oblivion, and the knowledge of the origin only became known to us when you were able to open the orb, which was sealed to all and could not be opened.
Why that was so, I did not know then, as I still do not know now. Perhaps you can still find the secret solution on some records. But before we spoke of these things, you said something about the murderer organisations, that is, the armies of the nations. What else were you going to say?
I wanted to end my speech by saying that the military is still doing the murdering and destroying as they have done since time immemorial and as they will continue to do for a long time to come. Never …
在我談論的最後,我想說的是,軍隊仍然在進行殺戮和破壞,自古以來他們一直在這樣做,而且在未來很長一段時間內還會繼續這樣做。永遠不會 ...
… there will be peace in this process if everything continues as before. In fact, on Earth, humanity will continue to hope uselessly for true peace for a very, very long time, because as long as militarism exists, it will continue to murder, destroy, annihilate and exterminate on Earth. Likewise, however, as long as the religious delusion of faith dominates the believers, the delusion will blaze in the consciousness of the Earthlings that only through military, hatred, fighting and war, through murder, revenge, destruction, retribution and killing of all kinds, etc., peace can be created. Peace can be created. That is why an army is kept in almost every country, under the falsehood of an alleged 'national defence', which in reality is nothing but a preparation for legalised murder and destruction if the 'enemy' should approach. Therefore, true peace will never become and be, for unless armies are abolished in every state, as well as any religious delusion, peace will remain only an illusion. It will only ever be a matter of time before the sham peace that exists loosely at present – simply because there is no hatred between countries at the moment – is broken again, and through the state of fear of the 'enemy', a clash of arms or tangible war is waged. So there remains a further extent of murder and destruction, which will continue, as long as there are military and thus armies in the countries, but also as long as the human beings do not break away from their religious delusion of a God and the like. As long as armies exist, there is a constant danger of enmity and war, massacres, evil destruction, extermination and so on. And as long as religions exist, the delusion of a god or gods – of which Hinduism alone has some 330,000 – a helper in distress, saints, angels, other 'higher figures', or the devil, remains, and as long as there is no peace, for the delusion of god, gods and other high allegedly 'holy' figures etc. alone, creates hatred and revenge, inequality, racial hatred, abuse, hatred of faith and religion, etc., which leads to strife, murder and manslaughter, and persecution and destruction. Since time immemorial, Earthlings have, for the most part, fallen prey to delusional beliefs and gone wild in their thinking, because falsifiers have distorted and ridiculed the teaching and thereby transformed it into a many-faceted fairy tale, which found its way into the minds of Earth-humans all over the Earth and became a delusional belief in a God, gods and other higher beings. The whole act of falsification was irresponsibly – and certainly to the personal advantage of the falsifiers – presented with 'higher beings' invented by their imagination. These were later worshipped by religious delusionists as gods and goddesses etc., as elsewhere but even as evil, as e.g. by the devil worshippers. And when foreigners from the far reaches of the cosmos came to Earth, did 'miraculous things' and also built giant structures, these were also worshipped as gods.
