


第四章 超越時空的心靈傳送

In the early fall of 1964, Timothy Good toured India as a violinist with the London Symphony Orchestra. The son of a violinist, Good had begun playing the violin at age five and later trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London for four years. Now, at age twenty-two, he had been with the London Symphony Orchestra for a year, playing in the first violins. The tour of India, his first, was to last several weeks, taking Good to all of the country's major cities.

提摩西.古德Timothy Good是一位小提琴家。1964 年早秋,他隨著倫敦交響樂團到印度巡迴演出。身為小提琴家的兒子,古德 5 歲就開始學習小提琴,隨後在英國皇家音樂學院接受了四年的教育。他現年 22 歲,參加倫敦交響樂團有一年了,一直是第一提琴手。此次是他初訪印度,在這持續幾周的行程中,古德將要遍訪印度國內所有的大城市。

In New Delhi, the orchestra stayed at the Ashoka Hotel, and one afternoon between rehearsal and the concert, Good took some time to browse through an artist's boutique that earlier had caught his eye in the lobby of the hotel. He had been struck by several paintings, especially a collection of oil portraits of Indian leaders including Gandhi and Nehru, surrounded in pale auras. As he looked through the glass at the paintings now, a woman in the shop approached him and invited him in.


Good introduced himself and learned that the woman was Elizabeth Brunner, the artist who had painted the unusual portraits. The two of them talked at length about the paintings and Brunner's inspiration; then the conversation led to things metaphysical, and finally to Good's hobby, the study of UFOs.

古德向那女人自我介紹,並知悉這個女人名叫伊莉莎白.伯納Elizabeth Brunner,就是她畫了這一幅不尋常的畫。他們兩人交談了很久,討論有關這些畫及伯納畫畫時的靈感,然後慢慢談到了抽象的事物,最後才談到古德的愛好 —— UFO 研究。

In the mid-1950s, while still in his teens, Good had become fascinated with the existence of flying objects no one seemed able to explain. Pilots observed them, radar confirmed the pilots' observations, yet the objects always outmaneuvered and outpaced the fastest jets. Good wondered, as did many people, if the governments of various countries knew more about these mysterious objects than they were telling the public. Now traveling all over the world with the orchestra, he had the opportunity on his own to investigate reports of strange sightings and claims of contact. As he explained more of his hobby to Brunner, he sensed in her someone who also believed in the existence of extraterrestrial societies and their probable visitation to the earth. After they had talked on the subject a short while, Brunner made a suggestion to Good that he found intriguing.

50 年代中期,當古德十幾歲的時候,就對不明飛行物體的存在現象感到迷惑。飛行員曾看到過他們,雷達顯示也確認了飛行員的目睹,這些不明飛行物體的操控性及速度都超過目前最快的噴射機。和很多人一樣,古德也懷疑很多國家的政府對於這些神秘飛行物體的瞭解比他們向大眾公開的消息要多許多。現在,由於他隨著樂團在世界各地演出,而使他有更多機會研究一些奇怪的觀測與接觸事件的報導。當他向伯納吐露出更多有關於他的嗜好時,他可以感覺她相信外星人存在及他們曾訪問過地球的事情。當他們針對這個主題討論了一陣子之後,伯納給了古德一個建議,也引起了他的好奇心。

As Good remembered, "She said, 'You ought to meet a chap who's fallen in love with a spacewoman. He's just left India.'"


Unfortunately for Good, the man had been expelled from the country only a few days earlier, allegedly for having no money. Brunner surmised that the man was asked to leave the country for another reason, which she told to Good.


"She felt it was perhaps because he talked too much," he recalled. "It's a dumb thing to talk about UFOs in India. She advised me not to do so, publicly at any rate, while I was there."

她覺得,也許是他話說得太多了!”說道在印度這個國家談論 UFO 是非常蠢的事,她還勸告我不要在公共場合談論。

Brunner then showed Good an article from the New Delhi Statesman dated a few days earlier, September 30, 1964: "The Flying Saucer Man Leaves Delhi- Swiss Claims He Has Visited Three Planets."

伯納接著給古德看一篇文章,這是幾天前登在新德里《政治家雜誌》上的文章,日期是 1964 9 30 日,題目是《飛碟人離開德里 —— 瑞士人聲稱他訪問過三個星球》(The Flying Saucer Man Leaves Delhi- Swiss Claims He Has Visited Three Planets.)。


Good began reading. In the article, the writer gave the flying saucer man the pseudonym Edward Albert. He wrote that he found Albert "sitting bare-bodied in one of the cave-like monuments at Mehrauli near the Buddha Vihara." The man had been living in the cave for five months, ever since his arrival in India.

古德開始閱讀,文章中作者給這個飛碟人一個假名愛德華.亞伯特Edward Albert。作者寫到他發現亞伯特赤身坐在圓頂中空類似洞穴的密如里Mehrauli遺跡裡,此處靠近維哈拉佛陀Buddha Vihara處。此人在到達印度之後,已在洞穴中生活了五個月。

"Mr. Albert sounds rather weird," wrote the reporter. "But then he clearly is not eager to talk about his experiences which, to say the least, are remarkable. Indeed, the little that he has to say has to be pried out of him. He doesn't want publicity; he doesn't care if anyone believes him or not."


The man had revealed to the reporter, "I have not only seen the objects from outer space, but have taken photographs and even traveled in them." He showed the reporter about eighty photographs, "all taken with an old folding camera and neatly kept in an album." But when the reporter asked for two or three of the photos to illustrate his article, the man "politely" declined his request. He told the reporter, "I can't spare them." He said he had taken over four hundred such photos, but most of them had been stolen in Jordan and India.

這個人還告訴了記者一些事情:我不僅看過從外太空來的這些物體,我還照了一些照片,並且乘坐太空船和他們一起旅行。”他給記者看了約 80 張照片,全部都是由一部老相機所拍的,而且井然有序地放在相本中。但是當記者要求拿兩、三張照片刊登在那篇文章中作為插圖時,那個人婉拒了記者的要求。他告訴這個記者:我不能出讓這些照片。”這是因為他曾經擁有四百張這樣的照片,但是在約旦和印度時大部分都被偷走了。

Since the reporter could show none of the photos to his readers, he took notes on what he saw as he viewed the album and used his descriptions to give the readers a feel for what Albert had photographed. "The objects in the photographs vary in size and shape," he wrote. "One is a globular object with a round disc in the centre; another is funnel-shaped; a third is like a neon lamp; a fourth is a big, bright cross and others, bright zigzag lines. Some of these have been taken on the ground and some flying in the sky." The man now sitting in the cave claimed he had taken the photographs in Greece, Jordan, and India.


