Russia’s Strange Past with UFOs & Aliens-3
April 13, 2022
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs
客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs
3. The Tunguska Incident
Four hundred and twenty-eighth contact
Monday, 10th July 2006, 15:04 hrs
…I want to ask yet something regarding that which you have addressed with the 424th official contact conversations on the 17th of June, namely the entry of extra-terrestrials into the terrestrial air space. There was indeed the Tunguska catastrophe in which those space travellers suffered a break down and exploded their large ship in the air because it could not be repaired again. Is that also included in your clarifications? You have namely made no statements about that, although it would be interesting to know what the circumstances are regarding this.
... 我想問一些關於你在6月17日的《第424次接觸報告》中提到的問題,那就是外星人進入地球領空的問題。確實有發生通古斯大災難(Tunguska catastrophe),在那次災難中,那些太空旅行者遭遇了重大的裝備故障,而在沒有外援可修復的狀況下,在空中引爆了他們的大型飛船。你在這方面有詳細說明過嗎?換句話說,你對此還沒有作出說明,儘管我很想知道這方面的具體情況。
[中譯者註:上述大災難,依據《維基百科》的資料,就是著名的「通古斯大爆炸」(Tunguska event),資料上說那是1908年6月30日上午7時17分(格林威治標準時間1908年6月30日0時17分)發生在現今俄羅斯西伯利亞埃文基自治區上空的隕石爆炸事件。爆炸發生於通古斯河附近、貝加爾湖西北方800公里處,北緯60.55度,東經101.57度,當時估計爆炸威力相當於2千萬噸TNT炸藥,超過2,150平方公里內的8千萬棵樹焚毀倒下。目擊者的報告表明事件中至少有3人死亡。
11. The great space ship which at that time suffered a breakdown and was destroyed, out of which the so-called Tunguska event resulted, belonged to a people who live in a distant galaxy in your space-time configuration.
12. The Christianity, however – which was brought to their home worlds by some of their space travellers and which rapidly spread out – led to grave religious wars.
然而,基督教 —— 被他們的一些太空旅行者帶到了他們的家鄉,並迅速傳播開來 —— 結果導致了嚴重的宗教戰爭。
13. Once order could then finally be recreated, the space travellers were forbidden to make any further penetrations into the terrestrial space.
14. Around 1,000 years after this decree was issued, a great space ship of these people erred into the SOL system as a result of faulty co-ordinates and became stranded on the Earth by an additionally occurring grave breakdown from which it could no longer extricate itself.
15. So, for several months, the space ship lay with grave technical damage hidden in the Tunguska region, whereby a larger number of space travellers mixed, unrecognised, among the Earth-humans, far from the hiding place, and sexually engaged with them, which resulted in many of them becoming sick with syphilis and, with the return to their space ship, also infecting many others with it.
16. That had very bad consequences for the space travellers because very quickly, as a result of their constitutional difference, dangerous mutations of the disease arose which, just as quickly, expanded to a plague-like disease and epidemic which cost many their lives.
17. They could not expect help from the home world because, according to the old determination, it was forbidden for them to approach the Earth.
18. Apart from that, other extra-terrestrials who were stationed on the Earth – namely us and our confederates – were forbidden by the government of the home world to provide any help, consequently, we had to abide by our directives.
除此之外,其他駐守在地球上的外星人 —— 也就是我們和我們的盟友 —— 被他們母星世界的政府禁止提供任何援助,因而,我們必須遵守這些指令。
19. Therefore, only self-destruction remained for the foreigners to Earth as their determination demanded it, consequently they built an atom bomb, brought the space ship to a still feasible height in the atmosphere and then caused it to fall in order to then ignite the bomb.
20. Through the enormous explosion the great space ship was completely ripped apart and torn to pieces, whereby the monstrous explosion transformed practically the whole ship, and the entire crew of still 4,387 human beings, into dust and ash.
21. Everything was observed and recorded from our side, therefore we of course continuously relayed our information to the stranded space travellers’ home world, however we did not receive permission to intervene in the events.
22. Therefore we had to let things run their course, however, we relied on the fact that we could teach the government and the people of the space travellers in relation to the fact that for them, as long as they would no longer get involved in them, there was no danger any more by the religions of the human beings of Earth.
23. Our intentions succeeded in the course of time, which then also had the result that all three peoples, i.e. races –namely there were three of them – joined our federation.
