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Contact Report 836/第836次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年03月06日,星期一,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin, Catherine Mossman
中譯版本:2023年03月10日,星期五,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
四、同樣道理,音樂的振動和聲音也決定了人的平衡、穩定、生命的積極性和均衡性以及生命的肯定性等,因此音樂也會對人類產生影響,並能塑造人類的態度,行為和性格。然而,自上世紀後半葉以來,一些音樂類型逐漸發展出來,這些音樂充滿了不和諧的元素,卻能引起大量男女聽眾的狂熱、陶醉和著迷,這些追求不和諧音樂的人 —— 通常是年輕人 —— 也生活在自己的情感不和諧中。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
You look weary in the world, Eduard, my friend. But greetings to you.
Was in the cellar just now because I was summoned, so I am only coming back now. You must have come here as soon as I left? It was only a few minutes, after all.
Yes, it was really only a few minutes because I could still hear you when you went out the door and now you have come back.
So you did not have to wait long. – Well, I am tired because I have not slept much, because it has been about 9 hours since Friday night until today. Unfortunately, that is all I could do, but it is no use talking about it, because I cannot change it. Tell me please, why you came here today?
We should not talk about that openly, consequently you better set down your dots when you call up our conversation and write it down.
Whatever you say – shall we right now …
無論你說什麼 —— 那我們現在就 ...
Yes, it would be good if we discuss what is really important right at the beginning. In doing so …
是的,如果我們一開始就討論什麼是真正重要的,那就好了。在這樣做的時候 ...
… But what we have to talk about, I will just put down dots when I recall it, because there is no point …
... 但我們要談的事情,我接收的時候就會以點(…)來表示,因為現在談論它也沒有意義 ...
It is to be maintained so, because it is of necessity.
Yes, you are absolutely right, and I will see to it that … But we from the FIGU can do nothing about it, consequently everything will turn out as Sfath, your father, and I, have observed on our journeys to the future.
是的,你說得很對,我會注意的 ... 但我們FIGU的人對此卻無能為力,因此,一切都會像你父親Sfath和我在未來的穿梭中所觀察到的那樣發展。
That is undoubtedly the case, for these are events that you have seen and partly witnessed in the future. But there were also many pleasant things; for example, I read that you were also in the South American rainforest and that you saw and experienced many things there that human beings do not know exist there.
That was so, yes, that is right. There, for example, I saw creatures in the middle of the jungle between the dark trees in the high rainwater that I would never have expected to see there. And if I were to say what they were, people will say that my stories are just lies and hoaxes, which is why I prefer to keep quiet and not talk about it. Even my teachers, who were otherwise good and fair to me, like Fehr and Leemann, but also Pastor Zimmerman, said that this was not possible and that I was fabricating, which they also said at first because of Sfath, until they were proven wrong. But Sfath never took them to the rainforest, consequently I could not prove to them that I was not fibbing.
But it is a bit different today, consequently it might even be good if you say what you experienced.
Why so?
If you tell something, then it may contribute to more thorough thinking about the need to better protect nature and its creatures, as well as that, that self-action regarding nature protection is taken in hand, instead of stupid demonstrations and making big words as well as hand-waving on the streets, which brings no success, but the planet, nature and its fauna and flora are nevertheless still stupidly and unconscionably destroyed and annihilated. Firstly, it is more than urgently necessary that a worldwide and long-lasting cessation of births and thus a rapid reduction of Earth's human beings is legally decreed, as well as that the individual human being becomes suffused with reason and thought and makes an effort to become truly self-acting with regard to nature and the protection of living beings and flora. Domestic animals such as dogs and cats, birds in small cages, rodents, etc. must be kept fairly according to their innate nature, which will be possible only in extremely few cases. Earth-humans themselves must do all that is necessary on their own initiative and self-acting, for loud-mouthed demonstrations, gluing of hands as well as wanton destruction will achieve nothing, whereby a reduction of Earth's humanity and an improvement and end to environmental destruction would be achieved.
I guess you are right about that. – Well, in the rainforest in South America I experienced things that sound really crazy, because there I saw, for example, tiny frogs that were no bigger than about 8 to 10 millimetres, but on the other hand very large otters that were 150 or even 170 centimetres tall. But there were also real dolphins in the dark and deep rainwater in the middle of the jungle between the huge trees, as well as large herds of capybaras. And what I saw there in the jungle I saw nowhere else, namely that jaguars hunted, killed and ate caimans. I also saw birds that had self-luminous plumage, as well as mushrooms, etc. that were self-luminous and mainly seen at night, as well as self-luminous beetles and caterpillars and so on. Sfath said that hundreds of thousands and probably millions of genera and species of living beings still existed in the rainforest which had not yet been discovered by Earth-humans.
That is indeed so, but that you have now for once openly said something that is real and effective, which is that it also arises elsewhere in primeval forests; that is good.
Maybe – but probably I will be accused of lying or at least fibbing. But it does not really matter, because the same kind of thing happens with contact with you. But I actually wanted to address something else earlier, namely artificial intelligence, as this madness is called, will unfortunately come in the future completely differently than those responsible for it imagine in their stupidity, but then, when they realise their mistake, then it will be too late. This, as well as with regard to the fact that the earthlings cannot inhabit this planet forever, which they have already fundamentally destroyed to a large extent, as well as making a mess of the climate. Only then, if the Earthlings succeed in finding an exoplanet and getting to it, can the human beings of Earth survive – unless foreigners refuse to help them. But what I wanted to say: At the latest when the artificial intelligence is developed far enough, they will see it, what they have done with their delusion, when the artificial intelligence created by them 'knows' perfectly how to handle weapons and also develops independently 'rebelling' and … And this will result as Sfath and I have seen, as also that the mass of overpopulation will not become wiser and will continue to expand selfishly and make everything even worse, so that life on Earth will become a real hell for very many Earthlings. The earthling will no longer be the master of their own thoughts, as has already begun with the delusion of God, consequently the earthling will only be ruled by an illusory thinking that only allows them to believe, but no longer to think, decide and act for themselves.
也許 —— 但很可能我將被指責為說謊或至少是造謠。但這其實並不重要,因為與你接觸也會發生同樣的事情。但我實際上想早點解決其他問題,那就是「人工智慧」(artificial intelligence),正如這種所謂的狂熱,可惜未來將會與那些負責這方面的人在他們的愚蠢中所想像的完全不同,但那時,當他們意識到他們的錯誤時,那麼就已經太晚了。還有關於地球人不可能永遠居住在這個星球上的事實,他們已經在很大程度上從根本上破壞了這個星球,並且把氣候搞得一團糟。只有當地球人能夠成功地找到一顆系外行星並到達那裡,地球上的人類才能生存下去 —— 除非外星人拒絕幫助他們。但我想說的是:最遲當人工智慧發展到一定程度時,他們將看到他們的妄想所造成的後果,當他們創造的人工智慧“知道”如何完美地處理武器,還獨立發展“反叛”和 ... 而這將導致Sfath和我所看到的,還有大量的過剩人口不會變得更聰明,而是繼續自私地擴張,使一切變得更加糟糕,所以地球上的生活將成為非常多地球人的真正地獄。地球人將不再是他們自己思想的主人,就像已經開始的對上帝的錯覺一樣,因此地球人將只被一種虛幻的思維所控制,這種思維只允許他們相信,但不能再自己思考、決定和行動了。
Now, because everything has become as I said, the earthling, the human being, has long since forgotten what has been and, moreover, it has also never been written down what the past of the human beings of the Earth really was. Therefore he/she also does not know that actually the all-embracing being depends on swinging waves, as also on sounds resulting from them. The sun, as the authoritative celestial body of the system, orders the distance of planets away from it in its system area by means of swinging waves and sounds. Something that is obviously not yet known to the 'great' science of astronomy, because at least I have never heard of it. But it is the case, as I learned from Sfath and was able to sense and hear through his apparatus, that every system satellite actually orbits around the sun with a very specific swinging wave resp. vibration. This swinging wave also corresponds to a very specific wavelength as well as an impulse, which in turn produces a special sound. I could perceive resp. feel and hear all this through Sfath's equipment. And such swinging waves and sounds were also known and useful to the far-away travellers, who also used them in early times on Earth and produced monumental works with them. They were even able to move the heaviest things through the air with it, which I mentioned years ago when I mentioned something about the building of pyramids in Egypt. At that time I simply used the term 'telekinesis' to explain it, because it is possible through the powers of thought, which it actually was, but in this respect it was used to handle everything in the manner that certain swinging waves were used in connection with sounds. So basically I said at that time what is really true, but I did not explain that it was not a matter of mental teleportation in the actual sense, in order to 'transport' the heavy cuboid blocks for the building of the pyramids, but precisely through a teleportation that was based on swinging waves and sounds, in other words in a natural manner. If natural energy and power were used at that time to lift and levitate, then it was done in a different manner than through the actual application of thought power. And this was actually used at that time and even earlier for 'transport' by those who had travelled far and wide, also for the precise production of the huge cuboid blocks, which today could not be moved even with huge machines and could not be produced so skilfully with all modern tools. That …
