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Contact Report 119第119次接觸報告

接觸時間:1979 2 3 日,星期六,14 46


英譯版本:20110302日,Benjamin Stevens, Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman

中譯版本:20211026日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu


本次接觸時間是在比利 42 歲生日當天,與他會面的有 SemjaseQuetzal Ptaah。他們當天一起來,其實主要是為了祝賀比利的生日,雖然他們 Plejaren 早已不流行這類活動,但還是入境隨俗,滿心送暖

會面中,比利還主動談到「宇宙的擴張速度」等他自己計算出來的結果,這令 Quetzal Ptaah 都頗為吃驚。其中還牽涉到目前地球科學界都完全沒有頭緒的一些訊息;例如宇宙的真實範圍」有多大等,是篇非常重要的報告

在報告最後,有趣的是還附上一段由比利的妻子 Kalliope Meier 所敘述的親身經歷,她在這次接觸之前,居然無意間見到了 Ptaah 一眼,當時讓她嚇傻在現場,雖然只見約一秒鐘的霎那,隨後 Ptaah 就立刻消失,但她確實是目擊到這位活生生的外星人”,成為一件難得的另類目擊事件


This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and may contain errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



Once again, you needed an extremely long time before you found the way to me again. About a week ago, it was also the case that I had been called for sure by you, but then, around the fourth hour of the morning, your call suddenly faded away, and nothing else happened until today.

這次你們又隔了好長時間才到我這裡來。在大約一個星期之前,我肯定是收到了妳的呼叫,但隨後,大約在淩晨 4 點的時候,妳的呼叫突然減弱消失了,直到今天之前,什麼事都沒發生。


1. Sure, that is right.


2. We were actually here to see you, but then we were quite suddenly ordered away because unknown flying devices were approaching our station, with which we have already busied ourselves for months, but we cannot make any contact with them.



Ah, by that, you mean the UFOs that showed up recently in Italy and Australia and in various other countries?

啊,妳所說的指的是最近在義大利、澳大利亞以及其他不同國家出現的 UFO 嗎?


3. Sure.


4. These flying devices are obviously constructions of a very well-developed technology, which is not yet so advanced, however, that they could move into our refined areas of communication.



By that, you probably mean, at the same time, your somewhat different physical structure, right? By that, I mean even the dimensional difference, through which you, in a moderate measure, exhibit different and much finer vibrations compared to us Earth worms.



5. Sure.



And you have no idea where these UFOs come from and what human races manufacture and pilot these?

那你們知道這些 UFO 來自何方,是由什麼樣的人類種族製造和駕駛的嗎?


1. There is complete uncertainty about that.


2. Every contact attempt has been unsuccessful so far, unfortunately.


3. It seems to be absolutely the case that they do not perceive us at all.



But, you could, nevertheless, simply fly up to these unknown flying objects.



4. That cannot be done, unfortunately, because the objects depart immediately, as soon as a flying device that is foreign to them approaches them.



I find that crazy. After all, you should have certain possibilities with your highly developed technology.



1. Even our possibilities are limited.


2. You are only looking at everything from the perspective of an earthly standpoint, whereby you overestimate our technology, at least in this case.



That is possible, and I see, therefore, that even for you, limits are set in certain matters of technology.



3. That is of correctness.


4. But now, I would like to give you my best wishes for the start of your forty-second year of life.

但現在,我想要為你的 42 歲生日,送上最美好的祝福。

5. We have only come here today for this reason.



Dear thanks, Quetzal, and also you both, Semjase and Ptaah, I would like to thank very cordially.

太感謝了,Quetzal,還有你們倆,Semjase Ptaah,我衷心感謝你們。


6. Under no circumstances did I want to fail to greet you today and to give you my dearest wishes.



5. I have also come here with the same wishes for you.



You are making me rather embarrassed, but I am very happy and thank you very much. But on the other hand, I must already say that you behave rather peculiarly, namely just like earthlings. After all, such birthday wishes are otherwise not your style.



6. That is of correctness, but especially Semjase has pushed very much to offer you wishes in this form because through this, we can draw you near to how much we are already connected with earthly things, in reference to certain common interests of the Earth-humans.

的確是這樣,但特別是 Semjase 強烈建議以這種方式為你的生日祝福,因為透過這種方式,就能讓你注意到我們和地球人已經有了不少共同的興趣。


That makes me very happy. Have my cordial thanks for that. But I suspect now that you have not only come to congratulate me, right?



7. Yes, we have, because we actually only wanted to give you our wishes, but also the wishes of all others, who could not come here, unfortunately.



6. That is the truth.


7. We simply wanted to exchange a few words with you, greet you and congratulate you, and be together with you for a short time.



7. That is of correctness.



Now you are really making me embarrassed. Could we not talk about other things? I have all sorts of questions that will certainly make me less embarrassed. I do not mean to say that I am not happy about your visit and your very dear wishes, quite the opposite, but it just makes me embarrassed and uneasy. I am not very used to congratulations.



8. Sure, I already understand, and if you feel better through another conversation or through a questioning, then we will gladly comply with your wish.



That is very kind of you. Very many thanks. Look here; here is an entire stack of descriptive sheets. I have them fully written with cosmic and mathematical calculations regarding various things. In the main, this was all about calculating the expansion rate of the Creation and, thus, also of the universe. With this, I wanted to work out the distance of the diameter of the universe and thereby came across the following results, if I may present these?

