This article is not an official FIGU publication.
The so-called SOG TEAM (Special Operations Group) of the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) actually exists, and that is a damned unpleasant matter of fact, because neither the SOG team nor the CIA shy away from any murder.
CIA(Central Intelligence Agency;中央情報局,簡稱「中情局」)所謂的SOG組(Special Operations Group;特別行動組)實際上存在,這是一個該死而令人不快的事實,因為無論是SOG組還是CIA都並不迴避任何謀殺。
The CIA is the actual secret USAmerican world government, whose headquarters, respectively, head office, is located in Langley, in the US state of Virginia.
The primary mission of this secret organization, that functions as a secret service and is a superpower in a super-nation, is espionage, for which the US government pumps in billions of US dollars.
It can be said with a clear conscience that the CIA practically has unlimited power at its disposal and does not shy away from any crime, nor from any inhumanity.
What the "license to kill" is for the English Crown in the James Bond films, is absolute reality for the CIA, because it has a government license for unlimited mass murder.
在詹姆士.龐德(James Bond)的電影中,「殺人執照」對CIA來說是絕對真實的,因為它擁有無限大屠殺的政府執照。
Essentially nobody knows how many humans thereby work for the CIA, because everything is strictly secret, whereby also torture and murder are employed unhesitatingly to protect that secrecy.
Anyone can come into the crosshairs of the CIA, even the most irreproachable, because with this, the biggest of all espionage organizations and indeed also the biggest secret terror organization in the world, basically every human is suspect and his life is not safe.
Yet that is not all, because no government in the world is in a position to protect its citizens from the monstrous and criminal machinations of the CIA.
The CIA's SOG team is a secret army that is equipped with every imaginable weapon, and indeed also with ones that even the US Army can only dream about.
The SOG team consists of elite soldiers recruited from the regular Army, the Air Force, as well as the Navy and the Marines and so forth, and are trained to be murder and destruction robots.
They are constantly monitored on duty during secret operations - through encoded satellite connections.
在秘密行動期間,他們執勤時不斷受到監視 — 通過加密的衛星連接。
If, anywhere in the world, crimes occur through the CIA, or attacks and wars against any countries, then it is the secret army of the SOG which thoroughly prepared every attack.
Should the attack against Iran, planned since the year 2002, actually succeed, then this would therefore be secretly prepared though an SOG team in Iran, as was also the case in Afghanistan and in Iraq.
The CIA is more powerful than the entire government of the USA, which consequently in no way knows what the secret service actually does.
Not even the US President is ever notified about all that which the secret service, which has become a state-within-a-state, really undertakes and everything that is associated with that.
The power of the CIA was already established with its founding in the year 1947, consequently it only took until the year 1953 for it to be freed from the applicable law disclosing its goals, and later it would also be explicitly ordered, by the government, to kill.
Along with the order to kill, respectively, murder, the CIA also has permission to break every law in the whole world - only not ones of the USA.
除了殺人的命令外,CIA還得到允許在全世界違反每一項法律 — 只有美國例外。
Yet the CIA also distances itself from this prohibition, because when it serves their goal, then they also do not shy away from murdering in the USA.
The attack on the World Trade Center came on the 11th of September, 2001, and only six days later, on September 17th, the monstrosity occurred that, up until now, is unique in every democratic country in our world and therefore, as such, has never happened before: George Bush, the completely irresponsible, sectarian who tyrannically exalted himself above the world as God's avenging angel, established a charter for the CIA with his signature, whereby this authorized, even with only the vaguest suspicion, that humans be incarcerated, respectively, kidnapped and physically abused with interrogation methods which are beyond every human right, every human dignity and humaneness.
世貿中心的襲擊發生在2001年9月11日,僅僅六天後,也就是9月17日,這一可怕的事件就發生了,到目前為止,它在我們這個世界上的每一個民主國家都是獨一無二的,因此,就其本身而言,以前從未發生過:喬治.布希(George Bush),這個完全不負責任的宗派主義者,他專橫地把自己凌駕於世界之上,以上帝的復仇天使身份,為CIA製定了一個有他簽名的憲章,由此授權,即使只有最模糊的懷疑,人們也會被監禁、被綁架和身體虐待,這些審訊方法超越了所有人權、所有人類尊嚴和人性。
That applied to Al Qaida fighters, as well as to humans who were simply suspected of terror or endangering the country, and so forth, which therefore applied to clear-cut as well as conjectured persons who had arranged terrorism, or simply were suspected of being terrorists or enemies of the state due to informing or espionage.