... 如果一切都像以前一樣繼續下去,就不會有真正的和平。事實上,在地球上,人類對真正的和平仍然抱有非常非常長期無意義的希望,因為只要軍國主義存在,地球上就會繼續有謀殺、破壞、毀滅和滅絕。同樣地,只要宗教的狂熱信仰控制著信徒,地球人的意識中就會燃燒著這樣的妄念:只有通過軍隊、仇恨、戰鬥和戰爭,通過謀殺、報復、破壞、復仇和各種方式的殺戮等等,才能創造和平。因此,幾乎每個國家都擁有一支軍隊,並以所謂的“國防”為幌子,但實際上只是準備合法化的謀殺和破壞,以防“敵人”的逼近。因此,真正的和平永遠不會到來,如果不是每個國家廢除軍隊,以及任何形式的宗教妄信,那麼和平只是一個幻覺。這只是時間問題,眼下的虛假和平只是因為各國之間暫時沒有敵對行動,但很快又會被破壞,恐懼敵人的狀態會再次引發戰爭或衝突。因此,只要國家中存在軍隊和武裝部隊,只要人們無法擺脫對上帝等的宗教妄信,那麼殺戮和破壞就會持續下去。只要軍隊存在,敵對和戰爭的威脅就會持續存在,包括大規模屠殺、惡性破壞、毀滅和滅絕等。只要宗教存在,對上帝或眾神的妄信就會持續存在,僅印度教就有約三十三萬個神明。這種妄信會引發仇恨、報復、不平等、種族仇恨、濫用、信仰仇恨和宗教仇恨等,導致爭執、殺戮、迫害和破壞。地球上的人們自古以來已經幾千年陷入宗教妄信的幻想中,他們的思維已經混亂,因為謊言者曲解和嘲笑教義,將其轉變成各種童話故事,在地球上得到廣泛傳播,成為人們對上帝、眾神和其他高級存在的妄信。這種扭曲行為不負責任,而且肯定使得那些扭曲者從中獲利,他們還虛構了各種“高級存在”以製造這個整個扭曲行為的幻象。這些所謂的高級存在後來被宗教妄信者崇拜為上帝和眾神,但也被其他人視為邪惡,例如魔鬼崇拜者。當來自宇宙遙遠地方的外星人到達地球、展示“奇跡”並建造巨大建築時,他們也會被崇拜為神明。
Sadly – but that's really how it was, as our records make clear, written down by our ancestors, these written records going back millennia and made by ancestors who were here on Earth, such as Sfath.
可悲的是 —— 事實確實如此,我們的記錄清楚地表明,這是我們的祖先寫下的,這些書面記錄可以追溯到幾千年前,是由Sfath等在世的祖先寫下的。
That's what Sfath was talking about, I remember that well. But look here, I received this email yesterday, asking what YHWH meant to the Jewish believers. I think I can answer that here, because as it says here, this woman also reads the contact reports, which are published. So it is to be explained that YHWH refers to the Jewish name of God, namely the one in the 'Tanach' resp. in the 'Holy Book' of the Jewish religion. YHWH is generally interpreted as YAHWE, as an independent Hebrew word with the consonants Yod, He, Waw, He, which, when read from right to left, results in the tetragram abbreviated to YHWH. The name YAHWE, however, is not pronounced directly in the Jewish religion, because somehow it is 'holy' or something, but I don't want to get into that. But I must explain the following: The human being himself, who has classified himself to a faith, has formed an opinion. However, such an opinion, like faith, is in any case false and biased, because faith and opinion are fundamentally the same thing, so that a faith is an opinion and an opinion is a faith. Opinion and belief can be set right and discussed, so their falsity and partiality, for they completely exclude any neutrality or other neutral form. However, it is only of correctness to take this into account and to put it into practice in this way if a human being is not directly or indirectly attacked with regard to his opinion and belief, but is always and in every case correctly approached and spoken to. This means that in every case, even with a human being who holds a secular opinion or has a religious belief – which is actually the same thing, correctly speaking – normal conversation can and should take place without his or her belief or opinion being brought into play. Consequently, even a person without an opinion, an atheist or a non-believer in any other manner can speak normally and without insinuation to a human being about his or her faith or opinion and meet him or her respectfully and neutrally if the human being has an opinion or is devoted to a religious faith. Only then can and may his opinion or belief be discussed, if he so desires, although the speech and answer should always and in every case be conducted in such a manner that it is neutral and violates neither the opinion nor the belief. Otherwise, however, if a human being does not wish to be addressed directly concerning his opinion or belief, whereby an unwanted personal address in this regard is always wrong, it should be correct and permissible in a general form that concerning religious or secular opinions as well as a belief, the falsity or correctness may be discussed and the truth may be said and stated. This is something I have already learnt with Sfath, and which was very useful when I visited human beings together with him who were religious creeds or simply held opinions. This behaviour also helped me when I travelled alone through many countries and went in and out of believing families, churches, mosques and temples etc. and never caused offence.
