Ancient Earth History, Part 1
October 24, 2021
Guest Article by Robert Dawson
Dating back 389,000 years ago, the real ‘ancient aliens’, the extraterrestrial ‘long-skulls’, settled on earth and left evidence of their influence in ancient Egypt and the Americas
追溯到38萬9千年前,真正的「遠古外星人」 —— 外星「長頭骨族」(long-skulls)在地球上定居,並留下證據證明他們對古埃及和美洲的影響。
Contained within the hundreds of Contact Reports between Billy Meier and the Plejaren is information about Earth-man’s true history on the planet and its extraterrestrial influences. This series of articles aims to show the abundance of archeological evidence that has managed to survive which substantiates and authenticates that information which also fills in missing historical gaps and puzzling mysteries. Parts 1 & 2, will focus on a comparison of ancient America and ancient Egypt who share huge cultural parallels in religion, astronomy, architecture and the arts and how that relates to the new historical information provided in the Contact Notes.
在Billy Meier和Plejaren之間的數百份《接觸報告》中,包含了關於地球人類在地球上的真實歷史及其外星影響的資訊。這一系列的文章目的在展示豐富的考古學證據,這些證據能夠證實和驗證這些資訊,同時也填補了缺失的歷史空白和令人困惑的謎團。第一和第二部分將著重於比較古代美洲和古埃及在宗教、天文學、建築和藝術方面有著巨大的文化相似性,以及這與《接觸報告》中提供的新歷史資訊的關聯。
From Contact Report 710:
… With this I can say that the Earth-foreigners, who are generally simply called extraterrestrials or aliens by the Earthlings, have in fact been around for a long time. They stayed here and worked in many ways, as did their distant descendants, but they have also been active on Earth for centuries and millennia up to the present day, flying around and in and out of the Earth, and are observed again and again around the world by the Earthlings, whereby the American continent is of particular importance in this respect. Their early ancestors worked in many different ways on Earth, and also in various countries in Asia, North Africa and partly in Europe, but mainly in the early days in the North African country, which in later times was called ‘Kemet’ and then finally in later times Egypt, after which this name has been preserved until today. Your father Sfath taught me during a leap in time into the past to the land there, where the Earth-foreigners ruled at that time, whom he called ‘long-skulls’ and whom I have seen myself, that they had been on Earth for thousands of years. Because, in contrast to the round skulls of the human beings of Earth, they had skulls that were long and thickly protruding towards the back, they stood out unmistakably from the human beings of Earth just as other Earth-foreigners did around the world . . .”
… 有了這個,我可以說,地球上的外星人(Earth-foreigners),通常地球人都將它們稱為外星人(extraterrestrials or aliens),其實他們從史前時代開始,就已經存在於地球很長的一段時間了。他們留在這裡,以許多方式活動,就像他們遙遠的後代一樣。而這些後代也在地球上活躍了好幾個世紀並達數千年之久,且直到今天,他們在地球上來去自如,進出地球,並被地球人在世界各地反復觀察到,在這方面,尤其是美洲大陸最多。他們的早期祖先在地球上的活動非常廣泛,包括在亞洲、北非和部分歐洲的各個國家,但主要是在早期的北非國家,在後來的時代被稱為“Kemet”,最後在後期則被稱為「埃及」(Egypt),之後這個名字一直被保留到今天。你的父親Sfath在一次穿越過去的過程中告訴我,在那個國家,當時地球上的外星人在那裡統治,他稱之為「長頭骨族」,我自己也見過他們,他們在地球上已經有幾千年的歷史。因為,與地球人的圓形頭骨相比,他們的頭骨長而厚,並向後方突出,他們與地球人相比有著明顯的區別,就像世界各地其他的地球上的外星人一樣...
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans have archeological and cultural evidence of ‘long-skulls’.
Above: Akhenaten with his wife, Nefertiti and three of their daughters under the solar disc of Aten, New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, around 1345 BC Chr., Limestone, height 32.5 cm, width 39 cm; Neues Museum Berlin, Egyptian Museum and Papyrus Collection, Altar fragment
Above: Ancient Mayan nobleman figurine artifact
Above(2):Bust of Egyptian princess from el-Amarna,
Egypt. Amarna Period, c. 1365-1347 BC.
Above(4):Four examples of the elongated skulls found at the archeological site in Paracas, Peru. The DNA fragments studied indicate that they are a different “human-type” creature, far removed from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans. The cranial volume is up to 25% larger and 60% heavier than conventional human skulls and only one parietal plate instead of two, meaning the head could not have been intentionally deformed by “flattening”.