你們太好了。十分感謝。看這裡;這有一疊稿紙。我寫滿了各種宇宙和數學的計算。主要的說,這是關於「宇宙的膨脹率」(the expansion rate of the Creation)的計算。通過這樣,我想要算出宇宙的直徑,而且我得到了下面這些結果,我可以說一說嗎?


9. Sure, just speak.



8. You may not have succeeded in getting the right data calculation because you would have needed certain basic data for that, which you could not have at your disposal, however.


9. You apparently got involved in something in this respect, which you probably would have better omitted.


10. Hence, your disappointment should not just be mild, which is why you had better leave out this question.



8. That should correspond to the correctness.



Are you really also of the same view as Quetzal, Ptaah?

Ptaah,你真的和 Quetzal 的看法相同?


9. I have just made my opinion known to you.



… And… and you, girl?



10. I find that unfair of father and Quetzal.

我覺得父親和 Quetzal 的說法不公平。

11. Just ask your questions, because I am sure that you would never present calculation questions to us if you were not sure and confident to a very high percentage that your calculations were right.


12. I am confident that your calculations are of importance and contain, at worst, only small errors that are of insignificance.



Is that really your opinion?



13. But of course, because I know you very well and know so very exactly that you really would never approach us with such questions if you were not sure of your case.



10. But now, in this case, this might be an exaggeration, my child.



11. That is also my view.


12. It would be a pointless endeavor to listen to these questions …



14. That is very intolerant of you both.


15. On the other hand, you should, nevertheless, know our friend better.


16. At least give him a chance, because he has very much more than just earned this through all his surely very great efforts with his calculations, even if these are faulty, which I do not presume, however, and could not understand.



11. In this light, your argumentation is of correctness – then it should be so.

要這麼看的話,妳的說得有理 —— 那就讓我們來聽聽吧。

12. Bring forth your questions, my friend.



And you, Quetzal – do you also agree with it?



13. If Ptaah gives consent, then I will argue nothing against it, even though everything in this regard seems senseless to me.

如果 Ptaah 同意了,那麼我也不反對,即使這一切在我看來毫無意義。

14. I myself, as well as Ptaah and our scientists, could only take on and carry out these calculations if we had the necessary basic data for this.

我自己,還有 Ptaah 以及我們的科學家們,也只有在掌握必要的基礎資料的情況下,才能進行計算。


Ah, then that means that you cannot give me any information if I tell you my data and calculations?



15. No, my words were not meant in such a manner.


16. They only referred to the fact that we could not carry out these calculations without certain basic data.


17. We could not calculate these necessary basic data ourselves, however.


18. But we can give you information, of course, because we do know the data, which we ourselves have not calculated but which we otherwise received.


19. However, it is my view that even if you had come into possession of the necessary basic data, which I rather doubt, you yourself could not carry out the calculations because certain calculation formulas and arithmetic formulas are of necessity, in order to work out the exact results.

但是,我認為,即使你得到了必要的基本資料 —— 對此我非常懷疑 —— 你自己也算不出來,因為它需要某些計算和演算公式才能得出精確的結果。

20. But you cannot know these calculation and arithmetic formulas because they move in a cosmic structure.



That can, indeed, be determined easily, when I bring up my questions. But tell me, where did you get the basic data for these calculations? And you know, with some logical reflection, one can also find out certain structures and formulas, even if afterwards, one cannot neatly explain the entire development. One does know how one has done something, but one cannot explain it.



21. That is of correctness, what you explain, because these interesting processes are very well known to me from my own experience.


22. And since you say that, everything makes me somewhat reflective.


23. But to your question:


24. We – that is, our scientists – retrieved the basic data known to us from a cosmic memory block approximately 2,700 years ago.

需要瞭解宇宙的結構。我們的科學家在大約 2,700 年前從宇宙記憶庫裡面提取出了這些基本的資料。

25. That is how they are known to us.


26. … Oh, so … have you, perhaps, done the same?

... 哦,那麼... 是不是,也許你也以同樣的方式得到了它們?


No, I have not done that, which I can assure you.



27. Now, I am actually interested in your questions and calculations.


28. Present them to us.



Happy to do so, my son. Thus, my first question: Is the speed of light constant of presently 299,792.5 kilometres per second, which is calculated by our earthly scientists, correct?

我很高興這樣做,我的孩子。那麼,我第一個問題是:目前我們地球上的科學家所計算的「光常數」(light constant;簡稱「光速」)是每秒 29 9,792.5 公里,這是否正確?


29. This figure is of correctness.


30. But I notice with your question that you speak of a present constant; what do you want to express with that?

但我注意到你在問題裡說是“目前的光常數”(present constant);那麼你想表達些什麼?


I have calculated that the light constant steadily decreases within the framework of a certain half-life.



31. … that … but that is not …

... ... 但這不是...


17. You see now, and you, too, father!


18. I knew it.


19. You may never underestimate him.


20. His calculations are definitely at least extremely close to the truth, if not even error-free.


21. But it also could not be otherwise with him, when he wants to present such things to us.


22. Just think of his mystery, which surrounds him and which we still cannot fathom.



13. That is unbelievable – how could you find out that the constant of light is only apparently of stability?



You will learn that yet, if you want to listen to my other questions.



14. You make me very curious.



Good, then the next question: Is my calculation right, that only in the present Creation Universe, a day amounts to 311,040,000,000,000 years, as Genesis explains this?

好的,那下一個問題是:根據創世記》(Genesis的解釋目前造化宇宙」(Creation Universe的一天,我算出來等於 311 400 311,040,000,000,000,對嗎?


