

Ancient Earth History, Part 2


November 14, 2021
Guest Article by Robert Dawson


Excerpt from Contact Report 781 –



… Also that historians often commit themselves to false records and then claim that everything was so and so in ancient times, although it is so untrue, like false assumptions by archaeologists that, for example, something was built in such and such a way, etc., that should also be discussed once in a while, because sometimes such nonsense is said and told that it makes your hat go up. …


The story of our planet, Earth, is full of historical gaps and false interpretations, thereby denying a complete understanding of who we really are and where we are heading. The contact notes of the conversations between Billy Meier and the extraterrestrials, known as the Plejaren, whose ancestors share a common historical past with that of Earth-man’s, provides key information to correct these falsehoods and misinterpretations and it begins with the acceptance of the reality of our extraterrestrials.

我們的星球 —— 地球,她的故事充滿了歷史的空白和錯誤的解釋,從而否定了對我們真正是誰,以及我們應走向何方的完整理解。Billy Meier和被稱為Plejaren的外星人之間的談話記錄,提供了糾正這些虛假和誤解的關鍵資訊,因為Plejaren的祖先與地球人的祖先有著共同的歷史這讓我們開始接受我們本身源自外星的現實

This series of articles will present corroborating archeological evidence to the historical information provided by Billy Meier. Part 2 continues where Part 1 https://theyflyblog.com/2021/10/ancient-earth-history-part-1/ left off.

這一系列的文章將為Billy Meier提供的歷史資訊,確鑿見證了那些考古學的證據。第二部分是第一部分內容的延續 

Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans built irrigation channels.



Top Left & Right: This magnificently large ancient site resembling an amphitheater with its’ perfectly centered concentric circles, is located in the Nazca region at Moray, Peru. However, its’ purpose is far from entertainment. It is actually a very clever irrigation system with water designed to flow at different levels.



Above: Another picture of the garden terraces at Moray taken at ground level, shows a channel of water flowing at the base of the stone retaining wall. The stones used around the walls absorbed heat from the sun during the day, so crops would not be burned. During the night time, the walls conversely radiated the heat and stabilized the temperature of the cold nighttime air. Because the weather in Peru can be rather unstable, this method allowed to grow crops even in times of drought. Although its’ construction is attributed to the Incas, the method of rammed earth and stone retaining walls, bears an uncanny resemblance to the construction of the puquios, the underground hydraulic system, also in Peru, and discussed at the end of Part 1. Its’ original builders are unknown; however, it can be explained by the settlement of extraterrestrials in that region as mentioned in the Contact Report 69.



Above: One of the ancient water channels at Tipon, Peru that have amazingly survived for thousands of years and are still operable today.



Above: The Egyptians also built channels for irrigation in similar fashion as shown in this artist’s depiction.


Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans practiced mummification.



Left: The mummified body of Egyptian Queen Tiye enclosed in a glass display. DNA testing has shown her to be the grandmother of the Egyptian Boy King Tutankhamun. The blackish darkening of her skin is associated with plant chemicals used as part of the mummification process. A side view is shown of her later, below.

左圖:埃及泰伊王后Queen tiye)的木乃伊屍體被封在玻璃展櫃中。DNA測試顯示她是埃及男童國王圖坦卡門 (Tutankhamun)的祖母。她的皮膚變黑與木乃伊化過程中使用的植物化學物質有關。後面的圖片有她的側視圖。

Middle Left: Photograph of a mummy from Puruchuco-Huaquerones, a large ancient Inca cemetery on the outskirts of Lima, which was first excavated in 1999. This mummy, nicknamed “La Señorita”, was buried with her child, (not shown). The photograph shows that she had white skin and wavy reddish-brown hair. Unlike Egyptian mummies that used plant chemical preparations which darkened the skin, these mummies were naturally prepared with tight wrappings and extremely dry air and with no discoloration of skin tones.

