Contact Report 739/第739次接觸報告
接觸時間:2020 年 5 月 22 日,星期五
本次接觸是發生在 5 月的 22 日,所談內容仍離不開「冠狀病毒疾病」(COVID-19),但都是之前已經多次談到,如今再強調一些重點,當然還是很重要。
主要補充了原本在《第 731 次接觸報告》(接觸時間是 2020 年 2 月 3 日)已經提到的一些重要訊息(但由於當時 Billy 認為那些訊息太過驚悚,擔心引起大眾恐懼而未發布),如今應 Ptaah 要求,特地在這次報告中對大眾公布,重點如下:
此外,有關 Billy 與 Ptaah 同聲嚴詞批判美國無端造謠指控中國與德國聯手製造新冠病毒來引發另一場世界大戰之說,斥為是純粹惡毒的誹謗謊言。他們還對美國的川普總統一致認為是個「莽漢」、「小丑」、「傀儡」以及“在現實中自以為是但卻是那麼無能、瘋狂和偏狹的老人”。
在會談結束前,Ptaah 還是放心不下,又再度提出一些關於防範冠狀病毒要注意的事項,重點摘要入下:
... Well then, I really do have to ask a few things, especially with regard to how we are supposed to continue to behave with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease, because it will be necessary for one or the other of us here in the Center to actually go out, because things are coming up that we can hardly put off or cannot any longer put off. It is indeed only the 22nd of May, although you said that you will give us your next information regarding the rampantly spreading disease at the end of the month.
... 那麼,我確實有幾個問題,特別是關於冠狀病毒疫情方面,我們應該繼續採取什麼樣的措施,因為我們中間總有某些人需要離開「中心」外出辦點事,我們很難而且也不能再拖延下去。雖然你說你將在月底向我們提供關於這場流行病的進一步訊息,但現在已是 5 月 22 號了。
On the one hand, my question is about family matters, which are slowly causing problems because there are simply human beings who cannot cope with a situation such as has arisen due to the pandemic, which leads to strange expressions, for example, relationship breakup and so forth, because being together or being able to put one’s arms around each other is not possible for a longer time and one cannot accept it. However, I have to say thereto that these problems do not originate from someone here in the Center but from family members and relatives and so forth, who do not live here. I can indeed understand that longer periods of separation can lead to problems among human beings if they are psychically unstable, which they themselves, however, refuse to accept and therefore cannot logically follow it . On the other hand, however, such behaviour is also based on an egoism, which is expressed through allowing pathological thoughts of loss to emerge due to the need to renounce hugs and so forth, which correspondingly inevitably creates negative feelings and likewise negatively affects the psyche and therethrough causes the morale to plunge. This plunging of the morale then leads to the fact that temporal separations cannot be accepted and are reacted to with strange expressions, such as relationship breakup, behavioural disorders and thoughtless as well as uncontrolled modes of behaviour which even pervert into quarrels and is of course incorrect, which therefore corresponds to nothing other than an act of switching off the intellect and rationality.
我的問題是,一方面有些家庭事務正在逐漸形成問題,因為有些人根本無法接受這種由於疫情而引起的情況,這導致了一些奇怪的情緒發洩,例如要斷絕關係等,因為無法適應長時間一家人待在一起而無法互相擁抱,這是不可能的。但我必須指出,這些問題不是出自「中心」裡的人,而是來自那些不住在這裡的家庭成員和親戚等。雖然我知道,如果人們精神狀況不穩定,即使他們自己不承認,也無法順理成章適應(logically follow)這件事,但長期的分離,是會導致人們之間出現情感上的問題。另一方面,這種狀況也是基於只關心自己的心態,這表現出病態的失落感,也就是說,缺少了擁抱等等的行為,就會造成負面的情緒,對心靈產生不良影響,進而導致道德感的下降。這種道德感的淪陷導致一種情況,那就是暫時的分離是令人無法適應的,它會退化成一些奇怪的表達方式,例如斷絕關係、行為的雜亂和輕率,甚至產生爭吵等不當現象,這無異於是一種不明智且非理性的行為。
In fact, such occurrences unfortunately come about worldwide during this period of the corona pandemic, whereby our KG members here at the Center are also confronted with them, however, not in our small Center community itself, but with relatives living outside, who unfortunately cannot come here or cannot be visited. But there are also problems when with those in need of help or with very elderly persons a visit needs to be enabled and where one should not hug due to ensuring health-maintenance-safety.
事實上,在冠狀病毒全球大流行的這段時期,此類不幸事件到處都在發生,在我們「中心」的核心小組成員(KG members)同樣也會面臨這種狀況,但問題不是在我們的中心成員本身,而是他們住在外面的親屬,遺憾的是,他們無法來到這裡探視親人。而當需要幫助的人或高齡老年人需要探視時,也存在一些問題,由於需要保持健康距離,所以不允許他們相互擁抱。
However, if we now take a look at ourselves here in the Center, we do not have the slightest problems with our isolation, although we are also affected by the separations from all family members concerned, from friends and acquaintances, because we all have – based on intellect and rationality – adjusted to everything that is necessary and simply stick to it. This changes nothing at all regarding our thoughts, feelings and our behaviour towards our external family members, friends, acquaintances, KG members as well as passive members, and so forth, because we do not make our relationships dependent on egoism and an exuberance of thoughts and feelings, which with an ‘inability-to-fulfil-them’ lead to inner discord with one’s present destiny. And this presentation of the matter effectively corresponds to the truth, which also further explains that out of this discord then false accusations, quarrels and evil things arise, right up to the relationship breakups and the being cursed and so forth of those who, due to an emergency situation and so forth, cannot avoid an inevitable longer separation. This is especially the case when such an emergency situation consists of breaking a necessary separation because of a visit, get-together or hugging, and therewith the health or even the death of one's own person as well as that of the other person or several of them is being compromised.
Well, although we live here in the Center with 12 persons in a small circle and sometimes almost tread on each other's toes, so to speak, there is no hassling or quarrelling and so forth, because we all behave according to your given guidelines and, in addition, rationally, being conscious of the fact that we are doing the best for ourselves if we behave according to that which the situation demands now. For me the whole thing is nothing new, because also in the last world war we had similar times here and there, when we had to ‘disappear’ into our cellars, like others had to into air-raid shelters. In various countries I was also confronted with similar situations to now, because sometimes I was inevitably isolated, for example, when I had to be ‘pestered’ with certain necessary vaccinations.
