

Plejares 星系的人類(Plejaren)

(資料來自:第 29、3、9、15、2、23、41、57、58、42、45、50、54、61、66、69 等次接觸報告)


在第 293915223 等次接觸報告中,Semjase Billy 的發問回答如下:

●  從地球之外到來並且還駐留在這裡的外星生命,就目前而言,Plejaren(也就是Plejares 星系的人類是最高度進化的生命形式。而這裡進化第二高的外星生命,在整體進化方面則落後 Plejaren 1840 年。

●  他們不是地球上的人認為的完美人種,他們也不是地球人所認為的那種超級人類。他們既不是導師,也不是甚麼傳教士或先知。他們只是開始與其他世界已準備好的人種接觸,慢慢讓他們作好準備,使這些人種知道,他們不是宇宙中唯一能思考的生命體

  Plejaren 不是人類的守護者或是上帝派來的天使,也不是任何類似的東西。雖然在靈性與意識上,他們比地球先進約 2,500 萬年,而在科技方面大約先進 3,500 ,但他們不是某些人在宗教裡所描述的神明」。

●  如果 Plejaren 犯了錯,他們會承認錯誤,並承擔有關責任,因為去隱藏或辯駁都沒有任何意義。只有非常客觀而不受感情左右,真相才能被發現。

●  Plejaren 有讀取其他人想法的能力,但他們只有在適當的時機,才會去研究別人的想法。當實際上不是那麼重要的時候,他們是的不願意滲透到別人的思想之中,因為他們無權調查別人的隱私。

  Semjase 告訴邁爾,在關於婚姻和性行為方面,以馬內利的戒律,至今仍如同他所在的那個時代,對整個宇宙依然適用。只有當「造物法則」被接受,那麼法律與限制才會顯得不那麼重要。這只有發生在非常高的靈性層面,其中所有相關的物質需求已成為過去。

●   Plejaren 犯了罪,他們有一種制式的懲罰,那就是終身流放,這被認為是相當不文明的作法。但是,他們的法律對應其靈性發展層次,這是比在地球上更為人性化的作法

●  每一個物質形式的生命,都有繁殖後代的定律。只有高層次的靈性生命,已經脫離了肉體的束縛,不再需要生殖。而 Plejaren 的生殖的行為與地球人類一樣,只有男性和女性的結合,才得以繁衍後代,這是整個宇宙中自然結合的天性

●  一個女人有可能不用男人而懷孕,這並不涉及到運用靈性的力量。事實上,有幾種不同形式的生命,其雄性精液能夠在離開雄性體內後仍能存活 3 天,2 天是很正常的。如果它用在正確的地方,那麼它可能會導致雌性受孕。

●  Plejaren 不以一夫一妻制為基礎(也就是可以一夫多妻),但要在徹底澄清歸屬事實後才發生結合。由最高比率決定的,這意味著在一段時間範圍內,生育數量不會超過一定的數目,以免人口過剩。在婚姻中,男人和女人在這個誓約下一起共度餘生。在地球上常見的離婚,基本上是不允許的,只有在婚姻中發生極端違法的罪行而有人遭到流放時例外。

●  Plejaren 生兒育女的方式,與地球人類以及宇宙間生活在大自然間的每一種生物相同;也就是說,男性和女性一起經歷與完成生殖的行為。也就是說,一對夫婦相互依偎在一起,用愛結合為一體,丈夫的性器官插入妻子的體內,妻子得到丈夫的精子得以孕育新的生命,這是所有生命繁衍後代的形式

●  在某些情況下,人工授精只用於極端狀況下,以保護該物種。人工授精的過程具有相當的風險,這將可能會導致無法識別的突變,從而逐漸影響到生物的整個物種,並產生屬於生理和心理上的怪物。

  Plejaren 與宇宙中的其他人種一樣,當婚姻伴侶不能生育時,為了要繁衍子孫,採取的作法有兩種可能性。第一種可能性,是由有關的男人使其妻子能夠受孕,但還是需要那個男人是已婚的人,這種可能性也存在於婦女身上。這是一項規矩,而這種方式,也被認為是一件良好且光榮的作為

●  對於 Plejaren 而言,性快感只是身體的感覺。當男人和女人在一起生活,他們的想法變得天馬行空,形成生理與心理的吸引力,引發身體充滿慾望,這種吸引力是非常愉悅的。他們滿腦子充滿著許多願望,自然而然去釋放壓抑並放鬆行為。每一種生命形式的行為方式,都是如此

●  在受孕後,Plejaren 的嬰兒在女人的體內孕育九個月,出生的過程與地球上相同。女人在生產過程中所承受的痛苦,和所有的人類一樣,但他們不使用止痛藥。疼痛是分娩過程中一個的自然部分,這是一種自然的過程,對於母親和孩子提供了極大的正面效果。

●  Plejaren 生理成熟的年齡是 12 ,然而通常都要實施婚前節欲。直到 70 歲時,能夠意識到靈性的相關領域,並到了可以自我教育的年齡,才是適婚年齡(他們平均壽命是一千歲)。

●  雖然意識的成熟 18 歲時達到,而以活動為基礎形式等的訓練階段則在 70 歲左右完成,但這並不意味著學習和進化因此而停止。不像地球人,Plejaren 繼續接受教育,持續到他們的整個一生

●  愛是一種感情的知覺,以多種形式存在。然而,男女之間的愛情,是一個特殊的知覺。與地球人類之間普遍的愛情不同,Plejaren 感受到愛,這是非常純淨、深沉、強烈與持久的這使得 Plejaren 不知道什麼是離婚