這適用於蓋達組織(Al Qaida)武裝分子,以及那些僅僅被懷疑是恐怖分子或危害國家的人等等,所以,也適用於明確以及推測安排恐怖主義的那些人,或僅僅由於提供情報或從事間諜活動而被懷疑為恐怖分子或國家敵人之人。
And the CIA is not required to provide justification for these machinations, and indeed neither in front of the US President, or the Senate nor publicly, because the CIA is so powerful that is stands perfectly over the government and even steers it.
And to think that the CIA is only one of fifteen USAmerican secret services - however the most powerful, which has even cast its net over the other secret services and the FBI and the police collectively, and has these under control.
想想看,CIA只是美國十五個特務機關之一 — 然而,是最強大的,它甚至將其網絡覆蓋到其他特務機關、FBI(聯邦調查局)和警察之中,並將之控制。
So the CIA is not only the secret service that governs and controls the USA, rather the entire world.
And whoever does not obey their rules is, quickly, tersely and brutally struck down.
To this end, the SOG team, respectively the SOG army, is thereby the most radical weapon, which is unique in the history of every secret service in the world, and their elite soldiers are numb and pitiless killer-robots, which, when they are merely obeying their orders, murder out of delight for killing, giving not a thought to law and order, rather go about blindly murdering.
As a matter of fact the CIA is a world power, and its list of crimes is so long that it cannot be measured.
Along with innumerable other crimes, the overthrow of governments also belongs to their line of work, consequently, among others, in 1953 they overthrew the Persian, respectively, Iranian government, in 1954 that of Guatemala, after which followed Chile in 1973 and Turkey in 1980.
The CIA was not concerned that several of these governments had been democratically elected by the population, because it was only significant to them that these governments did not fit into their goal, since they did not cuddle up to the USA.
So they also murdered many politicians or allowed them to be delivered to kingdom come by paid assassins, as with, for example, Che Guevara, and so forth.
所以他們也謀殺了很多政客或者讓他們被花錢雇來的刺客送到天國,比如切.格瓦拉(Che Guevara)等等。
Had the CIA succeeded, then also Fidel Castro would have died, yet until now that could not be accomplished, consequently he is, as ever, still on the CIA's hit list.
假如CIA成功了,那麼斐代爾.卡斯楚(Fidel Castro )也會死,但直到現在,這都無法實現,因此,他仍然在CIA的暗殺名單上。
But the CIA's intrigues still go very much further, consequently all of their crimes can never be uncovered and only few can be named, as, for example, that they supported and paid so-called freedom fighters as well as brutal dictators, with money, weapons and military training and guerilla know-how - and they continue to do that, as was the case with Saddam Hussain and Osama bin Laden, among others.
但是CIA的陰謀還在繼續,因此他們所有的罪行都永遠無法被揭露,只有少數能夠被指出,例如,他們用金錢、武器、軍事訓練和游擊技巧來支持和支付所謂的自由戰士和殘暴的獨裁者 — 他們繼續這樣做,就像薩達姆.海珊(Saddam Hussain)和奧薩瑪.賓.拉登(Osama bin Laden)等人的情況一樣。
Through the help of the CIA, Saddam Hussain was able to rearm enormously, thereafter in 1979 he led a coupe against the top of the Iraqi government.
Already, as he studied at the University of Cairo, he made his first connection with the CIA, who, as he came to power, reached out to him with full hands.
Also Osama bin Laden was built up through the CIA together with the US government.
Between 1978 and 1992 the Afghan Mujaheddin Parliamentary Party, in battle with the then USSR, was supported with weapons and money, and far more than 100,000 Afghan fighters were trained in special tactical situations, that were brought about with the help of the CIA.