雖然目前我們有 12 個人住在「中心」的小範圍裡,有時擠到幾乎會踩到對方的腳,但大家並沒有抱怨或爭吵之類的情況,因為我們都是按照你的指導行事,我們也知道,如果大家都按照要求行事,是對自己最好的行為。而整件事對我來說沒什麼稀奇,因為在上一次世界大戰那個時代,我們到處也有過類似的情況,當有空襲時,我們不得不像其他人一樣,躲進地窖裡避難。在許多國家裡,我同樣也遇過類似現在的情況,因為有時我難免會被隔離,例如當我必須接種某些疫苗的時候。
On the other hand, in order to address the other problems, we unfortunately cannot avoid having to grapple with finances in our materialistically designed world, namely in connection with the post office and the bank, because regarding finances we can neither do without them, nor can we do without sending books and brochures and so forth. Therefore it is necessary that someone has to leave the Center and undertake certain financial matters with the post office and bank, which is not a problem in and of itself, because ... strictly adheres to the security guidelines, as ... and ... also have to do this with regard to their ageing mothers, who need help. In addition, ... and ... also frequently have to do some things away from home, as sometimes also ..., in which case, however, all of them comply with the safety measures, such as wearing suitable protective masks and keeping the necessary distance to persons from outside.
另一方面,為了解決其他實際問題,我們無法避免要去處理我們日常的財務問題,也就是與郵局和銀行有關的財政事務,因為在這方面不可能不去處理,此外還有書籍和著作的分發等事務。因此,總有人需要離開「中心」,前往郵局和銀行處理某些財務事務,這本身不是問題,因為... 嚴格遵守了安全守則,例如... 和... 也不得不外出,因為他們高齡的母親需要幫助。另外... 和... 也必須做一些事情,因為他們有時要去...,不過他們都遵守了安全措施,例如配戴適當的防護口罩,並與在外面的人保持必要的距離。
Well, for my part, I stay in the Center consistently and do not go out while ... works for his employer via computer in the home office. ... unfortunately was less lucky, because his boss and the wife of his boss unfortunately had no understanding for his situation with us; consequently the two have terminated his employment and he will have to look for a new job when the time for it comes up again, which, however, may still take some time as you said.
Concerning the food that we need, this is not a problem for us, because as you know, since the last world war I have always directed myself to having a sufficiently large food store in the house in order to have a supply of it for two or three months if necessary, even also for all persons living here in the Center. Nowadays it is also possible to have food brought here by the postal service or by transport companies, which I also have been using since our isolation, because in this regard I have arranged with an acquaintance that he brings us fresh vegetables and so forth from his sister's shop every Tuesday. On the other hand, ... and ... help me with their credit cards – because I do not have one of my own – so that I can buy food from Migros via the computer, which is then sent to me by postal delivery. The costs incurred in each case I can pay to ... and ... who can pay the money back into their account via our mailpersons. Of course we observe our security measures also with the mail carriers, because when they come here, we put all our mail out for them, ready to go, consequently they can take all of it with them and deposit the mail they brought to us undisturbed and without us coming into direct contact with the people. Therefore everything is arranged, namely also when members living outside the centre come to the centre, such as ..., or ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., ..., and ..., and so forth, which is possible for them, while ..., the wife of ..., in Germany as well as ... and ... in Austria are unfortunately blocked due to the border closure, as are ... and ... with the children.
至於我們需要的食物,這不是問題,因為你知道,自從上次世界大戰以來,我一直致力於在家裡設有一個足夠大的食物儲藏室,以便在必要的時候,包括所有住在「中心」的人,都能夠供應兩三個月的食物。現在,郵局或物流公司也可以幫忙送來食物。自從我們被隔離後,我和一位熟人就安排每週二從他姐姐的店裡送來新鮮的蔬菜等食物,提供我們大家食用。另一方面...和...幫我用信用卡(因為我自己沒有信用卡)購物,這樣我就可以用電腦從 Migros 那裡買食物了,這是用郵寄送來的。每次的花費,我可以付給...和...,他們可以經由郵局人員存回他們的帳戶。當然,我們與郵局人員也保持了該有的安全措施,因為當他們來到這裡時,我們把我們所有要寄送的郵件先在外面放妥,好讓他們可以收取,同時再放入他們要給我們的郵件物品,雙方沒有直接接觸到人,因此不會受到不當的干擾。這一切都是事先安排好的,即使住在外面的會員來到中心,例如...,或…、…、…、…、…、…、…、…、…、…和... 等,這對他們而言是可行的,而...和...在德國的妻子,以及...和在奧地利的...,由於邊境封鎖而被隔離,就像...和與孩子們在一起的...是同樣的情況。
All of that which you have explained corresponds to what I know, about which I want to say that you have organised everything well, as all of you in the Center and also all members of the core group and the passive group residing elsewhere follow my advice and do well with it. Unfortunately, however, it is obviously the case, as you say, that various persons from the circles of family and acquaintances are ununderstanding and cannot cope or can hardly cope with the current Corona pandemic situation with regard to the prevailing and necessary isolation. This is extremely regrettable; however, on the one hand, the life and safety for it as well as for health take precedence, as do necessarily the observance of official regulations and so forth, which must not be disregarded and ought to be respected, even if, due to the unknowledge and incompetence of the state leaders, they do not entirely correspond to that which would be correct in the matter, but nevertheless they can prevent the worst. This must be understood in such situations as now prevail and which serve health and life security. If, therefore, inevitable temporary separations between persons are unavoidable, then this can and must never be a reason for relationship problems of any kind, especially not when deeper personal connections exist. However, if problems still arise in this respect, then a deep reaching clarification is probably necessary.
That is also what I think, but my question is not only about that, rather it is about the fact that the so-called lockdown is henceforth to be relaxed in various countries. Actually, the term literally means ‘lock down’ or ‘lock under’, which is actually completely idiotic, just as the English language is from the bottom up, but generally the whole thing is sold to the earthlings as 'curfew', 'shutdown', 'closing', 'end of transmission' and 'close down' and so forth; however, in any case really none of these interpretations actually explain the word term, which is why I asked you if you can ask your language experts for the actual word value.
我也是這個意思,但我的問題不僅在這方面,還有所謂的「封鎖」(lockdown;德語也是 Lockdown),現在各國將要解封。實際上,這個詞的字面意思是「封鎖」(lock down)或「鎖定」(lock under),這是完全愚蠢的,因為英語是從自下而上,但一般來說,整個事情被地球人說成“宵禁”(curfew)、“暫停運行”(shutdown)、“關閉”(closing)、“結束傳輸”(end of transmission)和“封閉”(close down)等等,但這些翻譯實際上沒有一個真正解釋了這個詞,這就是為什麼我會請你能否請教一下你們的語言專家,這個詞實際的意義。
That is what I have done and received as an explanation that, in the right form, 'lockdown' corresponds exactly to this and is to be translated into German, as you have just explained, written down and given to me in order to present to our linguists. Additionally, it was also explained that, unfortunately, it is not possible to bring forth clear and comprehensible as well as exact relevant terms from the term-deformed words of a language, as in English in this case. In the English language this appears at an alarming rate, whereby a single word even embodies different terms, as if, for example, the letter X was also the letter A, and this is again equated with the value of the letter U.
