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Contact Report 376/第376次接觸報告
最初英譯:2020年02月18日,星期二,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2025年01月18日,星期六,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons(as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. As promised, I am coming earlier today, because we still have a lot to do together.
2. Salome, Eduard, my friend.
Ptaah, I also wish you peace in wisdom, dear friend. You are right that we still have a lot to do, here alone I have 14 A4 pages from Hans-Georg to read through, which you can do on your own, because I have already read everything. Now the only question is whether you want to do it right away or postpone it until the end of our conversation.
Ptaah,我也祝你在智慧中找到安寧,親愛的朋友。你說得沒錯,我們還有一些事情要做,單單是Hans-Georg給我的資料,我就有 14 頁 A4 格式的內容要閱讀,你可以自己閱讀,因為我已經讀過了。現在的問題是,你是想馬上就看,還是等到我們談話結束後再看。
3. The matter is important, which is why I will devote myself to it right away.
4. But what about the fact that other members of the group also write something about it, because as I see here, Hans-Georg has worked out all three topics on his own.
5. Actually, we wanted other group members to write about their views and opinions as well as their experiences.
6. We also had the idea that two or three female members should have the written word, together with perhaps one other male group member.
I have not yet been able to submit the whole thing to the whole group, because the last reports from 372 to 375 are still in the computer and therefore not printed out, so they have not been distributed to the group members. They will not be printed out and handed out until next weekend. That will also be the time when I can present your wish to everyone.
我還沒有向全體小組成員說明整個情況,因為從 372 到 375 的最後幾份接觸報告還都在電腦裡沒有列印出來,也就沒有分發給小組成員。只有到下週末才能列印出來分發。所以要到那個時候,我才能夠把你們的期望告訴大家。
7. I see. –
8. Good, I want to read Hans-Georg's paper now.
That is going to take some time – an hour for sure, if not more, whereby I do not want to disturb you. Look here, I got some good chocolate from Hanni, from Eva's mother, which I have to share with you, so if you want to help yourself, please. In the meantime, while you read, I can do some work on the computer – these letters here.
這需要一些時間 —— 肯定要一個小時,甚至更長,但我不想打擾你你。你看,我從Eva的媽媽Hanni那裡拿了一些上好的巧克力要和你分享,如果你想吃的話,就請便吧。同時,你在看資料的時候,我可以在電腦上做些工作 —— 要處理的信件都在這裡。
9. Thank you, I happily indulge in the chocolate; pay Hanna my thanks.
10. And while I am busy with Hans-Georg's paperwork, you can very well do your job.
I will see you later. Do not let me distract you.
11. So, that was the last page. –
12. All in all, I think Hans-Georg's writing is very good, but I would like to work with you on a few points to revise and perhaps complete the whole thing.
總體而言,我認為 Hans-Georg 的文章寫得非常好,但我希望和你一起在一些細節上進行一些修改,也許能補充一些內容。
13. Of course only insofar as Hans-Georg agrees with it, which is why you should ask him about it, because in the end it is his work that he has to decide about.
當然,前提是要徵得 Hans-Georg 的同意,所以你需要問問他,因為終就這是他的作品,必須由他來決定。
14. However, I would like to be allowed to add a few more things, which he probably did not mention because he simply did not think about it.
15. I would also like to insist on our request that two or three more female group members make an appropriate description of the 'Position of Women in FIGU' and 'The Position of Billy in FIGU', which would also be desirable if a male member could also write some more about it, otherwise the whole thing would be one-sided.
Just one hour. We will clarify this on Saturday at the general assembly, where I will of course also present your request to Hans-Georg. I am sure there will be some more members who will take care of the work.
16. There can be more people than I have mentioned in the number of people who can make the statements.
We shall see. – By what date should the whole thing be together?
我們將拭目以待。—— 那麼整件事情應該在什麼日期前完成呢?
17. It would be very advantageous if everything could be done quickly.
So it should be done the day before yesterday. Let us see – maybe we can get it done even faster.
18. When I see how fast Hans-Georg worked …
We will make a brochure out of it, but it should not have more than 55 or 56 A5 pages, otherwise there will be problems with stapling the booklet.