由於一切都變得像我所說的那樣,因此地球人,也就是人類,早已忘記了過去的一切,而且實際上也從未記錄下人類的真正過去。因此,他也不知道,實際上一切普遍存在的振動和所產生的聲音是如何決定萬物的。太陽作為太陽系中的主要恆星,通過振動和聲音,將行星與其系統內的距離進行調整。這顯然是天文學的“偉大”科學家還不知道的事情,因為至少我從來沒有聽說過。根據我從Sfath那裡學到的,以及透過他的儀器所感知、聽到的,每個恆星系的衛星確實以一定的頻率或振動環繞恆星。這種振動也對應著一個特定的波長和一種脈衝,進而產生一個特定的聲音。我透過Sfath的儀器感知到這一切。這些振動和聲音也是早期地球外來者所知道和利用的,他們用這些知識建造了宏偉的建築物。藉此他們甚至可以使重物在空中移動,這點我在幾年前提到埃及金字塔建造時也曾提到過。當時我為了解釋,簡單地使用了「念力」(telekinesis)這個詞,因為透過思想力量,這是有可能實現的,事實上也確實是如此,但是在這方面,它是通過使用特定的振動和聲音來處理所有事情的。基本上,我當時講的是真實的事情,但我沒有解釋這實際上並不是指真正意義上的心靈傳送問題,用於運輸金字塔建築中的重型石塊,而是通過基於振動和聲音的傳送,因此是自然方式。當時,如果利用自然能量和力量來舉起和懸浮物體,那麼它就是通過不同的方式實現的,而不是通過直接運用思想力量。在當時和更早之前,這種方式確實被外來者用於「運輸」,也用於精確製作巨大的石塊,即使現代的機器和所有現代工具都不能如此精確地製造。而 …
You, unfortunately, as I have looked up in Asket's records, passed on your knowledge to … to make the …
抱歉,根據我在Asket的記錄中所讀到的,你把你的知識傳給了 ... 使 ... 。
Yes, unfortunately, because at that time I did not expect that … But harm makes you wise. But unfortunately it is so that today everything is forgotten concerning the swinging waves and sounds, only in Asia the whole thing is still cultivated to some extent, unfortunately religiously in the form of OM and mandalas, etc. The actual value, however, is no longer known. The actual value, however, is no longer known, consequently the whole thing has probably spread worldwide, but the knowledge of the value of the sounds has been lost. The fact that everything is actually nothing other than what I call cosmic music, which also corresponds to human beings and influences and shapes them in terms of their attitudes, behaviour and character, is perhaps known to only a few of the scientists who deal with it accordingly. However, 2600 years ago Pythagoras again recognised the value of sounds, but not in the sense of what is actually behind them, but today some clever scientists may be thinking about it. The swinging waves and sounds of music are much more for human beings than just entertainment, etc., because they can also be used, for example, for certain work purposes of which human beings may have assumptions but no knowledge. But the swinging waves and sounds of music also determine the equalisedness, balance, unbalancedness, life positivity and evenness as well as life affirmation, etc. of the human being, as on the other hand, however, also his/her character and manner of acting with regard to all the unvalues of life, depending on the harmony or disharmony of the sounds. With regard to the favourable or unfavourable swinging waves and sounds resp. the harmony or disharmony of the music, which the human being perceives as good or bad, the whole forms his/her manner of thinking and attitude and the course of their behaviour, activity and character, as well as their corresponding life. Consequently, the swinging waves and sounds of music also reveal who and what the human beings truly are.
是的,很遺憾,當時我沒有預料到 ... 但是經歷過損失後我變得聰明了。可惜今天關於振動和聲音的一切都已經被遺忘了,只有在亞洲,這方面的知識仍在某種程度上得到維護,但是不幸的是,這些知識已經以宗教形式,如OM和曼荼羅(mandalas)等等,被世人所知。然而,實際價值已經不再知道,因此這個概念已經在全世界流傳,但關於聲音價值的知識已經失去了。實際上,這一切就是我所稱的宇宙音樂(cosmic music),對人類產生影響,並能塑造人類的態度,行為和性格。這可能只有少數專注於相關研究的科學家知道。然而在2600年前,畢達哥拉斯(Pythagoras)已經意識到聲音的價值,但實際上他並不了解背後的意義。不過,今天或許有一些聰明的科學家正在思考這個問題。音樂的振動和聲音對於人類來說遠不僅僅是娛樂等,因為它們實際上也可以用於特定的工作目的,人們對此可能有猜測,但沒有知識。音樂的振動和聲音也決定了人的平衡、穩定、生命的積極性和均衡性以及生命的肯定性等。但另一方面,根據聲音的和諧或不和諧,也決定了人的性格和行為的墮落。關於人所認為好或不好的音樂的吸引或排斥振動和聲音,形成了他的思想和態度,以及他的行為、活動和性格的過程,以及相應的生活。因此,音樂的振動和聲音也表明了人的真正本質。
If the history of swinging waves and sounds and thus of music is fathomed, then its original form can be recognised in the existence of the creation of all things, to which it can be said that practically everything and everything has arisen from its origin in a vibrational melodic state and has remained constant in might. If the music of human beings from ancient times and today is considered – which was already practised in very ancient times through singing and the most primitive 'musical objects' etc. -, especially from the Middle Ages, which is to be calculated approximately from the 9th to the 14th century with Minstrel singing and Gregorian chant, then the Renaissance from the 15th to the 16th century, and from this then approximately 150 years later with the Renaissance. If you look at the period from the 15th century to the 16th century, then about 150 years of the Baroque period, followed by about 80 years of the Classical period, which was then followed by the period of the so-called Romantic period, which lasted about 70 years and was then replaced by the Modern period, which began around 1900, from which 'Modern Music', 'Schlager', 'Contemporary Music' etc. emerged, just as 'Contemporary Music' is commonplace all over the world today, then it all adds up to something very astonishing. Little by little, since the second half of the last century, 'types' of music have developed which are so bursting with disharmony and are cheered frenetically, intoxicated and fascinated by masses of listeners of both sexes, although this 'music' has nothing to do with harmony and real music. It is frightening to realise and perceive how the human beings who adhere to this disharmony – usually younger and young – live in their own emotional disharmony. How they are also in their behaviour, character traits, life interests, their humanity, in their lack of responsibility and education, and so on. And these human beings, despite their inexperience and stupidity, are to lead Earth's humanity into the future, possibly even as rulers. Already many crooked elements from the generations born before these fanatics of disharmonious swinging waves and sounds, the so-called modern 'music', and who are now in the governments, prove that they have become completely unfit in every respect. They are incapable of managing their own lives correctly, let alone leading the peoples and creating peace and freedom instead of war, misery and injustice. The best example of this is provided today by all those supporters of the peoples and their rulers who are in favour of supplying arms to Ukraine, who lift America high into the sky as a hegemonic delusional state and, as in Switzerland, make a pig of neutrality as traitors to their country.
如果深入研究振動和聲音的歷史,特別是音樂的起源,就會發現其原型可以在萬物創造的本質中找到,幾乎每一個事物都是從原始的振動旋律狀態開始產生並一直保持不變的力量。當從古代至今觀察人類的音樂 —— 從古代的歌唱和原始的“音樂工具”開始實踐,尤其是從大約西元9到14世紀的追求愛情的歌曲和葛利果聖歌(Gregorian chant)開始的中世紀,接著是15世紀到16世紀的文藝復興(Renaissance),然後是大約150年的巴洛克音樂時期(Baroque period),接著是大約80年的古典主義音樂(Classical period),之後是大約70年所謂的浪漫主義(Romantic period)時期,然後被20世紀初的現代音樂所取代,這其中包括“現代音樂”、“流行歌曲”、“當代音樂”等,如今在全世界都很普遍,就會發現一切都非常驚人。然而,自上世紀後半葉以來,一些音樂類型逐漸發展出來,這些音樂充滿了不和諧的元素,卻能引起大量男女聽眾的狂熱、陶醉和著迷,儘管這些“音樂”與和諧和真正的音樂已經毫無關係。令人擔憂的是,這些追求不和諧音樂的人 —— 通常是年輕人 —— 也生活在自己的情感不和諧中。無論是他們的行為方式、性格特徵、生活興趣、人性、缺乏責任感的行為還是教育程度等方面,都表現出了這種不和諧。而這些人卻要在缺乏生活經驗和愚蠢的情況下領導人類,甚至可能成為執政者。已經有很多那些在這些不和諧音樂的狂熱粉絲之前出生、現在卻擔任政府職務的人,在各方面都已經完全失去了能力。他們甚至無法正確處理自己的生活,更不用說引導人民創造和平和自由,而不是戰爭、苦難和不公。今天,所有支援人民和他們的領導者的人,為烏克蘭提供武器交易、將美國高舉為霸權主義國家、像在瑞士一樣將中立性破壞的國家叛徒們,都成為了最好的例子。
Well, it took until the 20th century for the era of good music to dominate the senses of human beings. In total, however, there are about 1400 existing types of music, which are fundamentally different from each other, but from which the genre resp. the essence resp. the character can all be crystallised. Swinging waves and sounds resp. music – that is what I am talking about – with regard to human-made music, is actually a means that produces the most diverse emotional effects, ranging from elation to destruction and murder. All this has come about more and more in the course of time and development, mainly due to the strong and uncontrolled emergence of military armies and of religions, which should be abolished as soon as possible, because if these would finally disappear, then the first step would be taken towards finally striving for peace and freedom. The run-up to this did not begin with Christianity, for military hordes and religions already existed earlier, but with the advent of Christianity everything became much worse, which then turned into degenerations of all kinds. Then came also the continuation of the same through Islam, consequently the religious delusions and rites, etc. expressed themselves, still changing, into another religion. In Christianity, for example, the delusion of witch-hunting arose in the Middle Ages, which demanded many innocent human sacrifices, then also the delusion of the persecution of the Jews and the genocide of the Jewish believers by the NAZI army of Adolf Hitler, whereby this persecution of the Jews is again spreading worldwide and even in Switzerland the Jewish believers are being harassed. In addition, the same thing is happening in Germany, where, in addition to righteous human beings in the government and among the people, there are unfortunately also many others who obviously carry the NAZI essence within themselves and therefore also shout pro and hurrah for weapons to the war fanatic Selensky, also have them delivered and thus also help the world domination-addicted America so that it can realise its plans for hegemony.
