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Contact Report 015      第015次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1975 5 1 日,星期四, 15 57



本次接觸中, Semjase 費了很多的口舌在解釋她也會犯錯,因為他們對地球人並不那麼瞭解,以後會修正犯錯的機會。而在談話的後段起,她談論到一個話題,基本上她認為真實的可能性微乎其微,那就是 所謂的 太空漫遊 astral wanderings ),又直譯為太空旅遊 astral joumey astral trip )。
而這在中文的意思就是所謂的「 靈魂出竅 」( Out-of-body experience ,簡稱 OBE OOBE ),又稱出體經驗。還有一個相近的名詞就是:「 靈魂投射 」( astral projection; astral travel ;或者星光投射太空投射),是出體經驗早期最常見的名稱。直至近年,「出體經驗」一詞才被超心理學家提出並成為標準名稱。

Synopsis      提要

This is the entire contact report..



1. I called you so urgently because I have very important things to say.


2. So please listen to me very carefully, because there should be no misunderstandings.



Speak quietly, Semjase. As usual, I'm all ears. While you're talking, I can at least gasp for air, because you've been rushing me through the landscape. – Up and downhill, through thorns and puddles of water I had to walk. Why didn't you just call me to the canton of Valais?

小聲點, Semjase 。和往常一樣,我會洗耳恭聽。聽妳說話的時候,我至少還能喘口氣,因為妳一直在催我翻山越嶺,上上下下,穿過荊棘和水坑,而我不得不步行。妳何不直接讓我去 瓦萊州 Valais ;瑞士西南部的一個州)呢?

Semjase (laughing) (大笑)

3. I probably could have ordered you further away, but I didn't find that necessary.


4. But it was important to guide you here, because here we are largely undisturbed, whereas in the wider surroundings of your place of residence countless people make their excursions today.


5. But now hear what I have to explain:


6. It was very clear to me that after yesterday you would arrange another debate with Mr Jacob as soon as possible.

在昨天之後,你必須再儘快安排一次與雅各 Jacob )先生的討論。

7. As I know you, I was prepared and prepared for it so that I could adjust to it at the appropriate time and follow your pronunciation from the beginning.


8. This made it possible for me to recognize things that I had hoped for fundamentally and seen in a vision of the future; namely an intensive rolling revolution to the conscious realization of Mr. Jacob.


9. I was a little surprised by the presence of his daughter, which was valuable to me and her.


10. From her, too, I have been able to recognize things that testify to a revolution in understanding knowledge.


11. As I was able to see, they only needed certain explanatory interpretations to activate the basic points of the conscious form of thought, even if both were not able to fully grasp this.


12. But I was surprised at certain thoughts they had, which they did not put into words.


13. These revealed many things to me which only became clear to me through this debate.


14. I have to admit that I am inferior to some mistakes that led me to wrong conclusions.


15. But you with your feelings have drawn the right conclusions and the right perspectives.


16. Obviously you are superior to me in such things because you can start from purely earthly aspects.


17. But I don't want to exclude the possibility that you can make wrong decisions through this form just as I can make wrong decisions with mine.


18. In the end we are human beings, albeit from different worlds and from different conscious and spiritual stages, yet fundamentally similar forms of life, which have to go the way of their evolution.


19. So this does not rule out that I also make mistakes, which I ask your friends and acquaintances to understand.


20. My way of life is in all things of the physical and vibrational higher developed than yours, but we are not to the degree of that perfection which would exclude mistakes.


21. This should always be borne in mind.


22. We really are not those beings of perfection that are so readily exploited by pseudo-contactors for religious gain, for these alleged beings of perfection are either deceitful and power-maintaining creatures who want to bring the earth-men under their thumb, which actually occurs in a few cases, or they are quite simply pseudo-beings that exist only in the imagination of the pseudo-contactors.

