Contact Report 774/第774次接觸報告
英譯版本:2021年8月30日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin, Scott Baxter
中譯版本:2021年9月12日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Greetings, my dear friends, the time is long since you were away, Ptaah. But be welcome as usual. Also you, Quetzal, you are here quite often, but be welcome also. I am really glad that you are here. Greetings to both of you.
Thank you for your greeting and welcome. But why is Jacobus not on his way to the post office? Yesterday evening was the packing of the writings, which are to be taken to the post office this morning. Why is that not done yet, because that delays the onward shipment?
Unfortunately, it's not taken that closely.
But it would have to be taken carefully, because it is an obligation, and this takes precedence over any other.
It takes precedence over understanding, unfortunately.
I am aware of that, but it still has to be said. Even if nothing is learnt from it.
That is unfortunately the case, I also know that. Yes, the time was really long, considering my absence. But I have been back for 16 days, but I did not have time to come back. A lot has happened in the meantime. But greetings to you too, dear friend. My absence has also been long, for I have missed your presence and conversation with you. It has become very strange to me in all the time I have been away, for never in my life has the same thing happened to me. By that I mean in terms of the conversations we had privately that I missed. In fact, I felt somehow lost, because I missed our conversations and our dealings with each other so much that I constantly felt the need to interrupt my stay at the teaching and visit you to have a conversation with you. I would never have imagined that our friendship would have such a profound effect on me that I would find it difficult to get through the time without our deep private conversations. It has become very strange to me, I must admit. The things you told me, the things that have happened in your life, which are very different from what you have been accused of by the authorities since your juveniles, as the entries in your 'Book of the Nations' prove to the contrary, have never left my thoughts all this time, because they have given me a lot to think about.
遺憾的是,情況就是這樣,我也知道。是的,考慮到我離開的時間確實很長。雖然我已經回來16天了,但我沒有時間過來。在這段期間發生了很多事情。但仍要向你問好,親愛的朋友。離開對我來說真的變得很漫長,因為我很想念與你相處的時間和與你的交談。在我離開的這段時間裡,這對我來說變得非常奇怪,因為在我的生活中從未發生過這樣的事情。我的意思是我錯過了我們私下談話的機會。事實上,我感到莫名其妙的失落,因為我非常想念我們的談話和我們之間的交往,以至於我不斷感到有必要打斷我在學習中的逗留而來探望你,以便與你進行交談。我從未想過我們的友誼會對我產生如此深刻的影響,以至於我發現沒有我們深入的私下交談就難以度過這段時間。我必須承認,這對我來說已經變得非常奇怪。只是你告訴我的事情,你生活中發生的事情,與你年輕時就被當局指控的事情大相徑庭,你的“多國建議書”(Book of the Nations)中的記錄項目恰恰證明了這一切,這些事情一直以來都沒有離開我的腦海,因為它讓我思考到很多事情。
I can sympathise with you, to be honest. Actually, I am not in the habit of talking about it much, but since you are talking about it, I have to admit that it took me a lot to digest it mentally. I think it was only normal that my thoughts were the same as yours. But today I have forgotten it, because it is over, so it no longer weighs on me. Also that concerning the slander of my daughter Gilgamesha and that of my son Methusalem working against me, which obviously goes back to the hatred of my ex-wife, who got involved with enemies against me, who formerly pretended to be my friends, but who for some reason – which probably need not be named in the case of my ex – chose to lie, fantasise and slander. This, although they themselves were present as sight-witnesses when contacts with you Plejaren took place. Even my ex, who allegedly met you personally in the parlour, about which she wrote an Aquarian article with Christina, denies this today and claims that it was all just an 'imagination'. This is what she does with all the experiences she has had as a witness, where other witnesses were also present. She even claims this worldwide on the internet without blushing – and those who are not capable of thinking for themselves believe her.
說實話,我很同情你。其實,我不習慣多談,但既然你談到這些,我不得不承認,我也花了很多時間在心神上去淡化它。我認為我的想法和你一樣,這很正常。但如今我已經淡忘了,因為它已經是過去的事,所以它不再困擾我了。另外,關於對我女兒Gilgamesha和對我兒子Methusalem的誹謗,這顯然要追溯到我前妻對我的仇恨,他們與反對我的敵人扯上了關係,他們以前假裝是我的朋友,但由於某種原因 —— 在我前妻的情況下可能不需要說出這種原因 —— 選擇撒謊、幻想和誹謗。儘管他們自己在與你們Plejaren接觸時是現場目擊者。即使是我的前妻,據說她在客廳裡親眼見過你,她和Christina寫了一篇水瓶座(Aquarian)的文章,但如今卻也否認了那些事,並聲稱那一切只是一些“想像”的結果。這就是她作為證人所經歷的一切,當時其他證人也在場。她甚至在互聯網上也是這樣的說詞,毫不知羞恥 —— 而那些沒有獨立思考能力的人卻相信了她。
We need to talk more about this, but as usual we will do so without our conversation being retrieved and written down by you later.
