Contact Report 853/第853次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年07月17日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年07月19日,星期三,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
So here we are back again and you can now talk about those things you announced to me.
Yes, good, but first I want to say that I have never seen what I saw on the lava coming up near Reykjavik in this form on Earth before in modern times here. In the past, many millions and even billions of years before, everything was completely different and really primeval, but what is happening now in Iceland is really what I have seen in this wise for the first time in modern times. And what will happen there in the future, and what will happen with the whole change of the Earth, that …
是的,很好,但首先我想說的是,我在雷克雅維克(Reykjavik)附近看到的熔岩湧出,我從未在現代地球上看到的這樣的景象。那是在很久以前,也就是幾百萬年甚至幾十億年以前,一切都完全不同,是真正的原始時代,但現在在冰島發生的事情確實是我在現代第一次以這種方式看到的。未來那裡會發生什麼,地球的整個變化會發生什麼,這 ...
… you should not talk about that openly.
... 你不應該公開談論這些。
OK, then I will not. – But this here in the computer, surely this is official and worth mentioning. Look at what I got from José in Brazil. It confirms exactly what the both of us have been discussing about the US fraud regarding the alleged first moon landing. Look here, and this film there shows exactly what else went wrong with the recordings. Here, I want to click on it …
好吧,那我就不說了。但是這裡的電腦資料,應該是官方的並值得一提。看看這個,這是我從巴西的José那裡收到的,它確切地證實了我們兩人談到的有關美國關於所謂的首次登月的騙局。看這裡,這部影片完全展示了當時錄製過程中出現的問題。在這裡,我想點選播放它 ...
– – – This is really very interesting. But what else is written in the email, I still want to read that, but then I want to go away with you and … –
這確實非常有趣。但是在這封電子郵件中還寫了什麼,我想要再讀一下,然後我就會和你一起離開,然後 ...
Dear friend,
An extremely interesting video for you.
News About the Apollo 11 Lie and Fraud: Light, Camera, Action!
Lies Just Have Short Legs.
This video will scare you, my friend Billy Meier. One more confirmation and proof of your truth. – Apollo 11 lie: Actually filmed in a secret NASA film studio.
Amazingly revealing, very short (only 0:34 seconds long) MP4 video attached here in this email of mine. Unfortunately, the video resolution is not very good.
It is almost impossible to find this video using Google search or YouTube search function. It is as if this video does not exist on YouTube or on the internet. It is really a very rare video and very hard to find. But today, after many years, I finally found it.
Please, my friend Billy, show this important video to our friends, the Plejaren, and also to all our friends from the FIGU there in the SSSC. Please, forward the video to all the people there in FIGU-SSSC.
我的朋友比利,請把這段重要的影片放給我們的朋友 —— Plejaren,也放給我們在SSSC的FIGU的所有朋友。請將影片轉發給FIGU-SSSC的所有人。
I want to see big smiles on the faces of all our friends and FIGU. As I would also like to see the shocked faces of the late Messrs Ernst Stuhlinger and Wernher von Braun watching this video here.
我希望看到我們所有的朋友和FIGU臉上露出燦爛的笑容。我也希望看到已故的Ernst Stuhlinger先生和華納.馮.布朗(Wernher von Braun)先生在觀看這段影片時震驚的表情。
"… It was the millennium lie, a millennium fraud without equal, ever made, best-specialised lie spectacle of NASA and the USA." – Words of Mr Ernst Stuhlinger said to Semjase and Billy Meier in Contact Report 357.
“... 這是一個千年謊言,一個無與倫比的千年騙局,是有史以來 NASA和美國所進行最專業的彌天大謊”。Ernst Stuhlinger先生在《第357次接觸報告》中對Semjase和比利.邁爾說的話。
Apollo-11 Lie and Fraud: Two Hundred Third Contact, 'Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports', Volume 5. Tuesday, 10th September 1985, 19:28 hrs
1. As we have already explained several times, the Americans' Apollo-11 Moon-landing on the 20th of July 1969 did not take place, because everything was a great designed swindle, through which the entire world was fooled …
正如我們多次解釋過的,1969年7月20日美國的阿波羅11號登月並沒有發生,因為一切都是一個精心設計的騙局,整個世界都受到了愚弄 ...