這就是我收到的解釋,正確的「鎖定」(lockdown)與此完全相符,並將被翻譯成德語,正如你剛才所解釋、寫下來並交給我的,我將轉給我們的語言學家。此外還有人解釋說,可惜不可能從一種語言變形的語言詞中產生清晰易懂和完全相關的術語,例如在這種情形下的英語。在英語中,這似乎以驚人的頻率出現,也就是一個單詞甚至包含不同的概念,像是舉例來說:字母 X 也是字母 A,這又等同於字母 U 的值。
Well, then that is cleared up; to which, however, I think that the delusion of speaking English and its intended spread throughout the entire world is the last idiocy of a worldwide linguistic dumbing down by US-American megalomania and hegemonic striving. But let us leave it at that, because I would prefer that which you have to say. With regard to the end of this month, if you already know today what can happen for us of FIGU with regard to rational, safety-related and responsible relaxation in relation to dealing with the outside world, thus for all of us here in the Center, for everyone of the core group here in Switzerland, in Germany and Austria, however, as similarly also for all passive members around the world, of whom you indeed have a complete list.
好吧,這已經理清了;但我認為說英語的錯覺及其意圖蔓延到整個世界,是美國妄自尊大和霸權主義努力使全世界語言退化的最後一個愚蠢之舉。但就讓一切順其自然吧,而我更喜歡聽你說的話。如果你今天已經知道,關於在本月底我們與外界的互動,FIGU 本著理性、安全和負責任的方式解封,而在「中心」裡,對於瑞士、德國和澳洲的所有核心小組,以及全世界所有被動成員都一樣,這方面你已經有一份完整的清單了。
Which is right. ... With regard to the number of infections and deaths worldwide caused by the coronavirus, I explained to you that the number will rise to 5 million infections by the middle of the year. This number resulted according to our advance calculations in February. Since then, however, due to the reckless and wrong behaviour of the state leaders themselves, even the attitudes of various national populations have largely changed in a negative form and into a form that does not correspond to the circumstances so that the number of 5 million infections – and I had earlier mentioned this expected high number to you – has already been exceeded. And since everything is continuing uncontrollably in its previous form and is increasingly rampant, it can now be assumed that the number of infections due to the coronavirus will be around 8 million by the middle of the year. This, while the number of deaths is also increasing at a higher rate and our calculated figure of 500,000 will probably be reached by mid-year. This does not include the estimated number of unknown cases.
這是正確的。... 關於全球因冠狀病毒造成的感染和死亡人數,根據我們在 2 月份的預測,到今年的年中,感染人數將上升到 500 萬。然而,自那時以來,由於一些國家領導人的魯莽和錯誤行為,甚至各國人民的態度也發生了相當大的負面變化,已經與當時預測的環境不符,以至於感染的人數已經超過 500 萬,正如我告訴你的那樣,預計人數會很高。由於一切狀況無法在以前的模式上繼續控制下去,而且變化得非常猖獗,現在可以假定,到今年年中,冠狀病毒的感染人數將在 800 萬左右。雖然死亡人數也在以很高的速度增長,而我們計算出到年中,死亡的人數將可能達到 50 萬人。這還不包含未公開的數字。
[中譯者註:看來 Plejaren 的預測數字,在感染確診人數方面還太保守了;他們真的低估了美國的川普還有巴西的波索納洛(Jair Messias Bolsonaro)他們的瘋狂程度。
截至台灣時間 6 月 25 日上午 10 時左右,全球累計確診人數超過 940 萬例,其中染疫不治人數超過 48.2 萬人。(資料來自:聯合新聞網;該數字會隨日期變動而更新)]
Even with the onset of the cold season – in addition to the thoughtless and dangerous lifting of various protective measures – under some circumstances a renewed strong acute outbreak of the rampantly spreading coronavirus disease can loom again. As our research has shown thus far, this virus – in its ability to mutate – has developed into an extraordinary and dangerous ultra-multi-virus, that is to say, an extreme multiple pathogen. Overall this is a matter of a very peculiar virus in which many kinds of characteristics have come about through mutations, which cause many kinds of diseases and can infect and make any organ ill, just as it can also produce completely new diseases. This happens without distinction in human beings of all ages, because every unborn as well as newborn life can be affected by these manifold diseases, as also can all human beings alike up to the highest attainable age, as I already explained to you on the 3rd of February. However, you concealed this in our contact report from that time, because you feared that an anxiety-hysteria could spread in certain circles of the population when the report was distributed. However, today I have to object to this because in the meantime we have ascertained that such a disclosure would have aroused really serious rational impulsations only in a few Earth’s human beings, as would have also been the case with regard to the facts I named on the 3rd of February, and which I will mention yet again now.
即使隨著寒冷季節的來臨 —— 除了輕率和危險的解除各種保護措施 —— 也可能面臨冠狀病毒流行病再次爆發的強烈威脅。我們的研究表明,這種病毒已經發展成一種非常危險的超級多樣病毒(ultra-multi-virus)或極端的多種病原體(extreme multiple pathogen)。因此,它是一種很奇怪的病毒,其中許多不同的特徵是由突變產生的,它可以引起許多不同的疾病,可以感染任何器官,以及創造全新的疾病。這種疾病對所有年齡層的人都沒有任何差異,因為每個尚未出生的胎兒與新生兒的生命,以及到最年長的老者,也就是所有的人類,都可能受到這些不同疾病的影響,這是我已經在 2 月 3 日都解釋給你聽過。然而,你在我們的當時接觸報告[中譯者註:也就是《第 731 次接觸報告》]中隱瞞了這些訊息,因為你擔心在那份報告發布時,會引起部分人因恐懼而產生歇斯底里的反應。但我今天必須反駁這一觀點,因為我們現在已經確定,這樣的宣佈,只會在少數地球人身上引起非常嚴重的「理性躁動」(rational impulsations),正如我在 2 月 3 日所陳述的事實那樣,我現在將再次提出一次。
You do not really have to, because I have written down your explanations regarding this, but then removed them from the conversation, therefore they were not published; however, I have them here in the computer ... , look here ... .
你真的不必這樣做,因為我已經紀錄下了你說的話,但後來我從對話中移除了,所以沒有發表,但我儲存在電腦裡... ,你看這裡... 。
Good, then insert them straight away at the current spot of our conversation when you retrieve and write down our current conversation.
Okay, I will add it here straight away to my words.
3rd February 2020
2020 年 2 月 3 日
… … along with the rampantly spreading corona disease’s occurring symptoms, which I have so far mentioned since the 20th of November 2019, such as fever, speech difficulties, breathing difficulties, loss of smell, headaches, discolouration of fingers or toes, shortness of breath, movement problems, visual difficulties, dry cough, kidney problems, conjunctivitis, constant fatigue as well as diarrhoea, skin rashes, loss of taste, sore throat, pressure in the chest area, allergy attacks, pain in the limbs, loss of orientation, loss of concentration and control and so forth, there are other important points to mention, which I still want to explain as follows:
... ... 除了我從 2019 年 11 月 20 日以來所提到有關冠狀病毒疾病的症狀,例如:發燒、言語困難、呼吸困難、嗅覺喪失、頭痛、手指或腳趾變色、呼吸急促、運動問題、視力困難、乾咳、腎臟問題、結膜炎、持續疲勞和腹瀉、皮疹、味覺喪失、喉嚨痛、胸部壓力、過敏發作、四肢疼痛、方向感喪失、注意力和控制力的喪失等,還有其他重要的事情要提出,我將說明如下:
The coronavirus corresponds to a multi-organ virus, which can attack all organs and, as a multi-pathogen, can call forth manifold forms of suffering and disease.
