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Contact Report 535/第535次接觸報告
英譯改進:2020.09.25. DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯改進:2022.01.20. DeepL Translator, James Hsu
這次接觸時間是在Billy 75歲生日的次日,是極少數不是在Billy生日當天的例子。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
這是一篇完整的接觸報告。這是一個經授權但非官方的 DeepL 初步英文翻譯,很可能包含錯誤。請注意,所有錯誤和失誤等將持續修正,這將取決於有關人員的可用時間(依照與比利/FIGU 的合約所訂)。因此,不要複製粘貼和發佈此版本在其他地方,因為任何改進和修正將會在這個版本中發生!
And here I am, dear friend.
1. You have lost quite a bit of weight, my friend.
So you see it too, as well as various group members.
2. I noticed that already on the 24th of January, because it is clearly visible.
Everybody thinks so, but it is only 8 kilos since the 19th of December 2011. At 5 kilos there was a break for the first time, and now at 8 kilos it stops again. There are always phases, as losing weight does not continue for some time, so it simply means that you have to keep going. But I do not have a problem with that, because since 1984 I have only eaten something once in the evening, but that has not stopped me from going up to 90 kilos a second time. For the first time I have gone down to 70 kilos, and I think that I will also make it this time with much reduced food, only I think that this time it will probably take longer and be more tiring. Actually, I was always 65 kilos until my health collapse on the 4th of November 1982, but then I gained about 20 kilos within a very short time after the collapse, after which I finally gained another 5 kilos. And now it is time to bite the bullet again, because I am simply uncomfortable with too much weight.
3. As I know you, you will not let up with your efforts in this regard.
4. But whether you can lose as much weight again, down to 70 kilos, that might be questionable at your age.
5. A weight loss down to 75 kilos, that seems real to me, but more … I do not know.
減到75公斤,我覺得是做得到的,但更多... 我就不知道了。
6. You also need the necessary substances, such as vitamins, trace elements and minerals.
We will see. But it is precisely because of the vitamins, trace elements and minerals that I have no problems, because I take them in addition to the reduced diet, and they really help me, and not just now, but since my health collapse in 1982. Without these food supplements I could not have made it, because today's food no longer supplies these substances in sufficient quantities. This is disputed by many so-called 'experts', even though many of the human beings have fewer or no health problems as a result of these additional substances.
7. The negation comes from the pharmaceutical industry, which also rewards the persons you call 'experts' for their false statements.
8. It is absolutely all about profit, and the pharmaceutical companies can only make that profit if the human beings are suffering and sick.
To make profit, they are effectively and literally walking over dead bodies.
9. That is unfortunately the truth.
Then the question whether you can tell me the mass ratio with regard to all the coarse matter and dark matter in the universe, or whether you are also not allowed to do so?
那麼問題來了,你能不能告訴我宇宙中所有「粗粒物質」(coarse matter)和「暗物質」(dark matter)的質量(mass)比例,或者你是不是也不允許這樣做?
[中譯者註:這裡所稱的「粗粒物質」(coarse matter)是對應於所謂的「細緻物質」(fine matter)而言,在Billy與Plejaren的對話中經常出現。
10. There is no secrecy for this.
11. The Dark Matter in the entire universe is about seven times more in terms of mass than the total mass of all other forms of matter.
[中譯者註:在宇宙學中,「暗物質」(Dark Matter)是指不與電磁力產生作用的物質,也就是不會吸收、反射或發出光。人們目前只能透過重力產生的效應得知,而且已經發現宇宙中有大量暗物質的存在。
最早提出證據並推斷暗物質存在的是荷蘭科學家揚.奧爾特(Jan Hendrik Oort),在1932年他根據銀河系恆星的運動提出銀河系裡面應該有更多的質量的想法。1933年,美國加州理工學院的瑞士天文學家弗里茨.茲威基(Fritz Zwicky)研究后髮座星系團(Coma Cluster;又稱阿貝爾1656)時,使用維里定理(Virial theorem;又稱位力定理,均功定理)推斷出其內部有看不見的物質。但當時並未稱為暗物質,而是稱為被丟失了的質量。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
Then I have other questions: As early as 1975 I went deep-sea diving with Quetzal several times in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the last time in 1989, using black light to show me deep-sea creatures. He said that it was only with this light, invisible to the eye, that it was possible to observe these creatures, because with visible light, like with spotlights etc., it was impossible because the deep-sea inhabitants would flee from it. In this way I was able to observe many deep-sea creatures that are still completely unknown to our terrestrial oceanographers and deep-sea researchers.