Good read on. Besides having photographed the ships, Albert claimed to have been visited frequently by entities from elsewhere in the galaxy and to have traveled to at least one other inhabited planet. On this unusual planet, "all of the objects were white," he told the reporter. And the space people themselves looked very much like earth humans except they were taller, had a certain glow about them, and were spiritually more advanced. They expressed themselves through the transmission of thought patterns.


The reporter noted that the man's belongings consisted of only a few articles of clothing, his photo album, a folding camera, and two small bags. Traveling with him was a pet monkey named Emperor. At the conclusion of the interview, Albert and Emperor were to pack up their few belongings and, with a new friend from Germany who had lent Albert a small amount of money, to begin hitchhiking back across the Middle East and eventually return to Switzerland.


Before they parted ways, he told the reporter, "I have a mission to fulfill," but he refused to say what it was. "I will disclose it when the time comes, positively before a year."


"The story of Mr. Albert is as incredible as it is startling," the reporter ended his article. "He proposes to relate to German scientists his experiences, show his photographs and the objects that he says he has collected from the planets he visited. Has Mr. Albert created history, or is he a mystic who has let his imagination run wild? Time alone will tell."


Many years after the article appeared in the New Delhi Statesman, the reporter, S. Venkatesh, responded to a letter inquiring about the mysterious Mr. Albert. He wrote: "I distinctly remember meeting the man and he seemed, on recollection, very serious about what he was saying. I for one would be eager to know what he did later on, whether he encountered any more space men and ships and whether he disclosed anything to anyone later, as he promised he would."


Timothy Good read the article twice and returned it to Elizabeth Brunner. She herself had met and spoken to Albert, but other than suggesting another friend who might be able to help Good locate the man, she could add little to what was in the article.


"She said he was obviously full of this girl," remembered Good, "in love with this girl from outer space." She added only that she felt he was "sincere, and very enthusiastic." Not certain of the man's name and having only the few clues with which Brunner and her friend could provide him, Good decided nevertheless that the story was sufficiently interesting for him to pursue.


"I don't like to make judgments on people until I've met them myself," said Good later, "so in 1965 I eventually tracked him down. It was very difficult."

在見面以前,我不喜歡對任何人作任何的評論。”古德稍後說道,1965 年,我終於找到他了,找他實在是一件非常困難的事

The man lived in eastern Switzerland, in the foothills southeast of Zurich. His real name was Eduard Albert Meier. During a winter concert tour in 1965, the London Symphony Orchestra played in Zurich, and while there, Good went looking for Meier and found that he was living with a sister in a small village not far from Hinwil.

此人住在瑞士的東部,蘇黎世東南邊的山腳下。他真正的名字是愛德華.亞伯特.邁爾Eduard Albert Meier1965 年冬季,古德利用倫敦交響樂團在蘇黎世演出期間找到了邁爾,此時邁爾住在離欣維爾鎮不太遠的姊姊家。


"I actually went out there in the snow and got out to his house and he wasn't there," recalled Good, "so I just had brief words with his sister, who didn't speak any English. She gave me a number where I could contact him, and I spoke to him on the telephone afterwards. He told me that he had recently had an accident, the result of which he had lost an arm. I can't remember much more than that. He gave me the impression of sincerity at that time. Subsequent to that, I informed Lou Zinsstag about Meier; however, she didn't do anything about it for a long while. She had difficulty getting in touch with him, he was pretty elusive. But she tracked him down eventually and had lots of meetings with him."

我冒著大雪去他姐姐家,可是他不在那裡,”古德回憶著說,所以我只和他姐姐簡單地交談了一下,她不太懂英文。她給了我一個可以聯絡到他的電話號碼,隨後我打電話給他,並談了一會兒。他告訴我他最近發生了一個意外,使他失去了一只手臂。其它的事情我就不太記得了,那時他給我的印象是非常誠懇的。後來,我通知了盧.辛斯塔Lou Zinsstag,告訴她有關邁爾的事,但是,有很長一段時間她都沒有關心此事,她覺得實在很難找到他,因為他是那麼令人難以捉摸。但是她最後還是追蹤到他了,並且和他見了好幾次面。”

Considered to be the grande dame of European UFOlogy, Louise Zinsstag, now gray haired and in her early seventies, lived in Basle, Switzerland, along the northern border where the Rhine separates Germany from France. An articulate and cultured woman who wrote and spoke several languages, including Russian, Zinsstag was diminutive and energetic. Despite her religious convictions, a colleague once wrote of her, "A true 'bon-viveur,' Lou had a tremendous sense of humor and a healthy appreciation of good food and wine." In addition to her consuming interest in UFOs, Zinsstag pursued her passion for the theater, cinema, museums, and foreign travel.

提到歐洲飛碟學UFOlogy方面著名的女性,就不免要提起盧.辛斯塔Lou Zinsstag她年逾 70,有著一頭灰髮,現居瑞士的巴塞爾Basle。她是一位雍容高雅的貴婦人,精通好幾國語言,其中也包括了俄文。辛斯塔個頭小小的,但充滿了活力。除了宗教上的堅定信仰外,她的同事有一次描述到她,一位真正懂得生活的人,辛斯塔非常幽默,並且對好酒與美食具有非常健康的概念。”除了花一些時間在她感興趣的 UFO 研究上以外,其餘時間她都消磨在劇院、電影院、博物館及國外旅遊上。

Zinsstag's mother had fourteen brothers and sisters, nearly as many aunts and uncles, and scores of cousins, one of whom was the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. Though her second was more than twenty years her senior, Zinsstag spoke and wrote to him often, especially in his later years. Perhaps their most common topic of conversation was one of Jung's lesser-known works, a lengthy essay published in 1958 entitled Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky. Jung wrote in his introduction to the book:

辛斯塔的母親有 14 個兄弟姊妹,所以她有很多舅舅和阿姨,以及許多表兄弟姊妹,其中一位便是瑞士著名的精神科醫生 —— 卡爾.葛斯塔.朱Carl Gustav Jung。雖然這位表兄比她大了 20 幾歲,但是辛斯塔卻和他經常聯絡,尤其是在他晚年時。他們大部分共同談論的主題是朱格鮮為人知的工作之一 —— UFO朱格曾經在 1958 年刊出一篇長篇論文,題目是:《飛碟:展現在空中的近代神話》(Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky朱格在書的引言中寫道:

These [UFO] rumors, or the possible physical existence of such objects, seem to me so significant that I feel myself compelled to sound a note of warning. It is not presumption that drives me, but my conscience as a psychiatrist that bids me fulfill my duty and prepare those few who will hear me for coming events which are in accord with the end of an era.


Taking their cue from the word "myth" in the title, those who denied the existence of UFOs claimed that Jung's essay explained away UFO sightings as "psychic projections" and "mass hallucination." But though Jung did not know what UFOs were, he was certain they did not leap whole from the human imagination.