研究的DNA片段表明,他們是一種不同的 "人型 "生物,與智人、尼安德塔人和丹尼索瓦人(Denisovans)相去甚遠。顱骨體積比傳統人類頭骨大25%,重60%,
Excerpt from Contact Report 721:
39. When the last Plejaren immigration community came to earth around 13,500 years ago, it happened in a completely secret way, because since 389,000 years earlier other extraterrestrials had come to earth and had settled far and wide on all continents, above all, the long-skulled ones.
40. In ancient Egypt in particular, they rose to positions of power, waged wars and subjugated tribes of peoples . . .
特別是在古埃及,他們佔據了統治的地位,對外發動戰爭並征服了各民族部落. . .
Above: A young Egyptian prince riding a chariot is depicted in this tablet.
Above: Two young Egyptian women.
Above: This bust is depicting a daughter of Akhnaten and Nefertiti.
Above: The small figures in this scene with ‘long skulls’ have been restored to the original positions they had been found in at La Venta, Tabasco. There is no definite answer for what this scene is enacting.
上圖:這個場景中帶有“長頭骨”的小雕像已經被恢復到他們在塔巴斯科州(Tabasco)的La Venta發現的原始位置。對於這個場景所表現的內容,目前還沒有明確的答案。
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans built large pyramids.
Above: The Giza Pyramids, Cairo, Egypt.
Above: The pyramids of the City of Teotihuacan located 30 miles (50 km) northeast of modern-day Mexico City.
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans used precise engineering for site planning.
Left: A site plan of the Giza Plateau. The three pyramids are precisely aligned at the corners. The largest of the three pyramids, The Great Pyramid, is positioned in the middle.
三座金字塔中最大的一座,即胡夫金字塔(The Great Pyramid),位於中間的位置。
Right: A site plan of the Teotihuacan, with the three main pyramids also aligned diagonally. The largest of the three pyramids, Pyramid of the Sun, is also positioned in the middle.
三座金字塔中最大的太陽金字塔(Pyramid of the Sun)也位於中間位置。
The deserted city of Teotihuacan was discovered by the Aztecs in the 14th century, and named it Teotihuacan (meaning “the place where the gods were created”) when it had already been abandoned for centuries. Current belief is that Teotihuacan was a multi-ethnic site, being home to four distinct groups of people. One of the big mysteries about Teotihuacan is why nobody has ever discovered burial places for the leaders of these ancient peoples. Perhaps the obvious location for a tomb would be inside the pyramids as per the Egyptians, but the two major pyramids at Teotihuacan are sealed off with no entrances.
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans used a 365-day calendar
Above: The ancient Egyptian calendar – was a solar calendar with a 365-day year. The year consisted of three seasons of 120 days. Each season was four months of 30 days.
上圖:古埃及曆法 —— 是一種一年365天的太陽曆。
Above: The ancient 365-day calendar of the Aztec, was divided into 18 months of 20 days each, plus 5 ‘nameless’ days at the end of the year.
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans shared common artistic motifs
Left : The Goddess Isis, mural from the Room of Beauties, Tomb of Seti I.
左圖:伊西斯(Isis)女神,塞提一世(Seti I)墓中的美人廳壁畫。
Right : An almost identical representation in art discovered as part of hundreds of fabulous archaeological pieces found In the Amazonian Ecuadorian region called Morona Santiago in Cueva de los Tayos. dating back to an unknown time, many of them made of gold, often masterfully carved with archaic hieroglyphs that, to date, no one has been able to decipher.
右圖:在厄瓜多(Ecuadorian)亞馬遜地區Cueva de los Tayos的莫羅納-聖地亞哥(Morona Santiago)省發現的數百件神話般的考古作品中,有一件幾乎完全相同的藝術品,可以追溯到未知的年代,其中許多是由黃金製成的,通常精巧雕刻著古老的象形文字,至今還沒人能破譯。
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans depicted animals with human heads
Above: Granite sphinx of Pharaoh Amenemhat III
上圖:法老阿蒙涅姆赫特三世(Amenemhat III)的花崗岩獅身人面像
Above: Mexico’s earliest civilization, the Olmecs, echo Egypt’s finest sculptures with Jaguar Man, having the body of a jaguar and head of a human.
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans worshiped feathered-serpent deities and often depicted flying serpents with their “gods”.
Left : The Egyptian God Hapi is depicted in this stone carved relief at the Philae Temple. Two hieroglyphic hymns used for the coronation of the Pharaoh, found within the pyramids mention a fiery flying serpent –“He comes to thee, O Red Crown; he comes to thee, O Fiery One O Magician, O Fiery Snake!”