Yes, as usual it is sufficient that it is simply recorded by you, no matter how private it is.
Yes, that is so.
Excuse me, but I have something else that we, Ptaah and I, have been discussing regarding the order around your buildings because things are coming up that are against our orders and your overall group decisions of 1978. Ptaah will speak about this because it is a necessity. For my part, I only come here to look around the premises because I want to see what work remains to be done in terms of security on your part and on the part of the members. It will be that I will come by again later to explain to you what will still need to be done, also in terms of planting.
That's where things are lacking, unfortunately, because since I have not done anything to the garden and the greenhouse, it's not like everything is growing the way it should be.
You have been a good gardener and you should pass on your knowledge.
You might be right. I was complained to days ago that, for example, the tomatoes in the greenhouse are rotting from the ground. I know the reason for that – probably – but I should perhaps really say how to 'treat' tomatoes, etc. But I am afraid that people want to know better, so it is probably better to keep quiet.
你可能是對的。幾天前有人向我抱怨說,例如,溫室裡的番茄在地上爛掉了。我知道其中的原因 —— 可能是 —— 但我也許真的應該說說如何“處理”番茄等。但我擔心人們想知道得更多,所以可能最好保持沉默。
You should not do that, keep silent, I mean. But I have to go now, so see you later.
OK. – And if I may come back to what you said earlier, Ptaah, it remains the case that everything really remains private and no one has insight or overhearing into what is being talked about in private. Apart from the person involved in the conversation, no one knows anything about what is being said. I think that's good, because in this way no one knows what has been said to one person or another, so everything remains under the cloak of secrecy. Only if one or the other of them passes on something, then something of what was said becomes known. I think that's good, because it prevents the content of the conversation from being insulted and distorted, like when someone says something about someone else that the other person is not supposed to hear. Because every word that we say is recorded electronically or something like that, it still remains secret, so to speak, as long as one of the persons involved openly or secretly reveals something about it.
好的。 —— 如果我可以回到你之前的話題,Ptaah,現在的情況是,所有的事情都是私下進行的,沒有人可以察覺或偷聽到我們私下談論的事情。除了參與談話的人之外,沒有人知道我們正在說什麼。我認為這很好,因為在這種方式下,沒有人知道對一個人或另一個人說了什麼,所以一切都是保密的。只有當他們中的一個人或另一個人說出了什麼,那麼所說的內容才會被其他人知道。我認為這很好,因為它可以防止談話內容出現抱怨或歪曲,就像有人說了別人的壞話,而對方是不應該聽到的。因為我們說的每一句話都有電子記錄或類似的東西,直到其中一個人公開或秘密地透露一些情況之前,它都是保密的,可以這麼說。
That was good that you said something about it once, because our conversations are actually treated in this way, which would also be of necessity with Earth human beings and could avoid much strife and mischief.
Tell me about it. – It is absolutely clear to me that many earthlings smile maliciously at others behind their backs, and that not infrequently something that has been said still gets out, as a result of which there is then bad blood and quarrelling. This is especially the case when the person in question hears something that was directed against him. It is enough for this reaction in earthlings that they act aggressively against those who accuse them of something or simply point out what they are doing wrong or have said something that should remain secret. The reaction is then practically automatically that, when the opportunity arises, the unjustified counter-attack is immediately taken and the person who has just not done something correct and therefore wrong, attacks the other or others and calls them to supposed 'account'.
告訴我吧。 —— 我絕對清楚,許多地球人在背後對別人惡意竊笑,而且經常有一些說過的話被傳出去了,結果就出現了流血和衝突事件。特別是當當事人聽到針對他自己的事情時,情況更是如此。對於地球人的這種反應,他們對那些指責他們的人或只是指出他們做錯了什麼,或說了一些本應保密的話,這就夠了。然後,這種反應實際上是自發性的,當機會出現時,立即採取無理的反擊,剛剛做錯事的人,攻擊了對方或其他人,並要求他們進行所謂的“交代”。
It was the same with our peoples in the past. The human beings, as a result of their advanced knowledge, knew very well that they were thus acting unjustly and wrongly, but their confused and false conception of self-worth made them generate misleading false feelings, out of which they reacted completely wrongly and accusingly attacked those who pointed out their wrongdoing to them. Human beings only changed this when they came under the influence of the sphere you know and aligned themselves with its teachings, which, on the other hand, led many to suicide who were unable to cope with the whole of the teachings.
I was aware that many suicides were the result, and also that the reasons for them were manifold, but how these were individual is beyond my knowledge. What interests me, however, is your long absence, during which a lot happened. While it is not my way to ask you or any of you about what was the reason for your absence, you have promised me that you will give me more details when you will be back.
That is correct, and it concerns our security, which we have always maintained. The latest technology has come up in such a way that it became necessary to have a learning session which lasted for a long time and which I could not skip. It also included security against the aliens who work on Earth, but whom we avoid because our directives forbid a connection with them for certain security reasons. This should also have been the case if ….