Sfath已經提到過這個,我還記得很清楚。但你看,我昨天收到這封電子郵件,問到猶太教徒的「JHWH」是什麼意思。對此,我想我可以在這裡回答,因為根據這封郵件,這位女士也讀了我們公開發布的接觸報告。因此,需要解釋的是,JHWH指的是猶太教上帝的名字,即在《希伯來聖經》(Tanach)或《聖經》中所提及的名字。JHWH通常被解釋為「耶和華」(YAHWE),這是希伯來語中由右至左閱讀的四個子音字母「Jod, He, Waw, He」的縮寫形式。然而,根據猶太教的傳統,耶和華這個名字並不直接被念出來,因為它在某種程度上被視為「神聖」,對此我不想深入討論。但我需要解釋以下:一個信仰中的人形成了一個觀點,但這樣的觀點在任何情況下都是錯誤和偏見的,因此信仰和觀點基本上是一樣的,所以一個信仰是一個觀點,一個觀點是一個信仰。觀點和信仰可以被糾正和討論,因為它們的錯誤和偏見完全排除了任何中立性或其他中立形式。要注意並實現這一點的真實性,前提是對一個人的觀點和信仰進行正確對待,而不是直接或間接地對其進行攻擊,並且始終以正確的方式與之交談。這意味著,在任何情況下,我們也可以和持有世俗觀點或宗教信仰的人正常交談,而不需要涉及他們的信仰或觀點。因此,一個無主見者、無神論者或其他不信仰者也可以與一個人正常對話,而不涉及對方的信仰或觀點,並且以尊重和中立的態度對待對方,即使對方持有一定的觀點或信仰。只有當對方希望談論自己的觀點或信仰時,才能提及他的觀點或信仰,然而在任何情況下,對話和回答應該始終保持中立,不侵犯觀點或信仰。然而,在其他情況下 - 如果一個人不希望直接談論他的觀點或信仰,其中涉及無意的個人提及總是不正確的 - 在一般情況下,根據宗教或世俗觀點,可以正確且允許討論觀點或信仰的正確與否,並說出真相。這是我從Sfath那裡學到的一點,並且在我和他一起訪問宗教信仰者或持有不同觀點的人時非常有用。這種行為也幫助我,在我獨自旅行並訪問具有宗教信仰的家庭、教堂、清真寺和寺廟等地時,始終不引起不悅。
Belief in God and gods etc., as well as in ideals, never conveys the truth, because to really gather true knowledge and to see and hear reality, and thus to perceive reality and realities in every form, remains denied to every person of faith. Opinions and beliefs, as well as ideals, etc., create wrongdoing, murder and manslaughter, suffering, sorrow and distress, hatred, unconscionability, revenge and retribution, killing of every kind, destruction, annihilation, extinction and endless evil.
What you say should be seriously considered by the Earth-humans, for every word of yours corresponds to the truth.
Otherwise I wouldn't say them either. But the majority of Earthlings, in their non-thinking – which is effectively nothing but sheer stupidity – live in completely wrong behaviour. Consequently, the non-thinking human being is only a hypocritical human being, just like the believer and the opinionated. These Earthlings lead a life without any actual valuable meaning, whereby in their doubtful half-awake state they have an unconsciously effective sleep disorder, which creates for them imaginations and false memories, etc., with which they live believingly into the day and are dissatisfied.
否則我也不會說出來。然而,地球人的大多數都生活在他們的不去思考之中 —— 實際上就是純粹的愚蠢 —— 並表現出完全錯誤的行為方式。因此,那些不思考的人只是一群虛假思考的人,就像信徒和有主見的人一樣。這些地球人過著一種沒有真正有價值的意義的生活,他們在他們可疑的半清醒狀態下患有一種無意識的失眠症,這導致他們產生錯覺和虛假的記憶等等,並以此信仰度日,卻感到不滿意。
That is a word that should again give the Earth-humans pause for thought. For my part, however, I think that enough has been said for today and I will go my way again, which will lead me around the Centre before I rest. So be of good cheer, too, and we will see each other again tomorrow. But what we have talked about today, will you call it up and write it down? Goodbye, my good friend.
Then also Goodbye Quetzal, my friend. And, of course, I will immediately begin the retrieval and transcription of our conversation.
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