"We are dealing with an ostensibly physical phenomenon," he wrote, "distinguished on the one hand by its frequent appearances and on the other by its strange, unknown, and indeed contradictory nature."


Jung himself had studied the subject for ten years before he published the book.

朱格在出版這本書之前,他自己研究這個主題就已經有 10 年了。

So far as I know, it remains an established fact, supported by numerous observations, that UFOs have not only been seen visually but have also been picked up on the radar screen and have left traces on the photographic plate.... It boils down to nothing less than this: that either psychic projections throw back a radar echo, or else the appearance of real objects affords an opportunity for mythological projections.


By the time Jung died in 1961, his cousin Lou Zinsstag had amassed the largest collection of UFO case histories and photographs in Europe. Eventually, she would publish the first UFO journal in central Europe and write two books on the subject. One of the books would be about the famed contactee George Adamski, with whom she began a correspondence in 1957 that lasted for seven years. So active and outspoken on the topic of UFOs was she that a senior official of the Swiss Security Services once summoned her to his office and ordered her to publish nothing more on the subject. On his desk lay a magazine open to the page on which her most recent article appeared.

1961 朱格過世時,他在歐洲的表妹辛斯塔已搜集了很多 UFO 的案例和照片。經過整理之後,她出版了中歐的第一份飛碟學刊,並寫了兩本這方面的書籍。其中一本提到了聞名的接觸者亞當斯基George Adamski,他們兩人從 1957 年起總共通信了 7 年之久。在飛碟學的討論上她是積極而坦率的,有一次,瑞士安全局的資深官員傳喚她到他的辦公室,命令她不可再公開發佈與飛碟相關的資料。她看見這位官員的桌子上放著一份雜誌,打開的頁次正是她最近發表的文章。

Zinsstag had met Timothy Good in 1965, not long after Good had discovered "Mr. Albert" and tracked him down to a small village in eastern Switzerland. When Good related the story to her, she recalled having heard about the man even before that, but she could remember nothing of the circumstances, only that in 1956 or 1957, somebody had written an article about a Swiss boy named Eduard Meier who had had his first encounter in 1942, when he was only five years old. In the nearly ten years that had passed since then, she forgot completely about him.

1965 年,辛斯塔古德會面,時間是在古德發現亞伯特先生及在瑞士東邊的小鎮追蹤上他之後不久。當古德把他的故事告訴她時,她才記起之前曾聽過這個名字,詳細情節她記得不很清楚,唯一印象深刻的是:在 1956 年或 1957 年時,曾經有人寫子一篇關於一個名叫愛德華.邁爾的瑞士男孩所發生的遭遇,這位男孩首次與外星入的接觸發生在 1942 年,當時他只有五歲。看過那篇文章後的 5 年裡,她完全忘記了他的故事。

But after Good passed along what little information he had on Meier, Zinsstag made no effort to contact him until the summer of 1976, when news of Meier's experiences made its way to Basle before the first article appeared in Quick. On June 28, 1976, Good received the first of a long series of letters from Zinsstag, as she pursued the Meier case and relayed to Good her impressions of the man and his story.

但是在古德提供了一些有關邁爾的消息之後,辛斯塔並沒有嘗試與邁爾聯絡,直到 1976 年的夏天,邁爾的經歷在《速登雜誌》(Quick刊登出來之前便傳揚開來時,她才開始尋找他。1976 6 28 日,古德收到了辛斯塔寄來的第一封信(之後她寄了許多信函給古德),她告訴古德有關追蹤邁爾事件的新資料,以及她對他個人及他的經驗的印象。

"I got in touch with Eduard Meier, having found out his address through a schoolboy from Bern who came to see me," she wrote in her first letter. "I wrote to Ed and received a very friendly letter with a dozen of his pictures, some of them quite extraordinarily good. I sent money for more. He said he has about 250 of them, all shot by himself. He also has got some films. I wrote him that I shall come to see him as soon as possible. He says that he is fulfilling a task given to him almost forty years ago, so I expect him to come as a high priest, but never mind when you see his photographs."

她第一封信寫道:我聯絡到了愛德華.邁爾,他的住址是一位來自伯恩(Bern的學生來拜訪我時提供的。我寫信給邁爾,並接到他非常友善的回信,信中還附了一打照片,有些照片拍得非常好。我寄了一些錢希望他提供給我更多的照片。他說他大約擁有 250 張照片,都是他自己拍的,而且他還拍了一些影片。我寫信告訴他我會儘快去看他。他說他要實踐一個大約在四十年前就指定給他的任務,所以我想他大概像一位高階神父吧!但當你看過他的照片後會感覺一切都不重要了。

Less than two weeks later, Zinsstag became one of the many who began to travel to Hinwil to seek out and speak to Meier. When she returned from her visit, she again wrote to Good on July 10, 1976.

過了不到兩個星期,辛斯塔和許多人一樣到欣維爾鎮去看邁爾,並且和他交談。回來之後,她在 1976 7 10 日又寫了一封信給古德

"Eduard is a young invalid, 38, who has lost his left arm in a car accident some ten years ago. He was a truck driver. He looks intelligent and fit and uses his right hand with astonishing dexterity. His wife is a Greek girl spiritually handicapped as far as we found out, but they have three children. They live in a very neglected household in a very old farmhouse with poor furniture, guarded by an enormous dog who loved me. Eduard goes out very seldom and never alone, and never without his gun, so he told me. He has been shot at once or twice.... He's been in contact with ET since his fifth year. Together with his father he saw a UFO and met an ET back in 1942. Since then, it happened with some regularity that every eleventh year he gets new visitors.

邁爾是一位年輕的身體殘障者,現年 38 歲,大約 10 年前他在車禍中失去了左手臂。他留經是一位卡車司機,他看起來很機靈,目前單獨用右手已經非常習慣了。他的太太是一位希臘女子,我們發現她似乎有些神經質,他們有三個小孩,住在一幢荒棄的農莊裡,傢俱陳設非常簡陋,門口由一隻對我很友善的大狗守衛著。邁爾很少出去,出去時也很少單獨行動,且總是帶著槍,這些是他告訴我的,他曾經被槍擊過一、兩次。他五歲時就開始和外星人接觸。1942 年時,他和父親曾經目睹一架飛碟,並且看到一個外星人的背面。在此之後,他固定會碰到這些現象,每隔 11 年他就會遇上新的訪客。

"For a hundred francs, I shall get 50 color photos, and the young man promised me to make a good representative choice. Besides the UFO pictures and a splendid film of twenty minutes, he showed us some other pictures which I have difficulty to describe. Eduard told me that he had been in outer space several times and he has seen some of our planets from a rather near viewpoint. First, I could not believe it and just made polite noises, but then he showed us those photos. Among them is one which would make a sensation. In their flying saucer, he and his companions watched the latest Soyuz-Apollo coupling, and for a moment they were at a distance of three meters. In these pictures you see the back of a Russian cosmonaut, his helmet, and the three letters 'COI' on his outfit. On another one you can see the coupling maneuver in action, much better than on TV. Other pictures I will not describe in the letter. It's too difficult.