冠狀病毒是一種「多重器官病毒」(multi-organ virus),它會攻擊所有器官,並是一種「多樣病原體」(multi-pathogen),會造成各種形式的痛苦和疾病。
The coronavirus corresponds to a mutating virus species, which can emerge in typical and atypical corona-forms, therefore, in atypical forms it is difficult to recognise it as a corona species.
The coronavirus is unpredictable and can infect any human being of any age, namely already the fruit in the womb as well as from infancy to old age, and indeed both woman and man.
In its type of mutation, the coronavirus is particularly dangerous with regard to the full blood count, which, due to the virus, shows serious changes in all measurement parameters of the leukocytes, erythrocytes, haemoglobin, haematocrit, MCH and MCHC measurements; just as the virus also brings about blood clotting disorders.
冠狀病毒的突變類型對於「全血細胞計數」(full blood count,FBC或 complete blood count,CBC;又稱為血常規、血象、血細胞分析、血液細胞分析、血細胞計數或血液細胞計數,是醫生或其他醫學專業人員常常申請的一種組合檢驗項目,其結果提供的是關於病人血液細胞的訊息。)方面特別危險,由於病毒在白血球、紅血球、血紅蛋白、血容比、MCH(mean corpuscular haemoglobin;即平均紅血球血紅蛋白量)和 MCHC(mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration;即平均細胞血紅蛋白濃度)的各種大小都表現出嚴重的變化,會引起血液凝固(blood clotting)方面的失調。
To have been infected by the rampantly spreading corona disease once and to have been cured, depending on the case, does not mean absolute immunity against the virus for human beings, because, after some time, that is to say, indefinite time, a new infection through external influences can be always probable, which can persist for life.
The coronavirus can never be finally eliminated, rather it will remain existent under the surface for a very long time, namely for many millennia, thousands of centuries or even millions of years, just as other viruses can continue to exist likewise and depending on their type.
A corona affection can cause life-threatening forms of thromboses in all organs of human beings of any age.
A corona affection can trigger existing epilepsies, but can also call forth new epilepsies of various kinds.
A corona affection can bring forth heart disease and heart failure in a human being at any age, which can end fatally, of which even children can be befallen.
Even after a recovery, a corona affection can lead to possible life-long health disorders and various organic afflictions and illnesses.
A corona affection can quickly or over the course of time call forth a susceptibility to allergies, which can apply to manifold kinds and also persist for life.
Due to a corona affection, long term effects can develop in relation to various health-damaging, permanent impairments, which can occur in different organs.
Our latest cognitions show that a corona affection can, under some circumstances and after convalescence, cause partial or total blindness or, equally, a partial or total loss of hearing, as a result of long-term effects.
Further research cognitions show that immunities, which used to be present after recovery from previous diseases, can be reversed after an illness from the corona virus and consequently old ailments and diseases can reappear again.
A corona affection can let each organ collapse independently of another and also have a deadly effect in this form, because the virus as such corresponds to a multi-organ virus and therefore can attack any organ.
In a corona affection, the multi-organ virus can call forth a sequential failure, that is to say, multi-organ failure that corresponds to a severe functional impairment of various vital organ systems of the body, in addition to the 'simple' symptoms of the disease that are also known to terrestrial medical professionals.
You can say that out loud, because all your explanations and statements were and are very far-reaching. No doubt certain explanations need some explanation for us laypersons, however, they can still impart much knowledge to us. And precisely for this reason I want to ask you what your last explanation means – namely 'a sequential failure, that is to say, a multiorgan failure'. Exactly what is actually fundamentally to be understood by that?
A ‘sequential failure’ is, otherwise explained, a matter of a ‘multiple organ failure’. The most common causes for it are sepsis, that is to say, a generalised inflammation of an organism. This applies equally also to polytrauma.
Aha, my intelligence is just enough to understand the whole thing. The ‘multiple’ means in French ‘manifold or multiple’ and so forth, and if you speak of a ‘generalised’ inflammation of an organism, then I understand by this that, on the one hand, it is a ‘comprehensive’ inflammation, but, on the other hand, also that such an inflammation can only come about when thereby corresponding bacteria with their toxins enter the bloodstream and call forth other toxic influences, in which case perhaps viral infections, fungi or other substances can also play a role.
That is right. But with this, Eduard, dear friend, we should have said enough about all the important factors of this rampantly spreading disease for today and since the time of our first conversation on this subject on November 30, 2019, and therewith mentioned the most significant of our cognitions.
沒錯,但親愛的朋友,愛德華,我們今天應該談得夠多了,自從我們於 2019 年 11 月 30 日就這一問題進行首次談話[中譯者註:也就是《第 728 次接觸報告》]以來,我們討論了這一流行病的所有要素,因此公開發布我們重要的發現最為重要。
Good. However, in this case I think that from now on we should no longer be concerned with all the stuff about the coronavirus and the corona pandemic. That means: first you should still explain to us what we are to do in our Center and in the circle of all core group members, as well as in the circle of our worldwide passive group members, and how we are to behave overall in the future. It is still only the 22nd of May, and you were only going to give us more clarifications at the end of May.
很好,但我認為我們不該再擔心冠狀病毒和疫情的大流行了。也就是說:你應該先向我們說明我們在「中心」所有的核心成員,以及我們全球的被動小組成員,此刻以及今後我們應該做些什麼。現在只是 5 月 22 日,而直到 5 月底前,你可能不會再給我們任何進一步的訊息了。
These explanations I can also give today, because they will probably also be the same at the end of the month, whereby, however, I will continue to monitor and assess the situation until then.
Good, then I still have a different question now. Namely – through your observations and research today – how far are you in relation to your cognitions regarding the progress of the whole matter that Mao Zedong and the vengeful American ... ... brought into being in the 1970s? With that it is also not clear to me why Mao even got into this thing. You also said that the Chinese leadership actually had nothing to do with producing the coronavirus. This, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, also that there is nothing true about that which is being spread with the stupidly imbecilic claim that it could be proven that the Germans and the Chinese are developing a biological warfare agent together for the purpose of war and are thus working towards another world war.