我們的意圖在一段時間後發揮了作用,這也產生了一個結果,有三個民族,即種族 —— 也就是說有三個種族 —— 全部都加入了我們的聯盟。
24. They come from a region of a large cluster of galaxies which is around 400 million light-years away from the Earth.
25. The three peoples, respectively, races, have three different home worlds, yet they are closely connected with each other and call themselves the People’s Oneness of Bardan, as they also call their home worlds Bardan 1, 2, and 3 and have a common government.
26. The Bardan belong to those five peoples foreign to Earth who I named to you and who have joined our federation.
And do these human beings come again to the Earth in the current time? And the galaxy cluster mentioned by you, is that also known to our astronomers?
27. Yes, and indeed already since the time around 80 years ago, when they allowed themselves to be taught by us and joined our federation.
28. But since then they have never taken up contact with Earth-humans.
29. And with regard to the galaxy cluster:
30. This is known to the terrestrial astronomers and is named Coma cluster of galaxies by them.
這是地球上的天文學家所知道的,並被命名為后髮座星系團。(Coma cluster of galaxies)
這個星系團與地球的平均距離是3億2100萬光年,在中間主宰著星系團的是兩個巨大的橢圓星系:NGC 4874和NGC 4889。在后髮座星系團中心部分的星系大多是巨大的橢圓星系,而在這個星系團中有著豐富的矮星系和巨大的橢圓星系。
And they look like us or different?
31. They are human beings like us, if that is what you mean.
32. They have somewhat Mongolian features and a somewhat coarse as well as light brownish-yellowish skin.
It would be interesting to one day get to know one of these human beings.
33. If that is your wish then I can concern myself with that.
34. Maybe I can arrange a visit.
Well, I might as well start with what I assume you have approved: In the new contact conversation volume No. 1, published in book-form, you can read in the 31st contact report on pages 311 and 312 how Asket spoke about the so-called Tunguska catastrophe. In this regard I have copied the following from volume no. 1:
Contact Reports with Asket from 1953 to 1964
Introduction and justification and accurate reporting of
all Events and Explanations, etc.
(Copy of original. Written in respective cooperation with Asket.)
Pleiadian-Plejarian Contact Reports, Conversations, Volume 1, page 295
Asket’s Explanations
(Written down on the 1st of September 1964 in Mahrauli, India. Literal renditions by Asket with the help of their apparatuses, which enable these literal renditions from their subconscious. The following statement was made by Asket on 3rd February 1953 while we were in her ship in the Jordanian desert mountains)
31st Contact Report, Thursday, 17th July 1975, 10:14 hrs
Pages 311 and 312, sentences 86th through 95th
86. Every advance and every further visit to Earth was forbidden, and there was even a provision that if a ship should unexpectedly stray to Earth and find no way of getting away, the entire crew together with the ship would have to be totally eliminated.
87. This actually happened about 1,000 years after this regulation was issued, when a large spaceship still in earthly space was no longer able to free itself from the earth, where it had been hidden for several months with severe technical damage in the country you call Russia.
88. The ship was only able to work its way up a few hundred meters and then sank again.
89. According to the regulation that no spaceships etc. were allowed to approach the Earth anymore, any help was impossible.
90. On the other hand, other races from space stationed on Earth were forbidden to bring help to the damaged ship, because an earthly epidemic had broken out among the crew, which was very dangerous for these life-forms.
91. Knowing that no help was waiting for them, they constructed a huge bomb out of the foundation stones of life, which you call the atom, forced the ship as far up in the sky as possible and then simply let it crash.
他們知道沒有援助在等著他們,於是用生命的基石(the foundation stones of life),也就是你們所說的「原子」,建造了一個巨大的炸彈,他們把飛船升到盡可能的高度,然後直接讓它墜落。
92. Like a giant comet it crashed down to Earth, and before it hit the Earth, the atomic bomb was detonated at a height of a few hundred metres.
93. A huge explosion tore the ship and crew apart, turning everything into dust and destroying the landscape.
94. All that was left of it was a huge crater, which your scientists erroneously call a meteor crater.
95. More than 4,300 life-forms of extraterrestrial origin were destroyed in this gigantic destruction, which can only be attributed to the earthly cult of Christ, because the real reason for this destruction was the madness of this earthly religion.
Now some things have come to light about this: Our passive member Uwe Dworschak from Germany sent me a newspaper article by e-mail, which is very interesting in the aforementioned matter. Bernadette then found a similar article on the Internet and in the Blick newspaper of Saturday, 14th August 2004. It concerns these words of Uwe Dworschak and these articles here, which I would like to read to you in their entirety, in order to then hear your comment on them. These words of Uwe were followed by a longer report of a journal, which was published in a similar way in various newspapers and other journals. Also, similar news were published by several other newspapers, but the content was the same.