那麼,直到20世紀,才真正出現了音樂盛行的時代,使人類的感官受到影響。總共有約1400種現有的音樂類型,它們基本上是截然不同的,但從中可以凝縮出類型或本質以及其特徵。振動和聲音或音樂 —— 我所說的正是這個 —— 實際上是一種工具,可以產生各種情感反應,從歡欣鼓舞到破壞和殺戮。隨著時間和發展,這一切越來越明顯,主要是因為強大而不受控制的軍隊和宗教的興起,這些都應該被迅速廢除,因為一旦它們終於消失了,那麼將邁出第一步,最終爭取和平和自由。儘管這並不是從基督教開始的,因為早期就有軍隊和宗教,但隨著基督教的興起,一切變得更加糟糕,然後變成各種形式的墮落。然後伊斯蘭教也出現了同樣的情況,因此宗教的狂熱形式和儀式等等在另一種宗教中也呈現了出來。例如,在中世紀的基督教中出現了追捕女巫的狂熱,這導致了許多無辜的人的犧牲,還有對猶太人的迫害和阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)領導下納粹軍隊對猶太信仰者的種族滅絕,這種對猶太人的迫害再次在全世界蔓延,甚至在瑞士也有猶太教徒受到傷害。此外,在德國同樣出現了類似的情況,因為除了政府和民眾中的正直人士外,還有許多人明顯懷有納粹主義思想,因此對於向戰爭狂人澤連斯基(Selensky)提供武器,他們也大喊口號,並幫助這個有野心的美國實現其霸權計畫。
But it should also be said that the delusion of religious wars and wars of revenge, wars of power and other things are also commonplace, especially America's various wars of power and wars of conquest, in which the indigenous peoples, the Indians, were murdered en masse. As a rule, it was Europeans who did this, who had emigrated from Europe to America, also many Germans, who very early on displayed an evil racist attitude, as they later also formed the Ku Klux Klan and then in Europe also the NAZIs. And today the NAZI-like ones are back in government in Germany, along with a like-minded part of the people, as you said. And in America, it is the very distant descendants of the immigrants who are wreaking terror all over the world, with their NATO murder organisation behind them, which may appear to have a supreme command, but which is fundamentally directed by America, thereby securing the latter's delusion of hegemony. How stupid and dumb the rulers of the world must actually be that they do not recognise this is more than just puzzling. Even after three world wars, this has not yet been recognised – whereby America is not only hoping for a fourth world war, but is consciously working towards it in order to be able to realise its hegemony delusion.
然而更重要的是要說,宗教戰爭和復仇戰爭、權力鬥爭和其他戰爭的狂熱也很普遍,尤其是美洲各種權力鬥爭和征服戰爭,其中原住民印第安人大量被屠殺。通常是歐洲人幹的,他們從歐洲移民到美洲,其中許多德國人早期表現出惡劣的種族主義傾向,這些人後來也組成了三K黨(Ku Klux Klan),然後在歐洲也形成了納粹黨。今天,那些類似納粹的人又回到了德國的政府中,正如你所說,還有一部分志同道合的人。而在美國,正是那些非常遙遠的移民後裔在世界各地製造恐怖,他們背後的北約謀殺組織看似擁有最高指揮權,但根本上是由美國指揮的,從而保證了後者的霸權妄想。世界上的統治者究竟有多蠢多笨,居然沒有認識到這一點,這更是遠遠超出了令人費解的地步。即使在三次世界大戰之後,這還沒有被認識到 —— 美國不僅希望第四次世界大戰,而且有意為之,以實現其霸權妄想。
In this sense, just think of the 3 world wars from 1756 to 1763, 1914 to 1918 and the NAZI war from 1939 to 1945, whereby America played the biggest role in each case and even denies that the 1st world war started from America and took place at all, because it is 'only' recorded as a 7-year war, whereby America's guilt is denied. And the fact that the American military brought the Spanish flu to Europe during the war of 1914 to 1918 is also concealed from the public, as are many other things that are very much America's fault. Today it is especially important to remember that the German government is once again staffed by NAZI-like rabble, as you state and say, against which the righteous and those concerned for peace and freedom have no possibility whatsoever to stop the whole threatening thing, as is proven by the fact that slander is spread against Sahra Wagenknecht because she, together with like-minded people, has campaigned against the arms deliveries, etc. This proves, for example, the behaviour against those who are concerned about peace and freedom in the government and among the people, as Sahra Wagenknecht, for example, proved with her demonstration, against which now malicious and lying is being waged by the – if I may use your term – NEONAZI rulers and that part of the people which is of the same NAZI mind as the NEONAZI government. The latter, as ringleader, has induced various governments and parts of the peoples of foreign countries – who obviously think in the same NAZI way as the NEONAZI government in Germany – to join in by supplying weapons to Selensky. All this, of course, with America – which is still holding Germany under its occupation in its delusion of hegemony almost 80 years after the 3rd World War and is mismanaging Germany with its stateless people, without the human beings in Germany knowing that they are actually stateless people – and also the pack of the NEONAZI government, because America has not recognised Germany as an actual state to this day. But if there are stupid people in a government, then for many 'citizens' the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and how stupid and uneducated some of those in power resp. of the so-called politicians are, I was told a few days ago, because on TV the German Foreign Minister Baerbock is said to have proved her stupidity and her lack of education by saying that Putin would have to turn his opinion and his actions around 360 degrees, that then peace and the war in Ukraine would end.
在這方面,只需考慮一下1756年至1763年的三次世界大戰、1914年至1918年的世界大戰以及1939年至1945年的納粹戰爭,其中美國分別扮演了最重要的角色,甚至否認第一次世界大戰是從美國開始的,因為它被記錄為“只是”七年戰爭,美國的罪行被否認。而美國軍隊在1914年至1918年的戰爭中將西班牙流感帶到歐洲,這也被隱瞞了,還有許多其他事情,這些事情都是美國的罪過。在當今時代,特別需要注意的是,德國政府再次被類似納粹的人控制,就像你所指出的,並且你說那些對正直和為和平自由而擔憂的合作夥伴毫無阻止整個威脅的可能性,這已經得到證明,因為對莎拉.瓦根克內希特(Sahra Wagenknecht)的誹謗已經被廣泛傳播,因為她與志同道合的人一起反對武器運送的活動等。例如,反對在政府和民間關注和平和自由的人,如莎拉.瓦根克內希特所證明的那樣,這證明了對她的示威行動的反應,現在被那些 —— 如果我可以使用你的稱謂——新納粹主義(NEONAZI)統治者和那些與新納粹政府相似的人工作,他們是那些以與德國新納粹政府相似的方式思考的外國政府和人民的幫兇 —— 通過向澤連斯基提供武器而加入其中。當然,所有這一切都是在美國的背景下進行的 —— 德國在霸權主義妄想下,80年後仍然被美國佔領,美國引導著德國和其無國籍的人民,而這些人民卻不知道他們實際上是無國籍的。甚至包括新納粹政府的這些人,因為美國至今還沒有承認德國作為一個真正的國家。但是當然,如果政府中有愚蠢的人,那麼對於許多“公民”來說,這些人與政府之間的差距不大,而關於部分統治者或所謂的政治家有多愚蠢和無知。前幾天有人告訴我,德國外交部長貝伯克(Baerbock)在電視上證明了她的愚蠢和缺乏教育,因為她似乎說普京必須將他的想法和行為轉360度,這樣就能結束烏克蘭的戰爭並實現和平。
[中譯者註:有關德國外交部長貝伯克(Baerbock)在電視上說出“普京必須調轉360度”(Putin must turn ‘360 degrees’)的國際笑話,詳見2023.2.18《RT World News》)]
If this really corresponds to the truth, which I unfortunately cannot verify because I did not hear it myself on television, then things are really bad with the education of certain political figures. However, if afterwards, if it is really true, such a person claims, in order to talk his way out of it, that he 'simply' misspoke, then this really cannot be accepted as an excuse, because his lack of education and his non-thinking show too much stupidity for a lame excuse to be valid. This also applies to all those politicians of both sexes who believe, NAZI-like, that weapons must be delivered to Selensky in order to create peace. Those who believe this are not only biased and stupid, but also unrealistic, and so sick in the head that they cannot see that weapons only spread death and destruction, continue to foment strife and create war, and also endanger their own country and their own people. This has now been proven by the rulers of 141 countries who have biasedly decided to condemn Russia, lift the war-mad Selensky to the skies and fail to recognise America's delusions of hegemony. This, instead of these incapable of thinking and therefore stupid idiots – who are apparently literally also imbeciles – learning to think and recognise in real terms for once. This also includes certain stupid elements in Switzerland, namely in the government, stupid politicians in the Federal Council, the National Council and the Council of States, as well as parts of the population that have even turned Switzerland's time-honoured neutrality into a pig and thus into a target of foreign hostility. This has already had repercussions abroad in the manner that foreign states no longer want to have anything to do with Switzerland with regard to conducting peace negotiations on Swiss soil. This is precisely because certain irresponsible people in the government – which was and is also supported by irresponsible and stupid people in the population – have taken the sceptre in a biased negative way against Russia and in the opposite positive way for Ukraine and Selensky, who is afflicted with war mania, and the world domination-addicted America with its NATO – which is secretly directed by America – and have thus made a pig of Switzerland's long-established neutrality. Something that has to be cited again and again, because the fallible ones prove with their attitude and behaviour that they are completely irresponsible elements and moreover have no idea whatsoever what neutrality even means. These fools do not understand that neutrality is an attitude that at best avoids potential opponents pre-emptively attacking a neutral country in the event of war. Neutrality, a word that comes from Latin, from 'ne uter', actually means 'non-interference', or 'neither', where what is meant is that precisely 'neither' should be sided with.