中左圖:來自Puruchuco-Huaquerones的一具木乃伊的照片,該地是利馬lima)郊區的一個大型古印加人Inca)公墓,於1999年首次發掘。這具木乃伊綽號為“La Señorita”,與她的孩子一起被埋葬(未顯示)。照片顯示她有白色的皮膚和波浪形的紅棕色頭髮。與使用植物化學製劑使皮膚變黑的埃及木乃伊不同,這些木乃伊是通過嚴密的包裹和極其乾燥的空氣自然製備的,沒有出現膚色變色的情況。

Middle Right: Another mummy of a woman with red or reddish-brown hair and white skin. The age of these two female mummies pre-dates any known European contacts in the Americas.


Far Right: Photograph of two mummified heads found at Pachacamac, a city of the Ychsma culture, which existed along the central coast of Peru to the south of Lima. Both of the heads have white skin. The head on the left has brown hair. The head on the right has blond hair.



The “Gringuito” descendants of the Chachapoyas still preserve some of the genotype and phenotype of the White Gods of ancient Peru and Chile. Their autosomal DNA is between 10% and 50% European, and some of them have Y chromosomes belonging to haplogroup R1b. As the photographs above show, many of them have features like fair skin, blond and red hair, blue eyes, and freckles, which are typical of modern Northern Europeans, and not at all typical of modern Southern Europeans like Spaniards, who usually have brown eyes and brown or black hair. Source: More proof of Whites in ancient Peru and Chile, by Genetiker.

查查波亞斯Chachapoyas)人的“Ginguito”後裔仍然保留著古秘魯和智利白種神明(White Gods)的一些基因型genotype)和表現型phenotype)。他們的常染色體DNA10%50%之間,其中一些人的Y染色體屬於R1b單倍群Haplogroup。正如上面的照片所示,他們中的許多人具有皮膚白皙、金髮和紅髮、藍眼睛和雀斑等特徵,這是現代北歐人的典型特徵,而完全不是現代南歐人如西班牙人的典型特徵,他們通常有棕色眼睛和棕色或黑色頭髮。資料來源:《古代秘魯和智利白人的更多證據》,作者:Genetiker

This genetic phenomenon cannot be explained with the traditionally accepted history of Earth but is easily understood with the information provided in the Contact Reports of Billy Meier.

這種遺傳現象不能用傳統被接受的地球歷史來解釋,但用Billy Meier的《接觸報告》中提供的資訊就很容易理解。

Excerpt from Contact Report 721:



39. When the last Plejaren immigration community came to earth around 13,500 years ago, it happened in a completely secret way, because since 389,000 years earlier other extraterrestrials had come to earth and had settled far and wide on all continents, above all, the long-skulled ones.



Left: This is a three-dimensional CT image of the head skull of the mummified body of the Egyptian Boy King, Tutankhamun and shows him to be a long-skull. This picture appears in the book, Scanning the Pharaohs; CT Imaging of the New Kingdom Royal Mummies, by Zahi Hawass and Zahar Saleem, Oxford University Press, 2016. The forward to the book claims, “… this is the first fully comprehensive treatment to appear in print,” referring to the scientific forensic examination of Egyptian royal mummies.

左圖:這是埃及男童國王圖坦卡門Tutankhamun)木乃伊屍體的頭部頭骨的三維CT圖像,顯示他是一個長頭顱。這張圖片出現在《掃描法老;新王國皇家木乃伊的CT成像》一書中,作者札希.哈瓦斯Zahi Hawass)和Zahar Saleem2016年,牛津大學出版社。
該書的前言聲稱:... 這是第一個出現在印刷品上完全综合性的處理方法,”

Middle Left: This is a three-dimensional CT image of the skull of another mummy belonging to Egyptian royalty and is simply identified as KV55 in the same book by Zahi Hawass.


Middle Right: This is one of the mummified heads found at the Paracas, Peru site discussed in Part 1 of this series. The skull has dark reddish-brown hair.