32. That is naturally of correctness.



Good, so then a Creation hour in the present material evolution universe amounts to 12 trillion 960 billion years, a minute amounts to 216 billion years, and a second amounts to 3.6 billion years, while a Creation Age, then, would have to be calculated at 25 trillion 920 billion years? Everything is reckoned according to terrestrial years, of course.

那好,那麼在目前的以物質形式進化的宇宙中,一個造化小時」(Creation hour等於 12 9,600 億年,並且一分鐘等於 2,160 億年,而一秒鐘等於 36 億年,而一個造化時代」(Creation Age),那麼算出來就是 25 9,200 億年。當然,所有都是按照地球的年來算的


15. … – that, yes, that's right.



Very well, then, once again, a Genesis calculation: A day of the first material Creation Universe evolving in this form amounts to 311,040,000,000,000 well-known years of earthly chronology, and this is calculated from the first beginning of its becoming up to the last iota of its passing. In a 7 x 7-fold form, the length of day of Creation increases with every new and higher developed universe, so the next universe and, thus, Creation would have to have a longer day, which is to be calculated at 2,177,280,000,000,000 years, according to which, then, the calculation would have to look like this:

First materially evolving universe: 311,040,000,000,000 years

Second materially evolving universe: 2,177,280,000,000,000 years

Third materially evolving universe: 15,240,960,000,000,000 years

Fourth materially evolving universe: 106,686,720,000,000,000 years

Fifth materially evolving universe: 746,807,040,000,000,000 years

Sixth materially evolving universe: 5,227,649,280,000,000,000 years

Seventh materially evolving universe: 36,593,544,960,000,000,000 years

(After the first coarse-material universe, the coarse-material matter refines itself from universe to universe, until with the seventh stage, all of the coarse-material matter is changed to fine materiality.)

After the seventh development, the Creation would then have to evolve to the Ur-Creation and carry out the corresponding transformation. Now, my calculations do not include the last figures, but they agree in the large values. Is this right?

很好,那麼現在又有一個《創世記》的計算:第一個物質性的造化宇宙在這種形式中進化的一天,等於眾所周知的 311 400 億地球年,並且這是從它的最開始出現到最後消逝來計算的。在一個 7 乘以 7 重形式之後,造化的一天隨著每一次新的更高發展的宇宙增加,因此下一個宇宙,也就是下一個造化的一天會更長一些,算出來就是 2,177 2,800 億(2,177,280,000,000,000)年,按照這樣計算,結果如下:

第一個以物質形式進化的宇宙311 400

第二個以物質形式進化的宇宙2,177 2,800

第三個以物質形式進化的宇宙1 5,240 9,600


第四個以物質形式進化的宇宙10 6,686 7,200

第五個以物質形式進化的宇宙74 6,807 400

第六個以物質形式進化的宇宙522 7,649 2,800

第七個以物質形式進化的宇宙3,659 3,544 9,600




33. This question is superfluous because you know about the correctness of the calculation itself.



Thanks, so then to the next question: Is it right if I have calculated that space and time are separate and independent, in their course, from the Creation itself because this is determined by space and time themselves?



16. Your calculation is right.



Thanks. Then is it also right that in the next material evolution universe, a creation hour amounts to 90 trillion and 720 billion years, a minute amounts to 1 trillion and 512 billion years, and a second is accordingly 60 times less?

謝謝。那麼對下一個以物質形式進化的宇宙來說,一個造化小時等於 90 7,200 億年,一分鐘等於 1 5,120 億年,而一秒鐘就是再除以 60,對吧?


34. You know that you do not have to ask because the calculation is of correctness.



Then just not. But is it right, now, if I have calculated that the Creation's expansion rate, for the initial period, was 44,069,497.5 kilometres per second, with a steadily constant half-life rate of almost exactly 6,347,755,102,040 years, from which the results arise that the expansion rate of the Creation at its universal beginning was 147 times the speed of today's speed of light constant, but this speed decreased with a half-life of 6,347,755,102,040 years and continues to decrease, so the starting point of today's light constant lay at a speed of 344,292.9 kilometres per second, but through the already elapsed portion of half-time, it has already dropped by 44,500.4 kilometres per second, whereby the present and current light constant of 299,792.5 kilometres per second arises, according to which an original light-year, from the starting point of the current light constant, of around 1.390 X 10^15 km has amounted. This means, according to my calculations, that the constant of one second of the initial period of the expansion rate must have been 147 times faster than the constant of one second today, because at that time, around 46 trillion years ago, the speed of light was even 44,069,497.5 kilometres per second. From this, it also arose in my calculations that one second has, in each case, exactly that number of chronons that the light constant of one septillionth of a millimeter contains in itself because a chronon has a length of 105 septillionths of 140 mm and because exactly that number of chronons is able to pass a certain point, from the source to the fade-out of a beam of light, as the speed of light contains in itself – so in the present case, around 20.394 X 10^30 chronons per second. This was even easier to calculate since I knew that space and time are dependent on each other; therefore, both time holds space in itself as also space holds time. From these results, however, my acceptance has arisen that through the transformation and lowering of the speed of light by the half-life, also space and the chronons change themselves, according to which, then, normal space would have to change itself to hyperspace and the chronons would have to change themselves to tachyons, which continue to exist in hyperspace as the smallest units of time at their own, old speed, according to which the oldest tachyons would, therefore, have to have a speed of 44,069,497.5 kilometres per second in their own hyperspace. It also became clear to me that each dwindling away of a half-life creates its own hyperspace; thus, already seven different hyperspaces (7 half-lives = 7 X 6,347,755,102,040 = 44.434 X 10^12 years) would have to exist in our universe. Furthermore, it also became clear to me that time travels into the past or future can only be associated with this fact, because somehow, the travelling object must be manipulated in such a way that the flow of chronons is steered. So for example, if tachyons with a speed of light higher than ours and present in hyperspace or normal space would be stored around a travelling object, then it would be hurled into the past, while a flow of chronons below our current speed of light must have a journey into the future as a consequence. This has become clear to me, but the HOW, that has remained a riddle to me. It is now also clear to me that the chronons can only stay and move in normal space, while the tachyons only move in hyperspace. This, then, along with many other things that have become perceptible to me, about which I would still like to say nothing today, however, because I am not yet sure of the results. Ah yes, what could still be said: According to my calculations, after the end of the next half-life, our light constant would have to be 172,146.45 kilometres per second. Now to these things, the big question: To what extent are my calculations and findings right?