在1978年至1992年期間,阿富汗聖戰者議會政黨(Afghan Mujaheddin Parliamentary Party)在與當時蘇聯的戰鬥中得到了武器和資金支持,在CIA的幫助下,超過100,000名阿富汗戰士接受了特殊戰術訓練。
Project "Operation Zyklon", which had principal string-puller Osama bin Laden as Managing Director, cost the USA a total of more than 23 billion dollars. [US$23,000,000,000.00]
「Zyklon行動」(Operation Zyklon)計劃由主要的推動者奧薩瑪.賓.拉登擔任主管,美國為此總共花費了230多億美元。[$23,000,000,000.00美元]
The background to that was, on one hand to force the USSR to its knees, and on the other hand to gain influence in Afghanistan.
Neither the US government nor the CIA worried about the entire matter that the Afghan government called in an old treaty with the USSR for help in the country for the purpose of establishing order.
And it should be quite clear that then, thereby, also George H. W. Bush Senior - on his part just as much an irresponsible war monger, war criminal and US President as his son, George W. Bush - likewise played a very inglorious role.
而且應當非常清楚的是,老喬治.H.W.布希(George H. W. Bush Senior )同樣 — 在他這方面是一個不負責任的好戰者、戰犯和美國總統,就像他的兒子喬治.W.布希(George W. Bush)一樣 — 同樣扮演了一個非常不光彩的角色。
The CIA was not only responsible for the preparations of the martial overthrow of Afghanistan and Iraq, rather also for the acts of war in Nicaragua, San Salvador, Iran and Viet Nam, and so forth, in addition to the worldwide crimes in regard to the abductions ["renditions"] of terror or other kinds of suspects regarding the alleged endangering of USAmerican state security.
In secret locations, the abductees are held tightly in torture prisons, and tortured in various forms and ways, obeying all the rules of the art, and indeed, as a rule, in such a way that no visible traces are left behind - or if traces of torture appear in spite of that, then the tortured are simply liquidated, as that also otherwise occurs in various cases.
在秘密地點,受綁架者被緊緊關押在酷刑監獄,以各種形式和方式受到嚴刑拷問,遵守所有的技術規則,通常,這樣就不會留下任何明顯的痕跡 — 或者,假若即使如此,酷刑的痕跡仍然出現,那麼受酷刑的人就會被消滅,因為在不同的情況下也會發生這種情況。
And it is already proven that such torture prisons exist in different countries of the world and are used by the CIA and their torture-myrmidons.
Even the war-criminal-natured and completely irresponsible, as well as human-distaining, Evangelical-sectarian, US President George W. Bush had to publicly confess, on September 7th [2006], that these torture prisons exist in diverse other countries outside of the USA.
And the US President's entire war-criminal-natured and human-distaining affected mannerisms - this may be fully stated - correspond precisely to the way of acting and "love" as well as "justice" and "brotherly love" of the Christian religion, as the entirety has been practiced since time immemorial.
而美國總統的所有戰爭罪犯本性和厭惡人類的做作行為 — 這點可以充分說明 — 恰恰符合基督宗教的行為方式和「愛」,以及「審判」與「兄弟之愛」,正如自古以來全都在實踐的一樣。
That especially by the Catholic Church, the Pope, his vassals and enslaved menials, and so forth.
George W. Bush also belongs in the same frame, who, as Evangelical sectarian, falsely believes himself to be "God's avenger on Earth", and is in the delusion that he must step forward as the protector of the world.
And to that end, for him every evil and murderous as well as criminal and human-distaining means is just as good and right enough, as also, for him, stepping over masses of corpses is not more and not less than a means to fulfil a purpose, without mercy and without being moved to pity, as it also was with his father and other presidents, and will continue to be so.
Yet further with the CIA and their torture prisons, that are to be found in diverse countries and specialize in special interrogation methods, as, for example, Jordan, where there are hard and brutal procedures, as also Syria, where malicious tortures are the order of the day.
And it is a farce, anyway, that the CIA is represented in Syria in regard to the torture prisons, because the USA has officially condemned Syria as a terrorist state, and continually threatens it.
In the Arabian area, Egypt is also to be named in regard to torture prisons where the abductees are tortured to death and physically abused and never again live to see freedom.
If torture is carried out in the name of the CIA and USA through the torturers of the pertinent countries, then, so it is falsely believed, the USA and CIA keep "clean" hands.
