

Russia’s Strange Past with UFOs & Aliens-2


April 13, 2022
Guest Article by Berk Gümüs

客座文章作者:Berk Gümüs

2. The Petrozavodsk incident


One Hundred Seventh Contact
Saturday, 20th May 1978, 14:50 hrs



I understand, and probably nothing can be done there. Well, then just not. Are you actually oriented about whether something has happened again recently in terms of flying objects, of which we know nothing?



17. About that, I can tell you some news, which I found out a few days ago from Menara.

關於這個我倒可以告訴你一些消息,這是幾天前我在 Menara 那裡聽到的。

18. I have, indeed, already been back here for some time longer than my sister.


19. You are surely still able to remember that in autumn of last year, a flying object unknown to us appeared, which responded to none of our calls.


20. To this day, we still have not been able to get a hold of it either, even though it still moves in the earthly space.


21. So far, if we tried to get a hold of this object, it regularly escaped by retreating into a dimension unknown to us.


22. This same object, in the course of last autumn, has now done some things that are incomprehensible to us, and we expect that the same or similar events will happen again.


23. Thus, this flying object, with which it undoubtedly concerns a small spaceship, caused some devastation in Russia last autumn.


24. Thus, this approximately 100-meter wide ship ventured in broad daylight over the Russian city of Petrozavodsk and shot down on the Earth with already well-developed laser cannons, whereby some damage was caused.

這個 100 公尺寬的飛船,光天化日之下在俄羅斯的彼得羅扎沃茨克Petrozavodsk用發展不錯的雷射炮攻擊了該城市的地面設施,造成了一些毀損

25. Of course, the inhabitants of the city were moved into fear and fright through this, and everything did not exactly serve to produce a friendly disposition toward all those who come from outside of the Earth to this planet.



That is also understandable. But then, where was this exactly; can you give me more details? Also about the time and the day?



26. It was on Tuesday, on the 20th of September, 1977, at 4:07 PM.


27. The object – no doubt a small spaceship, as I already said – came over the city of Petrozavodsk at Lake Onega, shot out of the clouds, paused for more than 11 minutes over the port area, and then, suddenly and for inexplicable reasons, set its laser cannons in function.

這艘小飛船,飛到彼得羅扎沃茨克的奧涅加湖Lake Onega上空,從雲中冒出後,在港區停留了超過 11 分鐘,突然就莫名其妙的發射了雷射炮


And you first learned of this in the last few days?



28. Yes, because we move in Russia only very rarely, for this land area falls under the control of another of our branch stations.


29. Quetzal was, indeed, informed about this incident, but he concealed everything from us because he did not want to trouble us.

Quetzal 清楚這件事,但他不希望打擾到我們,所以沒告訴我們。

30. But there was also no reason to enlighten us about such concerns before Quetzal himself had made an authoritative analysis of the events at that time.

在沒有找出可靠的來龍去脈之前,Quetzal 沒有必要讓我們知道這件事。

31. This was a very difficult and time-consuming process, which also only found its completion in recent weeks.


32. But since the results were now available, Quetzal informed us about the matters, so I can pass on some data to you.

自從事情有了結果之後,Quetzal 才告訴我們,我也才能告訴你一些資料。


Very dear thanks, girl.



125. Pleija may not give further information about it.

關於這件事,Pleija 不能提供更詳細的資訊了。


Alright, girl, I also do not want to know more.


