Contact Report 204
• Contact Reports volume: 5 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontakberichte, Gespräche, Block 5)
• Page number(s):
• Date/time of contact: Sunday, December 22, 1985, 4:08AM
• Translator(s): Benjamin Stevens
• Date of original translation: Monday, November 9, 2009
• Corrections and improvements made: N/A
• Contact person: Quetzal
This is the entire contact. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
1. Unfortunately, it took longer until my present visit because I was otherwise occupied and was also absent.
2. Moreover, I also strove to investigate some events of the future with respect to terrorism, assassination attempts, and other acts of violence that will happen in the next three decades.
3. But since it was determined that no more official statements are supposed to be made about this, I may only mention this for you alone.
I just asked you for the most important events.
4. That is correct; therefore, I also only strove for such.
5. Yet officially, in accordance with Ptaah’s explanation, I may say the following:
6. Everything on the Earth will change in the coming time, through neo-Nazism and through religious fundamentalism and fanatical extremism, just as much as through many assassination attempts and acts of terrorism, which will assume forms that will surpass everything previously known in this regard to a very great extent.
7. The world and the thoughts and actions of people will change radically and completely, and not only will the fanatical hatred and the just as fanatical vindictiveness of the individual terrorists, assassins, and users of violence, as well as the small and large terrorist organizations play an extremely disgraceful and degrading role, but also the hatred, vindictiveness, lust for power, and world domination plans of the governments of various countries, with their militaries and secret services.
8. By the end of the second millennium, everything will take place relatively mildly in this regard, but after this, the time then begins, which will be full of tears and terror, especially in the world of the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths.
Then we are really approaching very rosy times. But you can tell me about that later, when we’ve finished the official part of our conversation. So for now, I would like to address two things that concern myself. As you know, I had fallen ill to malaria on my travels to Africa and the Orient, as well as to the Middle East, and suffered some weak relapses over the years, after Asket had cured me of the illness. Such weak relapses still appear every now and then. But even though they are no longer bad, they are still very uncomfortable and even annoying. As a doctor, do you know what I can do about it?
9. You’re not even willing to let us help you.
10. But in this case, I think that you should accept our assistance; at least then you’d be rid of these vile troubles for all time.
In this respect, it would be fine with me if you could do something. How should the whole thing proceed?
11. You’d have to come with me into my aircraft; then, I can free you from your suffering, after which you will have no more troubles in this respect for the rest of your life.
In contrast to a new or mechanical arm, I’ll gladly take your offer. We can go into your ship afterward, however, when we’ve finished our open discussion. Then I would now like to raise the second question: since my collapse, I’ve gained quite a lot of body weight, namely 20 kilos during the first two months after my collapse. Since then, I have the greatest difficulties in decreasing or even presently holding to my weight of 90 kilos. I continuously starve my weight down, but as soon as I eat even just a normal serving, my weight shoots up immediately. How might this work?
12. You have to take many medicines, without which you can no longer live.
13. These are what boost up your body weight.
You already said that once, which is why I also told this to my doctor. But he said that this was nonsense because medicines would have no such effect.
14. That is a nonsensical statement that attests to the fact that earthly medicine is still very backward in its insights and in its knowledge.
15. The fact is and remains that medicines of various kinds contribute toward increasing the body weight.
16. Nevertheless, it might still take a long time before the earthly medical profession investigates this fact, recognizes it, and then accepts it.
So it isn’t a possible gorging that forces some people into obesity but just medicines.
17. That cannot be generalized because many people fall into obesity because they know no boundaries with food; therefore, they take in too much fatty food, which irresistibly increases their body weight.
18. The resulting obesity in this form has nothing to do with that which is purely genetically conditioned.
Ah, then there is also a genetically conditioned obesity? As far as I know, our medical science knows nothing about that.
19. That is correct because this fact will first be recognized toward the end of this millennium, as well as other matters that are determined by the genes.
20. Thus, for example, anxiety, sexual addiction, addiction to adrenalin rushes, addiction to extreme sports of every kind, addiction to the enthusiasm and fanaticism relating to the sporty or other achievements of other people, etc.
However, that won’t please many people. Can't they defend themselves, then, against the effects of these certain genetic things?
21. That is absolutely in the realm of possibility if the person consciously and willingly concentrates on neutralizing, altering, or dissolving the genetic effects, which can usually be done in a mild way by the fact that distance is taken and achieved from those things that are the reason for the enthusiasm or fanaticism.
22. The best way to do this is through a healthy self-initiative, through which things are personally done, actions are accomplished, or businesses are conducted, and so on, which require one’s own logical thinking as well as one’s own motivations and strengths, by what means successes are produced.
23. Thus, the effects of the genes are canceled by this and can be changed for the better.
But on the other hand, earthly genetic researchers, etc. say that this isn’t possible.