我用一百法郎換取了 50 張彩色照片,而且這位年輕人答應讓我選取最具代表性的好照片。除了上述的飛碟照片及約二十分鐘長的精彩影片外,他還給我看了一些我無法形容的照片。邁爾告訴我,他已經到過外太空好幾次了,並且在近處看過我們這個星系中的一些星球。起先,我無法相信,只是禮貌性地發出一些回應而已,但是後來他展示了一些照片給我們看,其中有一張照片令人不得不相信:在飛碟內他和他的夥伴在太空船中看到前蘇聯和平號和美國阿波羅太空船結合的情景,有時他們和這情景相距只有 3 公尺近。在照片裡你可以看見前蘇聯太空人的背後、頭盔及衣服上清楚地寫著COI三個字。在另外一張照片中,你可以看見結合時的操作情景,甚至比電視上看到的還清晰。其它的照片在信中我實在無法描述,因為實在太困難了。


"I'm still at a loss how to judge the man. His education is even poorer than the one of George [Adamski], but I don't mind that. Yet I don't like his manner.... He is antireligious, and as far as I can see from a pamphlet of his, he defends the witches, attacking the Roman Church for ignoring them, etc. He might very well be a witch himself. His eyes gave me this impression from the beginning. But he's honest, frank, polite up to a certain point, and, I can understand this very well, very impatient and a bit tired of being interrogated all the time. While we were there, he had several telephone calls, one from Budapest, others from Austria and Germany."


Before a few weeks had passed, Zinsstag had traveled again to see Meier and again, on August 6, 1976, she wrote to Good of the latest impressions she garnered during this second visit.

在接下來的幾周,辛斯塔又去看了邁爾1976 8 6 日她又寫信給古德了,她告訴他第二次拜訪時所獲得的最新印象。

"I have seen Eduard Meier again, the most intriguing man I have ever met. He showed me other photographs of such a nature that I can hardly mention it. When he starts talking, you can well imagine listening to a demented person, everything he says is so fantastic. But lo, there are his photos from outer space, which nobody has ever seen, not even at NASA I'm sure.... He sends his respects and love and looks forward to seeing you sometime in autumn. He still remembers your telephone call. He is so modest and sincere he even told me of his time in jail. His life story sounds so fantastic that I can hardly believe it. But one look at his photos reassures me every time."


For nearly a year, Zinsstag read about Meier in magazines, read his contact notes and teachings, and visited with him for hours in Hinwil. An intelligent woman who for twenty years had known and talked at length with numerous "contactees" besides Adamski, Zinsstag was neither naïve nor gullible, nor was she willing to dismiss all contactee claims as nonsense. Forces exist, she thought, for which we presently have no explanation. But she clearly did not know what to make of Meier. After each meeting and often between her interviews, she wrote to Good about the case. Another letter, postmarked October 24, 1976, closed: "more than ever I think that he is a good man, although Esther [a journalist and friend of Zinsstag's] is afraid that he could be under a magic spell or even a witch himself. I don't think so, but there's something very unusual about this man, as you will notice."

有將近一年的時間,辛斯塔在雜誌上讀到有關邁爾的消息、讀到他與外星人接觸的筆記和他的說教,她也到欣維爾鎮去拜訪過邁爾並晤談好幾個鐘頭。這位聰明的女人在二十年間已經和除了亞當斯基之外的眾多被接觸者”談論過,辛斯塔對事情的態度是既不天真也不容易受騙,她不承認所有的接觸事件,但也不全盤否定。她認為有些事是存在的,只是目前我們還無法解釋而已。但是她卻完全無法瞭解邁爾的所作所為。每次會面之後以及每次面談之間她都會寫信給古德,告訴他自己對這件事的看法。在一封郵戳為 1976 10 24 日的信中,她寫道:我始終認為他是一個好人,雖然伊斯哲(新聞記者,辛斯塔的朋友)懷疑他拼湊結果或心智迷失,但我並不如此認為,此人的確經歷了一些不尋常的事情,我想你會發現到的。”

In the fall of 1976, Zinsstag, accompanied by Good, flew to the United States to speak to various people in UFOlogy, to interview alleged contactees, and to gather more material for the book on Adamski that they would co-author. A few months after they had returned from the States and she had had time to visit Hinwil, Zinsstag wrote a letter to Good dated January 3, 1977.

1976 年秋天,古德辛斯塔到美國和各 UFO 團體討論,並訪問一些自稱是被接觸者的人,同時也為他倆共同執筆有關亞當斯基的那本書搜集更多的資料。就在他們從美國返回的幾個月之後.她花了一些時間又到欣維爾鎮訪問,辛斯塔 1977 1 3 日又寫了一封信給古德

"Re: Meier. I am now on such good terms with him that it won't be a problem to see him anytime I like. However, I am holding back, because I can't get rid of the idea that this woman Semjase does him no good.... I am sure that within a rather short time she will let him drop, because it is out of the question for him to fulfill her wishes.... What he misses is a name, a good one, and he will never get that because he was in prison as a youngster. And most of all he misses a real education, although I must say his technical knowledge is absolutely astonishing. He seems to have gotten a certain pre-education in his twenties while he traveled in Syria and Israel and Jordan, which serves him very well for understanding the difficult things Semjase talks through with him...."

信中寫著:邁爾和我現在的關係非常好,在任何時間我想見他都沒有問題。因為我認為 Semjase 這個女人對邁爾並沒有什麼好處,所以我還是有所保留地擔心著。我確信在短時間內,她會放棄他的,因為他是絕不可能實現她的願望的他所欠缺的是一個名聲,而且是一個好名聲,但是他永遠不可能擁有一個好名聲的,因為他在少年時就曾經坐過牢。更重要的是,雖然我必須承認他的科技知識是那麼令人驚訝,但是他幾乎沒受過什麼正規的教育。我想也許他在二十多歲到敘利亞、以色列和約旦旅行時,可能受過一些正規教育,因此使他獲得了很多知識,並可以明瞭 Semjase 告訴他的種種高難度事情…”


A month later, Zinsstag wrote, "If Meier turns out to be a fake, I shall take my whole collection of photographs to the ferry boat and drown it in the old man river of Basle."