5. Further to say is, that the Moon-landing swindle is also connected to murder, and indeed in the respect that in spite of the duty of silence of those involved, a great number cannot be silent, respectively, could not be silent, which led, and will further lead, to arranged 'accidents' and 'illnesses' with fatal consequences, until the last involved person is no longer alive whose silence is not securely established.
6. Remaining alive are only those who are hypnotically bound with their Moon-landing lies, so they themselves believe that the Moon-landing actually was realised or at least that they have thereby cooperated.
Apollo-11 lie and fraud video also below. It is almost impossible to find this video with Google search or with the YouTube search function:
Salome and warm greetings from your ever ever faithful Brazilian friend,
José Barreto Silva
José Barreto Silva
Note Billy: Click on this internet address in the computer, because this is the film – from which NASA claimed that the footage of the moon landing was lost; but why this lie was spread, that is what the film here says.
比利備註:在電腦上點選以上網址,就是那部影片— NASA聲稱登月拍攝失蹤的影片;但為什麼要傳播這個謊言,這部影片說明了原因。
It is better to be eternally slapped by the Prophet Billy Meier's hard, only bitter true truth than to be fatally kissed by the sweetness and poisonous lie of religions of all colours and denominations.
Book of OM 32:1979. "To bury the truth, there are not shovels enough." *… and those who try end up digging their own graves …😉 (*note by J.B.S) – Billy Meier: The True Prophet of the Modern Age.
《OM之書》32:1979.「為了掩蓋真相,沒有足夠的鏟子。」*... 而那些嘗試的人最終挖掘自己的墳墓 ...😉 (*J.B.S的註解) —比利.邁爾:新時代的真正先知。
He who does not know the truth is but a fool. But he who knows it and calls it a lie is a criminal. – Berthold Brecht (1898-1956)
不知道真相的人只是一個傻瓜。但是,知道真相並將其稱為謊言的人是一個罪犯。— 貝托爾特.布萊希特(Berthold Brecht ;1898-1956)
The whole thing is really interesting.
I think so too. But look what else Achim emailed me:
Amazingly Prescient, Historical Quotes on Overpopulation
Confucius, philosopher (551-479)
Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, depress the standard of living of the masses, and produce strife."
Aristotle, philosopher (384-322)
"One would have thought that it was even more necessary to limit population than property …. The neglect of this subject, so common in existing states, is a perpetual cause of poverty among the citizens; and poverty is the mother of revolution and crime."
「人們原本以為,限制人口的必要性比限制財產更為迫切... 忽視這個議題,在現有國家中如此常見,是貧困的永久根源;貧困是革命和犯罪的母親。」
Tertullian, writer and theologian (160-220)
"The strongest witness is the vast population of the Earth, to which we are a burden and she scarcely can provide for our needs."
Nicolas Machiavelli, political theorist and philosopher (1469-1527)
"When every province of the world is so swarming with inhabitants that they can neither live where they are nor relocate elsewhere … the world will purify itself in one or other of these three ways (floods, pestilence and famine)."
「當世界上的每一個省份都擠滿了居民,以至於他們既無法在原地生活,也無法遷往別處 ... 世界將以這三種方式(洪水、瘟疫和饑荒)中的一種或另一種方式自我淨化。」
Richard Hakluyt, writer (1527-1616)
"Through our long peace and seldom sickness…we are grown more populous than ever heretofore…many thousands of idle persons are within this realm, which, having no way to be set on work, are either mutinous and seek alteration in the state, or at least very burdensome to the commonwealth."
「由於我們的長期和平和很少生病 ... 我們的人口比以往任何時候都要多 ... 這個國家有成千上萬的遊手好閒者,由於他們沒有辦法找到工作,若不是參與叛變並尋求改變國家,那就至少會對聯邦造成很大的負擔。」
Otto Diederich Lutken, clergyman and economist (1719-1790)
(Note: No image found)
"Since the circumference of the globe is given and does not expand with the increased number of its inhabitants, and as travel to other planets thought to be inhabitable has not yet been invented; since the Earth's fertility cannot be extended beyond a given point, and since human nature will presumably remain unchanged, so that a given number will hereafter require the same quantity of the fruits of the Earth for their support now, and as their rations cannot be arbitrarily reduced, it follows that the proposition 'that the world's inhabitants will be happier, the greater the number' cannot be maintained, for as soon as the number exceeds that which our planet with all its wealth of land and water can support, they must starve one another out, not to mention other necessarily attendant inconveniences, to wit, a lack of the other comforts of life, wool, flax, timber, fuel, and so on. But the wise Creator who commanded men in the beginning to be fruitful and multiply, did not intend, since He set limits to their habitants and sustenance, that multiplication should continue without limit."