19. I did not think of that.
We will see to it that everything stays within reason. But tell me dear friend, there were elections in Iraq concerning the government occupation. Now that the US-Americans down there are the war powers and are also in charge, I wonder whether everything went right in the elections, because I think that if there can be enormous election falsifications in the USA, then it could be the case in Iraq under the US regime.
20. With which you are unfortunately right, because in fact there were partly very serious election falsifications and other irregularities in the election process, which on the one hand were caused by machinations of the US occupation and on the other hand by religious machinations of the Sunni and Shiite fanatics.
This is pretty much how I imagined the whole thing. – Now what about my question, which I asked you recently, regarding further Predictions? I thought you said you made various predictions because I asked for them.
這就是我對整個情況的想像。—— 至於我最近問過你關於進一步的預測呢?你說過你們已經做了各種預測,因為我曾詢問過這方面的事情。
21. That is right, if you mean the things you asked us for.
22. For our part, we do not seek to make predictions in order to know the future.
You said on the 14th of January that you made predictions only to shake up the Earth-humans, but that you were only making calculations and probability calculations for yourselves. Is it always like that?
23. No, for certain things we probably maintain foresight, but this is to be called a rarity, because our calculations and probability calculations are very accurate, because they are based on the principle of logic, which we bring into application regarding the causes of actions and events, etc.
24. These calculations and probability calculations are extremely accurate.
25. Quetzal and I have consulted with some others and have come to the conclusion that it might be useful in one case or another if we were to make a foresight and have it recorded in writing in the form of our contact conversations through you.
我和 Quetzal 還諮詢了其他一些人,得出的結論是,如果我們透過與你接觸對話時做出一些預測,並以書面形式記錄下來,這樣可能會對某些情況有些幫助。
26. We have, however, come to the conclusion that we will no longer be making such forecasts for a number of years, but only for the short term, at most for a few weeks or a month or two.
At least something – all the same. This is another wise in which benefits can arise.
至少有些收穫 —— 無論如何。透過這種方式,也能產生一些效益。
27. You really should not get your hopes up.
28. You know the stubbornness of the Earth-humans, who as a rule can only be taught by harm.
29. Furthermore, your mission is constantly being hampered by obstacles based on the fact that our predictions are called unfair machinations and denigrated, which is also done by various state-military secret services that monitor you, as we are well aware.
30. This is also the purpose of the FIGU internet material in its entirety, which provides a great deal of welcome information for the secret services as well as for certain federal police departments, authorities and government agencies.
But it has always been, ever since I went public with my mission. I also know that fiches [files] about me have recently been created in Bern. Somehow, it seems, certain people in leading and secret service positions, etc. do not trust me, although I am in nowise politically or criminally active, etc. It seems as if these poor lunatics are afraid that I might be politically revolutionary and subversive, for which, however, there is absolutely no interest on my part, because on the one hand, I am terrified of the slimy political machinations, and on the other hand, my path is that of fulfilling the mission and spreading the teaching of the Spirit to teach the Earth-humans about creational natural truth and love and peace, inner and outer freedom and harmony resulting from it. And this task alone does not allow me to be politically active – it could not be reconciled in any wise.
這種情況一直以來都是如此,自從我帶著我的使命公開露面以來就是這樣。我也知道,最近在伯恩又建立了關於我的檔案。不知為何,某些在領導層和情報部門等位置上的人似乎對我不信任,儘管我在任何方面都沒有從事政治或犯罪等活動。似乎這些可憐的愚昧之人害怕我可能會進行政治上的革命性或顛覆性活動,但我對此完全沒有任何興趣。因為一方面,我對那些骯髒的政治陰謀感到極度厭惡;另一方面,我的道路是履行使命並傳播靈性教導,教導地球上的人類認識造物的自然真相和愛,以及由此產生的和平、內在與外在的自由以及和諧。僅僅是這項任務本身,就已經不允許我涉足政治活動 —— 這兩者完全無法相容。
31. That is correct.
32. Nonetheless, for some time now, attempts have been made to slander you again, and the schemers are happy to use any means necessary to do so, including by certain secret services, who interfere in certain Internet forums and maliciously slander you.
33. The same happens, however, also from the purely private side, namely from prejudiced know-it-alls as well as from ones of morbidly low intelligentum who put themselves up as knowing experts in the matter of 'Unidentified Flying Objects', which are generally called UFOs, although they have neither the slightest knowledge nor the necessary understanding in these things.
