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Contact Report 441/第441次接觸報告
接觸時間:2007 年 2 月 3 日,星期六,00 時 02 分
英譯版本:2020.05.15. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯改進:2022.01.18. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
本次接觸是在比利 70 歲生日這天。Ptaah 應比利的請求,作了當天之後一個星期內的世界大事預測,此外還詳述了有關地球上的 UFO、動物的屠殺以及偽裝成外星人綁架事件的驚天大陰謀,要點如下:
三、該集團沒有組織,只是鬆散集合的利益共同體,自 1920 年代以來,他們就已經在全世界設計了一個持續的、複雜的、大規模的關於外星生命問題的造謠運動。
七、大約有 98% 的假圖片、電影、影片和假資訊都是為了讓地球人對外星生物感到不安和恐懼,並讓地球人產生仇恨和報復的想法。
This is the entire contact report. Parts 1 and 3 are authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translations and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
這是一篇完整的接觸報告。第一與第三部分是一個經授權但非官方的 DeepL 初步英文翻譯,很可能包含錯誤。請注意,所有錯誤和失誤等將持續修正,這將取決於有關人員的可用時間(依照與比利/FIGU 的合約所訂)。因此,不要複製粘貼和發佈此版本在其他地方,因為任何改進和修正將會在這個版本中發生!
Part 1/第一部分(英譯者:DeepL Translator)
1. Here I am, Eduard, as promised.
2. Greetings and congratulations on your 70th birthday.
3. You look a bit tired and worn out.
Yes, you can say that. I did not get enough sleep last night and I am a little tired, but I am fine and it does not matter. It was also a bit exhausting today, and besides that we had our Aquarius dinner tonight (born in February) in Freihof, so I could not lie down for an hour, which I usually do. Therefore, I am a bit exhausted. But now I greet you, my friend, and welcome. Actually I thought that you would come sometime after the correction work in the afternoon.
4. I really wanted to, but I have to do some important things in the next 24 hours that cannot be delayed.
5. For this reason, Enjana will do the correction work, but after that she will have to go back to her job and will not be able to visit you personally after the correction work.
6. However, she wants to visit you in the near future because she wants to discuss some personal matters with you.
You are always so busy, and lately you are in a hurry.
7. As far as being constantly busy, you are in no way inferior to us.
8. As far as haste is concerned, it is sometimes necessary, especially lately, because we have things to do that cannot be delayed.
I do not blame you, because I know very well that some things take time. But what if I could ask you right now for some predictions?
9. Of course.
10. Firstly, the bird epidemic will be back in the news again, in England, where the disease has already broken out in a turkey farm.
11. Then there will be talk of major flooding in Indonesia, with Jakarta in particular being affected to a large extent.
12. Then it can be said that the fighting of the US military and the insurgents in Iraq is increasing on a large scale, whereby the total number of deaths in the coming weeks – already calculated today – will rise into the thousands.
13. Unfortunately, there are also negative aspects to my statement from the 15th of January in connection with the awakening of the UN with regard to climate protection, because the first wave of awakening is already beginning to flatten out again and consequently no decisive action is being taken against this evil.
14. The leaders of the UN and the governments of the states, who secretly read your bulletins on the Internet and in this way find out the real truth, approach the whole thing far too laxly, not even taking into account the main factor of overpopulation, climate change and climate destruction and all other evils on Earth.
15. Behind this lies both a proper portion of cowardice and fear and incomprehension, because the whole thing cannot be properly assessed.
16. It is pleasing to say that in the next few days the hostile Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas will agree on a unified government if a decision is taken in Saudi Arabia and Mecca respectively, but this leads to fears that in the near future attacks by Palestinians in Israel will increase again, and thus also Israeli revenge campaigns.
17. These are the extraordinary facts I have to mention regarding predictions until the 9th of February, after that I will visit you again and give you new predictions, if there are any.
18. On the 10th of February I will come back myself to attend to the correction work with you and Bernadette.
Part 2/第二部分(英譯者:Dyson Devine and Vivienne Legg)
Around 22 years have now passed since you and Quetzal told me privately that you had comprehensive cognitions in regard to terrestrial UFOs and the massacre of animals and alleged abductions which were disguised as the shoddy efforts of extraterrestrials. You said thereby that, in regard to this, involved in these machinations are governments, the military, as well as industrial businesses and powerful ones of finance, which constitute a special group, to which still smaller groups are also related. At that time you promised that you would officially explain more about that when the time is ripe for that. Can one now speak publicly about that?
19. Yes, that was said.
20. And the time is also ripe for that.
21. With the named group, it concerns a worldwide branching from governments, the military, industrial groups, secret services, paramilitary and powerful ones of finance, as you correctly said.
22. Those in the know and contributors are only certain elements of the same, who profit greatly, financially and power-politically, from their secret machinations, for which reason the entire powers of the government, military and industrial as well as finance are not involved in the situation and are also not informed in regard to this.