我們真的不像有些人所宣稱的那麼完美,就像他們為了宗教利益,輕易被那些偽接觸者 pseudo-contactors )利用。因為這些所謂完美的人,不是騙子就是掌權者,他們只是想掌控地球人,這在少數情況下已經發生了。或者他們只是假想的人物,僅存在於那些偽接觸者的想像之中。

23. If my way of life is as imperfect as yours, it must be understood that I am also subject to mistakes.


24. But if I subvert such things, then I call them open and stand by them, for it would make no sense or benefit if I concealed or denied them.


25. This would only be to my own detriment.


26. Therefore, I expressly declare that I was really surprised and pleased by the changing things of conscious realization of Mr. Jacob and his daughter.


27. But this does not exclude the future, as I explained.


28. As I only realized today, you have been aware of these things in both people for some time, which has spurred you to build up legitimate feelings in yourself in this regard.


29. But this was unknown to me until today, because otherwise I would have taken care of things from your perspective.


30. But first and foremost I have to approach all things from a very objective side, without feelings, because that alone guarantees the discovery of the truth.


31. That has happened in this case too, but I am inferior to mistakes.


32. I ignored the fact that you were able to study the people in question more intensively than I did with my short impressions, which unfortunately didn't explain everything to me.


33. My mistake is that I did not go deeper into the two, but only collected superficial observations.


34. This tells me that it is clear and absolutely obvious and necessary for the Earth human to penetrate deeper into him if certain things are to be analysed.


35. In this respect, we have to revise our provisions so that such errors will no longer occur.


36. But this insight now also explains to us some other incidents of the same or similar kind, such as for example the wrongdoing with your friend, who taught you the Talmud Jmmanuel, as well as the wrongdoing with the naming of the addresses of Mr K. L. Veit.

但現在,這次的覺察同樣可以解釋之前一些相同的或類似的事件,例如向你傳授 Talmud of Jmmanuel 那位朋友的錯誤作法,還有 K.L.Veit 先生要求位址的錯誤行為。

37. Basically, these insights are enough for your person, because through your emotional behaviour, which you have built out of an intuitive knowledge, we became aware of these facts.


38. We owe you our thanks for your merit.



It makes me feel like blooming roses in the middle of winter.



39. You can be proud of it.



How could I? I didn't even know I was conjuring up your error detection. It is also not quite clear to me how I actually achieved this, which means that sometimes everything is not clear to me. Sure, but in time I will come across the core of the poodle.

我怎麼可以這樣呢?在妳提出妳的錯誤發現之前,我甚至都不知道這些。我也不明白我實際上是如何影響了這些事,這意味著,有時候我並不清楚全部的事。當然,我遲早會 穿過獅子座上核心 (觸及事件核心)的。


40. Sure, if by your odd words you mean you'll find the reason and the truth.



That's what I'm talking about.



41. That's what I thought, because I'm starting to get used to your often funny idioms.



What do you mean funny? It's just simply 'in'.



42. Let it go, because I have important matters to discuss:


43. One of my statements today was that it is better for you if I stay out of your affairs, for you yourself can make better decisions in this regard.


44. Through all the things that have happened, I have to change the way I work, and I would like your help.


45. But these things should only be discussed between us and not in the reports.



I agree.



46. That's what I expected.


47. I now know that it is really better if I leave the decision about your group members to you, so I will stay out of it.


48. However, I would like to serve your group in other ways and help you in certain matters if these are interests for which I can be responsible, if I can help you.

然而,我會以其他方式為你們小組服務並在某些特定的事情上幫助你,如果事情涉及到利益( interests )時,我若能協助你,我可以負責處理。

49. I will come back to this point as soon as I have discussed another point with you:


50. According to my findings today, your group members lack knowledge of the 'how to touch' of a spiritual and conscious substance.


51. Although they are very willing to advance consciously, they do not know the way of that progress.


52. Therefore, in this regard, I would like to instruct you to accept her in a special way in this regard.


53. I can't explain this part of conscious evolution and its activation better than you can, because you are equivalent or even superior to my potential.


