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Contact Report 022      第022次接觸報告

接觸時間: 1975 5 28 日,星期三, 18 17



本次接觸在 Semjase 意料之外,前半篇幅都在討論 如何防止 Billy 在外力脅迫下,洩漏不該被外界知道的訊息 ,後來總算討論出並接受了 Billy 的折衷方案。
後半段 Semjase 再度 詳細說明 有關 來自地球上的各種寶石 (包括水晶與各種礦石珍品等), 如果不加淨化與中和處理 其實對於配戴者與擁有者都是有負面影響的 嚴重者甚至危及性命 ;這是所有喜好寶石與其收藏者 必須要確切注意 的重要事項。

Synopsis      提要

This is the entire contact report..



1. I am a little surprised that you called me again so soon after our last contact.


2. Have you already found a solution to your problem, or have other important things arisen?



My things are not very important, and I have not yet found a solution to the problem. However, I have forgotten to make you an important announcement, namely that Mr K. Veit wants to come to me on 2nd of June, perhaps also his wife and other people, of whom I am not sure. How do you feel about that?

我自己的事情不是很重要,而且我還沒找到問題的解決辦法。但我忘記告訴妳一件重要的事情了,就是凱.維特( K. Veit )先生要在 6 2 日來我這裡,還有他的妻子和一些朋友,但對於他們,我不是很確定,對此妳有什麼看法?


3. Unfortunately, I have not followed this matter closely enough lately.


4. But I know that a change of attitude in different people is preparing itself, apparently a change for the better, which will be very helpful for our cause.


5. But these things cannot yet be predicted in terms of time and effect, as various important factors are of crucial importance.


6. The most important point here is a strong religious, even sectarian influence, which certain persons, such as Karl and Anna Veit, must personally break and overcome in themselves through their own knowledge of the truth.

這裡最重要的一點,就是強大的宗教甚至是宗派的影響,比如卡爾( Karl )和安娜.維特( Anna Veit ),他們必須透過本身對真相的認識,親自打破並克服這些影響。

7. But nevertheless I am very happy to hear from you that the first steps are already being taken and that my assumptions are being confirmed earlier than expected.



I think you're tracking down certain things of importance in the future?



8. Sure, but only if they're really important.


9. But we simply have to let these things run their course and let time work, if it would be pointless for us to see the future.


10. After all, the point here is that different people steer their ways of thinking in the right direction and find the effective truth through their own findings.


11. However, we must not influence this by force or by revealing facts of the future, which makes looking at the future unrealistic in the sense that knowing the future does not benefit us because we are not allowed to exploit knowledge.

但是, 我們絕不能以外力介入或揭露既定的事實來影響未來 ,某種意義上來說,觀察未來是不切實際的, 瞭解未來對我們沒有好處,因為我們不允許利用得自未來的訊息

12. The future is to be seen only when the knowledge of the seen can find useful and successful application.


13. The seeing of personal things and developmental facts of any life form in the future should not be done because each life form must go its way of normal development and must not be influenced by knowledge of future form in such a way that it can simply skip degrees of development without living through and experiencing the necessary experience of that degree.

我們不應該去看任何生命體的個人未來事物和發展過程,因為 每一種生命體都必須走正常的發展道路 ,而 不應受到未來訊息的影響 ,也就是 不能直接跳過某個發展的過程,而不去經歷這個階段必要的體驗


I find that logical and the sense is also clear to me. It therefore makes no sense for us to continue discussing this meeting.



14. Sure, that's right. –


15. Yeah, sure you didn't just call me about this?



Of course not, because I would like to discuss something that we should have discussed long ago: After our contacts, you only send me our conversations up to a certain point. This means that you only 'give' me the main conversation, while you never 'send' the closing words, the farewell, the actual private things and also the greeting. Greetings, farewells and purely private things should not be important for people in this matter either, but we have often negotiated things that would also be important for my fellow human beings. I mean those things that don't fall under my confidentiality. – Can't you change that?