Far Right: This is one of the Paracas skulls which preserved its’ hair but lost its’ facial skin. The color of the hair is a reddish-brown. The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Additional DNA testing completed in 2016 show them to be a match with European and Middle Eastern origins. And the bone powder from the most elongated skull tested came back as T2B, which originates in Mesopotamia, now called Syria, essentially the heart of the fertile crescent. These surprising results change the known history about how the Americas were populated.

最右圖:這是帕拉卡斯頭骨中的一個,它保留了頭髮,但失去了面部皮膚。頭髮的顏色是紅褐色的。秘魯帕拉卡斯的修長頭骨在2014年引起了轟動,當時一位遺傳學家進行了初步的DNA測試,報告說他們的線粒體DNAmitochondrial DNA具有迄今為止在任何人類、靈長類或動物中未知的突變2016年完成的其他DNA測試顯示他們與歐洲和中東的血統相匹配。而來自測試的最細長頭骨的骨粉結果是T2B,起源於美索不達米亞Mesopotamia),現在叫敘利亞,基本上是肥沃的新月地帶的中心。這些令人驚訝的結果改變了關於美洲人如何居住的已知歷史。


Left: This is a side view of the mummified body of Egyptian Queen Tiye, the grandmother of Tutankhamen, whose top/front view is shown earlier in this article. Despite the abundant hair, it can be readily determined that she was one of the extraterrestrials known as “long skulls”. In his book, Scanning the Pharaohs, Zahi Hawass suggests that the darkening of the skin was a consequence of the chemical preparations used as a part of the mummification process. Different forms of mummification processes were used in ancient Egypt over its’ long history: one was a natural form and others involved the use of embalming oils made from conifer resin and aromatic plant extracts. The picture shows there is a white orbital circle around her eye area where it had been covered with gauze and did not receive the plant chemical treatment. This tint of color around her eyes is thought to be closer to the true color of her original overall skin.


Middle: Photograph of the mummified body of Tutankhamen taken after removal of the linen wrappings. After examination, Tutankhamen’s mummy was later re-wrapped and returned to its’ tomb where it now rests. The photograph shows that the Boy-King was a long-skull.


Right: This is a replica of the mummified body of Tutankhamen put on public display in New York City as part of a King Tut antiquities tour. The replica was made to show the skin at a much lighter shade.



Above: The first image shows, from bottom to top and from left to right, Horus, four Egyptians, four Semites, four Nubians, and four Libyans. The Nubians are clearly Negroid, while the Egyptians are clearly Caucasoid. The Libyans look more like modern Northern Europeans than modern Northwest Africans. These “Libyans” will be discussed further in Part 3 of this series, in a discussion of the White Gods that appear in the myths and legends of various indigenous American cultures. They are wearing a plumed feather headpiece and a robe or skirt-like clothing. The ancient American god, Quetzalcoatl, (“feathered serpent” or “plumed serpent”) is described and depicted in art as wearing a feathered plume headpiece and wearing a rope or skirt. He is also described as being white skinned, having a beard and according to the Billy Meier contact notes, he was an extraterrestrial from Egypt on a special mission to the Americas. In the 17th century, Ixtlilxóchitl, a descendant of Aztec royalty and historian of the Nahua people, wrote, “Quetzalcoatl, in its literal sense, means ‘serpent of precious feathers’, but in the allegorical sense, ‘wisest of men’.”


古代美洲的神明,魁札爾科亞特爾Quetzalcoatl,(意為“羽毛蛇”或“翎毛蛇”)在藝術中被描述和描繪為戴著羽毛翎毛頭飾,穿著繩子或裙子。他還被描述為白皮膚,有鬍子,根據Billy Meier的接觸記錄,他是一個來自埃及的外星人,在美洲執行特殊任務。17世紀,阿茲特克Aztecs)王室的後裔和納瓦人Nahua)的歷史學家伊斯特雷索提爾Ixtlilxóchitl)寫道:「魁札爾科亞特爾(Quetzalcoatl),從字面上看,意味著“珍貴羽毛的蛇”,但從寓意上看,是“最聰明的人”。」


Above: The second image shows, from left to right, four Libyans, a Nubian, a Semite, and an Egyptian.