現在,關於這一點,有些事情已經曝光了:我們來自德國的被動成員Uwe Dworschak(暫譯為烏韋.德沃夏克)通過電子郵件給我發了一篇報紙上的文章,這篇文章對上述事情非常感興趣。Bernadette隨後在互聯網和2004年8月14日星期六的《Blick日報》(Blick newspaper)上發現了一篇類似的文章。它涉及烏韋.德沃夏克(Uwe Dworschak)的這些話和這篇文章,我想把它們完整地讀給你們聽,以便聽聽你對它們的評論。在烏韋(Uwe)的這些話之後,還有一份較長的期刊報告,該報告以類似的方式發表在各種報紙和其他期刊上。另外,其他幾家報紙也發表了類似的新聞,但內容都是一樣的。
It Is Already In The Contact Reports. Yet More Evidence.
Uwe Dworschak/Germany
Tunguska disaster: Researchers report finding UFO remains
Russian researchers believe to have discovered parts of a UFO at the site where an exploding meteorite sabered the Siberian forest in 1908. The extraterrestrials, so the theory goes, had virtually shot down the meteorite before the impact and thus prevented the worst for mankind.
New evidence: Fragile asteroid devastated Tunguska
3. These are the articles here?
Yes, that’s right. But before I read them to you, I would like you to comment on them afterwards.
4. What do you mean?
My wish is that you explain what kind of spaceship the aircraft was, because it was something unusual.
5. I guess you could say that.
Then you are willing to explain it?
6. Yes, because it is not a secret matter.
Exactly. Some details would be good to mention.
7. I assume that you have toyed with this thought.
Nothing is hidden from you.
8. We both know each other very well – even if you surprise me again and again with things that are unknown to me about you.
我們都非常瞭解對方 —— 即使你一次又一次地讓我感到驚訝,因為我不知道你的一些事情。
9. You know very well how to keep your secrets.
10. That’s what we have seen in you for years.
It’s not that bad. But now I want to read you these two articles. The first one here is from the Blick newspaper of August 14th, as I said before. The second one here is from the internet from T-Online. So listen:
What do you say to this? It’s interesting that finally people are coming and talking about different things than they have been talking about so far by some scientists who claimed that the Tunguska catastrophe was caused by gas escaping from the earth and exploding etc.
11. The articles are very interesting, but they do not correspond to the reality of what happened at that time.
12. It is true, as you know, that the event was caused by a spacecraft of alien intelligences, exactly according to Asket’s description as you read it to me with the 86th to 95th sentence of Asket’s explanations.
13. The crew of the large space flying apparatuses, which was destroyed over the Tunguska region in 1908 on 30th June, came from the Setkatis Galaxy, a large spiral galaxy about 17 million light-years away, also known to Earth’s astronomers, under the designation M 101.
1908年6月30日在通古斯地區上空被摧毀的大型太空飛行器及其中的成員來自Setkatis星系,這是一個距離地球大約1,700萬光年的大型螺旋星系,也被地球天文學家稱為M 101(風車星系)。
[中譯者註:據《維基百科》資料,風車星系(也稱為M101或NGC 5457)位於大熊座,是正面朝向地球的螺旋星系,距離地球大約2,100萬光年。(資料來自《維基百科》)]
14. The home of the astronauts was a planet of little more than earth size and is called Ketulas. It is a satellite of the solar system Bliira, which includes two suns and 18 planets, but only three of them carry human life.
15. The galaxy can be observed from the Earth from above, so to speak, but the Bliira solar system remains invisible from the Earth because it is beyond observation.
16. The crew members of the space flying apparatuses belonged to the Gilas people, which is why we call them Gilaser.
17. The Gilaser people were already very advanced in space technology at that time and were also able to build huge spacecraft using small planetoids.
18. In these they created large cavities, in which they placed equipment for propulsion, for powerful weapons, for external protective shields and electron collectors, as well as energy storage, living quarters, work spaces, food production facilities and life-support systems etc., in other words everything that was necessary.
19. From the outside it was not recognizable that it was a spacecraft, because on the outside the object remained what it basically was, namely a small planetoid.
20. Its enormous weight could be calculated with about 179,854 tons, so what you read in the T-Online article is not close to the truth.
21. It is very likely that the enormous explosion threw fragments of the outer thick planetoid hull and metal parts of the interior of the planetoid spaceship to earth.