  Plejaren 沒有必要使用諸如避孕藥之類的東西,他們觀察自然的週期。如果他們的性需求出現正常時期之外,他們使用多種天然方式防止懷孕

●   Plejaren 處理屍體最常見的方式是埋葬在地下。如果他們願意,也有火葬的處裡,但較為少見,這些都尊重個人的意願

  Plejaren 工廠裡的工作,都是在少數人的技術監督與控制下,由機器人進行

●   Plejaren 每個住宅中從未超過五人以上,其中包含兩位家長以及最多三個孩子。他們沒有遇到公婆干擾他們的已婚子女事務的問題

●  Plejaren也知道音樂、文學與藝術,並有這些類的學校,這在宇宙中這是所有人類很常見的

●  Plejaren 不准攜帶任何不屬於地球上的物品到地球上來。唯一的例外,是水晶和礦物這些能有利於邁爾的東西

●  為了使 Plejaren 在地球上的人群之中購買所需的東西,他們用自己的技術來尋找寶石和貴重金屬,然後再賣給商人換取貨幣

●  Plejaren 只有在極端緊急的情況下,才會開採礦石和礦物,因為這樣的做法,等於是破壞這個星球。

  Plejaren 不抽煙,但他們確實有類似於酒精的飲料

  Plejaren 的眼睛和地球人一樣有各種不同的顏色,並不都是藍色。他們的女性也喜歡用化妝來增添她們眼睛的色彩

  Plejaren 保有早期從地球上帶來的家養動物,像是狗和貓。但是他們不能飼養這些地球來的寵物,因為這些動物身上有某些寄生蟲,而可能傳染到人的身上。

  Plejaren 有對動物完全消毒的技術,但是否需要從其他世界輸入動物,是由他們的國家決定。

  Plejaren 穿的鞋子與地球上的類似,但它們不使用動物的皮革,而是用人造材料製成的。他們的服裝也一樣,有點類似於地球人 1970 年代穿的衣服

  Plejaren 沒有像泰迪熊之類的東西

●  據為己有的欲望與忌妒,不僅僅是在地球上普遍的現象,也是整個宇宙低層次物種的心靈特質。但是在 Erra 星上不再出現

●  Plejaren 結為夫妻,不是將對方佔為己有,而是和諧的共處

●  並沒有 Plejaren 在地球上投胎

●  關於造化」,Plejaren 只知道祂的起因與現象、祂存在的事實,以及祂的法則與限制,但僅此而已。與其無垠的知識相比,他們真的感概我們知道的實在很有限

Plejaren 在這裡是最高度進化的生命形式


35. At the present time we are the most highly developed life forms that travel this earth from outside your world and are also stationed here.


36. Although there are other life forms that penetrate your earth space, fly in and partly also have their stations here, we correspond to the highest level of evolution of all.


37. The second most developed form of life after us lies little more than 1840 years of total evolution behind us.  

僅次於我們的第二種最進化的生命形式,在整體進化方面,還落後我們 1840 年多一點

38. All present extraterrestrial life forms, which currently live in the earthly space, we are therefore a little more than 1840 earth years ahead in the total evolutionary state.    

因此,目前所有生活在地球空間中的外星生命形式,在整個進化狀態中,我們比其他生命至少先進了1840 年多。

43. This is especially true of the fraudulent allegations of various fraudsters and charlatans who made false worldwide statements regarding alleged contacts with people on your neighbouring planet Venus.    


44. In not too many years will science prove to you that no human life forms exist on this planet in the form described by certain charlatans and deceivers; neither in spiritual nor in material form. 


(以上資料來自: 29 次接觸報告

Plejaren 的特質


Since our last meeting I have occupied myself intensively and much with the so-called UFO literature. In doing so, I came across the suggestion that you human beings from the stars, if I may put it that way, are always described as supernatural, supernatural beautiful and as protectors of humanity on Earth, almost as all-knowing and as teachers, etc., and that you should therefore live practically in spiritual and conscious perfection. But my intellect and my impression convey something completely different to me in this respect, and I cannot get over the fact that all this can only be lies. Lies that probably originate from sick brains or from brains that are not free and brand fantasy pictures as reality, because the originators of thoughts cannot cope with real reality and therefore escape into a fantastic pseudo-world. The reality seems to be too hard for them, so they flee into fantasies, because they hope for help in these. And since these human beings never want to bear the responsibility for anything and everything themselves because they are perhaps too unknowing or too cowardly, they simply pass it on to something that is supposed to stand above them and direct their destinies. They then call this something God and religion. A simple buffer and ram block, into which one can pound everything; a fantasy picture, onto which one rolls all one's own responsibility.

自從我們上次會談之後,我花了非常多時間研讀所謂的 UFO 文學作品上。我發現你們星球的人(如果可以這樣稱呼的話)經常都被描述成超自然、極美麗、人類的守護者、幾乎無所不知的教師。也就是說,你們都幾乎生活在靈性上和意識上的完美狀態。然而,以我在這方面的推究和印象,讓我想起一些完全不同的東西;使我不得不假定這些全部都是言過其實的謊言。這些謊言很可能是由病態的腦袋裡湧現出來,或者源自天馬行空的頭腦,將幻想刻畫得有如現實一樣,因為這些思想的創始者,不能應付真正的現實而只有逃避,所以就進入一個幻想的虛假世界。對他們而言真相看起來太嚴酷,他們因而訴諸於幻想,盼望由那裡得到幫助。因為這些人永遠不想對任何事物承擔責任(大概因為他們太無知太懦怯)他們只是將一切現象轉換認知成一些超越他們而存在的東西,進而引領著他們的命運,這些東西他們稱之為「上帝」和宗教。就如同用槌子打在有緩衝的物體上,在其中他們可以亂敲所有的東西;一個可以給他們轉移所有責任的幻想畫面。


7. You are preoccupied with very deep thoughts, and they correspond to the absolute truth.


8. It is really as you say:


9. The Earth-humans are not able to bear and recognise their responsibility themselves, although they should do so.


10. So they roll everything off and onto something that they put above themselves in their imagination; things that they simply call religion or God, that are supposed to relieve them of the responsibility.


11. If deceivers label and describe us as you said just now, it is nothing more than an infamous lie, originating from the brains of consciously poor human beings who imagine a better life in their fantasy, and because they themselves cannot achieve it, at least not yet in this life, they simply attribute it to us and make us out to be something perfect.


12. But we, too, are still far away from this stage and must continually develop ourselves further.


13. We are not the so-called above-human or superhuman beings, as the Earth-humans like to call us in their unknowledge and in their imaginations.


14. We are also no teachers, missionaries or pioneers.


15. We only have the dutiful task of preserving the developing as well as already existing human life throughout the cosmic space.


16. This means that we strive to keep order and watch over certain life.


17. Here and there we approach the inhabitants of different worlds, if our directives allow us to do so, choose individuals from among them and provide them with explanations; this however only then when a race develops higher and slowly becomes thinking.


18. We then slowly prepare them for the need to become familiar with the thought of not being the only thinking beings in the universe.


