
Contect report-CE-Bar

Contact Report 071第071次接觸報告




改進版本:N/ACatherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:20230619日,星期DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu






Semjase upon approval and after conferring with her colleague Quetzal presents the partial futurological estimations for 1977. Recorded partially on a prophetic basis and partially within the Plejaren programme of probability calculations and foresights.


This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU).



1. During the course of our conversation on the 6th of January, at our last contact, you asked me about various future matters, which I answered only poorly for you.


2. This occurred, as I was not, or not yet, informed about what and how much of the coming events of the Earth year 1977, as well as the subsequent decades and the third millennium, can be publicly revealed to the humans of the Earth.


3. In this respect I consulted with Quetzal, who gave me the exact values, so I may now in this way provide further details to you.


4. With this it is to be understood that my information is partly on a prophetic basis and is partly recorded in the programme of our probability calculations and foresights.[1]

然而必須要理解到,我的資訊部分是建立在預言的prophetic基礎上,部分是由我們的概率計算probability calculations)和預見foresights程式中記錄下來的。

請參閱《Future Of Mankind》網站對這兩個名詞的解釋:

ProphecyA description of a future event or set of events that will occur if certain actions by a humanity doesn't change the circumstances surrounding the event in order to prevent the specific arrangement of circumstances moving into the positioning necessary for it to become reality.
PredictionA description of a future event or set of events that is unalterable and unavoidable. Usually written in a partially concealed manner due to that fact. This is in contrast to a Prophecy which is alterable and avoidable subject to human intervention. And different again to a Probability Calculation, which is a different kind of measure, quantifying likelihood and chance.

5. Now listen to the values, which are of unfortunate hardship, worse than all the years before, and which you should quote according to numbers:


6. 1) Severest earthquakes, worse in their extent than anything since 900 years before, will shake the Earth from 1977 till far into the future and far into the third millennium and change the surface of the planet and its climate.


7. The number of dead will be much higher than in the last 50 years up to 1976.


8. Due to undersea volcanoes, new islands will be formed, whereby our analysis reveals that the first island of this type will emerge near Japan.


9. Existing islands and small parts of the mainland will sink several centimetres in the floods of the oceans, or get pushed up several centimetres, while on the mainland smaller and larger shifts of land will occur.


10. In 1977 all those countries that were already shaken by quakes in 1976 are particularly vulnerable to earthquakes.


11. Becoming noticeable this year is also the great fault from San Francisco to Alaska, as well as areas in Austria, in Switzerland and Germany, which will be affected by various quakes.

今年最引人注目的區域,是從舊金山San Francisco)到阿拉斯加Alaska),以及奧地利Austria)、瑞士德國地區的巨大斷層,這些地區將受到各種地震的影響。

12. Then also in this year the African continent and island nations in Oceania will be shaken by quakes, as also Russia, etc.


13. 2) Several volcanoes around the globe, during the coming decades, will spew out red hot earth in sudden and unexpected eruptions and destroy many thousands of human lives.


14. The beginning of these coming events will already take place within the next few days, when several thousand people on the African continent will be eliminated by a severe volcanic eruption in the nation of Zaire.





The most amazing video of Nyiragongo lava lake Congo Africa


15 .3) At the beginning of the year 1977, snowfalls will rise to exceptionally high levels and claim many victims.

3 1977年初,將有異常大量的降雪,並造成許多人受害。

16. Even large areas, which otherwise have no snowfall, will be covered by great snow masses and be in distress, by which enormous temperature drops will lead to very many deaths from exposure in many nations, not only in nations used to snow, but also in areas not used to snow and cold.


17. Due to the unusual heavy snowfalls, beginning already tomorrow, many nations around the Earth will be affected and it will claim uncountable victims, which will also be the case to an unusual extent in the coming decades and into the next millennium.


18. Smaller and larger villages will be cut off from the outside world, and even air travel routes of entire nations will need to be temporarily discontinued.


19. The end of the snowfalls and sudden falls in temperature/climate brings minor and major catastrophes, because in the entire world, avalanches will follow, which will bring much suffering and distress to the humans of the Earth.


20. In addition to many human and animal victims, large areas of landscape will also be affected, when they will be destroyed by falling avalanches, along with roads, railway lines and buildings of the humans.