中譯者註:根據《维基百科》資料,這就是著名的「彼得羅扎沃茨克現象」(Petrozavodsk phenomenon),是發生在 1977 9 20 日之後的一系列有爭議的天體事件。資料內容與上述《接觸報告》在時間與發生該現象的範圍方面略有出入;據報導,從歐亞大陸西部的哥本哈根Copenhagen;丹麥首都)赫爾辛基Helsinki;芬蘭首都)到東部的符拉迪沃斯托克Vladivostok;也就是中國所稱的海參崴),在廣闊的領土上都有目擊者。這一系列現象以俄羅斯的彼得羅扎沃茨克Petrozavodsk)命名,據報導,那裡有一個發光的物體給這座城市灑上了無數的光芒。



在芬蘭的赫爾辛基,920日的報紙《晚間新聞》(Ilta-Sanomat)和第二天的報紙《Kansan Uutiset》都報導了看到一個發光的球。許多居民都看到了這個球,包括計程車司機、員警和赫爾辛基機場的工作人員。兩個人在圖爾庫Turku)附近也看到了一個不明物體。在300公尺的距離上,他們發現了一個類似救生圈的旋轉物體,直徑為10公尺。這一說法遭到了來自Tuorla天文台(Tuorla Observatory)的Pekka Teerikorpi(暫譯為佩卡.泰里寇皮)的質疑。泰里寇皮認為整個現象是由Kosmos-955(暫譯為「宇宙號955」;是一顆蘇聯的電子情報衛星)引起的,他認為實際距離是“好幾百公里”,“這種報告可能是由於眾所周知的事實,即很難估計不熟悉的現象的距離”。《晚間新聞》也報導了在丹麥哥本哈根上空看到一個發光的物體,是由一架從羅馬飛來的芬蘭航空公司的飛行員看到的。

在蘇聯的不同地方也觀察到了發光的物體,主要是在西北部。據報導,在赫爾辛基上空出現的不明物體在蘇聯境內引起了繁忙的無線電通訊。在蘇聯的歐洲部分,據報導,“明亮的發光體被擴展的外殼(shells)所包圍,並發出形狀古怪的光線或噴射物”。據報導,“外殼”在1015分鐘內轉變和擴散,而“觀察到的是更持久、穩定的發光體,大多在天空的東北部”。目擊者包括醫護人員、執勤的軍事人員、海員和彼得羅紮沃茨克港口的碼頭工人、軍隊成員、當地機場工作人員和一名業餘天文學家。… … … 截至19781230日,蘇聯研究人員共收集了85份關於彼得羅紮沃茨克現象的報告,而且許多報告都附有目擊者的圖畫。

Kurkijoki定居的工程師A.Novozhilov(暫譯為諾沃日洛夫)看到了一個發光的物體,他把它比作一艘飛艇。他向技術科學候選人Konstantin Polevitsky(暫譯為康斯坦丁.波列維茨基)報告了這一景象,後者將其記錄下來。起初,諾沃日洛夫看到的是他認為的流星。一段時間後,該物體停了下來,然後向諾沃日洛夫移動,體積迅速增大,並獲得了飛艇的輪廓清晰的形狀。該物體呈切面狀,前後都有明亮的閃光點。邊緣發著白光,比光斑略微暗淡。切面像從內部照亮的窗戶,均勻地發著白光,比邊緣的白光更暗淡。據報導,該物體在300500公尺的高度移動,長100公尺,直徑1215公尺。該物體仍在接近諾沃日洛夫,從西向東移動,從後面釋放出一個閃亮的球,往北飛。該球水準飛行,然後在一片森林後面下降。據報導,降落時出現了耀眼的光芒。淩晨415分。諾沃日洛夫用0.1秒的曝光拍攝了三張不成功的照片該物體比月亮大得多”,以直升機的速度移動。觀察持續了1015分鐘,完全沒有聲音

蘇聯作家和哲學家Yuri Linnik(暫譯為尤里.林尼克)對一個不明物體的另一個詳細描述。他在淩晨3點左右在Namoyevo(暫譯為納莫耶沃)附近的別墅裡通過一個80倍放大率的業餘望遠鏡觀察到了這個物體。這個透鏡狀物體周圍有一個昏暗的半透明環,顏色是“暗紫水晶,從內部強烈變亮”。透鏡狀物體的邊緣有16個斑點(林尼克稱之為“噴嘴”),以10°-15°的角度發出脈動的紅色光線。