24. That represents an erroneous assertion.
25. At a later date, this statement of truth will have to have its rightful place, which won’t be too far away because the initial findings of relevant kinds will already disprove the old conventional and erroneous conclusions in a few years.
How is it, then, with carelessness and contempt for life, as this appears, for example, with extreme athletes?
26. That is also genetically conditioned.
Apparently, the brain acids are impaired by these genetic influences, and this then destructively spreads to the thoughts. Is that possible?
27. That is not only possible but actually the case.
28. Yet now, my friend, it’s time again that we end our conversation.
29. You look very worn out again.
30. Then until the next visit, which will only be on the 3rd of February of next year.
As you wish. Then until we meet again, and give everyone my best regards.
31. But now, you should still come into my aircraft, so that I can free you from your suffering.
Oh yes, of course. Then let’s go. But wait, I still have a question. My malaria dates back a long time ago, but I still have to struggle again and again with sporadic attacks. Is that normal?
32. Not really, for such a phenomenon only appears in the absence of complete healing, and this happened because a new infection was given when the rest of the healing process expired.
So that means that I was newly infected toward the end of the healing process, when Asket cured me. But how was that possible since at that time, I no longer resided in Africa but in India?
33. That isn’t surprising because the "Anopheles maculipennis" has already spread for a long time even in the Far and Near East as well as in Western Asia and so on.
34. Also in Europe, the insect has acclimated itself; therefore, soon also in the northern regions of the planet, it will begin its spreading of malaria.
35. This should last until about the turn of the millennium, before the first cases will occur.
However, the malarial mosquito, respectively the "Anopheles maculipennis," is accustomed to a warm or even hot climate. How is it, then, that this beast suddenly also appears in cold Europe?
36. Due to the stupidity and negligence of the people, who import, from anywhere in the world, food and other commodities, in which insects as well as scorpions, spiders, and snakes and other creatures are often contained, and these then become reintroduced via the imported goods and then slowly acclimate, mutate, and spread themselves.
The malarial mosquito is also called the "fever mosquito" and mainly appears from April to October in a malaria-spreading form. It is about 6 to 8 mm long and is a so-called labial palp. Its wings are scaly and its proboscis is, as far as I know, a little shorter than its entire body. The wings have small, dark spots.
37. That is correct.
38. This insect is a mosquito that appears in forests and in open areas rather frequently, but it is rarer than other mosquitoes, such as the "Aedes spp." and the “Culex pipiens” kinds.
39. The "Anopheles maculipennis" is easily distinguished from other mosquitoes in its posture alone.
40. It holds its body perfectly straight but at an angle to the surface.
41. The other mosquito species, however, bend their heads and proboscises at an angle from their bodies and, at the same time, somewhat parallel to the surface.
42. Especially in warm or simply warmer countries, the genus "Anopheles" has a great importance as a carrier of malaria, as you know from personal experience.
43. The malaria pathogens are tiny spore creatures that stay in the salivary gland of the “Anopheles maculipennis.”
44. For infection, specific developmental stages of the pathogens are necessary.
45. These are transferred from the mosquito’s proboscis and from its saliva into the bloodstream of humans, after which they then initially settle in the liver.
46. Then, they attack the red blood cells and split every 1 to 3 days into new individuals who, in turn, attack new blood cells.
47. Each time, a dangerous fever appears, which is well-known to you.
48. Also in Europe, malaria was formerly common, but then it largely disappeared.
49. With the new invasions of the "Anopheles maculipennis," however, it will happen that the illness becomes apparent once again, even if not to a great extent, at least not in the near future.
50. What exactly arises from this, the time will prove.
And how is it with the larva?
51. It has no breathing tube.
52. Floating immediately beneath the surface of the skin, it whirls with its mouth parts that exist as suspended particles to itself.
Aha, and to my knowledge, there are about three different forms or types of malaria, right?
53. That is correct.
54. One is called "Malaria quartana," then "Malaria tertiana" and "Malaria tropica."
Aha, and by which of these three types was I attacked?
55. Fortunately, by "Malaria quartana.”
56. A form that has become rare, but through which you still have troubles to this very day.
57. Since you were newly infected, before the healing process that Asket bestowed upon you was completed, the illness was able to survive.
58. But now, I will free you from this definitively.
59. So come now.
I will. If you permit, then maybe later, I will still separately add an explanation of a competent form to your remarks, if I find one in a clever book.
60. That will be your concern.
61. But now, come.
Malaria (Italian: “mala aria,” meaning “bad air”) feminine:
Collective name for the infective disease caused by the protozoans of the genus Plasmodium, which are transferred via a mosquito (Anopheles*). Malaria tropica,* caused by Plasmodium falciparum, Malaria tertiana,* caused by Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, and Malaria quartana,* caused by Plasmodium malariae are to be distinguished.