那我還有其他問題:早在1975年,我就和Quetzal一起在大西洋和太平洋進行了幾次深海潛水,最後一次是在1989年,他用“黑光燈”(black light)向我展示深海生物。他說,只有用這種眼睛看不見的光,才有可能觀察到這些生物,因為用可見光,如聚光燈等,是不可能的,因為深海生物會逃離它。通過這種方式,我能夠觀察到許多深海生物,這些生物對於我們的地球海洋學家和深海研究人員來說仍然是完全未知的。
12. I know that, but I do not understand what you want to ask?
Oh, of course. The question is, can you explain to me how this black light works? Although the black light, as Quetzal also called it, was used as a spotlight, not a beam of light could be seen. Nevertheless, I could see everything that moved in this invisible headlight black light beam, but I cannot explain how this was possible. How does that work? Despite the deep darkness in the deep sea, I could see very far. Quetzal said that the invisible black light projector reached a good 2,300 metres.
13. That is correct, but we have such black light sources that can make everything visible at much greater distances. I am not allowed to officially explain the technology in question, but I am at liberty to say that it is a combination of a special infrared and laser radiation that produces very strong invisible light, in the area of which everything becomes as clearly visible even in the deepest darkness as it is in daylight and with focusing equipment.
這是正確的,我們有這樣的黑光源設備,可以在黑暗中看見更遠的地方。我不允許正式解釋有關技術,但我可以說,它是一種特殊的紅外線和雷射放射線(special infrared and laser radiation)的組合,產生非常強烈的不可見光,在這個範圍內,即使在最深的黑暗中,一切都變得像在白天和聚焦設備中一樣清晰可見。
Focusing equipment, do you mean apparatus or devices such as focusing lenses, by which the depth of field of an object can be adjusted in relation to the observation?
14. That is the sense of my explanation.
15. So this is called a sharpness lens.
I am not sure, but I think it is called something like that. And if I understand everything correctly, then you could compare this black light with what we have here on Earth with night vision devices respectively with residual light amplifiers, only that with you, everything is in a much more highly developed form.
我不太清楚,但我認為它被稱為類似的東西。如果我的理解是正確的,那麼你可以把這種黑光燈與我們在地球上的夜視設備和餘光(residual light)放大器相比較,只是在你們這裡,一切都處於更高的發展階段。
16. I can agree with this comparison.
[中譯者註:根據《維基百科》的資料,目前地球的「黑光燈」(Blacklight)又稱紫外線燈或伍德燈(Wood's lamp),是一種可發射長波紫外線和少量可見光的燈,又叫做UV-A 燈,黑光燈有深紫色的過濾材料,在電燈泡上或者在分開的玻璃過濾器中,用來過濾可見光,同時允許紫外線通過,但有時會因為可見光過濾不完全而在啟動時發出可見的紫光。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
On television they have once again made a programme about the conspiracy theories around the Bermuda Triangle. There is a theory, which we talked about before, that Atlantis existed in that area, which is absolute nonsense, as I know from you, because Atlantis was located elsewhere in the east. But now it is even claimed that in the Bermuda Triangle, in the supposedly sunken Atlantis, there is a giant crystal that emits very strong vibrations, which would cause ships to sink there and also aeroplanes to crash if they were hit by the crystal vibrations. The reason why there is nothing to be found could be due to time tunnels through which everything disappears. But you once told me that only a few sunken ships and crashed aeroplanes have been found in the Bermuda Triangle, because of the currents there, which simply wash away ships and aeroplanes or their debris when they sink and get caught in the currents.
在電視上,他們再次製作了一個關於圍繞百慕達三角(Bermuda Triangle)的陰謀論的節目。有一種理論,我們以前談過,亞特蘭提斯(Atlantis)存在於那個地區,這絕對是無稽之談,我從你那裡知道,因為亞特蘭提斯位於東方的其他地方。但現在甚至有人聲稱,在百慕達三角,在所謂的沉沒的亞特蘭提斯,有一個巨大的水晶,發出非常強烈的振動,如果被水晶的振動擊中,會導致船隻在那裡沉沒,也會導致飛機墜毀。之所以什麼都找不到,可能是由於時間隧道(time tunnels)的存在,一切都消失了。但是你曾經告訴我,在百慕達三角只發現了幾艘沉船和墜毀的飛機,因為那裡的洋流,當船隻和飛機沉沒並被洋流捲入時,就會把它們或其碎片沖走。
17. What you say is correct, and of course the story of the great crystal is based on a completely absurd conspiracy theory.
