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Contact Report 516 (2011/3/14)   第516次接觸報告

接觸日期: 2011 3 14 ,星期一

Synopsis     摘要

Billy and Ptaah discuss the Fukushima disaster, why it is not possible to make atomic power plants completely safe from all risks and how the Plejaren themselves went through this experience resulting in the deaths of millions of their people.

比利與 Ptaah 談到福島災變,為何核電廠不可能完全保證安全,而 Plejaren 他們自己是如何經歷導致好幾百萬人死亡的(核災)慘痛經驗。

This is an excerpt of the contact.



... But now I have another question: you no longer make any predictions, it's completely pointless because the Earth human beings do not listen to them, rather they proceed in the traditional contexts with all evils, and thereby trigger more and more catastrophes. A serious seaquake of the strength of 9 has now occurred in Japan and a tsunami which has arisen from that has caused a giant catastrophe, whereby entire villages and towns were simply washed away and everything was razed to the ground. Various atomic reactors have thereby also been involved whereby it is unavoidable that atomic radiation is discharged, that it contaminates much - also human beings - and will cost the lives of human beings. Also thereby to fear is that the radiation is caused to drift a great distance and also contaminates land, plants and living things far beyond the death zones. The radiation can reach not only far into the north and south of Japan, rather also to China and across the Pacific to the USA, and finally - depending on the wind conditions - also right around the world. And there is certainly no question that again thousands of human beings have lost their lives, because nothing else is possible consistent with the primeval devastation which the tsunami has caused. That only a few dozen, or several hundred, human beings were killed, as is asserted, certainly does not correspond to the truth.

但我現在還有另外一個問題:你現在已不再做任何預報了,因為地球的人們根本不聽,所以就完全失去了意義。他們依舊我行我素不聽警告,因此引發了越來越多的災難。最近,日本有一次 9 級地震並引發了海嘯,海嘯席捲了附近的村莊和城鎮而造成重大災害。隨著越來越多的核子反應爐失效,致使核輻射無可避免地洩漏出來,污染導致許多人喪失生命。同時令人擔心的是,輻射已大幅擴散,污染了土地、植物與生物,範圍遠超過了死亡區域。輻射不止可遠及日本的北部與南部,甚至也可到達中國,並穿越太平洋到達美國,而最終還要視風的情況,很可能會污染整個世界。毫無疑問,海嘯發生後的狂暴破壞力,勢必奪去成千上萬的人的生命,但有些地區據說只有幾百人死亡,這種說法顯然不是事實。

My question in regard to that is whether I am correct with these assumptions and also thereby, that many more human beings will be killed or become sick with cancer and lose their lives as a result of the nuclear radiation? I would also like to know what you have to say in regard to the safety of atomic power plants and atomic reactors, as they are built and operated here on the Earth? You did already say around 25 years ago in a private conversation, when the Chernobyl disaster occurred, that there is no effective safety for such atomic energy-generation facilities, and that the human beings of Earth also could never create such atomic facilities in this respect, which could provide absolute safety. Also to say is that our geologists and all those who concern themselves with seaquakes and earthquakes still continue to make no distinction between seaquakes and earthquakes, although these are two different forms of quakes. Can you just say something in a simple language which is understandable for me and also all other lay persons?

我的問題是:核污染會造成許多人立即致死或因此得癌症而亡,這個推測是否正確?另外我也想知道:你認為地球上的核電廠和核反應爐的安全性如何?大約在 25 年前,當車諾比核災難發生時,你在一次私人會談中提到,不存在一種有效且安全的核能生產設備,所以地球人永遠無法建造出這樣絕對安全的核能設備。地球的地質學家和所有關心這方面的人,目前還不知道陸地地震和海洋地震的區別;雖然這是兩種不同的震動。而你能用很簡單的語言,為我和那些非專業的人士解釋一下嗎?


That which you say corresponds to reality. Seaquakes give rise to faults in the ocean floor and movements of water which form into simple or manifold tsunamis and evoke much worse destruction than earthquakes, which are geared towards mere destructions caused by tremors, fissures in the earth and superficial cracks and by the ground shifting. Seaquakes therefore correspond to a completely different form than earthquakes. Florena and Enjana have taken the trouble to clarify, on site at the effected areas in Japan, that which has occurred concerning the human beings who have lost their lives – there are many thousands who were beyond saving, buried under mud and rubble, or were pulled out into the ocean with the retreating masses of water. It is too late to save them, aside from a few.


