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Contact Report 033     第033次接觸報告


FIGU, Hinterschmidrüti 1225, 8495 Schmidrüti, Switzerland

瑞士FIGU總部,位於Hinterschmidrüti 1225, 8495 Schmidrüti

Synopsis   摘要

They talk about the Giza Intelligences and the Bermuda Triangle, Christianity, Satan, God, Angels, as well as the laws of nature i.e. the naturally occuring laws found in nature.

SemjaseBilly他們談到有關吉薩精靈Giza Intelligences)、百慕達三角Bermuda Triangle)、基督教撒旦Satan)、上帝天使等話題,以及自然法則laws of nature);也就是在自然界中自然發生的法則。

This is the entire contact report.



1. You have tried to call me several times yesterday.


2. Unfortunately I could not respond, because there were very important things to do, which tolerated no delay.



I realised that too, since you brushed me off so easily. What did you have to do then, that was so terribly important? I too, had something which seemed important to me. On the night of the Wednesday, on 10th of September at 20:45, we observed a very large orange-red coloured object. Seen from my house, it seemed to have about a 1.2 to 1.4 metre diameter, and it clearly was a spherical shaped object. After a few minutes the thing disappeared into a black and apparently artificial cloud. Then at 21:15 I was able to see the object towards the southeast again. The object’s light was very bright this time, and it painted the sky a very strange violet-red-blue. There was enough light from this for me to be able to film the object, which jumped around like a wandering light. Then it suddenly dropped very low and simply hung in the air, near the Bachtel hills. I was also able to film that. Then it shot like a bullet towards the east, and then abruptly returned and came very close, and began to pulsate in a strong light. With this the sky lost its peculiar colour, and then the object started jumping around like crazy again. I was able to film it again, but then it vanished from the viewfinder.

我也意識到了這一點,因為你就這麼輕易把我忽略了。妳在忙些什麼,有那麼的重要?而我也有一些對我來說似乎很重要的事情。在910日星期三的晚上2045分,我們觀察到一個非常大的橙色物體。從我的房子裡看,它的直徑大約在1.21.4公尺之間,它顯然是一個球形的物體。幾分鐘後,這東西消失在一片黑色的但顯然是人造的雲霧之中。然後在2115分,我又能看到這個物體向東南方向移動。這次它的光線非常明亮,把天空照亮成了一種非常奇怪的紫羅蘭紅藍色。我有足夠的光線可以拍攝這個物體,它像遊蕩的光一樣跳了起來。然後它突然下降得很低,只是掛在空中,靠近巴赫特爾山Bachtel hills。這時我也能拍到它,然後它又像一顆子彈一樣向東方射來,再突然回來,然後又非常靠近,開始在強烈的光線下跳動。由於這樣,天空失去了它獨特的顏色,然後物體又開始瘋狂地跳來跳去。當時我又把它拍下來,但後來它便從取景窗裡消失了。

I only hope that the film comes out well; but I will only find out after it is revealed. What I am wondering about now is this: Was this object a beamship, was it one of your own or a foreign object? If it was one of your own, why did you let it appear so openly, that it could also be seen by others? And why do you suddenly come around here with such large ships, since you told me that you would only come here with large ships in the event of an emergency? That thing must have had at least 600 to 700 metres of diameter, if I estimated the distance between me and the ship correctly, which should have been around 20 kilometres at most. Last night I observed the object again at 21:00, as it hung in the air very far away, in the vicinity of the Rigi mountain. This mountain is visible from my house in the southwesterly direction. What is it now with this object and why does it float exactly here in this area?

我只希望這卷膠卷能正常洗出來;但只有在它能顯像之後才會發現是什麼,而我現在想知道的是:這個物體顯然是艘光船beamship;通譯作飛船),然而是你們的還是其他外星人的?如果是你們自己的,為什麼會讓它如此公開地出現?因為這也可能被別人看到,既然妳告訴我,只有在緊急情況下妳才會帶著大船來這裡,而為什麼突然帶著這麼大的飛船來到這裡?如果我正確地估計,那東西的直徑肯定至少有600700公尺,我和船之間的距離最多應該是20公里左右。昨晚2130分,我又觀察了一下這個物體,因為它掛在很遠的空中,就在吉山Rigi mountain)附近。從我家西南方向可以看到這座山。現在這個物體是什麼,為什麼它正好漂浮在這個區域?