I understand that completely, but I am always amazed that Sfath was still able to maintain contact with one Earthling or another without the aliens noticing. This was also the case when we were in the past, as with the giants – it was probably in present-day Georgia and Ecuador and other places – as well as with the lesser earthlings in normal time in Indonesia. Semjase also did this with 2 or even 3 earthlings, also with others, so also with Jechieli and I together it happened in the same way, and it was just as unnoticed by the strangers as they are not able to detect our contacts, at least not so far.
這我完全能理解,但我一直很驚訝,Sfath仍然能夠在其他外星人沒有注意的情況下與一個或其他另一個地球人保持接觸。當我們在過去的時候也是這樣,就像與巨人族接觸的情況一樣 —— 可能是在目前的喬治亞(Georgia;又譯為格魯吉亞)和厄瓜多(Ecuador)和其他地方 —— 以及平時在印尼與較矮小的地球人接觸。Semjase也和2個甚至3個地球人以這種方式接觸,也和其他人這樣做過,所以我和Jechieli也是以同樣的方式進行的,而且也沒有被其他外星人注意到,因為他們無法發現我們的接觸,至少到目前為止還沒有。
It will also remain so, for their technology is very far behind ours, which we share with the Sonaern in this respect.
Aha, so still primitive, as we would say. But I have a question anyway: What do you actually think about these Sonaern? For my part, I only know Yanarara.
They are from our lineage that goes back millions of years.
Oh, so it is more than friends then, as Semjase – or was it you – once said. But that answer is enough for me. What is still not clear to me, however, is that this refers to the foreigners. These are unable to locate you even when you are with me or when I am walking around with you?
哦,那麼就不僅僅是朋友了,就像Semjase —— 或者是你 —— 曾經說過的那樣。但這個答案對我來說已經足夠了。然而,我仍然不清楚的是,這與那些外星人(foreigners)有關。他們無法察覺到你們,即使你們和我在一起或我和你們一起走動時也是如此嗎?
No, they cannot, even if they were standing right in front of us. We are …
Then how come my ex saw you in the parlour? How did it happen that Elsi was able to see Quetzal in my office one time, and how did it happen that Silvano was able to take the photos of Quetzal on the Centre staircase?
That was our carelessness because we thought we were safe from observation. And with your wife at the time, I am not sure if she really saw me when I was looking for you in the house, or if she just saw me as a shadow and embellished everything.
I can imagine. But what happened to Engelbert and Quetzal at the contact in the area of the Säckler?
That was effectively a carelessness on Quetzal's part as well.
Then you must be even more careful, also towards the earthlings.
We have learned that by now, because we were really too careless towards the Earth human beings, but not towards the foreigners, which has now increased, because we have new security measures, but I cannot openly mention them.
Then I will not openly ask about it any further in that regard.
Florena told me that you suffered a stroke on Monday the 14th of June 2021, but that you only went to the hospital the other day through Eva's initiative?
That is so, yes. It was a stick in my craw as it was, because you know how much I like going to the doctor.
But it would have been necessary, because a stroke is not harmless. The way you managed to be spared bad things, I would like to say you are lucky.
My speech is a problem, because I cannot speak quickly anymore. I think it's going to take me a long time to get that under control again – if ever.
我的說話方面出了點問題,因為我不能再快速說話了。我想我要花很長時間才能再次控制住這個問題 —— 如果有解決方法的話。
We will talk about that later.
I guess we can, but there are other things coming up that should also be discussed, like no more parking next to the garage and next to the gas houses and so on. Either the silo square or the large car park near the biotope should be used in future. Indeed, telephonic complaints came, consequently the necessary order was issued.
This is also correct, because the road is public land and the vehicles are to be parked in their specific places, which are suitable for this purpose. This was so ordered as far back as 1977, but so far it has not been complied with and must finally be enforced. Other vehicles, such as trailers, etc., are also not to be parked around the house premises, but are to be parked in their place in the parking spaces provided for them. This also applies to trailers containing tools etc., such as the yellow and silver metal ones, which must be removed immediately, as it is not acceptable for trailers to be stored around the buildings. This was already regulated in 1977, and everyone has to abide by it. Other regulations cannot apply, because they mean a safety risk, and this must be eliminated, and immediately, because safety comes first under all circumstances – no room can be given to convenience either. It is not only about the safety around you, but also about the safety of all, which is related to the fact that no vehicles and other things are accumulated around the buildings. This was already decided by the whole group in 1978, and this is for all time – that was the decision at our request. This should definitely be observed, and it applies to everyone, not only to individuals and not only for a short time, but for all time, as was decided. So it applies not only to heavy and light work machines, but also to light trailers and all material and the like, for which an extra and separate storage place has been reserved underneath the buildings in front of the equipment trucks and at the front storage place. So all persons should abide by this rule, no matter who it is and what reasons are given against it, because the same right applies to all, not only to individuals. This should be put right immediately and respected in the future, because all material and all vehicles – except for cars, which have their traditional parking spaces – belong in their place outside the building areas, and for this there are the rules of order on the one hand and our justified justifications on the other, which contain aspects that are vital for the future.