除了地面觀察,還有一些飛機的報告。格魯吉亞作家Guram Pandzhikidze和其他乘客在一架從新加坡返回莫斯科的飛機上觀察到一個明亮的發光物體,時間為半小時,高度為11公里,時間為清晨430分或5點左右。Pandzhikidze102日向卡累利阿Karelian)水文氣象觀測站主任Yuri Gromov(暫譯為尤里.格拉莫夫)報告了這一目擊事件,後者核實了報告的資料。


當時彼得羅紮沃茨克是卡累利阿(Karelian)蘇維埃社會主義自治共和國的首都和主要工業中心,1974年的人口為20.3萬。最早發表的關於彼得羅紮沃茨克現象的報告是由塔斯社記者Nikolai Milov(暫譯為尼古拉.米洛夫)撰寫的,他將彼得羅紮沃茨克上空的不明物體描述為“一顆巨大的星星”,它在當地時間清晨4點左右“在黑暗的天空中閃現”。米洛夫(Milov)的報告在蘇聯主流媒體[《真理報》(Pravda)、《消息報》(Izvestia)、《Selskaya Zhizn》和《Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya》]上發表。一家當地報紙《列寧真理報》(Leninskaya Pravda)也報導了彼得羅紮沃茨克的這個物體。蘇聯科學院Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union)在1977年進行的初步資料分析發現,目擊者的報告是相互一致和互補的。一些目擊者的描述得到了尤里.格拉莫夫(Yuri Gromov)的證實。據米洛夫說:「那顆星“以水母的形式在彼得羅紮沃茨克上空展開”,用大量非常細小的光線照射城市,形成傾盆大雨的形象。」米洛夫進一步報告說:「一段時間後,發光的光線停止了,“水母變成了一個明亮的半圓形”,它又繼續向奧涅加湖(Lake Onega)移動。」

這個被半透明外衣包圍的物體最初是在清晨4點左右被發現的,位於大熊座Ursa Major)下方天空的東北部,方位角約為40°。該物體最初的亮度“顯然與金星的亮度相當”。… … 該物體核心的直徑估計約為60公尺。根據目擊者Andrei Akimov的畫像,Felix Ziegel(暫譯為菲利克斯.齊格爾)估計該物體的水母狀圓頂(cupola)的直徑約為105公尺。該物體本身呈紅色,發出藍色的白色光芒。該地區的照明被比作滿月時的照明。據目擊者V. Trubachev說:「地面被照亮,如同明亮的夜景。」發光的“雲”隨後在中央核心周圍形成一個黑點。該黑點迅速擴大,而光芒逐漸消失。該物體在彼得羅紮沃茨克上空盤旋了5分鐘,然後移開。在盤旋之前,該物體移動緩慢,其速度相當於一架客機。在盤旋之後,其速度增加。一位目擊者指出,該物體的底部類似於塞格納輪(Segner wheel;類似於現代的自動旋轉式灑水器)。整個現象持續了10-15分鐘。彼得羅紮沃茨克的物體在鄰近的地方也被看到,如Pryazha(暫譯為普里亞扎)。1978年,《技術與科學》(Tekhnika i Nauka)出版了該物體各階段的彩色重建圖。

197711月,臨床心理學家Y. Andreyeva評估了彼得羅紮沃茨克現象的9名目擊者的精神狀況。她的結論是:「我們可以確信目擊者的精神完全正常,他們的回答和證詞是真實的。」儘管如此,一些報告指出該現象對人類和環境有一些影響。據A.Grakov說,他觀察到一個像月亮一樣大的黃色發光球,球消失後,彼得羅紮沃茨克的湖面上的空氣發出白光。這種發光比彼得羅紮沃茨克的燈光更強烈。據尤里.林尼克(Yuri Linnik)說,1977920日以後,在觀察到該現象的地區,生物活動增加。注意到這種增加可能與彼得羅紮沃茨克現象無關,但林尼克報告說他的花園裡的玫瑰花開了,“大約10種草本植物”第二次開花。林尼克稱這是“卡累利阿的緯度上的特殊現象”,因為“秋分之後,草本植物的植被幾乎停止”。他進一步強調,920日之後不久,烏克什湖Ukshozero)的水中出現了由纖維藻Ankistrodesmus)引起的強烈綻放現象。還注意到對技術設備的一些影響,據報導,彼得羅紮沃茨克地區的工程師觀察到計算設備的“重大故障”,隨後恢復了正常性能。


