Contact Report 773/第773次接觸報告
英譯版本:2021年8月24日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2021年9月04日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ah, glad you are still coming. You are very welcome and greetings, though.
We cannot stay long, but we are glad to see you. So greetings from me too, dear father-friend. Actually, the last time we visited, Ptaah wanted to join us later, but unfortunately he could not, because by the time we got back, he had to leave and go back to his task.
I am glad you are here – greetings too. Yes, unfortunately we do not have much time today, because our work – you know. But it's all right for a short chat, because we do not have to count the minutes, as is so usual with you.
I would also be surprised.
Then I want to ask you something, if you do not mind.
Of course.
Ptaah is always reading to us from the translations he makes of the notes Sfath made of your life as a boy, which he has your permission to do. What he translates from Sfath's notes never ceases to amaze us, for the other day he spoke of Sfath having written that you were already initiated by him as a 5-year-old into secrets about which you should not speak to other Earth human beings. At his lectures the other day he spoke of how you had knowledge of how Switzerland was arming itself against the Nazi empire and that Sfath even let you secretly see the installations on the spot, which even the closest residents and the majority of the military did not know, let alone that they even had a clue about them. But Sfath told you to keep quiet about it. And I know that you kept your silence and still do today, even though the secrecy has long been lifted. I would like to know how you actually managed to do this, that you never said anything about it? You were still a boy at that time, and I do not understand why Sfath let you see and know such things, which were punishable as treason.
– Well, that's just the way it used to be. You had to learn silence then, and I just had to learn it early in my life. That was something Sfath always said, that you have to be able to keep silent, also when you harm yourself and perhaps suffer injustice as a result. Perhaps – he used to say – it is better to remain silent and thereby accept injustice from one's fellow human beings than to lose respect for oneself. And I have kept to that ever since, and I have also never resisted when I have been falsely accused or otherwise denigrated. Although I have had to put up with a lot of injustice as a result, I have learned a lot through it, and things that I would never have learned otherwise. For example, I was never confronted with retaliation and revenge at an early age in such a way that I felt a desire for retaliation or revenge. I learnt this back when Sfath taught me that I should keep quiet about what I had seen and thus not tell anything about it. Well understood, he did not forbid me to do so, he only said that I should think about everything thoroughly and then act according to what I had put together through my very own thoughts. So I let my thoughts play and then acted accordingly and kept quiet about what I secretly saw, and so everything remained a secret – and probably still is one today. So that is my secret, that I learned to be silent and that I do that to this day with all things; that is how I do it and that is how I keep it about all knowledge about which I have to be silent. So the whole thing is not really a secret.
嗯,這就是過去的方式。那時你必須學會沉默,而我就是在年幼時就已經學會了沉默。Sfath總是說,你必須要保持沉默,即使你受到傷害,也許因此而遭受到不公正的對待時也是如此。他常說,也許由於你保持沉默,從而受到來自其他人的不公待遇,但總比失去對自己的尊重要好。從那時起,我就一直堅持這一點,而且當我被誣陷或以其他方式詆毀時,我也從未反抗過。雖然我因此不得不忍受許多不公正的待遇,但我卻由此而學到了很多東西,還有一些我在其他方面永遠也學不到的東西。例如,我在很小的時候就沒有面對過報復和復仇的狀況,以至於我沒有感到想要報復或復仇的欲望。早在Sfath教我應該對我所看到的事情保持沉默,從而不說出任何事情,我就學會了這一點。我明白,他並沒有禁止我這樣做,他只是說我應該徹底思考一切,然後根據我自己的想法行事。所以我按照這種方式,對我秘密看到的東西保持沉默,於是一切都成為秘密 —— 可能今天仍然是一個秘密。因此這就是我的一貫作法,我學會了沉默,而且我至今對所有事情還都是這樣做的;這就是我對所有我所知但必須保持沉默的作風。而這整個狀況其實並不是秘密。
You say it so simply, but behind it is your self-discipline, which is what makes you who you really are. Da…
You should not say it so loudly, because it wi…
As they say in your country since time immemorial, "Thou shalt not hide thy light under a bushel."
[中譯者註:“Thou shalt not hide thy light under a bushel.”這句諺語出自《馬太福音》,這句話的直譯是“你不應該把你的燈光放在“蒲式耳”(相當中國的“斗”容器)架底下。”(資料參考自《每日頭條》)]
You are simply impossible.
It goes on saying "All that is right", consequently you do not have to say anything more about it. What is personal, that also concerns our verbatim recordings of our conversations, which no one can eavesdrop on afterwards, except ourselves. So what we talk about always remains our concern, and no one but ourselves has access to what we talk to each other, unless we release it so that someone can listen in or subsequently eavesdrop on what we have spoken. This ensures that we actually never hear what is spoken by others that we are not supposed to hear. That way we keep our secrets without others finding out.
I think that's intelligent, because that way there is also no groaning.