這也是應該的,因為這條路是公共用地,車輛應停放在其適合的特殊地方。早在1977年就有這樣的規定,但至今仍沒有遵守去做,最後必須要強制執行。其他車輛,如拖車等,也不得在房屋周圍停放,而應停放在指定的停車位上,各就各位。這也適用於裝有工具等的拖車,如黃色和銀色的金屬拖車,必須立即挪開,因為拖車停放在建築物周圍是不允許的。這在1977年已經有規定,每個人都必須遵守。至於其他的法規都不適用,因為它們都構成了安全上的風險,必須立即消除這種狀況,因為在任何情況下,安全都是第一的 —— 不能給方便留有任何餘地。這不僅關係到你周圍的安全,也關係到所有人的安全,這件事與建築物周圍不得堆放車輛和其他的東西有關。這是1978年整個小組已經決定的,這是永遠有效的 —— 這是應我們的要求作出的決定。這一點絕對應該被每個人遵守,不僅適用於個人,也不只是在短時間內,而是如所決定的那樣,在所有時間內有效。因此,它不僅適用於重型和輕型工作機械,也適用於輕型拖車和所有器具等,為此,在設備卡車前面的建築物下面和前面的儲存場所已經預留了一個額外和單獨的存儲空間。因此,所有的人都應該遵守這一規則,不管是誰,不管有什麼理由反對,因為同樣的正當要求適用於所有人,而不僅僅是個人。這一點應該立即得到糾正,並在未來得到尊重,因為所有的器具和所有的車輛 —— 有指定停車位的車輛除外 —— 都屬於建築區外的地方,這些,一方面有關乎秩序與規定,另一方面有我們合理的理由,其中包含對未來至關重要的方面。
Of course, your words are clear.
So then, action is taken according to that – without exception, as that was decided. Every decision is valid in its correctness. A short term exception, which shall not be longer than 3-4 weeks, shall not and must not become a habit, as has been decided, consequently all material and vehicles attached to tractors and transported, as well as material accumulated on the walls of buildings, must be removed immediately and taken to their original designated place.
那麼,就按照這個來執行 —— 沒有例外,因為那是已經決定好的。每個決定都是正確且有效的。短期的例外情況,不得超過3至 4星期,也不能成為一種習慣,正如已經決定的那樣,因此,所有放置在拖拉機上和運輸的機具和車輛,以及堆積在建築物牆壁上的材料,都必須立即清除,並移到原來指定的地方。
Is clear.
Safety first, despite the surveillance system that Quetzal has ordered. Any materials of any kind attached to pending and discussed trailers, as well as to the walls of buildings and behind the Russian caravan at the rest area, constitute firstly a security risk and secondly they obstruct the rest areas. All of the material is to be removed immediately and without fail, taking care to comply with the overall group decision and our advice and order. We have wisely given this in an advisory capacity, and we insist that this advice be followed in full, and without the need to specifically refer to it again – and before the foreseeable happens, which can really be avoided if acted upon correctly.
儘管Quetzal已下令建立監控系統,但還是考量到安全第一。任何放置在待處理和討論過的拖車上,以及堆放在建築物牆壁邊上和休息區俄羅斯休旅房車(Russian caravan)後面的任何器具,首先就構成了安全上的風險,其次它們阻礙了休息設施的使用。所有這些材料都要立即且絕對地清除,注意遵守小組的整體決定和我們的建議和規定。我們明確給出了這個建議,我們堅持這個建議要完全遵守,而且不必再特別提醒 —— 在可預見的事情發生之前,如果正確執行,確實可以避免。
It is clear, we will act accordingly. Besides, we know that trailers and materials etc. provide a good hiding place for shooters and other bad guys who want to do bad. So it is clearly arrived in my mind.
Security obstacles must be avoided, as well as sources of danger that can at best endanger the residents of the centre and strangers. It is good that we have largely clarified the most important things, because Earth human beings have a tendency not to think far enough into the future, consequently they cannot guess what it will bring them and what dangers lie in wait for them that they do not think of in their short way of thinking. This is also what happened when the shot was fired that only missed Daniel's head because the bullet bounced off a small shrub and was misdirected. A small calibre shot that was actually meant for you and whose shooter was hidden behind the trailer at the time, which at that time was not yet underneath the shoring but free-standing. The way we see the whole thing, Daniel did not realise the danger he was in.
We also thought that. Andreas then built the shelter and put the trailer under roof.
I am aware of that; all the more it should be understood that trailers should not stand around buildings, but in their proper parking places. And besides, you should also …
I am sure Florena told you that. You must be talking about the fact that they tried to blow out my life light again?
