Contact Report 863/第863次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年09月18日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年09月23日,星期六,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Here we are again, and today I also come to say goodbye, because I must return to Erra. But first I will say hello to you, and we have a few things to talk about.
Of course, but you are both greeted and welcome – just as usual.
Thank you, but also be greeted.
I want to speak immediately and answer to what you told us on the 30th of August. Quetzal and I tried to find out about the behaviour of the authorities in Turbenthal and the new forester. In doing so, we discovered that 2 persons are exercising their office in such a manner as to be able to satisfy their power and exercise it detrimentally. Therefore, they are trying to bully you here and to harmfully prevent what you are trying to do correctly. What we have found out shows that certain persons of the authority are not well-disposed towards you, although you have done what is right and have put everything in order by your untiring efforts, contrary to what the authority has omitted and failed to do its duty. We found out by looking back that all the land around, the road and all the buildings were completely dilapidated and neglected, as well as the nearby forest was completely ruined by clear-cutting. It is really incomprehensible to us that it is starting again – as it was when you took over the centre and started to repair everything, the new forestation and the land – that the authorities are interfering again, whereby none of these personalities understands anything about what you have done and continue to do. We have thoroughly investigated and clarified everything that you have done in your centre in Hinterschmidrüti and that you have done for the restoration and preservation of nature and for the bird life, while the authorities have in fact done nothing in any wise to change the catastrophic condition of the buildings, the land environment and the clear-cutting of the forest for the better. We have also overheard pedestrians speaking regarding what you have brought about here, and their comments were that they did not expect to find a true paradise here etc.
我想馬上就回答你在8月30日告訴我們的事情。我和Quetzal試圖瞭解圖本塔爾(Turbenthal)當局和新林務員的行為。在此過程中,我們發現有兩個人在行使職權時,為了滿足自己的權力,並以有害的方式行事。因此,他們正試圖在這裡欺壓你,並惡意阻止你正常開展工作。我們所發現的情況表明,當局的某些人對你不懷好意,儘管你做了正確的事情,並努力把一切都安排得井井有條,而這些當局人員則是怠忽了他們的職責。透過回顧(looking back),我們發現周圍的土地、道路和所有建築都已荒廢和破敗不堪,附近的森林也因大規模砍伐而破壞殆盡。真的讓我們感到無法理解的是,情況再次出現,就像當你們接管中心並開始進行修復,重新植被,修復土地,讓一切恢復正常。然而,現在當局再次介入,而這些人中沒有一個人瞭解你們已經做了什麼以及還在繼續做什麼。我們已經徹底調查並澄清了你們在Hinterschmidrüti的中心所做的一切,以及你們為恢復和保護自然及鳥類生命所做的一切,而當局事實上卻沒有採取任何措施來改變建築物、土地環境和森林被砍伐的災難性狀況。我們還聽到行人談論你們在這裡帶來的變化,他們的評論是,他們沒想到會在這裡找到一個真正的世外桃源等等。
We were just, as they say here, the 'foreign fools' here, and that is partly still the case today, and apparently also with certain members of the Turbenthal authorities. I wonder whether there are still influences from the religious sect that was responsible for my persecution all over the world and for the 25th time that attempts have been made to get rid of me. This was the last time I was sitting in front of the house with … and … and was shot at, although as luck would have it, the shot went into the sky. The 1st time was the attempt on my life in India, and that was at Mehrauli on Dog Hill, when the projectile hit me in the left arm, and that was in the presence of Dr Radakrishnan, the President of India, along with Miss Rogers and Mrs Fisk, which is why the attack was also reported to the police, who made a report.
就像這裡人所說的那樣,我們只是這裡的一群「外星痴狂」(foreign fools),如今部分情況依然如此,而圖本塔爾(Turbenthal)當局的某些成員顯然也是這種看法。我不知道他們是否仍然還受到那個宗教教派的影響,那是我在世界各地遭受迫害的罪魁禍首,迄今已有 25 次嘗試將我從世界中消滅。最近一次是在我和 ... 坐在家門口遭到槍擊,但幸運的是,子彈射向了天空。第一次襲擊發生在印度,那是在Mehrauli 的 Dog Hill,當時一顆子彈擊中了我的左手臂,而當時印度總統拉達克里希南(Radakrishnan)博士以及Rogers小姐和Fisk夫人都在場,因此這次襲擊事件向警方報了案,他們也做了一份報告。
I am aware of that, but it is really incomprehensible that the authority …
我知道這些事,但實在無法理解的是,當局 ...
… this is just the way it is, but then all through the floors everything is denied. This is not least because the culprits want to look clean and play as if they could not lift a hair. But this is the case all over the world, and everything is getting much worse, because overpopulation will produce terrible blossoms in the future, whereby the future unfortunately does not look rosy, but results in a true catastrophe for humanity. Through stupidity, the majority of Earthlings have still not grasped that horrendous overpopulation is to blame for pollution, climate change and the destruction of all ecosystems, nature, fauna and flora. In particular, the acting protesters, such as the 'Fridays for Future' and the 'Last Generation', are irr-wirr and lowly intelligent enough to understand that only a worldwide birth stop and thus the rapid and necessary reduction of the mass of humanity can solve the problems of planetary and environmental destruction and the continued existence of humanity. As a result of the exuberant overpopulation, the Earthlings on the whole are becoming ever more lowly intelligent, uneducated and ignorant, for more and more sects and religions and mendacious world views are re-emerging, promoting faith and thus illusory thinking into infinity. This also means that people's behaviour is changing more and more in a negative wise, whereby, for example, more and more children and adolescents are murdering children and adolescents because they are already changing in such a negative manner that for them, life – in relation to human beings, animals, creatures and other living beings – is no longer worth a damn. Consequently, children and adolescents have been degenerating for quite some time in the same manner as 'adults' have been degenerating since time immemorial, smashing each other's skulls through wars and other skirmishes and thereby enjoying legal murder, killing and destruction. Entire genocides have been committed in this manner since time immemorial, with armies of military personnel being the main murdering culprits, as is unfortunately still the case today, because the Earthlings have become even worse than they were before. The development even brought about the emergence of murderer organisations – formerly so-called feudal armies – such as today's NATO and other mercenary organisations – NATO is, after all, nothing other than a mercenary murderer organisation – like every military and mercenary force that used to emanate from Switzerland as well, first of all as so-called 'rice runners'.
... 事情就是這樣,但他們在所有的問題上,否認了一切。最重要的是,罪犯們希望保持清白,並假裝他們無法做出任何壞事。這在全世界都是如此,而且一切都變得更糟,因為人口過剩將在未來產生嚴重的後果,可惜未來看起來並不美好,而是人類真正的災難。由於愚昧,大多數地球人仍然沒有認識到,可怕的人口過剩是環境污染、氣候變化和所有生態系統、自然、動植物遭到破壞的罪魁禍首。特別是那些行為愚蠢、不夠聰明的示威者,例如“未來星期五”和“最後一代”,他們不懂得只有在世界範圍內停止生育,從而迅速和必要地減少人口數量,才能解決地球和環境破壞以及人類繼續生存的問題。由於人口過多,大多數地球人變得越來越愚蠢、缺乏教育和無知,因為越來越多的邪教、宗教以及虛偽的世界觀再次出現,它們促進了信仰和無止境的虛幻思維。這也意味著,人們的行為也越來越以負面方式改變,例如,越來越多的兒童和青少年殺害其他兒童和青少年,因為他們自己已經變得如此負面,以至於他們認為人類、動物和其他生物的生命不再有價值。因此,自古以來,兒童和青少年就像成年人一樣,通過參與戰爭和其他小衝突,導致大規模種族滅絕。軍隊和士兵一直是主要的殺人犯罪者,這種情況很可惜,因為如今地球人變得比以前更糟。這一發展甚至導致了殺人組織的產生,早期被稱為「附庸軍」(feudal armies;直譯為「封建軍」),例如今天的北約和其他僱傭軍組織 —— 北約實際上只是一個僱傭軍的殺人組織 —— 就像以前由瑞士發起的僱傭軍一樣,最初被稱為「Reisläufer」(暫譯為「運米販子」)。
What is hidden in that term?
These are men who went to war and did 'reis louffen', as it was called back then. In general, they were simply men who went into foreign military service and were actually, in today's understanding, mercenaries in their own right. These were called 'mercenaires' in French-speaking Switzerland and 'mercenari' in Italian-speaking Switzerland, if I can bring it together correctly. The term 'Reisläufer' was actually still neutral in the Middle Ages, but in the course of the early modern period it acquired a rather negative connotation, as a result of which it slowly fell into disrepute. If my memory is still correct, it was in the middle of the 18th century that a distinction arose among the Swiss people between the paddy runner and the mercenary, because the actual mercenary committed himself to military service for money. In contrast, individual military service by rice runners was neither desired nor obligated by the authorities. Rice-walking was thus in the end in contrast and was changed to a soldier service and regulated by official contracts. Rice runners used to be able to serve as individuals or in groups, which came into being in so-called free companies, whereby they voluntarily and by private contract submitted themselves to the authority of the jurisdiction of the respective foreign ruler and engaged themselves for him. But then came the time when rice-running and the nature of mercenaries were banned in Switzerland and neutrality was proclaimed.
