Contact Report 081/第081次接觸報告
最初英譯:2019年09月20日,星期五,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
改進版本:N/A,Catherine Mossman (August 2020), Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年07月26日,星期三,DeepL Translator, ChatGPT, James Hsu
在這次接觸報告內容頗長且十分重要,會面中讓 Billy 很訝異的是,居然 Ptaah,Semjase,Quetzal 三人同時出現了。而Ptaah 主要是來提醒他有關這位 Glanzmann 先生介入小組中心的事務是別有居心的,要Billy 通知小組成員停止與這位先生的接觸,否則後果非常糟糕。此外還將他們最近調查那隻大人造昆蟲(螳螂)和一件意外事件的結果告訴 Billy,主要是吉薩精靈聯合了一些來自飛馬座的逃亡者,運用後者的科技,共同圖謀摧毀正在建立的「Sohar 中心」,好在歹徒已被發現且正在處理中。
會面中的後段,Semjase 解說了有關百慕達三角等地曾偶有出現的維度門,自當(1977)年的 7 月 10 日以後就不會再出現了,原因是造成那些因素的太空輻射變得越來越微弱而完全消失了,這是因為整個太陽系一直在朝向武仙座遷徙的途中,大約會在兩萬年內抵達,而這種現象中斷了太空輻射的影響。
後面,就連具有「智慧之王」的 Ptaah(古代人類都視之為「上帝」之類的神明)都因為此時地球人類的愚蠢無知,不禁感嘆:他發現地球人似乎用盡一切手段試圖去掩蓋真相,用荒誕的方式來踐踏真相,例如用靈媒術和一整套宗派低能宗教超心理學等瘋狂手段,還有各種卑鄙的謊言宣稱跟我們或其他地外智慧生命和靈體有接觸,然而這一切虛構的說法只是謊言而已。而且,由於地球人的愚昧,他們還是相信這些謊言,同時卻將 Billy 和他們的接觸指控為謊言,儘管這一切是如此真切且實在!
This is the entire contact report. It is an official and authorised English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Ptaah, Semjase, Quetzal – well this is a surprise. To see you three together once, that is one thing. But it is a very good thing, because maybe I can find out about something that lies heavily on my stomach.
Ptaah,Semjase,Quetzal —— 這真是一個意外的驚喜!同時看到你們三個人可不是件小事啊!但這真是來的太及時了,因為也許能解答一些讓我感到困擾的事情。
1. You will have to wait a bit, dear friend, because first I have something important to explain to you:
2. As you well know, you have teamed up with Mr. Glanzmann, but you have not told us anything about it.
你知道的,你已經和Glanzmann 先生合作了,但你並沒有告訴我們這件事。
3. That was not …
I am sorry, Ptaah, but I really did not think it was necessary, because I was able to sort out the necessary things myself. On the other hand, I just wanted to ask a few questions about that, because things have arisen for which I need a detailed explanation.
4. I am now aware of this, because our permanent analysers, which we recently used to clarify your concerns, drew our attention to it.
我現在知道這件事,是因為我們最近用來釐清你問題的「永久分析儀」(permanent analysers)提醒我們注意到了這件事。
5. This is the only reason why we have been informed about these things and have tried to investigate the facts in detail.
6. Nevertheless, when you tried to clarify the first appearing issues and recognised them as real, you should have informed us about the events.
7. This would have meant that the whole matter would have been automatically monitored by us, which could have avoided what had happened now.
8. I must praise you for your clarification.
Is it really that bad?
9. In the meantime, you have recognised it yourself, because that is what you have questions about?
Exactly. I even wrote it down last night, I mean, what is the ultimate goal of it?
10. Now hear what I have to say to you:
11. As you correctly analysed, those contacts of Mr. Glanzmann that you recognised as contacts from the sphere closest to you and next higher to you, the Earth-human collective subconscious WE form, were truly given.
就如你所正確地分析那樣,Glanzmann 先生的那種接觸確實是真的,你知道他的接觸來自於你們最近與更高層次的領域,也就是地球人類的“集體潛意識「我們」形式”(collective subconscious WE form)。
12. These contacts were made via Mr. Glanzmann himself for the purpose of taking over tasks and fulfilling the associated tasks, within the framework of a teaching of the truth that the material realm of life must be brought into connection with the spiritual.
這種接觸是由 Glanzmann 先生自己建立的,目的是承擔和履行一種真相勸導的任務,也就是生命的物質領域要和靈性層面相連接。
13. So it would have been Mr. Glanzmann's task to dedicate himself instructively to the human beings of the Earth in such a manner that he would have conveyed studies to them on how to master the purely material sphere of influence and how to guide it correctly in daily life and in connection with the consciousness-based path of evolution.