By the fall of 1976, Meier's contact notes had grown to over eight hundred pages, and the run of articles in European magazines had aroused the curiosity of hundreds of people who had traveled to see him. Witnesses later said they saw people lined up outside the Hinwil house as though waiting in line to buy tickets for a soccer match. Perhaps more difficult to know for certain, it seemed that others even followed Meier whenever he left his house, hoping to glimpse one of the silver beamships or the fair-haired Semjase, or catch Meier in the act of fabricating his photographs with models or somehow creating the strangely swirled landing tracks. Once Meier and others swore, he was followed by a Volkswagen with rotating antennas mounted on the roof.

1976 年的秋天,邁爾接觸”的筆記本已經擴充到超過八百頁了,刊登在歐洲雜誌上有關他的報導也更加流傳開來,並有好幾百位好奇的民眾專程跑來看他。親眼目睹的人說,來看他的人排得好長,好像要買票看足球賽似的。更令人難以置信的是許多人在他走出房子時就會跟著他,希望可以瞥見銀色的太空船和白髮的Semjase,或者可以抓到邁爾利用模型偽造照片,或偽裝太空船著陸痕跡的行為。邁爾說有一次他還被一部車頂上裝了旋轉天線的福斯汽車跟蹤。

But the contacts continued, and Meier described to his visitors what would happen each time the Pleiadians directed him to a contact site in the hills: first, he said, the silver beamship would appear and wait for him silently a hundred or two hundred feet off the ground. Then with the magnetic force field temporarily reduced, Meier would walk beneath the hovering ship, and in a moment, untouched by any visible force, his body would begin rising toward the hold. During the five-second transfer from ground to sky, Meier could observe the landscape.

但接觸事件依然持續著,邁爾也向他的訪客描述每次昴宿星Pleiadians引導他到山上接觸現場後發生的事情;首先是一架銀色的太空船在離地一百或兩百英尺的空中靜靜地等他;然後地球磁場會暫時減弱,邁爾朝著翱翔的太空船下方走過去,一會兒,不需要經過任何有形力量的碰觸,他的身體便會向太空船的方向上升。從地上到空中大約只需要 5 秒鐘的時間,邁爾可以俯瞰整個現場。

"If you have a channel that goes up with the wind, and you put in a feather, you have exactly the same thing," he said, describing the experience.


Those who heard his stories imagined a darkened, secluded site suddenly aglow, with the inner circle of trees seeming to undulate in a pure and gently pulsating light. Though Semjase sometimes landed the ship and met with Meier in the meadow, she now utilized the "anti-gravity" system more frequently. A third, even faster, method was potentially dangerous: Meier could be dematerialized.

這些人聽了他的故事後,都想像在樹林中有一個黑暗又偏僻的基地,那裡似乎有優雅又舒緩的波動光線。雖然Semjase 有時會將太空船降落在草地上來會見邁爾,但是她現在比較常採用反重力的方式,將邁爾吸入。另外還有第三種方法更快,但是它有潛在的危險:邁爾可能會被非物質化dematerialized)。

Meier called this method the "teleportic," which worked only, he said, "if I am clear in my head and heart." Using it, the Pleiadians could break down Meier's molecular structure as he sat in his office, rematerialize him on board the ship, converse with him for an hour or two, then break him down a second time and reassemble him in an instant inside his office again, or at the edge of a road to be picked up by Herbert, Jakobus, or one of the others who might have driven him to the contact. When he was "upped" by this method, Meier could feel nothing; the danger lay in the return, for Meier would again have to be clear in head and heart. According to Meier, if the ship hovered high in the atmosphere ready to place him back on earth, and he jumped into the teleportic shaft without his head and heart being clear, he would "die for sure."


"You see," explained Meier, "they take me up in this way only when they have checked me over and over. And if there is only a very, very small point which isn't clear, they can't go to it. Then I have to go out on my bicycle or tractor or by car, and they take me up the other way."


The opening in the ship through which Meier entered with the "antigravity" method was round and located at the bottom. Meier had seen it either open or closed and did not know how it worked. The interior of the craft Meier described as looking like "a watching central," or security observation room with many small television screens. The windows around the perimeter appeared to be glass and metal at the same time. As the ship entered different atmospheres, they changed color; in methane they would turn yellow, in other atmospheres a shade of green, blue, or red. As the ship traveled through interstellar space, a scanning device had to be used for navigation, for in space nothing could be seen through the windows.


Near the ship's controls were three chairs, "like normal chairs, but you can use them as very comfortable seats, or two of them as beds." The beds, however, were not like those on earth, not like "a feather bed" where you sleep on top. The beds in the beamship wrapped around you.


The extensive control panel was dominated by an array of "metallic blots" accommodating one to four fingers or the entire hand. The blots were in rows of different colors-silver, gold, red, blue, yellow-and were never touched; the hand or fingers were only placed lightly over them. Small wheels, switches, and rows of levers completed the instrument panels. "The driving of the ships is very, very easy," said Meier. "There is a red knob, with a small leg, and with it you can do every maneuvering thing you like."

平展的控制台上有一排以一根手指或四根手指或整只手操控的金屬棋子,這些棋子有著不同的顏色 —— 銀色、金色、紅色、藍色、黃色,手或手指根本不必按這些棋子,只要輕輕地放在上面即可。儀器面板上面充滿著小的駕駛盤、開關和一排排控制桿,駕駛這種太空船是非常非常容易的,”邁爾說道,那兒有一個具有小支柱的紅色球狀把手,你可以用它來進行各種操控。”

At each rendezvous, Meier learned more about the Pleiadians, how they viewed themselves and the earth humans, their purpose in coming to the earth and in contacting him. During one of their meetings, Meier asked, "why do you not appear in mass and show yourselves to the public, and why do you not contact governments?"


"The masses would merely revere us as gods, as in ages past," explained Semjase, "or go off in hysteria. That is why we regard it as prudent to make contact with individual persons only for the time being, to disseminate, through them, the knowledge concerning our existence and our coming to this planet.

在過去,大眾見到只會將我們視為神明,或是歇斯底里般地逃開。Semjase 解釋這就是為何我們目前只謹慎地與少數的個人保持接觸,以藉此傳播我們來到並關心地球的訊息。

"Furthermore, all earth governments are made up of human beings for whom power hunger and a thirst for profits are characteristic. They only want, under cover of peace and friendship, to occupy our rayships, to exercise absolute rule over the earth. But they would not stop there. They would try to capture the cosmos, because they do not know any limits. They, on the other hand, are not even able to create peace and friendship among the nations on earth, not even in their own countries. How then could they be capable of holding such might in their hands as our rayships? We have no interest in revealing ourselves to the general public. It is, for the present, advisable to maintain contact only with single earth humans, and by them slowly to allow the knowledge of our existence and mission to become known, and to prepare others for our coming.


