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Chapter 12


Regarding Marriage and Cohabitation


1. And it came to pass that Jmmanuel began to speak of the laws of marriage and related topics, and he said,


2. "You have been given the directive: 'You shall not commit adultery.'


3.   "Despite this, people commit adultery and fornication, thus violating the laws of nature.


4.   "It is written, however, 'Whosoever commits adultery and fornication shall be punished, because the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws; thus they shall be castrated or sterilized.



5. "If unbetrothed men and women bed down with one another in disgrace and without loving each other, they shall be punished also, for the fallible are unworthy of life and its laws; thus they shall be castrated or sterilized.


6.   "And if two men bed down with each other, then they shall be punished, for those fallible are unworthy of life and its laws and behave heretically; thus they shall also be castrated, expelled and banished before the people.


7.   "If, however, two women bed down with one another, they shall not be punished, because they do not violate life and its laws, since they are not inseminating but are bearing.


8.   "When inseminator and inseminator join together, life is desecrated and destroyed. But if conceiver and conceiver join together, there is neither desecration nor destruction nor procreation.


9.   "Truly, I say to you, there is no animal beneath the heavens that would behave like humankind and violate the laws of Creation and nature. Are you not much more than the animals?


10. "No animal is found under the heavens for which males cohabit with other males, but females are found together with females, because male and female animals follow the laws of nature.



11. "Whosoever indulges in fornication for the sake of pay or pleasure shall be castrated or sterilized, expelled and banished before the people.


12. "Whosoever sexually abuses a child is unworthy of life and its laws and shall therefore be punished by castration or sterilization, and be deprived of freedom through lifelong confinement and isolation.


13. "Whosoever indulges in incest is unworthy of life and its laws and shall therefore be punished by castration or sterilization, and be deprived of freedom through lifelong confinement and isolation.


14. "Whosoever has sexual intercourse with an animal is unworthy of life and its laws and shall be castrated or sterilized, and be expelled and banished before the people.


15. "Whosoever marries a man or woman divorced in guilt shall be castrated or sterilized, because he or she is unworthy of life and its laws. They shall both be expelled and banished before the people.


16. "He who begets a child without being married to the woman and leaves her unmarried is unworthy of life and its laws and shall therefore be punished by castration and loss of his freedom.


17. "Whosoever rapes a woman or a man is unworthy of life and its laws and shall therefore be punished by castration or sterilization, and be deprived of freedom through lifelong confinement and isolation.


18. "Whosoever commits violence against another person's body, life or mental health is unworthy of life and its laws and shall therefore be punished with loss of freedom through lifelong confinement and isolation.


19. "Truly, truly, I say to you, these laws are rational and were established by nature, and they shall be obeyed, or humans will bring death to themselves in great masses.


20. "This Earth can nourish and support five hundred million people of all human populations. But if these laws are not followed, in two times a thousand years there will exist ten times five hundred million people, and the Earth will no longer be able to support them.

地球能夠供養 5 億人口。但是如果人類沒有遵守這些法律,在兩千年以內,地球上會有 50 億人口,地球將不能夠供養他們。”

21. "Famines, catastrophes, worldwide wars and epidemics will rule the Earth; Earth humans will kill each other, and only a few will survive.


22. "Truly, I say to you, there will be wailing and chattering of teeth when so much human blood drenches the sands of Earth that new life forms arise from it, bringing the final horror to mankind.


23. "But on this day you have been allowed to receive all good things, and have been given the laws by which you shall live.


24. "And you shall adhere to additional laws, so that you will have prosperity on Earth and peace within your families.


25. "Do away with enforcing the old law that subjects woman to man, since she is a person like the man, with equal rights and obligations.


26. "But when a man marries a woman, he shall pay to the most trusted steward of her possessions a price as security, so that she will not suffer from lack of necessities.


27. "The price shall be calculated whereby a hundred pieces of silver will be required for each year of the woman's age, if her health is not lacking. Thus she will be measured according to her knowledge, abilities and strength.


28. "The price shall not be considered that of a purchase, but as security for the woman, so she will not suffer from want.


29. "The bond of matrimony between man and woman shall be permitted only if both are mentally competent and capable of conducting a marriage according to the laws.


30. "A marriage agreement between man and woman shall be concluded only when the price for the woman is paid.


31. "If, according to prearranged agreement, no price is paid, the law applies that the man must provide for all of the wife's necessities.


32. "A wife's infertility is no cause for divorce, nor for any other judgment or action.


33. "The only valid grounds for divorce, aside from adultery, are the destruction or endangerment of the material consciousness, the body or the life of a member of one's own family.

除了通姦之外,唯一合法的離婚理由是,此婚姻會造成某方家庭成員的心智意識(material consciouseness)和身體或者生命的破壞或者危害。”

34. "A person who is to blame for a divorce shall be castrated or sterilized, expelled and banished before the people, because he or she is unworthy of life and its laws.


35. "If all is done and adhered to in this way, justice and peace will come to all humankind and life will be preserved."



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