因此 Glanzmann 先生曾經的任務是致力於對地球人的教導,幫助他們學到如何掌握純粹的物質影響範圍,學到在日常生活中的正確表現,並且學會連接有意識的進化道路。
14. But he was only obedient to this task in the first stage, after which he rebelled and let himself go into the realms of the purely material, disregarding his task and eager for purely material profit.
15. Also he did not stick to consulting with you in all things, as he was instructed to do by the WE-form, in order to be master of his task in just form.
16. Clearly and explicitly he was directed to you in order to obtain from you the standards for the fulfilment of his tasks and for his approach.
17. For this purpose, he was clearly and explicitly given the name of one of your former personalities, as it was known in earlier times, about 1,500 years ago, when your personality at that time instructively worked on both areas of evolution for the Earth-humans, which is not possible for you at the present time, however, because according to the given circumstances you can only be active in the spiritual and consciousness-based area in extreme concentration.
[中譯者註:據推斷,以上的人格可能是指穆罕默德(Muḥammad;571 年 4 月 24 日-632 年 6 月 7 日)]
18. But now Mr. Glanzmann has consciously alienated himself from his assigned task and reassessed the matter in a sense of financial profit.
但現在 Glanzmann 先生故意疏忽了自己的任務,並把這個事情轉變成了有利可圖的事。
19. Thus the true contact with the other sphere was lost to him, which he became absolutely aware of.
20. Because of his actions in the wrong form he lost the contact to the reality of the real contact with the other sphere of the human WE-form, after which he did not even have the imagination of a still existing contact.
因為他的行動以錯誤的方式進行了,所以他失去了和“人類「我們」形式”(human WE-form)的另一種領域的真正接觸,之後他甚至沒有一個仍然持續接觸的想像力。
21. So now he does not live on in an imagination that the contact to the other sphere would still exist.
22. So he knows that this is not an interruption of coming back [resuming of contact], for the time of his present life, because if a life form fails and malfunctions in this manner only once, a renewed establishment of contact can understandably not take place again, because there would always be the danger of a new failure.
23. Through his desires, Mr. Glanzmann shaped his consciousness into a form of imagining that he was something higher and a person with a calling, through which he continued to bring down written things and statements in self-invented form, which are really only controlled by himself and by his consciousness as a form of desire, but which he mistakenly consciously claims to be genuine and in this respect also makes his believers believe.
通過自己的願望,Glanzmann 先生把自己的意識塑造成了一種想像的形式,認為他是一個更高層級的人物,因此他繼續以更自我思考的方式寫下一些東西和觀點,但這只不過是被他自己的意識所控制,而他的意識只是一種一廂情願的形式,他錯以為這些都是真的,並使他的信徒對此深信不疑。
24. But since he now lacks the necessary knowledge that would have been granted and transmitted to him if he had followed the task and fulfilled it, he deliberately falsifies your teaching and uses erroneous and false scriptures with illogical false doctrines, which he consciously evaluates materially and disseminates in a form similar to instructing, thus driving those who have become addicted to him into euphoric-meditative states that they, in the addiction, believe to be the truth although these are truthfully only hallucinations generated by self-suggestion, i.e. imaginations in mostly pictorial form.
25. It is precisely this form, however, that is extremely dangerous, for it is this form that leads to complete bondage in the realm of suggestively evoked hallucinations, which is very often provoked by false meditation teachers on the Earth, who usually call themselves enlightened beings, masters and gurus in this foolish and dangerous game of delusion.
26. Mr. Glanzmann, however, is following the same path and has already infected some of your group with his wrongdoing and his false influence, whereby Bernadette in particular reacted extremely susceptibly.
現在,Glanzmann 先生正走在同樣的陰暗路上,而且你們有幾個組員已經被感染上了他的錯誤行為和錯誤影響,特別在這件事上,最容易受到影響的就是 Bernadette 了。
27. Some others also fell into the web of delusion and renewed ignorance, which is why it is imperative that you have an open and clear word with them all and present the truth to them.
28. If you do not follow this advice, your community will soon disintegrate like brittle material, for which you already find the evidence in the fact that this embrittlement has already begun in the basic points.
29. But it is still time to counteract further development in this form if you settle these issues within a month.
30. However, you will meet with strong resistance, as has certainly already been the case with Bernadette, who has already acquired a certain sense of bondage to Mr. Glanzmann's heresy.
但你會在此事上遇到強烈的阻攔,且這也已經顯現了,也就是 Bernadette 女士已經部分追隨了 Glanzmann 先生的異端學說了。
31. But these are still not all the things in this regrettable concern yet, because in Mr. Glanzmann's consciousness the forces of domination over the group and the idea of inspiring your community are already working, since he wants to settle in as the determining factor of the overall chairman of the leadership.