這些人都是上過戰場的人,在當時被稱為「reis louffen」。一般來說,他們只是到外國服兵役的人,按照今天的理解,他們實際上是雇傭兵。瑞士法語區稱他們為「mercenaires」,瑞士義大利語區稱他們為「mercenari」。實際上,「Reisläufer」這個用詞在中世紀時期實際上還是中性詞,但在近代早期,這個詞被賦予了相當負面的含義,因此逐漸名聲敗壞。如果我沒記錯的話,在18世紀中葉,瑞士人民之間開始區分 Reisläufer 和傭兵,因為真正的傭兵會接受金錢,以完成一個上級的薪資服務。相比之下,Reisläufer 是自願的,並且沒有被法定的當局要求。Reislaufen 最終成為與之相反的作風,並通過官方合同進行規範。Reisläufer 可以作為個人或在所謂的自由團體中參加,這些團體是以自由公司的形式存在,他們自願簽訂私人合約,服從當地外國統治者的法定權威並為其服務。但後來,瑞士禁止了 Reislaufen 和僱傭兵的存在,並宣佈了中立。
I did not know that – you are full of surprises sometimes regarding what you know.
這我倒不知道 —— 有時對你所知道的事情令人感到驚訝。
That was also unknown to me.
Then I could tell you old new things, but what I said was just part of Swiss history in my time, and that was a school subject to learn. But I wanted to say something about mercenaries, because there was the Légion étrangère of France, for example. This, as well as the Wagner mercenaries of the founder Dmitri Valeryevich Utkin, who was a secret service agent and evil neo-Nazi, whereby Utkin took the name from the music composer Richard Wagner for his mercenary troop (note: the name Wagner actually means cartwright/cooper, wagon maker, formerly also carter), consequently the troop is called Wagner mercenaries. He is now dead, by the way, because the plane in which he was flying from Belarus to Moscow exploded on the 23rd of August 2023 near Kuschenkino, Tver Oblast, together with the oligarch Yevgeny Victorovich Prigozhin, the Wagner leader. This, while America has, among various others, the Blackwater murder organisation, Germany also has several companies offering mercenary services worldwide, murdering and destroying for all it is worth, for example in the Middle East and Africa, where several thousand German mercenaries are active – passionate murderers, because mercenaries and military are exactly the same thing in this respect. But the majority of peoples are also part of this, only that they murder, torture, rape and destroy in a slightly different wise, namely when they are called upon to do so by incitement or simply flip out, or when they are ordered to do so, such as by the military. But truly only a small proportion of human beings are exempt from this, a minority that does not murder and destroy when it 'hangs out' on them for some reason or other and loses patience. This, for example, those sensible human beings who concern themselves with the 'Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life', whereby at first-earlier the 'Teaching of the Creation-energy' was simply called 'Teaching of the Spirit', because the time had not yet come to eradicate the old-fashioned wrong term 'spirit' and correctly rename it 'Creation-energy'.
那麼我可以告訴你們一些舊聞,但我所說的,是屬於我的時代的瑞士歷史,那是學校要學的科目。但我還是想說說雇傭軍,例如法國的「法國外籍兵團」(Légion étrangère)。還有「瓦格納傭兵團」(Wagner mercenaries)是由德米特里.烏特金(Dmitri Walerjewitsch Utkin)所成立的,他是一位間諜和邪惡的新納粹份子,而烏特金(Utkin)是從音樂作曲家理察.華格納(Richard Wagner;又譯為理查德.瓦格納)那裡取名組建了他的雇傭兵部隊(註:瓦格納這個名字的實際意思是馬車/木桶的製造者,以前也叫車夫),因此這支部隊被稱為瓦格納傭兵團。順便說一句,他現在已經死了,因為他於2023年8月23日嘗試從白俄羅斯飛往莫斯科的飛機在特維爾州的Kuschenkino附近爆炸,他當時與瓦格納的首領葉夫根尼.普里戈任(Jewgeni Wiktorowitsch Prigoschin)一起遇難。此外,美國擁有眾多黑水(Blackwater;現已更名為Academi)謀殺組織,德國也有多家在全球提供傭兵服務並進行殺戮和破壞的公司,例如在中東和非洲等地,有數千名德國傭兵活躍 —— 他們都是熱衷殺戮的殺手,因為在這方面,雇傭軍和軍人完全是一回事。但大多數人民也參與其中,只是以稍微不同的方式殺害,虐待,強姦和破壞,只要他們因煽動而被要求這樣做,或者只是發狂,或者在軍中被命令這樣做時,他們才會這樣做。但實際上,只有一小部分人可以免於這種情況,這一小部分人不會由於某種原因而失去了耐心,他們也不會因此而進行殺戮和破壞。這些人是那些尋求“真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導”(Teaching of the Truth, Teaching of the Creation-energy, Teaching of the Life)的理智人士,最早被稱為“靈魂的教導”(Teaching of the Spirit),因為當時還沒有將傳統的錯誤概念“靈魂”(Spirit)正確地更名為“造物能量”(Creation-energy)。
In particular, with regard to the minority mentioned, those human beings should be mentioned who, in their righteousness, have made this teaching their own and are endeavouring to become true human beings. As a rule, these are responsible human beings who still know how to use logic, understanding and reason, and through these can nurture and cultivate free and good, as well as open and independent thoughts. And such righteous human beings are usually – with few exceptions – FIGU passive members and FIGU core group members who effectively and genuinely strive to lead their lives in accordance with reality and its truth. As a result – and this has been proven many times – these human beings are much better off today than they were before they started to turn their lives around and become what they created for themselves in the wise. These are all good and righteous human beings who sincerely, willingly and honestly, well and diligently endeavoured and continue to endeavour to become true human beings and never do anything that is contrary to the life and safety and living of any human being. These are human beings who move and live outside of what the bulk of human beings vehemently advocate, which is to take revenge and retaliate for this and that, thereby evoking death, ruin and destruction. This makes murder and manslaughter the order of the day, in families as well as in groups, organisations and, of course, also in the military, which is supposed to carry out 'regulations' and bring 'peace' and 'justice' through attacks and wars. Murder and manslaughter, torture, rape and destruction of all kinds, through jealousy, hatred, envy and enmity of all kinds, as well as possessiveness and addictions of many kinds, etc. are also part of this. Robbery and theft, slander, lies and deceit, charlatanry and fortune-telling are also part of it, and first and foremost, in the worst way, all religions, sects, as well as the manifold and sometimes very disastrously lowly intelligent, false and erroneous world views. And more and more, one or the other strikes more and more frequently, because the bulk of humanity is becoming dumbed down, steadily more ignorant, losing its goals in life and already degenerating into adolescence. As a result, already children and adolescents degenerate in their ignorance, wrong thinking, envy and hatred, wantonness and any kind of freak-out and become asocials and murderers etc.. This is because their thoughts have been and are being condemned to faith through indoctrination. Well, in this respect I wrote something as early as 1949, which I now recall and write down, whereby I want to read you the following from what I wrote at that time, which Sfath brought to an acquaintance in America, who, as Sfath said, wanted to translate my literary enjoyment into English, of which, however, I never heard anything more. Already I have retrieved some and put it on paper, and some of it I will read to you:
特別是在提到這個少數群體時,應該提到那些在正直中接受了這個教導並努力成為真正的人的人,他們通常是負責任的人,仍然知道如何使用邏輯,理智和理性,並通過這些自由而良好,以及開放和獨立的思想,來培養和培養。因此,他們通常(有一些例外)是FIGU被動會員和FIGU的核心成員,他們確實和真正地努力使他們的生活符合現實和其真相。結果 —— 這一點已被多次證明 —— 今天這些人的生活比以前好很多,因為他們開始改變自己的生活並變成了他們以正確方式創建的人之前,他們經常是善良和正直的人,他們真誠,樂意,誠實,善良和勤奮,並繼續努力成為真正的人,永遠不會做違反生命,安全和每個人的生命的事情。這些人的行動和生活都不像大部分人類所極力主張的那樣,也就是為了報復某些事情,採取報復行動,從而引發死亡、毀滅和破壞。這導致謀殺和殺人成了每天的日常,不僅在家庭中,而且在團體、組織中,當然還包括在軍隊中,軍隊據稱應該執行“規定”,通過進攻和戰爭實現“和平”和“正義”。這包括謀殺和致命傷害、拷打、強姦和各種類型的破壞,通過嫉妒、仇恨、嫉恨和各種形式的敵意,以及對各種形式的財產貪婪和成癮等。還包括搶劫和偷竊、誹謗、謊言、江湖騙術和占卜,最重要的是所有宗教、教派以及各種愚蠢、錯誤和混亂的世界觀都包括在內,有時非常具有災難性。而且,這一切發生的越來越頻繁,因為大多數人越來越愚蠢,不斷失去生活目標,甚至已經波及到年輕人。因此,兒童和青少年已經在他們的無知、錯誤思維、嫉妒和仇恨,以及傲慢和某些瘋狂的行為中墮落,變成了不良分子和殺人犯等。這是因為他們的思想受到了長時間的教化而被迫相信。在這方面,我早在1949年就寫過一些東西,我現在回憶起來並寫了下來,我想把我當時寫的東西讀給你們聽,當時Sfath帶給了一個在美國的朋友,據Sfath說,他想要將我的文章翻譯成英文,但我再也沒有聽到任何消息。目前我已經找回了一些內容並記錄下來,現在我想向你們朗讀其中的一部分:
"Verily, throughout life the human being has the choice to choose right or wrong, but it is up to each person alone, or to a group or organisation, etc., to choose, in each case led by a person who, as a rule, is not of a faith and is also not fanatical, and therefore has power over his senses, consequently also with regard to reality and its truth. If, however, the wrong choice is made, then the result is that the thoughts are unfree, unwholesome and somehow 'trapped', this because a belief has been built up in the human being through indoctrination, which consequently influences his thoughts continuously – and unnoticed by him – through his faith. This has a constant and subterranean effect, consequently only an illusory thinking is made possible, which is not only unrealistic, but fundamentally unfree, unhealthy and dependent and only pretends to be a thinking of logic, understanding and reason, but is subterraneously controlled by faith. Consequently, the whole thing can never lead to success, especially for the individual not to a successful life and true humanity, not least because he is tempted by faith not to form his character fundamentally well. This is so that nothing evil, wrong, unbalanced, unjust and offensive etc. lies deep in his character, which immediately erupts outwardly and has an evil effect if only the slightest cause triggers this. Also corresponding orders – as by military force and military duty or security service, etc. – as well as personal agitation, incitement, agitation, selfishness, crime, anger, other freak-outs, jealousy, enmity, hatred, revenge and retaliation, etc., lead quickly and thoughtlessly to murder and manslaughter. This is because violence and killing have been part of the human character from time immemorial and are still not combated by human beings today. For example, Martin Luther's Christian Bible says "Thou shalt not kill" (Moses 20.13 etc.: 10 Commandments). But these commandments have been changed again and again and more and more, so that they correspond to the original text only partially or not at all, as is also the case in the Koran, Sura Al Araf 6, in the name of Allah the All-merciful, the Merciful. In Judaism, 10 commandments are the basis of Jewish religious law …