34. They have no knowledge whatsoever of your person or of all your circumstances of any kind, just as they do not know you personally.
35. Nevertheless, they slander and denigrate you – and this alone only by other lies and slander from malicious adversaries who use you and your mission to make themselves appear great among their fellow humans.
儘管如此,他們還是誹謗和中傷你 —— 而這僅僅是因為其他惡意對手的謊言和誹謗。這些對手利用你和你的使命,來讓自己在他人面前顯得高人一等。
36. Indeed, they are of the erroneous belief that they could shine before their fellow humans if they could insult and slander you in newspapers, on radio and television, and on the Internet, and through public lies of deceit, falsehood, deception, and sectarianism.
37. All in all, these humans are of sad existences who have no sense of honour, dignity or self-esteem and who suffer from inferiority complexes that they cannot control.
38. That is why, by slandering and denigrating other people, they try to put themselves in the limelight and make themselves appear to be something that they are not and can never be in their weakness and selfishness and in their low intelligentum.
39. In this delusion they think they are big and strong and think they are masters of themselves and their fellow humans, while in truth they are very poor creatures and too cowardly to face the real truth.
40. This has been the case since ancient times, as it is still the case today; and already at all times the true heralds of truth have been denigrated and slandered exclusively only by all the ones of low-intelligentum and of weak intelligence, which proves that low intelligentum and weak intelligence have not yet died out among the Earth-humans to this day, namely among those who deny, slander and denigrate you and the truth.
41. Those who do so prove in every respect and in public, themselves, what a profound low-intelligentum, weak intelligence and consciousness-based lowly-developed they still are and have not yet found the way to real and healthy normality.
42. The truth is that these are extremely unfortunate humans who are still deprived of rationality and intellect in large numbers, and thus also of all values of the virtues as well as of the sense of honour, dignity and self-respect.
43. For these reasons, these humans are also not of the value of having their utterances and actions denigrated and slandered, but of having all their actions simply disregarded and responded to in nowise.
44. Low intelligentum, weak intelligence, lies, slander and denigration, namely, cannot be combated by justification, but only by a dignified and rational silence and through a disregard.
45. This also takes the wind out of the sails of those elements who, in their low-intelligentum, insignificance, unimportance, and in their consciousness-based limitation and poverty, as well as in their simplicity, irrationality and stupor, do not notice how they publicly expose themselves and show their weakness of intelligence.
That has been my motto since childhood, and I have always done well with it. All those who have at all times stood up to me as slanderers, liars, cheats and denigrators have ultimately cut their own flesh and made themselves impossible in the eyes of their fellow human beings. Already my parents as well as Sfath, Father Zimmermann and all my wise teachers taught me to be silent and not to defend myself against slanderous attacks. I have always done well with this, never got upset and was always able to fulfil my duties in any case. Very early on I learned never to denigrate other people, to maintain my dignity and reverence for every human being, to live according to the truth, to be honest and never to hate a person, even if he/she does the most evil and wicked thing to me of which a person is capable. I have also learnt through this that all those who commit slander, lies, deceit and disparagement, etc. against other human beings expose themselves and reveal, with alarming clarity, what rotten elements and Ausgeartete (those who have gotten very badly out of control of their good human natures) they are in their thoughts and feelings as well as in their actions, and consequently they can only be met with regret. Such humans openly prove to the whole world what a miserable character they have and in what dishonour and disgracefulness they live and are not able to create their own self-esteem.