(以上資料來自: 003 次接觸報告

Plejaren 是和我們一樣的人類


2. Already for decades various human beings of Earth and entire groups have been pressing us partly consciously, partly unconsciously into spheres into which we do not fit in any form; spheres in which we do not want to be at home either.


3. Often only for the sake of the desire to show off and for the sake of pure profit are we ranked higher than we are in reality.


4. But we are all only human beings, like all human creatures.


5. According to your terms, we may well live in a state of superior technology and of great spiritual and consciousness-based progress, but not in a boastfulness and overwhelmingness, which the majority of the human beings on Earth impute to us.


6. We are neither the guardians of the Earth-humans nor any god-sent angels or the like.


7. Various ego-addicted persons and groups led into the unreal by them claim that we were the guardians of the Earth and its human beings, and that we would direct their destinies.


8. However, this does not correspond to the truth, because we are only carrying out a self-obligated task, which in no way has anything to do with a surveillance and a directing of the actual destinies of the Earth-humans.


9. It is therefore wrong to portray us as over-earthly ambassadors and guardians.


10. If we were ambassadors and guardians in the sense as it is claimed about us, then we would land out in plain view and direct the destinies of the human beings of Earth in full recognisability.


11. We are not what is imputed on us; even though we are spiritually and consciousness-based about 25 million years farther progressed and technically almost 3 1/2 millennia ahead of the Earth-humans.

我們與你們所傳言的不同;在靈性與意識方面的進化,我們比地球先進約 2,500 萬年,而在科技方面大約先進 3,500

12. But it is in the sense of all those Earth-humans who are themselves caught in a religious belief to make us become something godly.


13. In so doing, they degrade themselves and all their fellow human beings to underdeveloped human creatures.


14. Through erroneous or very consciously invented contact reports, which are devoid of any truth, thus the impression arises that the human being of Earth would do nothing but make mistakes and in no way live in the right way.


15. However, in truth this is not the case, because the human being of Earth follows his/her evolution-based path.


(以上資料來自: 009 次接觸報告

Plejaren 不是完美的,他們也會犯錯


18. In the end we are human beings, albeit from different worlds and from different conscious and spiritual stages, yet fundamentally similar forms of life, which have to go the way of their evolution.


19. So this does not rule out that I also make mistakes, which I ask your friends and acquaintances to understand.


20. My way of life is in all things of the physical and vibrational higher developed than yours, but we are not to the degree of that perfection which would exclude mistakes.


21. This should always be borne in mind.


22. We really are not those beings of perfection that are so readily exploited by pseudo-contactors for religious gain, for these alleged beings of perfection are either deceitful and power-maintaining creatures who want to bring the earth-men under their thumb, which actually occurs in a few cases, or they are quite simply pseudo-beings that exist only in the imagination of the pseudo-contactors.


23. If my way of life is as imperfect as yours, it must be understood that I am also subject to mistakes.


24. But if I subvert such things, then I call them open and stand by them, for it would make no sense or benefit if I concealed or denied them.


25. This would only be to my own detriment.


(以上資料來自: 15 次接觸報告

Plejaren 有讀取其他人想法的能力


… why don't you search for that in my thoughts?...



23. If I want to research your thoughts, then I do so only when it seems important to me.


24. It is not the manner or the desire of us simply to penetrate into the thoughts of others when this is really not important.


25. Moreover, we all have no right to penetrate into the personal secrets of others.


26. If one penetrates into the thoughts of others, then there is always the danger that one will learn more from it than was originally intended.


27. Therefore, if we, too, would disregard this recommendation, then we ourselves would know how to interpret your very last thought processes and secrets, and you would not always be able to astonish and amaze us over and over again.


(以上資料來自: 002 次接觸報告



… In the last days I have given myself so many different thoughts about order, laws and recommendations that have been offered to mankind by ancient prophets. I actually came across this through Arahat Athersata, who in the last days spoke extraordinarily much about the iron order of the Creation and its laws and recommendations. But what interests me now are order, laws and recommendations concerning the marriage between man and woman – the last laws and recommendations concerning this were spread by Jmmanuel, to my knowledge, at a time which was still quite barbaric and bestial. Since then, however, time has changed, even if man has not become more humane, but only more refined in his barbaric bestiality. At least that's how I see it from my point of view.

在最近的幾天裡,我深思熟慮了許多關於規則、法則和建言(recommendations)的事情,這些都是從前的先知提供給人類的。實際上我是通過AA得到這些的,他在最近的幾天裡和我說了相當多關於造化the Creation)的鐵律iron order)和祂的法則與建言。我現在感興趣的是這些法則和建言中關於男女間婚姻生活的方面。據我所知,在這個方面的最後的法則和建言通過以馬內利Jmmanuel)很快得以傳播開來,但這些法則[中譯者註:應該也就是《以馬內利的教誨》(The Talmud of Jmmanuel)]仍然是相當野蠻和殘忍的。而現在時代已經不同了,即使人類並沒有變得更加人道,但是在野蠻殘暴方面卻比較體面refined)些了。至少在我看來是這樣的。


13. And since you have made it clear enough that this is indeed the case and that only time has changed, but not man, why should the laws be changed?


14. This may only then be the case when the man on earth has really become human and lives according to spiritual laws.

因此先決條件應該是,地球人類真正變得具有人性,並且按照靈性法則spiritual laws)生活。


Then do you think that the laws of Jmmanuel concerning marriage and sexual intercourse are still valid today just as they were in his day?



13. And since you have made it clear enough that this is indeed the case and that only time has changed, but not man, why should the laws be changed?


14. This may only then be the case when the human being on the Earth has really become human and lives according to spiritual laws.

因此先決條件應該是,地球人類真正變得具有人性,並且按照靈性法則spiritual laws)生活。


Then do you think that the laws of Jmmanuel concerning marriage and sexual intercourse are still valid today just as they were in his day?



15. Sure, because these laws are valid throughout the universe.


16. If, contrary to better knowledge, a way of life consciously charges a guilt upon itself, then it must also atone for it; this means that the error committed must be corrected again, because this is the way the law of justice wants it.


17. If, however, the consciously charged guilt of a form of life is too great to be able to repay it within an appropriate framework in the sense of earthly humanity, then in many cases only the equivalent value of a total elimination stands opposite such a guilt, whereby the form of life in question becomes unworthy and loses its right to exist.