16. If it is your wish, then of course, but I didn't want to burden you with too much work.


17. Since our private and commissioned things etc. really do not belong in the reports and may not be mentioned partly, I could transmit the special things still discussed afterwards simply as an appendix.



That would be fine with me, and I would be happy to take this extra work on myself.



18. Whatever you say, I'd be happy to follow your wishes in these matters.



Thank you, Semjase. – But can you explain to me once why your mental transmissions always appear so stereotypical in me at a later point in time and that there are no repetitions of any words or sentences? These later transmissions of our conversations are so completely different than when we are in intellectual exchange with each other. I often have a lot of trouble writing your reports because you just keep dictating and never repeat a word. Your report submissions come into my consciousness just as we did the conversation. This often leads to the fact that I have to omit words or entire phrases when writing in order to be able to follow dictation in writing at all. This is not always the case, but it is often the case that I write wrong words.

謝謝妳! Semjase ,但妳現在能不能跟我解釋一下,妳事後傳送給我的報告為什麼總是顯得如此刻板而沒有重複任何單詞或者段落呢?這些事後報告是如此不同於我倆之間的心靈感應。還有,記述妳的傳輸報告常常讓我心力憔悴,因為妳的口述源源不斷,絕不會拖泥帶水。妳的傳輸報告同步在我的意識裡,再現了我們的整個談話,只是對此而言,我不得不在報告中遺漏一些話或整個句子,即使這樣我還得快馬加鞭才算應付得過來。歸根結底地說,我無法在妳源源不斷地傳輸下做到滴水不漏啊。


19. I have expected these questions from you for a long time, and I have wondered for a long time about the fact that you have so persistently remained silent about it.


20. However, I will try to make the necessary corrections together with you in the written interview reports.



I wanted to solve the mystery myself. And I think it's very good that you want to help me with corrections, because the contact reports should be correct.



21. So, did you – I mean, did you find the answer to the riddle?



I don't know; sometimes in your transmissions it seems to me as if your thoughts are a mechanical sequence, as if they were coming out of a machine. I always have to think of a tape that reproduces exactly what it has recorded. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that you do not carry out your transmissions personally, but have them transmitted by a machine or something similar. The reason for this could be that you suffer from the same evil as we human beings on earth, namely that you also cannot remember word for word what has been spoken between us or elsewhere. But since the subconscious potencies never forget anything and you can tap into them with certainty, you will do this with a machine or something, which then radiates everything to me. These are my basic considerations. Of course I can be wrong in all things, but the degree of probability of these considerations seems to me to be the greatest. These considerations would also be compatible with the fact that not a single word is repeated in your transmissions and that I therefore often have great difficulty in writing down the sentences and words coming in at normal speaking speed quickly enough.

我不確定;這有幾次顯現在我跟妳的傳輸吧,貌似妳的思想只是機械般地在運動,它們就好像是從打字機裡敲出來的。所以我不得不想到了答錄機,它可以精準地記錄並重現。因此我有了個推論,就是 妳的報告傳輸並不是妳本人所為,而是通過一台機器或者相類似的東西去傳送的 。原因可能是妳跟我們一樣,也要忍受人類同樣的麻煩。也就是說,妳在我們之間,或者其它地方說過的話,根本無法逐字逐句地保留記憶。但是潛意識之力卻絕不會遺忘,而且妳可以肯定地利用它們,妳會用機器或什麼東西來做這些事情,然後把所有的東西都傳送到我身上。以上是我深思熟慮的結果,當然我可能在整體上有部分瑕疵,不過在我看來,這些思考已經最大限度地貼近於真相了。正因如此,所以在妳的整個傳輸當中,沒有任何語言重複。相對妳的“正常速度”而言,我可是苦不堪言地去記述那些對話啊。


22. If I had not personally heard this declaration from you and if it had been brought to my attention by a third person, I would doubt its authenticity and first have to check it.


23. But I have heard them myself and know their authenticity.


24. Your explanation is very surprising to me and your explanatory logic of a kind that actually frightens me.


25. By the way, I should tell you that Quetzal is trying to construct a small apparatus that will allow you and your typewriter to write much faster.