Ancient Egypt had a society with a very diverse ethnic composition. The images above are the ancient Egyptians’ own depictions of themselves, which are from murals illustrating the Book of Gates in the tomb of pharaoh Seti I, who ruled Egypt from 1290 to 1279 BC. It does not, however, show Egyptian royalty.

古埃及有一個民族構成非常多樣化的社會。上面的圖片是古埃及人自己對自己的描繪,這些圖片來自法老塞提一世Seti I)墓中說明《地獄之書》(Book of Gates)的壁畫,他在西元前1290年至1279年統治埃及。然而,它並沒有顯示埃及的皇室成員。

Source: K = 14 Admixture Analysis of Ancient Egyptian Genomes, byGenetiker.


Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans had advanced medical skill & performed surgery



Above 2 pictures: A stone engraving of medical surgical instruments used by the Ancient Egyptians is almost identical to the modern surgical instruments used today shown to the right.



Above: A photograph taken of an Inca skull which shows that it had received brain surgery. Paul Broca, an iconic neuroscientist and neurosurgeon, hypothesized that these skull trepanations used by the ancients were used to treat convulsions in infants. In the end, many scientists have concluded that the trepanations were performed to drain epidural hematomas.

Paul Broca),一位標誌性的神經科學家和神經外科醫生,假設古人使用的這些頭骨移植手術是用來治療嬰兒的「驚厥」(convulsions;亦稱「驚風」)。


Above: Prehistoric physicians in Egypt had an impressive knowledge of the human body and its inner workings, as well as the treatment of illness and disease. Egyptian medical papyri documented many diagnostics and medical achievements we still use today. The Egyptians’ medicine reached a very high standard, and its reputation spread to neighboring countries. Especially, complementary medicine like herbal medicine played a key role in society. Ancient Egyptian scrolls document natural herbs and holistic medicine that saved lives and cured disease.


Proof comes from burial sites, tombs and underground temples where archeologists have found extensive sets of medical documents and scrolls, including the Ebers Papyrus, the Edwin Smith Papyrus, the Hearst Papyrus, and the London Medical Papyrus, which contained the earliest documented awareness of tumors.  The papyrus actually contains a “treatise on the heart,” which recognizes the heart as the center of the blood supply, with vessels attached. Homer even wrote in the Odyssey: “In Egypt, the men are more skilled in medicine than any of humankind,” and “The Egyptians were skilled in medicine more than any other art.”

證據來自於埋葬地、墳墓和地下寺廟,考古學家在這些地方發現了大量成套的醫學檔和卷軸,包括埃伯斯紙草卷Ebers Papyrus)、艾德溫.史密斯紙草文稿Edwin Smith Papyrus)、赫斯特紙莎草紙(Hearst Papyrus)和倫敦醫學紙莎草紙(London Medical Papyrus),其中包含了對腫瘤最早的記錄認識。該紙莎草紙實際上包含了一篇《關於心臟的論文》,它承認心臟是血液供應的中心,並附有血管。荷馬Homer)甚至在《奧德賽》(Odyssey)中寫道:「在埃及,人們對醫學的熟練程度超過了人類,」以及「埃及人對醫學的熟練程度超過了其他任何藝術。」


Left to Right – Ancient etched stones discovered in Ica, Peru depict medical surgery including a heart transplant.