54. So take on this task on your own, because it will save us long and tedious reports in this way.


55. But I would advise you to record your explanations in tone, after which they should be written down, which you should do with all your discussions.


56. Uncover the basic factors that enable mental and conscious recognition and work to be captured.


57. This is very important for everyone.



I will be very happy to do that, but I am amazed that suddenly everything has changed so much. You seem to have thrown your whole attitude all of a sudden.



58. In a sense, you are right, but I have already given you the necessary explanations.



Of course, but it seems to me that you are now willing to go along with me, that every serious person has the right to develop in those ways in which he is interested.



59. Sure, but I've had this knowledge before.


60. But I already explained that the mistake lies in the fact that I collected only superficial data and did not penetrate deeper, because in every person certain secrets are to be kept.


61. As I was not able to capture everything, the predominant surface impulses gave me faulty impressions.

由於我沒能瞭解到所有的情況,於是主要表面的脈衝( impulses )給了我錯誤的印象。


So by this you mean that these surface impulses, as you call them, can hide other things when they are still weakly developed? And in other words, could this also mean that these surface impulses represent the actual conscious thinking in material-intellectual form, which are able to suppress the mental-intellectual forms and make them practically impalpable and unrecognisable if they are not yet as strong and pronounced as the material-intellectual form?



62. That's very well put, which I couldn't have done better.



Well then, please correct me if I should say something that does not correspond to the facts: If I have understood you correctly, then you have only penetrated into the superficial consciousness of the persons mentioned many times, and have grasped their impressions there, but for explained reasons you have also avoided exploring the deeper forms of consciousness, which to my knowledge also anchor directly in the subconscious, where all those secrets must also be stored, which you describe as the sole property of the individual person concerned. If that's actually the case, then I absolutely understand that you had to fall into a fallacy. For my part, I find it absolutely logical that superficial consciousness can deceive until a fact or factor is anchored in the depths of consciousness and subconsciousness as knowledge or as sham knowledge. I just find it illogical that you should ignore that factor. After all, consciousness is the actual regulating apparatus of knowledge creation, of the actual thought process, while the subconscious then embodies the role of the registering computer. If therefore doubts lie in the consciousness and such trains of thought predominate, then this does not necessarily have to conform with the knowledge or the wishes of the subconscious, in which the spiritual form also lies anchored, even if this is only the case in the most minimal form in connection with the memory banks.

那麼,如果我說了一些與事實不符的話,請糾正我:如果我對妳的理解是正確的,那麼妳只是進入了那些多次提到的人他們淺層的意識中,並在那裡掌握了他們的印象,但由於解釋過的原因,妳也避免探索更深層次的意識,據我所知,這些意識也直接紮根在潛意識中,所有這些秘密也必須被儲存起來,妳把這些秘密描述為有關個人的唯一財產。如果真的是這樣的話,我完全可以理解妳是如何陷入謬誤的。就我而言,我發現表面意識可以欺騙,這是完全合乎邏輯的,直到一個事實或因素固定在意識和潛意識的深處,如知識或假知識。我只是覺得妳忽視這個因素是不合邏輯的。畢竟,意識是知識創造的實際調節工具,是實際思維過程的調節工具,而潛意識則扮演了記錄中電腦( registering computer )的作用。因此,如果懷疑存在於意識中,而這種思維方式占主導地位,那麼這不一定必須符合潛意識的知識或意願,在潛意識中,靈性形態也是固定的,即使這只是與記憶庫相關的最起碼形式的情況。


63. I do not have to correct you in any way, quite the contrary; your interpretations are extraordinarily correct and demand honour for you.


64. If you find my actions illogical, then this also applies.


65. Basically, in this matter I started from the false assumption that illogical factors in the terrestrial human being would make certain illogical combinations of the same direction into a single power.



You talk as pompously swollen as the chief of the monkeys in the jungle.



66. I don't understand that?



By this I mean that no one will understand your drivel of a swollen speech, because everyone will pulverize his brain when he has broken his neck with your last sentence, dislocated his jaw and bitten off his tongue.