赫爾辛基、普爾科沃Pulkovo)和佩斯基(Peski機場上空的不明物體沒有被機場雷達探測到。儘管據合眾國際社報導,赫爾辛基機場雷達探測到了該物體,但機場的交通管制員Ari Hämäläinen聲稱沒有探測到。蘇聯防空系統也沒有發現這些物體。但後來,據報導,930日下午540分、1020日晚上1130分和1120日淩晨214分至217分,彼得羅紮沃茨克的卡累利阿水文氣象觀測站的氣象雷達探測到了這些發光的物體。


斯特恩堡天文研究所(Sternberg Astronomical Institute)的研究員Lev Gindilis利用各種證詞和1977930日之前的氣象資料,對該現象進行了初步分析。他寫道,一個物體在合理的高空通過,允許從所有報告的地點同時觀察,在飛行高度約為100公里或更高時是可信的。Gindilis指出,在這種情況下,“明亮的球形物體的最小線性尺寸應該是約1公里,而可見外貌(coat)的直徑——要達到約幾十公里”。… … … 197812日,蘇聯科學院副院長弗拉基米爾.科捷爾尼科夫Vladimir Kotelnikov)簽署了一份給該院卡累利阿部門的照會,通知他們派遣一個專家組到現場研究該現象。在那裡,根據目擊者的證詞,彼得羅紮沃茨克大學的雇員Y.Mezentsev進行了經緯儀測量,以確定彼得羅紮沃茨克上空不明物體的大致位置。19781月底,蘇聯研究人員為1977年的初步報告編寫了一份附錄,其中包含關於該現象的最新資料。該附錄進一步強調,在其他地方看到的不明物體是在發射宇宙號955」(Kosmos-955之前報告的

法國太空不明現象研究小組GEIPAN)收到了該報告的一份副本。該副本隨後被轉發給美國伊利諾斯州埃文斯頓Evanston, Illinois)的不明飛行物研究中心CUFOS)。約瑟夫.艾倫.海尼克J.Allen Hynek)將另一份副本交給了美國NASA的科學家Richard Haines(暫譯為理查.海因斯),然後他用政府撥款將副本翻譯成了英文。蘇聯的報告在國外受到了不同的歡迎。海因斯、海尼克和其他人公開聲稱,該報告是不明飛行物存在的關鍵證據James Oberg(暫譯為詹姆斯.奧伯格)批評了蘇聯的調查,認為它是“一個詭計,可能是蘇聯試圖轉移人們對蘇聯飛碟真相的注意力。”


人們對解釋該現象的性質提出了若干建議。普爾科沃天文台Pulkovo Observatory)台長Vladimir Krat(暫譯為弗拉迪米爾.克拉特)最初認為這一現象是由隕石墜落造成的。後來他在公開演講中把這一現象歸結為極光。這一觀點得到了IZMIRAN學術機構負責人Vladimir Migulin(暫譯為弗拉基米爾.米古林)的支持,他的猜想於1980419日發表在《蘇維埃俄羅斯報》(Sovetskaya Rossiya)上。米古林(Migulin)的解釋被菲利克斯.齊格爾(Felix Ziegel)拒絕,他指出極光不可能在低於100公里的高度出現,而且極光的表面亮度很低,與彼得羅紮沃茨克物體的亮度無法相比。後來米古林提出,該現象的發生“是由於各種情況的罕見組合,即「宇宙號955」(Kosmos-955)衛星的發射、太陽耀斑導致的強磁擾動以及我們用低頻無線電波影響電離層的科學實驗。”