那麼就不問了。如果我算出的「造化擴張速度」(the Creation's expansion rate),在最初的時期是每秒 4,406 9,497.544,069,497.5公里穩定地以幾乎正好的 6 3,477 5,510 2,0406,347,755,102,040年的半衰期降低,由此結果便是,在宇宙最初時刻,造化的擴展速度是今天光速的 147 ,但是這一速度以 6 3,477 5,510 2,0406,347,755,102,040年的半衰期降低並且持續降低,所以在今天最初時刻的光速是每秒 34 4,292.9344,292.9公里,但由於已經度過的半衰期時間,它已經降低了每秒 4 4,500.444,500.4公里,由此目前的光速就成了每秒 29 9,792.5299,792.5公里,由此,在起始點的一光年,算下來就等於 1.39 X 1015 公里。這意味著,根據我的計算,最初時期的擴張速度一定比今天的光速快 147 ,因為在那時,大約 46 兆年前,光速是每秒 4,406 9,497.544,069,497.5公里。由此,我還計算出,在任何情況下,一秒鐘包含的「時間子」(chronon;是時間假設的“單元”,因時間是不可分割的,這裡是假設時間中不連續的一小段。)數量正好是光速之中包含 1/10-24 毫米的數量,因為「時間子的長度是 140 X 105 X 10-24 毫米,而且因為正好那麼多「時間子」就能夠跨越某一點,從一束光的起點到它消散,光速本身 —— 以目前來看,每秒鐘包含了 20.394 X 1030 時間子。既然我知道空間和時間是相互依存的,那麼要算出來就更容易了;因此,時間裡包含了空間,空間裡也包含了時間。但是由這些結果,我認識到通過轉換和光速以半衰期降低,空間和「時間子」自身也在改變,據此,普通空間將會轉化成「超空間」(hyperspace),而「時間子」會變成「迅子」(tachyons;也稱為快子速子,是一種理論上預測的「超光速次原子粒子」),它們會繼續在「超空間」裡作為時間的最小單位以它們原來的速度存在,由此,最古老的迅子在他們自己的超空間裡的速度就是每秒 4,406 9,497.544,069,497.5公里。我還弄清楚了,每過去一個半衰期會創造出它自己的超空間;這樣,我們的宇宙中已經存在了 7 個不同的超空間(7 個半衰期 = 7 X 6,347,755,102,040 = 44.434 X 1012 年)。而且我還瞭解到了進入過去的時間旅行只與這一事實相關,因為進行時間旅行的物體必須以某種方式控制時間子流動的方向。舉個例子,如果把一個超空間裡或者正常空間裡的,具有比我們目前的光速更快速的「迅子」存儲在進行旅行的物體周圍,那麼它就會進入過去,而比我們目前光速更慢的時間子流會讓它進入未來。我搞清楚了這一點,但怎麼實現,對我來說還是個迷。現在我明白的是,時間子只能在正常空間裡停留和運動,而「迅子」只在超空間裡運動。於是,我察覺到了這一點還有其他許多事情,但我現在仍然不想說,因為我還沒有完全算出來結果。喔,對了,我還要說一點:根據我的計算,在下一個半衰期結束之後,我們的光速會變成每秒 17 2,146.45172,146.45公里。現在對於這些結果,最大的問題是:我的計算,正確的程度是多少呢?


23. You are marvelous, simply marvelous.






24. If I am not mistaken, then your calculations have turned out to be very accurate.


25. Is that so, father?



17. …



26. Judging by your facial expression, the calculations must be very accurate.



18. They are; it is stunning and unbelievable.



35. Are your statements and explanations actually not based on retrievals from a memory bank?



Certainly not. There are enough people in our group, who have seen how I dealt with the calculations for nearly 36 hours.

肯定不是。我的小組裡有很多人都看到了我在計算上花了差不多 36 個小時。


36. And you have, in fact, retrieved no data from a memory bank?



No, Quetzal, I already said that several times.



37. That is phenomenal.


38. It is simply unbelievable.


39. Then how did you come to the necessary basic values?



I just no longer know that so exactly. I made various calculations based on assumptions and certain information that I had from Sfath and Asket. With this, I then calculated for about 3 hours and suddenly had a basic datum, which seemed very plausible to me. With this, I then calculated further and finally, after many hours, came to those results which I have presented to you all. But with everything, it is completely impossible for me to explain how I came to the basic data by way of the calculations. I just do not know how to repeat the calculation process anymore. It is only clear to me that I did not simply receive the data from somewhere or from outside; rather, I calculated them. But the HOW, I do not know that anymore.

