Harsh Truth from Plejaren About SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
- Unprecedented ET outreach for the survival of the people of Earth
- Avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation, crowds
- Stay at home to avoid exposing yourself to risk of infection
- Real number of infections and deaths much higher than reported
- Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
- Spread by asymptomatic people; through air, breath, clothing, etc.
- Breathing masks useless, virus penetrates because so small
- Full-body protective suit, breathing apparatus only real protection
- Hermetic quarantine required, must be longer than 2 weeks
- Asian races initially most susceptible but will spread to others
- Virus becomes more aggressive over time, claiming more lives
- Children mainly immune, main hidden spreaders of disease*
- China, US, etc., suppressed truth for political and economic reasons
- The WHO culpable for not immediately proclaiming pandemic risk
An unprecedented conveyance of harsh information, about the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, from the Plejaren extraterrestrial human race, to the people of Earth:
What there is to say about the Coronavirus and what to take heed of
The same applies with all highly infectious/contagious sicknesses/illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases:
One should avoid airplanes, ships, mass transportation and large crowds whenever possible and rather stay at home rather than exposing yourself to the risk of infection.
What is the origin of the corona virus and what is it exactly?
The corona virus or SARS-CoV-2 is a mutation of the well-known SARS virus, which in turn caused around 1,000 officially confirmed deaths during the 2002/2003 epidemic. Carriers of the SARS virus, which corresponds to a Coronavirus strain, are the Chinese horseshoe bat flying-mammals, which do not themselves become ill and are immune to the virus.
新型冠狀病毒或SARS-CoV-2是眾所周知的SARS病毒的變種,後者在2002/2003年流行期間,造成官方確認的大約1,000人死亡。SARS病毒對應於一種冠狀病毒株,該病毒的載體是飛行類哺乳動物中華菊頭蝠(Chinese horseshoe bat),但它們(蝙蝠)本身不會生病,而且對該(SARS)病毒免疫。
[中譯者註::中華菊頭蝠(Chinese horseshoe bat;學名:Rhinolophus sinicus)請參閱《新冠肺炎源頭確定!WHO:與「菊頭蝠」可能有關聯》]
The current SARS-CoV-2 virus or the corona virus, as it is popularly called, was accidentally and unintentionally spread and released from two secret laboratories in Wuhan. Two technicians from the secret laboratories have since died of the new type of lung disease, and these two people spread the Coronavirus to several other people, causing the disease to spread rapidly.
According to Ptaah, the Coronavirus, or Sars-CoV-2, which has recently also been called Covid-19, is quite life-threatening, above all for Chinese and Southeast Asians, because all Chinese tribes have a completely different immune system than, for example the Europeans, the English and Eurasians, who have propagated and spread out conqueringly in America, Australia and New Zealand, etc., and who, through the conquests, also (inter)mixed with the indigenous peoples, resulting in new immune system changes that were stronger or weaker than they were originally. This fact, however, that the immune systems differ from one peoples to another, and so some are more susceptible and others more resistant to illnesses and rampantly spreading diseases/epidemics/pandemics, is not known to terrestrial medical scientists, Ptaah explained.
To date (Feb 23, 2020), there have already been 2,442 officially confirmed deaths in China – Ptaah says, however, that the real number is much higher in all of China, which is however being concealed – and so far another 19 deaths worldwide as a result of the rampantly spreading disease. China itself reports about 77,000 infections, while outside of China 1,500 infections are confirmed worldwide, but this is not the full truth, as Ptaah also explains in this regard. Outside China, South Korea has been the worst affected country with 600 people infected so far
迄今(2020年2月23日)為止,中國官方已經確認有2,442個死亡病例 — Ptaah說,在全中國實際數字要高得多,而中國一直對此保密 — 此外,全球其他地區還有19人死於這種疾病。中國本身報告了大約7萬7,000個確診病例,而在中國以外的全世界有1,500個確診病例,但Ptaah在這方面解釋道,事實並不完全如此。在中國以外,韓國受到的打擊最大,迄今已有600人受到感染。
However, as mentioned, it can be assumed that the numbers of infections as well as deaths are much higher and that it is also much more widespread than previously known, because both China and other affected countries are doing everything possible to conceal the real numbers for political and economic considerations/reasons. It can therefore be assumed that Covid-19 is much worse and more dangerous than the SARS epidemic of 2002/2003, contrary to what certain scientists, experts and the WHO have so far claimed.
The Coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a new type of rampantly spreading lung disease, against which, there is still no medication at all. It causes an atypical pneumonia, which can be both ‘mild’ as well as fatal, with deathliness/deadliness particularly concerning the Chinese people and resulting from their (inter)mixings with other peoples, whereas other Asian peoples are also much more at risk than Europeans. However, Ptaah also said that the virus becomes more aggressive over time and, as a result, will claim many victims among peoples other than the Chinese.
How contagious is the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) and how long does the incubation period last?
The Coronavirus (Sars-CoV-2) is highly contagious, obviously this applies especially for the Chinese, but also for other Southeast Asian peoples. It can be transmitted from person to person as well as through the air, that is to say, the breath or through clothing, etc.
Contrary to the information from the WHO, the incubation period is not 2 weeks, as Ptaah explains, but according to his information, this time should be calculated up to 4 weeks or, in certain cases, even up to 3 months. Infected persons in whom the disease has not yet broken out, remain potential carriers of the rampantly spreading disease during the entire time, from infection up to the healing of the disease – if it breaks out at all – which means that they are contagious during the entire time and can transmit the disease to other human beings.