如果這真的是事實,可惜我無法證實,因為我不是親自在電視上聽到的,那麼某些政治人物的教育情況確實很糟糕。如果這確實是真的,這樣的人事後聲稱他只是“口誤”,以便擺脫窘境,那麼這真的不能被接受為一個藉口,因為他們的無知和不思考表明他們太愚蠢了,不能運用一個站不住腳的藉口。這也適用於所有那些像納粹一樣認為必須向澤連斯基提供武器以創造和平的男女政治人物。那些相信這一點的人不僅有偏見和愚蠢,而且不切實際,腦子有病,看不出武器只會傳播死亡和毀滅,繼續煽動紛爭和製造戰爭,還危及自己的國家和人民。這一點現在已經被141個國家的統治者證明了,他們偏偏決定譴責俄羅斯,把戰爭狂人澤連斯基捧上天,不承認美國的霸權妄想。這些沒有思考能力、因此愚蠢的白癡 —— 他們顯然也是低能兒 —— 沒有學會思考。這也包括瑞士的某些蠢貨,即政府中的蠢貨,聯邦委員會(Federal Council)、國民院(National Council)和聯邦院(Council of States)中的蠢貨政客,以及部分民眾,他們甚至把瑞士的傳統中立性當作對外敵對的目標。這已經在國外產生了影響,以至於一些國家已經不願與瑞士進行有關在瑞士境內進行和平談判的事宜。這正是因為某些負責任的政府無節制的採取了反俄羅斯的偏見態度,並對烏克蘭和陷入戰爭狂熱的澤連斯基以及其具有世界霸權野心的北約採取了正面態度。這些做法得到了一些不負責任和愚蠢的民眾的支持和贊成,他們的做法導致瑞士的古老中立地位受到了損害。這種做法已經在國外產生了影響,因為一些國家已經不想在瑞士進行和平談判。這是因為政府中的某些不負責任的人和民眾的愚蠢行為造成的,他們支持對俄羅斯採取負面態度,支持烏克蘭和沉迷於戰爭的澤連斯基以及有野心的美國及其由美國秘密指揮的北約。他們損害了瑞士的古老中立地位,這是一個必須一再提到的問題,因為那些有過錯的人證明了他們完全是不負責任的人,並且對中立的意義毫無了解。這些愚蠢的人不理解中立是一種態度,最多只能避免潛在的對手在發生戰爭時先發制人地攻擊一個中立國家。中立一詞源於拉丁語的“ne uter”,意為“不干涉”或“不支持任何一方”,其意思是不應支持任何一方。
Let me say something about this: we Plejaren have maintained neutrality in our Federation for more than 52,000 years, with the whole Federation, in Earth terms, encompassing worlds in solar systems many light-years across. Our neutrality ensures absolute peace and freedom throughout the Federation for all existing species of human beings, who are of various types and accordingly have a different appearance from that known to Earth's human beings. They are all, however, human beings who have their own forms of personality, consciousness and mind, peculiarity and individuality, habit, nature, attitude, nature and specificity, peculiarity and peculiarity and characteristic, and so on. The …
… but are human beings, like Asina, for example, who is described by me as reptilian, and as I know, also of those whom I know personally, all have their own quirks and characteristics, as well as manners, their personal peculiarities and manners, needs, preferences and desires, and so on. However, all those I was allowed to get to know here on Earth and on Erra, and indeed all of them, from the smallest dwarfs of about 80 centimetres to the titans of over 5 metres in height and the 'acid people' who are 6-fingered and honoured our cars with their acid hands and acid fingerprints, which did not exactly cause vain joy among some of our centre inhabitants, were really human beings and not some kind of monsters, even if they were and are not the same in appearance as the earthlings. A human being is a human being, no matter what he looks like, no matter whether he is an earthling or comes from far away from the depths of the cosmos or from one of the 6 other cosms of the different universes of Creation.
... 但都是人類,例如,Asina被我形容為爬行動物,但我所認識的人也都有自己的怪癖和特點,以及禮儀、個人特質和交往方式,需求、嗜好和願望等等。然而,我在地球和Erra星上所認識的所有人,從80公分的侏儒到超過5公尺的巨人,以及“酸人”(六指人),他們用酸性手和酸性指紋來探測我們的汽車,這在我們的某些中心成員中並不令人愉快,但他們都是真正的人類,而不是什麼怪物,即使他們的外觀和地球人不同。一個人就是一個人,不論他看起來如何,無論他是地球人還是來自宇宙深處或各種不同宇宙中的其他六個宇宙之一。
I don't think I need to reply to that. But with regard to neutrality, I have something to say, namely what we Plejaren understand by it, and that for more than 52,000 years, when our ancestors introduced it – Karatrelion, as we call it – we have really had peace and freedom throughout our vast Federation, which was not the case before with our very early ancestors for millions of years. When they first found passage into the cosmos of your universe dimension some 25 million years ago, our ancestors were still warlike.
Now, neutrality, as we understand it, means that the human being never takes a stand for one side or the other in any form or manner, etc., never interferes. Never interferes and thus never does or thinks anything that affects one or the other side either in a good resp. right or in a bad resp. wrong way. A real 'true neutrality' is of 'endless duration' and thus 'perpetual' and completely independent of any other state, alliance or organisation, etc. If, however, an alliance is entered into in the form of a political manner and co-operation with another state, then it is absolutely without exception necessary that, in addition to exactly the same neutrality, the same legislation prevails in every respect in every form and has all-round unlimited validity. Namely, the legislation must be such that it may never include a life in its existence and never a death penalty of any kind in a punishment. Humanitarian aid, on the other hand, is of course also permitted under neutrality, as are neutral peace negotiations and, equally, completely neutral observation and resulting reporting as information for the populations, from whom world events are never to be concealed.
So neutrality means, what I have actually always known, that the neutral human being must not belong to either of 2 sides, and not even when it touches on the personal sphere, for example when advice has to be given. Whoever is neutral does not interfere, for which another word also states that being neutral also means being impartial, consequently the human being does not join any party, consequently governments would also have to be completely neutral and must not consist of any parties. By party is also meant, therefore, a partisanship in politics, and it must be understood that this is completely wrong, because it does not allow a neutral attitude to be displayed. This is because no real consensus can be achieved, but as a rule only 'having to submit to the majority', because no agreement can be reached through partisanship. With a party system, there is no peace and no freedom, but one side is always at odds with the other. As I mentioned earlier, the word neutrality comes from the Latin language, from 'ne uter', which means 'neither'. As early as the end of the Middle Ages, so around 1550 or so, human beings already knew the French word 'neutralité', which was later also adopted into the languages of Swiss German and German. At that time, human beings understood that neutrality was simply that in a war, neither side should be supported and nothing should ever be done in any manner against one side or the other. And when neutrality is spoken of today, in 2023, it still has the same meaning and value as the understanding of the human beings of that time.
中立性的意思是,就像我一直以來所知道的那樣,中立的人不能屬於任何一方,即使在涉及個人範圍時也不能這樣做,例如當需要提供建議時。中立的人不干涉,這也意味著中立也包括公正,因此人不能加入任何政黨,因此政府也必須完全中立,不能由任何政黨組成。這裡的政黨也指政治上的黨派行為,因為這樣做是完全錯誤的,因為這樣不能表現出中立的態度。這是因為實際上無法達成共識,通常只能接受多數人的決定,因為由於黨派行為無法達成共識。政黨政治並不能帶來和平和自由,而是一方始終與另一方發生爭執。正如我之前提到的,「中立」(德語:Neutralität)一詞來自拉丁語「ne uter」,意思是「兩者都不是」。早在中世紀末期,大約在1550年左右,人們已經知道法語單詞「neutralité」,後來這個詞也被瑞士德語和德語所採用。當時,人們理解中立只是指在戰爭中不支持任何一方,永遠不會採取任何形式對抗任何一方。而在2023年的今天,當談論中立時,仍然應具有與當時人們理解相同的意義和價值。
So it follows that when politics is spoken of and acted upon today, then neutrality still has the same meaning and value as it was proclaimed and understood at the end of the Middle Ages. Especially a man in government in Switzerland should be educated to such an extent that he knows this and adjusts his attitude accordingly, whereby this is clearly and distinctly of special value when today's murder techniques and the 'modern' attitude of human beings are taken into consideration. But a human being – especially a government man – who does not consider this and thinks and acts against the true and valuable meaning of neutrality is not only a criminal, but a traitor to the country, as you yourself have said.