我就是不太清楚啊。我以一些假設以及從 Sfath Asket 那裡得到的某些資訊為基礎,進行了各種計算。我用這些資料算了大約三個小時,然後突然得到了一個我認為非常合理的基礎資料。然後,我用它進行了進一步的計算並且最終,在很多小時之後,得到了給你們看的這一堆結果。但對於這一切,我完全不知道怎麼解釋我是如何通過計算得到基礎資料的。我根本無法再重複這個計算過程了。我唯一清楚的是,我沒有從什麼地方或者從外界得到過資料;相反的,是我算出來的。但是,怎麼算出來的,我不知道了。

中譯者註:依據當前地球科學界的宇宙加速膨脹」(Accelerating expansion of the universe理論是說宇宙的膨脹速度有越來越快的現象。以天文學術語來說,就是宇宙標度因子的二次導數是正值,這意味著星系遠離地球的速度,隨著時間演進,應該會持續地增快。這速度是哈勃定律Hubble-Lemaître law)裡所提到的退行速度。於 1998 年觀測 Ia 超新星得到的數據,提示宇宙的膨脹速度正在加快。

基本上,宇宙有膨脹的現象是共識,但與 Billy 上述似乎略有不同;也就是說,目前我們所認定的:「光速是恆定的常數所以以光速計算的距離光年也是恆定的距離單位;但 Billy 認為光速是會衰減的,而以一個會衰減的速度來計算的距離也是會變動(減少)的,因此,宇宙的膨脹速度到底是不是越來越快(也就是星系間的距離發散的越來越遠),端賴我們衡量絕對距離的光年是否是個常數,然而這一認定顯然沒有被我們的科學界所懷疑過,至少目前是這樣。]




19. I agree with Quetzal:

我同意 Quetzal 說的。

20. Everything is simply phenomenal.



I would still have a few more questions: Is it right that the absolute hyper-light-constant lies at a value of 10^7000, as Sfath once explained this to me?

我還有幾個問題:「絕對超光速」(the absolute hyper-light-constant)是否如 Sfath 曾經向我解釋的那樣,107000


40. That is of correctness.


41. At the same time, it concerns the constant in the space of the Absolutum of Creation, so the highest speed of Creation and the Creation's expansion rate at the origin.

與此同時,它是造化的 Absolutum 空間裡的常數,也就是造化裡的最快的速度和最初造化的擴張速度


Thanks, that is clear to me. Is it also true now, as I have calculated, that the great time, in the most exact calculation, amounts to 311,039,999,999,960 years and that the universe only expands during 155,519,999,999,980 years and then falls into a contraction speed, which causes a fall back with a declining speed in the constant half-lives, like in the case of the building up, until the maximum speed of the original, preceding light constant of 44,069,497.5 kilometres per second is reached again? If that is true, then a great time comprises 49 half-lives during 6,347,755,102,040 years, in which case, then, at one half of the total, so at 24.5 half-lives, the change from becoming to passing takes place, or just the change from expansion to contraction. This would mean, then, that within the context of the Creation's evolution, everything created by it during this fallback could still develop to perfection, whereby no iota of that which is created by it would be eliminated.

謝謝,現在我弄清楚了。那麼我計算出,一個宏偉時光the great time),根據準確計算, 311 399 9,999 9,960311, 039,999,999,960,而且宇宙只會擴張 155 5,199 9,999 9,980155,519,999,999,980年,然後進入收縮速度階段,這會導致一種基於穩定的半衰期降低的速度的回落,就像它形成時一樣,直到最初的最大速度,之前的光速每秒 4,406 9,497.544,069,497.5)公里,我算得對嗎?如果對的話,那麼一個永恆包含有 49 個時長為 6 3,477 5,510 2,0406,347,755,102,040)年的半衰期,在此,在總時間的一半,也就是 24.5 個半衰期時,由出現到消逝過程的轉變就發生了,或者說,從擴張變成了收縮。這就意味著,就造化的進化來說,在回落的過程中,由它造化的一切仍然能夠發展至完美,由此沒有任何一點點被造化出來的事物被清除。


42. That is also of correctness.



Good, then still these questions: Can you explain to me what diameter in light-years the Creation had exactly at the time of its first expansion process at the origin and whether universal space must be measured in a straight line or in a curve?



21. Have you not also calculated that?



No, I did not know how I should do that.



43. On one side, the expansion of the Creation amounted to 14 vigintillion (Translator's Note: a 14 followed by 63 zeros) light-years.

從一方面講,「造化的擴展範圍有 14 ×1063 光年

[中譯者註:按照「西方的數字命名法」,vigintillion = 1063

44. This expansion must be multiplied twice for half of space and multiplied four times for all of space.

這個尺寸必須乘以 2 才能得到一半空間乘以 4 才能得到整個空間

45. The distances in universal space must be measured in a curve because there is no straight line.



Aha, I thought that myself. So then theoretically, the universe could be measured in a middle straight line in such a way that 28 vigintillion light-years count as a central starting point, whereto the distance in light-years of the previously completed expansion would then still come. Is that right?

啊哈,我也這麼想。那麼理論上講,宇宙可以由一個中央起點來計算,向外測量直線距離為 28 X 1063 光年,這就是之前已經擴展開而迄今還在繼續的光年距離,這樣對嗎?


46. That is of correctness.



So it is, therefore, also true that the expansion of the universe takes place all-dimensionally and spirally, where the shape, then, resembles a somewhat round egg?