46. Very unfortunate humans.
Exactly. But let us not go there. Look here, this is a booklet that offers many books, many of them dealing with conspiracies that are supposed to be taking place on the Earth through various organisations, through the banks and governments, and through associations and religious sects, etc. If one would believe all the conspiracy theories in this regard, then the whole world would have to swarm with conspirators. Book titles like: 'The Nutritional Lie', 'The Soup Lies', 'Out of Devil's Pot', 'The Medicine Mafia', 'The Iodine Lie', 'Healing Forbidden – Killing Allowed', 'Remote Viewing', 'Fake Science', 'Skull Bones', 'A World of Evil', 'The Insiders', 'Secret Politics', 'Banks, Bread and Bombs', 'Hands Off This Book', 'The invisible power', 'Investigation Forbidden', 'Shadow of Power', 'The Sages of Zion', 'AIDS – Means to Contain Overpopulation' and much more nonsense is spread through books, so that fear is stirred up and false information is spread and the readers believe all the nonsense. Look here, this is one of those advertising brochures for such nonsensical books …
沒錯。但我們就此打住。看看這裡,這是一份書籍宣傳手冊,其中提供了許多書籍,當中有許多涉及陰謀的內容,這些陰謀據說是由各種組織、銀行、政府、協會以及宗教教派等在地球上編造的。如果人們相信所有這些陰謀論,那麼整個世界似乎就會充滿陰謀家。書名如:《營養的謊言》、《湯的謊言》、《來自惡魔的鍋》(Out of Devil's Pot)、《醫藥黑手黨》(The Medicine Mafia)、《碘的謊言》、《治療被禁,殺戮被允許》(Healing Forbidden – Killing Allowed)、《遠距離觀測》(Remote Viewing)、《偽造的科學》、《骷髏會》、《一個邪惡的世界》、《內幕人士》、《秘密政治》、《銀行、麵包與炸彈》、《遠離這本書》、《隱形的力量》、《禁止調查》、《權力的陰影》、《錫安長老會紀要》(The Sages of Zion)、《愛滋病 —— 控制人口過剩的手段》等,還有許多其他荒誕的內容,都是通過這些書籍傳播,目的在於煽動恐懼、散播錯誤資訊,讓讀者相信這些荒謬的說法。看看這裡,這正是這類荒謬書籍的宣傳手冊...
47. … I am familiar with many of these incredibly stupid conspiracy theories spread by books.
... 我對書中散佈的許多愚蠢至極的陰謀論並不陌生。
48. In fact, they are just absolute nonsense, put into the world by irresponsible book writers and thus unsettle the people who read these silly things.
49. But the Earth-humans do not hold much by way of the real truth because in their ignorance they want to be cheated by untruths, by lies and slander because the real truth seems to them to be too banal or too fantastic.
The whole thing is a vast profiteering enterprise, where the business of fear is thriving. Clever and irresponsible book writers with often very well-known names stir up immeasurable fears in people through their crazy conspiracy theories. In contrast, these irresponsible elements write nothing of value in terms of how to prevent wars and diseases. It does not occur to anyone to write about the truth of the fact that overpopulation is the main cause of all the present misfortune in the world, that false and incompetent rulers are at the helm of the state, driving the states into financial ruin, invading foreign countries with their armies to murder and destroy thousands of times over. Nor do they write about the fact that AIDS is becoming more and more widespread and more and more deadly, as you said the other day; but on the contrary, such scribblers claim that the UN or secret services, etc. have invented this epidemic to reduce humanity, etc. Nor do they write anything about the fact that the meaning of the human-being's life is based on consciousness-based evolution, that he/she should learn about it and follow the creational-natural laws in order to create love, peace, freedom and harmony among all peoples and human beings.
50. Unfortunately, this is so because there is no financial profit to be made and because the real truth does not want to be heard.
51. This is also the case with the AIDS epidemic, which is actually becoming worse and worse, because a new form of AIDS has been spreading for some time now, reaching the acute and fatal stage after only a few weeks.
Yes, that is what you were talking about. Until now, it took a number of years after the infection with the HIV virus before the epidemic became really acute and reached the inevitable deadly outbreak.
52. The Earth-humans have learned nothing from the horror, because for a long time they have become completely irresponsible again with regard to the epidemic, which allows it to spread more and more rapidly.
53. In addition to the HIV, other bacteria and viruses are also spread through unscrupulous sexual acts, and thus diseases are also spread, through which HIV mutations also arise, from which the newest form, which you mentioned, also arose some time ago.
54. However, the fact that the HIV virus is transformed by other viruses and bacteria is something of which terrestrial medical scientists have no idea, because they are still very ignorant of virology and bacteriology.
The Earth human being is only really in the initial stages of development, which is why it may be some time before scientists are able to recognise the real connections between the HIV and other viruses and various bacteria. But what I wanted to ask now: About two weeks ago I asked you about a prediction of a US attack on Iran. Has nothing come up yet?
55. Such clarifications require a long time span.
56. As we noted, although some unfinished plans have been in existence with the US government for some time, nothing concrete can yet be deduced from them.