23. The group is not organized, as such, rather is only a loose collection, whereby their interests, however, have a common form, which, already since the 1920s, was designed to operate a continuous, ingenious, large-scale disinformation campaign regarding the question of extraterrestrial life.
24. The group, which is split into many small groups, has many kinds of technical possibilities at their disposal, which they employ for their evil and human-misleading purposes.
25. That started with technologies of electromagnetism to do with precision electronics and computer engineering, up to and including apparatuses through which brainwashing and the programming and altering of consciousness is evoked in humans.
26. They even have back-engineered beamships at their disposal, whereby, in certain contexts, even antigravity finds application.
27. It has also occurred many times that premeditated "abductions" of Earth humans by "extraterrestrials", and the massacre of animals, has been and is faked by this group.
28. That stands partly also in connection with those illusionary and schizophrenic visions and apparent experiences of those who believe that they have had, or have, these kinds of real experiences.
29. Also wrong information and falsified pictures of alleged extraterrestrial flying devices is strategically circulated worldwide, whereby according to our investigations, about 98% of all false pictures, films, videos and false information is directed at moving the Earth humans to angst and terror of extraterrestrials and to engender hate and thoughts of revenge in the Earth humans.
30. Therefore, in this way, angst, terror and hate is stirred up against all life foreign to Earth.
31. Especially films for cinema and television serve this purpose, as also, however, do many books which are constructed on lies and untruths and are written partly by "experts" in psychology and psychiatry.
32. All this nonsense sells very well to the Earth humans because many on the search for the effective truth trust and believe this false information, and these films and pictures.
33. Angst, horror, terror, hate and revenge always sell well, while the truth appears too banal and therefore appears uninteresting as well as not worth knowing.
34. Only the fantastic and unreal find a place in the interests of Earth humans.
35. However, precisely that is the launching platform for the infamous machinations of the worldwide group, because, through disinformation and fear-mongering in regard to the malicious foreigners to Earth, the entire group, which reaches right around the world, derives horrendous advantages of a financial, governmental-power, military-power as well as an economic form.
36. The entire war, electronics and weapons industries, and so forth, thereby gain an enormous boost.
37. Yet, in the worldwide group, secret paramilitary units also exist as smaller groups which carry out the same kind of operations which, however, are mostly controlled by the worldwide group.
38. In particular, these small groups carry out premeditated abductions which are credited ostensibly to the extraterrestrials, as well as, however, also simulated appearances of alleged extraterrestrial flying craft, which are then collectively declared to be extraterrestrial UFO appearances and are often observed, photographed and filmed by many people.
39. Thereby the illusion of an ostensible extraterrestrial abduction or observation of extraterrestrial flying devices is evoked.
40. What is further to say about that is that, in this worldwide group, with all the small groups who partly also work autonomously, there exists a proper "UFO trade" and a subculture in regard to animal massacres and abductions and so forth.
41. The entire thing is secretively financed through governments, the military, industrial groups and financially powerful ones who are interested in angst, terror and hate being stirred-up to their highest forms in regard to the alleged evil extraterrestrial foreigners, because they can thereby gain gigantic financial profit and advantage.
42. It is on this basis that, in every regard, from this group, only stories, cinema and television films and observations of UFOs will be accepted and profitably exploited, which are based on everything negative and – as is becoming proverbial with the Earth humans – on the malicious and aggressive nature of the extraterrestrials.
43. Only that which evokes angst, fear and terror as well as engenders hate and revenge is accepted by the group and exploited worldwide in order to obtain enormous profit with it.
44. Conversely, in addition to that, everything which is good and positive is vehemently slandered and is designated as a swindle, lie and deception, as is the case with you and us, since, in keeping with the interests of the group, we are not permitted to exist, and you are not permitted to be in contact with us, rather you must be a liar and a fraud.
45. So, from the group and their small groups, the Earth humans will be served up deliberately false and fear-influencing stories in regard to extraterrestrial UFOs and foreigners to Earth and their alleged horrifying machinations like, for example, painful examination contacts and animal massacres along with falsified encounters with alleged extraterrestrials.
46. Along with profit, the whole matter also serves deeply-based psychological propaganda in order to insult forms of life who are foreign to Earth and to brand them as malicious beings and to create angst, hate, revenge and hysteria because great financial means will be thereby freed up which serve research for the production of innovative and futuristic weapons of all kinds.
47. Therefore, in these Earth humans, in regard to the extraterrestrial, an enemy will be psychologically, deliberately created which does not exist and which will, in a manner, be made into a malicious being such that the Earth humans, in their angst, will be driven to freeing up horrendous sums in order to therewith manufacture weapons against the alleged malicious invaders.
48. Also, with these acts, various groups play off against each other, which, however, is part of a well-thought-out plan which is carried out and implemented by secret services, psycho-terrorists, espionage groups and treacherous disinformation agents and which is underpinned by false information regarding UFOs and alleged extraterrestrials.