47. Also that is of correctness.



Good, then still one last question relating to this: If the initial expansion rate was 44,069,497.5 kilometres per second, then at the same time, it concerns the constant of immaterial energy. Consequently, this would have to be consistent for the time of existence of the universe. But on the other hand, the spiritual thoughts of human beings would also have to move at this speed throughout this entire great time, so at 147 times the speed of light, if I calculate this according to today's light constant, where the material thoughts of the material consciousness reach, at most, simply the speed of light.

(Only applies to normal space but not to para-space, in which the speed is indefinite, therefore = 10^7000 Light = 10^7000 x 299,792.5 km/sec.)

好的,那麼還有最後一個與此相關的問題:如果起始的擴張率時每秒 4,406 9,497.544,069,497.5)公里,那麼同時,這仍然時非物質的能量。所以,這在宇宙存在的時間內也是一致的。但是從另外一方面講,人類的靈性思想也會在整個永恆之中以這一速度傳播,也就是光速的 147 倍,如果我們以今天的光速來計算的話,而物質意識的物質思想最多會只會達到光速

(只適用於正常空間,而不適用於 para-空間,在其中速度是無窮大,因此 = 光速 X 107000 = 每秒 299,792.5公里 X 107000


48. There is probably nothing more at all that remains hidden to you?


49. Your explanations are just as accurate as all explanations before.


50. What other things have you still gotten to know?



Nothing more, at least not definitively. But tell me, can one make my calculations and results accessible to the earthly public?



51. Nothing speaks against that, only you certainly have to take into account that you will be insulted, as usual, as a liar and fantasist because earthly science is still a long way from becoming understanding of the truth even only approximately.


52. It is still moving, as you know, on very limited tracks, from which the scientists are very faint-hearted and create small material calculations about the existence, the development, and the width and expansion of the universe.



That does not matter to me because I have long been used to the making bad of my person. But now, I would still have some other questions, if you have time?



27. Sure, just ask.


28. It is a great joy for me just to be able to be together with you today.


29. By the way, Quetzal still wants to connect you to his device, before you go again.

順便說一下,在你離開之前,Quetzal 還想把他的設備連接在你身上一下。

30. You seem to need it most urgently.



That is possible; it is not going particularly well for me. At the same time, I just think that everything has no great meaning anymore. Somehow, I feel this.



31. I know, because everything is only a postponement, which is why I myself very often feel sad.



You should not do that, because one should not worry too much about what cannot be changed.



32. You say that so easily.



Of course, what else should I do? But let's leave that. Can you tell me, perhaps, how many things of Erich von Däniken correspond to the correctness and the truth, with regard to his representations and assertions? Maybe you can give me a percentage?

當然啦,我還能做什麼呢?算了不說這個了。也許妳能告訴我,關於艾利希.馮.丹尼肯Erich von Däniken)的陳述和主張,有多少符合事實呢?也許妳能夠給我一個百分數值。

[中譯者註:艾利希.馮.丹尼肯1935 4 14 日,出生於瑞士祖芬根,被視為「偽科學散播者」,主張外星生物創造論,著有《諸神的戰車?未解之謎》等書。]


33. Sure, I can do that, because in recent times, I have dealt very intensively with these things.


34. His basic statements regarding the intelligences from the depths of universal space and influencing the human beings of Earth are to be confirmed completely.


35. But his statements in reference to many ancient relics of bygone times are, in most cases, based on very extravagant fantasies.


36. Only less than 4% of his statements correspond to reality, as I could determine through the most exact calculations.

通過確切的計算,所有陳述中只有少於 4% 的內容符合事實。

37. The man Erich von Däniken, unfortunately, tends too much to force all ancient findings and everything existing here since time immemorial into the area of extraterrestrial intelligences because he is too caught up in these things and has long lost the clear overview, if he ever possessed this at all, which is doubtful after everything that I have analysed.



Well, then you also know what he has written, for example, about the so-calledNazca plain, which is in Peru, if I am correctly oriented?



38. I know what he reports about that, sure.



Okay, and what does it really concern with the alleged air landing signs or airfields, etc.?



39. The productions represent an astrological calendar as well as an astrological garden.

那些線條代表著一種星象日曆以及一個星象花園(astrological garden)。

40. At an earlier time, when these grounds were still operating and were used astrologically, the enormous signs were surrounded by gardens, out of which the astrological signs protruded like parkways, etc.


41. They were made by human beings of Earth, and indeed, without any influence from extraterrestrial intelligences.



That answer is enough for me, but I have another question: How many other objects move around Sirius?



42. There are five of those.

那裡共有 5 個天體圍繞運行。


Thanks, then still a very unusual question: You once told me in confidence that the so-called criminality could be repaired scientifically and medically if this would only be striven for. You told me at that time that some toxin develops in excess in the human being for some reason, which makes him/her criminal. What is this toxin called and what, then, should be done against it?



43. The toxin is called phenylethylamine.


44. If this is neutralised in the human body, then through this, that substance is made ineffective, which drives the human being to criminality.


45. I may not explain more about that, however.



Well, I actually also did not want to know more. But now, is it possible that I can bring forward some questions of group members? One would like to know who he was at an earlier time, etc.



53. We have already often stated that we will answer no more questions that are placed by persons other than yourself.


54. Any attempt would also be futile, if you would ask these or even such questions as if they were from you.



Yes, you have said that several times. It was, indeed, only a vague attempt.



46. Sure, that is your style, but in the future, we will truly answer no more questions, if these are not in the direct interest of our mission and the group's existence and its direct interests.