但這還不是最讓人悲痛的事情,因為 Glanzmann 先生的意識裡已經在思考著如何霸佔你們的組織,因為他希望自己在這裡作為決定性因素,作為首席領導人。
32. The idea has already matured in his consciousness to bring your whole community into his area of dependence in order to be able to work profitably as the highest leader.
33. It is therefore appropriate that all of you immediately leave his direct and indirect spheres of influence and, if possible, completely prevent contact with him.
34. This alone gives you the guarantee that you can keep yourself out of his sphere of influence to the best of your ability.
35. No powers of any kind shall be recognised from outside your group in the future.
36. Whatever teaching and knowledge you are responsible for will be exclusively received through you, given by you in the first place and by us, from Arahat Athersata and from Petale, as well as at a later time possibly still from others.
所有的知識和教導,都由你負責,所有接收到的訊息都是透過你,包括你的、我們的、Arahat Athersata 的與 Petale 的,以後也許還有來自其他方面的。
37. Never, then, should a member of your group from outside make any false teachings his/her own, but should only play on the truth that will be given by you as the proclaimer of the new times.
38. If this advice is not followed, your community and your whole task will be endangered.
39. And in your position you are still very susceptible, whereby only a few days can be enough to destroy everything completely, whereby then also we would have no more possibilities for help.
40. Your community can only continue to exist and work well and fulfil the real task when everyone in the group finally realises that the true knowledge and truth will only be given to you for instruction and dissemination and that all this can only happen in connection with the true existence of your Centre.
41. If, however, different ones in your group are constantly influenced by others and by erroneous and false teachings, they jeopardise your task and even that of the Centre.
42. Certain events of the recent past can even be traced back to this, because through the unreasonableness of a certain member (Margreth Flammer) who, despite repeated warnings, continues to indulge herself with new spiritualistic sessions, negative swinging-waves were able to spread from the medium in question, registered by a brain-analyser of the Giza intelligence's that found a weak spot and consequently created that artificial insect, with the help of a malignant refugee group from a space-time displaced area of the Pegasus constellation, guilty of bacterial contamination in the Center.
不久前的某些事件甚至可以追溯到這一點,因為某個成員(Margreth Flammer)的不理性,她不顧多次警告,多次投入在新的招魂術活動(spiritualistic sessions)上,她從相關靈媒那傳播的負面振動被吉薩精靈(Gizeh intelligence)的分析儀大腦記錄了下來,由此他們找到了一個弱點,並且在一個邪惡的逃亡組織的幫助下創作出了一個人造昆蟲,而那些人是來自飛馬座(Pegasus constellation;別名天馬座)的另一個時空結構,他們對於中心的病菌傳播是要負全責的。
43. Other such dangers may reappear if this action is not stopped soon, for we too cannot keep all things under precise control, especially if our instructions are constantly violated, even though we only issue them for your own benefit.
44. It should finally be just as clear to everyone that the members of your core group in particular are now at the point in time when all wrong actions should finally be defeated and no one should surrender to erroneous teachings and delusional concerns.
That's easy for you to say, Ptaah. At the moment, we still lack the time to sit down and discuss all things.
45. I know that, but nevertheless you should find a means to settle these matters within one month, once and for all.
I will try it, maybe in such a manner that I take every single one of them on my own. On the other hand, we will have this report, so that everyone can read your words.
46. That is important, but I did not think of that at the moment.
47. The reports that have been transmitted should indeed be sufficient.
1. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as I have noticed on several occasions.
2. The evil occurrence with the collapse of the wall could have been avoided if the reports had been followed.
3. Semjase had long pointed out that the Center was to be secured and guarded.
Semjase 很久前就指出,「中心」要被保護和讓人守夜。
4. However, this advice was not followed, which is why it was possible to push down the wall.
You know that?
5. It was not difficult to determine that.
How could that happen?
6. Through vibrational waves.
那是透過振動波(vibrational waves)造成的。
I do not understand that. Explain that in more detail, please.
7. It is a work by the Giza-intelligences in collaboration with the refugees from the Pegasus area.
8. They were located by and brought to the attention of the group in Brazil about 6 weeks ago, after which a connection was established between them.
9. The merger with the Giza-intelligences was then only a matter of time.
10. Best oriented about the processes in your Center and in detail about the group members, they also know about the growing existence of the actual value of the Sohar-Centre.
吉薩精靈盡可能地瞭解到了你們的中心和組員的事情,他們也知道即將建成的「Sohar 中心」真正的價值所在。
11. But this, the actual value, means extreme danger for them, because when it is completed and when it is in operation, then they have finally lost.