我的意思是,沒人會明白妳浮誇的糊塗話,因為每一個人都會被妳最後一句話扭斷脖子,傷到下巴,咬掉舌頭時,摧毀( puverize )自己的智力( brains )。


67. You've got an expression again that's got some meaning to it.


68. Yes, is the last sentence really that hard to understand?



For my part, I think I understand what you are trying to say; but, as I said, I only believe that, that is, I assume I know. But I would very much doubt whether anyone else understands that. If you say: "Basically, I started from the false assumption that illogical factors in the terrestrial human being would make certain illogical combinations of the same direction into a uniform potency," then I would translate that back into a somewhat less swollen and understandable language: "Basically, I have started from the false premise that the Earth human's conscious thinking in itself makes certain illogical forms and assumptions of the subconscious, which are in and of themselves directed in the same direction, a combination factor of consciousness, whereby a uniformly directed force is produced in respect of the fact that consciousness as a combination represents exactly what this consciousness and the subconscious have produced together as thoughts.»



69. That is exactly what I have already said in my words, and in much shorter form.



Wowwwww – but nobody understands that, Semjase. Remember that the majority of the dear earthlings are either consciously completely enslaved by religions, or that they can think in purely material-intellectual spheres, or that they are only able to jump over the barrier to the spiritual or have only recently jumped over it. How can these people interpret your words if you simply dress your high thoughts in acoustic or written words? Only a few people are allowed to understand such high interpretations correctly. Think about it!

哇喔 但是這對於人們來說無法理解, Semjase 。但要考慮到,大多數親愛的地球人已經被宗教完全奴役了,或者說他們僅能在物質智力範疇思考,或者他們才剛剛向靈性智力範疇跨越,或者才剛剛跨越過來。如果妳只是用聲音或文字來表達你的高見,人們怎麼會有能力去解釋?只有極少數的人會理解這些,要好好考慮到這些!


70. Actually, I missed that.


71. But this is because I can talk to you as with myself and that you can follow me.


72. Therefore, it can happen that I simply forget myself in the way that I only speak for you.



That's not so bad, because I can just wipe one out with the fence post every time.


73. What …?



does that mean? That means I can draw your attention to it.



74. Sure, you can.


75. But now I would like to give you an explanation regarding the help I have already promised your group.


76. But for this I must ask you to evaluate such aids and also aids of other kinds only within the group.


77. No non-group members shall be initiated into these matters.


78. I would urge all of you to maintain silence about such matters.


79. There are still very many groups that deal with similar things as you do, but the majority of these groups are unreal factors that are detrimental to the real truth.


80. Often they indulge in unbelievably illogical fantasies that lack all truth and reality.


81. They live in false assumptions of faith and false ideas that are eternally unprovable, alien to all reality and truth.


82. But there are also many conscious and unconscious fraudsters among them or in them.


83. Beware of all these, for they could become very dangerous for you.


84. Their influence in certain influential circles is often very great, which would be good for them, but not for you.


85. I would therefore like to determine in your interest that you may hand out contact reports and photos to outsiders, but not photonegatives, films or slide positives.


86. You should also only sell the crystals and minerals to members of a group or to persons who are absolutely certain of their suitability for the cause, but never to persons who are unfamiliar with your group or simply our cause.


87. You should give lectures and film slide lectures, but be extremely careful with the screening material.


88. There are already certain present and future circles and persons who would like to come into possession of the material available to you and who do not disregard even evil intrigues, lies and slander for this purpose.


89. So be very careful, for we could not interfere if you were to cause yourselves trouble.


90. But now I would like to talk about my help:


91. I have also followed with great interest today the one of your conversations that dealt with astral migration, as you call it.

我今天也十分關注到了一項你們提到的關於所謂“太空遷移”( astral migration )的話題。

92. First of all I would like to point out to you that since time immemorial countless people have always claimed to have experienced such 'wanderings' or 'journeys' or to have carried them out by freeing or using their own strength.