Well, okay, that is clear to me; then I have here a letter from Elsi for you, Quetzal. To my knowledge, it contains an important question in reference to the continued existence of the Centre.

好的,我知道了;那麼,我這裡有一封 Elsi 寫給 Quetzal 的信。據我所知,這裡面包含了一個與「中心」存亡有關的重要問題。


55. So let me see it – thanks.


56. Yes, I understand, but I may not and do not want to give an answer to this question.


57. If I would do that, then I would thereby limit the freedom of those who are addressed in this letter.


58. The inheritance issue is to be regulated in such a way as we have worked it out.


59. Nothing further should be done because we may not make determinations for the future and for human beings who have not yet seen the light of the world and with whom we still could not talk about these issues and could not obtain their consent.


60. We could give the advice of the inheritance transfer, as we have given it in the present case, only because a preview allowed us the possibility of this advice.


61. I will not answer the other questions in Elsi's letter because they are purely personal in nature and because we, as already explained, will no longer answer such questions.

我不會回答 Elsi 信裡面的其他問題了,因為它們是純私人的問題,正如我們解釋過的,我們不再回答這類問題了。

62. The solution of the Centre's continued existence would be found, as already stated earlier, in a group acquisition, as you already explained.



I did, indeed, say that, and I also accept it. But here, I still have some letters for Semjase, also from children. I do not think that you should give any response to them; rather, they are simply addressed to you, in order to thank you and to greet you. If you will receive them?

事實上,我的確那樣說過,而且我也接受。但這裡我還有一些給 Semjase 的信,也是孩子們寫的。我覺得這些信妳都不用回;它們只是給妳的感謝和問候的信。妳願意收下它們嗎?


47. Sure, I am very happy about this.


48. Pay my dear thanks to the people who wrote these.



One letter is from Vreni, another is from Beat, and one is from Christian. There is also something from Caroline, I think.

一封信是 Vreni 寫的,一封是 Beat 寫的,一封是 Christian 寫的。還有一些我覺得是來自 Caroline 的。


49. Are those the children of Beat and Vreni?

他們是 Beat Vreni 的孩子嗎?





50. Pay them my very dear thanks and my joy.


51. But I really cannot reply to the letters.



That surely also is not expected. Certainly, they will also be so happy about the factthat it gives you joy.



52. That is very sweet, and the relations between you all and us seem to me to be almost as they were at an earlier time, before the unfortunate difficulties found their beginning.


53. But it is not yet time again, although I very much hope that everything will be as loving as it used to be.



63. We also hope that for all of you and ourselves, but the decision is still pending, which should fall within the first two weeks of March.


64. You know what demands are placed, and only with their fulfilment can everything be brought back into normality.


65. In particular, Herbert and H. play a certain important role in this, which must find its correctness by the beginning of the month of March.

特別是,Herbert H 在其中扮演了重要角色,狀況必須在三月初找到正確的方向。

66. You know that we must place the demand on H. that by the beginning of March, he is to be living in the near or immediate vicinity of the Centre, within a radius of no more than 10 kilometres.

你知道我們必須對 H 提出要求,在三月初以前,他一定要搬到中心附近或者緊鄰的地方住,距離中心的半徑不超過 10 公里。

67. The reason for this is so that he finally evolves in certain things, which is not possible for him, however, without the fulfilment of this demand.


68. For Herbert, the demand is for him to adapt himself, at last, into the group and community in full measure and also to take his duties of meditation seriously.

對於 Herbert,對他的要求是讓他最終要完全融入小組和社區,認真對待他的冥想任務。

69. The other still objectionable points with him, as well as with H., will then surrender themselves.

他還有 H 的那些令人不愉快的東西,到時候要被改正。

70. If and when that happens, everything can be initiated again in the old ways.


71. On the whole, the other group members have striven so far in the meantime that everything starts off much better, and finally, there is a ray of hope in reference to the continued existence and the progress in the group as well as in reference to the entire work.


72. The progress of the individual group members is remarkable, but it should not and must not be concluded from this that a decline in the efforts could now be allowed.


73. This is also true for Herbert and H.

對於 Herbert H 也是如此。

74. Particularly, this also means that if H. now apparently fits himself into the order, becoming willing to live in the near vicinity of the Centre, then he cannot cancel his living there at a later point in time.

這特別是指,如果 H 現在服從指令,願意住在中心附近,那麼他在之後不能搬走。

75. It was already communicated to you confidentially some time ago that if the interests were not resolved in a significant form, then a special clause would have to be prepared by me, which states that fallible group members, who would have to be excluded during the time of the building up, would have to do without all rights, as they are given in the statutes, and would no longer have access to the Centre or to any interests of the group under any circumstances in their present lives.


76. We must hold to this, unfortunately, but it should still be explained clearly and plainly that such a special clause may only be created by us alone.



These things are clear to me, and despite my reluctance, I also had to present this to the group recently.



54. That was surely of necessity, and in my opinion, it probably would have been better if these issues had been brought up in the reports because very much strain on the nerves would have remained spared to you through this.



Partially, you are surely right, but now, I have the matter behind me, yes. Look here, here you have a copy of "Life and Death" and of "The Law of Love."

部分來說,妳肯定是對的,但現在我還有些事要說。瞧這裡,給妳們一份《生與死》(Life and Death)以及《愛的法則》(The Law of Love)的副本。


55. Thank you very much.



77. Concerning the writings, I have to tell you that in the meantime, it has become of necessity that you compose an article that is directed against the use of nuclear power.