12. This is precisely what they want to prevent, which is why every inconspicuous path to destruction is right for them.
13. So they took advantage of the knowledge of the Pegasus refugees and of their equipment.
14. A swinging-wave vibrator, working on a microwave basis, thereby came to them very conveniently, in order to cause damage to the actual value of the developing Sohar-Centre and to possibly destroy it.
有一種振動產生器(swinging-wave vibrator)的工作原理來自微波(microwave)理論基礎,為了對「Sohar 中心」的真正價值造成破壞甚至可能的摧毀,這個武器對他們來說來的正是時候。
15. A Pegasus refugee, whom you have observed, investigated the data of the value, after which on August 30th around the fourth hour of the morning the Pegasus ship was directed to the Centre to bring the swinging-wave vibrator into action.
有一個飛馬座逃亡者,也就是你目擊到的那個,他研究了中心一些有價值的資料,隨後在 8 月 29 日到 30 日的淩晨 4 時左右,調度了一艘飛馬船來到了中心,以便讓振動器進行工作。
16. The swinging-wave bundle was placed behind the wall, which had already collapsed earlier due to a water ingress.
17. The strong swinging-waves released caused a very high vibrational wave, which within a few seconds pulled the nearly 150 centimetres thick concrete wall from its anchorage, lifted it a little and hurled it forward, which is why it had fallen so far forward.
由於釋放的強烈振動是一種頻率非常高的電磁波,因此在幾秒內就把約 150 公分厚的水泥牆從固定位置扯開,並使其抬高並向前傾斜,而這就是它為什麼會向前倒塌的原因。
Aha, that is why it was more than a metre forward. But – one thing I do not understand: How could we have prevented this if we had stood on guard?
18. If you had followed Semjase's advice, this would not have happened, and this is why:
如果你們聽從了 Semjase 的建議,那麼這種事件就不會發生了,因為:
19. The microwave swinging-wave vibrators work with such a strong potency that in a few fractions of a second they are deadly to any form of life in such a manner that it acts like a lightning-fast ageing process, which even an ignorant person could immediately detect.
20. But this is precisely what the negative Giza-intelligences cannot afford, namely that things can be determined that point to their actual existence.
21. If this were to happen, they would publicly expose themselves and reveal their existence, after which your explanations, which you would certainly spread, would be accepted by the Earth-humans, and especially by scientists and the authorities, with the result that the Giza-intelligences would be searched for and every religion, which are their best aid for their world domination plans, would be shaken.
22. Therefore, they must not do anything to indicate their existence, which is why they would not have done anything if any of you had watched in the vicinity of the area of value.
I understand. – So the twerps will not do anything that would be inexplicable to the Earth-humans, which is why everything is arranged in such a manner that it looks as if it were earthly?
23. That is correct.
Have you seen the new wall yet? Can it now withstand these strange vibration-rays or swinging-waves?
1. It would not, but that cannot happen anymore, that is what my father is worried about, because he will get hold of the Pegasus refugees in the next few days and bring them back to their home planet, where they will be handed over to those responsible and put out of action, as you would say.
Aha, that is good; but do you think the wall will hold otherwise?
2. Sure, I was already of the assumption that you had gone mad when I saw it on the screen.
3. It is more stable than it must be, which is very good, because there is a dangerous water pressure from the mountainside.
Mountain-pressure is what we say, my golden child. But tell me, Quetzal, how does the crazy vibration swinging-wave work?
我們稱為山壓(Mountain pressure),我的天才孩子。但是請跟我說一下,Quetzal,那個振動器破玩意是如何運作的?
24. It is a swinging-wave vibrator, not a vibration-swinging wave.
那是一個擺動振動器(swinging-wave vibrator),不是一個振動擺動器(vibration-swinging wave)。
25. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to explain officially how it is constructed, but you can be assured that the Earth scientists are already developing these apparatuses in their early days.
26. These, however, are completely different in operation from those of the Pegasus refugees.
27. They are highly transformed by a precisely tuned thought oscillation, after which they generate the necessary energy.
28. The Giza-intelligences are not able to do this, because they are not able to generate these thought impulses, thus they were dependent on the Pegasus refugees.
29. If they are no longer there when Ptaah has taken them away, then the danger of a similar destruction of the actual value of the Sohar-Centre no longer exists.
如果 Ptaah 把這批逃亡者帶走後,吉薩精靈就沒法這樣做了,之後對於「Shoar 中心」的真正價值來說,就再也沒有類似的摧毀風險了。
But then how should it continue anyway? We cannot keep watch all the time, can we?
4. A stationary telemeter disk will float high above the Center and continuously transmit the events under permanent connection with our station, which guarantees a certain protection from our side until the completion of the Sohar-Centre.