順便我要跟你說下, Quetzal 正在努力設計一個小設備,它能讓你在打字機上工作更有效率。


Why does my explanation scare you? I don't understand.



26. You're going to ask?


27. Your explanation is so accurate that I am not only surprised, but also frightened.


28. Any abilities in you must have increased enormously during our contact time, which I will clarify.


29. This could become dangerous for the earth people if you openly express your thoughts in certain areas, because the people of your world, but especially the scientists, are not yet mature enough for knowledge of such facts.


30. They would endanger and question the lives of your whole world.


31. Did you also think about the details of the apparatus you mentioned?



Of course, because when I do something, I want to do it all the way. So I thought about the inner workings of the machine and came across the fact that it is only necessary to have a censorship-free …

當然,因為當我做某件事的時候,我就會一直這樣做。因此,我想到了機器的內部工作原理,發現只要有一個沒有 審查機構 censorship-free )的…


32. Wait, you can't explain that, at least not to the people of your world.


33. I told you this could be very dangerous.


34. Your scientists would be able to find their evaluation through this knowledge, whereby they could then completely subjugate earth mankind within a few years and cast their spell over it.


35. They would rise up to be gods and do exactly what we want to prevent.


36. I will therefore have to consult with the others and judge everything with them; but I suppose that our High Council will have to make its decision on this, because if we have to eliminate certain things completely, then we have …

因此我必須要和其他人協商,並與他們一起評估一切;也許我們的 高級理事會 High Council )將在這個問題上不得不做出決定。因為如果我們必須徹底清除某些東西,那麼我們就有了 ...


Wait, wait, Semjase – are you saying that you want to extinguish something in me? You could wait a long time for that, because then you would experience your blue miracle. It's not that easy for my mother's son to put up with.

等等,等下, Semjase 妳說的刪除某些東西,難道就是我腦袋裡的記憶不成?如果是這樣的話,那妳就要再等等了,因為太陽不會打西邊出來,而且我也不是一盞省油的燈。


37. Don't get excited because, firstly, I can't decide for myself and, secondly, you wouldn't feel anything and wouldn't be affected in any way later in life.


38. It is only a matter of removing the knowledge about a certain system of elements that you have become aware of through your reflections etc..



And you think I'll just let you process my brain into salad and let me voluntarily erase my personal ideas?



39. If that's how it's supposed to be, don't get excited about it.



You give me fantastic hopes, but I don't think I'd just let that happen.



40. Our possibilities in this respect are so very precise and of absolute security that you would neither be able to do anything about it nor feel the slightest bit.



But I would know that something is simply no longer present in me, yes?



41. Sure, because it only removes a certain factor, but not your memories.



Well, that's fine, then I could fight it after all. I guess that without my memories I could no longer fully do justice to my task in our cause, or am I mistaken?



42. Your logic clarifies the facts.



Then do whatever you want, because the consequences are to your detriment and to the detriment of your task. If you think I'm just an experimental rabbit, it's vinegar with everything.



43. What are you talking about?


44. I don't want to try or experiment on you.



What's this total damn elimination supposed to be?

那這該死的 記憶刪除 到底是什麼?


45. It springs from the knowledge and knowledge of a highly developed science of our breed.

它在我們種族的知識體系裡,已經是一個 極高度發展的科學 了。

46. The ability and effects of such total eliminations are absolutely certain and their precision does not allow for the slightest substance of uncertainty or vagueness.

它能夠 對所有與某些有關的記憶進行絕對刪除 ,能夠 極度精準不會有絲毫偏差 ,也絕對不留下任何蛛絲馬跡。


Then I'm not an experimental rabbit, but a prison rabbit, if you like this designation better.



47. I do not understand your agitation, because you will not suffer an iota of harm.



I don't give a damn. My mind is my mind, and that is exactly what it should remain. If you or yours disobey this, then I'll just shut down the store, destroy all the material and travel to the desert or jungle, never to return to civilization again.



48. You'd actually do that?



Exactly, and without any hesitation.



49. You would destroy your own task and ours?



Have I not made myself clear enough?