3. That was precisely the reason.


4. We were so busy with this object that you observed, that I really could not talk to you, and had to ask you to wait.


5. The object which appeared yesterday and the day before yesterday was the same that you had already photographed on the evening of the 20th of April.


6. This however was not a beamship, as you assumed, but a small spaceship.


7. It also did not belong to us, but to other and rather unfriendly intelligences.


8. These strive very much to interfere with our work and maybe even to destroy it.


9. They have been particularly interested in you for months, because they want to get you into their custody.


10. The reason for this is the following:


11. These intelligences are striving to bring the planet Earth and its humanity under their sovereignty.


12. For this they make use of very unfair means, and don't even shy away from human abductions.


13. They are one of those groups which operate with the earthly religions, and which successfully profit from it, as unenlightened Earth humans get into connection with them and become religiously influenced.


14. Misled by these intrigues, the deceived contact persons then work unconsciously for the evil purposes of these troublemakers, and step by step they slowly bring them closer toward their goal.


15. This goal is namely, the domination of the folks of Earth, which these intelligences have already been working towards for thousands of years.


16. Unfortunately, the deceived ones often come out of their silence, and spread the religion-induced misguidances that these ill-intentioned liars have given to them.


17. And they achieve great success through this, as you already well enough know, because the Earth human is exceptionally strongly trapped in unreal religiose paths.



That is known to me, but what does this have to do with these “birds”? To which group do they belong? Are they perhaps members of the “pyramid moles”?

這是我所知道的,但這與這些飛行物”有什麼關係呢?他們屬於哪個群體?他們可能是“金字塔爪牙”pyramid moles)的成員嗎?


18. If you mean the Giza intelligences, then I confirm it.

如果你指的是吉薩精靈Giza intelligences),那麼我證實正是他們

[中譯者註:所謂「吉薩精靈」(Giza intelligences),又稱為The Bafath,他們是自古以來就渴望獲得到地球人類統治霸權的一群人(a group of humans;來自外文明)。


(資料譯自:Future Of Mankind)]


I almost came to that conclusion from your words, but what do these guys want from me then? You already told me that they were a danger to me.



19. They surely are a danger, and a very large one which you must not underestimate.


20. They know the history of your life and your task very precisely.


21. They know that you must enlighten folks as the Prophet of the Truth, and that you must bring back the true spiritual teaching.


22. This represents an enormous danger for them, because through it, the modern age human will sooner or later abandon religion, and will then seek the true religion in association with the Relegeon, because they will in other words, find and recognise the real truth.


23. As a result, these evil intelligences would naturally be hindered in the execution of their domineering plans, and their very long term enterprises would be put into question.


24. Their previous mode of operation, to secretly work with the false religions, was and still is their only way to achieve their goal and to appear as Gods and Angels.


25. They do not have another possibility, because they know very well that if they were to take by force, dominion over the Earth and its inhabitants, the Earth folks would recognise the truth, and rebel against it by all possible means and fight back.


26. A war would become inevitable, but this is something that these intelligences couldn’t afford, because they number only a few thousand beings.


27. Their technology is very outdated and they must fear the terrestrial explosion weapons in every respect.


28. Because of this, nowadays they would even be less able to involve themselves in a war with the Earth humans, than they would have in previous times.


29. Their only possibility is to drive humanity into the final madness of their religions, in order to appear as Gods and Angels and take over the dominion of the Earth for themselves as they once did, before they were displaced again.



Girl, that is great, then perhaps there will still be some pretty nice fireworks one day.



30. This possibility is still open, and it all depends on whether the Earth human will embrace reason in religious matters or not.


31. We have already been striving for a long time for a termination of the progress of these intelligences, and we are also capable of putting them in their place.


32. For a few months now, they have been trying to abduct you, to stop you from promulgating the truth.


33. With their appearance, they hope that you would let yourself be tempted to move to a convenient place for them, where they could kidnap and deport you.


34. Therefore be very alert and do not let yourself be enticed into making unwise moves.


35. We do monitor these evil-wishers, however they are equal to us in certain things, and we have our hands full with them.


36. Practice therefore the most extreme caution, because they truly don’t shy away from any scheming.



Those are some really nice prospects, but I will be careful anyway.



37. Sure. With that you also unburden us a lot.


38. Continue doing as before and only come to my contacts if you are properly protected.



Of course I always have my artillery with me.