從左到右 —— 在秘魯伊卡Ica)發現的古代蝕刻石描繪了包括心臟移植在內的醫療手術。

“Both the ancient Egyptian and Peruvian Civilizations are well-known for their pioneering work in medicine and architecture; their accomplishments in these areas have been well-documented in the walls of uncovered tombs and discovered papyrus. Both civilizations independently pioneered the art of neurosurgery with different techniques and approaches. We recognize and appreciate the brilliance of these ancient cultures in mastering the medicinal and architectural sciences.“


Source: “Is There a Connection between Medicine and Architecture in Ancient Egypt and Peru?” by K. ReFaey, W. Clifton, Gabriella C Quinones, Shashwat Tripathi, A. QuiñonesHinojosa, Published 2019 

來源:K. ReFaey, W. Clifton, Gabriella C Quinones, Shashwat Tripathi, A. Quiñones-Hinojosa《古埃及和秘魯的醫學與建築之間有聯繫嗎?》2019年出版 

Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans at different periods shared an architectural style



A comparison of styles: (to the Above) Wiracocha Temple, near Cuzco, Peru and (to the below) Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt; circa 57 BC.

上圖)秘魯庫斯科Cuzco)附近的維拉科查神廟(Wiracocha Temple)和(下圖)埃及埃德富Edfu)的荷魯斯神殿(Temple of Horus,即埃德富神廟);約西元前57年。



A comparison of styles – (to the Above) Temple of Queen Hatshepsut near Luxor, Egypt and (to the Below) pre-Inca stone building near Cuzco, Peru.

上下圖風格的比較:(上圖)埃及樂蜀Luxor)附近的哈特謝普蘇特神廟Temple of Queen Hatshepsut)和(下圖)秘魯庫斯科附近的前印加人石頭建築


Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans used advanced technology in stonework.



Above: part of the Temple of the Sun, Qoricancha, Cusco, Peru, is a door-way with many hollows, reliefs, etc. It is in direct alignment to the sunrise on the winter solstice. In this portal, the perfection in the cut of the stone stands out, which seems to have been cut by a powerful diamond, keeping the edges intact, without the need for additional polishing. The half-round groove channeling seen here is similar to the groove channeling found in rocks at Abu Sir, Egypt shown in the picture to the right of it.

上圖:在秘魯庫斯科太陽神殿Qoricancha)的中間部分,有一個門洞,裡面有許多空洞、浮雕等。它與冬至日的日出直接吻合。在這個門洞中,石頭切割的完美性非常突出,似乎是由強大的鑽石切割而成,保持了邊緣的完整,不需要額外拋光。這裡看到的半圓形溝槽通道與它右邊的圖片中顯示的在埃及阿布西爾Abu Sir)的岩石中發現的溝槽通道相似。


Above: Precision cutting found in stones at Abu Sir, Egypt, one of the oldest known ancient Egyptian archeological sites. Groove channeling is observed that is remarkably similar to that found at ancient sites in Peru. In this example, we see several half-round channels within a much larger half-round channel.



Above: Precision drill holes found in stone at ancient ruins, Abu Sir, Egypt.



Above: Precision drill holes are found in stones at various ancient sites in Peru.


Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans used precision stone-working techniques.



Above: The majestic and sprawling archeological site at Sacsayhuaman, Peru



Above: In a detailed area of one of the stone walls, we see the stones “fitted” to come together at three angles, not once but multiple times, an almost unbelievable feat and probably cannot be reproduced today.



Left: Near Cusco, three perfectly aligned window openings naturally increased air flow with cooling effects within living spaces using the venturi effect.

左圖:在庫斯科附近,三個完美排列的窗戶開口,利用文丘里效應venturi effect),自然地增加了生活空間內的空氣流動和冷卻效果。

Middle: An example of the incredible stonework at Sacsayhuaman, Peru. The large stone in the center has a unique 7-angle configuration with all adjacent stones around it fitting perfectly.


Right: Close-up detail of stonework at Sacsayhuaman, shows evidence of a heating process such as vitrification.



Above: Examples of precision stone cutting. To the left, from Abu Sir, Egypt and the remaining from three separate ancient sites in Peru.

上圖:精密石材切割的例子。左邊是來自埃及的阿布西爾(Abu Sir),

Excerpt from Contact R 69, 



25. Similar events took place in the areas you call Pisco, Nazca and Sacsayhuaman, because the same giants had settled there.