18. In the case of certain religions, atonement then means the subsequent rebirth at a later point in time, whose life is then limited to the remaining time of the previously totally eliminated life or this is controlled by a karma.


19. But this applies only to life forms of a barbaric and in spiritual matters ignorant nature, for only human law and its handling can they erroneously grasp as apparent justice.


20. If not only time changes, but with it also the form of life itself, and if it thereby enters into the state of higher conscious and spiritual development, then the handling and creation of human laws is also changed.


21. Instead of total elimination, emasculation and desecration, etc., the handling of the law is uniformly rewritten into the form of a banishment for time or for life, in separate circles.


22. This means, in other words, that guilty persons are banished to distant worlds or islands on a gender-uniform basis for time or life, if they are no longer able to reproduce due to the lack of the other sex, but have all means at their disposal for the maintenance of life as well as for conscious conscious and spiritual evolution.


23. The terrestrial man of the present time would very well be in a position to apply these laws adapted to modern times if he were not corrupt and ambivalent.


Plejaren 對罪犯有更多的靈性層面的律法


… If I have understood correctly, have you created a uniform punishment for certain offences, etc., which is pronounced as a temporary or lifelong banishment?



37. Sure, you got it right:


38. If the punishment is still applied very primitively everywhere in you, then this is no longer the case with us.


39. Our legislation corresponds to our conscious intellectual level and is therefore truly humane, which cannot be said of your legislation.


40. Serious offences are no longer punished with us by total elimination and damage of the material body etc., as this is still barbaric custom and custom with you.


41. Our Unity Adherence finds its application in a banishment for time or for life.


42. The fallible life forms are banished in this respect to other worlds, which serve exclusively only this purpose.


43. Moreover, only same-sex life forms are banished to such a world, i.e. only male or only female life forms.


44. This prevents reproduction and no offspring can be conceived.


45. The exiled are on their own on their worlds and have to take care of themselves through their own work.


46. Any mechanical or apparatus aids, etc., are made available to them, but they are deprived of permission to make such aids themselves if they could be used for escape.


47. In order to emphasise this provision, regular checks are carried out on these worlds and any secretly manufactured products of this kind are eliminated.


48. In addition, any personal physical contact with any other forms of life outside the places of performance will be completely eliminated.


49. On some of our worlds, fallible life forms are banished also on large islands in large seas, if the fallibility rate of the respective worlds is only very small.


50. However, the whole handling and execution is the same as for worlds specially selected for this purpose.


51. This form of punishment ensures the greatest possible security for the order to be observed, and on the other hand the mistakes are not a burden on the masses.


52. Besides, however, this form of punishment is very humane and expedient, because during the life-long or temporal exile, the misguided are not inhibited in their development.


53. Besides, crime and the like is practically non-existent in our country.


Plejaren 的夫妻是男女異性結合


… But how is it now with you with the so-called marriage, mate there also male and female as with us? Or is the procreation of offspring perhaps carried out in a different way than in our country – are you perhaps breeding your little children in test tubes or in breeding farms?


Semjase (laughs resounding)(大笑)

58. This is typical human nonsense of earthly origin; a product of pathological imagination:


59. Creation has endowed each individual form of life with very specific values, so that it can reproduce in a very natural way.


60. The law of unity is of equal value in the whole universe, namely that two values of different and thus female and male sex, each uniform in itself, together form and result in a large unit or a hyper-unit, thus also in the form of the reproduction of any material life forms.

在整個宇宙中,統一法則(The law of unity)都是具有相同的價值,也就是說,一個單元擁有兩種不同的極性(values);那就是男性與女性,每種極性在本身內結合,他們共同形成並產生一個大單元(large unit)或者超單元(hyper-unit),任何物質生命也以相同的方式繁衍後代。

61. Only these reproduce and are bound to the law of species conservation.


62. Higher spiritual forms are beyond this state, because they have become liberated from their material body and thus also from the need of procreation.


63. But they are not able to create new spirits, for only the Creation itself is able to do this.


64. The act of reproduction forms a uniform form throughout the universe.


65. This means that universally uniform always both values, positive and negative, male and female, must come together to unite in order to guarantee the procreation of a progeny.


66. This was created by the Creation in this manner, and there is no other possibility if the self-fertilization of certain forms of life, which are classified to a certain bisexuality, is ignored.


Plejaren 的女性可以不用男人而受孕


82. Here and there fertilizations of female life forms come to light, without a male potency having caused the decisive procreation.


83. However, even in these cases it is not a matter of any kind of generation by mental forces etc., but of simple misdirection and misdirection of hormonal factors in the female hormone balance.


84. In these matters, however, another factor must be taken into consideration which can lead to unwanted and uncontrollable procreations:


85. Human male seeds, as well as many other life forms, can sometimes survive for several days when they have left their production organs.


86. If they fall in suitable places, they are able to work their way up to those areas where they are able to cause fertilisation.


87. If we use the human beings of Earth as objects of comparison, such a fertilization process can be described with the following words:


88. If the woman is very sensitive and receptive to fertilisation, it is sufficient to initiate fertilisation if the male seed is deposited outside and near her reproductive organ.


89. Depending on the stability of the semen in question, it can then work its way into the organ of conception and fertilise the female egg stored there.


90. In very extreme cases, such fertilization is even possible if the male seed is deposited further away, for example at the height of the bosom.


91. As mentioned above, male sperm can often survive for longer periods of time, even up to six days in some cases.

如上所述,男性精子通常可以存活更長時間,甚至在某些情況下可長達 6 天。

92. Three days are already on the agenda and two days are already normal.

3 天已有紀錄,2 天已屬正常。

Plejaren 的婚姻不以一夫一妻制為基礎


… what about marriage and the procreation of offspring?



93. Fundamentally, our laws and commandments in this regard are still partially preserved in many of your ancient writings, for they were transmitted to you by our distant ancestors:


94. At our breeds often only marriages of non-monogamous shape are done, after most exact clarification of all facts concerning togetherness.


95. Of course, mistakes in these things cannot be excluded, but they will be eliminated or corrected if necessary.


96. The progeny is determined by the highest rate in the sense that a certain number of births in a certain period must be kept in order to preserve the breed and not cause overpopulation.

