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Creating Less Time


A little. You're saying that you are beginning to experience all time as now?


Y es. Because we are moving from physical to non-physical, our reality is almost completely blended as one idea.

是的。由於我們正從物質層面移向非物質層面,所以我們的實相幾乎完全溶為 一個意念

Okay. I think it's going to take a while for it to sink in.


I f you say so. But that's how you create more time, with that definition. 'Tis up to you. For the time you will experience will all be worth experiencing and will all be beautiful. The sooner you allow the time you do create to be worth experiencing, the less of it you will perceive, paradoxically enough.

那是因為你這樣說。你就是那樣地以那個界定來創造出更多的時間。這要看你。因為,你將會經歷的那些時間,全都值得經歷而且也全都是美麗的。你越快讓你所創造的那些時間成為值得經歷的時刻,你所看到的它們也會變得越少 —— 相當矛盾。

Wait a minute. Say that one more time.


All right. One more time – for the first time; when you allow whatever time you do create for yourself to experience, to be experienced in full joy, then paradoxically you will actually experience less time. When you live in the moment, you don't create as much time. Only the waiting for something else creates the time that happens in-between.

好的。再一次 —— 也是第一次。當你讓你為了去經歷它而為自己所創造出的時間 —— 無論是什麼時間 —— 能被你在全然喜悅中去加以經歷的時候,很矛盾,你便會實際地經驗到較少的時間。當你活在當下的時候,你便不會創造那麼多的時間。只有等待某些東西,才創造了其間所發生的那段時間。

D o understand: from one particular point of view, one I shall now choose, each and every one of you is actually always spontaneous. Even when you create hesitation, it's still a spontaneous creation. So the idea is to look at everything in your life as a spontaneous creation, if that's what you desire. And then you will start to see everything being redefined in that way, and you will see the result of that attitude in the actions you perform.

你要明白:從某個觀點 —— 我現在所要選擇的一個觀點 —— 而言,你們每一個人實際上都永遠是自發性的。即使在你創造了猶豫不決的時候,那也仍是一項自發性的創造。所以,這個想法是要你去把生命中的一切,都看成某種自發性的創造 —— 只要那是你所想要的。那時,你將看到一切都會以那種方式而被重新界定,你也會在自己所表現的行動中看到那種態度的結果。

I n other words, if you see hesitation as just one more way to experience spontaneity, then that attitude – seeing even the idea of planning and hesitation as a spontaneous creation in the moment – will actually allow you to manifest, in physical terms, the idea in a truly more physicalized spontaneous manner. The attitude of how you look at things, in other words, will determine the way your life unfolds – the way the opportunities come to you, and how you will act on them in a more spontaneous fashion. Does this make sense?

換言之:倘若你僅把猶豫視為經驗自發性的另一個途徑,那麼這種態度 —— 你甚至將計畫或猶豫,也視之為某種當下的自發性創造 —— 將真的可以讓你去以真正更為物質化的態度以及物質性的說法,來表現這種觀念。換句話說,你看事情的態度,將會決定你的生命如何展現,各種機會如何降臨在你的身上,以及你將會如何去,以更為自發的方式來把握這些機會。這有沒有道理呢?

I think so. Might this help to explain how sometimes we create feelings of being stuck?


O h , yes, yes, yes. It is only because of the definitions you give to the circumstances. You see, what you're saying is, "This means things are in stasis, not moving. When you see this, that's what it means; it means you're stuck. It means you are not moving ahead." Instead of having the attitude that what is happening is a part of the process, not an interruption in it. And you dive right into it to find out what part of the process it is. As soon as you dive into it, you are in the middle of experiencing it. Therefore, it goes right through you very quickly; and before you know it, you're through it.


So if you think you're feeling stuck, and you just do the next thing, you're really not stuck.


C orrect. Explore the idea of your definitions of stuck. Remember that anything you call a block is not actually a block, unless you choose to treat it like one; unless you treat it as if it's something to go around, instead of something to go through. Discover what a block usually is, information you really need to know, but which comes in an unexpected package. You may not recognize it on the surface, but that doesn't mean it doesn't belong in your life. Dive into it; unwrap it. ‘Tis the time for unwrapping presents on your world. When something comes you think is a block, find out what you would have to believe in order to experience it that way; find out what information it is bringing you. Absorb the information, and the idea you have called the block will unfold – as a direction, as a path, in a very obvious and clear-sighted way. Understand?

正確。去探索你對卡住所下的界定吧。記住,任何你所謂的阻塞其實都不是實際上的阻塞 —— 除非你選擇去如此對待它。除非你把它看成某種需要繞道而過的事,而不是需要通過的事。你可以去發現,某個阻塞通常會是什麼:一些訊息,它是你所真正需要知道的,但卻以令人意外的包裝出現。你從表面上可能認不出它,但這並不表示,它不屬於你生命中的事物。潛入它的裡面;拆開它。這是你們世界拆開禮物的時刻了。當某些你認為是阻塞的事情出現時,請務必找出,你必須相信什麼,這樣才能以那種方式來經驗它;它正帶給你怎麼樣的訊息。吸收那個訊息,而你曾經稱作阻塞的那個觀念,也將會以十分明白的、清晰可見的方式展現 —— 作為一個方向、一條途徑。明白嗎?

Yes. I think this must be the real meaning of the statement, "This, too, shall pass.”


I n a sense, yes, because everything, though real, is transitory, because it is all the product of your imagination. Physical reality is only what you dream it to be, what you imagine it to be, what you define it to be. That's all. But that's the reality of it.

在某個意義上,是的。因為一切 —— 儘管真實 —— 都是無常的,因為一切都是你的想像力的產物。物質實相只是你把它夢想為那個樣子、想像為那個樣子、界定為那個樣子。就是那樣。可是那就是它的實相


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