Plejares 星系與 Erra 行星概述
(資料來自:第 12、57、54、42 次接觸報告)
在第 12、57、54、42 次接觸報告中,Semjase 分別針對 Billy 的發問回答如下:
●「昴宿星團」在「金牛宮」,其中包含了 254 顆恒星,當然還有無數的行星(但在地球上是觀測不到的)。
●「Plejares 星系」(就是被誤稱作「昴宿星團」)的人稱他們的太陽為「Tayget」。他們的的家園星球(Erra 星)與地球的直徑大小差不多。
● Erra 星是Tayget 恆星系中九個行星中的一個。
● 因為「Plejares 星系」是處於另一個時空結構之中,所以從地球上用最好的望遠鏡之類的設備也觀察不到。
● Erra 星上住有約五億人口,而 Tayget 恆星系中的其他九個行星中,還有另外三個行星是宜居的,並且有人居住。
● 根據地球時間計算,Erra 星繞行它的太陽一圈(也就是一年)為 365 ¼ 天,而一天為 23 小時 59 分 14 秒。他們的一年分為 13 個月。而根據地球的計算方式,Semjase 出生在 2 月 7 日。
● Tayget 恆星系中的宜居行星上,大氣對流層有類似地球上的氣體,它含有 70〜75%的氮氣,25〜29%的氧氣,1%的稀有氣體,例如二氧化碳和氬氣。但Erra 星的氧氣比例則高達 32.4%,此外氬氣和其他氣體只有 0.3%,而氮氣則是 67.3%。
● Erra 星上表面的重力是地球上的 1.0003 倍,行星密度達 5,521(公克/立方公分),地軸的傾斜是 22.99 度。赤道直徑是 1萬 2,749 公里,還有 11.19 公里/秒的逃逸速度。
● Plejares 星系的人所居住的房屋類型,與地球上的不同;它們的外型都是圓形或扁平圓形的,至於其他建築物,例如為了停放飛船,外型都是圓球狀的。他們每個家庭都有自己的居所,這是由政府免費修建提供的,無需償還或者租借。
● 這些家庭的房舍並沒有與別家的房屋蓋在一起,而都是單獨建在 100 平方公尺的正方形土地上。在這片土地上還有園林、草地、公園等,其中種有許多鮮花、灌木等樹木以及許多其他植物,如蔬菜等。
● Erra 星上許多的疾病,都已經在幾個世紀以前就被他們的科學家們解決了,但目前仍然存在一些病理現象,那只是些不太嚴重的疾病,像是地球上可能導致肺炎的感冒。幸運的是,他們通常能在疾病變得嚴重之前,迅速控制它們。至於癌症,這種肇因於錯誤生活方式的惡疾,他們已經擺脫它很長的一段時間了。
「昴宿星團」內有 254 顆恆星
… What I still wanted to ask : I know the Pleiades is located in the star-picture of Taurus as a so-called open star-aggregation, yet how many stars do essentially belong to this system?
… 我還想問個問題:我知道「昴宿星團」(Pleiades)在「金牛宮」(Taurus;黃道十二宮之第二宮)的方位,是一個所謂開放的星團(open star-aggregation),但是究竟有多少顆恒星是屬於這個系統呢?
[中譯者註:此處所稱之「昴宿星團」是為了讓地球人便於認知而指名的星系,而那些外星人真正的家鄉是在「Plejares 星系」之中;這在 Sfath 對八歲時的愛德華(比利年幼時的稱呼)所作的解說中,就已說明之所以會對外作如此稱呼,是一種為分辨真假 Plejaren(Plejares 星系外星人)的一種“煙幕手段”。(詳請參閱《Sfath 的解說》中第 140~143 句。)]
38. 254 of them, if you speak of the Pleiades, which one can see from the Earth and which are not planets, but stars.
如果你指的是從地球可以看到的「昴宿星團」,它包含了 254 顆,而且是恒星,不是行星。
39. One cannot see planets with the Pleiades viewed from the Earth.
(以上資料來自:《第 12 次接觸報告》)
「Tayget」就是「Plejares 星系」的太陽
This is a quick one. What do you call your sun Tayget in your own language?
這是一個簡短的問題:用你們的語言如何稱呼你們的恆星 Tayget?
76. Similar to yours, namely TAGET.
與你們稱呼的類似,也就是 TAGET。
Aha, and what is the diameter of your home planet ERRA in your Pleiades system?
妳的家鄉行星 ERRA,在你們的 Plejares 星系中的直徑是多少?
77. It is very much like Earth's, as I explained earlier.
(以上資料來自:《第 57 次接觸報告》)
Erra 星是 Tayget 恆星系中九個行星中的一個
… But now I would be interested to know which is your home planet and which sun it belongs to. Can you give me some information about that?