後代的數量由最高比率(the highest rate)決定的,這意味著在一段時間範圍內,生育數量不會超過一定的數目,以免人口過剩overpopulation)。

97. It is naturally the duty of each individual life form to procreate offspring for the conservation of the species and to exercise control over them.


98. Forms of life that are united in a marriage, i.e. woman and man, remain classified in this union for the duration of their lives.


99. Divorces, as you know them, are inadequate and allowed only in those blatant cases in which the laws and recommendations of the marriage covenant are grossly violated, with the guilty then falling into banishment.


100. These are however occurrences, which belong to the absolute rarity with our races.


101. The handling of the laws and recommendations for the individual things of marriage and sexual intercourse etc. I do not have to mention here specifically, because you can read Talmud Jmmanuel from this book.

關於婚姻和性行為方面的法則和建言我不需要再次複述,因為在《以馬內利的教誨》(The Talmud of Jmmanuel)的書中(第十二章)你可以從中讀到。

102. Our laws have been the same for thousands of years and are consistent with Jmmanuel's interpretations of the Talmud.


103. A change has only occurred in the form of a tightening, because this was humanized and changed according to our time and our development.


104. The uniform punishment in these things forms the temporal or lifelong banishment.


(以上資料來自: 023 次接觸報告

Plejaren 的生殖方式與地球人一樣


... How do you do that if you want offspring?



21. We procreate our descendants in the same natural way as is that of terrestrial humans and all other material forms of life in all universes.


22. That says:


23. Man and woman, male and female, mate to commit a sexual intercourse.


24. This form of procreation is a completely natural process in all material universes, which is also normally carried out everywhere in this manner.


25. A man sleeps with a woman, mates with her and fertilises her, so a procreation takes place.


26. In a normal form this is done by leading the bodies together, which means that man and woman snuggle up to each other, unite in love, and the man inserts his procreative organ into the woman's entrance opening, which takes in the semen that begets, is fertilized, and thereby develops new life.


Plejaren 的人工受精

27. Any other natural form of procreation does not exist, apart from exceptions where, in certain circumstances, a different, unnatural form of procreation takes place, but this is a very rare occurrence.


28. This also applies to artificial insemination, which is usually only used in extreme cases to preserve the species.


29. On the whole, however, the procreation of the offspring is oriented towards the normal sexual intercourse, for only this form corresponds to naturalness and creational laws and recommendations.

然而,總的來說,後代的生育是傾向正常的性行為,因為只有這種形式符合自然規律和造物法則與建言creative law and recommendations)。

30. And only the observance of this form within a precisely defined framework guarantees the continuity and the spiritual as well as consciousness based and physical evolution of a life-form, because forced or artificial procreations hold dangers in themselves, because the offspring thus conceived can with absolute certainty decay into hardly recognizable mutations, which in the course of time gradually turn entire forms of life into physical and consciousness based abortions and miscarriages.


若丈夫不能使妻子受孕時,Plejaren 的處理方式


That's interesting. But then how can a woman have offspring if her spouse is not fertile?



33. Our people and also many other races in the universe have two possibilities in such cases:


34. The first possibility is to fertilise the man concerned.


35. But this possibility also exists with a woman.


36. However, where a man cannot be made fertile, there is the possibility of mating with another fertile man.



Does that mean that the woman then sleeps with another man? That would give us earthlings a big stink, because here somewhat different views prevail. What kind of man is that? And what about dear jealousy and adultery? Aren't the husbands and wives going crazy?



37. You think correctly, the woman will be mated to by a strange man.


38. But he himself must be attached to a woman, that is married, as it is called with you.


39. This is a law of order.


40. According to the laws of order, this form of mating does not constitute adultery because it is an act in the sense of Creation.


41. Jealousy cannot therefore already appear because these people are aware of the laws of Creation and therefore also obey them.

因此,嫉妒不會出現,因為這些人知道造物法則laws of Creation),因此也會遵守它們。

42. It is also important that all partners reach a decision on such a mating in complete and mutual agreement.



I find that a quite ingenious solution, but can any man be consulted for such an act of procreation?



43. No, it's not like that:


44. The man to be chosen for this act must have already conceived the limit of his own offspring.


45. Furthermore, his overall evolution has to correspond to a certain high level.



This means, therefore, that not everyone should simply be responsible for this task. Many men would want such a job with us, because sexual satisfaction and degeneration is unfortunately still very important for us.



46. I'm aware of that.


47. With our race and also with many others however, these forms of thinking have long been forgotten.


48. Today this is a very honourable and good task …


Plejaren 的性興奮


… you just told me that you find sexual activity pleasant.



52. Did I really?



Are you ashamed of that?



53. I didn't want to talk about that.



But now you've done it anyway. And if you've already started, you can explain the rest.



54. The only reason I didn't want to talk about it was because I didn't think it was important.


55. I'm not ashamed to talk about it.



But this is important for earthworms, because many believe that extraterrestrials are different in every way. So it'd be good if you'd do some reporting.



56. If that's so … good:

如果這樣... 好吧:

57. These factors are probably described in brief outlines, because they are the same for all human life forms bound to the body.


58. When man and woman sleep together, their thoughts move in quite imaginative paths, which trigger emotions in various forms, whereby physical and mental stimulus zones are set in motion and fill the body as well as the thoughts and feelings with pleasure.


59. These stimuli are very pleasant to call and fulfil the life-form with all sorts of desires and disinhibitions, which every life-form needs and thus loosens up in its outermost form.


60. This is the case with any kind of human life-form, including ours.


Plejaren 的生產過程與地球人相同


… I would be very interested in how a birth is actually going on with you?



74. After conception, the woman carries the child, which has only just to develop, for nine months in her body.

受孕後,婦女懷有孩子,而孩子在母體內只需要發育 個月

75. Then the birth takes place in the same way as this is also known to the Earth humans.



This means that there are no differences in this case. The women have pain and contractions during childbirth etc. like us?



76. Sure, there is no difference, at least if you ignore the fact that Earth humans often contain their pain at birth because they are already very effeminate.



Then the women will let the pain of childbirth endure all over them?



77. Of course, this is the natural birth, which also influences the mother giving birth and the offspring and accordingly influences the manner of thinking in a positive and progressive wise.



Does that mean a woman should give birth without painkillers?



78. Sure, because only this form is natural and brings great benefits for mother and child.


Plejaren 的婚姻、愛情和家庭價值觀


…, how many years have you matured physically and consciously?