That is good, because we can very, very well do without hearing what others are talking about. It would be more interesting for us to know what will happen in Afghanistan now, because from your predictions, which Ptaah read out to us, it only appears that there will be a disaster. Unfortunately, we do not know any more than that, because we do not deal with futures, future journeys and the like, as Sfath and you have done. Ptaah, however, knows more, for he is concerned with it. But he is quite silent with information concerning Afghanistan.
Yes, that might be important for us to know. Ptaah does not tell us much about the Taliban, because he does not want to burden us too much with what is happening there. However, what we are witnessing is horrible and inhuman, and we have never seen anything like what is happening there. It is incomprehensible to us that human beings can be so degenerate.
該組織最有影響力的領導人,包括穆罕默德.奧馬爾(Mohammed Omar)在內,都曾是坎大哈附近鄉村的伊斯蘭教學者。該組織於1994年興起,自1996年在阿富汗掌權後,以嚴厲的伊斯蘭教法統治阿富汗。
I cannot say too much, and it would also not be good. But one thing is certain: religion is the worst thing there is, because it knows no limits in its cruelty. When it comes to championing religion, there is nothing the believer would stop at, for his religious fanaticism knows neither reason nor rationality. Murder and manslaughter, torture, flogging, massacre and bloodlust in hatred and delusion are boundless. Everything is only ill-considered lies when people talk about the love of God and such nonsense. It does not matter which denomination is represented, so it does not matter whether it is Islam or Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism or one of the thousand other religions and sects of earthly humanity that is obsessed with the delusion of belief in God or the adoration of a human being, an imaginary god figure or some other higher fantasy figure. For the believing human being it does not matter whether he adores a god, a goddess, some other imaginary being or a human being, because in his delusion – and such a delusion is always a belief – hatred, fanaticism and revenge and retaliation constantly lurk against anyone who believes differently or who rejects the belief in a god, a goddess, a human being or a higher might etc. and only acknowledges reality and its truth. But I would like to say the following with regard to the fanaticism of the Taliban, who will now fanatically rule Afghanistan, which will cost countless human lives:
我不能說太多,而且也不好說。但有一點是肯定的:宗教是最糟糕的東西,因為它的殘忍是沒有極限的。說到擁護宗教,信徒是沒有什麼不能做的,因為他的宗教狂熱既不明白原因也沒有理性。謀殺和誤殺、酷刑、鞭打、屠殺和仇恨與妄想中的嗜血都是無止境的。當人們談論上帝(God)之愛和這種無稽之談時,一切都只是考慮不周的謊言。哪個教派的代表並不重要,所以無論是伊斯蘭教還是基督教、猶太教、印度教、佛教、祆教(Zoroastrianism;音譯為瑣羅亞斯德教)或地球人類的其他一千個宗教和教派中的一個,都癡迷於對上帝的信仰或對一個人物、虛構的神明或其他更高的幻想人物的崇拜。對於有信仰的人來說,他是否崇拜神、女神、其他想像中的人物或人類並不重要,因為在他的妄想中 —— 這種妄想總是一種信仰 —— 仇恨、狂熱、復仇和報復不斷潛伏在他內心,以對付任何有不同信仰或拒絕信仰神、女神、人物或更高力量等而只承認現實及其真相的人。但我想對塔利班的狂熱行為說以下幾點,他們現在將狂熱地統治阿富汗,這將造成無數人的死亡,列舉如下:
1. The Taliban are a fanatical religious-Islamist sect, which must be equated with the former Assassins, i.e. a politically motivated bunch of assassins, contract killers and assassins, who are under the command of fanatical religious leaders who effectively walk over corpses and who do not tolerate anything that does not fit into their fanatical-religious scheme.
塔利班是一個狂熱的虔誠伊斯蘭教派(religious-Islamist sect),這等同於以前的刺客,也就是一群出於政治動機的刺客、合約殺手和暗殺者,他們在狂熱的宗教領袖指揮下,實際上是在屍體上行走,他們不能容忍任何不符合其狂熱宗教方案的人與事物。
2. All promises made by the Taliban are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, in fact they are worth nothing at all, because no sooner are they made than they are broken and revoked by the opposite.
3. They will smash, destroy and annihilate everything that is contrary to their religious fanaticism and does not correspond to it.
4. They will kill, murder and massacre all human beings, women, men and children, according to the Sharia, which is not of their fanatical-religious faith.
5. They will kill, murder and massacre all, sooner or later, if they get hold of those who served the former occupiers; for this purpose they will search all houses and buildings and find those who served the former occupiers, and they will execute them by mass executions.