Yes, that's what I am talking about.
It was just luck. – Jacobus and I, we were talking in front of the gas house, when I saw a man on the edge of the forest, near the campsite, which I also told Jacobus. At the same time, we saw a woman on the path below, behind the silos, talking to someone who was obviously the man at the edge of the forest. Shortly afterwards, I took a few steps towards the swing while Jacobus was heading for the garage, when a shot rang out from the footpath and I felt its impact on the left side of my chest, where I had just before put a half-full ginger ale bottle in my breast pocket. Of course I knew immediately what had happened, because the bullet could only have hit the ginger ale bottle, consequently I quickly ran back to the gas hut and to Jacobus, who had already walked about 4 or 5 metres away. Together we quickly went back to the swing and looked up the footpath, but of course there was no one to be seen. Then days later Michael found a long cartridge, empty of course. Here – this is the bottle, I am supposed to give this back to Bernadette. But the attack was months ago.
這次只是走運。 —— Jacobus和我,我們在瓦斯房前談話,當時我在森林邊看到一個男人,就在露營地區附近,我也告訴了Jacobus。同時,我們在下面的小路上看到一個女人,在塔狀穀倉後面和一個人說話,這個人顯然就是在森林邊的那個男人。不久之後,我向鞦韆走了幾步,而Jacobus則向車庫走去,這時從人行道上響起了一聲槍響,我感到槍聲打在我的左胸上,之前我剛把一個半滿的薑汁酒瓶放在胸前的口袋裡。當然,我馬上就知道發生了什麼,因為子彈只可能擊中薑汁瓶,因此我迅速跑回瓦斯房,找到Jacobus,他已經走了大約4、5公尺遠。我們一起迅速回到鞦韆旁,沿著人行道往上看,當然沒有看到人。然後幾天後,Michael發現了一個長長的彈夾,當然是空的。這裡 —— 這是瓶子,我應該把這個還給Bernadette。但這次槍擊是在幾個月前的事。
The bottle that Billy carried in his breast pocket when the attack occurred on the 10th of May, 2021 and from which the projectile was deflected.
We will talk about that later too, now is not the time, because I have to leave again soon, because I have to do my duty, which I cannot postpone. Besides, Quetzal still wants to talk to you.
That's what he said. But one more thing: Already at the beginning of 2021 you spoke about the fraud with the Corona vaccinations, you said that there were tens of thousands of cases. I also said something about this at the 772nd contact on the 30th of July, when Florena and Bermunda were here. Today I also heard about it on the morning news. Apparently you can talk about it openly now and do not have to regurgitate the truth. The fact that you were talking at the time about the tens of thousands of bogus vaccinations with distilled water and with saline solutions being injected, where tens of thousands were bamboozled, the question arose as to whether this was happening worldwide or was it only Europe that was affected?
It was worldwide and it is still happening, just as false test results are being produced. Besides, it is not only tens of thousands, but the whole thing has risen into the millions, consequently the exact number has not yet been ascertained by us.
But it's all about money. So it's about profit. – And which companies or corporations are behind it
但這都是為了錢。所以它是與利潤有關。 —— 哪些公司或企業在背後支持它呢?
Knowing that would be more than life-threatening for you. It's enough to know that you have been more than lucky for the 24th time. But now I must go, because my duty calls me. It is really…
Just this: the other day I was kneeling in front of the corpus in the parlour, when suddenly I flew through the air and banged on the parlour door. Madeleine came running because she heard it. I also tried – because Eva talked about it helping me – to solve my problem with writing with the computer dictaphone, which writes what is said over the microphone. But it does not work, because different words come than I dictate.
還有一件事:上次我跪在客廳的語料庫(corpus)前,突然我從空中飛了起來,砰的一聲砸在了客廳的門上。Madeleine跑過來,因為她聽到了。我還試著 —— 因為Eva談到了它對我的幫助 —— 用電腦口述答錄機解決我的寫作問題,它可以寫出通過麥克風說的話。但這並不奏效,因為出現的字詞與我口述的不同。
The sectarian forces are more powerful than your resistance. You must fear that you will also be attacked in terms of your health, because the forces are so powerful that this danger really exists, as Yanarara explained to me. But we will talk about that later, when I have more time for conversation. But now I really must go. Goodbye.
Just this: Achim has beamed me several articles. can I at least partially attach them to the conversation report? They would be of value as they deal with the dark machinations of Corona vaccinations.
You very well can. But now – sorry as I am – goodbye, dear friend.
Take care – goodbye.