因此,當今談論和行動政治時,中立仍然具有與中世紀末期宣揚和理解相同的意義和價值。特別是瑞士的政府人員應該受過足夠的教育,以了解這一點並根據這一點調整他們的立場。考慮到當今的殺人技術和“現代”人的態度,這是非常重要和明確的價值。但是,一個人 —— 特別是一個政府人員 —— 如果不考慮這一點,而是反對中立的真正和有價值的意義進行思考和行動,那麼他不僅是罪犯,而且是一個叛國者,正如你自己所說的那樣。
If Switzerland is still halfway a neutral country, in spite of the crime and the actions taken to hem Switzerland's neutrality, it must never enter into an alliance with other states that do not have exactly the same preconditions with regard to Switzerland's neutrality and legislation. This applies in particular to the European Union dictatorship and the murderous organisation NATO, with which the traitors and criminals of both sexes of the worst kind 'flirt' and want to place Switzerland under their dictatorship.
The example of Switzerland as a completely neutral state, which demonstrated 'permanent neutrality' during the world wars of 1914 to 1918, as well as from 1939 to 1945, and saved our country from war – despite a few traitors – has obviously been forgotten by those traitors of both sexes who today put our neutrality at risk or want to do so, which is unforgivable. It can also not be used as an excuse that they did not experience the wars, that they were born much later and therefore cannot know what it was really like back then. There is no excuse for not understanding, for treason and misunderstanding, and therefore also for the fact that such useless elements can be in government and put not only the country but also the people in danger of being dragged into a war. Through a war, death, destruction and annihilation are undoubtedly the sad result of all the irresponsibility of the elements who, treacherous, stupid and therefore unthinking, endanger not only the neutrality of Switzerland but also the lives of the human beings and their peace and freedom.
瑞士作為完全中立的國家的例子,在1914年至1918年的世界大戰以及1939年至1945年的戰爭期間表現出了「永久中立」,拯救了我們的國家免於戰爭 —— 儘管有少數叛徒。然而,現在那些不負責任的國家叛徒們明顯忘記了這一點,他們正在威脅我們的中立,或者想要這樣做,這是不可原諒的。他們不能以他們沒有親身經歷戰爭,他們出生得很晚,因此無法瞭解當年的真實情況作為藉口。對於不理解、背叛國家和誤解的行為,沒有任何藉口。因此,這樣毫無用處的成員可以在政府中,不僅危及國家,也讓人民處於被拖入戰爭的危險之中。戰爭無疑是由於這些沒有負責任感的分子所造成的,他們是國家叛徒、愚蠢的人,因此不思進取,不僅威脅了瑞士的中立,而且危及人類的生命及其和平與自由。
Since the year 1815, not only neutrality but also peace and freedom have been considered high values of Switzerland, so also in the time of the 'Cold War'. Switzerland was an absolutely neutral country until now irresponsible and traitorous elements are in the government and among the people, who interfere in the war in Ukraine opinion-wise, partisan and even through actions and with sanctions against a party. As a result, Switzerland's long-established neutrality has been made a pig of, or at least tarnished, questionable and at least no longer stable. So far, it is true, responsible people have prevented Switzerland from joining the European Union dictatorship and not the murderer's alliance NATO, which is truly under the final direction of hegemonic America. Unfortunately, many nations have joined this murderous organisation, as a result of which a large part of all states in the world is already directed by and dependent on America – something which, unfortunately, all the stupid ones have not yet realised and do not realise that America is only hypocritically trying to be 'friends' with all the world. In everyday life, too, neutrality is often spoken of in terms of how the human being must behave neutrally in many specific situations, such as when something is to be judged, which leaves no other option but precisely to be neutral. This is especially the case in any direction of arbitration, since being neutral is absolutely obligatory, consequently everything must be handled and treated in this manner impartially. To judge a matter with the help of neutrality, or even to decide who is right and who is wrong, requires absolute neutrality, which does not allow any manner of partiality. In doing so, all moments must also be judged correctly and all parties must be treated equally, whereby sympathy or antipathy, friendship or enmity etc. must be absolutely irrelevant. In a dispute between 2 human beings, for arbitration etc., both are to be treated equally; also all are to be treated according to the same rule of impartiality and impartiality. If there are several opinions and disputes on a subject – whereby opinions are always wrong and void, because they are only based on assumptions, presumptions and ideas, as well as possibly on prejudices – then the opponents must also be treated equally and it must be pointed out to them and they must be instructed that only a complete clarification of the effective facts of reality and their truth can bring clarity, after which only the correctness or incorrectness can be judged.
自1815年以來,瑞士一直將中立、和平和自由視為高度價值,甚至在「冷戰」期間也是如此。瑞士是一個絕對中立的國家,直到現在政府和人民中出現了不負責任的叛徒,他們在輿論上、黨派上,甚至通過行動和對某一方的制裁來干預烏克蘭的戰爭。這使得瑞士一向信守的中立性受到了污名,至少受到了質疑,而且已經不再穩定。儘管如此,負責任的人一直防止瑞士加入歐洲聯盟獨裁和殺手同盟北約,這是真正由美國霸權最終掌控的組織。很不幸的是,許多國家已經加入了這個謀殺組織,因此全世界大部分國家都受美國的支配和依賴 —— 不幸的是,所有愚蠢的人還沒有意識到這一點,沒有意識到美國只是虛偽地試圖與全世界成為“朋友”。在日常生活中,中立性也經常被說成是人在許多特定情況下必須表現得中立,比如當要對某件事情進行評判時,除了恰好保持中立外沒有其他選擇。這在裁判中尤其如此,因為中立是絕對必要的,因此所有事情必須無偏見地處理和處理。用中立的方式評估或甚至決定一件事情誰對誰錯,這需要絕對的中立性,不允許任何程度的偏袒。同時,所有方面都必須正確評估,所有參與者都必須得到同等對待,而情感因素如好惡、友情或敵意等都絕對不能發揮任何作用。在兩個人之間的爭執中,為了調解等問題,兩個人都必須平等對待;所有人也都必須按照不偏不倚和公正的相同規則對待。如果有多種意見和爭議,那麼爭論中的雙方也必須平等對待,並被告知和教導只有充分澄清實際事實和真相後,才能確定正確或錯誤。因為意見總是錯誤和無效的,因為它們只基於假設、猜測和想像,也可能基於偏見。
To be neutral and to speak and act in every manner neutrally always and in every case means that the human being in question is knowledgeable enough about neutrality as a whole and must also be responsible. Only a human being who is effectively classified according to this value is able to preserve neutrality in every respect and to decide and act in accordance with it. If, however, a human being cannot do this, then he also does not understand the meaning of neutrality and its value, consequently he effectively thinks and acts contrary to it.
It is truly not always easy to maintain neutrality in everyday life, because decisions are not always easy to make in private, because many factors influence clear thinking every day – insofar as one thinks at all and does not simply believe through illusory thinking, as is the case with human beings who are under the delusion of God. The truly thinking and consequently not simply believing human being has to exclude his feelings if he wants to decide neutrally. This means that he may only see, consider and judge reality and its truth if he wants to make a correct decision. He must not have a private or political opinion, but is obliged towards himself never to have such an opinion, because an opinion is always wrong, consequently it is only correct if he decides and acts only according to the given facts of reality and its truth. Never should an attempt be made in this connection to influence and win over another human being or a particular political party, etc., in any manner whatsoever, in such a way as to bring about a conviction, for such a conviction is fundamentally wrong and is based on persuasion rather than on independent thinking and decision-making on the part of the human being concerned. What real neutrality is, that also proved itself in the last world war, namely that as a result of Swiss neutrality our country was not attacked by the NAZIs in war, although they said: "Little Switzerland, the porcupine, we will take it in retreat", which I myself heard at the time from NAZIs when Sfath and I once overheard a group of 'warriors'.
在日常生活中保持中立確實不容易,因為私人的決定並不容易作出,因為每天有很多因素影響著清晰思考,只有真正思考而不是像追隨神秘主義一樣的盲目相信的人才能夠保持中立。真正思考的人因為要保持中立,必須排除自己的情感。這意味著,如果他要作出正確的決定,他只能看到、考慮和評估現實和其真相。他不可以有私人或政治觀點,而必須對自己負責,永遠不應該擁有任何觀點,因為觀點總是錯誤的,只有當他根據現實和真相作出決定和行動時才是正確的。在這方面,絕不應試圖以任何方式影響和贏得另一個人或一個特定的政黨等,以使人信服,因為這種信服從根本上是錯誤的,是基於說服而不是基於有關人的獨立思考和決策。真正的中立性已經在上一次世界大戰中得到證明,即由於瑞士的中立性,我們的國家沒有受到納粹的軍事攻擊,盡管他們曾經說過:「小瑞士,刺猬,我們在撤退時把它佔領」,我當時就曾聽到納粹們說過這樣的話,當時 Sfath 和我曾偷偷聽取了一群“戰士”的對話。
My father also recorded this in his annals, which is how I also know that you and he observed war events in many places in various states, where not only inhuman things happened, and not only by the NAZIs, but specifically also by the Americans as well as other militaries from other states, which also shaped you into what you have become. Along with what was done to you by the community authorities, by the police, state representatives and others etc. during your life.