6. They will force the females to humble themselves or kill them, murder them or massacre them if they refuse to submit.
7. The Taliban will kill all women who refuse to be forcibly married.
8. The Taliban will kill all women who have had premarital sex.
9. The Taliban will fanatically persecute and murder all who are not of their faith.
10. The Taliban will establish a God's state like none in earlier times.
塔利班將建立一個過去從未存在的「神之國度」(God's state)。
11. The Taliban will destroy and annihilate the new freedom that has been created, especially for women.
That at least is the outlook for now in the country of Afghanistan after it escapes from the clutches of the USA and the Taliban will conquer the country very quickly and a tremendous disaster will be created. Many will be killed for serving the occupiers and many will run for their lives, while many will still be lucky enough to leave the country as refugees, while many will be killed and others bloodied by the religious fanatics, even children, as I have seen with Sfath. Afghanistan will surrender virtually without a fight because the Afghan military will lay down their arms and do nothing to defend the country, I know. Cowardly, the military will retreat, lay down their arms and pave the way for the religious fanatical Taliban to acquire vast quantities of American weapons and materials. However, it will be the same as always, namely that many will flee the country who have been hopefully cooperating with those who have been bringing new behaviours into the country for years, first and foremost mainly the Americans who are using the misguided NATO troops under the guise of 'peace aid' to achieve world domination. Above all, the Germans and the British will be the victims, because their incompetent rulers will fail completely, because they will be incapable, as always, of thinking ahead to what will come with the withdrawal of the troops, as the incompetent US president has arranged.
But it will already be the case before and after in Afghanistan and in all harassed countries – just as usual, and this has nothing to do with Afghanistan and the Taliban, who will now spread sectarian-fanatically in the country – that human beings from foreign countries will leave, as refugees, and seek their well-being in Europe or in US America. And it is these people who will then demonstrate from abroad and talk big, while the needy and the relatives who remain at home and the real people remain exposed to terror. For many, it is easier and safer to flee abroad and to speak out from there and complain about the lousy conditions in their home country than to fight for justice, freedom and a good life in their own country and to put their own lives at risk. This has to be said for once, because this is the truth, and no one thinks of this when the lamentations of the refugees from their homeland and in safety are heard on the radio, seen and heard on television, when the refugees from their homeland cry out for pity and applause. This while they are safe, but their people and 'loved ones' are fighting for their lives in their homeland, but who are not heard or are simply picked off or interned for years in penal camps. It is easier to listen to those who have fled their homeland and lamented their suffering on the radio, to watch their corpse-bittering mines displayed on television, and to read their lamentations in the newspapers, to donate money for them, than to tell them to work in their homeland to bring order there. This is done instead of telling them that by fleeing their own homeland they have chosen the very easiest way to live a life of security and prosperity while their people struggle to survive in their homeland. Thus, I find fleeing one's homeland a boundless cowardice, and the speeches made in the safe refugee-receiving countries in truth nothing but a mockery of those who hold out in their homeland and endure all evils and even risk being murdered for daring to demand their own and their people's human right.
但是,在阿富汗和所有被騷擾的國家中,前後都會出現這樣的情況 —— 就像往常一樣,這與阿富汗和塔利班無關,塔利班現在將在該國傳播教派狂熱主義 —— 那些來自外國的人將成為難民離開,在歐洲或美國尋求他們的幸福生活。而正是這些人將在國外示威並高談闊論,而有需要留在國內的人和他們的親屬以及真正當地的人民卻是仍然要暴露在恐怖之中。對許多人來說,與其在自己的國家為正義、自由和美好生活而奮鬥,並將自己的生命置於危險之中,相較之下,還是逃到國外並在那裡大聲疾呼、抱怨自己國家的糟糕狀況,這樣會更容易也更安全些。這句話必須再說一次,因為這是事實,當在收音機裡聽到、電視上看到和聽到那些來自祖國的安全難民在悲歎時,當那些難民呼喊著同情和掌聲時,沒有人想到,那些人其實是安全的,但他們的人民和“親人”正在祖國為他們的生存而戰,他們沒有聽到那些聲音,因為他們已被捉走或已經在拘禁營中被關押多年。聽那些逃離祖國的人在收音機裡哀歎他們的苦難,看他們在電視上顯出苦澀的表情,在報紙上讀到他們的抱怨,為他們捐款,這比要他們留在祖國工作,使那裡恢復秩序要容易得多。但應該這樣做,而不是告訴他們要逃離自己的祖國,他們這樣雖然選擇了最簡單的方式,但在他們的人民在祖國掙扎求生的時候,自己卻過著安全和富足的生活。因此,我認為逃離自己的祖國是一種無比的懦弱,而在安全的難民接收國所做的演講,實際上只是對那些在自己的祖國堅守、忍受一切邪惡、甚至冒著被謀殺的風險,敢於要求自己和人民人權的人,那是一種殘忍的嘲弄。
In Afghanistan, the Taliban will make great and empty promises which they will not keep, because the Taliban human beings are so brutalised, misguided and religiously fanatical that they have lost their reason and rationality as well as any human being. This is completely unknown to all those rulers of Europe and the US etc. who have had to deal with the Taliban and their methods since this Islamic fundamentalist movement came into being. These religious fanatics, who are as bad as the then murderous characters who operated under the name of 'Assassins', have emerged with their armed militias in Afghanistan and Pakistan under the leadership of religious fanatic maniacs and have been wreaking havoc in Quetta and all over Balochistan, Pakistan from the very beginning. The present leader, Haibatullah Achundzada, that is the name of the man as far as I know - if I am not mistaken - is no better than any other Taliban whose name is yet to be explained, which comes from the Arabic word 'Talib', which roughly means pupil, student or seeker. The Taliban leader, who was actually the originator or the 1st boss of the Taliban, Mohammed Omar, was in power in Kabul from 1996 until the international troops invaded in 2001.
