Contact Report 016 第016次接觸報告
接觸時間: 1975 年 5 月 3 日,星期六, 08 時 17 分
本次接觸有些倉促,主要是 Semjase 有急事要通知 Billy ,那就是(應該是受到上級的指示) Semjase 不得再輕易暴露她飛船著陸與接觸地球上植物 (尤其是樹木)的痕跡。因為這些無意間留下的訊息,都可能被地球上的科學家研究而發現一些現階段不該被他們知道的秘密資訊,若不小心甚至會釀成大禍。
Synopsis 提要
This is the entire contact report..
Semjase :
1. Do not find it disturbing when I so suddenly come to you at this early time for you, but it is of necessity:
2. Due to some inattentiveness from you, disturbances have occurred that I have to fix.
3. Your inattentiveness lay in the fact that you have moved too carelessly with film and photo shoots in the last weeks.
4. You were a little careless.
5. The consequence of this is that some people have become aware of certain things of which they are not supposed to have any knowledge, since they can damage our cause.
6. But there was also a carelessness on my part, because when I demonstrated flights to you for your film and photo purposes, I also paid too little attention to the surroundings, because I had to concentrate too much on my ship and your cameras.
7. So it escaped me, as it escaped you, that some people observed your efforts and wondered about your actions.
8. Some of them followed you unnoticed afterwards and then did research on your person, encountering things they would not have been aware of.
9. Thus, three of these people took steps to enlighten your actions in certain places.
10. This is particularly true of two places where you were able to take important pictures of my ship.
11. The danger created by these carelessness on our part is of less importance to you than it is to our cause itself and to certain research findings which would be made by appropriate investigations of your scientists and which would not benefit the people of your world in their present development.
12. These scientific research findings could be obtained on and in the weather trees that I have used as objects of comparison for my flights.
13. They absorbed radiation from my ship and absorbed it because I came into its immediate vicinity or even touched it with the ship.
這些樹吸收了我飛船的輻射 ,因為我靠的特別近,甚至碰到了樹枝。
14. This radiation, which is absolutely harmless to any form of life, lasts for several months and could be detected and analysed by your scientists, which would mean a very rapid increase in their research and knowledge.
15. But not powerful in things, they would cause devastating catastrophes, which we cannot allow because it would be the direct fault of our carelessness.
如果不處理這些事情,它們會造成毀滅性的災難 ,這是我們不能允許的,因為這是我們不小心導致的直接失誤。
16. But since our technology etc. does not allow us to simply paralyze the radiation absorbed by the trees or to remove it from the trees, there is only one possibility left, namely to eliminate these trees in the past, whereby of course all memories, written down documents and photos etc. are also eliminated at the same time.
17. There will be no remembrance of these trees in humans, exactly according to what I once told you about such eliminations.
18. This is the important message that I had to give you today, with the provision that in the future you should not be so careless about these things.
19. Be aware that everywhere there are sources of danger and that many people on Earth have anchored their existence very much in the negative.
20. This is also one of the reasons why we always make our landings in such a way that we cannot be observed, because there is always the danger of radiation being emitted, which could be detected and analysed by scientists if it were caught by anything.
21. Therefore, the landing locations must also remain largely secret, which must also be understandable and obligatory for your group members.
22. As internal group knowledge and possible research on your part, there is nothing wrong with our side if trust and discretion are maintained.
23. Now I don't want to disturb you any more in your work.
24. So live then …
所以繼續你的 …
[中譯者註:有關 Semjase 飛船著陸的痕跡,在 Billy 的相片中有多張呈現過:
此外, Semjase 前述有兩個地方暴露了她飛船的位置,其中一個地方就是之前 Billy 拍攝錄影的地方,飛船繞著一棵大樹在飛行。
影片中可以看到當飛船飛過樹的上方時,樹梢產生了震顫,因此後來 Semjase 將這棵樹移除了。 ]
Billy :
Wait a minute, Semjase, don't immediately withdraw from the realm of my thoughts, because with your message a big problem also appears. I made a film and slides at the respective places; will they also be destroyed? And what about my memory? That wouldn't be fair. Can you not make exceptions and control the elimination you have declared in such a way that certain things are not covered by it?