An unparalleled imbecility of a conspiracy theory, wherethrough it is claimed, as you can read here in this fax-writing nonsense from the USA, which I received four days ago and kept only to show you. If this imbecility of a conspiracy theory has been beamed not only to me, but to other people as well, then I can vividly imagine what ultimately results from it in connection with the warmongering that the wannabe presidential clown Trample-Tramp-Trump, who is of low intelligence and simple-minded, is doing in the USA against China and Russia. Thereby I can also still vividly imagine that all of this imbecility could have been penned by Trample-Tramp-Trump himself or that he entrusted it to someone who only beamed it to me. In my opinion only an irrational lunatic could come up with such an idea. It is really crazy that ‘China’ would want to force another world war with such a bio warfare agent in order to eradicate the populations of other nations and in this way win new land for their own huge Chinese population. In my opinion, it smells like Trample-Tramp-Trump, because that is exactly his style. And the fact that this fax also states that the Germans, as Nazi descendants, would be in cahoots with the Chinese in this respect, because they built the high security laboratory in Wuhan together and work together there, opened it in 2017 and since then have the opportunity to research the so-called BSL-4 pathogens, that obviously does not suit certain people in the USA. But since I didn't know what BSL-4 means, I looked it up on Wikipedia and now I know that BSL means ‘biosafety level’, which I translate as ‘biological protection level’.
那我現在還有一個相關的問題,也就是今天你們的觀察和調查,連同你們的調查發現,整個事件的進展都與毛澤東和那個滿懷仇恨的美國人有關 … … 在 1970 年代被牽涉捲入?我不清楚毛澤東為什麼一開始就介入這件事。你還說,中國目前的領導人真的與冠狀病毒的出現毫無關聯。另一方面,關於在散布的愚蠢而白癡的說法方面,也就是說:可以證明德、中兩國正在為戰爭目的而開發生物戰劑,從而引發另一場世界大戰,這是沒有事實根據的胡說。
這是一個超級胡扯的陰謀論,你可以在這裡看看我四天前從美國收到的這個傳真所寫的那些胡言亂語,我留著只是為了要給你看。如果這個胡扯的陰謀論不僅傳給了我,同樣也會傳給其他的人,那麼我就能活靈活現地想像到,這最終會導致那個愚蠢的小丑總統唐納.川普(Tramp-Trump;這裡有貶抑之意)正在美國發動一場對中國和俄羅斯的戰爭。我也可以如臨現場地想像到,所有這些胡說八道的瘋言瘋語可能是由川普自己寫的,或者是他委託這位剛剛發送傳真給我的人所寫。在我看來,只有一個瘋子才能想出這樣一個主意:中國想用這種生物戰劑引發另一場世界大戰,以消滅其他國家的人口,並以此為自己龐大的人口拓展新的土地;這種想法實在是太瘋狂了。在我看來,這份傳真聞起來就像「莽漢川普」(tramp-trump)幹的,因為這正是他做事(rope)的風格。而這份傳真還說,身為納粹後裔的德國人,將與中國人在這方面沆瀣一氣,因為他們一起在武漢(Wuhan)建立了高級別的實驗室,並自 2017 年起就在研究所謂的「BSL-4 病原體」,這顯然就是針對美國人而來。當時我還不知道 BSL-4 是什麼意思,後來在「維基百科」上查閱後,我才知道 BSL 的意思是「生物安全等級」,我翻譯為「生物保護等級」(biological protection level)。
Well, I think that everything corresponds to a deliberately malicious libel, which possibly serves the purpose of spreading the nonsense written here as conspiracy theory, or that therewith the lie is to be spread that the Chinese government would actually carry out research for a bio-weapon of war, which the Chinese government is supposed to have ordered and so forth, which of course would be a reason for all conspiracy theory believers worldwide to harass the Chinese government, ‘Chinasia’ and its people. Thanks to the feeble-minded assertions of the Trample-Tramp-Trump-clown, this is already partly being done in the USA on the open street, as I have seen on the TV news, when an over seventy-year-old US-Chinese man was pursued on the open street by Trample-Tramp-Trump believers and was beaten up miserably. This obviously happened as a result of the bean-straw-like, primitive and imbecilic accusations, which are of low-intelligence, of the US American presidential clown against China because of the rampantly spreading corona disease, which had just been shouted into the microphone of a journalist.
我認為這一切都是蓄意惡毒的誹謗謊言,這有可能是為了散布陰謀論的無稽之談,或者用它散佈中國政府已經下令遲早會研究生化武器等等的謊言,這當然是全世界所有陰謀論信徒騷擾中國政府及其人民的理由。拜「莽漢川普」的低能主張之賜,這種騷亂已經發生在美國的大街上,正如我在電視新聞中看到的那樣,當時一個 70 多歲的美籍華人在大街上被莽漢川普的信徒追趕並遭到虐待。這顯然是由於這位美國「小丑總統」因冠狀病毒疾病而對中國進行愚蠢、野蠻和低能的指責。
This man, who you have also called USA chief puppet, is a completely irresponsible, selfish, pathologically irresponsible, unaccountable clown figure, as you also once said. Now the time has really come that I will probably have to finally resort to your terminology and use it to describe facts and data as they effectively are. Therefore, from now on I will also use your modes of expression, because they describe the corresponding facts with the right terms, and since I am still capable of learning at my age, I have no problem in doing so. However, it would be pointless to go on about how incapable, irrational and sect-oriented the senile US wannabe-great is in reality.
這個人,你也可以叫他是美國的「首席傀儡」(chief puppet),如你所說,是一個完全不負責任、自私、病態無賴,莫名其妙的小丑人物。現在,我可能不得不暫且並長期使用你的用語,來有效描述這些事實和人物。因此,從現在開始,我也將使用你的表述方式,因為這些用詞都符合事實,在我這樣的年紀,我仍然能夠學習,本來我是沒有必要這樣做的。然而,繼續談論美國這個在現實中自以為是但卻是那麼無能、瘋狂和偏狹的老人,這是毫無意義的。
In fact this fax letter, which was actually sent to you from the USA according to the data here, is not only ridiculous but also dangerous with regard to already existing and further developing lies and conspiracy theories against China, but to lose further words about that as well would be senseless.
Over the past few months, we have made a thorough effort about everything concerning your question, and while doing so we have ascertained and gained clarification that in the entire extent of it everything corresponds to purely nonsensical conspiracy theories, however, nothing to the truth in any form. But nevertheless, the conspiracy theories are taken up by their believers and spread without hesitation just as much, as are all the actual corona virus conspiracy theories of any kind, which have come about especially through the irrationality and fault of the US government clown – you have found a good and appropriate term for this. In all lie assertions of this kind, not the slightest iota could be found which would have indicated that in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, in the high-security laboratory in Wuhan, a bio-warfare agent of some kind is being researched by the Germans and Chinese, because the Chinese microbiologists there are engaged in real research work, consequently they are not assigned to any government contract for the production of a bio-warfare weapon and do not carry out any such work.