39. That is very good, because this equipment is a very good protection for you.



You make me smile, girl; this is no equipment, but a simple pocket artillery, a shooting iron.



40. It is a gun.



You and your damn logic, let me have my fun. — Hm, I think that when I write this conversation later, some folks will become excited, because many can’t understand that one can walk around with a deadly weapon.



41. That is only a matter of reason and of observation of the laws of nature.

這只是一個理性和遵守自然法則(laws of nature)的問題。


Tell that to the dear folks of Earth. It would be better if these things were not written down. There are simply too many, and ever more false-humanists and do-gooders, who think in completely wrong ways regarding the laws of nature, as well as about self-defense and the true humanity, and the true humannesses.



42. It would be wrong not to put these words in writing.


43. Besides, these problems only become such if they are not understood.


44. As such, an explanation is justified:


45. The laws of nature teach that only balance corresponds to the rightful course of life, as I have already explained.


46. A forcible action only finds its balance through forcible non-violence.


47. Forcible actions however, occur in endless forms and types, in very small and in very large measures.


48. A forcible action can never be broken through a proffered peace, or be settled otherwise.


49. A forcible action which has been settled through a proffered peace, continues to boil beneath the surface, and will one day break out as a forcible action again.


50. The negative can never be defeated through the positive, or be subordinated or settled through it.


51. This can only be done through a neutral positivity, through a balance.


52. This entails in itself positive and negative in equal parts.


53. So therefore, a forcible action must only be performed through logical forcible non-violence in a natural balance, and a forcible action that is executed against another forcible action must not be equally negative or positive, as the one which is being fought or tackled.


54. It must be neutral-positive and balanced, thus, a forcible non-violence.


55. The laws of nature teach that each life that poses a threat to the continued existence of others or of similar life forms, should be destroyed if it exerts degenerated forcible actions.


56. The human life forms however are Wesen who are endowed with development capable thinking, by which they are able to delineate their own rational laws, in compliance with the laws of nature.


57. Through these they are given the opportunity to evade the total elimination of life forms, by bringing them to a safe place by detention, from which the degenerated ones are deprived of every possibility of returning to society, as well as from the multiplication of their kind.


58. Under certain circumstances however, there are always exceptions where these kinds of laws cant be brought into use, and therefore there must be a return to the pure laws of nature, if the order is not disturbed in their operation, but obtained through it.


59. Under certain circumstances, the complete elimination of the life forms in self-defence cannot be excluded, if a threat to the life and existence can only be averted thereby, and it comes down to the maintenance of the continued existence of other life forms, as long as they live in correct form.


60. This representation and application of the laws of nature however, can only occur in a purely logical form and in absolute self-defence, and with a precise knowledge of the use of the laws of nature.


61. This requires a vast knowledge of the laws themselves and their application.


62. Which is the case with you.


63. The application of the laws of nature is also given in your case, if in your mission you have to strive against these evil-minded intelligences for your protection.


64. We will however be very vigilant and steer the events.


65. Therefore from your side it is only necessary to maintain extreme caution, and to be ready for any situation in which you will have to fight back to preserve your life adequately and within the frame of the laws of nature.



So you don’t think that there could be a single incident in the whole story?



66. The probability does not indicate this, but caution and readiness are appropriate.



I understand. So it’s just a matter of exercising caution and remaining alert, nothing more.



67. Sure.



Then it is no different from before, I only have to protect myself against this new aspect as well. And that may be a good thing to do, but in this context I am interested in something about which you may be able to give me some information: The pyramid guys kidnap folks when that fits into their interests. A few days ago I read something about such abductions, according to which especially in the Bermuda Triangle, folk are supposed to be being abducted by extraterrestrials in large numbers. This is said to have been the case for many years, and a certain Mr. U. v. Bernus from Gut Wüstefeld, 6441 Atzelrode in Deutschland even explains in an article by the number 13 of the “Neuen Zeitalter” (New Age) from 23rd March 1975, that the extraterrestrials working there are practically spawns of Satan. Contrary to this, a few weeks earlier I received an article about these events in the Bermuda Triangle from a group member. In this article, the events in that place where folk and even entire ships constantly disappear are attributed to a certain piracy of the high seas. Are you now informed about these things, and if so, how does the matter behave?