「確實,人一生中都有選擇,選擇對或選擇錯,但選擇是每個人自己的,或者是一個團體或組織等等,通常由一個人領導,這個人通常不是出於信仰,也不是充滿狂熱,因此對自己的感官有掌控力,因此也對現實和真理有掌控力。然而,如果選擇錯誤,那麼思想就變得不自由、不好、以某種方式被“困住”,這是因為通過教化在人內建立了一種信仰,因此其思想不斷地受到他的信仰影響,而他本人則對此毫不察覺。這種影響是持續的,隱藏的,因此只能實現一種虛假思維,不僅與現實脫節,而且根本不自由、不好、不自主,只是一種邏輯、理性和理性的思維,但在內在上受到信仰的控制。因此,整個過程永遠不會取得成功,特別是對個人而言,永遠無法實現成功的生活和真正的人生,主要是因為他受到信仰的誘惑,使他不會根本性地培養出良好的品格。這就是說,不再在他的品格深處存在任何邪惡、錯誤、不平衡、不公正、攻擊性等等,這些如果有任何微小的觸發因素,就會立刻在外表爆發,並且在外表表現出邪惡,即使是相應的命令 —— 如軍事力量和軍事任務或安保服務等 —— 以及個人的激動、煽動、煽動、自私、犯罪、憤怒、其他狂怒、嫉妒、敵意、仇恨、報復等等,都會迅速且盲目地導致謀殺和殺戮。這是因為暴力和殺害自古以來一直存在於人的品格中,而人類至今仍未採取措施來抵制它。例如,馬丁.路德(Martin Luther)的基督教《聖經》中有這樣的話“你不可殺人”(摩西20:13等:十誡)。但是這些戒律在多次更改,因此它們只在某種程度上或根本不再符合原始文本,這也是《古蘭經》第六章中的情況,以“全知全能的真主”之名。在猶太教中,十誡是猶太教法的基礎...
In the Pentateuch and Exodus, too, the human-invented commandments can be found, but the best religious joke is made in the Bible with – Genesis 9, Luther Bible – "Whoever sheds the blood of man, his blood shall also be shed by man; for God made man in His image", for there the imaginary and alleged God immediately vehemently contradicts the "Thou shalt not kill", namely by shedding the blood of human beings vengefully and executing and killing the human being who himself has killed. This contradiction has spread all over the Earth since ancient times and gave birth to the death penalty, which has since been used in practically all countries of the Earth and is still practised today in various states in a fanatical-religious and vindictive manner, especially by religious believers and sect followers. Furthermore, the stupid and primitive claim of lies that God made human beings 'in his image' is so ridiculous as a justification that the blood of a human being must also be demanded if the human being in question has shed human blood. A death penalty cannot be justified in a more primitive and lowly intelligent manner than that an imaginary God created human beings in his image, and this is a reason for killing resp. murdering them."
Well, this is something from what I wrote then and have now retrieved, but which I still intend to retrieve and write down in full. In my opinion, the majority of Earthlings have not grown up in consciousness and with regard to reality and its truth since 1949, but only in the form of their bodies, as a result of which they cannot cultivate free, open and independent thoughts. On the contrary, they cherish only such thoughts as make them unfree and enslave them by their erroneous and confused belief in a God, Son of God, saint or angel, etc. – or in Satan. This burdens them so much that they can only conduct their thought-work in the form of illusory thinking. This, however, leads to religious aberrations, such as in Persia or Iran, where women are whipped because they do not wear headscarves, as there and in Afghanistan human beings are stoned and otherwise executed and thus killed or murdered because they are not of the same mind as the religiously fanatical rulers, as I have already seen with Sfath in the future, as well as many other things. But this does not concern the bulk of the peoples and especially the rulers who slimily are only 'shocked' and 'sympathetic' according to their mouths and thus only feign the pity and compassion as well as sympathy but truthfully do not even give a clean, honest and compassionate thought to what is being done to the human beings and they are being mistreated, tortured, sexually abused or even killed. It is tat…
… this is exactly what we have found in our fathoms in the last few days, when we fathomed the nature and character traits of the leading state powers, especially here in Europe and America. You are actually speaking out what is effectively given and therefore corresponds to the truth of what you mention.
... 這正是我們在過去幾天的調查中所發現的,我們在調查中摸清了主要國家權力機構的性質和特徵,尤其是在歐洲和美國。實際上,你所說的都是事實的真相。
Yes, and that is frightening.
I know that, because I often analyse those in power whom I watch on television and recognise from their respective facial expressions what they are really thinking within themselves, but through their mouthing of lies and deception let out other than what corresponds to the truth. Furthermore, Bermunda and I have noticed how, for example, in the case of the top government person in the neo-Nazi government of Germany, this person pretends to be false and is incapable of governing, for she is so unstable in herself that she allows herself to be indoctrinated by those elements whose NAZI-like ideas, fluff and machinations she adopts and according to whom she now also acts, but in doing so stifles her own personal views, which she unconsciously adopted some time ago.
You are a keen and good observer and analyst, because what you say and …
… yes, yes, but you do not have to say that, because on the one hand all this only brings hostility and attacks, and on the other hand everything is denied anyway, just as the bulk of the populations do not want to see what all their rulers are really doing behind the scenes and secretly, without the population ever finding out about it and consequently being kept dumber than stupid. Only the minority of the self-thinking and righteous make an effort to look behind the scenes of the governments and thereby see how the people are being led around by the nose, i.e. how some of the persons of the governing, the authorities and the security forces exercise their might and press their thumb on the righteous citizens. Something that is partly even carried out by members of the authorities, so not only by money-grubbing and unrighteous governing and security bodies, and is also crowned with corruption, how the whole thing is brought about, is – as we say – not to mention, because obviously this is like a rampantly spreading disease, through which various dishonest and money-grubbing elements enrich themselves. However, this really cannot and must not be generalised, because there are also righteous rulers and members of the authorities and security agencies.
... 是的,是的,但你不必這麼說,因為一方面,這一切只會帶來敵意和攻擊,另一方面,無論如何,一切都會被否認,就像大多數人不願意看到他們的統治者在幕後暗地裡到底在做什麼,而且永遠不會有民眾發現,結果被愚弄得愚蠢無比。只有少數有自知之明和正義感的人,才會努力觀察政府的幕後,從而看到人民是如何被牽著鼻子走的,也就是說,一些執政者、政府當局和安全部隊是如何行使權力並對正義的公民進行打壓的。這種事情甚至部分是由當局成員實施的,也就是說,不僅是由斂財和不義的管理機構和安全機構實施的,而且還處處充斥著腐敗,整個事情是如何產生的,就更不用說了,因為這顯然就像一場瘟疫,各種不誠實和斂財分子就是通過這場瘟疫中飽私囊。然而,這確實不能一概而論,因為也有正直的統治者以及政府當局和安全機構的成員。
There are those, as Quetzal and I have noted, who outwardly fight the corruption of the unrighteous publicly only to cover up their own corrupt activities. And that corruption exists in all states of the Earth is indisputable, also in America, which is much praised by Earth-humans for its presidency, but this is concealed from the public and moreover denied. Consequently, the public is not informed of the actual truth, as Quetzal and I have discovered in the course of the last few days, and this happens in all states without exception. Effectively, Quetzal and I found that in every state on Earth there was a prevalence of corruption, especially among the state leaders. The peoples of all states are also more or less lied to and deceived with regard to governmental machinations and incidents that are kept strictly under wraps and are considered secret documents and should not be made public. In addition to these findings, which we have been able to learn in the last few days as a result of our investigations, there are disputes between different parties in the state leaderships, as a result of which no unity can be achieved in decisions and one or the other party inevitably falls behind. Obviously, here in this world, logic, understanding and reason are not yet so far developed in any wise among human beings and are still so primitive that these values are not able to take hold in such a manner that it is recognised that partisanship is absolutely the wrong thing to do in order to lead a state and its people. Knowing this very well, we have no party of any kind, consequently our Erra body is also free from any party system, just as there are no parties of any kind elsewhere on Erra.