"A further warning: it lies in the frame of evolution that earth man must develop himself spiritually before he will solve certain scientific secrets. Even then, the danger exists, that the barbarous earth man, exercising his technical knowledge, might use it for evil-minded and power-hungry motives. He must remember that when he attains the necessary techniques, he cannot fly to other planets in the hope that he would always be the victor. Other cosmic inhabitants are not helplessly exposed to attack from another race. There could follow deadly defeat for earth humankind and complete slavery, which would equal the falling back to primeval times. When earth man tries to carry his barbarous greed for power into the cosmos, he must consider his own complete destruction.


"This all must be told to the earth beings, for their spiritual reason is still poorly developed. This was the unfortunate experience of a second race of humans in your own solar system. Their planet was lost in a vast explosion, and nothing remained but the desolate asteroids whirling around your sun."


The community of Hinwil had plans to destroy the farmhouse at No. 10 Wihaldenstrasse to make way for more apartment buildings. Though the official reason for the Meier's eviction had nothing to do with the constant presence of so many cars in their driveway, or the strange comings and goings of Meier himself, or his philosophy, the neighbors and town administrators felt relieved when they knew he would be gone soon. In truth, Meier, too, wanted to find a more secluded and private place to live. By Christmas of 1976, he had found a fifty-acre farm that straddled both Kanton Zurich and Kanton Thurgau, near the village of Schmidruti, thirty minutes from Hinwil.

欣維爾鎮的民眾計畫把維哈爾登大 10 號的老農莊拆掉,來建築更多的公寓。雖然官方收回邁爾所住的地方,與很多人來拜訪他造成停車問題,以及邁爾奇特的行為及怪異的邏輯無關,但是他的鄰居與鎮長還是因為他不久將離開而感到寬心。事實上,邁爾也想找一個偏僻而隱密的地方生活。1976 年的耶誕節,他找到了一個有五十英畝大的農場,它介於蘇黎世圖爾高州Thurgau間,鄰近西密魯提Schmidruti村,離欣維爾鎮大約三十分鐘的車程。

Considerably higher and farther back in the hills, Schmidruti consisted of a primary school, gardening shop, shooting range (made compulsory by the Swiss military for even the tiniest of hamlets), the Gasthaus zum Freihof, a post office, log business, and Subaru dealership with a garage but no showroom. The latter four stood side by side along the cobblestone row bordering the only street winding through the village. Above the farm, at the top of a hill undercut by the road, sat a single military building, used as a barracks and an underground rocket silo, which occasionally opened its doors and pushed into view a huge and conventionally armed missile. Seventy-five people, most of them farmers, lived in and immediately around Schmidruti.

西密魯提村位於一片深山的高丘上,村中有小學、花店、農場、飛彈發射區(瑞士軍方所造)、佛瑞荷福酒店Gasthaus zum Freihof、郵局、木材加工廠和速霸陸汽車公司(有修理廠但無展示間),建築並排在貫穿全村、唯一的一條鵝卵石街道旁。在農場的上方,由直達小山丘頂端的一條小路切入,坐落著一座軍方建的地下飛彈廠,此處大門偶爾會打開,可以看到巨大的傳統飛彈。西密魯提村旁大約住有 75 人,其中大部分為農人。

The Herzog farm, which Meier wanted to purchase, sat behind Schmidruti a few hundred yards down the cobblestone way, which quickly turned to a dirt and pebble path. Real estate in Switzerland is difficult to find at any price, and good farmland is even more rare. The price for the Herzog farm was 360,000 francs, approximately $240,000. Meier had no money, but visitors who were impressed by his teachings eventually raised or mortgaged that amount. One woman who had recently received an inheritance secured the loan on the farm.

邁爾想要購買的地方是坐落在西密魯提後方的荷魯Herzog農場,此農場在鵝卵石道路外幾百碼處,走到這兒鵝卵石道路已變為泥巴碎石路。在瑞士,即使有錢也不容易購買到不動產,好的農地就更少見了。荷魯農場的價格是 36 萬法郎,約合 24 萬美元。邁爾沒有那麼多錢,但是靠著對他言論印象深刻的訪客幫忙,最後還是籌募到這一筆錢了。其中有一位女士用最近得到的一筆遺產作保,讓邁爾獲得了農場的貸款。

When Meier moved his family in April 1977 from the Hinwil house to the farm at Schmidruti, Herbert Runkel and several others came to help. They moved everything out of the three-story house and put it into cars, trucks, and a borrowed trailer to haul it up to the farm. Herbert, always suspicious, took the opportunity to investigate even more closely the contents of the Meier home.

邁爾 1977 4 月從欣維爾鎮的房子搬進西密魯提的農場藍哥和其它人也來此幫忙。他們把所有的東西都搬離了三層樓房,並且搬上汽車、卡車和借來的拖車運往農場。由於藍哥總是抱著懷疑的態度,所以他特別利用這次機會好好地深入查看邁爾家所有的東西。

"We had a big trailer," he recalled, "and we went, I don't know, seven, ten times, up and down. We worked together several days to bring all the furniture, beds, and goods to the cars - all the things from his office, all the books, all the big printing machines. It was a lot of goods. At that time I looked at everything coming out of the house because some people said, "maybe he used models, maybe there is some equipment to make models, or there is an old model, a special kind of paper, a special kind of aluminum foil, something like that.' But there was nothing. He had no equipment to make anything. It was only a house for living and for writing."


In a letter to Timothy Good, Lou Zinsstag described the Herzog farm as "a large estate." But the reality hardly fit the description. The Herzog farm was an abandoned fifty acres of weeds, mud, and outbuildings falling down.


"You could compare it to a battlefield," Meier's friend Jakobus described it.


The house had no electricity and no running water. Beneath the three-foot flood in the cellar lay two feet of mud. Old and diseased trees on the land bore little or no fruit, and underbrush grew thick in the surrounding forest. Water that could have been used for irrigation flowed at will, eroding the land in some places while leaving other sections dry.


Meier, with more help from friends, immediately began to renovate the place. Electricity and plumbing would come later. First they removed the mud by shovel and replaced it with dry gravel and poured concrete. Then they put in vegetable gardens, dammed and directed the water, filled ponds with irrigation, shored sagging walls on the barns and farmhouse until they could be rebuilt, and reshingled the roofs. They cut down the old trees and planted new ones, provided pasture for cows, and sowed several acres in crops for the animals. They often worked at night, mixing cement, and they always worked on Sunday. Meier taught everyone how to do the work that needed to be done - how to irrigate, plant, shingle, mix and apply mortar, wire, and plumb. He always worked in a beige one-piece coverall and his black cowboy hat, and was often seen at the wheel of an old green tractor. From midnight to three or four in the morning, when it was quiet, he would work in his office. In the middle of the day he often would experience a cooling perspiration across his forehead, turn pale, and suddenly disappear.