Hong Liangji, philosopher (1746-1809)
"Speaking of households, the number of which … there are 20 times more than a hundred years ago … Some people may propose that there would be wild land to cultivate and spare space for housing. But they can only be doubled or tripled, or at most increased five times, whereas the population at the same time could be ten to twenty times larger. Therefore, housing and crop fields tend to be in scarcity, while the population tends to be excessive at all time. Given the fact that some households become monopolists, there is no wonder that so many have suffered cold and hunger and even died here and there … How does Heaven deal with the tension? Flood, drought, and pestilence are the means of Heaven to temper the problem."
「至於家戶數量 ... 比一百年前增加了二十倍 ... 有些人可能會說,有荒地可以開墾,有空餘的地方可以建房。但這些只能增加一倍或兩倍,最多增加五倍,而同時人口卻可能增加十到二十倍。因此,住房和耕地通常是有限的,而人口則一直處於過剩的狀態。在這種情況下,一些家庭成為壟斷者,許多人在寒冷和飢餓中受苦,甚至死亡 ... 上天是如何處理這種緊張局勢的呢?水災、旱災、瘟疫就是上天減輕問題的手段。」
James Madison US President 1801-1809 (1751-1836)
"What becomes of the surplus of human life? It is either, first, destroyed by infanticide, as among the Chinese and Lacedaemonians; or, second, it is stifled or starved, as among other nations whose population is commensurate to its food; or, third, it is consumed by wars and endemic diseases; or fourth, it overflows, by emigration, to places where a surplus of food is attainable."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer (1803-1882)
"If government knew how, I should like to see it check – not multiply – the population."
John Stuart Mill, philosopher (1806-1873)
"There is room in the world, no doubt, and even in old countries, for a great increase in population, supposing the arts of life to go on improving, and capital to increase. But even if innocuous, I confess I see very little reason for desiring it. The density of population necessary to enable mankind to obtain, in the greatest degree, all the advantages both of cooperation and of social intercourse, has, in all the most populous countries, been attained. A population, may be too crowded, though all be amply supplied with food and raiment. It is not good for man to be kept perforce at all times in the presence of his species. A world from which solitude is extirpated, is a very poor ideal. Solitude, in the sense of being often alone, is essential to any depth of meditation or of character, and solitude in the presence of natural beauty and grandeur, is the cradle of thoughts and aspirations which are not only good for the individual, but which society could ill do without. Nor is there much satisfaction in contemplating the world with nothing left to the spontaneous activity of nature; with every rood of land brought into cultivation, which is capable of growing food for human beings; every flowery waste or natural pasture ploughed up, all quadrupeds or birds which are not domesticated for man's use exterminated as his rivals for food, every hedgerow or superfluous tree rooted out, and scarcely a place left where a wild shrub or flower could grow without being eradicated as a weed in the name of improved agriculture. If the Earth must lose that great portion of its pleasantness which it owes to things that the unlimited increase of wealth and population would extirpate from it, for the mere purpose of enabling it to support a larger but not a better or a happier population, I sincerely hope, for the sake of posterity, that they will content to be stationary, long before necessity compels them to it."
This is also interesting, but what else I wanted to say: What I think regarding the call that I overheard over the loudspeaker of the telephone, which I also recorded with my recording equipment, you should not conceal this, but openly state it.
I cannot, because I do not have a tape recorder with which I could have recorded the short conversation. Consequently, it is not possible for me to reproduce exactly what the man said, which is why I am surprised that I am suddenly being called on my secret phone, and more often. How that happens is a mystery to me.
Word gets around in certain circles, and it is used for that reason that you also publish what is spoken.