I know that, also that with you votes are taken solely by the vast body which represents the whole population of Erra, and whose members are never the same, but at every meeting are different ones from the whole Plejaren humanity, and also never become noisy or even quarrelsome. But we are diverting from the real issue you raised. For you spoke of corruption, which is practically commonplace in all countries throughout the world. Bermunda and I, for example, also found this in Ukraine, where we were able to see how Zelensky works in a mean manner in this respect, who corruptly rakes money into his sack and therefore only takes 'half-hearted' and fraudulent-foamy and pro forma action against corruption. He himself is deeply involved in corruption and fills his own pockets with vast amounts of money that the lowly intelligent and other so-called 'helpers' of the Western countries throw at him, with Germany being at the forefront in this respect. This proves that stupidity knows no bounds, not even among the neo-Nazis who sit in the German government, as is also the case with some other rulers in other countries who may not be genuine Nazis, but who imitate and align their wrong thinking in the same manner as Nazis, and so also act accordingly. Somehow, it seems to me, these human beings are so lowly intelligent, even hypocritical, that they are simply imitators of those genuine NAZIs who, in their NAZI thinking, unquestioningly support Zelensky and America with arms supplies, money and ammunition, etc. and thereby promote the endless Ukraine-Russia war and the endless murdering, destroying, torturing and raping. Also, all the evil atrocities that Ukraine's military is indulging in are hushed up, while everything concerning the Russians is shouted out vituperatively around the world. For example, Bermunda and I saw that in one village their own Ukrainian human beings were summarily shot as they were picking things out of the rubble. We also saw that Ukrainian soldiers captured and disarmed Russian soldiers, but then shot them a short time later as well. Through Bermunda's efforts, we became aware of many of Zelensky's ploys, including the fact that, as America's lackey, he has secretly become an oligarch, although on the other hand he hypocritically fights other oligarchs when they have something to do with Russia or are simply suspected of doing so, and collects their assets, in order to allegedly finance the reconstruction of the war damages, whereas he – well, every word is too much, even that we found out that Zelensky, with regard to state funds –, oh, I am talking too much, because it is no use anyway, because the believers in America and Zelensky will not let themselves be taught, because for them Russia simply remains the enemy image. The fact that Putin started the war in Ukraine through America's fault was criminal and also despicable, but the fact that this demonises the Russian people through false opinions and anti-Russian propaganda is simply not correct, because the majority of Russian human beings certainly do not want war. However, America, which hegemonically hopes to bring Ukraine and Russia under its world domination control at the same time, will cut its fingers, and sooner or later.
You should not say that openly, because … And it is also … – Unfortunately, Quetzal and I are called and must leave urgently. We will be back as soon as possible.
你不應該公開這麼說,因為 ... 而且這也是 ... —— 很遺憾,我和Quetzal被呼叫了,必須馬上離開。我們會儘快趕回來的。
Can happen, then go – and we can continue talking about Zelensky when you get back.
We will, but how long it will take us to come back I cannot say, because that has not been discussed.
It is all right, the world is not coming to an end yet. Well then …
9th September 2023, 3:11 hrs
Continuation of the Contact Conversation of 6th September
Here we are again. – The whole thing took longer than we thought.
That is so, this has also delayed my return to Erra.
Yes, apparently. Be welcome and greeted again though, despite the prolonged absence.
Of course, Excuse me – I omitted my greeting, of course I also greet you.
當然,抱歉 —— 我忘記問候你,當然我也向你問好。
I want to join you on that – Excuse me.
我也加入問候 —— 抱歉。
There's nothing wrong with that – it can happen. But if it is all right with you – when you were called away, there was talk about Zelensky, whereby I wanted to say that secretly and fraudulently a lot of money flows into his own pockets, Bermunda and I could establish that without a doubt and without a doubt. But corruption is also a given with regard to many companies and corporations involved in exploiting the planet's resources. So we – I mean Sfath and I – have also seen the consequences of this, that in many cases there are corrupt machinations behind the exploitation of the planet, whereby the planetary order is also out of control. Because of these exploitations, unusual shifts of the earth's plates already occurred more than 6 decades ago. These began to shift unusually, which led to the severe earthquake in Morocco at the end of February 1960 and claimed many thousands of victims. And in this respect, it must be said, it was never fathomed how many victims there actually were, namely very many more than was 'estimated', as exact clarifications by Asket revealed. I saw this with her at the time when I asked her if she could take me there where we looked at the whole thing. And what happened then will happen again in the next few days, claiming thousands of human lives again, this time in parts of the Atlas Mountains. The quake is something that is connected with the machinations of the Earthlings, and is partly unnaturally generated – which is of course denied by the seismologists etc., because they want to know everything better. This, like the climate resp. the climate change, was created by the irresponsible Earth-humans' machinations. And this because the mass of the unstoppably growing overpopulation needed more and more products, whose raw materials for the production of these products were snatched from the Earth, which then also poisoned the atmosphere through their exhaust fumes CO2 and other pollutants, waste and rubbish etc. and finally thereby produced the change resp. the destructive change of the climate. As a result, the climate began to go crazy, and since then huge storms have been sweeping through all countries, causing gigantic destruction, but also costing many human lives, as is currently happening not only in the north and south of Europe, but also in America, South America, Canada and Africa. If I remember correctly, Libya will also be hit by such a storm in the near future and thousands of human lives will be lost. However – I do not remember exactly what it will be – the sea will play a nasty role in it, as well as something that will be damaged.
沒關係,這種事情都會發生。但如果你們不介意的話 —— 當你被呼叫離開時,我們談到了澤連斯基,我想說的是,他秘密而詭詐地賺了很多錢,Bermunda和我可以毫無疑問地確定這件事。但是,對於許多參與開採地球資源的公司和企業來說,也存在貪污的問題。因此,我們 —— 我指的是Sfath和我 —— 也看到了這樣的後果,在很多情況下,開發地球的背後存在著腐敗的行為,地球秩序也因此失去了控制。實際上,正是由於這些開採行為,地球板塊在六十多年前就已經發生了異常移動,這導致了1960年2月底,摩洛哥發生了大地震,造成數千人死亡。在這方面,必須指出的是,人們實際上從來沒有調查出有多少受害者,事實上受害者數量遠遠多於所估計的,Asket曾進行了精確的調查。當時,我和她一起看到了這一切,當我問她是否可以帶我去那裡,我們在那裡看了整件事情。而當時發生的事情將在未來幾天再次發生,再次奪去成千上萬人的生命,這次是在阿特拉斯山脈(Atlas Mountains)的部分地區。地震與地球人的開採活動有關,部分是非自然產生的 —— 這當然被地震學家等那些人否認,因為他們自認為什麼都知道。這就像氣候變化一樣,是由於地球人的不負責任的行為所造成的。這是因為不斷增長的過剩人口需要越來越多的產品,而生產這些產品的原材料都是從地球上掠奪而來的,這些產品的廢氣、二氧化碳和其他污染物、廢棄物和垃圾等也毒害了大氣層,最終導致了氣候的破壞性變化。結果,氣候開始變得瘋狂,從那以後巨大的暴風雨橫掃所有國家,造成巨大的破壞,也奪走了很多人的生命,這不僅發生在歐洲的北部和南部,還發生在美洲、南美洲、加拿大和非洲。如果我沒記錯的話,利比亞也將在不久的將來遭受這樣的風暴襲擊,成千上萬的人將因此喪生。然而 —— 我不記得具體是什麼了 —— 海洋將在其中扮演一個邪惡的角色,也會有一些東西受到破壞。
Now, the constant and unconscionable as well as irresponsible huge exploitations of the Earth's resources, the greedy and excessive exploitation of the planet for monetary gain by companies and corporations that bring about these machinations through the greed of overpopulation, have all brought bad consequences for the climate and the Earth, and they will bring much worse – I know this from Sfath, who was also able to prove the whole thing to me and let me see many things, also the very great danger in the middle of the 2030s, when the whole Earth will be threatened. I know this because he let me see what will happen then, as well as what will ultimately be the evil consequence of this, if the Earth's petroleum, iron and coal, gases and metals of various kinds etc. continue to be robbed from the Earth. In addition, I know that a much greater negative effect is being exerted on the entire Earth and, of course, on the Earth's plates than the geologists and other scientists suspect and claim. Obviously, they know nothing at all about how damaging, dangerous and destructive the whole exploitation of the earth's resources is for the planet itself and creates an imbalance on it, as this also affects the earth's plates, which normally rub against each other or push over each other, whereby slight earth tremors up to very severe earthquakes can be the result. Something that also happens naturally and is normal for the planet. However, as a result of the immense exploitation of the earth's resources, the entire relationship of the natural planetary relationships is out of kilter, resulting in natural occurrences that can only be attributed to the ignorance and guilt of human beings. This means, of course, that not only the planet, but also all its ecosystems, and thus of course nature with all its fauna and flora, as well as the atmosphere and the climate, are affected and badly affected.