在阿富汗,塔利班會做出偉大而空洞的承諾,但他們不會履行這些承諾,因為塔利班的人是如此的殘暴、被誤導且具宗教狂熱,他們已經失去了理智和理性,以及任何人性。自從這個「伊斯蘭原教旨主義」(Islamic fundamentalism,也稱「伊斯蘭基本教義派」)運動出現以來,所有那些不得不與塔利班及其方法打交道的歐洲和美國等國的統治者完全不知道這一點。這些宗教狂熱分子和當時以“刺客”名義活動的兇殘人物一樣,在宗教狂熱分子的領導下,在阿富汗和巴基斯坦出現了他們的武裝民兵,從一開始就在奎達(Quetta)和巴基斯坦俾路支省(Balochistan)各地造成了嚴重的破壞。目前的領導人海巴圖拉.阿洪扎達(Haibatullah Achundzada),據我所知,這是這個人的名字 —— 如果我沒有弄錯的話 —— 並不比任何其他的塔利班好,塔利班這個名字還有待解釋,它來是來自阿拉伯語的“Talib”一詞,大概的意思是弟子、學生或尋求者。塔利班領導人,實際上是塔利班的始作俑者或第一任老大,穆罕默德.奧馬爾(Mohammed Omar),從1996年開始在喀布爾(Kabul)掌權,直到2001年國際部隊入侵。
You lived in Quetta, worked there as a chauffeur for an Indian maharajah, and also your daughter Gilgamesha was born there in Lady Dufferin Hospital, if I was informed correctly by Ptaah.
你住在奎達,在那裡為一位印度大君(Indian maharajah)當司機,而且你的女兒Gilgamesha也是在那裡的Lady Dufferin醫院出生的,如果Ptaah告訴我這些是正確的話。
That does not look much like peace, what's brewing in Afghanistan.
You have to forget that, the fanatics will have the floor there now, and that means murder, murder and more murder, mainly of the women and of those who have worked for the foreign occupiers, especially for the US Americans, the Germans and the English. These have been in the country for about 20 years and in their naivety, blinded by Christianity, do not see what is coming. With their know-it-all attitude and unreasonableness, as well as in their incompetence, in their non-thinking and in their pomposity, they cannot work out what will happen now when the Taliban come back. But look here if you want to read this?
What is it?
It has been delivered to me, and it roughly confirms that an American, just … …, had been with Mao in the mid-1970s for years and was responsible for the fact that the corona plague or the corona virus could develop in the laboratory. Of course, the connection and the name is not mentioned, because the scientists could not know the whole thing, but it practically confirms the story that the corona plague was developed in the laboratory. Of course, the researchers Dr Steven Quay, the founder of Atossa Therapeutics, and Richard Muller, a former top scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, could not have known that … … wanted to take revenge on the US people and secretly used the services of Mao and his secret lab assistants to do so, as I said in 2020. But now what I tried to hang on the bell to show where the plague really came from and what the true origin was, was practically confirmed. As usual, however, no one cared, until just now, when someone found it necessary to at least get to the bottom of the matter in the way that the corona plague was not naturally created in the wild, but in the laboratory. Although there is no mention of the fact of an act of revenge, they could not have known that, but at least they have found out that the Corona plague is a product that was manufactured, produced or created in a laboratory.
資料已經送到我手中,它大致證實了一個美國人,只是... ...,在1970年代中期與毛澤東在一起多年,並應該對冠狀病毒在實驗室中發展的有關事實負責。當然,沒有提到這個事件的關係和名字,因為科學家們不可能知道整個事情,但這實際上證實了冠狀病毒是在實驗室裡發展起來的故事。當然,研究人員Steven Quay博士,Atossa治療法的創始人,和理查德.穆勒(Richard Muller),勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)的前頂級科學家,不可能知道XXX想對美國人民進行報復,並秘密地利用毛澤東和他的秘密實驗室助手的工作來進行報復,正如我在2020年所說。但現在,我試圖掛在鈴鐺上的東西,以顯示疫情真正的來源和真正的起源是什麼,實際上得到了證實。然而,像往常一樣,沒有人關心這個問題,直到最近才有人發現至少有必要弄清楚,冠狀病毒不是在野外自然產生的,而是在實驗室裡產生的真相。雖然沒有提到報復行為的有關事實,但他們不可能知道,但至少他們已經發現,冠狀病毒是在實驗室裡製造、生產或創造出來的。
I am interested in that.
Me too.
Here, please, read this. … (The two read)
US Experts:
'Smothering' Evidence of Lab Origin of the Coronavirus
Tue, 08 Jun 2021 17:01 UTC
格林威治標準時間2021年6月8日,星期二, 17時01分
Even at the beginning of the corona hysteria, renowned scientists assumed that the coronavirus was artificially created in a laboratory. The more that became known about the virus, the more solidified this suspicion became. Now two US scientists have also come to the same conclusion.