43. Sure, it's no secret.
44. We call my homeworld on our Pleiades ERRA and it belongs to the solar system TAYGET along with nine other worlds.
我們稱我們在 Plejares星系中的家鄉行星為 ERRA 星,它和其他九個行星共同屬於 TAYGET 太陽系。
Can you see that from Earth with good telescopes or something?
45. This should hardly be possible, because too many factors affect the visual values of such terrestrial apparatus and devices.
46. These are also only of decisive value for the spatial structure itself, but for values beyond that they are absolutely unsuitable and also very faulty.
此外,這些設備用於「空間結構」(spatial structure)本身來說也有重大的缺陷,它們對於超越這些範圍的「空間結構」,是絕對不適用的。
[中譯者註:這是因為他們真正的家鄉「Plejares 星系」是處於距「昴宿星團」還有 80 光年遠的另一個時空結構之中。(詳請參閱《第 215 次接觸報告》中第 158 句。)]
Erra 星上的人口約五億
You said you called your home planet ERRA. How many people live there?
妳說你們的家鄉星球是 ERRA 星。那有多少人住在那裡啊?
94. 500 million.
95. Approximately.
Fine, you won't have mass pile-ups because of overpopulation. But now, in connection with this question, I would be interested to know how many planets are inhabited in the TAYGET system. You were talking about your home planet and nine more.
好吧,那你們就不會因為人口過剩而顯得擁擠(pile-ups)。但現在,有關這個問題,我還很想知道在 TAYGET 恆星系中有多少行星。我記得妳說過妳的家鄉星球以及另外九個行星。
96. Sure, in addition to my homeworld, there are three other planets that are habitable and inhabited.
97. All others are already subject to die off or are only beginning to form.
Erra 星與地球的時間對照
… But what about your birthday, if you convert it to our time, when were you born?
… 那麼妳的生日呢?如果妳把它轉換到我們的時間,妳是什麼時候出生的?
103. To answer that question, I need to explain some important facts:
104. For example, when I talk about TAYGET or ALKYON, I'm always referring to the whole system, not the sun or a planet itself.
例如,當我提到 TAYGET 或 ALKYON 時,我通常指的是整個系統,而不是那個恆星或行星本身。
105. So I am from Tayget, that is from the SYSTEM Tayget, but born on the planet ERRA.
所以我來自 Tayget,也就是來自 Tayget 恆星系,但出生在 ERRA 行星。
106. This, my homeworld, is very similar to Earth in all things, which is why it was chosen by our ancestors as a new homeworld at the earliest times, after they had left Earth.
107. Thus all data of the planet corresponds approximately to those of Earth, with only small differences.
108. The orbit around the sun is 365 ¼ days according to earthly time calculation, while one day according to your time is 23 hours, 59 minutes and 14 seconds.
根據地球時間計算,我們的行星繞行它的太陽一圈為 365 ¼ 天,而依據你們的時間,我們的一天為 23 小時 59 分 14 秒。
109. This results in almost exactly the same orbit and time of day as Earth has.
110. Opposite other planets show differences, like also in the SOL-System or at all other systems in the Universe in general.
111. All our time units are named differently with us than with you, but with only small differences they coincide with the earthly time units.
112. So an ODUR is equivalent to a few fractions of a second of your hour, and even a MUSAL corresponds pretty much to an earthly day.
因此,ODUR 相當於你們的一小時又幾分之一秒,甚至 MUSAL 也相當於地球的一天。
113. Our year we have divided into 13 ASAR, which means 13 months, with a compensation period of 23 years.
我們這一年分為 13 個 ASAR,也就是 13 個月,補償期為 23 年。
114. So you can see that we're only slightly different from your calculations.
115. Our 13 months can be divided also into your 12 months by the conversion, after which I would be born then according to your question after earthly calculation on the 7th of February.
我們的 13 個月也可以轉換為 12 個月,然後根據地球的計算方式,我出生在 2 月 7 日。
(以上資料來自:《第 54 次接觸報告》)
Erra 星的大氣結構
The next question relates to the troposphere of Erra: What gases and substances does it consist of?
下一個問題與 Erra 星大氣的對流層(troposphere)有關:它是由哪些氣體和物質組成的?
80. It is almost identical to Earth.
81. The tropospheres of our worlds usually contain between 75 and 70% nitrogen, 25 to 29% oxygen and 1% trace gases such as carbon dioxide, argon, etc.