57. Nothing has yet been investigated with regard to an incursion of US forces into Iran, because such investigations are very lengthy and really do take a great deal of time.
58. What has already been clarified with regard to Iran is another moderately severe earthquake measuring 6.5 on the Richter scale.
59. The places that will be damaged and where again many human lives will be lost are well known to you from your travels through Iran, namely in the area of Zarand.
60. More than 40 villages will be affected by the extensive destruction.
Yes, I know the area well. I also had acquaintances in several villages there. When will the quake be?
61. Already on the coming 22nd February.
Soon the time has come for the pope to put on the papal black wings and then to fly away from the Earth in a nosedive into hot climes; he will not receive the white wings of an angel. If I remember your foresight correctly, then it will happen that on the 22nd or 23rd or so of February, he will try to take off for the second time within a short time, but he will not succeed, because he will be given the wrong little wings again, which is why he will have to try on new ones later, which will really allow him to fly underground, where he will either have to shovel coal or polish the central heating in Hades. His time will come, however, when he will no longer be able to jump off the Grim Reaper's shovel and pay his respects to the cuckold or 'Gäbèlifritz' [Billy's word, meaning more or less:'the guy wielding the pitchfork']. It is not my wish that he should die, because I make fun of him because he is a hypocrite who makes fun of his believers, because he does not believe all the nonsense he preaches. His only concern – as you yourself once said – is the power he can exercise over the believing Catholics. Besides, as I have said before, it is a disgrace that this man does not resign from his office, but instead, plagued by illness, clings to it adoringly and allows himself to be adored, half-dawns in his religious machinations, only slurps his religious nonsense and slobbered all over everything. He has a very long death, and this is damned undignified when you look at everything closely. He belongs in a nursing home for a long time, but his papal craving for power and the greed to be worshipped as an alleged representative of God is greater than all rationality. Besides, I think that the Pope will probably wield the sceptre over the period of his office and thus determine whether he wants to resign or not, but all the decrees of the last few years, which were allegedly thought up by him, are in reality not from him, but from the curial officials, etc., because he himself has not been able to invent all this nonsense for years. And what I wanted to ask you: Popes are not allowed to be dissected or examined when they are dead. Of course, since the emergence of the papacy, this has encouraged the possibility that one or the other has been cut off from life, which was also the case with Pope John Paul I in the last century. In the past 2000 years, there have been a great many popes in power, and I ask myself whether, in addition to John Paul I, others have been killed by clerical officials? If so, then I only want to know the number.
很快就要接近那個時間,對於教宗來說,他需要戴上那些象徵教宗的黑色小翅膀,然後俯衝墜入炎熱的地帶;他肯定無法得到白色天使的翅膀。如果我對你們的預測記得沒錯的話,事情將會發生在2月22日或23日左右,那時他會在短時間內第二次試圖起飛,但他無法成功,因為他再次得到了錯誤的翅膀,因此他後來不得不試穿新的翅膀,而這些翅膀確實能讓他飛入地底,那裡他將在冥界中或者鏟煤或者擦拭中央暖氣。他的時間終究會到來,無法再從死神的鐮刀下逃脫,並且要面對「Gäbèlifritz」或者「有叉的弗里茨」(可能指魔鬼)致意。當然,我並不希望他死,因為我對此嘲弄的原因是,他是一個偽君子,他欺騙他的信徒,因為他其實根本不相信自己所宣揚的那些荒唐事。正如你們曾經說過的,他唯一在乎的是他對虔誠的天主教徒所能施加的權力。此外,我以前就說過,這個人不辭職是一種恥辱,他被疾病折磨,卻依然渴望被崇拜,緊緊抓住他的職位不放,在他的宗教操弄中半昏迷地呆坐,只能含混不清地喃喃自語,還令人作嘔地弄髒一切。他的死亡過程非常漫長,從任何角度來看都是毫無尊嚴的。他早就該住進療養院了,但他的教宗權力慾和渴望以所謂「上帝代言人」的身份被崇拜的貪念遠遠超過了一切理性。此外,我認為,教宗在其任期內揮舞權杖,自行決定是否辭職,但近年來那些據稱由他構思出的法令,其實並非出自他本人,而是由教廷的官員起草,因為他多年來已經無力編造那些荒唐的東西了。還有,我想問你一個問題:教宗死後不能解剖或檢查遺體。這種規定自教宗制度建立以來,當然增加了某些人非自然死亡的可能性,例如上個世紀的若望保祿一世(John Paul I)。在過去的兩千年間,許多教宗掌握了權力,因此我想知道,除了若望保祿一世之外,是否還有其他教宗被教會官員所謀殺?如果是的話,我只想知道具體的數字。
62. It is a strange idea, the putting on of wings and thus escaping from the Earth, as well as the idea of shovelling coal and polishing central heating, but you remember correctly our prediction concerning his last days.
