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Contact Report 304 (2001/6/25) 第304次接觸報告
接觸時間: 2001 年 6 月 25 日,星期一,下午 4 時 32 分
在本次接觸中, Sudor 向 Billy 提到:
Synopsis 摘要
This is an extract of contact report. It is an unauthorised and unofficial translation and may contain errors.
Sudor, you wanted to explain again that which Zafenatpaneach recently said to you. At your last visit you indeed came back again from your walk around the Centre in order to explain everything to me. But unfortunately it was not recorded.
Sudor ,你需要再次說明一次上回 Zafenatpaneach 到訪時對你說的事項;也就是前次你從中心繞回來向我說過的那些,可惜那次沒記錄下來。
3. That has its rightness.
4. So, Zafenatpaneach ordered me to warn you and the group members against positioning any electromagnetic wave, and microwave, devices in the vicinity of computers, because these waves can irreparably destroy all the computer’s data storage.
那就是: Zafenatpaneach 命令我警告你和小組成員,不要在電腦附近放置任何電磁波和微波設備,因為這些能量會破壞所有電腦中存儲的數據, 而且無法回復 。
5. Similarly, the electronics will also be damaged in such a way that a destruction takes place, whereby it thereby can no longer be repaired.
6. Still to report is that the electromagnetic waves/microwave weapons which are tested in America are able to wreak enormous destruction.
還要報告的是:美國已經進行了電磁波/微波武器的測試, 它能造成極其嚴重的破壞 。
7. In particular, weapons which emit the electromagnetic waves and microwaves are thereby mentioned.
8. In a targeted attack by these weapons, all computer systems can be put out of operation, for example, in clinics, in agencies of authority and in energy works, which you call power plants.
被這種武器瞄準攻擊到, 所有的電腦系統都會當機 ,例如在診所、政府與軍事機構以及在發電廠等等地方的電腦都會失效。
9. In America, several tests in this regard have already been carried out with such waves-weapons, whereby entire big cities were suddenly without electricity, which was then trivialised, by those responsible, with the mendacious explanations that technical deficiencies or weathering had occurred, whereby the electricity failure had resulted.
10. The truth however, is based in the fact that - as usual in America - her own people were betrayed and were abused for testing purposes.
然而,這實際上是反映了一個事實 —— 一如美國以往的作風 —— 為了達到試驗的目的, 她 背叛並虐待了 自己的子民 。
11. As a rule in America, these secret tests are handled in such a way that even the responsible ones of the government are not aware of it, as has occurred in many other cases.
美國一向是以這樣的方式處理這些機密試驗,即使是政府有關的負責人都沒有察覺到,而這種情況比比皆是 。
12. Thus, among other things - also with tests of radioactive substances and with atom bomb tests, through the quite deliberate release of radioactive radiation, and thereby likewise deliberately - human beings in large numbers were contaminated because they resided in the relevant test areas or were ordered to go into them.
就如同還有其他事 —— 像是:透過相當謹慎的操作進行放射性輻射的釋放,來作放射性物質的試驗以及原子彈測試。因此,大量的平民由於居住在相關的測試地區或者是刻意被安排進入其中 —— 同樣在縝密設計下遭受到輻射的污染。
13 Through the waves-weapons, it has also become possible - through the destruction of computer data media and the electronics collectively - that any desired national defence can be brought to functionlessness.
運用這些電磁波/微波武器 —— 透過電腦資料與電子設備的集體破壞 —— 任何規劃的國防作為,都可能變得毫無作用 。
14. However, the human beings can also be adversely affected if they are shot with these waves-weapons which are also already easier to handle and were developed as weapons which are portable by human beings.
15. Primarily, this is this factor whereby the human brain is heated, and disorders of the consciousness appear, as well as disorders of the thoughts and feelings.
首先,人腦會被加熱,因而造成意識的紊亂,同樣會擾亂他們的思想和感情 。
16. Thereby, the psyche can also be destroyed, and insanity - and ultimately death - can be induced.
Are Americans the only ones who build and test these devil’s weapons?
17. No. –
18. Russia and Japan, as well as other countries, also work in the same direction.
Unpleasant. Yet, as usual, one probably cannot change anything about it.
31. This unfortunately corresponds to the reality.
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英文資料來源 http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_304