1977年由《Kansan Uutiset》和《Uusi Suomi》發表的採訪中,努爾米耶爾維Nurmijärvi)地球物理觀測站的雇員Matti Kivinen假設芬蘭上空的不明物體可能是運載火箭或衛星的殘骸。詹姆斯.奧伯格(James Oberg)將彼得羅紮沃茨克的物體歸結為蘇聯衛星「宇宙號955」從普列謝茨克航太發射場發射的,該發射是在當地時間920358分左右進行的。根據詹姆斯.奧伯格的說法,由於「宇宙號955」是在東北方向發射的,彼得羅紮沃茨克(位於普列謝茨克航天發射場西南方向)的居民觀察到了來自衛星噴嘴的熾熱痕跡,從而導致了這一現象。奧伯格的觀點尤其得到了IZMIRAN研究員Yuli Platov(暫譯為尤里.普拉托夫)在1984年的認可。據普拉托夫說,一個發光點的出現與衛星引擎的耀斑有關。據報導,一個擴展的發光區的形成與衛星離開地球陰影的時間相吻合。自彼得羅紮沃茨克事件以來,在接近黎明或黃昏的時候發射衛星後,類似的現象(被命名為“太空水母”)被多次報導過。普拉托夫進一步將輻射結構的發展與宇宙號955通過湍流層邊界聯繫起來,“在湍流層邊界以上,燃燒產物的散射發生,沒有大氣層的阻尼作用。”1985年,普拉托夫的觀點被蘇聯雜誌《Nauka v SSSR》發表。在後來的一篇文章中,普拉托夫指出:「伴隨著彼得羅紮沃茨克現象的一些額外影響,與幾乎同時在同一地區進行的彈道導彈的不成功試射有關。」儘管如此,烏克蘭研究員Oleh Pruss在談到他在卡普斯京亞爾Kapustin Yar)火箭發射站遺址工作過18年的經歷時說:「我知道第一手資料,在火箭發射期間,天空中出現了什麼奇觀 —— 那是相當令人印象深刻的景色然而,在彼得羅紮沃茨克上空有完全不同的東西。」

1978年,《Aviatsiya i Kosmonavtika》發表了M.Dmitriyev的文章《大氣中的“閃光”》,其中提出了化學發光的假設。根據Dmitriyev的說法,這一現象“既不是技術實驗的結果,也不是海市蜃樓”,而是大氣中的化學發光區。關於這一假設,齊格爾(Ziegel)寫道:「“化學發光的能量輸出可以忽略不計”,與彼得羅紮沃茨克的物體不同,而且假設的化學發光雲不能逆風飛揚而彼得羅紮沃茨克的物體似乎就是這樣。」


Excerpt from the book Geheimsache UFO by Michael Hessemann:

摘自Michael Hesemann的《Geheimsache UFO》一書:

Over Petrozavodsk stood an intensely shining star, which looked like a luminous spike-wheel and was of a spring-like shape. It moved slowly towards Petrozavodsk, throwing intense rays of light on the city. There were thousands of rays, and it looked like a heavy rain. Sometime later the radiation ended, the light source changed its brightness and moved towards Lake Onega. On the horizon there were gray clouds, and when the apparition dived into them, several semicircles and small circles of reddish pink color appeared in the formations. The apparition lasted ten to twelve minutes.


Of course, they deliberately avoided any speculation, even the term UFO was not used. Nevertheless, the report gave a good, albeit brief, impression of what had happened almost exactly a year earlier in Petrozavodsk, and what had been meticulously investigated in the meantime by a specially created expert commission. All this happened on September 20, 1977.



Photo of Petrozavodsk UFO over Onega Lake in the early morning hours of 20.9.1977.