63. But what does 'Gäbèlifritz' mean, I do not understand?
64. Regarding the murders of popes:
65. Yes, there were more, and in addition to John Paul I, 13 other popes were murdered by high clerical officials.
"Gaebelifritz", well, "Gaebeli", that is simply a small fork, in this case a fire fork, which the "Fritz" swings, whereby this "Fritz" is supposed to be the prince of hell – whereby there is neither "Gaebelifritz" nor hell, because both are only imaginary.
“Gaebelifritz”,嗯,“Gaebeli”,那只是一把小叉子,在這裡是一把火叉,“Fritz”揮舞著它,因此這個“Fritz”應該是地獄的王子 —— 這裡既沒有“Gaebelifritz”,也沒有地獄,因為兩者都只是想像出來的。
66. Interesting.
67. Is the expression 'Gäbèlifritz' part of the official Swiss-German vocabulary?
No, of course not. The term 'Gaebelifritz' comes from my word creation.
68. Oh, I could have recognised that myself.
69. But the name is humorous and I like it, so I will add it to my vocabulary.
70. Well – what you said about the Pope's illness and behaviour, etc., I agree with you.
71. The whole thing is simply an unworthiness without precedent, as you say.
72. Also with regard to the decrees, I must say that everything in relation to these papal machinations of recent years is indeed as you have said, for the decrees have always been, as a rule, products of the highest curial ministers.
73. Even in the good times of the Pope – also with other Popes – many decrees were created by the curia forces and declared to be papal works.
即使在教皇的好時光裡 —— 其他教皇也是如此 —— 許多政令都是由教廷的人制定的,教廷的人。
74. This is evident from our observations, which have been made of the papacy since it was established.
75. So these are not observations that are only related to the Vatican or based on suppositions.
It is also been a number of years since you talked about the Pope's demise and said that he will live into the third millennium for a number of years. This has also meant that the prophesied end of the papacy has been postponed in relation to the last two popes. Many humans have also become wiser, which may also contribute to the fact that the old prophecies, which proceed from a Third World War, with the next one prophesied for 2006, which is to find its origin in the Middle East, do not have to be fulfilled. The danger of this still exists, so it could still be possible that such a war could break out next year, unless the wings of US President George W. Bush are clipped or some other sick lunatic presses the red button. If such a war does break out, then George W. Bush is the only one who is the real originator of it, and he is the only one who is under the authority of all those who are shouting for and encouraging this warmonger. In spite of everything, however, there is still hope that the future will turn out well, which is also to be hoped for between 2010 and 2015, as well as for other times in the more distant future, for which equally gloomy prophecies exist. If the whole of humanity finally becomes wiser and stops the mad warmongers and reduces overpopulation to a reasonable level by means of a rigorous birth stop, and controls the powerful of the world itself and takes the rudder out of their hands so that they can only act according to the will of the people, then there is a real and good chance that peace, freedom, love and harmony will finally be established on the Earth and among all earthly humanity. – But if you have observed everything in the above-mentioned relationship since the existence of the papacy, then it should be 1938 years since the first actual pope, Linus, if you leave out Peter. If we add to this the time of Peter – always according to the assertions of the Catholic Church – then another four (4) years would have to be added. The Vatican itself became the permanent residence of the popes only late. – If I am still correctly oriented, the Vatican is not a part of the city of Rome, but an enclave with the Pope's residence near St. Peter's Church on Monte Vaticano. Up to the 14th century, the bishops resided in originally quite modest buildings, mainly in the so-called Lateran. In the 9th century, because of the Saracen invasions, everything was walled up and the whole thing was then called Leonstadt. It was probably in 1377, when after the return from the exile of Avignon the Vatican was made the permanent residence of the Popes. It was Pope Nicholas V, if I am not mistaken, who planned in 1455-1477 or so a new building of the St. Peter's Church and an own Vatican City. – Wait a minute … Here – I can look it up in the encyclopedia … Right, it is true what I said. There is also some stuff there, if you are interested?
