Contact Report 082/第082次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月26日,星期四,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年07月30日,星期日,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
在這次會面中,Billy 先是請教了 Semjase 有關「冥想金字塔」的組裝問題。其次,Semjase提出目前在核心小組中存在的一些嚴重問題;那就是因為某位成員執意要參與的所謂“降神會”,導致無意間將「Sohar中心」的秘密釋放出去,而恰巧被惡意的吉薩精靈截獲,從而發生一些意想不到的後果(包括出現「人造螳螂」等事件),還有某位成員受 Glanzmann 先生的影響,沉迷於愉悅的冥想,而出現非常危險的狀況等,這些都必須及時改善。
而這次 Semjase 最主要的任務,是提供有關核心小組的各個成員(目前是 49 員)依據其個人特徵所作的分組名單(共分七組),還有就是他們個人進入「Sohar中心」的時間分配表。這對整個任務的進行是至關重要的。
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
1. As I have promised you, this week you will receive the exact dates for the individual members of the group and for the periodical stay at the Sohar-Centre.
2. It is true, that in the future all contact reports containing such things will be treated strictly confidentially for a certain time and will only be given to the pertinent group members so that, for the time being, no outsiders will come into possession of these and other data.
That is absolutely clear to me.
3. I know that, but I had to remind you of it again.
That's all right, girl. Unfortunately I have just realised that I forgot something again, because I should have asked you something. It is about the copper casing of the pyramid, namely how to join it together.
沒錯,姑娘。但我剛剛發現我又忘了一些事,因為這是我該問妳的事情。就是關於金字塔的銅外殼(copper casing),要如何將它連接在一起?
4. Where did you leave the relevant records?
They are on the table in the hall.
5. That is still no problem, wait; so, you see, there is your table.
6. So what are these records?
Terrific, girl, what you can conjure up with your screens. Yes, look, there are the notes. You see, Renato and Engelbert asked me if you could insert the plates into each other in this manner, you see.
太帥了,姑娘,妳能想出用妳的螢幕來處理。對,妳看,那裡有筆記。妳看, Renato和Engelbert問我能不能這樣把板塊(plates)插入固定,妳看。
7. I do not quite understand?
Well, it is like this: The plates are angled here so that they overlap and then, you see, are pushed into each other like this. Now the question is whether we can do it in this manner?
8. Surely they can; the only important thing is that they adhere together immovably.
Well, then the problem is solved. But now a question about the aeration of the pyramid: How should I do it, and above all where?
9. Use the lower room as a ventilation shaft; wait, I project the picture onto a screen for you, now you see?
使用下方空間作為通風口(ventilation shaft);等等,我把圖片放到螢幕上,現在你看到了嗎?
10. You made the entrance and exit there, as a door must also be inserted.
11. In this door you let in two ventilators that work for each other, one introducing fresh air and the other exhausting old air.
12. This technique is sufficient for good ventilation of the lower and upper rooms.
13. As far as I know, you have fans that work absolutely noiselessly, which is why you should use them for this purpose.
Is that really enough?
14. Certainly.
Well, then this problem is solved too. Now the question of lighting. It is supposed to be very weak somehow. What should I use for that?
15. Electric lighting is appropriate, but it should not develop too much heat, so you should look for suitable small lights.
Then this case is also clear. So far I do not have any more questions. You can give me the data when you have nothing else.
16. Before the data explanation, I have some other important issues to discuss with you, namely the composition of your core group.
17. The point here is that the individual members of the group should be inserted into a division that corresponds to their insertion into all important matters, i.e. into the following:
18. 1. Equality
19. 2. Equivalence
20. 3. Understanding
21. 4. Opinion
22. 5. Recognition
23. 6. Cooperation
24. 7. Realisation
25. Overall, these seven points denote the total value of the material-consciousness based aptitude potential with regard to the fulfilment of tasks.