現在,一些公司和企業對地球資源不斷地、毫無無心地以及不負責任地大量開採,貪婪地、過度地利用地球來獲取金錢利益,這些行為是由人口過剩的貪婪所驅動,對氣候和地球造成了惡劣的後果,而且它們還將帶來更嚴重的後果 —— 我是從Sfath那裡知道這些的,他還向我證明了整個事情,讓我看到了很多東西,也讓我看到了2030年代中期的巨大危險,屆時整個地球都將受到威脅。我之所以知道這一點,是因為他讓我看到,如果地球上的石油、鐵、煤、氣體和各種金屬等繼續被掠奪,屆時會發生什麼,以及最終會帶來什麼惡果。此外,我還知道,對整個地球,當然還有地球板塊造成的負面影響,比地質學家和其他科學家所懷疑和聲稱的要大得多。顯然,他們根本不知道整個地球資源的開採對地球本身有多大的破壞性、危險性和毀滅性,並造成了地球的不平衡,因為這也影響到了地球板塊,通常板塊之間會相互摩擦或相互擠壓,從而導致輕微的地震直至非常嚴重的地動山搖。這是一種自然發生的現象,也是行星正常的現象。然而,由於對地球寶藏的巨大掠奪,自然行星的整體比例已經失衡,因此自然界發生了事件,這些事件只能歸咎於人類的無知和罪行。這意味著,不僅僅是對地球而言,還包括所有的生態系統、大自然的整個動植物系統、大氣層和氣候都受到了影響,而且是嚴重的影響。
There are many other evil and negative things to be mentioned, such as what is to be said about the Corona rampantly spreading disease, which was declared to be over due to the unreasonableness and incompetence of those in power, but which still exists and has not been fully combated. Consequently, it will claim victims again, and also through new vaccines that are still not sufficiently researched and are still dangerous and therefore should not be used. The fact is that for such a product to be really effective or even curative, at least 10 to 15 years of research are needed to come up with a remedy that is really helpful. In the case of malaria tropica, it even took about 100 years until the first vaccine was found, although I do not know how or whether it is effective at all. It should also be said that in future it will be claimed – which is already almost a done deal – that the Corona rampantly spreading disease originated with a species of bat, because under no circumstances should it be made noisy that the American … … together with Mao Tse-tung, hatefully developed the corona disease in Chinese laboratories from the mid-1970s onwards, causing thousands of mutations and already costing human lives, before – long after the death of the two authors – the rampantly spreading disease finally broke out in 2019 as a result of an accident – preceded by several others – and began to spread worldwide, becoming a pandemic. But it will be – because America is such a liar that since time immemorial it has brought nothing but disaster and ruin upon the world and obscures everything from the truth more and more and in such a manner – that ultimately the monstrous lie claim to have 'recognised' the alleged origin of the epidemic will circle around the planet as 'fact', namely that it was 'clearly' a rampantly spreading disease that had originated from bats or other animals. This will happen in the future because everything will be denied and twisted in such a way, because the truth is simply not supposed to be true, that an American full of hate together with the Chinese president Mao Tse-tung had the rampantly spreading disease created by laboratories in order to wipe out large parts of the US population. But whether this is of interest to those who believe everything that is lies and deception and lift hegemonic America high into the sky is not in question. However, the effective fact is that the American minority of the righteous of the people is not the same as all the unrighteous who create evil altogether, especially false 'freedom fighters' who also support the murderous organisation NATO, which was created by Harry S Truman only to indulge in hegemony under the guise of 'peacemaking' and 'democracy building'. The whole thing is a pack of lies, one of the frauds perpetrated on Earth's humanity, which neither the indoctrinated US populace nor the pro-America people of the world are aware of – which is why all the lowly intelligent, the fake-thinkers, who cheer America and the murderous organisation NATO, are falling for it. This is despite the fact that America is already in control of many of the world's states, which do as they are told. Just take the example of Zelensky in Ukraine, who is murdering and destroying according to American models and orders, with weapons and ammunition that are being supplied to the war fanatic Zelensky unthinkingly and irresponsibly as well as criminally by like-minded Americans, whereby, however, thousands of human beings are being murdered.
現在還有很多其他邪惡和負面的事情可以列舉,比如關於冠狀病毒(COVID-19)或冠狀病毒疫情的事情,由於政府的愚蠢和無能,它曾被宣告結束,但實際上仍然存在並且尚未完全被消除。因此,它將再次造成受害者,甚至包括新的疫苗,這些疫苗仍然沒有充分研究,仍然危險,因此不應該使用。事實上,對於一種真正有效或甚至有療效的產品,需要至少十至十五年的研究,以找到一種真正有幫助的解決方法。例如,對於瘧疾,研究耗費了大約一百年,才發現了第一種疫苗,但我不知道它是否真正有效。還應該說,將來會有人聲稱 —— 這幾乎已經成為定案 —— 冠狀病毒大流行的起源是一種蝙蝠,因為絕對不能公開宣稱,說美國人 ... 與毛澤東在1970年代中期以後聯手,因仇恨而在中國實驗室中主導研發了冠狀病毒,這引發了數千種變異,並已經造成人命傷亡,然而,長久以來,即使是這兩位去世很久之,這種疫情在2019年因一次事故爆發,該事故已經發生了多次,並在全球蔓延,演變為大流行。但是 —— 因為美國就是這樣虛偽,自古以來它給世界帶來的只有災難和毀滅,並以這樣一種方式,真相越來越被掩蓋住 —— 最終,聲稱已經“確定”疫情的來源,即它“明確”是由蝙蝠或其他動物傳播的疫情,這種虛假的聲明將在整個星球上傳播。這種情況今後還會發生,因為一切都會被否認,都會被如此扭曲,因為真相根本就不應該是這樣的:一個充滿仇恨的美國人和中國國家主席毛澤東一起讓實驗室製造了這種肆意傳播的病毒,目的是消滅美國的大部分人口。但是,對於那些相信一切謊言和欺騙,並將霸權主義的美國高高捧上天的人來說,這是不值一提的。然而,一個實際的事實是,美國少數品行不端的人並不等同於所有不道德的人,他們共同造成了禍害,尤其是虛假的“自由戰士”,他們支持了謀殺組織北約,這是由哈里.S.杜魯門(Harry S. Truman)創建的,目的是支援霸權,這是在“和平建設”和“民主建設”的幌子下進行的。整個事情就是一派謊言,是對地球人類實施的騙局之一,無論是被灌輸了思想的美國民眾還是全世界的親美人士都沒有意識到這一點 —— 這就是為什麼所有愚蠢的人、假思想者都在為美國和北約這個殺人組織喝彩,並上當受騙。儘管美國已經控制了世界上的許多國家,讓這些國家卻唯命是從。就拿烏克蘭的澤連斯基來說吧,他按照美國的模式和命令,用武器彈藥進行屠殺和破壞,而這些武器彈藥都是由志同道合的美國人不假思索、不負責任、不擇手段地提供給戰爭狂熱分子澤連斯基的,但結果卻是成千上萬的人被殺害。
What you have learnt from my brother Sfath and also seen and experienced during all the journeys and many years in the earthly past and future, which was never otherwise possible for an Earth-human and will never be in the future, that is actually more than a human being is capable of coping with. But you were still able to do this, and you remained modest in doing so, just as you also did not gain any financial or other profit from your extensive work. This in contrast to …, as I have fathomed, to whom you have indeed shown the way … A business has been made of it, as also … This in order to ….
你從我哥哥Sfath那裡學到的一切,以及在地球上的過去和未來所有旅程和許多年中的所見所聞,這對於任何地球人來說,那是不可能的,在未來也永遠不可能,這實際上超出了人類的承受能力。儘管如此,你仍然做到了,而且你還能在這種狀況下保持謙虛,你也沒有從你得知的大量訊息中謀取任何經濟或其他收益。與此形成鮮明對比的是 ... ,正如我所發現的那樣,你確實為他們指明了道路 ... 從中做成了一樁生意,正如 ... 這也是為了...
Yes, I know, but to say that openly would bring me trouble, because the truth is not heard gladly, and therefore legal action would be initiated immediately if I were to say openly what really is. I have experienced this several times, which is why I have also learned to keep silent in this regard, as it was necessary from my childhood onwards and has continued throughout my life. But we are talking about something else, namely that among the Earthlings resp. the human beings of the Earth there are many who are always and with everything in the front line and want to be the biggest and the best. Something that I myself, however, do not want for my person. Many people are infected with movie horniness resp. film horniness, photo horniness or some other kind of horniness of being seen, so that they push themselves into the foreground everywhere and thus cheat their way to the front, so that they are seen and admired and appear to be important. But that does not suit me, because I want to stay in the background and quietly do my work and not be adored. Unfortunately, this happens all too quickly, both for good and for bad, precisely because human beings are idolised. But I want to say that if a human being does something that helps fellow human beings in some wise, or if, for example, a human being brings something valuable that fellow human beings can learn and as a result they are better off and understand life better, then he is adored. Or it may simply be that a human being openly teaches reality and truth, or he says what life really is, how it should be good and led in order to live rightly. And when I thus bring the 'teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life', then with absolute certainty those human beings are very grateful when they learn this and can use it for themselves and make their life and existence happy, good and contented, which is after all part of the purpose of the whole. That human beings are then grateful, that is clear and self-evident, but to see something special in me because of this is neither correct, good nor in any other way appropriate, for as is known today, I did not simply receive the 'teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life', for every iota of knowledge and ability all the heralds of Nokodemion's teaching have had to work up again and again for 9 billion years, corresponding to the respective time, out of their own Creation-energy within themselves, so I too had to work out the teaching for myself through hard training and learning according to today's value and understanding, just as every other normal human being must also laboriously learn everything himself and keep it in his consciousness for the time of his development for his life. But he can only do this if he keeps on learning and never gives up in this respect. This is something I learned very early in my life, on the one hand from my mother and father, and on the other hand also from Sfath, who were very good teachers to me.