在過去的幾個月裡,我們就你的問題付出了很大的心力去探討,而發現且澄清了所有荒誕的陰謀論中,沒有一件是事實。然而,這個陰謀論被他們的信徒接受並傳播,就像所有奇特的冠狀病毒陰謀論一樣肆無忌憚地傳播,這些理論尤其是由美國那個小丑政府的蠻橫和內疚所發起的 —— 這是你為此找到一個巧妙而正確的用語。在所有這些謊言中,找不到那怕是一點點的蛛絲馬跡,可以指證:在中國武漢市的高級別實驗室裡,德國人和中國人正在研究任何形式的生物戰劑。因為那裡的中國微生物學家從事著真正的研究工作,因此,他們沒有任何政府命令生產生物武器,也不會進行任何此類工作。
If the Chinese state leadership is reproached with senseless, malicious and slanderous reproaches and accusations regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease and is even accused of having had the rampantly spreading disease produced in the form of a biological weapon, then this corresponds to a malicious lie and slander. That which is being done in this regard is an irresponsible disgrace, such as, for example, the good-for-nothing president-clown of the USA practises, because he blames the Chinese leadership for something, for which it is not responsible in any form, namely the rampantly spreading corona disease.
The corona virus was caused and spread elsewhere in Wuhan, however, no information will be given about this, because only by means of silence can various persons and families be protected from state harassment and the death penalty, because the Chinese criminal law regulation is even more inhumane and human-life-disdaining than also applies to the USA, Saudi Arabia and Iran and so forth.
That which until recently was carried out in a secret backyard laboratory from the mid-1970s on the orders of Mao Zedong and with the cooperation of the client, the vindictive American ... ... until recently, in order to ... ... ... is now part of the secret history, because the last three persons who were co-responsible for the rampantly spreading corona disease were also infected with the corona virus and died a few weeks ago. Furthermore it has to be said that during the last 16 years the laboratory experts who worked on the virus had no idea what it was actually intended for, because the knowledge of its purpose was lost when the last person carrying the secret died without having passed on the secret. However, since the work continued in a secret form, the purpose of the research and the American's revenge were finally fulfilled, although the spread of the rampantly spreading disease did not affect the USA as planned, but the entire world.
從 1970 年代中期開始,在毛澤東的準許,以及在那位想要報復美國的美國人之主謀下… … 直到最近,在一個秘密的後院實驗室操作 … … … 這是現在秘密故事的一部分,因為最後三名負責冠狀病毒疾病的人也感染了冠狀病毒,並剛在幾星期前死亡。此外必須說明,在過去 16 年中,從事該病毒工作的實驗室專家不知道它的實際用途,因為當攜帶秘密的最後一個人在未交代秘密的情況下死亡時,對病毒目的的瞭解就消失了。然而,由於工作以秘密的方式繼續進行,研究的目的和對美國人的復仇終於實現了,雖然疾病的傳播並沒有按計畫只影響美國,而是影響了整個世界。
[中譯者註:以上換句話說,也就是這個世紀之毒,主要起源於 1970 年代那位要向美國復仇的美國人,而在當時中共毛主席的認可下,經過物換星移的祕密發展後,目前的確大大的毒害了美國人(世界第一多),但也拖著中國人下水,並且還毒害了全球其他無辜國家的人民。
His plan was indeed only aimed at the USA, but in his revenge the American, that is to say, ... ... did not think that other nations or even the whole world could be affected. But I think we should no longer talk about it, because the whole thing has happened now and can no longer be changed. Besides, it would also not be good to say anything more than what has already been said. Well, what actually comes up is my question, what is further to be, if you ...
他的計畫原來只是針對美國,但在他報復美國人或 … … … 沒有想到其他國家,甚至整個世界都會受到了影響。但我認為我們不應該再談這個問題,因為整件事已經發生,無法挽回。此外,除了已經說過的話之外,說任何話都不好。那麼,接下來該真正談談我的問題,如果你…
Of course, because that is important. Before I start with that, however, I still want to say that I have thought about it and I think that everything we have talked about so far should basically be made public and you should spread it via your website. This should also include what I still have to explain in a general form, while however, it should not concern everything that relates to internal FIGU matters.
當然,因為這很重要。但在我開始之前,我想說,我已經考慮過這個問題,我認為,到目前為止,我們談論的一切應該公開,你應該透過你的網站傳播出去。這還應包括我以一般方式解釋的內容,但不是與 FIGU 內部有關的一切事項。
We can do that, if you say so. But then I think we should no longer deal with the rampantly spreading corona disease, because I am slowly getting sick and tired of all that which has been going on for the last few months, and besides, there is certainly nothing that can change the misconduct of those who are of low intelligence and are as simple-minded as bean straw and are hung up on conspiracy theories and corona lies. For the rational ones, on the other hand, everything necessary has probably been said, so there is no need to talk about it any further, is there?
You can see it like that, yes. However, should new important things arise, then I would address the necessary things nevertheless. An exact prediction is not possible, because the thoughtless and fickle behaviour of the majority of those human beings on Earth of all ages does not allow for the fact that they, in terms of their intellect and rationality, still remain pathologically in infantile stages of development, and in relation to the rampantly spreading corona disease react in an immature-egoistic rebellious form to the necessary safety measures of all kinds, disregard unavoidable safety rules, deny the rampantly spreading disease or believe in conspiracy theories and therethrough act completely wrongly and foolishly and force along the rampantly spreading disease even more.
That is good, because in fact I too have often thought that the majority of earthlings are actually infantile, namely regardless of whether they are twenty, fifty, seventy or one-hundred-year-olds, and also regardless of whether they are governors or title holders. Effectively, I have ascertained over and over again during my life that the majority, and indeed no matter how educated they are, really do have a childlike immaturity and, through infantility, show themselves to be uneducated human being in terms of truth-thinking, reality-knowledge and truth-knowledge.
When I observe and consider the majority of humanity, which also includes those ‘highly educated ones’, that is to say, the majority of those who swing the titles of doctor, professor and theologian about, who think of themselves as being a particularly clever elite, but who are even of bean-straw-like lower intelligence than the last jungle monkey, who is under the illusion that he is a jungle creator. This pseudo-elite also belongs to this group, in which it is frightening to note that they, like the general majority of the mass of earthlings, creep through life indifferently and do not care about making true human beings out of themselves. All real and truthly knowledge of being a true human being, as well as every effort to become a true human being, who as such is conscious of his/her duty of being responsible and protective of all life forms and also fulfils it, is alien to all these human beings. All of them have no knowledge, let alone any idea, of the spiritual teaching, that is to say, creational teaching, and thus of the effective reality and truth. They all go through their existence and life blindly, unknowingly and with low intelligence and know absolutely nothing of that which the spiritual teaching, that is to say, the creational teaching teaches, because they do not even know that it exists. All of them also know nothing about all of that which is connected with the energy of Creation, namely all and anything, because all of them lack all knowledge about the Creation Universal Consciousness, which has nothing to do with the nonsense of an imaginary god, feeble-mindedly imagined god-creator or god-father. They do not know the reality and its truth, because this knowledge is an abomination to them, namely also because the whole thing also requires heedfulness and attentiveness, for which these human beings have no interest, nor a clear use of their cognition. If, in contrast to this, I observe and consider our FIGU-members, who are spread all over the world and who make an effort about the teaching of the spirit, that is to say, the teaching of Creation – which is also expressed further in all my corresponding books – then, brought about by them, there is such a blatant difference between them and the infantile majority of earthlings, that it cannot be explained at all, not even with black and white. And this fact is also perceived by all our members around the world, which is very sorrowful for all of them, because they, as responsible thinking and acting ones, perceive that the earthling-world all around goes about indifferently, irresponsibly and unscrupulously destroying everything and does not care about progress.