18. There is probably nothing more to be said.
Good, then the following: Recently, my childhood friend E. Meierhofer telephoned me and asked me what kind of equipment was needed to colour-code the different stages of development, as you once explained that you could do that. He asked whether our scientists already had such devices or apparatuses.
19. They are spectral analysis devices, which are also produced in a still quite primitive way on Earth and are used by the Earth scientists.
20. Such devices analyse chemical substances by evaluating the emitted spectral colours.
21. Astronomically, the whole thing is based on a procedure for determining the chemical and physical nature of celestial bodies, also by evaluating the spectral colours emitted by them.
He, like me, is aware of this, but his question is about what equipment is needed to determine the evolutionary status of the planets, as one of you said at the time and subsequently explained in private that such colour analyses refer to the overall evolutionary status, which I did not question further.
22. Oh, I see, this probably refers to the overall picture of the planets, but the planets are not analysed solely in terms of their level of development, but together with the average level of evolution of the planetary population.
23. This says that the planetary colour is determined by special spectral colour apparatuses, whereby these determine both the stage of development of the planets, but together with the average stage of evolution of consciousness of the entire planetary population.
24. Our spectral colour analysis apparatuses thus determine two fundamentally different values, which are only of importance to us in this combination, because they specifically determine two different states of development, which can only occur in a common way.
25. The earthly astronomical scientists do not possess such apparatuses, however, because this technique is unknown to them and does not even exist in their minds in an idea.
That is clear, then I misunderstood something at the time in relation to the colours of the planets, because only such colours were mentioned, but not that it is a combination of colours in relation to planets and the population of the planets.
26. There really was a misunderstanding.
But one more question about that: It is likely that you also have other spectral colour apparatuses that can only analyse individual factors, or?
27. That is correct.
Then at least there is no misunderstanding with that. But tell me, dear friend, when I was with Quetzal at the so-called Seal Islands more than 25 years ago and I could see white sharks shooting a good four metres high out of the sea into the air while hunting seals, he told me that these sharks were only there at certain times and would only hunt. Can you tell me at what particular time this is the case?
那麼至少這方面不會有什麼誤解了。但是請告訴我,親愛的朋友,當我25年多前和Quetzal一起在所謂的海豹群島(Seal Islands)時,我看到大白鯊(white sharks)可以躍出海面大約四公尺高去獵殺海豹,他告訴我這些鯊魚只有在特定的時間才會在那裡捕獵。你能告訴我這是在什麼特定的時間嗎?
28. No, because I did not deal with it, but I can ask Quetzal if you want an answer.
This is not necessary, because it just came to my mind, and so I wanted to ask. But it is not important. But what I want to ask is this: Earth pulsates in different ways, and your father Sfath explained this to me in the 1940s. So it also happens that the ebb and flow in the oceans and in large lakes creates a long-term pulsation, so to speak, which causes the phenomenon of land uplift, as Sfath explained. Can you tell me what actually happens because your father has not given me a more detailed explanation?
29. The whole thing is that the tides of the seas and great lakes change the pressure on the seabed, and this is reduced by the low tide, while at high tide the returning water masses cause the pressure to rise again very sharply.
30. As a result, the sea bed is subject to ups and downs, respectively, and at low tide the sea bed rises considerably, while at high tide it is depressed again.
31. However, this is not limited to the waters classified under the ocean and sea tides, but everything has an impact deep into the mainland and thus also into inland waters which are moved by this pulsation of the great ocean and sea tides.
Let me ask you about the fact that certain lizards, etc. have lost limbs that grow back. Can this also be possible in mammals and the human being with a certain medical technique?
32. This regenerative medical possibility is given to us, but I am not allowed to give any information about it, but only to say that it is a genetic imprint for self-healing.
這種再生醫療的可能性,在我們這裡是有的,但我不被允許提供任何有關的資訊,只能說這是一種自我修復的「基因銘印」(genetic imprint)。
33. The decisive factor here is an 'extracellular matrix', whereby the body's own stem cells are also important.
這裡的決定性因素是“細胞外基質”(extracellular matrix),其中人體自身的幹細胞(stem cells)也很重要。
I do not understand a thing about it, so let us leave it at that. Then I want to ask whether the human being can sleepwalk?
34. This requires certain preconditions, which arise from the brain and can also be inherited genetically.
So it is also inheritable. More is not to be said?
35. Our directives would not allow that.
36. But now, dear friend, it is time for me again …
Pity, would have some more questions, but if you have to go, then goodbye, dear friend.
37. Goodbye.
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