50. Now I actually don't understand you.



Do you really believe that I let my own thoughts simply be taken away from me when I otherwise have to develop my conscious and spiritual knowledge with effort and misery as a poor earth worm? Do you know me so little that you believe that you can simply erase my achieved ideas? That's fucking illogical of you, and that's exactly what I didn't think you were capable of. But you and yours can have it now we want you; either you don't radio around in my brain etc., or we talked the last time.



51. You're sticking with it?



Wasn't my lecture clear enough?



52. I just want to be sure, and I see your eyes speak the same language.


53. Your emotional vibrations also bear witness with clarity to the authenticity of your words.


54. I'm very sorry I upset you with my clarifications. –

很抱歉我的澄清讓你不高興。 -

55. Neither I nor the others want to jeopardize our mission or harm you in any way.


56. Therefore I believe I can also answer for it, if I make the promise to you under a regulation, d…

因此,你要相信我能夠對此負責,如果我按照一項規定向你保證 ...


I don't rely on things of faith, you know that as well as I do.



57. I want to explain with my words that I can certainly be responsible for not manipulating a total elimination if you tell me that you will never say a word about your knowledge to anyone.

我想用我的話來解釋, 如果你能夠答應我,決不會透露這些相關知識給任何人,我會負責任地說你不會受到記憶消除


I'm amazed at your crazy behavior, Semjase, because there's so much unclear in it. You know very well that I never swear hot and pompous oaths, but that a yes or no with me answers a question decisively. So why don't you ask me at the beginning whether I want to keep silent about the facts mentioned or not, to which you would then have received the corresponding answer, namely that I am silent, if you consider this to be good. Then why are you throwing skyscrapers at me and threatening me, so to speak, with a total elimination of the knowledge in question? That's incomprehensible to me.

Semjase 啊,妳的行為舉止在這件事情上是如此地迷惑混濁,妳非常清楚我絕不會洩露消息和違背自己的誓言。我能夠給妳一個肯定的答覆,而妳要做的只是問我是或者不是就可以了。為什麼妳開始的時候不問一下我?在這些問題上我會不會保持沉默,然後妳就會得到我確切的答案了。如果妳覺得我需要保持沉默比較好,那麼我會欣然接受。為什麼妳馬上就給我建起一座高大的圍牆,甚至在某種程度上威脅我,要刪除掉相關的知識呢?這實在令我費解!


58. It would have been easy for you to understand if you hadn't played up your excitement.


59. You would have come across the logic of my statements.


60. But now that you can't do that, I want to explain it to you:


61. The total elimination of the knowledge factor was only well meant by me, because you would no longer be exposed to any dangers.

完全消除知識因素只是我的好意 因為這將使你不再面臨任何危險

62. If you no longer had the knowledge, then nobody would ever be able to elicit it from you – not even with violence, which unfortunately must be reckoned with, because this possibility must also be taken into consideration.

如果你沒有這方面的知識,那麼你也不會受到任何人的刺探 強制也沒用。但很不幸,目前的你必須要估算一下,這種可能性必須要納入考慮。

63. You have now given me your word that you will keep silence about your knowledge, and I know that this corresponds to your honesty.


64. In this form, however, you could be coaxed from your knowledge through coercion and violence, without you wanting to do so.

但是在某些情況下,你可能會在暴力脅迫下被誘騙說出你所知的部分 而這也不是你想要發生的。

65. This means a factor of uncertainty that would be eliminated by total elimination.

這就意味著 一個不穩定因素的存在 ,所以 我才考慮到完全刪除與之相關的記憶

66. It could be that the ma…

然後,假如別 ...


Wait a minute, Semjase, now the penny has really fallen with me, and I understand you completely. But I would like to say that you thought a little too little before you raised my hat. Because there is a third possibility, which is …

等下, Semjase ,我已經很明白妳的意思了。我很高興已經有了談判的籌碼,因為我想說,在妳想要保護我的前提下,還沒有更進一步的思考。也就是說, 還有第三種的可能性存在 ,那就是 ...