是的,我知道,但公開說出來會給我帶來麻煩,因為真相是不會被人輕易聽到的,因此,如果我公開說出真實的情況,就會立即引起法律訴訟。這是我多次經歷過的,所以我也在這方面學會了保持沉默,因為從我童年開始就必須這樣做,而且一直會持續到我的一生。但我們來談談其他事情,那就是在地球人中,有許多人始終都在想方設法嶄露頭角,什麼都想做得最大最好。而我自己卻不希望自己成為這樣的人。許多人都迷戀於在電影,相片或其他的形式中被看見的渴望,因此,他們到處擠身前排,並將自己推到最前沿,他們希望被看到,被讚美,並顯得很重要。不過,這不適合我,因為我想保持低調,安靜地做我的工作,而不是被人崇拜。遺憾的是,這種情況很快就會發生,無論是好是壞,人們總是崇拜英雄。但我想說的是,如果一個人所做的事情在某種程度上幫助了其他人,或者說,如果一個人帶來了一些有價值的東西,讓其他人可以學習,從而使他們過得更好,更瞭解生命的意義,那麼他就會受到推崇敬仰。或者,也許因為一個人公開傳達現實的真相,或者他道出了生命的真諦,說出了生活應該如何才會更加美好,引導人們如何正確地生活;就像當我傳授“真相的教導,造物能量的教導,生命的教導”(teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life)時,可以肯定的是,當這些人學到這些並能為自己所用,使他們的生活和生命變得幸福、美好和滿足時,他們會非常感激,畢竟這也是整個人生的目的。人們因此而感到感激是人之常情,但因此就認為我有什麼特別之處,這既不正確,也不好,更不合適,因為如今我們都知道,“真相的教導,造物能量的教導,生命的教導” 並不是隨便獲得的,也就是說,Nokodemion教導的所有傳道者,經過了漫長的九十億年,都必須根據其所處時代的情況,不斷從他們自己的造物能量中,重新整理出所有的知識和技能。因此,就像其他普通人一樣,我也必須根據現代的價值觀和理解力,通過艱苦的訓練,自己努力學習一切,並在自己的意識中將其保留到生命發展時期的需要。但只有在不斷學習並永不放棄的情況下,才能做到這一點。這是我一生中很早就學到的東西,一方面是從我的母親和父親那裡,另一方面也是從Sfath那裡,他們對我來說,都是非常出色的導師。
If I go on to say something about the whole thing, it is that as soon as the human being does something that does not suit others, is not understood, cannot be comprehended, is envied or simply does not fit etc., hostility immediately arises, even though no one is inconvenienced or offended by it or comes to harm. It doesn't matter what it is about and how insignificant everything is, why the victim is attacked or maltreated, because the only thing that matters is that the victim should somehow be harmed, harassed or even killed because someone else simply doesn't like what they are doing. This very quickly leads to insults, harassment, destruction, or fights are instigated or even attacks on life are committed and those who are hated or simply envied for some sick and idiotic reason are murdered.
This is well known to me, for we Plejaren learn from our earliest adolescence that such behaviour can never appear, for it has been known to us from time immemorial that this is a characteristic of those human beings who are selfish, as was the case with our ancestors in earlier times. However, when this was investigated and the reason was found that it was a form of jealousy and selfishness, then a subject of teaching was created in this respect, which became a duty of learning for every person, in order to prevent the evil from arising. Therefore, it also became compulsory that even the adolescent is confronted with it and learns that this unworthy of man kind of behaviour is learnt to combat at an early age in such a manner that it already dissolves in its origins and it can never become a factor that can become a reality.
I learned that myself from Sfath.
To this I remember well how inquisitive you were and how you used to besiege my brother with questions tirelessly.
That was just the way it was, because I was interested in everything even then, and that is how I remain to this day. Here is an e-mail for you to read, although I haven't read anything except the beginning. …
Subject: Background and Enquiry about a Prophecy
Date: 8th September 2023 at 21:05:08 CEST
To: Elisabeth.
Hello Elisabeth,
how are things with you? Is everyone healthy and well?
We are preparing for a two week holiday and hope to have a restful time.
The reason for my writing is that a prophecy is occupying my thoughts, also caused by the current situation here in Europe.
Billy Mentions, among other things, that the "Russian bear will liberate Europe".
I hope I have not misunderstood this statement. However, the main question for me is how such a system from Russia, which many human beings know because of earlier unpleasant experiences during the Cold War with the cruel Soviet doctrine, should accept and free it from the US doctrine? What makes this russ. What makes this Russian system better than other totalitarian systems, e.g. China, Iran, USA, North Korea? Am I on the wrong track with my considerations and what am I overlooking?
At the moment it is not obvious that the behaviour of the Russian government has many friends, let alone friends. At present, it is not clear that the behaviour of the Russian government has many friends, let alone that the current Russian system under the existing leadership is superior. Let alone that the current Russian system under the existing leadership presents itself as superior and desirable to the West. Have you received any further explanations from Billy that make this prophetic statement comprehensible and appear in the correct light?
In the future, serious and positive changes will have to take place in the East and in Russia, which will make this 'liberation' possible, although military Gewalt will be used.
It is rather to be expected that under the current conditions the Western Europeans will not rejoice over a Russian liberation, and certainly not if another totalitarian system is to establish itself here.
Therefore, for me, this question and how this liberation is to take place and with final long-term acceptance, still remains unclear.
Do you have some further information for me on this or is there possibly the possibility of getting some sparking impulses from Billy on this?
I think this prophecy deserves to be understood correctly and the space for speculation kept as small as possible.
I would be very grateful for a little thought support.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best wishes and Salome
Salome Billy,
May I ask you what you would answer here?
My opinion on this:
Russia has developed through the opening up and the good far-sighted political actions of Gorbachev. Russia does not claim to want to subjugate the world, unlike the USA. Russia is striving for a multipolar world order in which each state retains its sovereignty.
This is evident from the information that Russia does not interfere and does not wage wars of subjugation, with the exception of the invasion of Ukraine, where Putin did not know how to help himself other than to assert himself in this wise, which was of course very counterproductive, because in this way he played into the hands of the authors of the whole misery, and they could and still can turn almost the whole world against Russia. Of course, they currently have the trump cards in their hands, which they are exploiting to the full. As we know from reliable information on the part of the Plejaren, the war would have ended after only 16 days without much bloodshed if Germany had not opposed it. It is true that Russia allowed itself to be rushed into a war, which is inexcusable, because war is always and without exception the most evil thing that humanity can instigate and which never brings peace. This in contrast to the lying assertions, for war brings out the worst degenerations in human beings, cumulates and increases them immeasurably. This, even though the causal cause is not to be found in Russia, as we know.
When and how the prophecies will arrive, if they arrive at all in the announced form, we do not know; we core group members have no other information.
Very obviously there is not much thought put into the question, because I miss that here. After all, as I have read everything, it is clear and evident from the prophecy that it has been fulfilled.
That is indeed the case when I recall it from my memory, but you can put this in writing for your perusal and add it to our conversation when you recall this and write it down, please.
Of course, just a moment, please, I want to retrieve it, but I have to have the book first – – – here, I have it there – just a moment – effectively, I cannot find it in there. – – Nothing, but I think I will ask Bernadette, she is always great in such things, I can rely on her. So I will insert this prophecy here in our conversation when she gives it to me on a stick.
當然,請等一下,我要找出它們,但我得先拿到這本書 … 這裡,我找到了 —— 等一下 —— 實際上,我找不到它們。—— 什麼都沒有,但我想我可以向Bernadette問問,她在這方面總是很有辦法,我可以信賴她。等她把預言存在隨身碟上給我的時候,我就把預言放在我們的對話裡。
If you think so – then add it.
America and Europe will tremble when freedom comes from the East with a hard hand, which is oppressed from America and Europe, but which will be punished by a hard teaching, for the sense of world domination which they wickedly cherish and thus put countries and peoples into dictatorships.
The great bear will come, who will bring freedom, Russian land, which will put down all the unfreedom that rings out of many mouths in America and Europe, as it does in many other countries around the world, but the bear from the East will destroy it and settle the whole thing into peace and freedom.
But it will take a long time until then, with lamentations that are carried out into the world with tears, because evil terrorism, dictatorship, hatred and war deny peace and freedom victory.
Might and greed for world domination are tearing the world apart, and in many countries there are even death cries, because America and Europe are carrying out unfreedom and beating the human beings with war, need and misery.
The peacemakers, whose actions are based on might, are taught by the bear and told that claims to world power stir up evil strife, which leads humanity to death and ruin.
Therefore, the bear will tear apart all the evil of America, and it will also promise the same to Europe.
When wars violently destroy everything in the world, criss-crossing from the world-striking America, when the same echoes from the European dictatorship and cries of murder resound from evil terrorism, then the bear will start to bite at the strife, and this will tear apart the evil doings of the Western powers.
7th July 1949
The prophecy – – Wait, this should actually be said once for the sake of understanding: A prophecy is generally but from time immemorial misunderstood by human beings. This is because a prophecy is actually a threat and not a prediction, but also a reminder that people should not continue to muddle along in the same bad manner as they have done up to now, because otherwise a negative result will result. It is to be said that a prophecy is something that predicts what can happen, especially when everything is done and acted in the same manner as it is done at present and also in the future, so that the result is what the prophecy warns. If, however, the whole course of action changes for the better and everything is henceforth done in accordance with correctness, then a prophecy referring to it will not be fulfilled, for then what was prophesied will not be fulfilled and everything will change into something better, then everything will be good. Now, as far as a prediction is concerned, it is based on an effective certainty of a thing or an event etc. that is unchangeable and will be true and come true or happen with 100% certainty if everything has been done resp. done correctly. On the other hand, a prediction inevitably comes true and cannot be influenced, changed or stopped with the best words, efforts, actions and thus with the greatest efforts or with the highest attainable willpower of thought or otherwise. A prediction is based on something that will come to pass and thus happen under all circumstances, and this also when everything possible speaks against its fulfilment. This should be said and explained once, so that human beings may correctly understand the difference between prophecy and prediction.