總體而言,這七點表示在完成任務方面具有物質意識之適應潛能(material-consciousaptitude potential)的總體價值。
26. In this sense the manual activity and the insertion into the connected areas are evaluated as well as the equality and equivalence to the other group members, but also the understanding and comprehension of all values and their recognition and execution find their values in the material conscious and spiritual areas.
27. It has recently emerged from these forms, through the efforts of the High Council, that various group members are not yet in a position today to take upon themselves self-management in all matters in the sense of a high distribution of advice and their evaluation.
28. Their senses are still too much trapped in the hierarchical sphere, from which they are not able to free themselves in a short time.
29. Thus, it results that one or the other tries to have a commanding effect on the other members of the group, whereby Margreth, in particular, is strongly dominant, which she should remedy within a useful period of time.
30. If she fails to take account of this advice by taking her own decision, she will jeopardise the prospect of a residence-sharing community and the peaceful existence of the community and the Centre in general.
31. Otherwise, she also endangers this by her wrong actions in relation to her ritual acts with regard to her spiritualistic faith and participation in such delusional ritual acts, which have already been made clear several times.
除此之外,她還多次表現出明顯錯誤的行為,她的儀式行為涉及到她的招魂信仰(spiritualistic faith)和參與這種妄想的儀式會產生危害。
32. As already explained in our last contact, she thereby promotes the ever-increasing danger that negative swinging-waves become free, which are analysed by negative forces and transformed to the detriment of the group.
33. It is not that Margreth herself pushes these vibrations out from herself, but that the medium unconsciously frees and radiates data for Margreth from her subconscious which she, Margreth, does not allow in a meaningful and correct manner.
34. Séances with a medium are therefore extremely dangerous for her because they reveal and broadcast secrets that should remain secrets.
暗場(Darkfield)的降神會(圖片資料來自:everything theatre)
35. The truth is that Margreth's various séances over the last three months have released and radiated secrets from her subconscious by the medium that referred to the Sohar-Centre.
36. These negative vibrations in this sense were located and analysed by the Giza intelligences, who were only then informed about the emergence of the Centre.
從這個意義上說,吉薩精靈(Giza intelligences)對這些負面振動進行了定位和分析,他們才得知中心的存在。
37. The consequences of this are known to you.
38. But all this could have been avoided if Margreth had followed our advice and had not given herself further to these dangerous séances.
39. But she lets herself be deceived in very evil form and her secrets are torn away, which is very harmful for everyone.
40. She is well aware that the information and data, etc. given to her by the medium are torn from her own subconscious by the medium through connection, but nevertheless, she does not change her actions and thus endangers all of our tasks.
41. No other member of the group acts as unreasonably and even destructively in this form as Margreth, which is to be suggested to her another time.
42. The seeming goodness of the medium is deceptive, for the action rests in false values and leads to delusion and madness.
43. But it is not only Margreth who is subject to a false act, for other members also indulge in unreasonable things, even if not in the same form as Margreth.
44. Probably the worst behaviour is the furtherance of the non-understanding of the value of the Sohar-Centre, as Herbert very clearly shows, which is why he should strive to understand the value in a more stringent manner.
45. There are also many other concerns which I would not like to mention at the moment, apart from those concerning Bernadette, who is the one who is furthest behind in all things and, like Margreth, is very dangerous because of her attachment to the euphoric meditation which she has already built up to a very dangerous degree through the influence of Mr Glanzmann.
46. And speaking of this, I have to explain that it is extremely dangerous for the existence of your community and for the accomplishment of all our tasks if you make outsiders false allies and delegate even the smallest matters to your outsiders for completion or simply commission such to settle any matters.
47. But now to the actual core group:
48. The grouping takes place according to the aforementioned value of the fulfilment of tasks, i.e. according to the employability and ability to fulfil regulating instructions in the sense of tasks arising.
49. The relevant interim analyses have shown that despite all attempts at equality, equal evaluation, understanding, perception, recognition, cooperation and implementation of the individual group members in the community, the form of leadership in the sense of an issuance of high advice does not yet produce any noteworthy values, according to which a form of leadership in the sense of a high council [advice] cannot yet find application.