在金字塔內發現的兩首用於法老加冕的象形文字讚美詩提到了一條火熱的飛蛇 ——
Right : This stone carving is known as: ‘La Venta’ Stele 19. La Venta is an ancient archaeological site that belonged to the ancient Olmec Civilization. The Olmecs were one of the first civilizations to develop in the Americas. The carving is the earliest known representation of Quetzalcoatl, or ‘The Feathered Serpent’, known across ancient cultures in Mexico as a God who arrived from the heavens, and brought great knowledge to ancient cultures. In the Contact Notes of Billy Meier with the Plejaren, it is explained that Quetzelcoatl was actually an extraterrestrial.
右圖:這個石雕被稱為。「La Venta 19號石雕」(La Venta’ Stele 19)。
La Venta是一個古老的考古遺址,屬於古代奧爾梅克文明。奧爾梅克人是最早在美洲發展的文明之一。該雕刻是已知最早的魁札爾科亞特爾(Quetzalcoatl;或稱「羽蛇神」)的代表,在墨西哥的古代文化中被稱為從天而降的神,並為古代文化帶來豐富的知識。
在Billy Meier與Plejaren的《接觸報告》中,解釋說魁札爾科亞特爾實際上是一個外星人。
from Contact Report 055
182. Quetzalcoatl had been, in Earth terms, a very high officer or a high supervisor of an extraterrestrial group, which was active in the region you today call Egypt.
183. But he was very knowledgeable and wise, and thus was often assigned special missions, of which one brought him to South America, where he became venerated as a god by the Aztecs.
184. Since he owned a small ship this impression of the Aztec people was strengthened, but this was not his intention.
Above: An Olmec deity is portrayed in this sculpture piece; Museo Nacional De Antropologia
收藏於墨西哥國立人類學博物館(Museo Nacional De Antropologia)
The fiery flying serpent is a creature mentioned in the Book of Isaiah in the Bible. The term translated as “fiery serpent”, saraph, appears elsewhere in the Book of Isaiah to signify the seraphim, the singular form of which is also saraph.
火熱的飛蛇是《聖經》中《以賽亞書》中提到的一種生物。翻譯為“火蛇”(fiery serpent),而saraph出現在《以賽亞書》的其他地方,被視為天神的「熾天使」,其複數為seraphim,單數也是saraph。
“And the Lord sent fiery serpents [hanechashim haseraphim] among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.”
“耶和華派火蛇[hanechashim haseraphim]到百姓那裡去咬他們,以色列許多人就就這樣死了。”
Above: Olmec relic found in Veracruz
Above: The Maori God, Pourangahua, flew from the legendary dwelling place of Hawaiki to New Zealand on a magic silver bird. Hawaiki is a compound word that comes from Old Indian and can be translated as “from the Milky Way.”
Above: A pre-Mayan artifact
Both Egyptians and Ancient Americans had sophisticated underground hydraulic systems
The term hydraulic refers to piped or channeled water and, to many, conveys an added flavor of engineering.
Above 2 pictures : Egyptian irrigation canals channeled water from the Nile River to agricultural farming areas.
Above & Below 2 pictures : In the Nazca region of Peru, carefully constructed, spiraling holes forming lines across the landscape when viewed from high above are known as puquios, and their origin has long been a puzzle. The puquios were a “sophisticated hydraulic system constructed to retrieve water from underground aquifers,” says Rosa Lasaponara of the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, in Italy. “Exploiting an inexhaustible water supply throughout the year, the puquio system contributed to an intensive agriculture of the valleys in one of the most arid places in the world.”
上下兩張圖片:在秘魯的納斯卡(Nazca)地區,從高處看去(上圖),精心建造的螺旋形洞口形成了橫跨景觀的線條,這些洞口被稱為puquios,其起源長期以來一直是一個謎。義大利環境分析方法研究所的Rosa Lasaponara說:「這些坑洞是一個複雜的水利系統,用於從地下蓄水層取水,利用全年取之不盡、用之不竭的水供應,puquio系統為世界上最乾旱地區之一的山谷的集約農業(intensive agriculture)作出了貢獻。」
A series of canals brought the water, trapped underground, to the areas where it was needed; anything left was stored in surface reservoirs. To help keep it moving, chimneys were excavated above the canals in the shape of corkscrewing funnels. These funnels let wind into the canals, which forced the water through the system.
Not only did the builders of the puquios need a deep understanding of the geology of the area and annual variations in water availability, but maintaining the canals was a technical challenge as they spread across tectonic faults. That meant a regular dependable water supply for centuries. The quality of construction was so good, that some of the puquios still function today.
The origin of the puquios has remained a mystery to researchers.
Source: Ancient Nasca World: New Insights from Science and Archaeology, Lasaponara, 2017
According to Contact Report 69, extraterrestrials had settled there and were most likely responsible for their construction:
25. Similar events took place in the areas you call Pisco, Nazca and Sacsayhuaman, because the same giants had settled there.
26. Thus many statues and other structures were created.
Article by Robert Dawson
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