81. If you think of the fertility, then the answer is 12 years, because with this age every human form is capable of producing offspring.

如果你想到生育能力,那麼答案是 12 歲,因為在這個年齡,每個人類形式的生命都能夠生育後代。

82. Up to the age of 70, however, marital abstinence is usually practiced in order to make very strong efforts in intellectual and conscious matters as well as in activity and training in order to be able to educate oneself.

然而在 70 歲之前,通常通常都會實施婚前節欲marital abstinence),以便在智力和意識方面,以及活動和訓練方面作出很大的努力,以便能夠進行自我教育

83. This is also the minimum age, usually because marriage is considered.


84. The pure body-maturity is completed at 18½ years.

純身體的成熟年齡是 18 歲半


Does that mean that the body has grown out?



85. Certainly.


86. Conscious maturity is also attained at 18 years of age, while the training period of an activity-based form, etc., is completed at around 70 years of age, which does not mean, however, that learning and evolution are stopped as a result.

意識的成熟也是在 18 歲時達到的,而以活動為基礎形式等的訓練階段則在 70 歲左右完成,但這並不意味著學習和進化因此而停止

87. It is not the case with us, as it is unfortunately the case on earth, that a person rarely acquires further knowledge after his regular training period, because with us the further training in material and consciousness-related form continues during the entire further life span.



Well, how is love now with you, I mean especially between man and woman?



88. True love is a spiritual sensation.

真愛是一種靈性上的感覺spiritual sensation)。

89. But emotions that arise purely from the world of thought exist in many forms.


90. But a true love between man and woman is a very special spiritual sensation through which man and woman come together.


91. In contrast to the mostly only emotional love, as it still prevails among terrestrial humans, our love is of a fine-spiritual-based nature and very pure, profound and therefore lifelong lasting.


(以上資料來自: 041 次接觸報告

Plejaren 的節育措施


As you surely know, we have created the so-called pill for our earthly overpopulation problems. The question now is whether you also know something in this form, whether you swallow any medication or the like in order to keep the offspring rate within limits, which does not work with us despite the pill.



145. The question is indeed a little unusual, but it is very justified.


146. – No, we do not need these things, because in observance of the natural laws and recommendations, we align with their order and abide by the periodic rules.



So does this mean that you only make sexual love when this is agreed with the female infertility period?



147. This is not quite so, because human life-forms remain human life-forms as long as they are bound to physical bodies.


148. Sexual needs also come to light outside the infertility period of a woman, so that the needs must also be met outside this period.


149. However, in order not to produce offspring, there are many natural aids which we always observe and apply, but this does not rule out the possibility that exceptions may come to light and offspring may be produced unintentionally.


150. However, every woman of our breed has the technical means to detect an unwanted pregnancy within three days.


151. If this is the case, then natural preparations trigger early menstruation, whereby the fertilised egg is rejected before it is able to develop.


152. Therefore no abortion procedure, according to an earthly sense, takes place because no spirit-bearing life is destroyed by it.


153. As you know, only at the beginning of the heart's activity and therefore three weeks after procreation does the spirit become established in a life-form of human value, so that through this process of a prematurely triggered intermediate menstruation only the substantial basic substances are ejected and no life is destroyed.


154. This is not the case with terrestrial humans, because their ability to recognise a pregnancy is still very limited, so that they are only able to determine a pregnancy when the newly created life-form is already established and enlivened by the spirit.


155. Destruction of the foetus in this state already means destruction of life in a murderous form, which is no longer legal by natural laws and commandments, except in real emergencies, when pregnancy or childbirth endangers the life or health of the expectant mother, or when other compelling reasons exist.


(以上資料來自: 057 次接觸報告

Plejaren 的節育使用天然植物配方


… The first refers again to the pill. You once told me that you were going to put some contraceptives in your food to keep the birth rate under control. The last time you made contact, however, you said completely different things.



3. Then you asked the questions very imprecisely:


4. It is true that we add natural herbal contraceptives to our food.


5. However, this only refers to the fact that this form of contraception is used when there is an excess birth rate, i.e. when overpopulation problems occur.


6. This method is usually used when a race has reached the point where it recognizes that a planet can only carry and feed a certain number of human life forms without artificial intervention.


7. So this is related to the evolution of mind and consciousness.


8. Otherwise, however, it is also the case that all human life-forms in our worlds can voluntarily obtain the foods containing contraceptives in order to be able to regulate the number of births.


9. Not everyone does, however, because human beings prefer to use other methods of contraception, although the active ingredients are not harmful in any way, which unfortunately cannot always be said of your contraceptives.


10. In general the ingesting of these foods interspersed with active substances does not therefore occur, so everything can be taken purely voluntarily.


11. A general manditory taking of birth control has to be reintroduced in order to bring about a normal birth rate adapted to the respective world.


(以上資料來自: 058 次接觸報告

Plejaren 的遺體處置


... Well, I have a special question here, which reads as follows: What happens to you with the deceased, i.e. with the lifeless bodies? Do you somehow shrink them into coffins and transport them to the next sun, or do you bury them as you would us, because they are simply buried one meter eighty deep into the earth, in cemeteries, or do you somehow cremate them, or do you just totally eliminate them?

好吧,我有一個特別的問題,上面寫著:你們會如何處理死者,也就是沒有生命的屍體?你們會不會把它們放進棺材後,把它們運送到下一個太陽去,還是像我們一樣把它們埋起來,就是埋在墓地裡 1.8 公尺深的地下,還是你們以某種方式火化它們,或者你們只是完全消滅它們?


45. That's another very fancy question, but I can answer it for you:


46. Earth burial is just as familiar and customary to us as it is on the Earth.


47. For this purpose we have special storage facilities away from the inhabited areas.


48. From ancient times we have also maintained cremation for very, very rare cases, however, when such a cremation is desired.


49. Apart from burial on the ground, however, the total elimination of the dead bodies is not usual.


50. Burials are nevertheless things of individual requests, so one or the other form of burial can be used.


Plejaren 的工廠工作由機器人完成


98. Only areas that could not be cultivated were occupied with larger and several types of buildings at the same time, with buildings that you would call factories, with surveillance systems and beam-ship ports, etc.



And who works in the factories?



99. Robots and androids under the leadership and control of a few men and women, but who perform only technical monitoring and control tasks.