首先我想向你們指出,自古以來,無數的人都宣稱經歷過這樣的漫遊”( wanderings )或“旅遊”( journeys ),或經由釋放或使用他們自己的力量來實現這種體驗。

93. However, it is recommended that you take such assertions with the utmost caution, for among 1,000,000,000 such assertions there are only 2 to 3 which stand up to all tests and which must be described as genuine, but everything behaves differently from what is stated in the assertions.

然而,我建議你在發表這種言論時一定要慎重,因為 10 億個宣稱經歷過此事的人當中,可能也就 2 3 個案例是經得起所有測試而被認為是真實的 ,但每件事的行為都與宣稱中所陳述的不同。

[中譯者註:所謂 太空遷移 astral migration )或 太空漫遊 astral wanderings ),能夠想像的景象似乎如下:

影片擷錄自: DREAMSCAPIST astral wanderings part 3 2015


94. A very large, even the largest percentage of such allegations is thus based on malicious fraud and equally malicious deliberate lies.


95. Another smaller percentage is based on unconscious lies, as you have already correctly recognized yourself.


96. Such lies are based on fanaticism, delusion or self-deception, etc., because by 'persuading' the person concerned that he or she is going to make an astral journey, or that he or she has made one, he or she suggests this to himself or herself until it becomes a fixed idea and an illusion.

這種謊言是建立在幻想和自我欺騙的基礎上,當事人通過“自我說服”,不斷強化他/她將進行一次星光之旅 astral journey ),或者他/她已經做了一次太空之旅,他/她不斷暗示自己,直到變成一個牢固的想法與幻象。

97. This means that the sense of reality is lost and the person in question actually believes that astral wanderings are taking place.

這意味著現實的感覺已經失去了,當事人相信他真的經歷了太空漫遊 astral wanderings )。

98. If she then claims this, then she lies unconsciously.


99. As I have already explained, however, this is also the case in other areas of border sciences and the humanities, especially in the case of so-called medium persons.

不過,就像我之前解釋過的,這種行為也出現在其他邊緣科學( border sciences )和人文科學( humanities )領域中,特別是那些所謂的“仲介人”( medium persons )。

100. But astral wanderings are not possible in truth, that is, they are not reality in the conventional sense.


101. There are many different factors to consider here, too, for illusions can arise through self-suggestion.


102. Depending on the imagination of the person concerned, images of other worlds can be used, which in reality are effectively only fantasies and have nothing in common with reality.


103. Very popular objects of this kind are other worlds and planets.


104. On this basis of self-suggestion, past and future can also be drawn upon in images, which in reality are also only fantasy formations.


105. Very often the process of mental-intuitive vision, which can be unconsciously triggered in every human being, is also called astral wandering.

經常這種心智直覺視覺 mental-intuitive vision )的過程,能夠被無意識的觸發在每個人身上,而也被認為是太空漫遊

106. Image visions are also presented as astral wanderings, and many other things more.

一些圖像視覺 Image visions )也可以被解釋成太空漫遊或其他類似的事情。

107. It is also well known that a person projects his image consciously to any place and then claims that he has made the said journey.


108. At the place in question his image can actually be seen, but not in astral form.

在一些相關的地方,他的形象可以被看到,但不是以星光體 astral )的形式。

109. It appears more like a mirage, transparent, but recognizable.


110. Such images can also be drawn from the past and projected into the present or future, which can even be captured photographically.