等一下, Semjase ,先不要立即離開我的思想領域,因為你的訊息也出現了一個大問題。我在各地方拍攝而製作了一部影片和幻燈片,它們也會被銷毀嗎?那我的記憶呢?這不公平。妳難道不能有例外,並控制妳所宣佈的消除,使某些事情不包括在內,可以嗎?
Semjase :
25. In principle, this is of course possible as far as your last question is concerned; and I could also justify this exception if you tell me that you do not give any information to anyone other than your trustworthy friends and trustworthy group members about where the two places mentioned are for the time being.
26. Under these circumstances, I would not eliminate the film and the images and your memories.
Billy :
I fully meet your demand, Semjase, but what about the memories of my friends and acquaintances, etc., if they already know the places? It would be really fair if you made an exception here, too.
我完全符合了妳的要求, Semjase ,但是如果我的朋友和熟人已經知道這些地方,他們的記憶呢?如果妳也在這裡破例的話,那就太美好了。
Semjase :
27. Unfortunately, I cannot give my consent to this, but I can promise so much that I will leave them a very wide unconscious presumption of memory, which will appear to them as something indeterminable.
Billy :
At least that's something, but now I have a question if you've already contacted me: You told me at the last contact that we should also deal with the crystals and rocks according to certain rules. I was now offered the opportunity to have these things sold by a very specific man. Shall we act upon that possibility?
Semjase :
28. I have expressly pointed out that things should only be sold and handed over to persons who are in conformity with your group.
But the person I was told would be an expert in the field.
29. It doesn't matter at all.
I was told, however, that this person was engaged in border science and the humanities and that he or she was well acquainted. He could also do analytical work for us.
然而我被告知,這個人從事 前緣科學 ( border science )和人文學科的工作,他對這個領域很專業。他也可以為我們作分析工作。
30. You may call the name of the person, because I know him through your conversation, because I overheard him as well.
31. I still have to stick to my purpose.
32. That may change over time, of course, but for the time being I have to stick to my purpose.
33. You can have the person examine the crystals and minerals analytically, of course, but only if the origin of the things is not mentioned with a word.
34. I must make this my destiny, because I have already explained that dangers lurk everywhere.
Whatever you say, Semjase, I'll follow it. It would still interest me, however, to know why you overheard our last conversation, in which Mr Jacob explained that I should tell you certain things about your negative remarks about him, which were valuable to him, because he could also have learned from them.
不管妳說什麼, Semjase ,我都會照妳說的做。不過,我想知道妳為什麼無意中聽到我們上次的談話,其中 雅各 ( Jacob )先生解釋說,我應該告訴妳,關於妳對他負面評論的某些事情,那些話對他很有價值,因為他也可以從中吸取教訓。
35. First, I was interested in your conversation as a continuation and transformation of the whole complex built up by my mistake.
首先,我對你們的談話很感興趣,因為這是對我錯誤建立起來的總體綜合映像( whole complex )的一項延續與改造。
36. It should therefore be understandable that I also overheard this conversation.
37. Secondly, I enjoyed Mr Jacob's remarks both deliciously and very much.
38. Even though there was a certain sting in his words that may have escaped you, they were words of honesty that he spoke.
39. I knew that he was very understanding, but that he would react in this way, that was not likely for me, because I don't draw on the view of the future for everything and because on the other hand I don't want to penetrate into his innermost things.
40. But I would also like to give him the feeling of my gratitude, because he acknowledges that also our way of life needs further development and we therefore make mistakes, which he accepts in the form that he does not become reproachful; in other words and in other sense that he excuses my actions, which were faulty.
Thank you, Semjase. I'm sure he'll be very pleased to hear your words when I send them to him.
謝謝妳, Semjase 。我相信當我把妳的話傳遞給他時,他一定會很高興聽到的。
41. It certainly will be, but now I really don't want to keep you from your work any longer.
Don't worry about it, but on the other hand, I don't have any questions right now.