67. That is illogical, because I have considered all possibilities and factors.



If you believe that, then you're wrong wrapped.



68. I don't understand the meaning of your words?



That means quite simply: If you assume that you have considered all possibilities, then you think something unclear or a winding in you is burned out. In other words, this can also mean that I suspect you of a bang in your brain or that you have recently taken a bath that was too hot.


(first makes an astonished face and then suddenly laughs off in a resounding sound)



69. … That … hahaha, that I find amusing, … hahaha … that I find really amusing, that I will have to tell the others … hahaha …

... 哈哈哈,我覺得很有趣 ... 哈哈哈 ... 我真的覺得很有趣,我會把這句話告訴其他人聽聽 ... 哈哈哈 ...

70. I am glad that you are joking again, even though I am always wondering how incredibly fast you can control your feelings and give them a different direction.


71. But you mentioned another possibility earlier.


72. I don't know of any.



It is a compromise solution.



73. I am not considering such possibilities, and I would not see any in that case.



Nevertheless, they do exist, and I find them very good. In my mind, I would say that this is the closest possibility and would be the fairest if it could be reconciled with time. You have already taken my word, but I would still like to make my suggestion. But first I have to know the timetable for a total elimination. How much time would such a total elimination take, from order to completion?



74. I don't understand the meaning of your question, but I can tell you exactly how long it will take:


75. If we put our equipment into operation, which is always on standby for such total eliminations, and adjust it to the life form in question, then this takes less than 3 minutes, whereby the distances play no role whatsoever.

假如我們的設備隨時待命,對於此類記憶完全消除,從開始運行並且調整到當事人身上,那麼只需要不到 3 分鐘的時間,無論距離遠近


And how much time do you need, if I would give the order on mental basis via your person?



76. I still do not see clearly, but we would need another minute to transmit your error.

我還是不太明白這些問題,不過 我們將需要一分鐘左右的時間去傳達你的指令


Well, that would be less than four minutes in total, if I understood correctly, yes?

很好,那就是說這 總共花費的時間不到 4 分鐘 ,是吧?


77. Sure, I'm sure.



So hear my compromise solution: I keep my knowledge to myself at all costs. If, however, the situation should arise in which I am forced by force to disclose the secret, then I will send my thoughts to you, after which you will initiate total elimination by the quickest route.

那麼這就是我折衷的辦法:我能夠保留我所有的知識了。也就是說假如出現以下狀況: 有人試圖用暴力強制奪取我的這些機密,那麼我會發送思維給妳,那麼妳就可以用最快的辦法去啟動所有的消除程序


78. … (makes a very surprised face)

... (一種非常詫異的表情)


Is that so incomprehensible?



79. I should have gone through these logical trains of thought myself.


80. This solution is even very good, and it saves me a lot of effort and words.



Okay, so once I was way ahead of you, but now what?



81. What do we do now? –


82. I admire your logical acumen. –


83. I will present your proposal to the others and also submit it to our High Council.

我會向其他人提出你的建議,並 提交到我們的高級理事會

84. But I'm sure they all agree with your suggestion.



Then the case is closed and can finally be buried. – But now I would like to pick up one more thing that we once talked about before saying goodbye, namely about crystals and precious stones, which according to your interpretations can become very dangerous for people if they are in their possession or are even worn.



85. But I've already told you about that.



Of course, but I have talked to someone about these things, and we have come to the conclusion that it would be only right and proper for us to describe this in detail in our contact reports, because it is important to people.



86. That sounds logical, and so I will discuss the individual facts again:


87. All crystals, semi-crystals, gemstones and semi-precious stones as well as various minerals of earthly origin are recipients and transmitters of human emotional impulses and thought energies in larger masses or in high carat values.

所有晶體、半晶體、礦石、半礦石以及地球上的各種礦物 ,在數量或體積上夠大時, 都是人類情緒脈衝和思想能量的接受者和傳遞者

88. Depending on their type, they store less or more of these energies, which are concentrated in their owners, discharged again and influence them to a great extent.