In an opinion piece published in the US business newspaper The Wall Street Journal over the weekend, Dr Steven Quay, founder of Atossa Therapeutics, and Richard Muller, a former top scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who now teaches physics at the University of California at Berkeley, claim that 'overwhelming' scientific evidence strongly suggests that COVID-19 is indeed a man-made virus.
在週末發表在美國商業報紙《華爾街日報》上的一篇評論文章中,Atossa Therapeutics公司的創始人Steven Quay博士和勞倫斯伯克利國家實驗室的前頂級科學家、現在加州大學伯克利分校教授物理學的Richard Muller聲稱,“壓倒性的”科學證據強烈表明,COVID-19的確是一種人造病毒。
Quay and Muller pointed to two key pieces of evidence for their finding:
The first piece of evidence relates to the type of so-called gain-of-function research in which microbiologists tweak the genome of a virus to alter its properties, for example, to make it more infectious and life-threatening. Of the 36 possible genome pairings that can produce two arginine amino acids in a row – leading to an increase in a virus' lethality – the one most commonly used in gain-of-function research is CGG-CGG, or double CGG, Quay and Muller explained. In their paper, they write:
第一個證據與所謂的「功能獲得研究」(gain-of-function research)有關,在這種研究中,微生物學家對病毒的基因組進行調整,以改變其特性,例如,使其更具傳染性和生命威脅性。Quay和Muller解釋說,在36種可能的基因組配對中,可以連續產生兩個精氨酸氨基酸(arginine amino acids) —— 導致病毒的致命性增加 —— 在功能獲得研究中最常使用的是CGG-CGG,或雙CGG。在他們的論文中,他們寫道:
"The insertion sequence of choice is double CGG. This is because it is readily available and convenient, and scientists have a lot of experience with its insertion. Another advantage of the double CGG sequence compared to the other 35 possible options: It creates a useful indicator that allows scientists to track the insertion in the lab."
Quay and Muller explain that the double CGG sequence has never been found naturally in the entire group of coronaviruses, which includes SARS-CoV-2. The two write:
"Proponents of a zoonotic origin need to explain why, when the novel coronavirus mutated or recombined, it happened to choose its least popular combination, the double CGG. Why did it repeat the choice that the lab's gain-of-function researchers would have made? At the very least, this fact – that the coronavirus, with all its random choices, took the rare and unnatural combination used by human researchers – implies that the leading theory about the origin of the coronavirus must be a laboratory outbreak."
「支援人畜共患病起源的人需要解釋,為什麼當新型冠狀病毒發生突變或重組時,它碰巧選擇了它最不受歡迎的組合,即雙CGG。為什麼它重複了實驗室的功能獲得研究人員會做出的選擇?至少,這個事實 —— 冠狀病毒在所有的隨機選擇中,採取了人類研究人員使用的罕見的非自然組合 —— 意味著關於冠狀病毒起源的主要理論必須是實驗室發生的。」
The second piece of evidence is even more conclusive, according to the two scientists:
According to Quay and Muller, the second and 'most compelling' piece of evidence beyond the signs of gain-of-function research is "the drastic differences in genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 compared to the coronaviruses responsible for SARS and MERS." SARS and MERS, whose natural origin was confirmed, "evolved rapidly as they spread through the human population until the most infectious forms dominated", the scientists write. In contrast, COVID-19 proved highly contagious from the time it was first discovered. Quay and Muller continue:
"Such early optimisation is unprecedented and suggests a long period of adaptation preceding its public dissemination. Science knows of only one way this could be achieved: A simulated natural evolution, where the virus is bred on human cells until the optimum is reached. That is exactly what is being done in gain-of-function research."
These two points have led Quay and Muller to conclude that the likelihood that COVID-19 evolved from human beings must be considered the leading theory.
That confirms your statement.
I cannot say it any better than that. – It confirms your statement, which you have mentioned several times since you spoke about it. I remember that well.
It is also not long ago that I spoke of it repeatedly. And it is to be said that everything would have been prevented if there had been capable people in government instead of ineffectual puppets who do not know what to do when an epidemic breaks out, like the Corona epidemic that is rampant all over the world. Instead of a complete lockdown, which must also include a strict ban on flights and travel of all kinds, everything was handled laxly, allowing the disease to spread and cause millions of deaths. Of course, I realise that such a total lockdown would have brought all life and the economy to a standstill, etc., but it could have been prevented from spreading worldwide. Of course, I know that many will now stand up, shout and argue that this would have been impossible for such and such reasons, but these are really only flimsy, because only the money and the profit are seen. That is the crux of the earthling's existence, where human lives count for nothing. Only very few human beings think about life itself in such a situation, in a time of epidemics, because only money and profit count. And this despite the fact that it would be possible to nip an epidemic in the bud if correct action were taken. But that would require capable popular leaders in governments to ply their trade, just as contrarians and other unrealists would have to be silenced and eliminated for the duration of the ongoing measures.