保重 —— 再見。
Corona inoculation without risk? –
Sanofi's Dengue Disaster a warning of long-term side effects
冠狀病毒接種沒有風險? ——
26th Aug. 2021 06:45 hrs
2021年8月26日,06時45 分
It is conspicuously often claimed on public television that Corona vaccines are safe, according to ZDF even 'generally no long-term side effects' of vaccinations are known. But also from recent history, a pharmaceutical scandal involving Sanofi's vaccine against the dengue virus shows that this is not true.
by Daniel Schrawen
作者:Daniel Schrawen
Among the most debated topics at the moment are probably the Corona vaccines and the related question of possible side effects or long-term consequences. The most recent example of the debate was provided by the left-wing politician Oskar Lafontaine when he recently stated that he still found it irresponsible to vaccinate children against Corona. One of the reasons he gave was that the long-term side effects of the vaccination were still unknown. As was to be expected, it did not take long for the ARD 'fact-finders' to try to refute Lafontaine's opinion, picking out individual points from his argumentation in time-honoured fashion.
目前爭論最多的話題可能是冠狀病毒疫苗和可能的副作用或長期後果的相關問題。左翼政治家Oskar Lafontaine提供了辯論的最新例子,他最近表示,他仍然認為讓兒童接種冠狀病毒疫苗是不負責任的。他提出的理由之一是,接種疫苗的長期副作用仍然未知。不出所料,ARD的“事實調查員”沒過多久就試圖反駁Lafontaine的觀點,以一貫的方式從他的論證中挑出個別要點。
It is obvious anyway that so-called 'fact-checkers' and public broadcasters keep stressing that 'the Corona vaccinations' (apparently whichever ones) are 'safe'. In December, ZDF even claimed in an article 'Why there are no long-term side effects' that 'generally no long-term side effects are known' with vaccinations. The article quotes Paul Ehrlich Institute press officer Susanne Stöcker, who told ZDF-heute:
反正很明顯,所謂的“事實調查員”和公共廣播公司一直強調“冠狀病毒疫苗”(顯然是那種疫苗)是“安全的”。12月,ZDF甚至在一篇《為什麼沒有長期副作用》的文章中宣稱,“一般來說,接種疫苗沒有長期副作用。”這篇文章引用了Paul Ehrlich研究所(Paul Ehrlich Institute;PEI)新聞官員Susanne Stöcker的話,她告訴德國電視二台(Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen;ZDF)的《今天》(heute)新聞節目說:
"Most side effects of vaccinations occur within a few hours or days. In rare cases also sometimes after weeks."
Furthermore, a blog post by Petra Falb, an expert in vaccine licensing at the Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care, is quoted. The so-called 'anti-fake news blog' Volksverpetzer also picked up on Falb's post. Falb at least admitted in her article that some vaccinations had led to vaccine damage lasting for years. Vaccination side effects such as brain inflammation can leave permanent damage, but the side effect itself would have occurred a short time after vaccination, Falb said. Long-term effects are therefore 'very rare' side effects that occur in only one case in a hundred thousand, for example. Therefore, they are only recognised when a large number of human beings have been vaccinated.
此外,還引用了「奧地利聯邦衛生保健安全辦公室」(Austrian Federal Office for Safety in Health Care)的疫苗許可專家Petra Falb的一篇部落格文章。所謂的“反假新聞部落格”Volksverpetzer也轉載了Falb的文章。Falb至少在她的文章中承認,一些疫苗接種導致了持續多年的疫苗損害。Falb說,疫苗接種的副作用,如腦部炎症,可能會留下永久性的損害,但副作用本身會在接種疫苗後很短的時間內發生。因此,長期影響是“非常罕見”的副作用,例如在十萬個案例中只發生一個。因此,它們只有在大量人類接種疫苗後才會被認可。
This was similar to the cases of narcolepsy after the vaccinations with the Pandemrix vaccine at the time of the 'swine flu': Here, too, most cases of narcolepsy occurred shortly after the vaccination. However, this was only noticed after about a year, when many human beings had already been vaccinated.
這與“豬流感”(swine flu;正式名稱是「2009年H1N1流感」)發生時接種Pandemrix疫苗後出現的嗜睡症病例類似:在這裡,大多數嗜睡症的病例也是在接種疫苗後不久發生的。然而,這只是在大約一年後才被注意到,當時許多人已經接種過疫苗了。
This may be correct, but the statement that 'generally no long-term side effects are known' is definitely wrong. It must be conceded at this point that some contributions – such as a 'fact check' by BR24 – almost bashfully admit that vaccines 'in rare cases' can aggravate an illness through infection-enhancing antibodies when the body comes into contact with a virus for the second time. This is known, for example, from diseases such as dengue fever.
這可能是正確的,但“通常沒有長期副作用”的說法肯定是錯誤的。在這一點上必須承認,有些資料 —— 比如BR24的“事實核查”—— 幾乎是羞慚地承認,當身體第二次接觸到病毒時,疫苗“在極少數情況下”會通過感染增強抗體而加重疾病。例如,從登革熱等疾病中可以看出這一點。
In all these articles, however, it is hardly ever mentioned that the dengue example is linked to one of the biggest pharmaceutical scandals of recent years, which even led to the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi itself warning against the use of its own dengue virus vaccine Dengvaxia and to mass vaccinations of hundreds of thousands of children in the Philippines being cancelled.