Nevertheless, however, the US's enslaved menials also torture, which, however, is not astonishing if one thinks that 1996 Washington, as a result of a USAmerican legal decision, released seven handbooks in which interrogation techniques are exclusively presented, as well as even how abductions, tortures and extortions of humans are carried out.
It is naturally also clear that, in a secret manner, also research is driven forward for newer, more effective, brutal and inhumane questioning and torture methods which do not leave a trace, whereby, naturally, in respect of the so-called "white torture" - a psychic torture - which leaves no traces behind, especially the CIA is authoritative, and invests millions of US dollars for that.
這點自然也很清楚,以一種秘密的方式,同時推動了對更新、更有效、殘忍和不人道的審問和酷刑方法的研究,不會留下任何痕跡,當然,關於所謂的「白色酷刑」 — 一種心靈上的折磨 — 不會留下任何痕跡,CIA特別是權威,並為此投入了數以百萬計美元。
These cruel "white torture" methods indicate effects like electric shocks, noise, silence, glaring light, absolute darkness, sleep deprivation, beatings, being stuck with fine needles, or forced postures, and so forth.
One cruel method of torture is also that in which the human to be tortured is tied tightly to a board, and a plastic bag or plastic film is pulled over the head or laid on the face and he/she who is to be tortured has running water poured over him/her, which leads to an uncontrollable fearful imagining of having to drown.
This method, named "water-boarding", is especially favored for torturing, which is so cruel, similar to the ancient Chinese water method of constant drips, whereby the victim is tied tightly to a tree or a stake and, over hours on end, continual drops of water out of a container drip down on his naked shaven skull, which finally has the effect of hammer blows, and drives people insane.
Now, officially because of public protests, some determinations were repealed whereby torture was meant to be prohibited, yet from the side of the government, that was only for show because all kinds of loopholes remain through which torture is further guaranteed, as is par for the course also in the American legislation generally with all kinds of other criminal and felonious behavior.
So, in the USA, even the contracting out of punishment is possible through legislation, disputed by delinquents, defense lawyers, federal lawyers and judges.
And so it is also possible, through the US legislation, that everything that the CIA can merely wish for is possible, so therefore also torture, which can lead from pain of a physical or psychic kind up to enduring and serious health-related damaging of important body functions, and thereby the health, or can even lead to organ failure and to death.
The unrestricted brutality and human-distaining of the CIA knows no bounds, and whoever falls under their suspicion and into their traps - its all the same whether they are a man, woman or child, suspected or guilty - must reckon with the worst, and all that in the name of the USA and its alleged state security.
CIA不受限制的殘酷和厭惡人類並沒有界限,無論誰落入他們的懷疑和陷阱中 — 不管他們是男人、女人或是孩子,是嫌疑人或是罪犯都一樣 — 都必須考慮到最壞的情況,一切皆以美國及其所謂國家安全的名義。
The CIA headquarters, respectively, the actual centre of power of the Central Intelligence Agency is to be found, as already explained, in a small city named Langely, which is located in the vicinity of Washington DC.
It is a centre of unimaginable power, and the USA's most secret stronghold, whose several million square meter circumference extent is hermetically secured and strictly guarded.
Surrounded by threatening fences and fitted with surveillance cameras and movement detectors, as well as satellite surveillance, also masses of sentries are in the entire area, as also numerous dog patrols do their rounds.
Penetration into the grounds, or even in the power complex, is as good as impossible, and whoever dares in spite of that plays with his life.
If that succeeds however, in spite of that, for example, through enemy agents, then he finds himself in a termite nest in which everything is arranged in such a branching and confusing manner that he can find nothing that could be useful to him.
Principally, everything is namely arranged in this centre of power so that, firstly, everybody mistrusts everyone, and secondly, that one person does not know what the other person does.
So one cannot speak of a CIA family because the entire system, and everything which is bound with it, is nothing more and nothing less than a gigantic network of intrigue, in which, already for a long time, nothing is simply worked on anymore for spying on enemy countries, or simply foreign countries as well as their agents, rather, fundamentally, it is indeed only for controlling the entire world and bringing it under USAmerican rule, as that also lies in the mind of the US government of the day.
Like a fat spider, the CIA sits in its giant network of intrigue, whereby also all the other US secret services are thereby entangled, and whereby from this, in the first instance, everything - including the CIA - is aligned not only to spy on, and listen to, the USAmerican citizens, rather the entire world and every single human on the Earth, and indeed not only directly, as with neighbors, acquaintances and friends acting as informers, rather also over the telephone, over radio transmissions and the Internet.