21. 4) In the course of the coming decades and far into the third millennium, tremendous snowfalls all over the world will lead to very bad seasonal summers for many, many countries, for great droughts will occur and destroy seed and harvest, thus however also enormous storms and thunderstorms will cause havoc and damage worldwide, whereby also the whole of Europe will not be spared, not from huge floods either.

4在未來幾十年和進入公元2000年後的時間中,世界各地的大雪將給許多國家帶來非常惡劣的季節性夏天(seasonal summers),因為將發生大旱,會破壞種子和收成,也將在全世界形成巨大的風暴雷雨,造成嚴重的破壞和傷害,因此整個歐洲也將難以倖免於特大的洪水

22. 5) Due to the coming drought periods untill well into the third millennium, unusually large land and forest areas throughout the world will be destroyed by wild fire, and to a great extent especially around the time of the changing millennium.


23. 6) When in some places, due to drought, need and misery reigns, many countries in Europe, Asia and other parts of the world will be flooded by mighty waters, claiming victims, both human and animal, and destroying much of the land and man-made things.


24. Also storm surges will roll across the oceans, breaking onto islands and mainlands and claiming their deadly tribute.


25. 7) The world's shipping will be cruelly hurt by oil catastrophes, as well as by shipwrecks of all kinds, and claim many victims.


26. Whole series of shipping catastrophes will occur and cost mankind sums in the range of thousands of millions.


27. Especially the oil transport shipping is in the year 1977 and till far into the third millennium seriously endangered, by technical failures etc. of the transport vessels, as well as by natural forces, which rebel against humans' exploitation of Earth's petroleum, the interrelations of which the human of the Earth, however, is not able to understand and grasp, well, not even knowing them or not accepting them.


28. But the Earth is now ablaze in rage and defends itself, by which it again removes the deprived matter from the human beings, and in so doing, pollutes and destroys those areas, which are very important factors for humans’ continued existence, also for the nourishment, namely the oceans.

然而,地球在憤怒中燃燒並進行抵抗,藉此從人類手中奪回了被掠奪的資源,從而污染和摧毀了那些對人類的生存非常重要的領域,特別是糧食供應的關鍵要素 —— 海洋

29. The powers of nature, defending itself, have declared war against the human beings and hit them hardest, where their pulse of life beats.


30. Namely, when this is destroyed, then no living creature will be able to exist anymore on the Earth.


31. Due to tanker catastrophes, large quantities of oil are to be set free, which swim as mighty and all-destroying carpets on the water, contaminate the water, kill life-forms, and finally sink as a deadly and many-years lasting slick to the seabed and cover the shores underneath with a tough deadly mass and destroy them.


32. So the powers of nature defend themselves against the insanity of the human being of the Earth, in order to destroy him/her, for when the human disappears from the Earth's surface, only then will Earth be able to regenerate itself, which then however, may take thousands of millions of years and may put it back to its primal state.


33. But as this doesn't need to happen, the human being still has a small chance, if he/she rapidly discontinues all exploitation and thus does not exploit the Earth any further in the current manner.


34. But this means that an immediate stop of all exploitation must be worked out and implemented and at the same time a worldwide strict birth control and a minimum seven-year birth stop is enforced.


35. There is still time for the human of the Earth to save himself/herself, but the time for doing so has become very scarce, for no more than four hundred or five hundred years remain, to save himself/herself and to align with the laws and recommendations of nature.

地球人類仍有時間拯救自己,但這樣做的時間已經非常少,因為拯救自己符合自然法則和建言the laws and recommendations of nature)的時間,不超過四百或五百年。

36. He/she needs therefore in the course of this time to become rational and to learn how to handle everything, so that there will be no regress but an intentional progress.


37. 8) The year 1977 and all the times of the upcoming decades until well into the third millennium will bring a great deal of suffering through warfare for the human of the Earth.

8 1977年以及未來幾十年中直至公元2000年後的所有時期,戰爭將給地球人類帶來莫大的痛苦。

38. The abuses of the terrorists, anarchists, neo-Nazis and all extremist trends as well as power-addicted ones will also rise sharply and encroach upon new means for murdering, by which many humans will die an evil death.


39. The main causes of this are the second-world war concern in relation to the persecution of the Jews and the hatred against Jews, as well as the nation of Israel, created after the war, and the nations sympathetic with it.


40. All those who are not cooperative with Israel and seek their satisfaction in the related hatred of race, foreigners, as well as those of other beliefs carry the blame in regard to the coming and senseless shedding of blood.