How Mass Vaccinations of Filipino Children became a Disaster
It is important to know that the dengue virus, which is transmitted by mosquito bites, is particularly common in tropical regions, especially in South America, Asia and Africa. Every year, hundreds of millions of human beings are infected with the dengue virus, and more than 20,000 die from it, among them also many children. A vaccine from the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi, which had been researched for more than two decades, then raised hopes in 2015 that this disease could be contained. According to the company, the first approved dengue vaccine should have a 93 per cent efficacy rate, preventing 80 per cent of hospital admissions in the future.
In 2016, this live Dengvaxia vaccine was then used in Southeast Asia and in Brazil. In the Philippines in particular, the vaccine was used extensively: In April 2016, the country launched a vaccination campaign in which more than 700,000 schoolchildren were vaccinated. But the vaccination of the children turned out to be a disaster: as it turned out, the vaccination can even worsen a disease in human beings who have never been exposed to the virus before, if an infection does occur after the vaccination.
The reason for this was an effect called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE), which – as the name suggests – is caused by infection-enhancing antibodies. As with the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen, there are also different variants of the dengue virus. Essentially, there are four different dengue virus types, the frequency of which varies depending on the season. However, the Sanofi vaccine did not work equally well against the different variants, creating a vaccine gap. After the vaccination, antibodies were formed first. However, if one subsequently became infected with another dengue virus variant, the antibodies did not fight this virus variant, but even enabled it to enter the human cells.
造成這種情況的原因是一種叫做「抗體依賴增強作用」(Antibody-Dependent Enhancement ;ADE)的效應,顧名思義,它是由感染增強的抗體引起的。與SARS-CoV-2病原體一樣,登革熱病毒也有不同的變種。基本上,有四種不同的登革熱病毒類型,其頻率因季節變換而異。然而,賽諾菲公司的疫苗對不同變種的效果不盡相同,造成了疫苗缺口。接種疫苗後,首先形成了抗體。然而,如果一個人後來感染了另一種登革熱變種病毒,這些抗體並不能對抗這種變種病毒,甚至還能讓它進入人體細胞。
This effect is not only caused by vaccination, but is also possible with natural infection. The consequences can be fatal, as a new infection can lead to a severe course of the disease with haemorrhagic fever, whereas an initial infection is harmless in many cases.
這種效果不僅是由疫苗接種引起的,而且在自然感染中也有可能出現。其後果可能是致命的,因為新的感染會導致嚴重的「出血熱」(haemorrhagic fever),而初次感染在許多情況下是無害的。
Sanofi's dengue vaccine was tested in two phase III clinical trials involving more than 30,000 people between the ages of 2 and 16. It became apparent quite early on that the effectiveness of the vaccine differed depending on the variant of the virus, the age of the test subjects and whether the test subjects had already been infected before the vaccination. In the first two years after vaccination, the vaccine initially showed good efficacy, but in the third year after vaccination, some study participants showed an increase in the hospitalisation rate and also in the number of severe courses of disease. However, initially no connection was seen with the possibility of whether or not the participants had already been exposed to the virus before the vaccination.
When the Dengvaxia vaccine was used on a large scale in the Philippines, there were also deaths among children due to the aforementioned effect. According to The Manila Times, there are now 165 deaths that may be linked to the administration of the vaccine. In at least three cases, the suspicion was definitely confirmed. This understandably – and quite rightly – caused outrage among hundreds of thousands of parents, which was consequently directed against the pharmaceutical company and the Philippine authorities.
當Dengvaxia疫苗在菲律賓大規模使用時,也有兒童因上述影響而死亡。據《馬尼拉時報》報導,現在有165人的死亡可能與注射該疫苗有關。至少在三個案例中,這種懷疑得到了肯定的證實。這可以理解 —— 而且非常正確 —— 因此,數十萬名家長中引起了針對該製藥公司和菲律賓當局的憤怒。
As a result of the scandal, vaccination scepticism is now very pronounced in the Philippines: many parents generally no longer have their children vaccinated. In December 2016, the vaccination campaign was finally cancelled, and the company itself was forced to warn against its own vaccine: anyone who had not yet been infected with dengue should not be vaccinated with Dengvaxia. In 2017, the vaccine was finally banned in the Philippines.
But this was not the end of the scandal (which could also be due to the fact that at that time and with this vaccine, there were no corresponding gagging contracts that exempted the manufacturer from liability for all damages caused by the vaccine): However, as is usual with such cases, the legal process drags on for years afterwards. In 2019, the former head of the dengue department of the Philippine Tropical Medicine Research Institute, Rose Capeding, was charged by the Philippine Attorney General's Office with 'negligent recklessness resulting in death' for the failed vaccination campaign. She faces up to 48 years in prison. Meanwhile, it has also become known that a relative of Capedings is said to work at Sanofi. In February of this year, arrest warrants were also issued for three senior executives of Sanofi Pasteur Inc [1].