按照它們的類型,或多或少會儲存這些能量, 這些能量再次釋放 集中在它們的主人身上 讓這些人受到極大地影響

[中譯者註:這裡提到許多不同的晶體與礦石,只要是有收藏價值,統稱為 寶石 Gemstone ),也就是可被切割、擦潤、拋光的礦物、石料、土化物體,為收集品、收藏品或穿著裝飾之用。
而作為 寶石 的礦物,一般顏色鮮艷柔和,光澤和花紋美觀,結構均勻,折光率強,硬度較大,化學成分穩定。
目前世界上 3000 多種礦物中,有 230 種以上可以作為寶石,但 應用最廣的一般只有 20-30

1 排: 綠松石 赤鐵礦 矽孔雀石 虎眼石
2 排: 石英 電氣石 紅玉髓 黃鐵礦 舒俱徠石
3 排: 孔雀石 芙蓉石 黑曜石 紅寶石 苔瑪瑙
4 排: 碧玉 紫水晶 、紋 瑪瑙 青金石

商人分寶石為 寶石 (貴重寶石)和 半寶石 (次貴重寶石)。只有 五種貴重寶石
鑽石       藍寶石         紅寶石         祖母綠         金綠玉 (亞歷山大變色石)

半寶石 數量多,二十多種常見,包括:
瑪瑙                                 紫水晶                            綠柱石 (海藍寶石)

黃水晶                             石榴石                            橄欖石

蛋白石                             尖晶石                            坦桑石

虎眼石                             綠松石                            黃玉 (黃晶)

電氣石 (碧璽)              鋯石

還有更多更詳細資料,請參閱: 維基百科

89. But now the earthly sphere is in an energy state of highest negative forces by negative human thought vibrations, which surround the earth like a vibrating mantle.

但是現在 整個地球由於人類消極的思維振動形成了極其巨大又負面的能量 ,它們 就像一件振動的斗篷那樣包圍著地球

90. These negative forces were created, and are further developed every second, by the tremendous negative thought energies of the earthly-human life-forms, which through their heresies and many negativities put the whole world under the spell of spoiling and dangerous radiations.


91. However, since crystals of all kinds as well as precious stones and various minerals etc. are very strong absorbers and recipients of such energies, it could not fail that they have been excessively charged in negative form by these negative human thought energies and have become dangerous bringer of distress and misery.

由於 所有種類的晶體、寶石和各種礦物 等等, 都是這些負面能量的強力吸取與接收物 ,因此它們會在消極的人類思想中吸收過度的負能量,而帶來苦難和不幸的危險性。

92. Depending on their species and characteristics, many of them became mediators of disease, infirmity and death, if they were large enough or powerful enough to be possessed by humans.

根據它們的特徵和性質, 其中許多會成為各種疾病、衰弱甚至死亡的媒介 如果它們被人類大量擁有或足以形成影響擁有者的力量

93. Especially crystals and gemstones of all kinds are very sensitive recipients and collectors of negative as well as positive human thought energies and negative and positive emotions.


94. They are therefore already severely affected at their actual growth sites before they are found by humans.

因此 它們在被人類發現之前,在其最初成長得地方,早就受到強大的能量所影響

95. This is due to the very strong negative force that surrounds the earth.


96. But if man now wants to have crystals and precious stones in his possession, to possess them as values, to use them as jewellery or as health bringer, then he must first free them from the dangerous radiation that occurs in vibrational form, for otherwise they are able to bring death and destruction upon him.

如果人們佩戴這些晶石和寶石是為了裝飾自己或者希望帶來健康 ,那 首先就要清除這些危險的振動輻射波 否則就有可能帶來不幸甚至招致死亡

97. In addition, it is absolutely necessary that these crystals and gems etc. are large enough and of sufficient carat value and are subjected to a new neutralization at least every five years, because through the enormous negative thought energies of earthly mankind they recharge themselves after this time with the negative forces mentioned, within only a few hours.

此外絕對要做的是,那些 大體積的晶體和大克拉的寶石 等等,它們 最少每 5 年要被進行一次重新 中和處理 neutralization )。因為地球人類的巨大消極思想,可以在短短幾個小時之內,讓它們再次吸收這些負能量。

98. The neutralization can be carried out by a pyramid, by running water or by a simple apparatus, which I will describe after my explanations.