And what there is to say about that which you say, in regard to the atomic power plants, is that, right from the beginning when the first power plant of this kind was built, no safety at all was provided and it was completely irresponsibly dealt with. There can never be absolute safety provided for atomic power plants, as we know from our own experience when our forefathers used the same unsafe technology for obtaining energy, whereby it was very much more developed than is the case with the current terrestrial atomic technology. Such atomic power plants, often with several reactors, were operated until an unparalleled nuclear disaster occurred worldwide, when, as a result of malfunctions resulting from unexpected, external, cosmic influences, a great number of reactors burst, which claimed the lives of more than 48 million human beings.

關於你提到的核電廠的安全問題, 當第一座核電廠建立的時候,就沒有提供徹底的安全保障 ,這是完全不負責任的做法。 根據我們祖先慘痛的經驗,永遠不存在絕對安全的核電廠,當初我們核能電廠的技術比現在地球相關科技先進的多 ,這種核能電廠通常有幾個反應爐在運作,直到一次史無前例的核災難在全球出現,那是 起因於一些未預期的外在宇宙影響,導致設備故障而引發了大量反應爐的爆炸,最終造成了超過 4,800 萬人的死亡

Something on the same, or similar, scale can also happen on the Earth, because atomic reactors can never be so controlled that no accident or mishap can occur. There are, in fact, sooner or later, always influences which lead to a smaller or greater catastrophe. If nothing of the kind happens then one can talk of pure luck.

類似或小一些規模的事故也可能發生在地球上,因為原子反應爐從來都是不易控制的,不會沒有意外或災難發生。 遲早會有一些影響會造成或小或大的災禍,如果沒有發生就只能說是走運而已

With our forefathers, a new energy-obtaining technology, which could absolutely guarantee safety, was only created after a worldwide catastrophe was caused by bursting atomic reactors - as a result of which gigantic areas were contaminated with nuclear radiation for a very long time. In regard to an atomic power plant technology which could prevent all disturbance of any dangerous kind from coming about as a result of any influences, there is no guarantee, because too many factors exist in this relationship, meaning that a destructive malfunction, and thereby a catastrophe, can arise.


The greatest danger of all is formed by unpredictable human failures in regard to careless technical faults as well as cosmic influences, as with dangerous destructive radiations which issue from the solar structures. Meteorites are also factors which can trigger a destruction of nuclear power plants and their atomic reactors. Therefore not only earthquakes and seaquakes have to be taken into consideration, rather also the named possibilities as well as faulty functions of facilities, and also incalculable harmful consequences as a result of the nuclear fuel itself, which, above all, means a constant danger, as do its waste products. All this, along with cooling agents which can fail as a result of certain chemical changes to the “Kernverbrennungseinflusses“, a fact which is still completely unknown to the operators and specialists of terrestrial atomic energy.

而最大的危險因素則是不可預期的人為疏失,這是有關對外在宇宙與來自太陽輻射的危險破壞方面探測技術的誤判。隕石也是導致核電廠和其反應爐毀壞的因素,因此不止要考慮陸地地震和海洋地震,更要考量的包含控制設備失效、核燃料與核廢料本身的危險性及所造成災害的可能性。此外還有冷媒可能會因為化學變化成為" Kernverbrennungseinflusses "而導致失效,而這個事實是目前地球的核能專家和操作員還完全不知道的。

Even when water is used for cooling, it can lose its consistency and become steam, which develops a monstrous explosive power, as can also be the case with pure chemical coolants. Even the best cooling systems provide no absolute safety for cooling the fuel elements if an accident happens. But there are also yet other dangerous factors, which are not borne in mind because these are not known to the atomic physicists, and so forth, because they simply do not think far enough and do not search for other forms of causes which contain dangers. So, therefore, something unpleasant, dangerous and destructive, and even a catastrophe, can always happen unexpectedly. And even if the state of atomic technology on the Earth were much higher, that would change nothing regarding the danger of atomic power plants and their atomic reactors, because they are unpredictable in one way or another in regard to many kinds of things, which would still not be recognised in regard to terrestrial nuclear technology. And the danger does not only consist of that, because the greatest danger exists in the fact that radioactivity is emitted and spreads out and contaminates very much over a very long time and even over hundreds of thousands of years and many millions of years, and indeed regardless of whether the radiation contaminates everything in small or big amounts. It is fundamentally irresponsible to obtain energy by means of nuclear power plants. Consequently they must be strictly forbidden. And that does not only concern atomic power plants in the large context, as in the obtaining of electric energy for the population, rather it also concerns small nuclear power plants with atomic reactors, as, for example, in submarines, and so forth.