但這並不是醜聞的結束(這也可能是由於在當時和這種疫苗,沒有相對應的封口條款,而免除了製造商對疫苗造成的所有損失的責任)。然而,正如這類案件的通常情況一樣,法律程序在事後拖了好幾年。2019年,菲律賓熱帶醫學研究所登革熱部門的前負責人Rose Capeding被菲律賓總檢察長辦公室以“疏忽大意導致死亡”的罪名起訴,罪名是疫苗接種活動失敗。她將面臨最高48年的監禁。同時,人們還知道,據說Capeding的一個親戚在賽諾菲公司工作。今年2月,還對賽諾菲巴斯德(Sanofi Pasteur)公司的三名高級管理人員發出了逮捕令[1]。
Using the example of the mass vaccinations in the Philippines, which got completely out of hand not even that long ago, it is easy to show that there are definitely also long-term side effects of vaccinations. Therefore, it will be interesting to see what reasons are given by the usual suspects as to 'why this cannot be compared'. But even if one takes into account that the cause is not the vaccine itself but a new infection, it must be noted that such effects caused by a new infection can also only occur after years. Lafontaine's fears are therefore quite justified.
After this admittedly somewhat lengthy review, the question naturally arises as to what all this means for Corona vaccinations. The effect of infection-boosting antibodies has been discussed among experts from the beginning, but until now it was assumed that, in contrast to dengue, this did not play a major role in SARS-CoV-2. Put simply, the two viruses use different mechanisms to infiltrate human cells at specific sites. The vaccine manufacturers also claim that the vaccines use the domains from the spike protein of the pathogen as a basis, which are unlikely to lead to corresponding negative effects. The Paul Ehrlich Institute also claims not to have noticed any effect of infection-enhancing antibodies in the Corona vaccines used in Germany so far.
在這一公認有些冗長的回顧之後,自然會產生這樣的問題:所有這些對冠狀病毒疫苗接種意味著什麼?專家們從一開始就討論了感染增強抗體的效果,但直到現在,人們還認為,與登革熱相比,這在SARS-CoV-2中並沒有發揮主要作用。簡單地說,這兩種病毒使用不同的機制在特定部位浸潤人體細胞。疫苗製造商還聲稱,疫苗以病原體的「刺突蛋白」(spike protein;又稱「棘蛋白」)的結構域為基礎,不太可能導致相應的負面影響。Paul Ehrlich研究所也聲稱,到目前為止,在德國使用的冠狀病毒疫苗中沒有發現任何感染增強抗體的影響。
However, with every new mutation of SARS-CoV-2, the possibility arises that infection-boosting antibodies are formed. Only recently, French scientists addressed the scientific journal 'Journal of Infection' in an open letter, in which they warned of the risk of ADE in mass vaccinations. In this regard, the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is of particular concern, as most vaccines have been developed based on the original Wuhan version of the virus. The scientists' analyses have shown that a mechanism is possible in the delta variant that can lead to the formation of infection-boosting antibodies. The letter states in this regard:
然而,隨著SARS-CoV-2的每一次新的變異,就會出現形成感染增強抗體的可能性。就在最近,法國科學家在科學雜誌《感染雜誌》(Journal of Infection)上發表了一封公開信,他們在信中對大規模疫苗接種中的ADE風險提出了警告。在這方面,SARS-CoV-2的delta變體尤其值得關注,因為大多數疫苗都是基於該病毒的原始武漢版本開發的。科學家們的分析表明,在delta變體中可能存在一種機制,可以導致形成促進感染的抗體。該信在這方面指出:
"However, in the delta variant, neutralising antibodies have a reduced affinity for the spike protein, while enhancing antibodies have a strikingly increased affinity. Therefore, ADE may be a problem for human beings receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors)."
Therefore, the researchers recommend using other parts of the spike protein as the basis for the vaccines in 'second generation vaccines'. Whether this is sensible and whether an effect through infection-boosting antibodies will influence the mass vaccinations carried out so far will probably be seen in the future. Corona is known to occur seasonally, so autumn could be hot – and in a different sense than the climate change issue.
因此,研究人員建議在“第二代疫苗”中使用刺突蛋白的其他部分作為疫苗的基礎。這是否明智,以及通過感染增強抗體的效果是否會影響到迄今為止進行的大規模疫苗接種,可能要在未來才能看到。眾所周知,冠狀病毒是按季節發生的,所以秋天可能會很熱 —— 而且與氣候變化問題的意義不同。
RT DE strives for a broad spectrum of opinion. Guest posts and opinion articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial team.
RT DE努力爭取廣泛的意見。作者貼文和觀點文章不一定反映編輯部的觀點。
[1] As an aside, it should be noted that Sanofi, together with GlaxoSmithKline, also plans to launch a Corona vaccine, which is currently under review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for approval in the European Union (EU) area of effect.
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