That would indeed be necessary, and in our case such necessity would unquestionably be the solution that a disease would die before it could begin to spread. But now the time is advanced. We must go again.
Achim will beam me some more articles that are interesting regarding the Corona plague. I would like to show them to you, because there will certainly be some that are worth publishing.
You can decide for yourself and publish them as you see fit.
Good, I will do that. – It will therefore be permissible if I attach them to this report of the conversation, won't it?
There is no objection to that, because I think you need some time to retrieve and write down our conversation anyway. The way you have to work, this is unbelievable, if we had not seen it ourselves, then ….
Yeah, it is unbelievable.
This is the way it is, maybe it will change. But now you have to go, and I think I will get this report in before Ptaah comes back. Anyway, I will not take another one in until he comes.
We are not going to talk about anything important when we get back here, either. But now we really must go. Goodbye, dear father-friend. goodbye.
Then goodbye too, see you again soon, then we will have more time to talk, because we will come back when we have our free time and are not tied down like today. It was inconvenient anyway, because I actually still had some questions that have been bothering me for quite a while, which I actually wanted to bring up today, but for which there is not enough time now. So I will say goodbye to you too – see you again soon.
那麼也說再見了,很快就會再見面,然後我們會有更多的時間來談,因為我們會在有空閒的時候再來,不會像今天這樣匆匆忙忙。總之很不方便,因為我其實還有一些問題困擾了我很久的問題想提出來,但現在時間不夠了。所以我也要跟你說再見了 —— 很快就會再見到你。
Goodbye – both of you. Take care together.
再見 —— 妳們倆都是。一起照顧好自己。
I have received the following articles from Achim Wolf, among others, which I do not find relevant enough to follow this conversation. But as far as the following articles are concerned – which I received before or after the contact report – I think they are valuable and informative enough to be published on the internet. However, I – as well as the Plejaren – will not take any position on this, consequently we will not make any kind of recommendation as to whether someone should be vaccinated or not, because that is solely up to the will of each individual human being, because everyone is responsible for himself, his health and for his neighbours and his environment and must therefore decide for himself in each case on the pros and cons.
我收到了Achim Wolf等人的以下文章,我覺得這些文章與這次談話沒有什麼關係。但就以下文章而言 —— 我在接觸報告之前或之後收到的 —— 我認為它們很有價值,內容豐富,足以在互聯網上發表。然而,我 —— 以及Plejaren —— 不會對此採取任何立場,因此我們不會對某人是否應該接種疫苗提出任何建議,因為這完全取決於每個人的意願,因為每個人都要對自己本身、對自己的健康、對自己的鄰居和環境負責,因此必須在每個案例中自行決定利弊。
Ethics Council Chair Buyx:
That's why you still have to fire from all guns,
as far as vaccination is concerned (Part 1)
17. 08. 2021 – Henry Mattheß
2021年8月17日 - Henry Mattheß
Many representatives of the political-media elite are conspicuous for their excessive self-assurance and vehemence on the subject of Corona. At the same time, they impress with contradictions in thinking, large blind spots in vaccination and ignorance of international findings. The chairperson of the German Ethics Council, Prof. Dr. Alena Buyx, provided a vivid example in an NDR podcast on dealing with vaccination rejectionists.
許多政治媒體精英的代表在冠狀病毒問題上表現出過度的自信和激進。同時,他們給人的印象是思維上的矛盾,在疫苗接種上有很大的盲點和對國際研究結果的無知。德國倫理委員會主席Alena Buyx教授在NDR播客(podcast)中提供了一個關於處理疫苗接種反對者的生動例子。
Buyx is martial in the NDR interview on 12 August:
"At the moment we are in a transitional phase (of the vaccination campaign). And that's why you still have to fire from all guns as far as vaccination is concerned."
With this, she wants to promote vaccination campaigns that need to be intensified further. All pipes are directed at those who have not yet been vaccinated and how to deal with them. Because now that vaccines are freely available, refusal to vaccinate is…
"…increasingly a question of personal choice and thus of personal responsibility. And this is where these arguments are derived, that people say: Watch out, if you really do not get vaccinated now, not because it's not possible, or because you do not have any information or can't, but because you say: Nope, I will not! you are ultimately deciding on your own responsibility against your own protection, against the protection of the human beings around you, and you are also deciding to contribute to the pandemic going even further."
「... 越來越成為一個個人選擇的問題,因此也是個人責任的問題。而這正是這些論點的來源,人們說:小心,如果你現在真的不接種疫苗,不是因為它不可能,也不是因為你沒有任何資訊或不能,而是因為你說:不,我不會!你最終是以你自己的責任決定了對你自己的保護,對你周圍的人的保護,你也決定了對大流行病的進一步發展作出貢獻。」
The fact that the 'personal responsibility' of many millions of not particularly endangered and healthy human beings is not directed against their own protection but, on the contrary, precisely towards the protection of their own health against possible harmful side effects and late effects of only conditionally approved and rapidly developed novel genetic injections does not seem to be a legitimate consideration for Buyx.