41. Already, in the north-east of the Middle East, the concept of a worldwide swell of a pummelling war at the Persian Gulf threatens, stirred up by the plottings of a mad and power-hungry Iraqi, who will become head of state in 1979.


42. The day is no longer distant, when the concept becomes a reality and a worldwide multinational combat troop comes into play, when the destructive war breaks out, which already glimmers in the basic thoughts of the upcoming ruler.


43. This evil threatening event can only be prevented if the nations of the Earth agree with each other, and in unity dissolve the evil machinations of the upcoming head of state at their very foundation, thereafter all borders of all neighbouring nations shall be opened and a united government for the entire territory is formed over there and takes up its function.


44. This alone guarantees to achieve the long sought true peace in that territory, and to also maintain it, whereby however one must principally explain, that a united government must not be formed and applied in a dictatorial manner, but in a form of leading the folk.


[中譯者註:自1979年至2003年,薩達姆.海珊Saddam Hussein;或薩達姆.侯賽因),成為伊拉克的獨裁者,任伊拉克總統、伊拉克總理、阿拉伯復興社會黨總書記、伊拉克革命指揮委員會主席與最高軍事將領等職。

45. 9) The year 1977 will basically be a year of murder, at the grand as well as the small level.

9 1977年基本上是殺戮的一年,無論在規模上有大有小。

46. No country on the Earth will be spared, because many places will experience quite evil massacres which will break out and claim countless humans as victims.


47. Switzerland, too, will not be spared, even in other forms and to a lesser degree.


48. Murders and other killings of hatred, despair and revenge, etc. will rapidly increase in number, as well as murders in a purely criminal and sectarian form, which will also spread to the later decades.


49. Entire families, especially in the coming time period and beyond the turn of the millennium, will fall victim to the bloodthirstiness of the most various elements, whereby spouses will kill each other, as well as many parents will kill their children.


50. Trivialities will appear as justification for the bloodshed, and the murdering elements will even feel that they are in the right.


51. The judging bailiffs will be overburdened with all these coming events, and in their irrational naivety they will grant these murderous elements all kinds of extenuating circumstances, concessions and in doing so will promote the continuation of the series of murders.


52. 10) The year 1977 brings to scientists of all branches a great many new discoveries, which well applied could bring the human beings of the Earth a lot of positive progress, which, however, following the old pattern, are converted into negative values, bringing the humans death and destruction.

10 1977年間,所有領域的科學家都有許多新的發現,這些發現如果好好應用,可以為地球人類帶來許多積極的進展。然而按照以往的情況,通常都應用在負面的價值上,反而帶給人類更多的死亡和毀滅。

53. In the medical science, unimagined discoveries are made and great successes recorded, but also in astronomy, chemistry, physics, and technology, which in its entirety will continue during all the coming decades until far into the third millennium, that starts on 1.1.2001, which will unfortunately be contested by misguided persons, because they want to choose the last year of the 20th century, so thus the year 2000 as the beginning of the third millennium.


54. 11) During the year 1977, the scientists of one nation develop an extremely dangerous and deadly weapon, namely the neutron bomb, by which the respective nation will win the greatest power.

11 1977年,一個國家的科學家正在開發一種極其危險和致命的武器,即中子彈neutron bomb),擁有這種武器的國家,將掌握莫大的力量。

55. 12) During the third millennium several dangers from space are threatening, which however, I am not allowed to describe any further.


56. 13) From the next decade onward several new and so far unknown to the human diseases will appear, which have partly originated in Africa and from monkeys, however also from the unintellect and the incredibility, that all sorts of dead and sick animals and even human extremities are processed into meat, which is then fed to both carnivorous and vegetarian animals, which ingest the pathogens contained in the meat, as also the human, when he/she consumes the meat of these then slaughtered animals as food afterwards.



57. 14) Air travel will suffer an unusually high amount of damage and will claim many victims, indeed also in the coming decades.


58. These are the most important predictions for the year 1977 and for the coming decades, as well as for a longer period of the third millennium, in part based on probability calculations and on forecasts, as well as in a small part on prophetic statements.


59. To explain more about it officially, I am not permitted, so I have to leave it here with only this.


60. Use the statements in a good manner and make them, according to the necessity, known to the governments of the Earth as well.





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