一個固定的遙測盤(stationary telemeter disk)會在中心上空懸浮,和我們的基地總是保持著連接並即時傳送訊息,因此我們在這方面會提供某種保護,直到「Sohar 中心」建設完成。
That's fine, thank you very much. But now I would have another question if you have nothing more to explain to me?
48. I have made my statement clear to you.
30. I also have no further statements to make.
5. Some things about the Bermuda Triangle I still have to explain to you as I explained to you confidentially at the contact before last.
我還有幾個百慕達三角(Bermuda Triangle)的事情要跟你解釋,正如我在前二次會面中跟你秘密解釋的。
[中譯者註:應指《第 079 次接觸報告》,屬於私下談話沒有被列入記錄。]
Can you perhaps wait a little longer, otherwise I will forget my concerns?
6. Sure, just ask.
Thank you. – First, I'd like to ask about the exact dates of our actual value, as Quetzal so nicely puts it. There are only two months left, and I should have the classification for the individual persons next.
謝謝。我首先想問下關於我們真正有價值的切確資料,就像剛才 Quetzal 說的那樣。因為就只剩下兩個月的時間了,接下來我很快就要對每個人進行分組。
7. I understand – you will receive these data in the course of the next week, if you have them available by Saturday at the latest.
8. This was also planned without you having to ask for it.
9. But I am glad that you are making an effort about this.
Then the matter is indeed in order. But what about the further rules of order?
49. These are the duties of the High Council, which will prepare them as soon as the new analyses is completed and sent to them.
Then that is also clear to me. My other question is this: How should I shape the major meetings at the Center in the future? In my opinion, the time is ripe to deviate from the actual UFOlogical facts and, on the whole, only to deal with teaching and advancing the spiritual concerns.
那我清楚了。我另一個問題是:我以後要如何安排中心的主要會談?我認為是時候減少談論實際的 UFO 事件,總體來說,只該去處理靈性方面的教導和講座。
50. That is of importance.
51. Cutback on the concerns around us and our ships, etc. to a large extent and dedicate yourself only to the fundamentally important facts of the evolution of the spirit or the teaching of the spirit [Creation-Energy teaching].
52. At present, two or three members of the group are to be responsible for the interests of us and our ships, and later all group members in general, are to be instructed and taught about these matters both in the Center and outside of it.
53. You yourself should under no circumstances continue to deal publicly with the so-called ufological concerns, on the one hand for reasons of time limitations and on the other hand for security reasons, but also because your real mission work is much more important and of the greatest importance.
你本人以後也不該公開處理所謂的 UFO 方面的事情了,一方面是時間限制,另一方面是出於安全原因,而你真正的使命工作是更加重要,也是最具重大意義的。
But that is a bad start, Ptaah, because just for the month of November I promised two lectures for a cantonal vocational school in Thun.
54. That was not a good promise.
55. Others should take over this task for you.
56. The 30-kilometre limit still applies to you, from which you should not leave, and the same still applies to you, that you should not give any lectures outside the Center.
你不該離開這裡 30 公里之外的地方,你也不該在中心之外的地方發表任何講座。
Then I have to find someone.
57. You do well to do so, and the lectures should also be given, because these are also important.
58. But you should be finally excluded from this work because it no longer falls into your area.
59. Experiences and lessons learnt from others are enough in the meantime so that they can take over this task.
This is going to be tough, is it not....?
60. It can be set up very well when the task is finally grasped and taken seriously by those concerned.
Well, I will try. But then another question: Like everyone else, I am interested in what is supposed to happen when I am gone? Will you continue to maintain contact with the group, or will it be dropped?
10. These things arise first.
11. Your succession will only grow in little more than four years and will develop as intended, even if this is currently still not understood by several of your group members.
12. But who your successor will be and how the things of the future will really be in the sense of your question, I can unfortunately not explain yet, because the time for it is still very premature, therefore we also still have no knowledge about it.
13. But those things which you yourself must know, they are known to you, but you must not talk about what you know.
Of course. Then it must be so.
14. I cannot change it, but after our conversation I still have some important points to discuss with you, as well as my father and Quetzal, but I will not give them to you later as a report.
我是無法改變的,不過在我們談完後,我還有幾個重點要跟你討論,還有我的父親和 Quetzal 也一樣,之後我不會把這些內容作為報告傳給你的。
All right, I have known that for a long time. I do not have any more questions at the moment, so perhaps now you can make your statements about the Bermuda Triangle. Maybe there is another question that comes to my mind in the meantime.
沒問題,我早就知道了。我目前沒有提問了,所以你現在也許能解釋下百慕達三角(Bermuda Triangle)了。或許在這中間的時候,我腦子裡還會有別的問題。
15. Sure.
16. – My explanation does not take long:
17. The issues surrounding the Bermuda Triangle and the centres of Madagascar and the Japanese Devil's Sea have changed fundamentally.