99. If man does not subject his possessions of the kind mentioned to the necessary neutralization, if this is already known to him, then he should not be surprised if he is strongly persecuted by illnesses, misfortunes, misery and need, by infirmity, by misfortune and even by death and destruction.

如果人們沒有經過前述必要的中和處理 ,就將這些東西穿戴在自己的身上,且如果他們已經對此有所認知而不處裡,那麼 當他們遭受到疾病、厄運、不幸、虛弱、災難、久病,甚至死亡的迫害時,也就不要感到奇怪了

100. Man also has the tendency to wear many so-called talismans etc. for his protection etc., but he is not aware that practically all these talismans and other followers are completely useless and only according to their faith allegedly do some good things because they are too small in size or carat value.

而人們也會認為所謂的 護身符 talismans )之類的東西會保佑自己,但是他們沒有意識到這類東西其實是完全沒用的,只是他們 因為這些護身符而帶來心理作用的正面效果,但它們實質的作用幾乎微不足道

101. On the other hand, the wearers of such things do not know that they are exposed to great dangers by these followers etc. and often even risk their lives, because these things too, despite their small size, are often very strong recipients of negative powers of thought and hurl the captured powers back to the owner and wearer, who mentally and emotionally strengthens them and forces them to disaster.


102. Therefore, from time to time such things also have to be neutralized, but this is far below five years.

因此,這些東西必須要不時地作中和處理,而且最久絕不能超過 5 年。

103. Depending on the mineral or material, their time ranges from six months to around 2 years.

依據不同的礦物或材料 間隔時間從 6 個月到 2 年左右 就必須作一次中和處理 )。

104. Crystals and precious stones as well as minerals etc. of extraterrestrial origin are highly recommended if they come from worlds that are either uninhabited or harbor very balanced life forms.


105. Things of these kinds of such worlds have not been influenced for many millennia by degenerated negative human thought forces, as is the case on Earth.


106. Crystals and precious stones etc. must be exposed to a strong negative bombardment for several millennia before they become such receivers as those of the earth.


107. Of course, the cleaning process can also be reduced to a few minutes if purpose-built equipment is used.


108. Basically, however, crystals, minerals and gemstones of any kind etc.. Recipients and emitters of good positive forms of energy when they find their growth in balanced worlds.


109. This in embodiment of the universal law of nature.


110. If, however, they are carried directly on themselves by thought-capable life forms, then they adapt very quickly to this life form and receive and send off the energies inherent in this life form.


111. If, however, a negative form of energy thousands of years old fires at them, as is the case on earth, then they species in the negative.


112. But the opposite form is also possible, but it is foreign on your earth, namely the positively degenerated form.


113. Crystals, minerals and precious stones etc. from balanced worlds do not have to undergo any neutralization on earth in relation to negative thought energies.


114. This would only be necessary if they had been touched or unaffected by malign negative forces for 2-4 millennia, depending on their nature and characteristics, before they were taken over by a human being.

但如果它們被某些負面能量接觸到,在人類擁有它們之前,根據其種類和特性,在 2 4 千年後才需要作中何處理。

115. If, however, before these times they are taken possession of and carried on by human beings, then they need only a simple purification every 7 years, but never a neutralization.

不過如果它們在這個時間之前已經被人類擁有並穿戴的話,那麼它們只需要 7 年一次簡單的淨化,而永遠不需要作中和處理。

[中譯者註:關於不同的晶體與礦石或統稱的 寶石 ,本文中所述有關「 中和處理 」與 淨化 」,也可 視為「 消磁處理 」。有關的中英文資料甚多,可由網路或書籍中得到相關資訊。中譯者在此提供一些資料(來自網路),卓請參考:
神奇的水晶礦物「消磁步驟」 (中文);
How to Clear and Cleanse Crystals and Gemstones(英文);
A Beginner’s Guide to Clearing, Cleansing, and Charging Crystals (英文)]


How about pearls?