That is a concern again, my son. Nevertheless, I am not a nuclear physicist, and I do not exactly understand a lot about these things. On the other hand, I have enough work with the drawing up of the spiritual teaching and with many other tasks.

這又是個問題,我的孩子。但我不是核子物理學家,我也不是很懂這些東西。從另一方面講,我還有好多工作,包括起草靈識教導(spiritual teaching),還有許多其他任務。


78. You know how your time begins to press and that you, therefore, still have to do some more.


79. I am sorry that I have to tell you this because I know only too well how ill you are in truth.


80. But there is no other option for me.



All right, my son, I myself know how right you are. Then I will just wedge myself behind this area and see to it that I bring something useful to such an article.



81. Unfortunately, no one can be found on the Earth, who could relieve you of this work.


82. I have endeavoured myself around it, but all my attempts failed.



Do not worry about it; I will take over the work soon. Apparently it is urgent?



83. That is of correctness, because things have arisen again in recent times, which require a suitable article and which should find a global distribution as soon as possible.



Okay, I am already thinking about how I should write it. But now, I would once again have a somewhat unusual question: Can you tell me how much oxygen a full-grown tree actually supplies and how many young trees are needed to replace a full-grown tree in its oxygen production?



56. This question falls into the area of one of my professions, and therefore, I can answer it for you:


57. A full-grown coniferous tree of the fir kind produces a quantity of oxygen every 24 hours that is needed for 12 adult human beings to live and breathe.

一棵成年的冷杉類的針葉樹每 24 小時提供的氧氣量足夠 12 個成年人生存和呼吸所需。

58. For the second question, if you make a comparison with an oak tree of 100 years of age, then 2,563 young trees of the same kind are needed to produce as much oxygen as the full-grown tree.

第二個問題,如果你拿一棵 100 年的橡樹來做比較的話,那麼就需要 2,563 棵同一種類的小樹才能產生一棵成年樹木的所產生的氧氣量。


Thanks, that's enough for me. Yes, those were, in fact, the questions that I had in stock for today.



22. Then we should end our conversation for today.



As you wish. So, once again, quite loving and cordial thanks for your visit, and please, also greet the others for me and thank them for me. It made me very happy to see you again.



84. Not so fast, my friend, I first have to do some things with you because you truly look very ill and worn out.


85. Come here, then we can begin …


Brief Encounter with Ptaah

Hinterschmidrüti, 4th February 1979

It was yesterday, Billy's birthday, the 3rd of February, 1979, when I, Kalliope Meier, at around 14:30 hrs, was coming from the kitchen into our living room because I wanted to get something there. Opening the door, I took my first step into the room, as I stood there startled, for at the rear living room exit, there stood a large male figure, who was dressed in a strange grey suit, a kind of overall, which had a large, round opening in the neck, which evidently served for a helmet, which the man was not wearing, however. All around the belt, some strange things were attached. Evidently startled himself, the bearded man looked at me for a second, then took a step backwards and grasped with his left hand onto a small device on his belt, upon which he simply dissolved, from one split second to another, into nothing. He just disappeared without a trace, and indeed, without a sound. Still standing there startled, wild thoughts shot through my head, before it became clear to me that the man, at whom I had stared for about 15 seconds, could have been no one other than Ptaah – the extraterrestrial friend of Billy. Billy's description of this man, at any rate, fit very exactly to the figure in the living room. And that it had actually been Ptaah, he confirmed this to Billy still on the same day, for at 14:46 hrs, so about 15 minutes after the incident, the 119th Contact took place, at which, as Billy explained, Ptaah told him that he had looked for him in the living room and in the bedroom, where Billy was minutes before, before Ptaah made his appearance, and where he actually still was, but then he went outside through the bedroom passageway's outside door, in order to go to the garage, where he settled something. Then, after that, the contact took place.

"Popi" Kalliope Meier Zafiriou

Ptaah 的不期而遇
1979 2 4 日,於 Hinterschmidrüti

昨天,1979 2 3 日,是 Billy 的生日,我,Kalliope Meier,在大約下午 2 點半,從廚房走進我們的客廳,因為我想去拿些東西。一打開門,我剛邁開第一步走進房間,我就站在那裡呆住了,因為在客廳的後門那裡,站著一個高大的男子,,他穿著一身奇怪的灰色衣服,類似一種連身套裝,在脖子處有一個大的圓形開口,很明顯是用來安裝頭盔的,但這個人沒有戴頭盔。在腰帶上掛著各種奇怪的東西。很明顯他也愣住了,這個帶鬍鬚的男人向我看了一秒鐘,往後退了一步,然後用左手握住了他腰帶上的一個小設備,然後他就那麼在一眨眼之間消失了。他就那麼消失得毫無蹤跡,事實上,悄無聲息。我仍然嚇呆定在那裡,腦袋一團混亂,大約 15 秒之後,我才清醒過來,意識到那個男人肯定是 Billy 的外星人朋友 Ptaah 無疑。Billy 對這個人的描述,非常符合這個出現在客廳裡的人。而且這個人的確是 Ptaah,他和 Billy 確認了這事,在同一天下午 2 46 分,大約這次事件的 15 分鐘之後,第 119 次接觸發生了,在其間,根據 Billy 解釋,Ptaah 告訴他他曾經在客廳和臥室裡尋找過 Billy,就在 Ptaah 出現幾分鐘之前,Billy 還在那裡,其實他仍然在家,但他為了做什麼事,經過臥室通往屋外的門去了車庫。之後接觸就開始了

“Popi” Kalliope Meier ZafiriouK. Meier 的簽名




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