關於預言 —— 等一下,這應該是為了理解而說的:一般來說,預言從古至今一直被人們誤解。這是因為預言(prophecy)實際上等同於一種警告,而不是一項預測,同時也是一種提醒,要求人們不要繼續渾渾噩噩地走至今為止的老路,否則就會帶來負面的結果。因此,應該說,預言實際上是在說明可能發生的事情,尤其是當一切都按照現在和將來的方式進行時,將產生預言所警告的結果。然而,如果整個行動朝更好的方向轉變,並且從現在開始一切都按照正確的方式進行,那麼與之相關的預言就不會實現,因為所預言的事情就不會發生,一切都會變得更好,一切都會好起來。至於預測(prediction),它是基於實際的、無法改變的事物或事件等,它是百分之百的確定性,它將在一切都被採取或正確做出的情況下實現,如果一切都被採取或正確做出,它將不可避免地實現,即使有再好的言辭、努力和行動,也無法影響、改變或阻止。預測是基於無論如何都將發生的事物,即使所有可能的事情都不利於預測的實現。這就是為什麼要解釋和說明的原因,以便人們正確理解預言和預測之間的區別。
What is to be said in clarification with regard to prophecy concerning Russia applies to all prophecies about Russia that I have written, for all of them have become null and void, and that because everything has changed for the best through correct words and correct action. This is precisely because everything has turned out in such a manner that what the prophecies warned about has turned out to be good through a total improvement and transformation. And for the fact that everything changed and resulted for the best and good, a responsible man appeared in the USSR in 1985, who consciously and courageously stood up for the fact that security and, in many cases, freedom and peace were spreading in the West. This happened especially in Germany, but also in East Germany – the GDR dictatorship, which collapsed, made everything possible – which were able to reunite. The big 'thank you' for this today is criminally provided by those depraved neo-Nazis in the German government who supply weapons etc. to Zelensky and thereby perpetuate the war and murder in Ukraine, costing many thousands of human lives. But all these ethically and morally severely depraved neo-Nazi elements in the government of Germany do not care, because they do not – yet – have to take the rap for their own heads, which particularly concerns certain megalomaniac, inexperienced and partisan as well as lousy neo-Nazi elements in the top incompetent German leadership and Foreign Ministry. However, the fact that America is behind the war in Ukraine in the first place – but covertly and secretly – and that it is arranging everything, is deliberately kept strictly quiet. Namely, it did not fit into America's craving for hegemony that it could not bring its 'NATO' to Ukraine because Russia was against it and vehemently defended itself. Already in the past, contrary to the promise that NATO would not expand against Russia's borders, this promise was broken and finally everything was thrown overboard, consequently country after country was taken over and NATO spread and settled in – of course secretly arranged by America. So, America's NATO desire eventually led to war in Ukraine, which, caught up in hegemony mania, wanted to put its NATO on Russia's doorstep, but Russia resisted until Russia's leadership ran out of patience and Putin, with their consent, unleashed the war in Ukraine. Of course, this was and is a crime, as every war was and is today, as it will also be tomorrow and into the distant future. But if Russia had not started this war in Ukraine, America would have done so in a much worse way, just think of the crimes of the American military and of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the last world war from 1939 to 1945. Truly the NAZIs did catastrophically bad, inhuman and criminal things, but what America has done in bringing the atomic age into being and developing and using the atomic bomb is far more evil and worse, which will be carried further into the future.
至於關於俄羅斯的預言,需要說的是,這適用於我寫的所有有關俄羅斯的預言,因為所有這些預言都已經無效,這是因為一切都通過正確的言辭和正確的行動變得更好。這一切都如此發生,以至於預言所警告的事情,都因全面的改善和轉變而變成了好事。為此,我們可以追溯到1985年,那時在蘇聯出現了一位負責任的人物,他有意識地、勇敢地站出來維護安全,在許多情況下,自由和和平在西方得到推廣。這尤其發生在德國,但也發生在東德 —— 東德獨裁政權的崩潰使一切成為可能 —— 德國得以重新統一。今天,德國政府中那些墮落的新納粹分子對此表示了衷心的“感謝”,他們向澤連斯基提供武器等,從而延續了烏克蘭的戰爭和殺戮,導致成千上萬人喪生。但是,德國政府中所有這些在倫理道德上嚴重墮落的新納粹分子並不在意,因為他們不必 —— 至少還不必 —— 自己冒險,特別是在德國最高無能的政府和外交部門中的某些妄自尊大、缺乏經驗、偏袒並且卑劣的新納粹分子。然而,美國是烏克蘭戰爭的幕後黑手 —— 但卻是暗地裡秘密的進行 —— 他們在背後策劃一切,這被嚴格地保守著秘密。換句話說,美國不希望將其“北約”帶入烏克蘭,因為俄羅斯反對並強烈捍衛自己,這不符合美國對霸權的渴望。過去,美國曾承諾北約不會向俄羅斯邊境擴張,但北約違背了這一承諾,最後一切都被拋到了九霄雲外,結果一個又一個國家被吞併,北約在其中安頓下來 —— 當然這是由美國秘密安排的。因此,美國對北約的渴望最終導致了烏克蘭戰爭,這是出於霸權的幻想,他們希望將北約帶到俄羅斯的門前,但俄羅斯進行了抵抗,直到俄羅斯領導人失去耐心,普丁在征得他們同意後發動了烏克蘭戰爭。當然,這是一種罪行,就像每一場戰爭一樣,就像今天和明天,以及遙遠的將來也會是。但是,如果俄羅斯沒有在烏克蘭發動這場戰爭,美國也會以更惡劣的方式發動戰爭,想想美軍以及廣島和長崎在1939年至1945年的上一次世界大戰中犯下的罪行就知道了。的確,納粹做了災難性的壞事、非人道的罪行,但美國在開創原子時代、研製和使用原子彈方面的所作所為要邪惡得多,這種惡意和糟糕將在未來繼續存在。
It is now to be said that if many countries had not been incited by America against Russia – especially Germany and the EU dictatorship – to supply weapons etc. to the war-monger Zelensky, then nuclear munitions etc. would have been used immediately by America, which would have caused a worse catastrophe and had world-wide consequences than these which already are. And that is absolutely certain, and actually the world can thank you that it was not America that started the criminal war, but Russia. If America had launched the war, together with its NATO – which is actually directed by America in the background – then many things would simply have been 'Matthaei at the end' and several millions and even billions of human beings would no longer be alive. And – this is also to be said – if it had not been for America and if it had not incited other governments and peoples against Russia, and if mercenaries had not been called upon to intervene in Ukraine, which quickly happened, with even Swiss people going to Ukraine as mercenaries, because Zelensky quickly built on a mercenary force – then the war would have been dead and over in 16 days. But hegemonistic America was not interested in this, because the hegemony mania simply did not allow it. This, however, is not the fault of the righteous Americans, but only affects those human beings in America who go along with the hegemony and agree with what the government and shadow government are doing in this respect.
現在可以說,如果不是美國煽動許多國家 —— 特別是德國和歐盟獨裁政權 —— 反對俄羅斯,向戰爭販子澤連斯基提供武器等,那麼美國就會立即使用核彈等武器,這將造成比現在更嚴重的後果和世界性災難。這是絕對確定的,實際上,世界應該感謝不是美國開始了這場罪惡的戰爭,而是俄羅斯。如果是美國和它的北約(實際上是由美國在幕後操縱的)一起發動了戰爭,那麼許多事情就會變得非常糟糕,數百萬甚至數十億人將不復存在。而且 —— 這也是必須要說的 —— 如果不是美國,如果美國沒有煽動其他國家的政府和人民反對俄羅斯,如果沒有要求雇傭軍介入烏克蘭(這很快就發生了,甚至連瑞士人都去烏克蘭當雇傭軍了,因為澤連斯基很快就建立了一支雇傭軍部隊),那麼戰爭就會在16天內結束。但霸權主義的美國對此並不感興趣,因為霸權主義的狂熱根本不允許這種情況發生。然而,這並不是正義的美國人的過錯,而只涉及那些跟隨和支持霸權的美國人,這些人支持政府和陰謀影子集團在這方面所做的事情。
But why the prophecies did not come true and everything turned out differently is – as I said – because everything changed for the better and none of the prophecies made are valid anymore, because everything changed and turned for the good. With regard to the actual how and why, it is necessary to elaborate a little further and say the following, some of which I have taken from Wikipedia, but which I will formulate briefly:
In 1985, President Mikhail Gorbachev came into the picture and was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) from March 1985 to August 1991, the Soviet Union being a state in Eastern Europe and in Asia from 1922 to 1991, the abbreviation USSR standing for 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republics' = known as the Soviet Union it was regarded as the 'terror of the whole world', so to speak. Gorbachev was a radical reformer and was concerned not to abolish socialism but to revive it and transform it into an efficient system. He propagated 'glasnost' (openness) and 'perestroika' (restructuring), and he was in favour of more freedoms and also more responsibility for each human being. Through his efforts, he forced the reforms of the economic crisis, as well as the mass flight of human beings to the West, but also the peaceful demonstrations of the citizens of the GDR brought about the end of the GDR dictatorship. In order to save the existence of the Soviet Union, President Mikhail Gorbachev reached for autocracy, for which purpose the People's Congress then authorised him to dissolve the parliaments of the constituent states and to govern himself, relying on the army and secret police, the opponents of a possible reform of the USSR, which, however, did not come about due to Gorbachev and his very initiative. And that through his efforts the unification of Germany and its eastern part, the GDR, came about as East Germany, when the GDR dictatorship was ended and abolished, that part of the present government of Germany miserably returned the favour – the part of the neo-Nazis of the government – by supplying weapons etc. to Zelensky, which are used against Russia, which has been demonised since time immemorial and recently even more so by America.