22. And what else is to be said about the huge crater:
23. It covered about 3,500 square kilometres.
24. The massive explosion originated at an altitude of 1,290 metres.
25. It is not a deep crater or hole crater, as it is created by a direct impact of a large projectile on the earth, because the explosion at high altitude created a so-called horizontal crater.
這不是一個深坑或坑洞,那就像是由大型撞擊物直接撞擊地球而形成的,而這個隕石坑卻因為是在高空的爆炸,而形成了所謂的“horizontal crater”(暫譯為“平坦隕石坑”)。
26. In a horizontal crater, the force of the explosion from above or the pressure wave depresses all the earth, as well as plants, animals and at least the weak trees.
27. The force of the pressure wave only forms a small bulge at the outermost edge of the crater, which can be thrown up from a few centimetres to twenty or thirty metres or more, depending on the energy of the pressure wave.
28. However, such horizontal craters are only formed by large pressure waves from above and are usually not or only poorly visible, because the distance from the centre of the crater to its rim is usually so far that the actual crater rim is difficult to find.
There are also many meteors and asteroids that enter the earth’s atmosphere and explode high up in it and therefore do not fall down to Earth.
29. That is correct.
30. Such projectiles from outer space are fragile objects up to several metres in size – mostly asteroids – which, due to friction in the outer atmosphere, literally explode at an altitude of about 40 to 60 kilometres and, depending on their size, trigger powerful detonations that can often be heard like bomb impacts.
這種來自外太空的拋射物是大小不超過幾公尺的易碎物體 —— 主要是小行星 —— 由於在外大氣層中的摩擦,它們實際上在大約40至60公里的高度爆炸,根據其大小,引發強大的爆炸,通常可以聽到像炸彈撞擊一樣的聲音。
31. This also applies to small similar objects, whereby the explosion then sounds like the bursting of a balloon or the popping of a champagne stopper, which can be heard especially at night when there is great silence.
32. It sounds like a small electrical charge ripping the air with a faint bang at a height of several kilometres.
33. We call these events atmospheric shooting, while we call the enormous detonations at high altitudes meteoric or asteroidal shooting.
我們稱這些事件為大氣層爆炸(atmospheric shooting),而我們稱高空的巨大引爆為流星或小行星爆炸。
Four Hundred and Thirtieth Contact
Sunday, 30th July 2006, 00:07 hrs
Oh, a stranger and a familiar visitor. I was expecting you, Ptaah, dear friend, in the evening, but I am happy that you have come here and at the same time I am happy that you are still accompanied by a new visitor. My greetings to both of you for your welcome. May I ask who is your companion, Ptaah? If I judge correctly, his appearance reminds me of the description you gave me on the 10th of July. But I will ask it myself, if I may, because I see that your companion is wearing a language translator, as I know it from your technique. So, then you understand me well, dear visitor, you are probably from Bardan, if I am not mistaken?
1. Yes, I understand you, because as you can see, I carry a language translator on my breast pocket.
2. My name is Sugam, and I am actually a Bardan.
3. My job is like a biologist and zoologist.
4. Jschwisch Ptaah asked me if I would be interested in meeting you.
5. As a matter of fact, I am, and that is why I came here with him.
6. It is an honour to make your acquaintance.
7. We at Bardan know your work and so do many of your male and female associates.
8. For this fact alone, I am especially pleased to be able to come and greet you.
1. I greet you too, dear friend.
2. The reason why we are only coming now is that I was only able to pick up Sugam a short time ago because he was still busy with an important work.
I am always curious, Sugam may I ask what your name means – and is there a female form to it?
我總是很好奇,Sugam,我可以問一下你的名字是什麼意思嗎 —— 它是不有一個女性的形式呢?
9. My name means ‘the honest man’, and of course there is also a female form called Sugami, with a special emphasis on the A.
I see. I understand that your female names do not end with an A, as in the case of the Plejaren, Lyrians and the other races descended from Henok respectively Henoch and Nokodemion. But do the female names all end with an I?
10. No, this is not the case, because as with the male names, the female names also end with different letters.
Interesting. – Would it be impertinent and rude of me if I asked you to give me some names related to both genders?
有意思。—— 如果我要求你給我一些與兩種性別有關的名字,會不會顯得不妥和不禮貌呢?
3. I have to explain that Eduard together with Taljda from Njsan – she is also known to you – wrote a book of names which he is now continuing with the help of Florena.
我得解釋一下,愛德華和來自Njsan的Taljda —— 她也是你認識的 —— 一起寫了一本名字的書,他現在正在Florena的幫助下繼續寫。
4. For this work, which contains about 10,000 female and male names of our populations, he probably wants to have the names from you.