I know that, but I don't want to talk about it, because for me the past is over, not forgotten, but over and therefore no longer relevant and something that no longer worries me, just apart from what is still going on today to harm me and to get me out of the world. Therefore, it is also not possible that …
我知道那些事,但我不想談論它們,因為對我來說,過去的事情已經過去了,不是忘記了,而是結束了,因此不再有意義,也不再是讓我擔心的事情,只是除了今天仍在發生傷害我和讓我離開這個世界的事情。因此,也不可能 ...
That still today from the …
那今天仍然從 …
That is the way it is, and I also think that there is money-grubbing behind it, but not sectarianism, which I do not really care about. Other human beings, however, are very worried about the current situation regarding the war in Russia and Ukraine. In telephone calls, letters and also e-mails, people ask me what the near and further future may bring, what will come and what will be. There are many questions about this, also about whether the place of residence should be changed to a safe area, what should be done now, etc. Many people are very afraid and do not know what to do. Many human beings are very afraid and do not know what to do, and many create an evil mental state and do not know what to do. One mother even telephoned me at the weekend and complained because I had not received her letter – because apparently the post office is sloppy, which is why we often receive foreign mail here – that a brother and sister whom I knew and who had emigrated had committed suicide as a result of the decisions of the German government regarding the delivery of weapons to Zelensky. The twins were barely 28 years old. The evil war situation in Ukraine is therefore not only claiming victims as a result of direct acts of war, but also in other forms, for example, out of fear and anger regarding the criminal arms deliveries by the irresponsible state governments to the American-controlled Zelensky, the war maniac. It is true that not all rulers are of the same mind about criminal arms deliveries to Ukraine, which unhappily now threatens to extend the war to Europe in this manner, but there is also the fact that right-wing extremists in Germany are seizing the opportunity to carry out explosive attacks and then blame them on the Russians.
And of course, it must also be said, not all those in power agree with the fact that parts of their stupid co-governors are supplying weapons to the American lackey and war fanatic Zelensky. This was proven, for example, by Sahra Wagenknecht, who is a member of the Bundestag in Germany and who, together with Alice Schwarzer and many thousands of like-minded people, has called for a stop to the delivery of weapons to Zelensky, because the delivery of weapons only perpetuates the war, which causes more death and destruction, and that the delivery of weapons does not bring peace and freedom, but death and destruction. The NEONAZI rulers, however, as you call the partisan, war-mongering and criminal elements of the German government, seek to demonise and make a pig of those demonstrating for peace and freedom and for the end of the nonsensical Ukraine war. This pack, however, which is incompetent and also criminal, unfortunately has the say and the power to make everything even worse and more evil than it already is and, moreover, is hegemonically controlled by America, to which the little sausage Zelensky, in his warfare mania, unquestioningly gives his hand and imagines that he is clever, big and powerfully victorious.
當然,並非所有的政府那些愚蠢的政客都同意向澤倫斯基出售武器。例如,德國聯邦議會議員莎拉.瓦根克內希特(Sahra Wagenknecht)就證明了不同的觀點。她與Alice Schwarzer(暫譯為愛莉絲.史瓦澤)和許多志同道合的人呼籲停止向澤倫斯基提供武器,因為運送武器只會使戰爭持續下去,造成更多的死亡和破壞。而武器交付並不會帶來和平和自由,只會帶來死亡和毀滅。然而,新納粹主義統治者,正如你所說的德國政府中的黨派、戰爭販子和犯罪分子,試圖將那些為和平與自由、為結束無意義的烏克蘭戰爭而示威的人妖魔化並污名化。這些無能且犯罪的人卻不幸掌握了權力,可以使一切變得比現在更糟、更邪惡,並且被美國所控制。而小人物澤倫斯基在他的戰爭狂熱中,毫不懷疑地對美國伸出了手,並自以為是聰明、偉大且強大的勝利者。
But now something else, because it must also be brought up how stupid and dumb and for fools the Earth-humans are taken, namely by many of those in power, as well as by companies, banks, religions, corporations, criminals and profiteers and so on. Every day, fake news is spread by newspapers and magazines, as well as by radio, television, mobile phones, smartphones and tablets, which are then never corrected and it is said that everything is only fake, as well as that the human beings who believe all this rubbish are lied to and deceived. On the one hand, this is done in order to take the money out of their pockets and to let them gnaw on hunger, but on the other hand, from the point of view of the authorities and the government, it is also done in order to keep the population quiet and puny and ignorant, so that they do not revolt against the devious intrigues and the misguided, inadmissible governmental machinations, but cower, do not grumble and swallow everything that is wrong without contradiction. But if someone grumbles and proclaims everything – like me, for example – then he is harshly hammered by the higher-ups and called an antisocial troublemaker, possibly portrayed as a liar and even prosecuted, scolded, etc., or otherwise picked on. But the fact remains that the human beings are flooded with fake news on a daily basis, against which neither the authorities nor the government do anything, and so the false reports and disinformation can be spread en masse and by the metre, whereby the human beings are led astray and into misery, because they can no longer decide what is fake and what is reality and its truth. America is particularly active in this respect, as is the unrighteous part of the ruling class, which is courted by the majority of the people, although they are often lied to and deceived by these ruling classes, who also conceal important information from them – because there is the view among the higher-ups that the stupid people do not need to know everything – as is done not only by many politicians, but also by various scientists.
現在談談另外一件事,因為必須談到地球人被許多統治者、公司、銀行、宗教、企業、罪犯和商人等視為愚蠢笨拙,也被當作傻瓜。每天透過報紙、雜誌、廣播、電視、電腦、手機和平板電腦傳播虛假訊息,但這些從未得到糾正,並且沒有人說明所有這些都是虛假的,那些相信這些胡言亂語的人都被欺騙了。這一方面是為了騙取他們的錢,讓他們陷入貧困,另一方面也是從官方和統治者的角度來看,讓人們保持沉默、卑微和無知,以便他們不會對陰險的陰謀和錯誤、不恰當的政府行為進行反抗,而是低頭服從,不抱怨,默默地接受所有不合法的事情。當某人抗議並揭發一切 —— 就像我一樣 —— 那麼他就會受到上層的嚴厲打擊,被罵成反社會的麻煩製造者,甚至被描繪成騙子,還可能被法律起訴、譴責等等,或者以其他方式被惡意折磨。但事實仍然是,人們每天都被假新聞淹沒,而政府和當局卻沒有採取任何行動,因此錯誤信息和錯誤資訊可以大量傳播,導致人們被誤導並陷入困境,因為他們無法分辨什麼是假的,什麼是現實和真相。在這方面,美國尤其活躍,就像統治階級中的不義之徒一樣,他們受到大多數人的追捧,儘管他們常常被這些統治者欺騙,也對他們隱瞞重要訊息 —— 因為高層認為愚蠢的人不需要知道一切 —— 不僅許多政治家如此,而且許多科學家也是如此。
It is also done by archaeology, as, for example, the finding in Latoli in East Africa is concealed, which can prove that a footprint of a modern human being was found, which belonged to a modern human being who already lived 3.7 million years ago. Also an upper arm bone of a modern human being was found in Kanapoi/Kenya, which proves that this species of modern human being lived much earlier than the palaeontologists admit, because they simply stick to the lying story of Darwin. Many of the earthlings are simply mendacious, live on lies and deceit, and earn a lot of money with it and gain reputation illegally, as also unjust people of politics, science and profiteering as well as the 'normal' citizens. Thus, palaeontology also largely conceals the fact that in the disused Messel pit in what is now Hesse near Darmstadt-Dieburg in Germany, where oil shale used to be extracted in open-cast mines, a fossil find was made of a prehistoric creature that lived 45 million years ago and from which a species of prehistoric man developed over the next 5 million years. At that time, this primordial being was already spread all over the world, so after about 5 million years, in the course of time of about 500,000-700,000 years on the giant continents, a genus of primordial humans developed in many cases, which, however, died out again, whereby descendants, however, mixed with new genera. However, these were not the only ones, because after them, various other beings evolved over millions of years, from which genera of human beings developed, which, however, never had anything to do with actual ape beings, as Darwin told those who believed in this and in his filed fossils – and still stupidly believe in this deception today and think that Darwin was right with his fibs.