Early risers in Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Caribbean Autonomous Soviet Republic with 185,000 inhabitants, didn’t know what to do when a bright star flashed in the clouds at 4:05 a.m. The sky was clear. It had just stopped raining, and between the scattered clouds a starry sky was visible. The wind was blowing from the north. The light came closer, descended in spiral paths and soon became a fiery ball. Then it decreased its speed and finally remained in a hovering position for 5 to 7 minutes. Those who hadn’t noticed it yet looked up to the sky at the latest when a hellish noise resounded, similar to the wail of a siren. Shortly after, the whistling stopped and the object began to move silently towards the city. Soon it looked more like an orange-red hemisphere, around which a bright zone formed, in which many points of light appeared and disappeared like stars. The light began to pulsate. From the underside of the object, a telescopic beam of light moved vertically downward, followed by a second, weaker one. After some time both disappeared again. In the next few seconds, hundreds of thin light beams hailed down to earth like golden arrows. While thousands of people had been fascinated by the spectacle in the sky, a panic-like tumult broke out. People ran into the streets, screaming hysterically for help, others threw themselves to the ground. Some dock workers thought it was an American atomic bomb attack and shouted. This is the end.


It looked as if they had suddenly become ill, said TASS correspondent Nicolai Milov, who interviewed hundreds of witnesses shortly after the event, who gave the impression of being mentally deranged. People who were still in bed at the time said they suddenly woke up and felt bad. Some of them suffered from nightmares and depression, but most of them said that they felt internal electric shocks.

塔斯社記者尼古拉.米洛夫(Nicolai Milov)說,事件發生後不久,他採訪了數百名目擊者,他們給人的印象是精神錯亂,看起來好像他們突然生病了。當時還在床上的人說,他們突然醒來,感覺很糟糕。他們中的一些人患有惡夢和抑鬱症,但大多數人說他們感到體內有電擊。

The apparition now looked like a light jellyfish with golden tentacles shining in magnificent colors. The white zone around the hemisphere had meanwhile contracted to a luminous ring, the rays shot slightly curved to the earth. Like golden needles, it drilled thousands of holes in the asphalt and in window panes. Some witnesses said that the size of the object was about 100 meters (328 feet). They reported that it was getting closer and closer to the city, until finally it hovered slowly over the harbor. At that time it shone so brightly that their eyes hurt. Then a smaller, brighter body in the shape of a light bulb detached itself from the object and flew over the roofs and between the houses due to streets. Some witnesses claim to have seen it finally fly back to its mother ship and disappear inside. The engine of his car failed while a doctor was observing the object at close range, the air was filled with an ozone smell. Yuri Gromov, director of the Petrozavodsk meteorological observatory, was tracking the object. The body had gradually assumed the shape of an elliptical ring. It finally moved towards the cloud bank above Onega Lake, burned a red light into the clouds and disappeared into them. The haunting had lasted exactly 12 minutes.

現在,這個幽靈看起來就像一隻發光的水母,金色的觸角閃耀著絢麗的色彩。同時,半球周圍的白色區域已經收縮為一個發光的環,光線略微彎曲而射向地面。像金色的針一樣,它在瀝青和窗玻璃上鑽出成千上萬的孔洞。一些目擊者說,該物體的大小約為100公尺。他們報告說,它離城市越來越近,直到最後它在港口上空慢慢盤旋。當時,它閃耀的光芒照得他們的眼睛很疼。然後,一個更小、更亮的燈泡形狀的物體從該物體上分離出來,飛過屋頂和街道上的房屋。一些目擊者聲稱看到它最後飛回了母船,並消失在裡面。一位醫生在近距離觀察該物體時,他的汽車引擎出現故障,空氣中充滿了臭氧ozone)的味道。彼得羅紮沃茨克氣象觀測站站長Yuri Gromov(暫譯為尤里.格羅莫夫)正在追蹤該物體。該物體已逐漸呈現出橢圓環的形狀。它最終向奧涅加湖上方的雲層移動,在雲層中燒出一道紅光,然後消失在雲層中。這場讓人難忘的現象持續了整整12分鐘。

Whatever it was, at least meteorologist Gromov ruled out the possibility that it was a ball of lightning or a mirage. Also, neither airplanes nor helicopters were in the airspace over Petrozavodsk at that time. Gromov: In my opinion, what was seen over Petrozavodsk was either a UFO, the messenger of a higher intelligence with crew and passengers, or an energy field created by a UFO.