That is clearly said, but, in their atomic-power-energy delusion, the Earthlings already have hundreds of atomic power plants and atomic reactors built and operating worldwide, and were these now suddenly brought to a standstill, then there would be a worldwide, drastic energy shortage. In fact there are far too few power plants which are operated by renewable energies for the whole energy requirement to be met thereby. Therefore, other power plants must first be created and built, with which all the atomic power plants can be replaced. But that will take a long time yet, because the relevant scientists and specialists are too stupid to develop energy power plants which are absolutely free of harmful chemicals, as well as being completely safe, as your forefathers also did in regard to thermal power plants, as I once learned from your daughter Semjase. She explained that heat was tapped deep in the interior of the planet and, with it, gigantic thermal power plants were operated, by means of which all energy requirements on your planets could be met, before further energy producing technologies were developed which were free of harmful substances. No dangerous waste products of any kind thereby arose and there were no worst-possible-case-scenarios and super worst-possible-case-scenarios, as became evident with your earlier atomic power plants and which also inevitably occur again and again here on the Earth with the atomic power plants. This, along with smaller atomic power plant accidents, which are kept secret from the public which is only informed when a greater catastrophe happens, as it now does in Japan and years ago in Chernobyl.

話雖如此,但是以擁核人士的觀點來看,現在地球上已經有那麼多的核能電廠和核子反應爐在運作,如果讓這些設備突然停頓下來,那麼將會造成嚴重的全球能源短缺。而目前使用再生能源的電廠非常少,不足以滿足所缺的能源需求。所以要取代所有的核能電廠,勢必要先興建其他的發電廠,而將需要很長的時間。但地球的相關科學家和專家們,對於發展完全沒有化學副作用和絕對安全的能源電廠方面,仍顯得力有未逮,做不到像你們先祖所使用的熱能電廠一樣。這是有一次我曾經聽你女兒 Semjase 說過:你們可以從星球內部開採熱能,並建立了許多龐大的熱能電廠以供應所有的能源需求。這種方式沒有產生任何有害的物質,也不會發生最壞可能的情況與超級最壞可能的情況事件;就像你們之前所發生的核電廠事故,也正如在地球上一再而無可避免發生的核電廠事故一樣。而這些事故如果不算嚴重,那麼就會被當局密而不宣,但若事態嚴重,就不得不公諸於世,就像目前日本的狀況以及多年前在車諾比所發生的大災難一樣。

And if an accident happens, that is to say, a mishap, or, an atomic power plant catastrophe, then the population is thoroughly lied to by the atomic power plant authorities and by the governments. Along with that, it is also at these moments when the governments worldwide make great speeches, arrogantly open their mouths with great claims and hypocrisy, and scream, and so on, for the examination of the risks, for safety measures and for bringing the atomic power plants to a standstill. But they do this, on one hand, only out of cowardly anxiety, but on the other hand - cunningly, meanly and sanctimoniously - also in order to win points from the people for the next election, because they hope to again be voted into office. It has always been the case that each mishap, every accident and each catastrophe has been used and dissected by certain governments and economic bosses as well as by businesses, and generally by many human beings, for their own benefit and profit, and indeed effectively in the sense that, since time immemorial, when it brings personal advantage, graves are walked over without any conscience. And, naturally, the people howl with these wolves, after which everything is then quickly forgotten when the catastrophe has passed and all evils have abated and personal profit has been drawn from it. Thus, they further muddle about in the old contexts and style, exactly as it always has been. Precisely thereby is it proven that all the slimy, arrogant verbalising of the particular governing people is null and void and was nothing but lies. And those among the governing ones and the people who are against the use of nuclear technology in regard to atomic power plants of all kinds and against atomic weapons, and so forth, are simply shouted down or are sent packing by the atomic supporters, so that they can no longer be a disturbance with their justified concerns. Not only the operators of the atomic power plants and many of the governing ones who scream for atomic power plants belong to the atomic energy lobby, rather also many of the people, who truly have no idea about the dangers of atomic technology. And thus all those mentioned do not know, that, for example, when the Sun suddenly goes crazy and hurls monstrous radiations to Earth, all electrical apparatuses, devices, generators, pumps and machines, and so forth, suddenly break down and the cooling of the atomic reactors can be paralysed. And if something like that happens then a worldwide nuclear catastrophe comes about, when the atomic reactors blow up. One can certainly assume that, with the atomic power plants, the reactors’ cooling systems have their own energy supply, yet these can also break down as a result of the Sun’s monstrous radiation, as you once said.