甚至在考古學中也有這樣的事情發生,例如在東非來托利(Latoli)的發現被掩蓋了,它可以證明發現了一個現代人的腳印,而這個腳印屬於三百七十萬年前已經生活的現代人。另外,在肯亞的Kanapoi發現了一個現代人的上臂骨,這證明這個物種的現代人比古生物學家承認的要早得多,因為他們只是堅持達爾文的謊言故事。許多地球人就是以謊言和欺騙為生,並以此賺取大量的金錢,非法獲得聲譽,政治、科學和暴利的不公正者以及“普通”的公民也是如此。因此,古生物學在很大程度上也掩蓋了這樣一個事實:在現在的黑森州靠近德國達姆施塔特-迪堡(Darmstadt-Dieburg)的廢棄梅塞爾坑(Messel pit)中,曾經在露天礦中開採油頁岩(oil shale),發現了一種生活在四千五百萬年前的史前生物的化石,在接下來的五百萬年中,史前人類的物種就是從這種生物發展而來的。這些史前生物已經在全世界分佈,因此約在五百萬至七十萬年的時間裡,許多種類的古人類在巨大的大陸上演化出來,然而他們又再度滅絕了,後代與新的物種混合。不過,這些不是唯一的事實,數百萬年來還演化出各種不同的生物,從中演化出了人類的種類,這些種類與達爾文所宣稱的原始猿類沒有任何關係。那些相信這些騙局的人,現在還傻傻地相信達爾文的謊言和他的偽造化石的理論。
Apart from the fact that aliens from other planets came here early on and managed to do many things that were not possible for the earthlings. These were not Darwinites, who falsified his assumptions, theories and frauds by filing fossil finds, nor were they Neanderthals. This name can actually be traced back to the hymn writer Joachim Neumann, who wandered through the Düssel valley and wrote his works under the pseudonym Neander, which is why the valley inhabitants simply called their valley Neandertal, just as the human fossils, etc. that were found there were also called Neanderthal. This name quickly stuck and was then also used for other finds elsewhere. However, some used this to make themselves 'great' and famous, but how publicity-hungry and bad, evil and misanthropic some 'great' human beings really are, I experienced together with Sfath with Darwin, who is so highly praised and lifted to heaven. He falsified bones, filed them into shape and claimed that human beings had evolved from apes into human beings. What he said I never forget, and because I did not know Darwin's language, I had to wear the little translator that Sfath had given me so that I could understand Darwin's speeches, as was also the case with others whose language I did not understand. Asket and your daughter Semjase also gave me similar devices so that I could understand what was being said. But what Darwin said, that went deep into my memory at that time, because he explained to Sfath and me his view concerning the human beings of the Earth. I remember that very well, what he said in a completely misanthropic and anti-human way, which I cannot repeat verbatim, but in spirit. So I try to put what he said into words as follows: The weak, namely those who are handicapped in spirit as well as in body and thus incapable of life – as he actually called such human beings – would quickly be eliminated among the savages and among the wild animals, consequently only those would remain alive who were natural-ordinary and would show a state of vigorous health. The 'civilised' human beings, however, he said – by which he presumably meant mainly himself – were doing everything possible to stop and cheat natural selection. By this he meant the life-impaired and life-incapable, who should be stopped and eradicated from the ground up instead of being bred. He said that 'civilised' human beings were interfering with the natural processes of the natural eradication of life, and that doctors were already being trained who would do anything to keep the unfit and unworthy of life alive, which would be practised more and more intensively in the future. In the coming time, more and more places and houses would be built for the sick and the feeble-minded, for the crippled, the poor and the law-breakers, whereby the breeding of everything unfit for life and life-burdened would become inevitable. Thus it will come about that everything unworthy of life will be able to reproduce, which in the future will be of great harm to the race of human beings. In principle, human beings must act in the same way as animals, namely in such a way that what is life-impaired and life-incapable must be eradicated, so that such things cannot reproduce, whereby similar things cannot spread.
除此之外,早期就有外星人來到地球,他們完成了地球人無法完成的許多事情。這些外星人並不是達爾文所描繪的形象,他透過偽造的化石發現來篡改他的假設、理論和欺詐。他們也不是尼安德特人(Neanderthals)。這個名字實際上可以追溯到讚美詩作家Joachim Neumann(暫譯為約阿希姆.諾伊曼),他曾在迪塞爾河谷(Düssel valley)漫步,並以Neander(暫譯為尼安得爾)為筆名撰寫作品,因此河谷居民乾脆把他們的河谷稱為尼安得爾(Neander),就像在那裡發現的人類化石等也被稱為尼安得爾。這個名字很快就被記住了,隨後也被用於其他地方的發現。然而,一些人利用這個名字來讓自己變得“偉大”和出名,但是像達爾文這樣的“偉大”人物有多麼渴望公眾關注,有多麼邪惡和仇視人類,我和Sfath在他那裡就見證了這一點。他竟然假造骨頭,打磨出符合自己理論的樣子,聲稱人類是由猿猴進化成人類的。我永遠不會忘記他所說的話,由於我不懂達爾文的語言,當時我必須攜帶由Sfath給我的小型翻譯裝置,以便理解他的講話,其他我不懂語言的人也是以這種方式處理的。Asket和你的女兒Semjase也給了我類似的裝置,所以我每次都能理解他人所講的話。但是達爾文所說的話深深地刻在了我的腦海中,因為他向Sfath和我解釋了他對地球人的觀點。我很清楚地記得他說的話,他的話完全是鄙視和仇視人類的,我不能逐字逐句地重複,但是可以大致表達他的話。我試著用以下的話來表達:弱者,也就是那些在精神和身體上有缺陷的、因此無法生存的人,就像他所實際稱呼這些人的那樣,將會在野蠻人和野獸的環境下很快被淘汰,只有那些自然常態下身體健康的人才能生存下來。而“文明的”人 —— 他大概主要是指他自己 —— 會盡其所能去阻止和欺騙自然選擇。他的意思是指那些有生命障礙和無生命能力的人,他們應該被阻止並從根本上消除,而不是把他們培育出來。他認為,“文明的”人在干涉自然的過程,違背了自然篩選生命的進程。現在甚至還在培訓醫生,他們會盡力維持無法生存和不值得生存的生命,這種現象未來會變得越來越普遍。在未來,肯定會建造更多針對病人、智障者、殘疾人、貧困人和犯罪者的場所和建築物,這樣不可避免地會培育出所有無法生存和負擔的生命。這樣,一切不值得生存的生命都可以繁殖,這將對人類種族造成巨大的傷害。基本上,人類必須像動物一樣行事,也就是要消滅生活障礙和無法生存的生命,避免它們繁殖,從而防止類似的問題傳播。
Yes, all this has its correctness, but there is news I want to tell you: In America it is now so far that it has been recognised that the Corona virus is a laboratory production. However, it will probably be concealed in the realisation of it all then that an American person was behind it vindictively.
Well, it does not matter.
I read in Asket's notes that you also mined gold.
Yes, I did. I still have a little of it in my office in a little jar as a souvenir. I did not do that to get rich, but just to know what it is like to work as a gold prospector. I have also done other jobs and so I know how they are done and what is needed. But I really did not want to be rich by digging gold, but to see how it works and earn my money by my hands' work, so I left everything where it was, and it will probably remain there for all time, because I do not want to say where this gold is, because it would only destroy everything there by gold-hungry people, but I don't want that and therefore I do not want to tell anything.
You, along with Asket, have also found rudimentary stone tools that are more than 5 million years old, which you …
… which I left where we found them. They are probably much older than the palaeontologists have discovered so far. They are lying anyway, because they have found things that are older than they have announced. This is simply concealed so as not to portray as incompetent, or likewise, those who have previously found something and claimed that their assumptions correspond to the truth. But unfortunately it is the case that the earthlings are lied to and deceived through their teeth and important information is concealed from them so that the beams crack. Unfortunately, this is not only the opinion of governments all over the world, but also of palaeontologists and other scientists in general, as well as of the military, astronomers and space engineers, medicine, banks, authorities, companies, corporations and other manufacturers of all kinds of goods, including foodstuffs, which increasingly consist only of chemicals, but which the earthlings do not know or do not want to know. So it is not only the criminals alone who rob, steal and lie to and cheat the human beings, who take them for fools and really rob them and often make their lives miserable, but also the governments, authorities and many others. Taxes alone tear such a hole in the wallets of many human beings that they can no longer hold the money. In addition, the tax money is stupidly spent on horrendous salaries for the rulers and administrators, etc., so that they can live in glory and joy while the people have to live in want. Tax money is also spent on maintaining and arming armies with weapons, etc. so that wars can be waged and countless human beings can be sent to the afterlife. This is in addition to the fact that the majority of humanity squanders its money senselessly, also on holiday trips all over the world, and only in order to be able to show off and be important and to be able to say where they have been everywhere in the world. And also important are all those who rake in millions by presenting themselves as celebrities, but are of lousy character, so that they cannot even create an honest connection in terms of an honest and lifelong life partnership, but after only a short time make a mess of themselves and others by lying, cheating and shoving them into the mud. Everything has also become outrageously expensive, so that some human beings no longer have enough money to live safely. When I think that when I came back to Switzerland in 1969 and settled here, I had to pay 23 francs a month for all the trimmings of health insurance, but today I have to pay more than 740 francs a month for the same services, and that is without the wages also having risen so much. Therefore, it is not surprising that some human beings with a rope or something would rather hang themselves than have to worry about how they are going to pay for their living in the near future.