She goes on to assess the motivations of a vaccine refusal as follows:
"If it is done out of a vaccination-refusing attitude, then the arguments of personal responsibility and equal treatment do indeed clash. That is a genuine ethical conflict. Because then it is something that I decide on the basis of personal convictions, and thus I place myself outside the community of solidarity. And I can't then demand that the solidarity community continues to finance that [corona testing] for me." It is Buyx who verbally throws human beings who do not (yet) get vaccinated out of the solidarity community on moral rather than ethical grounds. Human beings who make an individual assessment of health risks do not place themselves outside the solidarity community by doing so.
Rather, Buyx's ethical evaluations move outside the legal framework of the Basic Law with its constitutional principle of unconditional equal treatment of all citizens. This may only be restricted with regard to freedom of movement and social participation for infectious, dangerously ill(!) people or within the framework of the penal system. Internationally, in many places, compulsory vaccination certificates are judged according to different ethical and legal standards than in Germany and the demand for vaccination certificates is forbidden. Like many others, the chairperson of the Ethics Council also uses manipulative language. The words vaccination offer and vaccination refuser do not fit together linguistically. An offer cannot be refused, but at most rejected, because it is based on voluntariness. Only a duty can be refused, because it always involves some kind of compulsion. Nevertheless, there is constant talk of an 'offer' and its 'refusers'.
反而Buyx的道德評估是在《基本法》(Basic Law)的法律框架之外進行的,其憲法原則是無條件地平等對待所有公民。這可能只在傳染病人、危險病人(!)的行動自由和社會參與方面,或者在刑事系統的框架內受到限制。在國際上許多地方,強制性的疫苗接種證書是按照與德國不同的道德和法律標準來判斷的,並且禁止要求提供疫苗接種證書。與其他許多人一樣,倫理委員會主席也使用了操縱性語言。疫苗接種提議和疫苗接種拒絕這兩個用詞在語言學上並不相稱。提議不是被拒絕,最多只是排斥,因為它是基於自願的。只有義務可以被拒絕,因為它總是涉及到某種強迫性。然而,人們一直在談論“提議”和“拒絕”的問題。
The word 'vaccination refusal' is not only absent from the language used by those seeking vaccination, but presumably also from their thinking. A refusal of a Corona vaccination is not foreseen in their world view because they cannot imagine a rational reason for it. At the same time, the risk of late health effects is obviously not excludable and also not assessable, which is shown in particular by the fact that the vaccine manufacturers have explicitly let themselves be exempted from liability for such damages by the state in secret contracts.
Possible late effects of vaccination are a major blind spot of vaccine advertisers. It is passed over with rhetorical tricks like persuasion or lies. Buyx makes it sound like this in the podcast:
"Vaccination has been given 4.3 billion times worldwide – we know all about safety."
「全世界已經進行了43億次的疫苗接種 —— 我們知道所有的安全問題。」
And Daniel Günther (CDU), Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein announced on 10 August:
而石勒蘇益格-荷爾斯泰因(Schleswig-Holstein)州的部長主席Daniel Günther(CDU;基民盟)在8月10日宣佈:
"I want to explicitly[!] point out again that all clinical studies and also all empirical values from the vaccinations of millions of human beings also clearly show that we have safe and reliable vaccines and that nobody has to worry…"
Just two of the countless variations of the political-media mantra of 'safe and effective' Corona vaccines that come close to justiciable fraudulent misrepresentation. No matter how many billions of doses of genetic engineering have already been injected, they cannot replace the lack of long-term studies lasting several years or undo the alarmingly high number of negative effects of vaccination that have already occurred. This seems to be possible only in the thinking and argumentation of vaccination campaigners and an ethics council chairperson.
That Buyx's logical weakness is not just a possible slip of the tongue is shown by another statement that mixes up categories that do not go together:
"But vaccination is much cheaper overall, of course, than constant testing… And that's why you then have to realise at some point that you are making an individual decision that may have certain consequences."
「但是,從整體上看,接種疫苗當然要比不斷的測試便宜得多... 這就是為什麼你必須在某些時候意識到,你正在做一個可能會產生某些後果的個人決定。」
Vaccination is a medical category, above which, first and foremost, stands the medical principle of not harming healthy human beings. According to which logic the proven medical ethicist Prof. Dr. Buyx seriously turns economic cost considerations against the unvaccinated against this is a mystery and irritating.
Perhaps this 'logic' stems from the quasi-religious expectation of a herd immunity brought about by genetic vaccines to end the 'pandemic'. Although Buyx is informed in the interview about infected vaccinated people, at least in the UK, who oppose this expectation of salvation, this fact does not seem to affect her ethical justifications for unequal treatment of vaccinated and non-vaccinated people.
However, when considering further international data from Israel, Malta, Chile, Gibraltar, Denmark, the Netherlands, Bahrain, Iceland and others, this would be compelling. These countries with high vaccination rates show that the gene injections used can neither prevent a wave of infection, nor severe courses of disease, nor also death of vaccinated persons through covid. These only ever hoped-for benefits were never the subject of investigation in the extremely abbreviated manufacturer studies, which has already been known since September 2020.