1985年,米哈伊爾.戈巴契夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)總統上台,他從1985年3月到1991年8月擔任蘇聯共產黨中央委員會(KPdSU)主席,蘇聯是1922年至1991年在東歐和亞洲的一個國家,縮寫為“聯邦社會主義蘇維埃共和國聯盟”(UdSSR),通常被稱為“整個世界的噩夢”。戈巴契夫是一位激進的改革者,他試圖不是消除社會主義,而是重振它,使其成為一個高效的體系。他提倡“公開”和“改革”,並主張賦予每個人更多自由和責任。他的努力強迫改革了經濟危機,以及人們大規模流亡西方,以及東德市民的和平示威,最終結束了東德的獨裁統治。為了拯救蘇聯的存在,米哈伊爾·戈巴契夫在擔任一黨專政之後,獲得了全國代表大會的授權,以解散各聯邦的議會並自行執政,他仰賴軍隊和秘密員警,他們反對蘇聯的改革,但這些改革並未實現,部分是因為戈巴契夫和他的舉措。至於他的努力使得德國統一,包括東德的統一,成為東德獨裁政權的終結,但德國政府的現今部分,也就是新納粹主義者政府的部分,卻以向澤連斯基提供武器等方式報復,這些武器被用來對付俄羅斯,而俄羅斯自古以來就被強烈指責,最近更是被美國妖魔化。
Effectively, Gorbachev, and thus Russia, changed everything for the better, so that the West and the world no longer felt threatened by the USSR and a freedom and peace emerged, which made the populations of Earth loosen up because the dangers emanating from the USSR were no more. There was now a certain freedom and a form of peace that had not been possible for a long time because the enmity between America and Russia alone prevented it. But as America continued to live under Hegomony mania, it sought to finally cut Russia off from the West with a nasty NATO intervention in Ukraine, which Russia's Security Council did not put up with and gave Putin 'free rein'. But the idiotic rulers, mainly of America-friendly Western countries, who let themselves be blinded by America, fell for its trickery, lies and deceit. And in doing so, they are causing such immeasurable damage – without thinking about reality and its truth – that is pre-programming the coming disaster, which can only be prevented if the effective truth is still recognised and acted upon. All the governments and populations of those countries that have been and continue to be taken in by America's machinations resp. its government and shadow government, are doing everything they can to give their underhanded efforts and wishes all the help they can, consequently aiding and abetting strife and secret service murders and wars. And this will continue until it is finally realised that America and its murderous organisation NATO exist in a delusion of hegemony that will stop at nothing and cash in on the whole world if it is not powerfully countered and the world domination airs are not finally ended.
實際上,戈巴契夫以及俄羅斯改變了一切,使西方和世界不再感到蘇聯的威脅,出現了一種自由與和平,這使地球上的人們放鬆了警惕,因為來自蘇聯的危險不再存在。現在有了某種自由與和平,而這種自由與和平在很長一段時間內是不可能實現的,因為只有美國與俄羅斯之間的敵意阻礙了這種自由與和平。但是,由於美國繼續沉迷於霸權主義,它試圖通過將惡毒的北約滲透到烏克蘭,從西方永遠地隔絕俄羅斯,這不得不引起了俄羅斯安全理事會的關注,並讓普丁“自由發揮”。然而,那些愚蠢的統治者,主要是親美西方國家的人,讓自己受到美國的詭計,謊言和欺詐的影響,他們受騙,也繼續受騙。在這樣做的過程中,他們造成了無法估量的損害 —— 而沒有考慮現實及其真相 —— 而未來的災難已經預設,而只有當人們仍然認識到有效的真相並付諸行動時,才能避免這場災難。所有已經並將繼續被美國的陰謀詭計及其政府和影子政府所控制的國家的政府和民眾,都在竭盡所能地為他們的暗中活動和願望提供一切可能的幫助,從而助長和慫恿紛爭、特務謀殺和戰爭。這種情況會一直持續下去,直到人們最終意識到美國及其嗜殺成性的北約組織存在霸權妄想,如果不對其進行強有力的反擊,如果不最終終結其稱霸世界的氣焰,他們就會不擇手段,在全世界大肆斂財。
However, the leaders of many earthly states are too blinded to recognise the truth. Quetzal and I have clearly fathomed and recognised this in our exploration of the attitudes, abilities and behaviour of the leaders of all Earth's states. This is what we have been mainly concerned with over the last few days and we have also realised that only very few of the leaders are capable of effective and just governance. The majority of these persons in all states are only educated to such an extent – if one can speak of education at all – that they are capable of exercising their power over the populations without guiding them righteously.
然而,地球上許多國家的領導人過於固執,無法認識到真相。Quetzal和我在探索地球所有國家領導人的態度、能力和行為時明確地瞭解到這一點。在過去的幾天裡,我們主要專注於這個問題,並認識到只有極少數國家的領導人具有有效和公正的領導能力。所有國家中的絕大多數這些人都只接受過一定程度的教育 —— 如果還能談得上教育的話 —— 以至於他們有能力行使權力,但不對他們進行正確的引導。
It is indeed logic, reason and sanity that are staggeringly minimal that such incompetent persons are appointed to state leaderships.
The Earthlings are just believers of religions, sects and world believers and thus not reality-thinkers and truth-thinkers, consequently it is also not possible for them to recognise who, how and what the human being is whom they elect and idolise, put their trust in him, as they do with their imaginary God who can do nothing and nothing at all – neither in good nor in evil. And it is similar with the majority of those in power, who make the people unfree and enslave them with ever new laws, regulations, ordinances and the use of power, etc., instead of making them truly free and peaceful, namely by instructing them in this respect, so that they then really preserve freedom and peace.
地球人只是宗教、教派和世界觀的信徒,因此他們不是真正思考現實和真理的人,因此他們無法認識到他們所選擇、崇拜並信任的人是誰,就像寄託在他們想像中的上帝身上一樣,上帝什麼也不能做,什麼也做不了 —— 既不能做好事,也不能做壞事。對於絕大多數執政者來說,情況也是如此,他們通過不斷制定新法律、規則、條例和權力行使等方式,使人民失去自由,並奴役人民,而不是通過在這方面對他們進行指導,讓他們真正享有自由與和平,從而真正維護自由與和平。
But I have something else: Someone telephoned and asked me if I knew when the first flowering plants appeared on Earth. I just said that Sfath and I first saw flowers about 320 million years ago, then the first flowering bushes about 260 million years ago. So now I am wondering if you have any other findings on that?
For my part, I cannot explain anything to you about this, because I did not do as my brother Sfath did with you, that you did research so far in the past. My activities in this regard relate only to some 18 millennia, but not to millions of years and even more.
Also I have to stay out of your question with an answer, because I myself have never researched past times that go back more than about 3 millennia. And if I have, it was done for clarifications.
Then it was not. – I could not know that, because we have effectively never talked about it. But what do you 2 think about the immigration of human beings from the South and from Asia to Europe? The welcome culture, which was launched by the German President Angela Merkel when she was in office, has already taken on exuberant proportions in Europe, as it has in America, and has also caused thousands of deaths so far, usually drowning at sea, etc. At that time – it was probably about 6 or 7 years ago, I was talking about 250 to 350 million human beings fleeing and leaving their homeland – it was not yet as bad as it is nowadays, because gangs of smugglers are at work and lead masses of refugees to their death or to Nordic countries for immense sums of money. What do you think about this?
那好吧。我無法知道這些事情,因為我們實際上從未討論過這個話題。但你們兩位對南方和亞洲人民移居到歐洲有什麼看法呢?由前德國總理安格拉.梅克爾(Angela Merkel)在她的任期內提出的歡迎文化已經在歐洲和美國達到了令人震驚的程度,並且迄今為止已造成數千人死亡,通常是在海中溺斃等等。當時 —— 大概是六、七年前吧,我說的是兩五千萬到三億五千萬人逃離而離開自己的祖國 —— 情況還沒有現在這麼嚴重,因為有偷渡者集團正在行動,以極高的價格大量運送難民,導致他們死亡或前往北歐國家。你們對此有什麼看法?
This is much more than just criminal, because it also affects the relationship of the local population in those countries where the refugees settle. Besides, as I know, there are many criminal persons among the refugees, as well as children without or with their mothers.
About this I am only aware of what is reported here on Erra, consequently I cannot comment on it in a wise as you probably hope. Besides, the time has come for me to take my leave soon, so there are a few things I want to discuss with you that you should neither retrieve nor write down later.
So be it, what is it that you still want to discuss? Maybe you can come here again, so that we can talk to each other undisturbed – like the last few days – without me calling up the conversation later and writing it down?
That will not be the case, because …
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