How do I get into this, because I have nothing to do with being a mouthpiece for persons who explain to me by telephone what is happening. Besides, I do not even remember what the man's correct name was, like Salkobki or something.
Schabowski was his name. He did not give his first name. But regarding the short conversation, it will not be a problem to reproduce it in writing, because I can have my recorder repeat it for you so that you can write it down.
Yes – I had not thought of that. You can play it back for me then.
I can, of course, but I have to tell you that I have taken pains to secure your secret telephone in such a manner that nothing of … can be intercepted and it cannot be determined that any calls come to you through it. In return, I have endeavoured with the technology and help of the Trilaner to prevent anything of this from getting through to …, consequently also in this respect every effort and every attempt at espionage by … … … is futile. This, just as with the attempt of spying by … The … are not even able to determine that your telephone is being used, unless you use it personally from yourself or calls of a private-personal nature come into it. Everything is set up in such a manner – and this can and may be openly disclosed – that you can be absolutely sure, because the technology set up ensures that nothing can leak out if it is a conversation or information that is not private in the manner that it is telephoned in everyday life.
當然,我可以,但我必須告訴你,我已盡力保護你的秘密電話不會被監聽,使 ... 的任何內容都無法被截獲,也不會被發現任何電話是通過它打給你的。在這方面,我通過Trilaner的技術和幫助努力阻止任何關於 .. .的資訊滲透,因此任何對於間諜活動的嘗試都是徒勞的。這也適用於對 ... 的窺探嘗試。... 甚至無法察覺到你的電話正在使用,除非你親自使用它或接收私人性質的電話。一切都已經做好安排,可以公開宣佈,你可以絕對放心,因為配置的技術保證了沒有資訊會洩露出去,除非涉及的是不同於日常電話交流的私密對話或資訊。
But what you are explaining now … draws attention to this, which will result in …, as well as … … my secret phone being closely monitored in the future.
但你現在的解釋 ... 引起了人們的注意,這將導致 ... ,以及 ... 我的秘密電話今後會受到嚴密監控。
This will be useless, because the Trilaner applied technology is not located in the Centre, but …
That is reassuring, and so they can search as they will and fathom in the process, and they will still find nothing.
But now I want to play this back to the record:
"Yes – who is calling? …
Schablonski is my name, I am calling from Ukraine, and I worked in Germany for a long time and therefore speak German, and I live in … do you understand?
我叫Schablonski,我從烏克蘭打來,在德國工作過很長時間,因此會說德語,我住在 ... 你聽得懂嗎?
Oh, I see, sorry. Yes, I understand, Mr Schablonski, then I speak German. What is your concern?
Do you understand me correctly? I want to get out of Ukraine, even though this is my home country. Can I find shelter with you with my family? Me, my wife and two children aged 7 and 9. We are surrounded here by people who are Nazis and constantly talk about Hitler and the German Reich and how good it was. But we do not like that, because we do not think like these people, and there are a lot of them in Ukraine. And many of them are really attached to Hitler and the German Reich. And this Zelensky, the president, is a ruthless criminal and a war-mongering slimy straw man of the Americans. We must get out of here, for we are in danger and fear for our lives. Help us and take us in.
Unfortunately, we cannot, because first of all we do not have any emergency camps here, as well as the possibility … Boom – just ended conversation and hung up.
很抱歉,我們不能這樣做,因為首先我們這裡沒有臨時住所,也沒有可能 ... 嗡 —— 結束對話,掛斷電話。
So that was it, and I really could not remember the wording, nor the name of the man. But now everything is together because you were able to retrieve your exact record. Thank you, my friend. I should not be burdened with great thoughts about it, but it still makes me think. It is also …
這就是了,我真的記不起來具體的措辭,也不記得那個人的名字。但現在一切都齊全了,因為你能重播你的準確錄音。謝謝你,我的朋友。我不應該對此有太多的想法,但它仍然讓我思考。這也是 ...
You really should …
你真的應該 ...
… this is really tragic, but …
... 這真的很悲慘,但 ...
… it is now mentioned, so you should also leave it in the conversation report. But it is time for you and me to go …
... 現在提到了,所以你也應該把它留在對話報告中。但對你和我來說,是時候離開了 …
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