邁爾在朋友們的幫助下,立刻開始進行整修工作。電力與水管工程以後再做,他們首先用鏟子清除地窖的泥巴,鋪上乾的碎石子,最後灌上混凝土,然後他們開墾蔬菜園,造小水壩引導水流,將池塘灌滿灌溉用水,在穀倉及農舍旁建築臨時防水堤,並在屋頂鋪上木瓦。他們將枯樹砍掉並種了一些新樹,為了提供牧草給牛吃,還為這些家畜種了幾畝地的農作物。他們總是在晚上工作,混合水泥,偶爾也在週日工作。邁爾教每一個人執行必須完成的工作 —— 如何灌溉、種植,如何攪拌及糊灰泥,如何牽引電線和水管等。他工作時常穿著一件米黃色的毛呢襯衫、戴著黑色的牛仔帽,在舊的綠色牽引機旁經常可以看見他。從午夜到淩晨三、四點,當外面一片寧靜時,他會在書房內工作。中午時分,他經常有發冷汗的現象,汗流過他的前額,臉色慢慢發青.然後症狀突然消失。

One afternoon Engelbert Wachter and two other men climbed a ladder to the top of the old carriage house, whose rotted walls had been replaced one at a time and which now was being prepared for a roof. The ladder rose and intersected with the roof at a point about twelve feet off the ground. The roof itself, a smooth, open surface thirty feet long by eighteen feet high, angled upward at a pitch of nearly forty-five degrees. Nothing stood near the building. Before they began laying shingles, from bottom to top, Engelbert and the other two men nailed a temporary brace from one side of the roof to the other near the lower edge, a simple platform so they would not fall.

有一個下午,安伯格.瓦奇特Engelbert Wachter和另兩個人爬上梯子到老車房的高牆上,那裡的牆壁已經腐蝕了,他們一片一片地整修牆面。之後他們準備修理屋頂,梯子抬出屋外靠著屋頂,那屋頂是尖頂式的,約 30 英尺長,18 英尺高,屋頂斜角約 45°。老車房的四周沒有任何東西存在,在他們從屋頂的底端將木瓦從下往上鋪之前,安伯格和另外兩人從靠近屋頂下緣的地方架起臨時的支柱,以免跌下來。

Engelbert, with his pile of shingles, stood next to the ladder, and the other two men were farther over on the roof. As Engelbert lined up the wooden shingles and pounded them into place, he saw Meier climb the ladder just to his left and start to pass behind him.


"I looked back to see whether there was enough room for him," Engelbert recalled, "and as I turned around Billy was gone. Not even a second had passed. I presumed that he fell down. I called the others and we all went looking for him. We looked out on the road. Nothing. I would have heard it if he had jumped down. But he had disappeared."

Engelbert later said to Herbert, "I felt his fingers tap me on my shoulder. Then I turned and he was gone."


Herbert had been working down below and had seen Meier climb the ladder, then step onto the roof. He looked away for a few moments, then heard Engelbert asking, "Where's Billy?" Herbert yelled up, "He's on the roof."


"Nobody saw him go," remembered Herbert, "and nobody saw him come. And five or six people were always working around the barn. Always. I saw him go to the barn, I saw how he went up to the roof. But he never came down. Nobody saw him come down. Nobody saw him for four hours." Meier suddenly reappeared, sitting on a cement slab by the barn, smoking a cigarette and appearing peaceful as he always did when he returned from a contact.


Another time Meier had left on a contact earlier in the afternoon, simply walking down the dirt path that passed through the farm and continued into the tall woods. Several people had then heard the singing of the ship. No one had seen him since that moment. Now the sun was about to set, though daylight would remain for another two hours. Engaged in more roof repair, Engelbert sat on top of the chicken coop, a building on the other side of the farmhouse that looked out over the deep and partially wooded valley forming the eastern boundary of the farm. He stopped his pounding long enough to light a cigarette, then exhaled and looked down the valley to a large nearby meadow.


"I was looking around," he later said, "looking at the trees, but somehow my glance was pulled back on that meadow. And as soon as I looked back, Billy stood in the middle. In the middle of the meadow there are no trees. I looked at that meadow and I could practically see Billy appear out of nothing."


For six months, from the spring of 1977 into the fall, Herbert lived at the farm with the Meier family, the only one outside the family who slept there. The rest came in campers and trailers while they worked on weekends, and Jakobus stayed at his parents' house forty minutes away. During the six months he lived at the farm, Herbert constantly looked for but found nothing suspicious, no pictures, models, or equipment. And Meier never left the farm unless it was to go on a contact. All day, day after day, Herbert would see him either supervising the renovation of the house, barn, and outbuildings or out in the field running the old green tractor.

1977 年的春季到秋季,藍哥邁爾的家人已一起住在農場上六個月了,他是除了邁爾家人以外唯一睡在此處的外人。其它的人在週末來工作時,就進駐帳篷和拖車內,而傑卡布則住在離此地約四十分鐘路程的父母家。六個月來,藍哥都生活在農場裡,他非常注意每一件事,但是仍然沒有發現可疑的跡象,沒有照片、模型或裝備。除了要去接觸之外,邁爾從不離開農場。日子一天一天過去了,藍哥發現邁爾不是在指揮房子、穀倉和其它建築的修繕工作,就是駕著綠色的老牽引機在原野上馳騁。

In the fall of 1977, Lou Zinsstag, who had visited Meier again at the farm, wrote a final letter on the Meier case to Timothy Good and a few other close friends. She entitled the lengthy missive, "Personal View of Eduard Meier."

1977 年的秋天,辛斯塔又到農場來拜訪邁爾,之後寫了最後的一封信給古德和其它親近的朋友。她這封長信的名稱是:個人對愛德華.邁爾的觀點

"I had heard about this extraordinary man long before I met him," she began. "In the sixties I refused to believe the rumors that Eduard Meier was a true contactee. I rather took him for one of those numerous transmediums pretending to be in contact with space beings and spaceships, getting messages through trance. But at last, in 1976, I met him at Hinwil in the Kanton Zurich. It was because he had sent me some extraordinarily good UFO photos. I now had a feeling that, at least in thought, I had wronged the man.