Plejaren 的家庭人口和公婆問題


… how many people live in such a splendid home, which almost seems like a paradise, if I can imagine it so?



103. There are never more than five persons, two parents and a maximum of three children, because three offspring is the limit, which is why we do not suffer from an overpopulation problem like the Earth-humans.



Then you have also solved the problem with your mother-in-law. Fantastic. I would put up with that, too. I think I will move my residence to your Pleiades.

那麼你們也解決了和婆婆(或岳母)相處的問題,真是太棒了。我也會照樣辦的,我想我會把我的家搬到你們的 Plejars 星系去住。


104. I do not understand the problem with the mother-in-law; what do you call that?



That's the spouse's mother. With us these mothers-in-laws do not have exactly a halo on the head, because they often interfere in the child rearing affairs, etc. of their children and raise a ruckus. However, this is not the rule, it must be said for the sake of the good and dear mothers-in-laws, because I know several such patented women. Unfortunately, I can not sing any hymns of praise because of my mother-in-law, because she is a true hyena and the embodiment of the devil's grandmother herself.

就是配偶的母親。和我們一樣,這些婆婆(岳母)不是聖人,因為她們經常介入她們子女的孩子管教等事務,而經常引起一陣陣騷亂。然而,這不是通則,必須說,為了那些善良和親愛的婆婆(岳母),因為我認識幾個這樣典型的婦女。不幸的是,我不能唱任何讚美詩,因為我的岳母[中譯者註:也有可能是 Billy 的母親,因為她的太太是與 Billy 私奔結婚的。],她是一個真正的土狼和魔鬼祖母的化身。


105. These are very new things to me.


106. No, with us the Geranisa [mother-in-law] abstains from all interference in the interests of their married children.

不,我們不與 Geranisa(婆婆/岳母)住在一起,她也不會干涉已婚子女的權益。


Do you call your mothers-in-law Geranisa?

你們叫你們的婆婆(岳母)Geranisa 嗎?


107. Certainly, I said so?



Otherwise I would not know. I think that is magnificent. How many earthworms do you think would be happy if the mother-in-law order that you have on your Pleiades ruled here with us?

否則我就不會知道了。我覺得這真是太棒了。你認為,如果你們的 Plejars 星系上的婆婆(岳母)要求我們要有一樣的相處模式,會有多少善男信女感到高興嗎?

外星人與 Plejaren 的音樂、文學及藝術方面與其教育


… Do you also know music, literature and art and do you have appropriate schools?



109. Sure, these things are common to all human life forms in the universe.


110. We also have appropriate schools for these things, but they can only be attended by really talented people who will later work in these things for the benefit of all.


111. The interested parties are judged according to the presence of talent and admitted to the schools, so only real talents are admitted.


112. There are therefore no such things as are customary on earth, namely that performers appear in public who make ear-painful sounds.


113. I often find that very horrible when I listen to earthly music.


Plejaren 不允許帶任何東西到地球來


... But would it be possible that you might bring me some music notes, a book or something else, maybe a picture?



117. For you to look at and feel, yes, but I should not hand it over to let it go into your possession or to hand it around.



Why not then?



118. These are the safety regulations that we must comply with in every form.


119. I shouldn't bring any things to Earth if they don't remain in my own possession.


120. The only exceptions are crystals and minerals, which are meant to help you.


Plejaren 如何取得地球的金錢去買東西


Where do you get the money from when you walk around our earth shielded from vibrations and buy something somewhere?



122. For these purposes we look on Earth for precious metals and gemstones with our search devices, which we mine in very small quantities with our devices and sell to buyers, who compensate us with earthly money as an exchange value, which we then exchange into the required currencies as required.


(以上資料來自: 042 次接觸報告

Erra 星上只有在極緊急需求下才會採礦


… Earlier you mentioned all sorts of manner by which you could obtain lead. I noticed that you did not mention earthly ore mining with a single word. Is this kind of ore mining not common among you?



51. Ore mining or other mineral mining on a planet or on a star is only carried out by us in an extreme emergency, because this process is tantamount to the destruction of the star or the planet.


52. A planet or star must never be exploited in the way it is exploited on the Earth.


53. What the terrestrial man does with it is tantamount to the destruction of a planet.


54. The first evil effects of this destruction have already been felt on Earth for decades, while the present time is already initiating the contractions of destruction itself.


55. This is to be understood in such a way that the terrestrial human being exploits his planet and robs him of his fundamental life force by robbing him of oil, natural gas and various ores.


56. This causes the earth to undergo internal shifts, leading to violent volcanic eruptions and earthquakes as the Earth slowly collapses.


57. However, the same process is also produced by the construction of dams and similar structures, which cause very dangerous earth shifts through the accumulated water masses.


58. The human beings on Earth commits the worst madness with their underground and above-ground atomic bomb experiments as well as with those horrible underground explosive experiments, which are declared to be atomic bomb tests, but which in reality are much more dangerous.


(以上資料來自: 045 次接觸報告

Plejaren 不抽煙,而喝酒狀況則與地球不同


… But now another question from the same source: Do you drink and smoke?



118. A typical earthling question.


119. No, we're not familiar with smoking.


120. Drinking according to earthly terms is also unknown to us, although we also have drinks that are similar to alcoholic beverages.


(以上資料來自: 050 次接觸報告

Plejaren 也用化妝使眼睛的顏色具多樣性


… But tell me, do you all have blue eyes?



24. Our eye colours are as diverse as they are on the Earth.



But yours are a pretty nice blue, they are a really enjoyable sight.



25. You love to compliment, thank you.


26. This is my natural eye colour, but we women also like to colour our eyes.


以上資料來自:《第 054 次接觸報告

Plejaren 有地球來的寵物,但不會飼養在室內


… But now something very interesting: Some schoolchildren want to give you a kitten. Will you take this?



167. It is an extraordinary pleasure to hear this offer, but we are not allowed to do such things.



Too bad, do you not keep pets and such?



168. Sure, we also have pets, even cats and dogs, which have been brought from the Earth to our Plejaren worlds in former times, but which we do not keep in the living rooms, as you unhygienically and health-harmingly do.

當然,我們也有寵物,甚至是貓和狗,牠們是在以前從地球上帶到我們 Plejaren星球上的,但我們不像你們那樣養在住家房間裡,因為那既不衛生且有害健康

169. We must not, however, acquire terrestrial animals because they contain certain germs which no longer appear in our animals and which can also be transferred back to the animals through human life forms.