In July 2012 the Ministry of Culture of Peru invited a group of Russian geophysicists to perform a research on the archaeological complex Sacsayhuaman. In the course of this investigation, interesting historical and archaeological data was collected and analyzed. The official research is, however, available only from the laboratory of the Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics of FEB RAS in Khabarovsk, where the most exhaustive set of specimens were delivered.

20127月,秘魯文化部邀請一組俄羅斯地球物理學家對薩克塞瓦曼考古群進行研究。在這次調查過程中,收集和分析了有趣的歷史和考古資料。然而,正式的研究報告只能從伯力Khabarovsk;俄羅斯稱哈巴羅夫斯克)的FEB RAS(俄羅斯科學院遠東分院)構造和地球物理研究所的實驗室獲得,在那裡交付了最詳盡的一套標本。

Their conclusions:


The Sacsayhuaman construction material is evidently represented by the organogenic and fine-grained limestone with no organic residues and with a low amount of their fragments. The experts at ITAG (Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics) suggest that the fine-grained limestone may be an artificial material produced with unknown technologies. This statement is presented in the official summary.


This should be repeated: Fine-crystalline limestone with no tracks of organic residues. It is composed of evenly distributed calcite micro-crystals of the size of 1-10 microns. The presence of calcite was confirmed by the X-ray phase analysis. The presence of calcite micro-crystals is profoundly significant as they are associated with piezoelectricity in crystals and even in the human body, specifically the pineal gland.

應該重複這一點:細晶質石灰岩,沒有有機殘留物的痕跡。它由均勻分佈的方解石calcite)微晶(micro-crystals)組成,大小為1-10微米。方解石的存在被X射線相位分析所證實。方解石微晶的存在具有深遠的意義,因為它們與晶體中的壓電性有關,甚至在人體中,特別是松果體pineal gland)中。

“The complex texture structure of the microcrystals (in the pineal gland) may lead to possible piezoelectricity, as is the case with otoconia. It is believed that the presence of two different crystalline compounds in the pineal gland is biologically significant, suggesting two entirely different mechanisms of formation and biological functions. Studies directed toward the elucidation of the formation and functions, and possible interaction with external electromagnetic fields are currently in progress.”  


Source: “Calcite microcrystals in the pineal gland of the human brain: first physical and chemical studies” by Simon Baconnier , Sidney B Lang, Maria Polomska, Bozena Hilczer, Garry Berkovic, Guilia Meshulam; Department of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

來源:《人腦松果體中的方解石微晶體:首次物理和化學研究》,作者:Simon BaconnierSidney B LangMaria PolomskaBozena HilczerGarry BerkovicGuilia Meshulam內蓋夫本-古里安大學Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)化學工程系

Studies of the calcite micro-crystals found in the pineal gland with external electromagnetic fields are currently in progress.


Billy Meier explains in FIGU Special Bulletin #38, that the pineal gland is the sense organ pertaining to the perception – the human’s seventh sense and through meditative practice to allow enough energy to flow through the pineal gland’s area of the brain and through the pineal gland itself; because, it then becomes possible that the fine-material electromagnetic fields which surround the human will be consciously perceived.

Billy Meier在《FIGU38號特別公告》中解釋說,松果體是與感知有關的感覺器官 —— 人類的第七感,通過冥想練習,讓足夠的能量流經松果體的大腦區域,並通過松果體本身;因為,這樣就有可能有意識地感知到圍繞人類的精細物質(fine-material)電磁場。 

Both Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Americans had awareness of the third eye.



Left: Egyptian mummy coffin


Middle: Olmec head figurine


Right: Egyptian tablet engraving



Left: Mayan – Mask of Tlaloc, 300-200 BCE Jade

左圖:瑪雅人 —— 特拉洛克Tlaloc)的面具,西元前300-200年的玉器

Middle: Aztec skull inlaid with turquoise mosaics, with golden eyes and jade ornaments on the forehead          


Right: Olmec mask with jewel inlay at forehead


 Article by Robert Dawson





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