就像一隻胖蜘蛛,CIA盤踞在其龐大的陰謀網絡中,其他美國特務機關也因此糾纏其中,首先,所有的一切 — 包括CIA— 不僅聯合起來監視、監聽美國公民,而且還包括整個世界和地球上的每一個人,而事實上不僅是直接的,諸如鄰居、熟人和朋友充當告密者,而且也通過電話、通過無線電傳輸和互聯網。
For this, the CIA presides over the so-called Carnivore software (meat-eater) with which presently, around five million E-mails, telephone calls or chatrooms are simultaneously supervised.
Practically every laptop and computer's system is constructed such that the drive system, respectively, the software, functions in a way that everything can be controlled by the CIA.
If the software in this relationship is damaged, then the computer does not function anymore.
Through the entire thing it is possible, world wide, for the CIA to smuggle false information, respectively, false texts and so forth, into computers.
The CIA's Carnivore computer searches, uninterrupted, through the available data in the entire world, in order to find key words, as for example, assassin, Bush, terror, or whatever else it may be.
So the reader may know with certainty, when she or he reads these lines, that my words have already been registered and evaluated by the CIA.
Now, if the Carnivore computer spirits out several terms which appear suspicious to the CIA, then the originator of the terms is already graded as suspicious and is taken under the magnifying glass more precisely.
This procedure, however, is not by any means restricted to the USA, rather it occurs worldwide, whereby also even kidnappings to torture prisons are involved.
Worldwide the CIA also maintains the most varied front businesses which, from the outside, are of a purely commercial nature, and even the secret services of foreign countries have no idea that it thereby concerns CIA stations.
Yet such firms exist even in the USA itself, as for example, the previous America Online, respectively, AOL, a world undertaking, which plays a pre-eminent role in regard to the Internet industry, and indeed as a kind of "commercial news service".
然而,這樣的公司甚至存在於美國本土,例如,前美國線上(America Online),也就是AOL,一個世界企業,在互聯網行業中扮演著一個卓越的角色,事實上是一種「商業新聞服務」。
The Head Office of the firm is Dulles, Virginia, therefore, so to say, a suburb of CIA headquarters in Langley, and it is no accident that this firm resides at this place, and thereby in the vicinity of the CIA stronghold.
The location is named after the US politician Allen Dulles (born, Watertown, NY, April 7th, 1893, died, Washington DC, January 29th,1969), who, in the Second World War, led the USAmerican news service from Bern, Switzerland and who was the boss of the CIA from 1953 to 1963.
這個地點以美國政治家艾倫.杜勒斯(Allen Dulles)(1893年4月7日生於紐約水城市,1969年1月29日死於華盛頓特區)的名字命名,他在第二次世界大戰中領導來自瑞士伯恩(Bern)的美國通訊社,並在1953年到1963年間擔任CIA局長。
It is also interesting to know that the CIA Director, George Tenet, was a member of the board of directors of AOL during the years 1997 to 2004.
同樣有趣的是,CIA局長喬治.泰內特(George Tenet)在1997年至2004年期間亦曾是AOL的董事會成員。
Naturally it is thereby disputed that there is no other connection between the CIA and the worldwide operating provider.
But the undisputed fact of the matter is that the provider AOL collects secret data about its customers worldwide, and with it, even creates profiles of which customer clicks on which sites.
Therefore the Internet provider AOL is, in this regard alone, already an ideal partner for the CIA for exercising espionage worldwide on the Internet - not to mention the manipulated hard drives, and so forth, of laptops and computers.
所以,互聯網供應商AOL,僅就這一點而言,就已經是CIA在全世界互聯網內開展間諜活動的理想合作夥伴 — 更不用說受操縱的手提電腦和電腦硬碟等了。
It is however really also no secret that the CIA has not only installed its Carnivore program with AOL, rather also with many other providers worldwide.
The CIA does not only lead a secret war to achieve world control and world domination for the superpower USA, rather also in regard to petroleum, because one of its efforts consists of snatching as many oil fields as possible under its control, and under the control of the USA.