當我仔細觀察過大部分的人類,這其中也包括那些“受過高等教育的人”,也就是說,大部分有博士、教授和神學家頭銜的人,他們自認是特別聰明的精英,但他們的愚蠢卻勘比叢林中最後的猴子,他們以為自己就是叢林的創造者。這些假精英就是屬於這類人,在這一群人中,令人恐懼的是,他們也像一般大多數的地球人一樣,汲汲營營於生活之中,對自己真正的本質漠不關心。所有關於成為真正人類的真實和真正知識,以及努力成為一個真正的人類,因而意識到他自身的責任,能以負責和保護的方式去實踐一切形式的生活;這些想法對所有這群人而言,那是完全陌生的。他們都對「靈性的教導」(spiritual teachings),也就是「造化信念」(the doctrine of creation)以及實際的現實和真相完全沒有概念,也沒有任何探索的意願。他們都在盲目、無知、愚蠢中走過自己的一生,對「靈性的教導」或「造化信念的教誨」(creation teaching)這些觀念毫無所悉,因為他們甚至不知道這些知識的存在。他們對一切事物與「造化能量」(the energy of creation)的關聯,也就是萬事萬物的本質也一無所知,因為他們都缺乏關於「造化宇宙意識」(creation-universal consciousness)的認知,這與一個假想的「上帝」(God),虛構的「上帝造物主」(God-Creator)或「上帝之父」(God-Father)那些無稽之談,完全無關。他們不知道現實及其真相,因為這種知識通常會令人排斥,也因為整個認知需要高度的專注與深切的關注,而他們對這些沒有興趣,也沒有清楚運用他們的認知。反之,如果看看我們全世界分佈的 FIGU 成員,他們在努力探討「靈性的教導」,也就是「造化信念的教誨」中的真諦,這些教誨也在我的所有相關的書籍中有更深入的表達,那麼經由這些教誨的薰陶,他們和那些幼稚的大多數地球人之間,有著如此明顯的區別,它根本完全無法解釋,甚至用黑白也很難比喻。而這一事實,也得到我們在世界各地所有成員的認同,這同樣讓他們全部都感到非常悲哀,因為作為負責任的思想者和行動者,他們感受到世界上的地球人是那麼無動於衷、不負責任和肆無忌憚地破壞著一切,而且不在乎人類的進化。
In all countries I have observed, experienced and learned again and again what kind of infantility arises in the whole world, especially with earthlings who thought they were particularly clever and flaunted their religious delusions. In India I even experienced that such a religious midget went crazy while talking with me, started screaming like a madman and began foaming at the mouth and then ran away crying, never to be seen again. Although these kinds of human beings grow up physically, they do not in terms of consciousness, however, and therefore also not in terms of their intellect and rationality; rather they remain infantile for life and therefore, in terms of their intellect and their entire cognition, they remain immature, silly and of low intelligence in this or that matter, make fools of themselves, are ridiculous and foolish.
As you once said: "You speak a true word calmly", and you just did that, my friend.
Then I have still one more question for you concerning the machinations of the governors: when I follow the news on television, I notice over and over again that the governors responsible for the nation, and therefore for the populace, are constantly letting out new, stupid and irrational sayings and proposals for this, that and the other, in a form that is of low intelligence and silly. This in terms of new regulations, state holdings in ailing companies, corporations and associations and sports clubs and so forth. All in all, however, everything is only imbecility, nonsense and idiocy, especially the participation or the financial grabbing-under-the-arms of ‘poor’ economic powers, whose companies and corporations are suffering as a result of the rampantly spreading corona disease and have to be ‘supported’ financially in order to save jobs and so forth. This is the case, while the bosses of the companies and corporations are sitting unburdened with their millions and million-millions of assets and do not put a single cent of their mammon into their company or corporation. However, the stupid heads of state then do this at the expense of the taxpayers, who are then simply burned up with new and higher taxes in every kind and wise possible in order to fill the state coffers again, which have been imbecilically pumped empty by the simple-minded governors. However, the majority of the immature populations of low intelligence still rejoices about this, because it only sees its own well-being but not the reality and truth and due to its low intelligence, it cannot even recognise them. Instead of the bosses of companies and corporations economising their dough and the governors economising correctly the states’ money, they rather over-fill their own pockets with money and additionally squander the dough on nonsense, instead of making provisions for times of need, and thereby debt after debt is accumulated for which the social strata of the working class must then again face the music with new or increased taxes of all kinds. About that, Ptaah, I would like to know, what you think about that?
That I can only answer in a way, as you have already expressed many times before; namely that the entirety of what you have explained corresponds to the truth and clearly and precisely shows the incapability of the majority of all those state-leaders and economic powers who behave and act in the form as you have explained. The whole thing clearly and precisely reveals what the case is with these irresponsible leaders; namely, simple-mindedness. There is nothing more to be said about it.
But now I would like to speak in general terms about that which is to be said and should also be mentioned publicly, which I would like to present as follows: on the one hand, the coronavirus corresponds to a dangerous, insidious and unpredictable factor, whose existence-persistence in all the forms I have mentioned since the 30th of November, 2019, can continue for a very long time and can extend its effectiveness to the next two or three years and thus be active continuously or in stages. This is the case while, on the other hand, the whole thing can undergo a transformation in a short time, in weeks or months, in such a form that an unexpected end occurs and everything appears to be just a past, bad horrific experience.
然而現在,我想概要談談需要也應該公開說明的事項如下:一方面,冠狀病毒是一個危險、狡猾且不可預測的病毒,這些是我自 2019 年 11 月 30 日以來所提到過的,其以所有形式存活,可以持續很長一段時間,並且其影響將可以延長到未來兩至三年,有可能是連續性的也可能是分階段性的。另一方面,整個事情可能在短時間內,也就是在幾個星期或幾個月發生變化,而產生一個意想不到的結局,這一切似乎又是一個從前恐怖的經歷。
With regard to the coronavirus’s further persistence and its further spreading of itself, no exact statement can be made, rather according to the reasons given, only an indefinite and two-valued statement can be made, because such a certain prediction would require a viewing of the future. However, we must avoid such predictions and we are not allowed to make them, because this would call forth an influencing of the modes of behaviour of the human beings on Earth. True future viewings of any kind and the publication of seen real future events leads – as old records and experiences prove – to completely wrong modes of action being committed that lead to catastrophes and damage, which is why we can only make prophecies.