然而一旦意外發生,也就是說發生某項災變或是核電廠重大事故,那麼社會大眾完全會被核電廠的相關負責人員和當政府局的謊言所欺瞞。在此時刻,也正是全世界的政府當局開始大作文章虛偽應付的時候,他們會大張旗鼓地展開調查,並宣稱為安全考量而勒令核電廠停止運作。然而他們之所以如此,一方面是為了降低大眾的憂慮,而另一方面(不堪的),其實是為了考量下次選舉的勝選或是繼續掌權執政。這種情況在每次意外災變發生時,都被某些政府官員與那些工商領袖,乃至於一些利益團體所操縱,為了當從中獲利,他們有效利用人類的健忘特性,冷血罔顧人們的生家性命。於是每當事情發生了,人民自然會向這些豺狼般的當局發出怒吼,但在事過境遷且該逃人的逃避、該賺的人賺飽之後,教訓很快被人遺忘。因此,舊事一再重演,這正也應證了那批有權支配此事的人士,平日滿口胡言欺世妄為的那套,除了謊言之外毫無意義。而那些介於權力當局與反核人士(反對使用核能科技用於發電與軍事等方面的人)之間的群眾,僅僅在被那些擁核人士威脅利誘之下,便不再出於正義的關懷站出來參與抗爭。 不僅是那些核電廠的操作人員以及為核能遊說的核電廠當局人士,甚至社會大眾都並不真正了解核能技術所存在的風險 ;這些我們曾經提到的狀況並沒有被注意。例如:當太陽突然變得狂暴並猛烈噴發出各種射線到地球時,所有的電子設備、發電機、幫浦與機器等等會瞬間停止工作,而反應爐的冷卻系統也會因此而癱瘓,如果發生類似這樣的事情,當核反應爐爆炸,那麼世界性的核災難就會出現。可以肯定的一點是, 就算核電廠的核反應爐,其冷卻系統有它自己的能源供應,但當發生太陽猛烈噴發射線時,仍然會造成冷卻系統失效的狀況 ,正如你之前所說的那樣。


That is in fact possible.



Neither the atomic power plant operators nor the atomic physicists or the governing ones think of that, and neither do the people.



That is in fact the case, and, in their ignorance, in their irresponsibility and in their arrogant claims, they contest absolutely all the named possibilities by means of which small and big catastrophes can be triggered if atomic reactors explode and atomically contaminate large areas for a very long time. That was the case in Chernobyl as you said, and so it will also be in Japan. And if all atomic power plants worldwide, with their atomic reactors, are not put out of operation and dismantled, then it is only a question of time before a big and worldwide atomic catastrophe breaks out over the Earth and the terrestrial humanity, which can then cost millions of human lives.

事實就是這個情況,而由於人們的無知、不負責任和自大,他們絕對會就核子反應爐爆炸與核輻射的長時間污染,究竟會造成多大與多小災難的所有可能性,這個議題上爭論不休,這就是你所說的車諾比所發生的情況,同樣也會在日本發生。 如果全世界核電廠的核反應爐不停止運作並予以拆除,那麼發生影響全世界而造成地球上百萬人失去生命的大災難,遲早要發生。


They are playing with fire, like ignorant children who have not yet burnt their fingers on the fire.



... Yes, one can word it in such a way, and use it as a comparison.



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英文資料插入自: http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Contact_Report_516

中文翻譯參考自: http://kawa168.pixnet.net/blog/post/141939157





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