關於百慕達三角、馬達加斯加中心(centers of Madagascar)、及日本魔鬼海(Japanese Devil's Sea)的情況發生了根本性的改變。
18. As you know, your entire solar system travels like a gigantic spaceship through interstellar space, approaching more and more the constellation of Hercules, which will be reached in about two millennia.
就像你所知道的,整個太陽系就像一艘超巨大的太空船漫遊過星系空間,總是越來越靠近武仙座(constellation of Hercules),這大約會在兩萬年內到達那裡。
[中譯者註:這句陳述的最後,有關時間的英譯與原(德)文有出入;德文“etwa zwei Jahrzehntausenden”是否應譯為“大約兩萬年”,請先進指教!]
19. Due to this migration of the entire SOL-system, the axis point of the radiation of those large celestial bodies which caused the dimensional gates in the Bermuda Triangle, in Madagascar and in the Japanese Devil's Sea has slowly shifted more and more.
通過整個太陽系的遷徙,那些巨大天體的輻射軸心點(the axis point of the radiation)在慢慢地偏移,從而導致了百慕達三角、馬達加斯加、日本魔鬼海出現了一些「維度門」(dimensional gates)。
20. For about 18 years now, radiation has become weaker and more time-differentiated, so that it has often been completely suspended for days on end.
21. In the last two years, the radiation decreased even more and was completely neutralised several times lasting months.
22. The last offshoots of the radiation bands which are measured in many light-years, that were only fragmentary at their outermost ranges, last touched the Earth about 1 ½ months ago, on the 10th of July.
上次數光年外可測量到的輻射帶,其最遠的作用距離只不過是斷斷續續地觸及到地球,大約在一個半月前,也就是7 月 10 日。
23. Since then the Earth is out of the range of the radiation and no dimension barrier or dimension gate still exists at any other place on the planet.
自那以後地球就離開了這種輻射範圍,因此地球任何地方也沒有存在一個維度屏障(dimension barrier)或一個維度門了。
24. These phenomena are absolutely abolished and, according to our calculations, should never occur again because the whole SOL-system orbits the constellation of Hercules and there are no stars at closer or further distances that would produce this kind of radiation.
25. All occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle, near Madagascar and in the Japanese Devil's Sea have been classified since the 10th of July 1977 in purely earthly natural occurrences, whereby the natural occurrences are to be named as the most important forces, in particular the geomagnetic and underwater gas surges which occur very strongly at the places mentioned, whereby compass devices and many other navigation devices, etc. fail or show false indications, as this is the case with you at the Center several times.
在百慕達三角、馬達加斯加、日本魔鬼海的所有事件,自 1977 年 7 月 10 日起就屬於純粹的地球自然事件,這些自然事件的最主要力量,特別是上述所提到的地方會出現強烈的地磁和海底氣體的噴發,因此指南針裝置或各種類型的導航設備等等出現了失靈或顯示錯誤的資料,這就像你們中心裡好幾次出現的情況那樣。
Do Madagascar, the Bermuda Triangle and the Japanese Devil's Sea also lie at facet intersections like our Center?
馬達加斯加、百慕達三角、日本魔鬼海也會像我們中心那樣出現平面交叉(facet intersections)嗎?
26. Certainly.
And is there then a connection with the radiation from space and with the facet intersections, that was found there, or there of all places?
27. No, it was a pure whim of the cosmic game.
Oh so. – Then the two or three per cent where unexplainable events took place at these points are really just cancelled? It was only two or three per cent that refer to the cosmic and thus to the inexplicableness of all events in these places, was it not?
哦,那就是說 2% 或 3%,而在那些地方所發生的不可思議事件就這樣結束了?在這些地方發生的所有事當中,只有 2% 到 3% 的情況是宇宙事件,因此對於地球人來說是無法解釋的對吧?
28. Sure, because about 98% of all events at these three places were mainly caused by Earth magnetic waves and Earth magnetic storms as well as by climatic rapid changes, storms, aberrations, mutiny, crimes and insurance fraud as well as on a large scale by enormous undersea gas eruptions, etc.
是的,大約 98% 的事件都是地磁變化、地磁風暴、天氣的急劇轉變、龍捲風、偏離航線、叛變、犯罪、保險欺詐等,還有絕大部分是大量的海底氣體爆發等等。
Too bad. Now for the parapsychologists, esotericists and other delusionists, phantasts and idiots another world is ruined again, but if not everything deceives me very much, then these jerks will soon find a suitable replacement, only perhaps a thousand times more stupid, more primitive and crazier than what was so far.
61. This will be the case, for the stupidity of the earthly man still knows no bounds, and especially not of the newest and probably so far most stupid religion that ever dominated the earthly humans namely the parapsychology of sectarian and delusional form.