我們世界大氣的對流層通常含有 75% 至 70% 的氮氣、25 至 29% 的氧氣和 1% 的微量氣體,如二氧化碳和氬氣(argon)等。
82. Erra itself has a higher oxygen content with 32.4%.
Erra 星本身大氣(對流層)的含氧量較高,為 32.4%。
83. Traces of argon and other gases are found only in their 0.3% and nitrogen 67.3%.
微量氣體如氬與其他氣體僅佔 0.3%,而氮氣佔 67.3%。
84. However this refers only to the planet Erra, as I have explained.
然而,正如我所解釋的,這僅是 Erra 行星的情況。
That's good, but you're obviously talking about the atmosphere, although the question is related to the troposphere.
85. It is one and the same thing, because usually you call the troposphere the lowest layer of the atmosphere for simplicity's sake simply the atmosphere, which however, viewed from bottom to top, is composed of the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere.
Erra 星的物理諸元
89. The surface gravity is 1.00003 according to the earth's basic measure, i.e. slightly more than the surface gravity of Earth.
根據地球的測量基準,(Erra行星的)地表重力為 1.0003,也就是略高於地球表面的重力。
90. The density is 5.521, the axis inclination 22.99 degrees and the equator diameter 12,749 km, whereby the escape velocity of 11.19 kilometres per second is to be still called.
此外,其密度為 5.521(公克/立方公分),轉軸傾角為 22.99 度,赤道直徑為 1 萬 2,749 公里,還有 11.19 公里/秒的逃逸速度(escape velocity;又稱宇宙速度,是指物體從地球出發,要脫離天體重力場的四個較有代表性的初始速度的統稱。)。
(以上資料來自:《第 57 次接觸報告》)
Erra 星的居住環境
… I wanted to ask: Do you live on your Pleiades also in houses, as we have them?
我想問的是:妳在你們的 Plejares 家園也住在像我們房子功能的建築物裡嗎?
83. No, we don't live in the same structures, because our construction forms are all round, in flat round form with extensions, such as my jet ship, or they are spherical round.
84. Mass housing opportunities as you know them, are not given with us, because all the…
By this I mean apartment blocks and skyscrapers, etc., in which people live herd by herd, as if in silos, possibly still crowded together quite densely, so that they already step on each other's ears standing up.
86. I see what you mean. –
87. No, these forms of housing are not our own, because all forms of life are entitled to open freedom, which also applies to living in homes.
88. Each family has its own home, which is built communally and needs no compensation, as is usual with you.
89. This …
You mean mortgage or rent?
90. Of course, such things are a thing of the past, because we have had no means of payment for a very long time.
91. Thus, even the communally established homes do not require any compensation.
92. These homes are however not arranged in the same way as yours are, so they are built on top of each other.
93. They are all rather single in a large country square of 100 x 100 metres, formed as a garden or meadow or park etc. with many flowers, shrubs and trees and many other plants as well as vegetables etc.
它們都相當單一,在 100 × 100 公尺的大國家廣場上,形成花園或草地或公園等,有許多花卉、灌木和樹木以及許多其他植物以及蔬菜等。
94. Only the structures of the villages and cities are of a different kind and also built for a larger number of people.
(以上資料來自:《第 42 次接觸報告》)
Erra 星的疾病控制
… Unfortunately, the last time I asked a question I forgot to ask Koni. He wanted to know if the doctors on your home planet also know the diseases that we have on earth. He probably means whether these evils are also rampant on your homeworld or simply present. He also specifically asks about the so-called cancer. He also wants to know if you have or know other pathological evils or if you have simply defeated the diseases?
36. Our scientists have already defeated many so-called diseases centuries or even millennia ago, but even today, illnesses of a diseased nature transmitted from earlier times still prevail on other planets.
37. But they are no longer deadly or physically destructive in any form.
38. In the main, they are evils of a minor nature, such as colds, etc., which can also result in pneumonia and the like, but which we are usually able to bring under control very quickly if they do not degenerate.
39. This is also the case with other evils.
40. We are only human life forms like the inhabitants of the earth, so we are also susceptible to certain things of a diseased nature, but are usually able to control and heal them very quickly before they really break out.
41. There are also certain evils with us which are unknown on earth, but to which our science has also become master.
42. Because of the cancer, etc. you mentioned, which is embodied in a parasitic, misdirected life, it has to be said that fortunately we have long since banished and conquered these diseases.
由於你提到了癌症 —— 這種出現在寄生蟲導致而由錯誤生活所引起的惡疾 —— 這裡要說的是,我們很幸運早已控制和征服了這種惡疾。
43. This, however, was only possible when our humanity and our scientists abandoned certain negating and negative attitudes and actions etc. and began to think and act in new forms.
(以上資料來自:《第 57 次接觸報告》)