關於冠狀病毒未來的存活和傳播狀況,沒有確切的結論,但根據上述的因素,只能作出一個不確定和兩種可能的陳述,但沒有明確的預測(prediction)結果,這是因為這樣的預測,需要進入未來作觀察。但是,我們必須避免這種預測,而且我們也不允許作出這樣的預測,因為這將會對地球上人類的行為模式產生影響。真正進入未來對所見真實未來事件的任何觀察和宣佈 —— 正如以往的記錄和經驗所證明的那樣 —— 這將會導致大災難和大破壞的完全錯誤行為模式,這就是為什麼我們只能作出預言(prophecies)的原因。
An exact prediction regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease cannot be made, on the one hand due to the uncontrollable mutability of the virus and, on the other hand, because the majority of terrestrial humankind is as unpredictable in its infantile mode of behaviour as applies to the coronavirus. Therefore now I only have to clarify the following:
Special features: Before an infection can be detected externally, the corona virus already establishes itself in the tear fluid of the eyes and in the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, which means that an infection, that is to say, a contagion to other persons, can already occur without an already existing infection being detected.
Children: Contrary to inconsiderate, erroneous and irresponsible claims of unteachable, irresponsible know-it-alls as well as medical, virological and immunological ‘experts’ and so forth, children are just as susceptible to the corona virus as adults are.
No reliance: Relying on official and governmental safety-based orders, regulations and ordinances should never be taken into consideration as seriously being right, because, according to our realisations, they are insufficient as well as partly also wrong and damaging, therefore additionally the adherence to one’s own comprehensive safety measurements ought to be adhered to and carried out.
Negligent, reckless and irresponsible modes of behaviour by persons from the population who do not comply with security measures to protect against the coronavirus, should also not be heeded in any form and their wrong actions and behaviour should not be imitated. The dangerousness of the insidious coronavirus does not allow for any laxity, carelessness or recklessness and so forth in relation to disregarding the safety measures, because even if the danger is played down by the irrationality of the authorities, governors and experts and relaxing measures are decreed, the dangerousness of the coronavirus and its ability to infect still persists.
Official and governmental orders, rules and regulations should be obeyed regardless of their deficiencies and the rules of order given and associated with them should be adhered to, because in one way or another, with regard to a rampantly spreading disease situation, a code of conduct must be legally given and supported by juridical authorities and governments and must also be observed.
All possible safety precautions against the coronavirus, however, should first and foremost be taken personally in self-determination and in the best possible frame and be practised responsibly, just as other valueful advice in relation to safety modes of behaviour of all the right kinds also ought to be utilised.
For the next indeterminable period of time, it is predictively to be explained that intellect and rationality demand for the existing security measures to continue to be strictly observed and complied with in an unfettered form, namely contrary to the irrational and far-reaching loosening of the security measures initially decreed by the authorities and the government, some of which have proven to be effective and have prevented many infections and deaths.
Wearing of protective masks as required according to the circumstances in relation to work and also while dealing with other persons. Under some circumstances this can include family members not living in the same household, friends and close acquaintances and so forth.
Depending on the case, masks of the type FFP 1, FFP 2 or FFP 3 ought to be used. Self-made masks should not be used. Purchased paper masks or fabric masks of any kind that have not been explicitly tested by experts should not be used and their reliability should not be trusted.
根據具體情況,應使用 FFP 1、FFP 2 或 FFP 3 口罩。不應使用自製口罩。未經專家明確測試過而購買來的紙口罩或布口罩也不應使用,其可靠性不足信賴。
[中譯者註:FFP(filtering facepiece)是歐盟對口罩的分類標準(見FFP mask)]
Close or direct contact with strangers should be avoided as a matter of urgency. However, if close contacts cannot be avoided as a result of work and so forth, or due to the recklessness or annoying attempts of other persons to approach, then distance should be demanded by fending off with hand signals, however, a protective mask should also be donned if the necessity for it exists.
Keeping a distance between two or more persons is of the utmost necessity and must be a duty, namely when dealing with unknown persons. A minimum distance of two (2) metres between two or more unknown persons must be maintained unconditionally; namely especially when talking to each other and so forth, and actually especially when nothing is known or cannot be determined about the state of health of the other person being faced.
If a minimum distance of two (2) meters is not possible due to certain other circumstances, for example, while shopping, visiting a doctor, a pharmacy, a clinic or a bank and so forth, then in any case and as a matter of urgency the wearing of a suitable protective mask is required, in which case an FFP 2 mask is recommended, however, under some circumstances a good, professionally tested mask of the FFP 1 type is sufficient.
如果兩公尺最小距離由於某些情況而無法保持,例如在購物、看病、藥房、診所或銀行等場合,那麼在任何情況下,都必須及時佩戴適當的防護口罩,建議使用 FFP 2 口罩,但在某些情況下,經過專業測試的 FFP 1 型口罩可能就足夠了。
[中譯者註:由於FFP 是歐盟對口罩的分類,而其他地區請參考下圖形式的口罩。]
(資料來源 - 左圖:Pinterest;中圖:Made-in-China;右圖:Omnia Health)
A two-metre distance without a protective mask can only be correct when there is no wind, thus therefore protective masks must also be worn at various wind speeds, or the distances between and to other unknown persons must be greater according to the wind conditions, because the wind carries the aerosols, that is to say, expiratory droplets further than is the case when there is no wind.
Direct contact with other persons – who do not live in one’s own household or in a community household and thus unavoidably live in a physically close community – must be absolutely avoided.
必須絕對避免與其他人 —— 這些人不住在自己的家裡或社區家庭中,而不可避免地生活在靠近自己身體的區域 —— 的直接接觸。
If there is a need to conduct unavoidable conversations which cannot be conducted at a greater distance but require a certain proximity, then such conversations should only be conducted through a glass or plastic partition and so forth, in order to guarantee a protection against the spread of aerosols to the conversation partner.
Overall, the entire body hygiene care and body cleanliness is of enormous importance and, moreover, is not only limited to cleaning and disinfecting the hands, in which case no chemicals ought to be used rather only purely natural, non-toxic cleaning and care products that neither act like an attack on the skin, nor penetrate the body through the pores, damage organs or call forth illnesses. If that is not the case, then all precautionary measures would be counterproductive.
These mentioned points are important as general guidelines to be observed and should be mentioned publicly with all that which has been mentioned and explained so far, because these rules should be important for all FIGU core group association members and worldwide also for all FIGU passive group members, and they should be encouraged to observe and consider them and to follow and comply with them in the interest of their own health and safety.
這些要點作為遵守這些規範的一般準則很重要,應當與迄今提及和解釋的所有內容一起公開發布,因為這些規則對所有 FIGU 核心小組成員以及全世界所有 FIGU 被動成員都很重要,因此應要求他們遵守這些準則,以維護其自身的健康和安全。
Thank you, Ptaah. Everything that you have explained should really be enough to make intellect and rationality prevail and to follow your advice.