Man oh man, Ptaah, I have never heard you talk like that before.
62. I think that your own manner of expressing yourself is also justified with us if we have to clarify some of the Earth-human concerns.
63. In our vocabulary, we do not find these apt expressions, as they are appropriate for the stupidity of many Earth-humans, which is why I resort to your own vocabulary, as we tend to do more and more in the manner we speak and in the use of your idioms.
That sounds damn strange from you, Ptaah. It almost seems to me as if you are very depressed and therefore speak angrily.
64. That is the case, but it is not surprising when I find out again and again that the human being on Earth apparently tries, by all means, to keep the truth quiet and to step into the mud with insane means like spiritualism and the whole sentence of the sectarian idiocy of religious parapsychology, the cult religions and cruel lies of all kinds, the worst of all being to claim that contacts with us or other intelligences and spirit forms living outside of the Earth, who supposedly belong to us, would be maintained, although of all such lying claims hardly one is true, because all are truly only lies.
的確是這樣,但是這也不奇怪;因為我不斷地發現地球人似乎用盡一切手段試圖掩蓋真相,用荒誕的方式來踐踏真相,例如用 spiritualism(暫譯為靈媒術)和一整套宗派低能宗教超心理學等瘋狂手段,還有各種卑鄙的謊言,其中最惡劣的是宣稱跟我們或其他地外智慧生命和靈體(spirit forms)有接觸,然而這一切虛構的說法只是名副其實的謊言而已。
65. And these lies are still given faith by the unreasonableness of the Earth-human while your contacts with us are accused of being lies, although they alone are as real and true as the light of day.
66. I would like …
Calm down, Ptaah, for you know that the time will be long before the Earth-humans finally learn to understand and grasp. You also know the origin of the whole theatrics and therefore know that you have to give all these ignorant earthlings a chance first and bring their ignorantly damned brains in shape so that they can finally learn something else and learn to think.
請你平靜吧 Ptaah,因為你知道,直到地球人最終去理解和領悟之前,還需要很長的時間。你也知道這整個劇碼的起源,因此要給這些無知的地球人一次機會,把他們極度無知可憐大腦整頓好,由此他們才能學到一些新東西,並最終學會思考。
67. You speak of things of correctness.
68. Excuse my surge of emotions.
I do not know what you are talking about. Let's leave it at that and discuss the things Semjase mentioned.
我不知道你為什麼要這樣說。請離開這個話題吧,我們現在還要討論一下 Semjase 所提到的事情。
29. Certainly.
30. – Father, I find his words good.
69. Your wisdom honours you, my friend.
70. I thank you very much.
For nothing, dear Ptaah, for in my place you would have acted equally.
別這樣說,親愛的 Ptaah,因為換做是我,你也會這樣做的。
71. With which you captured the truth another time.
72. Then let us now deal with the other concerns, but I would not want to neglect to extend my very dear and cordial greetings to all your honest and missionary group members and to express my deepest thanks to all of them for all their efforts and understanding.
The …
31. I also want to do the same.
31. I also agree with these words.
I will be happy to tell them. Everyone will certainly be very happy. It … – ah, I remember another question: Yesterday, Semjase, did you think of any of any of us towards the late afternoon?
我會很高興轉達你們的問候!大家一定會非常開心的。這... 啊!我還有一個問題:昨天,Semjase,你傍晚的時候想到了我們中的某個人嗎?
32. Of course; I was interested in your meeting, which is why I observed you for some time.
33. I could see that you were very absorbed in your response when Elsi joined you.
同時我發現你沉浸在自己的回答裡時,剛好 Elsi 也加入了你。
34. Her thoughts rushed to you, but you did not register them because you were busy elsewhere.
35. So I tried to draw Elsi's attention with an impulse, but apparently I did not succeed.
所以我試著用脈衝讓 Elsi 注意,但顯然我沒有成功。
36. But why do you ask?
That is why. Elsi caught an impulse that was not from me, so it must have been from you.
因為 Elsi 捕獲到了一種脈衝,如果這不是我的,那麼就肯定是妳的了。
37. She often receives impulses from me, because she is very receptive to them.
I know, and she is also happy about it.
38. That is very sweet, but now we should turn to the other concerns.
(Appendix to the 81st Contact)
(第 081 次接觸報告附錄)
(drawn up by the High Council)
In order to live in a peaceful and progressive community, certain rules of order apply, depending on the state of evolution of the life-forms concerned, which must be followed by urgent necessity. For the human beings of the Earth, whose state of evolution is very diverse, special rules apply, which are worked out according to their overall state of development in particular and according to the state of the possibility of following the rules of the individual separately. These rules of order are given only by lengthy elaboration, in the present case especially only for the group of the 'free community of interests', for the residential community in the Centre.