不管它是什麼,至少氣象學家格羅莫夫排除了它是一個球狀閃電ball of lightning)或海市蜃樓的可能性。另外,當時在彼得羅紮沃茨克上空既沒有飛機也沒有直升機。格羅莫夫說:「在我看來,在彼得羅紮沃茨克上空看到的,要麼是一個UFO,要麼是來訪的外星高等智慧生命的信使,要麼是一個由UFO產生的能量場。」

In the next few weeks, the authorities and TASS received about 1500 worried letters: How safe is it to stay in Petrozavodsk? Or is it dangerous to travel to the Karelian capital? And how high is the radioactivity? All letters were confiscated by government authorities, as were eyewitness accounts in the TASS archives. While a strict news blackout was imposed, scientists investigated the case on behalf of the government. Among them was a special commission of the Moscow Academy of Science. According to Orphan Sakharchenko, the editor of the magazine Technology and Youth, who had a particularly good connection to government agencies: “The commission of the Academy has determined that the holes in the stones and pierced window panes give the impression that they were melted into them. Holes the size of a coin. A factory window was sent to Moscow for analysis. The results were announced by Dr. VG Azhazha at a lecture at the end of 1981.

在接下來的幾週裡,當局和塔斯社收到了大約1500封擔憂的信件,反應出:待在彼得羅紮沃茨克夠安全嗎?或者去卡累利阿Karelian)首府那裡很危險?放射性又有多高?所有信件都被政府當局沒收了,塔斯社檔案中的目擊者記錄也是如此。在實行嚴格的新聞封鎖的同時,科學家們代表政府調查了此案。其中包括莫斯科科學院的一個特別委員會。據《技術與青年》(Technology and Youth)雜誌的編輯Orphan Sakharchenko(他與政府機構的關係特別好)稱:「科學院的委員會已經確定,石頭上的洞和穿透的窗玻璃給人的印象是被融化在裡面的。孔洞的大小與硬幣一樣。一個工廠的窗戶被送到莫斯科進行分析。1981年底,VG Azhazha博士在一次講座上宣佈了結果。


Drawing of the Petrozavodsk’s UFOs according to eyewitness accounts


On many windows of the houses in the city of Petrozavodsk, holes of 5 to 7 cm (2 to 2.75 inches) in diameter appeared, the edges of which appeared as if melted. Circular pieces of glass from the inner windows were sometimes missing or lay on the floor or windowsill…interesting results were obtained by analyzing the holes in the glass. Under the electron microscope, a crystalline structure was discovered on the surface of the non-crystalline glass! In the institute they said that this could never be. But this fact was there, whether we like it or not. Everybody was interested…but the mystery remained as a mystery…there remains only the assumption that mysterious objects were active.

在彼得羅紮沃茨克市許多房屋的窗戶上,出現了直徑為57公分的孔洞,其邊緣看起來像是被融化了一樣。內窗的圓形玻璃碎片有時不見了,或者散落在地板或窗台上... 通過分析玻璃上的孔洞,得到了有趣的結果。在電子顯微鏡下,在非結晶態玻璃的表面發現了一個結晶結構!在研究所裡,他們說這是不可能的。但不管我們喜歡與否,這一事實就在那裡。每個人都很感興趣... 但這個謎仍然是個謎... 只剩下一個假設:神秘的物體在活動


Window-pane in Petrozavodsk, perforated by the UFO rays



Detail of some of the holes


From September 20, 1977 to February 20, 1978, a UFO as large as a soccer field appeared 5-6 times a month over the Soviet city of Petrozavodsk on Lake Onega, northeast of Leningrad.



Cigar shaped UFO over Onega Lake, 1978





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