116. They have the same properties as gemstones, crystals, minerals, etc.



Aha, and how is that with this neutralization you mentioned, can you simply use water or other things for it, or can you possibly achieve this neutralization by incantations and secret formulas etc.?



117. I have already explained to you that this is all nonsense.



I know you are. I ask the question because your interpretation is important for my fellow men and they are to know the truth.



118. Of course, you've already explained that.


119. A neutralization or even a simple purification of the things mentioned cannot be carried out by secret formulas and incantations, but only by water or pyramids as well as by other things falling within this framework.

中和處理或者只是簡單的淨化 ,不是通過所謂的秘方或者咒語,而是 只能通過水或者金字塔錐還有屬於這個框架內其它東西來處理

120. For neutralization or simple purification, it is not necessarily necessary to have a special apparatus that absorbs and neutralizes the above-mentioned energies.


121. This means that vibrations can also be 'deducted' from the crystals or gemstones etc. by other methods and converted into neutral forces.


122. The neutral forces are then 'absorbed' again by the crystals and gemstones etc. and form the balanced force for a certain duration.


123. This is the case with neutralisation.


124. In case of purification, only from time to time the degenerated forces of negative or positive form that have penetrated are absorbed, but they are simply released.


125. A recharging of the crystals or gemstones etc. is not necessary in this case, because they are able to generate their compensating forces themselves in their natural lawsuitability.


126. If I have mentioned that such crystals and gemstones etc. only have to be purified every 7 years, then this is only necessary if the person wearing them has degenerated very negatively, e.g. torturers who feel joy in the torture of other people.

如果我之前說過的話,那麼這樣的晶體和寶石等只需每 7 年進行一次淨化,這也只有在佩戴者是非常負面性格的人,才有這樣的需要,例如他們是那種把自己的快樂建築在別人的痛苦之上的人。

127. Crystals and precious stones, etc., which are in the possession of normally positive or negative human beings, which are not in any way disfiguring, must never be subjected to purification, provided of course that the stones, etc. are in a balanced and purified as well as originally neutral state and origin, because on your earth only these possess the natural and great forces which are valuable and usable for man.



That should be clear enough. No further explanation is required. But you also explained that you would give a description for the required equipment.



128. Sure, but for now only you should know the details, because perhaps you can gain a financial advantage that will help you overcome your financial problems.


129. The following is therefore necessary: (an exact manufacturing plan follows) …

以下這些是必要的:(隨後告訴了我一個製作詳情) ...


Thank you, Semjase, that is very easy to construct in itself, and I will perhaps also produce this apparatus in time and opportunity. But now it should be enough for today, because I finally have to catch up on some sleep. Arahat Athersata sent me another message continuation on Monday, which took me the whole day, after which I naturally had to do many things and work all night, which I had missed during the day. Then, early in the morning at 2 o'clock, I came to your contact and after that I worked on until the afternoon, because I got some visitors. After the visit I wanted to get some sleep and you gave me the report I had to write. At 01:30 I was finally able to go to bed and at 09:00 I was called back to the telephone. The sleep time was after 42½ hours awake therefore somewhat scarce, therefore I would like to catch up now some sleep.

謝謝妳 Semjase ,這本身就很容易做,我可能在適當的時候花點時間也許就能製造出來。不過今天到現在已經足夠了,因為我需要好好補充一下睡眠。 Arahat Athersata 在這個星期一傳給我一些後續資料,這花了我一整天的時間,我在整個夜裡忙著,處理白天被耽誤的工作。接著淩晨兩點跟妳接觸完後,再繼續工作到當天下午,然後又接待了訪客。送走客人後我才休息了一下,隨後我收到並記錄下了妳的傳輸報告。直到凌晨 01:30 的時候我終於能夠上床睡覺,然後早上 9 點又接到了個電話。因此,在連續工作 42.5 個小時之後的休息似乎有點不足,所以我現在真的要好好補下睡眠了。


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中譯版編輯自網路「 FIGU 中文域」 2017.4.30 (原創翻譯:利昂小子)





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