那麼它和以前沒有什麼不同,我也只需要保護自己免受這個新方面的影響。這可能是一件好事,但在這種情況下,我感興趣的東西,你可以給我一些資訊:金字塔內的那些傢伙綁架人們時,這符合他們的利益。幾天前,我讀到一些關於這種綁架的報導,根據這些報導,特別是在百慕達三角Bermuda Triangle),人們應該被大量的外星人綁架。據說,這種情況已經存在多年,來自德國(Deutschland;德語)的Gut Wüstefeld Atzelrode 6441U. v. Bernus先生甚至在1975323日的Neuen Zeitalter(新時代)第13號的一篇文章中解釋說,外星人在那個地方實際上有撒旦(Satan)產的卵。與此說法相反,幾週前,我收到了一位團體成員關於百慕達三角這些事件的文章。在這篇文章中,在那個地方發生的事件,民間甚至有整艘船都在不斷地消失,這些事件都歸咎於公海上的某種海盜行為。你現在是否被告知這些事情,如果是,事情是如何發生的?

[中譯者註:百慕達三角Bermuda Triangle;又稱魔鬼三角),位於北大西洋的馬尾藻海,是由英屬百慕達群島、美屬波多黎各及美國佛羅里達州南端所形成的三角形海域,面積約116萬平方公里(45萬平方英里),巴哈馬這個經濟仰賴觀光業的國家,絕大多數的領土位於這片海域或附近區域。




68. I am aware of these occurrences, but they are not in the least mysterious.


69. Tracing back these events to alien powers is truly nothing but nonsense.


70. Sure, there are certain things in the Bermuda Triangle that are related to extraterrestrial intelligences, but not in the asserted way.


71. The thesis that Satan-like forces and forms of life are at play, actually only arises from religious fanatics who seek in all inexplicable events, Satanic powers, in order to make a secret or an event explainable to themselves.


72. Firstly, Satan is only an imaginary product of your Christian religion, and secondly, this imaginary figure embodies neither darkness nor blackness, as is claimed, but light and the power of the radiation of truth.


73. The events in Bermuda and the Bermuda Triangle are traced back to completely natural things.


74. First and foremost, this place is a very suitable place for deep-sea piracy, as you call it, and such piracy events take place there again and again.


75. On the other hand, this area is naturally very endangered by gases rising from the seabed, so that many ships sailing in this area suffer breakdowns and often sink into the sea with the whole crew and passengers, to never be found again.


76. But certain circles use these Bermuda Triangle events in a religious sense and to their own advantage, and clothe them in satanic powers.


77. For about two decades these events, which so far remain inexplicable for the terrestrial human beings, were additionally exploited in other ways by certain religiously dependent and unclearly working groups of Ufologists, who attributed the events to extraterrestrials.


78. For them, these events were a found meal to feed credulous individuals with untrue and dishonest statements by inventing fantastically dark, satanic extraterrestrial powers, which are supposed to be responsible for the events in the Bermuda Triangle.


79. What lay closer to religion than this step, because like the unreal religions themselves, Ufology also had to have the form of a Satan in order to keep the believers on the reins.


80. Since Ufology was built on a religious basis and only functions in this form, it inevitably had to create two powers in this respect, namely good and bad, black and white, divine and satanic.


81. This was all the more successful as the extraterrestrials cannot defend themselves against such machinations because it is not within their competence.


82. On the other hand, however, a resistance is not necessary for them either, for such machinations gradually die out again; for the truth can never be concealed - and always comes to light again.


83. For many, however, as insane as it may sound, these unfair machinations mean a path of evolution through which they can work their way to the truth.


84. The paths to commit to the truth are very difficult and very diverse.


85. So if folks are religiosely biased, they have to struggle their way through such a religious path to bring themselves to certain activities, in order to gain the necessary knowledge at the appropriate time and to recognise their previously wrong behaviours and thinking.


86. The events in the Bermuda Triangle thus correspond to a purely speculative form, if they are associated with extraterrestrial intelligences.


87. You should be aware of that.



I almost suspected something like that.



88. Then the facts are clear.


89. In the future you will now have the task of writing down many facts of the actual spiritual teachings.


90. As soon as possible I will send you the rest of the report of the trip so that you can tackle this new work.


91. The time has come for you to spread it, which will be a very hard job for you.



I'm already used to this.



92. Sure.


93. Now my time is up again, because I have other duties to perform.



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