Also to this end all intrigues and other such machinations, extending to murder, are par for the course.
Through such intrigues and photo falsifications of an alleged armored deployment of Saddam Hussain's on Saudi Arabia's border, they seduced the then Saudi King Fahd, to allow "disbelievers", respectively, US soldiers, in the country and in the vicinity of the holy state of Mecca so that they could attack Iraq from there.
And naturally it came to be as it had to: once the US Yanks were in Saudi Arabia, then they also stayed there, which has remained that way until today.
Yet that was not enough, because since 1990 the USA not only controlled the oil fields in the re-conquered Kuwait, rather also those of Saudi Arabia, whereby the control of the oil fields in Iraq came in the year 2003.
Therefore, only missing in this circular dance of Orient-oilfield-countries is Persia, respectively, Iran, for which plans for a military takeover have already existed in the USA since 2002.
And there is no doubt that that is also being worked out today because the CIA as well as the government of the USA wants control, under all circumstances, over all Arabian oil fields, no matter what the cost.
Thereby, namely China could have the oil spigot turned off if it should dare to want to raise itself as a superpower, and as a matter of fact one such crisis is coming about.
As the USA is the biggest terror-country on Earth which acts worldwide and wants to bring all terrestrial resources and countries under its sword, whereby every filthy means is quite good enough, the CIA, worldwide is the biggest, state-sanctioned, respectively, legalized, criminal organisation which ever existed, and which does not find its equal, on our globe.
And because, on September 11th, 2001 in New York, the Al Qaida terrorists attacked - sped with two highjacked passenger aircraft into both towers of the World Trade Center and released an inferno, next to which, that a further aircraft was steered into the Pentagon and a fourth was brought down in the state of Pennsylvania - the power of the CIA grows immeasurably.
因為,2001年9月11日,蓋達組織恐怖分子在紐約發動了襲擊 — 駕駛兩架被劫持的客機加速撞向世貿中心的雙子塔,並引起一場大火災,緊接著,又有一架飛機駛向五角大樓,而第四架飛機則在賓夕法尼亞(Pennsylvania)墜毀 — CIA的權力無可估量地增長了。
New anti-terror laws were created, through which practical charters were prepared in regard to the terror search.
The press was muzzled and the CIA was given freedoms which are so unbelievable that a normal citizen of the country cannot conceive of these.
That could only happen, however, through the Al Qaida terror act, which shows that this was quite consciously allowed to happen.
It is a matter of fact, namely, that the CIA, through its spies and informers, was just as fully informed about Osama bin Laden's oncoming terror plot as was the irresponsible US President George W. Bush; yet neither he nor the CIA, nor ones from the other secret services, undertook something in order to prevent the harm.
That has several reasons, because on one hand the terror attack had to serve to provide yet more unrestricted power for the CIA, and on the other hand, through its actualization, the USAmerican people could be duped with threadbare and filthy lies, and the war in Iraq could be launched.
In addition to that, the anticipated terror attack also guaranteed that the CIA and the other secret services, as well as the US government, had to be given, along with more power, a greater financial blessing, which then also actually happened as the terror act was actualized and demanded more than than 3,000 human lives which the CIA, as well as US President Bush, coldly took into account.
Also a reaction did not then even come from the side of the secret service and from Bush or from the CIA boss, George Tenet, when on August the 30th and 31st of 2001, in Minneapolis, a suspect named Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested who, as it turned out, was a substitute assassin in regard to an airplane hijacking.
同樣,特務機關、布希和CIA局長喬治.泰內特當時甚至都沒有做出反應,當2001年8月30日和31日,在明尼亞波里斯(Minneapolis),一個名叫撒迦利亞.穆薩維(Zacarias Moussaoui)的嫌疑人被逮捕,後來發現,他在劫機事件中充當替補刺客。
CIA boss Tenet did not react to the warning that terror attacks were to be carried out with hijacked passenger machines, whereby he also even hid important information from the FBI, through which it would have been possible to arrest all the terrorists who were entangled in the terrorist disaster.
But, for money and power, everything is possible for the USA, for the US President, as well as for his dependent vassals, as well as for the criminal secret service CIA and all other secret services.
Billy Meier on the CIA
Source: FIGU Special Bulletin 030 - October 2006, pages 14 - 19