The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 4
Session 9, January 27, 1981
第九場集會,1981 年 1 月 27 日
None of us was ever greatly interested in previous incarnational experiences. Again, it’s easy to lose the focus on the present moment’s opportunities for growth if one becomes overly interested in one’s lives before this one. The one query of this nature that we did ask of Ra elicited an answer that seemed to support our lack of interest in past lives.
Jim 評論:
我們當中沒有人對於前世經驗特別感興趣。再次地,如果一個人對於前世故事過於熱衷,很容易會忘記把焦點放在當下的成長機會。我們在這個集會問的問題,Ra 的回答就似乎支持或印證我們這點,就是我們對前世都不是很有興趣。
I do personally believe that we incarnate many times, and that we fashion, through these cycles of manifestation, complex and meaningful relationships that root deeply within our beings. When Don and I met, he has said he knew for certain that we would be together. Since what immediately thereafter ensued for me was a four-year marriage to a fellow who wished not to be married, I once braced him for not having told me this home truth right then in 1962, and saved me that difficult four years. “What? And have you miss all that good catalyst?” he said.
Carla 評論:
我個人確實相信我們曾經一起投胎好幾次,我們在每一次的前世中都形成一些複雜與有意義的關係,這些多生累世的關係深植在我們存有之內。當 Don 跟我相會的時候,就曾說看到我的那一剎那就知道我們會在一起。自從那次相遇之後,我嫁給另外一個人,有四年的婚姻,嫁給一個其實不想結婚的男人。有一次我怪 Don 為什麼不早點在1965 年就告訴我這家鄉的真理呢?那麼我就不用經歷那艱難的四年。 Don 就回答說:“什麼!?這樣妳就會錯過所有美好的催化劑。”
Both Donald and Jim had a loving and generous regard of me that is amazing unless one introduces the concept of previous connections. I have no doubt that we have served together before, in other lives and other times. An interesting bit of possible past history was expressed years ago to Jim in a psychic reading: it was suggested that in the American great plains frontier of the nineteenth century, Don and Jim were brothers living together as farmers. I was Jim’s child, Don’s nephew, and I lived only to the age of five, being sickly from birth. This was suggested as being preparation for their taking care of me in this life, as I dealt with disability, limitation and especially psychic greeting during the time of the Ra contact. It rings true at some level with me. However, I also feel that we do not need to know anything of our past associations in order to learn and serve together at this present moment. We have all we need to meet the present moment. The rest is just details.
Don 與Jim 對我都十分慷慨與關愛。這是很驚人的,因為如果一個人沒去想到所謂前世的關連,就很難想像會有這麼緊密的連結。所以我毫無疑問地相信我們曾經在好幾個前世一起服務過,可能包括好幾個前世。關於可能的過去歷史有趣的一點是有次我和Jim 接受一位靈媒的解讀,報告的時空背景是19 世紀的美國大西部,Don 與Jim 是兄弟,以耕田維生。我是Jim 的小孩,Don 的外甥,我從出生就體弱多病,在那世只活到5 歲。這似乎是給他們的預備功課,好讓他們在此生懂得怎麼照顧我。因為我在此生我必須面臨殘障與肉體的侷限,以及所謂心靈的致意或者說超心靈攻擊,特別在接觸Ra 的這段期間。
Session 9, January 27, 1981
第九場集會,1981 年1 月27 日
Questioner: Is it possible for you to tell us anything about our past experiences, our past incarnations before this incarnation?
Ra: I am Ra. It is possible. However, such information as this is carefully guarded by your mind/body/spirit being totality so that your present space/time experiences will be undiluted.
RA︰我是 Ra。這是可能的。然而,由於這種資訊被你們的心/身/靈存有全體仔細地守護著,好讓你們目前的空間/時間經驗不會被稀釋。
Let us scan for harmless material for your beingness. I am, in the distortion of desire for your freedom from preconception, able to speak only generally.
There have been several times when this group worked and dwelt together. The relationships varied. There is balanced karma, as you call it; each thus teacher of each. The work has involved healing, understanding the uses of the earth energy, and work in aid of civilizations which called just as your sphere has done and we have come. This ends the material which we consider harmless.
[片斷四 結束]