… 我們把它們留在我們發現它們的地方。它們可能比古生物學家到目前為止所發現的要古老得多。這些古生物學家總是在說謊,因為他們早已發現比所宣佈更古老的東西。這是為了不讓那些之前發現並聲稱他們的猜測是真實的人看起來無能或類似的理由。但不幸的是,地球人被蓄意欺騙和隱瞞了重要信息,這不僅是全球政府的做法,而且包括古生物學家、其他科學家、軍方、天文學家、太空工程師、醫學、銀行、政府機關、公司、企業和其他各種類型商品的製造商,包括食品,這些食品越來越多只是由化學物質組成,而地球人卻不知道或不想知道。因此,不僅是犯罪分子單獨搶劫、偷竊、撒謊和欺騙人們,讓他們當作傻瓜,真正搶劫他們,並經常使他們的生活陷入困境並使他們的生活變得更加艱難,而且政府、機關和許多其他人也是如此。僅僅是稅收就使許多人的錢包出現如此大的漏洞,以至於無法保存這些錢。此外,稅金用於付給政府和行政人員等人的高額薪酬,讓他們可以生活在豪華和喜悅中,而人民則必須挨餓。稅金也用於維持和裝備軍隊,包括武器等,以便進行戰爭,將無數的人送往另一個世界。此外,大多數人浪費錢,包括旅行到世界各地,只是為了炫耀和顯得重要,並且可以說出自己去過世界各地的地方。還有那些賺取百萬財富的人,表現自己是名人,但卻是品行很差的人,因為他們甚至不能建立一個誠實且終身的伴侶關係,而是在短時間內就自欺欺人、欺騙和自毀,把自己和別人拖進泥潭。一切都變得貴得離譜,以至於有些人已經沒有足夠的錢可以安全地生活了。當我想到當我1969年回到瑞士定居時,我每月只需支付23瑞士法郎的整個醫療保險,現在卻需要支付超過740瑞士法郎的同樣服務費用,而工資沒有相應增長。因此,某些人更願意用繩子等方式上吊,也不用擔心在不久的將來如何支付自己的生活費用,這並不令人驚訝。
Well, that is not all, because the human beings of the Earth are gradually becoming more and more stupid, which is also evident in language, which is constantly becoming more and more atrophied, precisely because the human beings are becoming more and more stupid, dumber and dumber. In wrong understanding, he/she seeks to change the language with regard to the restriction of racism, whereby traditional and appropriate terms are replaced by words and terms that say nothing. This such as black, negro, white, yellow, red, fat and imbecile, etc. In this respect, the earthling becomes more primitive than primitive, for he/she becomes more and more effeminate, consequently he also becomes more aggressive and really slowly becomes stupid, whereby his/her thinking sinks more and more into illusory thinking and they again fall deeper into religions and delusions of God. Thus they sink back into the old religious faith, whereby they become more and more stupid and allow themselves to be enslaved and led by those who want to have power all around. And indeed, the majority of earthlings today is already so dependent on religious belief that they are falling back on the old forms, so that normal thinkers without delusions of God are being treated as reality thinkers and are constantly harassed with religious emails and tracts. In this regard, I also receive constant telephone calls and enquiries as to what can be done about it and what should be done, to which, however, I can only reply that this must be decided by each human being himself/herself and that I can give absolutely no other advice in this regard than this.
This is also the case with regard to the questions – which I will mark in particular when recalling and writing down our conversation – about what the future brings and how one should behave because of it and with regard to the present world circumstances and the war in Ukraine and so on and so forth.
對於那些關於未來的問題 —— 我會在接收和寫下我們的談話時將特別註明 —— 關於未來會帶來什麼,人應該因此如何行事,以及關於目前的世界環境和烏克蘭的戰爭等問題,情況也是如此。
I will not be tempted to make any precise statements or give any advice about this, because firstly, precise knowledge about the future and what is to come always has such an effect on human beings that, depending on the situation, fear and stress arise in them, or they regard and describe everything as lies, scaremongering, fibbing, delusions, purposefulness, opinion or money-making, etc.
However, let the following be clearly explained in this connection: If anxiety, fear, fearfulness, worry, restlessness, or, as they also say, aftershocks, etc. arise in the human being, then this is because he/she creates a state in themselves through their thoughts and feelings, which is called a bad or stricken mental state. So let it be stated again in this respect that the human being creates this state himself/herself, and that there is really no factor that is somehow present in the form of an organ peculiar to human beings or the like. And let it be repeated again: In truth, in the human being – as in all living beings – there is no factor in the form of a psyche organ, but this is solely a state that is formed by the human being through his/her thoughts, feelings and observing and perceiving and registering as well as the resulting behaviour.
在這方面,讓我們明確解釋一下:當人們感到害怕、恐懼、焦慮、擔憂或所謂的餘震(aftershocks)時,這是因為他們通過他們的思想和情感創造了一種被稱為不良或受打擊的精神狀態。因此,讓我們再次解釋一下,人類是自己創造這種狀態的,並且確實沒有任何因素以人類特有器官的形式存在。並且需要再次重申:人類,像所有生物一樣,事實上不存在所謂的「心靈器官」(psyche organ),而是一個僅通過人們的思想、情感、觀察、感知、記錄以及由此產生的行為而形成的狀態。
And so again: the state of the psyche is formed by the thoughts and feelings, for these alone form the state from the totality of what arises in every manner and thus in every form from the observations, what is seen and heard, experienced and felt, and otherwise all the perceptions of the human being. The state of the human being's psyche is therefore the result that ultimately arises from his/her thoughts and feelings, whereby, practically of course, moral and physical treatment also play a role, for apart from the human being, all other living beings also have those factors that can bring about a negative or positive state of the psyche.
So a state of mind is not only common in human beings, but also in all other living beings, such as animals, creatures, etc., in which thoughts and feelings or pure instinct, etc., are decisive in their respective species and kind, as well as the physical and mental treatment given to them, which plays an important role because this also determines the formation of the state of the psyche.
So: For my part, I will not give any information about what the future will bring and how the individual human being should behave with regard to what is to come, because first of all this would be completely irresponsible, as it has already been explained to me by Sfath that I should never speak about what is to come in the future in such a clear manner that certain coming events can be clearly defined, because precisely because of this fear arises in human beings such that suicides would be unavoidable. However, in order for this not to happen, it requires me to cover myself in silence and let things happen as they inevitably will. This also means that every human being is responsible for himself/herself and absolutely for themselves, however they act or do not act. Every human being must think, consider, decide and act for themselves, and whether it is correct or wrong what they decide and how they act, that is and remains their very own destiny.
This is indeed unavoidable, and to this you should once again mention that also no questions are brought forward to us, for we are not and are never willing to interfere in earthly problems of any kind. This is also not in the sense that we answer personal questions of any kind, as we have always done. We think that these topics alone, which we discuss with you in our conversations, are sufficient, and if they are to be developed further, then it is the further development of those who are interested in it, so that they have their own further thoughts about what has been discussed. To only consume knowledge is not the way of real learning, but the way of faith, consequently every Earth-human has to stimulate his/her own thoughts in order to get on with what is given or has been given.
That is clear.
Now I have some things to discuss with you before I cannot come here for the next 3 months, for as I told you weeks ago, we are all absent for 3 months. If something urgent comes up, then …
現在我有一些事情要和你們討論,在接下來的三個月裡我不能來這裡,因為正如我幾週前告訴你的,我們都要離開三個月。如果有緊急事情發生,那麼 ...
Portraits of the Plejaren (Elaborations of the Drawings)
Note: The colour photorealistic reproductions of the original drawings of Semjase, Bermunda and Ptaah published here have been prepared by Berke Tepe and have been examined and accepted as authentic in this form by Bermunda and the portrayed extraterrestrial persons or their descendants.
註:這裡發表Semjase、Bermunda和Ptaah的彩色寫真畫像,是由Berke Tepe提供的,並經Bermunda和被描繪的外星人或他們的後代核對並接受的寫真形式。
Any changes or other revisions are therefore considered forgeries.
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Sfath, drawn by his son Ptaah Sfath,由其兒子Ptaah繪製
Sfath, drawn by Christian Krukowski Sfath,由Christian Krukowski繪製
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Sfath, drawn by Barbara Harnisch Sfath,由Barbara Harnisch 繪製
Sfath, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Sfath,Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Asket, drawn by Christian Krukowski Asket,由Christian Krukowski繪製
Asket, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Asket, Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Semjase, drawn by E. Eichenberger Semjase,由E.Eichenberger繪製
Semjase, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Semjase, Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Ptaah, Self-portrait Ptaah,自畫像
Ptaah, drawn by Barbara Harnisch Ptaah,由Barbara Harnisch繪製
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Ptaah, drawn by Christian Krukowski Ptaah,由Christian Krukowski繪製
Ptaah, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Ptaah, Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Quetzal, drawn by Ptaah Ptaah畫的Quetzal
Quetzal, drawn by Barbara Harnisch Barbara Harnisch繪製的Quetzal
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Quetzal, drawn by Christian Krukowski Quetzal,由Christian Krukowski繪製
Quetzal, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Quetzal, Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Menara, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Menara,由Berke Tepe創作的寫真版本
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Florena, drawn by Ptaah Florena,由Ptaah繪製
Florena, drawn by Barbara Harnisch Florena,由Barbara Harnisch繪製
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Florena, drawn by Christian Krukowski Florena,由Christian Krukowski繪製
Florena, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Florena, Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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Bermunda, drawn by Ptaah Bermunda,由Ptaah繪製
Bermunda, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Bermunda,由Berke Tepe繪製的寫真版本
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Onkoton, drawn by Ptaah Onkoton,由Ptaah繪製
Onkoton, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Onkoton,Berke Tepe的寫真版本
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A drawing of Kohun Kohun的畫作
Kohun, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Kohun,由Berke Tepe繪製的寫真版本
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A drawing of Athar Athar的畫像 |
Athar, photorealistic rendition by Berke Tepe Athar,由Berke Tepe繪製的寫真版本 |
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