111. This process is in and of itself very easy when the path is recognized.


[中譯者註:在本次報告中, Semjase 認為現實中不太可能發生所謂的 太空漫遊 astral wanderings ),又直譯為太空旅遊 astral joumey astral trip );而這在中文的意思就是所謂的 靈魂出竅 Out-of-body experience ,簡稱 OBE OOBE ),又稱出體經驗,是神秘學中,靈魂離開了生物的肉體,在肉體外活動的行為及經驗。還有一個相近的名詞就是:「 靈魂投射 」( astral projection; astral travel ;或者星光投射太空投射)是一種以存在着「星光體」( astral )離開物理體而能夠出體旅行的假定所詮釋的出體體驗。是出體經驗早期最常見的名稱(請參考維基百科有關 靈魂投射 的解釋 )。直至近年,「出體經驗」一詞才被超心理學家 Charles Tart 提出並成為標準名稱。
自發性出體 是靈魂有企圖地離開生物肉體的一種經驗,是否真有其事尚在爭議中。有報告指出靈魂出竅的經驗者在回溯出體過程中所遇到以前從未碰面的人或從未到過的地方,在調查後發現它們的確真實地存在。(請參閱維基百科有關 靈魂出竅 的解釋)

27 :【靈魂出竅經驗 02 】原來在外星有地球沒有的其他顏色!

影片來自:【 雙生紫焰全集目錄


112. In order to help your group, I would like to suggest an experiment in this regard, but I would like to emphasize again that this and other experiments may only be used for internal group purposes:


113. Everyone may still remember the 20th of April; so everybody knows for sure which clothes he wore.

每個人都可能還記得 4 20 日那天,所以每個人都知道那天他穿的是什麼衣服。

114. So clothes that were worn in the past.


115. My suggestion now is that you can take a slide photo in the near future, when I project some of you pictorially from the 20th of April into the present, in the aforementioned way of conscious image projection.

我現在的建議是,在不久的將來,當我用上述有意識圖像投射的方式,把你們中的一些人從 4 20 日投射到現在,你們可以拍攝一張幻燈片。

116. But I will need the help of the people concerned, because I am only the controlling factor.


117. Of course I will be in the immediate vicinity with my beam ship and steer the pictures of the people in such a way that people and ship will be co-exposed.


118. For this experiment I have chosen three people who, according to their development of consciousness, offer the least resistance; Messrs Liniger, Jacob and Bertschinger; this means that their consciousness abilities do not yet form any significant inhibitions if such experiments are guided by external influences.

在這個實驗中,我選擇了三個人,根據他們意識發展的情況,形成的阻力最小;也就是:林格爾( Liniger )先生、雅各( Jacob )先生和博欽格( Bertschinger )先生;這意味著,如果這些實驗受到外部影響的指導,他們的意識能力還沒有形成任何明顯的抑制作用。

119. The greater and higher the conscious abilities become, the more the person in question uses defensive conscious forces against all external influences, whereby an experiment could be doomed to failure.



You speak objectively again of the three gentlemen, Semjase, as if they were rabbits.

妳再次客觀地談到那三位先生, Semjase ,就好像他們是小白鼠一樣。


120. This is not out of malice.



I know it is, but it's just kind of affecting others.



121. These are things that resolve themselves.


122. There is no wickedness in my words, for they only name my clear statements.


123. Therefore, no one should be offended about it.



Okay, okay – just do what you can't help it. I'm not gonna complain about this anymore.



124. That just sounds like you're offended.



But it's not like that, good girl. I just think it is pointless to complain about such things when they cannot be changed; and that a complaint is a paradox when you yourself very often act according to the same norms.



125. Sure, that's right.


126. But now the time has come once again to say goodbye to us, but I will call you again myself in a short time, because there are other important things to clarify.



But then call me to China or Chihuahua, because these places are more on the way than this place here at the end of the world, where I had to carry my moped for miles.

那就召喚我去中國或者契瓦瓦市( Chiahuahua ;位於墨西哥北部)吧,因為這些地方比這個地方更接近世界末日,在那裡我不得不帶著我的機車走上好幾英里。


127. Can it also be the South Pole or the North Pole?



At your discretion, Semjase, but it's a bit lousy cold there, which I don't really like.

妳說了算, Semjase ,只是那裡有些冷,我不太喜歡。


128. Then I'll find something else to get you moving.



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中譯版編輯自: Captain Marvel 2018.7.30 網路 QQ 群)





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