The fact that there are nevertheless large waves of infections in countries with very high vaccination rates is the second blind spot of the vaccination advertisers, which they ignore by omission or false claims. Or they only report from Germany, not without talking down the problem of infected vaccinated people with the help of experts and acting as if this risk had been communicated from the beginning and was now to be expected. In Germany, many media, ethics councils and politicians are still spreading the fairy tale that the 'pandemic' can only be ended by vaccinating everyone.
Representing the majority of the journalistic guild, the NDR presenter also shines with ignorance. At least he does not confront Buyx's ethical considerations with the international reality of vaccination. All that would have been needed for that is a question about recent communications from epidemiologists in Iceland:
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Iceland (93% of the population aged 16 and over is vaccinated) is experiencing its biggest Covid 19 wave yet. At this stage, I think it is unreasonable to assume that increased vaccination coverage will lead to herd immunity." (Elias Eythorsson on 7.8.2021 on Twitter) In complete contrast to these international reports, German politicians continue to push massively for the vaccination of children and juveniles as well, with windy statements that lack any logic or sense, in order to achieve herd immunity in this way: Vaccination as an end in itself. Prof. Dr. Buyx, chairman of the Ethics Council, is in a prominent position.
「我不想成為壞消息的傳播者,但冰島(16歲及以上人口的93%都接種了疫苗)正在經歷其最大的Covid 19浪潮。在這個階段,我認為假設增加疫苗接種覆蓋率會導致群體免疫是不合理的」。(Elias Eythorsson於2021年8月7日發表在Twitter上)與這些國際報告完全相反,德國政客繼續大規模推動兒童和青少年的疫苗接種,用缺乏任何邏輯和意義的籠統言論,以這種方式來實現群體免疫:疫苗接種本身就是一種目的。倫理委員會主席Buyx教授醫師處於一個顯眼的位置。
In my 79 years I have never experienced so much pain
在我這輩子的79年裡,從來沒有經歷過如此多的痛苦, 18th August, 2021, 2021年8月18日 Immediately after her second Moderna injection, award-winning actress Sally Kirkland knew something was wrong – five months later she is still in almost constant pain.在第二次注射Moderna後,獲獎女演員莎莉.柯蘭(Sally Kirkland)立即知道出了問題 —— 五個月後,她仍然處於幾乎持續的疼痛中。
Sally Kirkland has been acting since she was 17 and has appeared in more than 250 films. But she did not sign up for the role she's playing now – an advocate speaking out against COVID vaccination.
莎莉.柯蘭從17歲起就開始演戲,已經出演了250多部電影。但她並沒有報名參加她現在所扮演的角色 —— 一個反對COVID疫苗接種的宣導者。
On the latest episode of 'The People's Wills', Kirkland told Polly Tommey: "Knowing my own name, I would advise you not to get vaccinated."
在最新一期《人民的名義》(The People's Wills)節目中,柯蘭告訴Polly Tommey:「我知道自己的名字,我建議你不要接種疫苗。」
Kirkland did get vaccinated. After seeing what a friend who had contracted the virus went through, she had both doses of the Moderna vaccine administered.
Her friend recovered – but five months after her second Moderna vaccination, Kirkland is still in constant pain.
她的朋友康復了 —— 但在她第二次接種Moderna疫苗五個月後,柯蘭仍然處於持續的痛苦之中。
Kirkland, 79, said she was healthy before she got vaccinated. But almost immediately after the second shot, she began experiencing unbearable headaches, dizziness, nausea and joint pain.
Kirkland said some doctors refused to blame the vaccine for her symptoms, despite the timing of them. But others did not – including three doctors who told her the vaccine had attacked the nerve in her brain, causing dizziness, vertigo and joint pain throughout her body.
柯蘭說,一些醫生拒絕將她的症狀歸咎於疫苗,儘管出現這些症狀的時間關聯。但其他醫生沒有這樣做 —— 包括三位醫生告訴她,疫苗攻擊了她的大腦神經,導致她的頭暈、眩暈和全身關節疼痛。
Once, alone and late at night, the dizziness caused Kirkland to fall, breaking a toe and spraining her ankle.
Kirkland said she also has 'terrible heart pain' that makes her feel like she is having a heart attack. Today, Kirkland takes several medications for pain, nausea and dizziness and applies alternating moist heat packs and ice to her joints. Nevertheless, she continues to work because she needs to make a living.
Recently, Kirkland had to be taken to hospital while on an acting job in New Orleans, where a doctor told her, "You are not the first person. We have had other people get the Moderna vaccine that attacked the nerve in their brain and caused all these symptoms."
最近,柯蘭在紐奧爾良(New Orleans)進行表演工作時不得不被送往醫院,醫生告訴她:「你不是第一個人。我們已經有其他人接種了Moderna疫苗後,也被攻擊了他們的大腦神經並導致了所有這些症狀。」
Watch the interview here: (Note: See
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