在我遇見他之前,我聽了許多有關他的事,”她開始時如此寫著,“ 60 年代時,我拒絕相信愛德華.邁爾是真正和外星人接觸過的人,我寧可相信他只是自稱與太空船或太空生物接觸,並且.從中獲得一些來自另一世界訊息的眾多靈媒之一。但在 1976 年,我終於在蘇黎世欣維爾鎮見到他了,這是因為他寄給了我一些非常棒的飛碟照片。我現在有一種感覺,至少我是這麼想的,我曾經誤會了這個人。

"Instead of meeting a sickly, soft-spoken invalid, as expected, we found him to be a person full of vigor and strength, very self-assured with a fantastic story to tell. Although we had read and heard many exciting stories of contacts with extraterrestrials, and although we knew well that truth is often more fantastic than imagination, to hear Eduard Meier talk was a real shock. His friend who drives a car took us at once to a set of fresh traces, three identical circles in high wet grass hidden behind a wood in the neighborhood. Later, we listened for more than an hour to his story, and heard him explain his approximately three hundred photographs, including some he said he himself had shot in space. It was breathtaking. Yet, within me, I missed the feeling of joy and sympathy which I really should have felt. Some funny instinct was giving me a kind of negative pulse, signals which concerned Meier's person rather than the things he said and showed us....



"Observing the man more closely, I saw that his features were worn out and hard, and that he had cold and tired eyes. His forehead was deeply lined, and he looked older than his forty years. But his voice was good and strong and healthy, and so were his movements. He was very adept in using his right arm. His smile was sometimes disconcertingly friendly and pure, but the feeling of discomfort never left me. It is still with me.



"This expose is written for a very few friends who know me well, and also know Meier's story, so I do not need to go into details. With frankness, he told us about his girlfriend Semjase from the Pleiades. At first, I felt much sympathy with her for having contacted a poor handicapped man like Meier. She seemed to be giving him some extremely interesting information on space and astronomy and to take him for a ride occasionally. A few months after my visit, Ilse von Jacobi sent me part of his writings, fifteen conversations with Semjase. They proved to be rather disappointing to me and I did not like at all her manner of speech. It sounded often rather faulty and unfriendly, rather frightening....

這種情形是為與我熟識、也熟知邁爾故事的少數幾位好朋友而寫的,所以我毋需作進一步解釋。他非常坦白地告訴我們有關他來自昴宿星的女友 —— Semjase 的事情。起先我很同情她居然會與一個像邁爾這樣可憐的肢體殘障者接觸,她似乎給了他某些太空和天文學中特別有趣的訊息,並且偶爾還會帶他一起遨遊;但是在我訪問他之後的幾個月,馮.雅科比Ilse von Jacobi寄給了我邁爾記錄下和Semjase 之間 15 次對話的部分內容,她所述說的事情不僅讓我失望,而且我根本就不喜歡她說話的態度,因為她說話的態度經常有指責及不友善的意味存在,而且令人感到駭怕...

"In 1976, Meier started to attack in his magazine Wassermannzeit every religion in the world, all churches and sects, refuting the need for worship or belief in God. It sounded rather familiar, poison for the people, and so on. The articles were written in an offhand but spiteful, even vicious way, and they sounded so superficial I doubt that either Semjase or Meier knew the difference between religions and such in the established church institutions....

1976 邁爾開始在一本雜誌中攻擊世界上的每一種宗教,包括所有的教會與教派,認為做禮拜及對上帝的信仰都是不必要的,這種論調很容易被一般人所接受,並進而污染他們的思想;這文章像是即興所寫,卻是懷有惡意的,由於立論太過膚淺,我甚至要懷疑Semjase 邁爾是否真正懂得宗教與現存教會機構之間的差異

"I liked him less and less, and I stopped writing to him. But I continued to bring interested friends to his place. He always liked meeting new people and was always polite, even friendly, with them. I never talked to him about my objections, mostly because we were never alone. His story and his films never failed to impress me. There was, in my eyes, no reason to doubt his veracity, and soon I found out that the man suffered from a deep inferiority complex, that he was haunted by bad childhood memories, by his experiences at school, in a children's home, in the Foreign Legion, in jail, in hospitals. I was ready to take this into account and stayed friendly.


"Due to his lack of diplomacy, prudence, and understanding, he lost some very good friends. As he said, they were replaced immediately by newcomers, but there were some among his former friends who betrayed him and did a lot of damage to his image without his being aware of it. A lot of them even faked some UFO photos, doing pictures on a windowpane, showing them around and telling everybody how easy this was. I've got two of those fakes. I fell for them for only a few seconds, but people without training might readily fall for the trick. I, for one, am sure that Meier's pictures are no fakes. There's too much variety in them. If indeed he would be able to produce such perfect film materials he would be under contract with the best-paying movie companies for science fiction films, and he would be paid in the hundred thousands for each movie to be sure.


"As an invalid, Meier draws a state pension of about 700 francs a month. Nobody in this country can live on such an amount with a wife and three children. Reluctantly, he's now asking for money for his interviews and demonstrations, which he did not do earlier. I know that he does not make money with his photographs, since I bought them for either 1.50 or 2.00 francs apiece, which barely covers his costs. He can't do the copies himself. To fake such extraordinary films anybody would need a lot of money, but obviously, Eduard Meier is a very poor man....

身為一位肢體殘障者,邁爾每個月可以領到約七百法郎的生活津貼,在他的國家裡,沒有人可以用這一點錢來養活一個太太和三個孩子。他現在要求面談及參觀的人必須付費,這是他以前所不願意做的。我知道他並不想以他的照片來賺錢,但我仍以每張 l.5 2 法郎向他購買,這些錢僅夠支付他的拍攝成本而已。要偽造這些精彩的照片及影片是要花很多錢的,但是,邁爾是一位很窮的人,所以他是不可能自己複製這些照片的

"It was clear to me from the beginning that in due time, Eduard Meier's pictures would come under heavy attack, because it has been the fashion for the last two years to declare all close-up shots, showing clear details, as fakes, by those UFO researchers who pretend to know most and to do their research in a purely scientific manner.... Some of those sophisticated UFO researchers, always ready to call other people hoaxers, fakers and liars, might be helpful in a conspiracy of defamation. Intending to unmask scoundrels, they are keeping back curiosity and interest and good photographic evidence from important people at universities and in government circles..." Signed, Lou Zinsstag, Basle.


In October 1977, a man wearing a sweater and a light windbreaker walked the leaf-strewn gravel path from the Freihof in Schmidruti to the Meier farm a quarter mile away. A handsome man, short in stature, with deep blue eyes and silver hair, Wendelle C. Stevens had retired a lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force. He now traveled the world investigating unusual UFO sightings and claims of contact.

1977 10 ,有一個穿著短風衣的人,從西密魯提村的佛瑞荷福穿過滿地樹葉的碎石路,走向尚有四分之一英里路程的邁爾農場。英俊、中等身材,有一對深藍色眼睛和銀白色頭髮的美國空軍退役上校溫得利.史蒂芬Wendelle C. Stevens曾周遊世界,探討不尋常的 UFO 現象及所謂的接觸


(第四章 結束)







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