Yes, that is the case. It does not have to be 1,000 names, because a few will do.
11. I will gladly fulfil your wish, so I will give you some names that I can name from my memory right now.
12. First I will tell you the masculine name and its meaning, then the corresponding feminine name and its meaning, which is only different in form regarding the feminine representation.
13. So if you want to write down the names?
14. The necessary utensils you have here, I see.
5. That is not necessary, because later Eduard will retrieve and write down our conversation, which we are having now and which is being recorded by us.
15. Of course.
16. That is what I was informed about.
17. So unless I start by mentioning my name again and putting it first:…..
May I ask what is your life expectancy on Bardan? What is your age – and, yes, I am sure you also have marriages or life alliances between men and women – how are these held?
請問你們在Bardan的預期壽命是多少?而你的年齡是多少 —— 是的,我相信你們也有男女之間的婚姻或生活結盟 —— 這些是如何進行的?
59. Our life expectancy is calculated to be 211 years on average.
60. Of course I can also tell you my age:
61. I will be 70 years old – calculated in terms of earthly time – in a few months.
再過幾個月我就70歲了 —— 以地球上的時間來計算。
62. Of course, we also maintain life partnerships between the female and male gender, but not in monogamous, but in polygamous form.
63. Jschwisch Ptaah told me that monogamy prevails on Earth.
64. My families include two wives, and together we have one child each.
So your families consist of you, two wives and two children. It is interesting that you will be 70 years old in a few months, because I will be 70 in about six months. But your 70 years, are they a term for the same time as we have here on Earth?
65. That is converted to the earthly conditions.
66. Jschwisch Ptaah advised me to do this because you would certainly ask for it.
67. And before you have to keep asking:
68. Our inhabited planets – of which there are three, as I am sure you know – orbit our central star at three different distances, the next, Bardan 1, in 99.6 million kilometres, my home world Bardan 2 in 145.2 million, and the outermost, Bardan 3, in 198.7 million kilometres orbiting our sun.
我們居住的行星 —— 那裡共有三顆,我相信你知道 —— 以三種不同的距離圍繞我們的中心恒星運行,而Bardan 1號的距離是9,960萬公里,我的家鄉Bardan 2號的距離是1億4520公里,而最外面的Bardan 3號的距離是1億9870公里。
69. Such a constellation is extremely rare, especially in the relationship that these three worlds carry life-forms of diverse genera and species, as well as us human life-forms.
And what are the rotational times of the three planets?
70. Of course they are different, but the exact orbital period around our central star is only known to me from my home planet Bardan 2.
當然它們是不同的,但我只知道母星Bardan 2號圍繞我們中心恒星的確切軌道週期。
71. Our planet orbits around the sun in 359.4 days, and its own rotation in relation to day and night is 26.03 hours.
These are remarkable figures.
72. But which Jschwisch Ptaah told me to record in my memory, because you would ask for it.
Aha. – Well, what form of government do you have?
73. We adopted the Plejaren form of government 37 years ago, which is very good and has solved all our problems.
74. This form exists over all three planets as a common central form of government.
So you also do not have wars and the like anymore, I suppose.
75. No.
76. The feuds between the nations have been finally settled, but there is a common large and well-armed protective power on all three planets, which ensures that no more wars and terror can arise.
77. This protective power is also responsible for any defence that may be necessary if intruders appear from outside.
78. However, the peoples themselves no longer possess weapons of war.
79. The Protective Power does not exercise any power with regard to governance, but keeps quietly in the background in order to intervene in case of possible emergencies, which, however, is practically no longer necessary at all; consequently, the Protective Power serves only as a precautionary security and fulfils its purpose.
A multinational peacekeeping force, so to speak, that can intervene with logical force or non-violence, as the Nokodemion-Henok-Henoch scheme suggests.
88. ….This is most unfortunate, but your explanation rounds out the picture in me regarding the behaviour of the humans of your world, as it was explained to me by Jschwisch Ptaah.
... 這是非常不幸的,但你的說明使我對你們世界的人類行為有了更全面的認識,就像智慧之王Ptaah向我解釋過的那樣。
89. However, our ancestors have already reported these strange things, as is recorded in our annals.
90. Concerning the humans of your world, or rather the Christianity they practised, our ancestors also had serious conflicts and wars.
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs, a blog member who joins us from Germany
來自德國的部落格會員Berk Gümüs加入我們行列的客座文章
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