170. So this is a safety regulation if we are not allowed to keep earthly animals.


Plejaren 只有在必要時才會從其他世界進口動物


I understand that, because we too have such provisions between our countries. But you would have the possibility of a complete disinfection etc., would you not?



171. Sure, but it is our peoples and our understanding that determine whether we need an animal from another world.


172. But such decisions only take place when it is a requirement for one of our worlds.


Plejaren 的鞋和衣服和我們的類似


… What do you usually wear on shoes; but not always these boot things like you and the others, right?



178. Our footwear is similar to yours, but it does not consist of animal skins, but of materials that we artificially produce.


179. So is the clothing, it is very similar to the one you will be using in about 70 years.

衣服也是,它和你們在 1970 年後用的那些很相似。

(以上資料來自: 061 次接觸報告

Plejaren 沒有像泰迪熊之類的東西


I notice that. You are confused, but for sheer joy, it seems to me. So Herbert hit exactly the right thing. That makes me happy for you and him. Where do you want to put this fuzzy bear? Ah, don't you have any things of this kind yourself?

我注意到妳感到有點困惑,但在我看來,這純粹是為了讓妳開心。所以 Herbert 想的完全沒錯。我為妳和他感到高興。妳想把這隻毛茸茸的熊放哪兒呢?啊,你們沒有這種東西嗎?


23. He shall remain here in the ship as a constant reminder of the solidarity and the certainty that we also have love and good friends on Earth.



Okay, and what about my second question?



24. Oh yes, no, we don't have things like that.


Erra 星上不再有忌妒心態


108. The material thinking of the Earth-human is indeed very decisive for the emotional and feeling life.


109. The more the human being of the Earth got caught in material thinking in former times, the more he/she influenced his emotional life with greed.


110. Thus he gradually coupled his material thinking with the core of his feeling-center, so that they inevitably became one feeling-thought complex.


111. This showed that especially the feelings of hatred and love, which are generated by thinking and appear as feelings of the inner being, were impregnated by material values, which created themselves as greed of possession of both forms, namely into the greed of possession of love and into the greed of possession of hatred.


112. In both forms an ego-related greed for possession is developed, which must inevitably lead to a third form of greed for possession, also produced by man himself, namely the greed for possession of love-hate.


113. In all cases, a possessiveness appears, triggered by material thinking, which exacts a right to the possession of love or hate, and a right to the human to whom love or hate applies, whereby this right is again considered property.


114. The production of jealous possession thinking depends exclusively on the form of the level of consciousness and on the emotions; it is universally uniform and thus not earthbound, whereby I would like to emphasise, however, that on Erra these lower levels of consciousness no longer exist and jealousy is no longer known to our people, or, as I better can explain, no longer pertains, because in earlier times our peoples also had to go through these stages.

因嫉妒而產生佔有的思維,完全取決於意識和在情緒上的層級,是全宇宙普遍一致的現象,因此不是在地球上所獨有,但我想強調的是,在 Erra 星上,這些較低的意識層級已不復存在,我們的人民也不再意識到嫉妒的心態,或者我更好的解釋是,我們已不再有這種心態。因為在早期的時候,我們的人民也經歷過這種階段。

115. The more immaterial the human's thinking becomes, the more he/she distances himself from possession thinking, which is also called feeling-thinking.


116. So the norm of liberation of every level of consciousness in relation to the jealous as well as the material and other possessive thinking is actually considered to be the yardstick of the evolutionary stage.


117. A completely anti-materialistically thinking, feeling-based and emotionally balanced and truly consciously developed human being is no longer able to generate jealousy in himself/herself, because his/her thinking has become all-embracing thinking, which in reverence regards all possessions as venerable and in love and joy elevates them to the common good, but always in the sense that a venerable bond is given in observance of the laws and recommendations, and indeed, from every side.

一個完全趨向非物質思維的人,情感上和情緒上都趨於平衡,並且是真正有意識地去發展的人,不再會產生嫉妒的心態,因為他的思維已經變成了全面的思維,他敬畏地認為所有萬事萬物都是值得尊重的,並且以愛和喜悅的方式將其提升為共有共享,而他始終認為,那實際上是來自每一方面都遵守法則和建言(laws and recommendations的一種崇高而神聖的聯繫。

Plejaren 的婚姻,不是佔有對方


124. If two people join together to form a marriage bond, this does not mean a taking possession of the partner, but simply that they join together in a bond.


125. So there are no rights of ownership, but only love, understanding and joy in the pleasure of the other.


126. Each partner remains completely free in his or her own actions and in letting the laws and commandments be fulfilled, while in purely conjugal actions and letting things be, as in decisions etc., one acts in mutual agreement with all interests.


127. In the fulfillment of law and commandment in an evolutive sense and in every respect in this respect, mutual clarifications and agreements are necessary, which is given by certain rules of order.


(以上資料來自: 066 次接觸報告

並沒有 Plejaren 在地球上投胎


All right, then a question that you have already answered sufficiently and which must therefore seem illogical to you: Have some of you incarnated on the Earth?



78. You know that this is impossible because none of us died on the Earth, so you ask very illogically.


(以上資料來自: 057 次接觸報告

關於「造化」,Plejaren 也所知有限


…, but now explain what creation actually embodies in and of itself. I think that it is not a human or other material being or an individual ethereal being, but simply the universal consciousness.

但現在請解釋一下,「造化」本身究竟體現了什麼。我認為祂不是人類或其他物質或個體的微妙生命體(ethereal being),而只是宇宙意識universal consciousness)。


119. With this you have already given the explanation.


120. I cannot explain any more about it, because our knowledge is limited in this respect, as well.


121. Creation is the same as universal consciousness, which directs, thinks and rules in the BEING of consciousness, as a double-spiral egg formation, which at the same time forms the universe in its seven-belted growing extension, whereby the double-spiral arms live pulsating as spiritual energy and rotate against each other.


122. We do not have more knowledge about creation itself.


123. Like you we only know the causes and the effects, the existence and the laws and commandments, but nothing more.



I should not have asked you about it, you seem to be somber now.



124. Your question once again made it very clear to me how little we know despite our enormous knowledge.


(以上資料來自: 069 次接觸報告








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