50. For the time being, therefore, it is still necessary, in order to set up the Centre and to fulfil the tasks of all group members, to allow a somewhat loose hierarchical form of leadership to apply for a certain time in order to allow each individual group member to become acquainted with the form of a high council leadership.
因此,在建立中心和完成所有成員的任務方面,目前有必要在一定時期內實行略微寬鬆的等級領導形式(hierarchical form of leadership),以便讓每個小組成員都能熟悉高級理事會的領導形式。
51. This means, however, that each individual member of the group should make stringent efforts to work his/her way into the form of leadership of a high council and to live according to it, from which everything that is commanding and refusing is dismantled, in order to give satisfaction to an independent intentional decision of a high council.
52. Directions on how to learn in this regard shall be provided as necessary and shall be submitted in an instructive manner.
53. Analytical records have shown that, in addition to various other points, points three, four, five, eight, eleven and twelve of the rules of order that have already been established are also disregarded to a great extent in the main, and in particular by group members who currently live outside the residential community of the Centre.
54. Such behaviour and conduct will provoke anger and strife, which should be avoided in the future, in view of our difficult task and in favour of love.
55. It is very regrettable that these concerns need to be discussed anew, for it clearly testifies to the fact that the necessary power of change of things towards better forms has not yet been worked out and evaluated.
56. All these things of irrationality have the consequence that the High Council has had to take stock of the situation and can only give advice in the form of interim advice, which can only change again if the members of the group are placed in an appropriate form and to the necessary extent in the rules which are urgently needed to be followed.
57. As a form of intermediate council the advice is therefore given that a provisional grouping should take place in the core group, in the manner of an overall value in detail and for the individual, which is changeable to equal value, depending on the state of evolution attained in a certain period of time.
58. Thus, according to the Intermediate Council, the individual members of the core group are to be temporarily subdivided as follows in order to be able to examine visibly a changed form in the evolution inspection:
(List of persons and their classification are not relevant for publication.)
59. So this is the temporary group division in the sevenfold area of the total number of 49 core group members.
60. The members not yet mentioned by name will only appear in the course of the next few years and join the group, after which they must be granted the same rights in the area of the rules of order as are given and learned in the group.
61. The aforementioned group members, who are listed by name, are responsible for their own decision-making in relation to core group membership, for which they must make a final decision by the date of the last day of October of this year.
62. Now, however, the dates should follow in reference to the Sohar-Centre, whereby it must be explained that the times must be adhered to punctually and in their full values.
63. If nevertheless, there are failures in the fulfilment due to illness etc., then the lost duration must be made up, whereby however the usual time may not be exceeded, and which must be made up after 02:00 o'clock.
64. Concentrative meditation may only take place during the night hours, never during the day, whereby the time from 19:00 o'clock to 05:30 o'clock is valid.
集中冥想(Concentrative meditation)只能在晚上進行,絕不能在白天,時間從晚上7點到次日清晨5點半。
65. During this period alone the concentrative meditations may be carried out, whereby the calculated time division for the individual group members is formed as follows:
(List of persons and their division are not relevant for publication.)
66. These are the previous data for a certain short period of time which are subject to change after three months, from the date of 3 February 1978.
67. Until then, care should be taken to ensure that the timetable is fully adhered to, so that there are no shifts that would call the whole undertaking into question.
68. If any changes occur as a result of a member leaving the core group during this time, their stored swinging-waves are automatically eliminated through precautionary measures in the Sohar-Centre.
69. These are the key issues and data that I had to give you today and that I will give you tomorrow in the course of the day.
70. Now I have to go, because I am called to another obligation.
71. Farewell and pay my dear regards to all.
Man, girl, that is also enough for me today. Goodbye, and simply come back quite soon.
72. That will be already in the next days.
73. Farewell, my friend.
中文翻譯借助 Deepl Translator 與 ChatGPT 的協助