多年前,你們談論過教宗的去世,並說他將活到公元兩千年後。這也意味著,關於教宗制度終結的預言在最後兩位教宗的情況下被推遲了。許多人變得更加聰明,這也可能促使一些古老的預言不一定會實現,例如那些預測第三次世界大戰的預言。據說下一次世界大戰將在2006年爆發,並據稱將在中東爆發。這種威脅仍然存在,因此明年可能仍會爆發戰爭,尤其是在美國總統喬治.W.布希(George W. Bush)沒有受到制約,或者某個瘋狂的狂熱者按下核武器紅色按鈕。如果這場戰爭真的爆發,那麼唯一的罪魁禍首是喬治.W.布希,而所有為這位戰爭煽動者喝采的人都是同謀。然而,仍有希望未來會朝著好的方向發展,這也是對2010年至2015年以及更遠未來的希望,儘管也有許多對未來的陰暗預言。如果整個人類最終變得更聰明,並阻止那些瘋狂的戰爭煽動者,通過嚴格的生育限制將人口過剩減少到合理的水準,並控制世界上的權貴,從他們手中奪回主導權,使他們只能按照人民的意願行事,那麼就有真正的好機會讓地球上以及整個地球人類之間實現和平、自由、愛和和諧。然而,如果你觀察了自教皇制度出現以來這方面的一切,那麼,如果不考慮彼得(Peter),從第一位真正的教皇理諾(Linus)算起,應該有 1938 年了。如果加上彼得的時間 —— 總是按照天主教會的說法 —— 那麼又要增加四年。梵蒂岡本身直到很晚才成為教宗的固定住所。如果我沒記錯的話,梵蒂岡並不是羅馬城的一部分,而是一個位於聖彼得大教堂旁邊的梵蒂岡山上的飛地,作為教宗的住所。直到14世紀,主教們一直住在最初相當簡陋的建築中,主要是在所謂的拉特朗(Lateran)。在9世紀時,由於撒拉森人(Saracen)的入侵,整個區域被圍牆包圍,並被稱為Leonstadt。大概是在 1377 年,教皇從亞維農(Avignon)流亡歸來後,梵蒂岡才成為教皇的永久居所。如果我沒弄錯的話,是教宗尼古拉五世在1455年至1477年左右計劃建造新的聖彼得大教堂和一個獨立的梵蒂岡城。等一下 ... 這裡 —— 我可以在百科全書裡查一下 ... 沒錯,我說的是真的。如果你有興趣,這裡還有一些其他的資料。
76. Of course. –
當然。 -
77. With regard to the threat of war, which is predicted with a starting point in the Middle East, the chances are not very good at the moment, because the American warmonger President Bush is not only flirting with a military intervention in Iran, but also in Syria.
78. Nonetheless, it is to be hoped that the right steps will be taken to break the power of the US president when the relevant population groups and states rise up against him and his wartime actions.
So: Under Pope Sixtus IV the Sistine Chapel was built, under Pope Julius II the Belvedere, located on the northern hill, was connected to the palace in St. Peter's Square. Raphael and his school created the frescoes in the stanzas and loggias under Pope Leo X. Sixtus V had the present residential palace and library built, and Pope Alexander VII (1655-67) had the grand staircase between St. Peter's and the Damasus Court (Scala Regia) built by Bernini. P.L. Nervi created the audience hall in 1966-71. Most of the building is occupied by the Vatican Museums (Vatican Collections), the Vatican Library and the Vatican Archives. For the paintings, the Vatican Picture Gallery was built under Pope Pius XI (1932).