1. A personal living area is given to each individual, measured according to his or her personal needs, where he or she is absolutely able to maintain his or her intimacy, find the necessary peace and rest, and freely decide and act.
2. It is given that in the personal living area of each individual no interference of persons from other living areas takes place, neither in personal nor impersonal form. There should be no reproaches, complaints, reclamations, discrimination or orders. How the individual lives and acts and behaves in his/her living area is his/her concern alone, which is why no interference of persons from other living areas should take place. This is also given for the daily and other work arising in the individual personal living quarters of each individual, since no interference shall be made in any form whatsoever, whether oral, written or manual, either directly or indirectly.
3. Absolutely taboo is the taking place of any interference by a third party in the personal life, thinking and acting of the individual, thus also the work, unless there are violations of the rules of order, which however should be objected to and regulated without exception by the person in charge of the community or by the whole community-sharing community if no other possibility is given.
4. Secretly complaining about, reclaiming, discriminating against, and becoming subject to harassment by members of the residential community should be refrained from. As a rule, as the observation and assessment of countless human forms of life over millions of years has shown, an act of secretly talking about third parties corresponds only to the plaintiff's own imperfect personality, emerging from an ill-considered and immature personal, but false consideration. The plaintiff thus defends only a personal, but false view, because it is the belief that the neighbour must conform to his/her actions and thoughts, whereby his/her own personality and all the rights associated with it are automatically denied him/her.
5. The treacherous suing for actions or statements by members of the residential community by other members should be prevented and not come to light. For millions of years, the rule has proven that traitorous complaints usually arise from weak personality deficiencies, which lead to people believing through ill-considered thinking that their own value is increased in the opinion of the complainants. This also applies to the thoughtless or cunning and malicious spreading of truthful or untruthful rumours or slander.
6. Members of other residential areas should not interfere in the discrepancies of personal interests of members of individual residential areas. If two or more members of a single residential community have disagreements to resolve, then these are their own concerns, which they must resolve without the interference of others. If the situation so requires, the person in charge of the community should exercise a purely advising and problem-solving function, but this should only be done jointly by the parties involved and to the exclusion of uninvolved third parties, so that the actual privacy of the residential area concerned and its persons is preserved.
7. Disagreements between different residential areas and their persons shall be settled by the person in charge through an immediate, useful, advising, mediating and problem-solving discussion with all concerned.
8. For any work that arises in the area of the entire residential community, a common distribution of work and the completion of work distributed evenly among the individual members shall apply. The individual areas of work shall be headed by competent persons who instruct and, if necessary, educate the persons entrusted to them in accordance with their abilities. For all the work that has to be carried out in the area of the entire residential community, each person shall carry out the workload assigned to him or her, voluntarily and without coercion, but without any willingness to evade or make excuses. Instructed work shall not be rejected for alleged incompetence or other incapacity. The point is that each individual should also gain independence in manual work and create the will to recognise what is necessary and to do it on his own initiative.
9. Parents of married residential community members should not be resident in the residential areas of their children. If parents of married residential community members are also resident in the residential community, they should be living in separate living areas in the future.
10. Parents of married members of a residential community should not interfere in any way in the interests of their married children, nor should the children interfere in the interests of their parents, which is also necessary if one of the parties is resident outside the residential community area. It also applies here that neither married partners nor single people let themselves be influenced in any manner by parents, outsiders, friends or acquaintances, etc. because any decision or action should be made or taken out of their own personality. For this, a self-knowledge and a certain independence is necessary, which can come from or be received only then, if no influence from any side influences these factors.
11. Personal feelings, opinions and sentiments etc. of individual members of the residential community towards other members shall be controlled by them extremely strictly and shall not lead to thoughtless speech or actions etc.
12. No orders should be given in the residential community, nor should any domination requests appear. In a residential community, all members are equal and have equal rights, male and female. Each individual is classified in the same laws and recommendations without distinction, consequently, the same rights apply to all. Laws and recommendations, as well as rules of order in a creational sense, are evident in the given writings of the Genesis and the Decalogue, etc., which should be the interest and will of everyone to learn and follow.
13. The management and leadership of the residential community should be assigned to a single responsible person, whose advisory board consists of a larger circle of a special group of members (core group), which has to determine over constantly arising interests, however never in commanding form, because a determination should be constant in advising or advice-executing form.
14. The person in charge and in leadership of the residential community should be as well versed and educated as possible in all laws, recommendations, rules of order and the spiritual teaching [Creation-Energy teaching] because he/she should also be responsible for the spiritual teaching [Creation-Energy teaching] as well as its dissemination through writings in every accessible area.
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