Development cycle and transmission: (see Plasmodia)
Distribution: Despite the intensive control measures, today, malaria is spread worldwide in the tropics and also partly in the subtropical regions below 2,000 meters of elevation; each year, about 100 million people fall ill to malaria and more than 1 million people die from it. Due to the increasing resistance of the Plasmodia against chemotherapeutic agents and the Anopheles mosquitoes against insecticides and/or through insufficient general control measures, the situation gets worse in many endemic areas. In Europe, there is an increasing number of imported malaria (see Airport malaria). There is an endemic occurrence in Europe in the Danube Delta and in parts of Turkey.
Clinical: A manifestation through the cyclic decomposition of erythrocytes [red blood cells] infected with Plasmodium; the fever that appears on this occasion repeats itself with Malaria tertiana every 3rd day, with Malaria quartana every 4th day, and with Malaria tropica irregularly. A double infection with a Plasmodium at different times or with different Plasmodia at the same time is uncharacteristic.
Fever rhythms: (see Quotidian)
The pathogenesis may be released through metabolic products, hemolytic anemia and hypoxia, as well as through autoimmune reactions of the host and capillary stasis, determined by the clumping of the infected erythrocytes.
Diagnosis: Microscopic Evidence of Plasmodium (blood smear, thick drops), especially at the beginning of the fever.
Serodiagnosis (indirect immunofluorescence test (IFT) and complement fixation test (CFT)), only for the affirmation of the anamnestic response to malaria.
Malarial Mosquito: Anopheles*
Malarial plasmodia feminine plural: see Plasmodia
Malaria prophylaxis (Prophylaxis*) feminine:
(English) Malaria prophylaxis – the measure for the prevention of a malarial infection, which depends on the development of the resistance of the Plasmodia in the various regions and under consideration of the contraindications against a regular intake of Chloroquine, Proguanil, and (short-termed) Mefloquine, starting from 1 week before travel to 4 weeks after the last possible exposure (incubation period), and depending on the necessary current chemoprophylaxis.
Additional measures for the avoidance of mosquito bites (exposure prophylaxis) are mosquito nets, suitable clothing, insect-repelling substances (insect repellents). The large-scale battle against mosquitoes with insecticides is impeded by the resistance of the mosquitoes.
Malaria quartana feminine: (English) quartan malaria
Cause: Plasmodium malariae, a now rare form of malaria: incubation period of 20 to 35 days
Symptoms: gradual beginning (prodrome): febrile seizures every 4th day (every 72 hours) and hepatosplenomegaly. Recrudescence after years is still possible (up to around 20 years after the infection and even later in exceptional cases)
Treatment: Chloroquine
End Result: Nephropathy (immune complex deposit in the kidney)
Prognosis: relatively favorable, as long as there is no renal involvement; unfavorable in the case of Nephropathy.
Malaria tertiana feminine: (English) tertian malaria
Cause: Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale; incubation period of 8 to 20 days.
Symptoms: first 3 to 7 days: uncharacteristic initial fever, exhibiting attacks of fever every 48 hours (every 3rd day) with 40 to 41° C fever and chills, critical fever after several hours, anemia and splenomegaly after a prolonged period. Recurrence (8 months to 2 years) is relatively common.
Treatment: Chloroquine; the elimination of exoerythrocytic parasite stages (Hypnozoites, Schizonts) in the liver by primaquine.
Prognosis: without a renewed infection, complete healing usually takes place after two years; not life-threatening.
Malaria tropica feminine: (English) falciparum malaria
Cause: Plasmodium falciparum*: most severe form of malaria with acute mortal danger; incubation period of around 8 to 12 (5 to 17) days.
Clinical: a very often uncharacteristic beginning: sudden high fever, chills, gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, dizziness, anemia, and jaundice (erythrocyte decay) appear, just like early swelling of the liver and spleen; often leads in a few days to death; while getting over the illness, after approximately 9 months, there is no more relapse.
Diagnosis: Hyperparasitemia (> 250,000 parasites/m l of blood), hemoglobin (< 4.5 mmol/L), Thrombocytopenia, Bilirubin (> 50 umol/L), Hypoglycemia (< 2.2 mmol/L), Creatinine (> 265 umol/L), Lactic acidosis.
Treatment: use quinine, chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, sulfalene-pyrimethamine, mefloquine, and halofantrine against schizonts; use primaquine to eradicate gametocytes, possibly together with a heavy process of exchange transfusion (erythrocyte cytapheresis).
End Result: gastrointestinal malaria can resemble intestinal infections; cerebral malaria with hemorrhaging and necrosis in the brain; capillary stasis leads to different neurological disorders, depending on the locomotion and magnitude, for example: paralysis, epilepsy, meningoencephalitic pictures, coma, and death; cardiac collapse and myocardial damage with malaria; end results: renal immune complex glomerulonephritis, consumptive coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia, blackwater fever: intravascular hemolysis with the following hemoglobinuria, often with a fatal outcome (anuria, coma, acidosis).
Pschyrembel, Clinical Dictionary