因此:在教皇西斯篤四世(Pope Sixtus IV)任內,修建了西斯汀小堂(Sistine Chapel),而在儒略二世(Julius II)任內,將位於北側高地的觀景樓(Belvedere)與聖伯多祿廣場(St. Peter's Square;亦譯聖彼得廣場)的宮殿相連。在良十世(Leo X)的時候,拉斐爾(Raphael)和他的學派在stanzas和走廊上創作了壁畫。西斯篤五世(Sixtus V)修建了今天的居住宮殿和圖書館,教宗亞歷山大七世(Alexander VII;1655–67在任)由貝尼尼(Bernini)建造了位於聖彼得大教堂和達馬穌宮(Damasus Court)之間的國王樓梯(Scala Regia)。P. L. Nervi在1966年至1971年期間創建了接見大廳(audience hall)。這些建築的絕大部分都由梵蒂岡博物館(梵蒂岡收藏)、梵蒂岡圖書館和梵蒂岡檔案館占用。為了展示繪畫作品,庇護十一世(Pius XI)於1932年建造了梵蒂岡繪畫館(Vatican Picture Gallery;德文:Pinakothek)。
[中譯者註:以下資料譯自法文;Pinacoteca Vaticana 是位於羅馬的梵蒂岡博物館的一個部門。在教宗庇護十一世(1922-1939)執教期間,梵蒂岡博物館於 1932 年 10 月 27 日對外開放。(資料來自《維基百科》法文版)]
梵蒂岡繪畫館(法文:Pinacothèque vaticane)(圖片資料來自:《維基百科》法文版)
79. Interesting remarks, but they are familiar to me.
80. But a refreshment of knowledge does no harm.
Raphael, who is called, that was actually Raffaello Santi or Sanzio, the Italian architect and painter, right?
提到的拉斐爾(Raphael),應該是Raffaello Santi或Raffaello Sanzio,那位意大利建築師和畫家,對吧?
81. That is correct.
And Bernini, was that the Italian architect, sculptor and painter Gianlorenzo, whose real name was Giovanni Lorenzo?
那麼貝尼尼(Bernini),是不是指義大利建築師、雕塑家和畫家Gian lorenzo,其實也是Giovanni Lorenzo呢?
82. That is also correct.
83. You have studied their history?
No, they are only known to me from history as builders, sculptors, painters. I do not know their history because I never tried to learn anything about it. – But tell me Ptaah if there are other things concerning world events in the near future that you already know about? I only mean something important.
84. From special forecasts I know the following:
85. At the moment, when the Pope is in hospital for the second time, Saddam Husain's half-brother Sawabi Ibrahiim Hasan al Tikriti will be arrested in Iraq.
就在教皇第二次住院的時候,伊拉克前總統薩達姆.海珊(Saddam Husain)的同父異母兄弟Sawabi Ibrahiim Hasan al Tikriti將在伊拉克被捕,他和許多其他薩達姆政權成員一樣,要對許多謀殺案負責。
86. It will be the same time that Russia, through a treaty with Iran, commits itself to supplying fuel rods for nuclear power plants, which is against American interests.
87. This will be such an act of irrationality on Russia's part that it may result in conflicts of interest with the U.S., but so far we have no forward-looking data on this, only possibilities.
How does the weather actually work in Europe, can we expect to have a real winter again?
88. That will be the case.
89. Our meteorological forecasts are very accurate, and we operate them for Earth as well.
90. Yes, there will be a real winter in the next few weeks, with lots of snow and very cold weather, but it will not be possible to measure it properly until mid-February, when it will be really cold, with temperatures dropping to 34 degrees below zero, until the 12th of March, after which it will become rapidly warm and move towards spring, but with the great melting of the snow beginning, which will lead to flooding again.
91. Not only Europe will be affected, but also other continents and countries far south.
92. But what else will happen is the following:
93. Terrorist elements will again disrupt Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts with new suicide bombings in Israel from the 27th of February onwards.
恐怖分子將從 2 月 27 日起在以色列製造新的自殺性爆炸事件,再次破壞以巴和平努力。
94. The same will happen in Iraq, in Babylon's capital Hilla, when on the 28th of February a suicide bomber detonates a car full of explosives, which he drives into a large crowd in front of a hospital, killing more than 140 people and seriously wounding many.
95. In the first ten days of March, it turns out that the Kremlin's mortal enemy, rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, is killed in a sudden anti-terrorist special action.
在三月的前十天,克里姆林宮的死敵、叛軍領袖阿斯蘭.馬斯哈多夫(Aslan Maskhadov)將在一次突然的反恐特別行動中被擊斃。
96. This is far enough.
97. Now I would like to discuss these things with you.
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