與世界衛生組織的數據不同,新型冠狀病毒的潛伏期不是2週,正如Ptaah所解釋的,根據他的計算資訊,這次應該長達4週,或者在某些情況下甚至長達3個月。尚未發病(contracted)的感染者(在潛伏期的病患),在被感染至完全康復的這一段時間內,他們仍然是病毒的潛在帶原者 — 如果他們感染了這種病毒,則意味著他們在整個感染期間都具有傳染性,可以將病毒傳染到其他人身上。
In this respect, it is the same as with the HIV virus, which can also be transmitted by an infected person at any time, even if AIDS has not yet broken out in him/her or does not break out.
When and with whom does the rampantly spreading disease break out?
If and when the rampantly spreading disease, Covid-2, becomes visible/manifests itself in a person depends on the strength and stability of his/her immune system. Based on what the Plejaren or Ptaah explained, the immune systems vary from people to people and from race to race. The current Coronavirus, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, hits hardest the Chinese as well as all Southeast Asian countries bordering on China, such as North and South Korea, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Myanmar/Burma, etc., because the immune system of these peoples reacts/responds in a less stable wise against the virus than that of other peoples, such as the Europeans, where it is usually milder and causes flu-like or pneumonia-like illnesses without a necessarily fatal outcome.
However, if immune deficiencies are already present in Europeans, then the Corona virus becomes dangerous for them too and can quickly lead to death.
Fundamentally, Ptaah explained, that the (inter)mixing of peoples should therefore be refrained from, above all, because it usually has a negative influence on the immune system of the descendants, although in exceptions a positive influence is also possible, which however cannot be predicted. Every (inter)mixing of human beings of different peoples inevitably changes the immune system, weakens it or strengthens it, as the case may be. So the immune system of a member of a people with a stronger and more stable or much weaker immune system, can transfer this immune system stability positively or negatively.
A weakening can already occur/happen through a longer or shorter stay in a country whose people have a weaker and more unstable immune system, which is why travelling to faraway countries also involves certain dangers in this respect.
How can I protect myself against being infected with the corona virus (SARS-CoV-2)?
In this case, a reliable protection against infection can only be provided by the use of a full-body protective suit with independent breathing apparatus, as for example was worn by medical personnel during the Ebola epidemic. The normal breathing masks, as they are commonly used in many countries in Southeast Asia, are of absolutely no use, because the virus is so small that it penetrates these masks as if they were not even present at all.
在這種情況下,只有配備獨立呼吸器的全身防護服(例如在伊波拉疫情期間由醫療人員所使用的那種)才能提供可靠的感染防護。在東南亞許多國家經常使用的一般口罩(normal breathing masks),是絕對無用的,因為病毒是如此之小,它會穿透這些口罩。
The respirator masks used in these countries only have a justification against dust and dirt in the streets, which of course makes sense in overpopulated and dirty big cities. Apart from that, only a rational and prudent behavior, as described under ‘Fundamentally’, provides a certain protection.
What can be done against the spread of the virus?
The quarantine measures currently practiced by homeward-bound travelers from China are completely inadequate in view of the possible transmission times, especially because the isolation period is far too short at 2 weeks. In addition, the quarantine would have to be absolutely hermetic, which means that even those persons who come into contact with suspected cases under quarantine must be protected with a full body protection and appropriate breathing apparatus and under the necessary safety precautions such as airlocks, etc., because not only can they infect themselves, but they can also spread the virus through their clothing, their breath, bodily contact and possibly through food.
It would be rational not to bring any nationals of China or the neighboring countries where the virus has already broken out, back to their home countries, until the virus has been completely eradicated/defeated in the affected countries.
Likewise, all affected areas should be hermetically sealed off and every entry into the restricted areas or the affected states, as well as the departure from them, should be prevented. At the very least, it would have to be regulated in such a way, that whoever enters a restricted area – for whatever reason –, may no longer leave until the virus is no longer active and no more affections and infections can occur.
“A containment in the nick of time is probably no longer achievable even with all available powers,”said the Berlin virologist Christian Drosten on Sunday (Feb 23) to the German Press Agency, which is absolutely right, because it is to be assumed that the virus will yet spread worldwide much further than is already the case.
柏林的病毒學家Christian Drosten在週日(2月23日)對德國新聞社(German Press Agency)說:“即使動用一切可用的手段,也不可能在事情發展的關鍵點加以遏制了”。這是絕對正確的,因為可以假設病毒將傳播到全世界,而它現在已經波及到的地區,比我們知道的要多得多。
In order to contain the protracting and spreading of the virus and to prevent it from spreading worldwide, the WHO should have immediately proclaimed a pandemic threat as soon as the first cases of infections became known and taken the appropriate measures, which would have to consist of sealing off the affected areas, namely in such a form that no one is allowed to enter or leave the country where the virus first appeared until it can be eradicated or becomes inactive of its own accord.
Unfortunately, the WHO, by its hesitant tactics of not treading on anyone’s toes nor making itself unpopular, has shown itself to be completely irresponsible, because it has not considered the right and appropriate measures at all. The Plejaren say that a pandemic already begins, when an epidemic has claimed 100 lives in one country and at least three infected persons appear abroad.
(Translation: Bruce Lulla, USA // Mariann Uehlinger, Switzerland, Benjamin Vangheluwe. Vibka Wallder, Australia.)
(英文譯者:Bruce Lulla,美國 // Mariann Uehlinger,瑞士,Benjamin Vangheluwe。校對:Vibka Wallder,澳大利亞。)