49. Additionally belonging to this plan is the invention of an imaginary extraterrestrial enemy, as well as a danger emerging from this – an enemy and a danger which, naturally, will have to be fought.
50. The infamy is thereby that, first of all, everything is made ridiculous because the concerned "abductees", "examinees", "chance contactees" and UFO-observers can provide no evidence for their experiences which would withstand a real examination.
51. Then comes the second fact, which exists in the fact that angst, terror, hate and feelings of revenge is produced in the Earth humans whereby then the weapons industry can be built up and indeed especially in regard to futuristic weapons, of which the normal Earth humans have no idea, and of which they do not ever dare to dream.
52. The entirety is thereby a well-thought-out psychological network on which the progress of the entire weapons industry and the power of the military, of the federal leadership, the finance sharks and the industry businesses as well as the secret services can be built up ever further.
53. To this end angst, terror, hysteria, hate and revenge is sown in regard to all foreigners from outer space.
54. So the Earth humans become duped and financially exploited by the responsible ones of this dangerous group and their small groups and are deliberately driven to abhor and to hate the extraterrestrial foreigners.
55. Corresponding cinema and television films serve as especially suitable means for that.
56. The foreigner-angst, respectively, alien-angst, which is thereby produced surpasses all normal angst and the responsible ones of the group know that precisely, for which reason they can also thereby calculate that all necessary finances flow to them, which they require for their weapon research, their weapon manufacture, their leading of wars, and desires for power, as well as for unrealistic cinema and TV films which demonize the Earth-strangers.
57. The creation of an supposed threat from extraterrestrials as well as the alien-angst is, for them, a profitable matter which is operated under the shabby cloak of a federal, respectively, country security and of world peace.
58. For the entire machinations of the group, the meanest machinations are quite good enough which, as said, were already operating since the 1920s and to that also belong highly developed electronic weapons systems, futuristic flying discs, Earth humans who are hypnotically and surgically converted, as well as converted in their consciousness, to robots*, whereby some have an appearance like the being which is called the "Little Grey".
59. On one hand there is the dim-witted paradox that the extraterrestrial flying devices are denied and the strangers to Earth are made ridiculous or made out to be monsters by means of psychological propaganda, while, on the other hand, a financial exploitation of the peoples results through the inciting of angst, terror, hate and revenge and indeed thereby in that a simulation results in regard to a supposed threat from extraterrestrials.
60. A paradox without compare, to which the question must be put, how far are the Earth humans imbued with reason and understanding that they do not recognise this paradox.
61. The entire pre-arranged game of the group and their small groups, as already said elsewhere, also includes faked encounters with alleged extraterrestrials, whereby these are truly nothing other than normal Earth humans or those who have been transformed into "aliens".
62. In order then to affirm the improvised "encounters with those foreign to Earth" psychologists and other experts are pulled in into whom the wildest stories are hammered for so long until they believe the entire swindle and nonsense and employ "verifiable" and "genuine" analyses which are recorded and published in books and documentation as well as in cinema and TV films.
63. And since, as a rule, the supposed extraterrestrials are described as horrible villains, just according to the plan of the group and their small groups, the picture of the extraterrestrial threat is powerfully incited.
64. Thereby, not only is the slandering in regard to the real strangers to Earth always more exaggerated, as also more and more finances flow into the cash box of those who stupidly and dimwittedly earn as a result of the entire tissue of lies and slander and thereby come by the means to reach their criminal goals.
65. A certain part of the group has also fallen to a Christian sectarianism and to the supposed "End Times" in such a way that hope is directed at a malicious invasion of extraterrestrials resulting on Earth, and thereby the prophesied Armageddon will become reality in which Jesus Christ celebrates his official return and God the father will exercise his judgment.
該集團中的某一部分人也陷入了基督教教派主義和所謂的「末世」(End Times)之說,希望外星人惡意入侵地球,從而使預言中的世界末日或大決戰成為現實,那麼耶穌基督將在其中慶祝他的正式回歸,而天父上帝將行使其審判。
66. Their delusion is therefore bound with a biblical end of the world, which, as they believe, rests on the terrible badness of the Earth humans.
67. And in order to accelerate this divine judgement as well as the return of Christ they do everything in order to make the way free for that.
68. The monstrous power of the worldwide group and their small groups as well as the religious fanaticism, together with the cultic maintaining of the secret of the entire underhanded, degenerated and deceptive as well as criminal and felonious machinations, lead to malignant effects which could not be worse.
69. These are the facts which I have to name in regard to your question.
From your words it comes forth that that is also still so today.
70. Yes, that is really so, and it will also still remain so in the future.
71. Now however it is again time for me.
Part 3/第三部分(英譯者:DeepL Translator)
72. If you have any more questions, you will have to reschedule it for next Saturday.
73. Goodbye, dear friend.
74. Go to bed now – and see you next Saturday.
75. Salome.
Bye, my friend. See you next Saturday.
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中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 的協助