Contact Report 544-1 第544次接觸報告之一
Synopsis 摘要
In this large contact report extract Billy and Ptaah discuss many subjects including:
● The 7 major forces of nature of which only 4 are known to Earth scientists.
● The risk of breakdown of the global ocean conveyor belt.
● That the Sol star has a dark twin 1 light year away hence we live in a binary star system.
● The dark twin's effects on the Oort Cloud.
● What caused the Neanderthal humans to die out.
● Actions of several presidents of the USA.
● The behaviour of FIGU members.
● The effects of consumed fats, oils and sugars on the human body.
● The yeti/sasquatch/bigfoot.
This is an excerpt of the contact. This is an official and authorised translation of a FIGU publication.
When I was in the fourth grade of the Hans Frei primary school, it was in 1948, your father, Sfath, explained to me that altogether there are seven major forces of nature in the universe: on the one hand, the gravity, then the electromagnetism as well as the strong and weak nuclear force, and further the ...
在1948年,當我還在Hans Frei小學念四年級的時候,你的父親Sfath曾告訴我,宇宙間總共有七種大自然的作用力,也就是:重力、電磁力、強核力與弱核力(中譯者註:又名強交互作用與弱交互作用),以及…
Stop. You are not permitted to openly name the other three, as indeed my father already told you. These three other forces of nature are not yet known of by terrestrial physicists, and they are still not allowed to discover them, because premature knowledge would have severe consequences.
All right, excuse me, it remains withheld. It is certainly not in my interest to betray confided secrets, as I really only wanted to talk about the fact that there are not only the four natural forces known to the terrestrial physicists, rather also the remaining three which are still unknown to them, which exist as certain tiny and ultra-tiny particles, as related to the gravity, the electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear force. Also the dark energy and dark matter are included in the realm of particles, whereby certain of these particles, which are indeed also energies with forces, are to be discovered in the foreseeable future, as you have said recently. Although it will still take a while, the success is to be understood, indeed according to your explanation, as a prediction. Additionally, I may certainly say, these – let us say, the normal or simple – elemental particles, in turn, contain, in sevenfold ways, still tinier particles, which, as I learnt from Sfath, can be designated as a kind of ultra-tiny, ultra-elemental particle, so to speak. Even when I note, with this statement, that a fundamental seven-fold chain of natural forces exists and that other particles exist among the known and unknown elemental particles and that only begins among that seven-series, whereby originally everything evolved from pure spirit energy - I thereby betray no secret, because all of that corresponds to the spiritual teaching, in which I indeed also mention these things openly.
And since the terrestrial physicists, especially the particle physicists, lack the inner and fundamental knowledge about the actual spirit-energetic structure of these things, indeed, they cannot do anything anyway, with that of which I speak. There would certainly have to be exact statements and explanations in order for the physicists to get any use out of it. The physical knowledge in relation to the true and basic structure, and the exact interrelationships of the matter, still remain, among the physicists, indeed, in the material realm of matter, because they have currently still not become so smart that they would have arrived at the idea that the origin of all matter, everything which exists and the entire universe, cannot be explained simply from the perspective of the purely material realm. The elemental particles, as such - in spite of their energetic tininess and inconspicuousness - are also purely material and not immaterial, because the immaterial is of pure spirit-energetic nature, and that energy alone is absolutely the one and only origin of all things and all matter of any kind. And thereby, belonging to matter is everything which is solid material, liquid and gaseous, which can also be perceived by humans and measured in the most various ways and demonstrated, as your father explained to me according to your physics. That which is fine matter, and finest matter, however, consists of pure spirit energy, and this is not graspable for the human being. And alone this spirit energy is the origin of all the existence of any of those things which human beings have registered, proven and measured in any manner, while, up to the present time is not yet possible, and will not even be possible for a long time into the future, for him/her to provide evidence for, and measure, the creational-natural spirit energy. But since those terrestrial physicists - who deal with the origin of life, and therefore with the solid, liquid and gaseous matter, and who attempt to explore everything in this regard - lack even the most minimal knowledge regarding the spirit energy from which everything in its absolute origin has emerged and is created, they are still very far from being able to research it and gain knowledge about how the process of coming into material being results from pure spiritual energy.
Like children poking with displeasure at their food and not finding what tastes good to them in it, so the terrestrial physicists poke around in an area where they cannot find the real source of all things. Naturally, it is necessary with the research related to this, to recognise the purely physical aspects of the matter and then properly utilise the findings so as to do no harm with them, but if the real origin of all things is to become recognised, then finally the cognition must mature that this lies in the spirit energy. However, this has nothing to do with that which is erroneously designated as “spirit” by the human beings of the Earth, which is meant, as such, to embody that which is the human consciousness. The spirit, that is to say, the spirit energy, is not the consciousness, because the spirit, or indeed the spirit energy, does not think and creates no “spiritual” property, because this is reserved for the material consciousness alone. Thus, in human beings - or other forms of life – also no “illness of the spirit”, and so forth, can appear, rather only a clouding and illness, and so forth, of the consciousness, because the spirit, that is to say, the spirit form, that is to say, the spirit energy, is absolutely off limits and not capable of being influenced by anything such as diseases, and so forth, from the material realm.
Seen from this viewpoint, there are no objections to your statements. It seemed to me to be wrong that you wanted to speak openly about that which must be done with respect to ...
Excuse me. One can always err, whereby really nobody is excluded. But your admonition, that I betray nothing which could bring harm, is really quite appropriate, because it could well be that I prattle away. And I understand that - with the earthlings, especially among physicists of all kinds - too much knowledge would lead to catastrophic disaster if they could gain knowledge of certain things too early. That which has resulted from the much too early insight, with respect to the atomic physics, alone proved, to a terrible degree, that which premature findings cause, if they can be put into practice. Further, and even worse, disasters could happen if, with respect to the particle physics, premature findings could be obtained and new and even more catastrophic weapons than the atomic bomb could be thereby fabricated. And as Sfath once explained to me, this should be absolutely possible in regard to the ultra-elemental particles, were they misused for the purposes of destruction. But perhaps it would be good if you could also contribute your part to all that I have said, but in a simple way, please, so that all interested human beings understand what you have to say.
I will gladly do that. Set out in a simple way of speaking, premature cognition could lead to serious consequences, as also happened with the prematurely gained cognitions pertaining to nuclear fission. Through these alone, in relation to the terrestrial humanity, already extremely malignant, dangerous, negative and catastrophic consequences result, but also enormous irreparable damage and destruction to the entire fauna, flora and climate which extend into the present and future time. The catastrophic effects of untimely knowledge regarding physical laws, their values and possibilities, are that through the cognition in relation to nuclear technology and its use in the form of nuclear bombs and weapons, and so forth, for mass extermination of human beings and their treacherous murder and for enormous destruction of human achievement through acts of war, and so forth, and to bring about death, disaster and destruction to the terrestrial humanity. Also to additionally note are the most serious consequences of nuclear power plants, which due to direct or indirect technical failure triggered by natural forces, have irradiated and made uninhabitable very large areas for a very long time. This is in addition to the irradiation of human beings and all kinds of animals, which has led to countless deaths, miscarriages and terrible mutations and which also continues to emerge.
Since the terrestrial scientists, not only physicists, but scientists of all colours, are not aware of their real responsibility with regard to their research and findings - as has been proven over the last four thousand years - then every new scientific finding endangers life, fauna and flora, as well as humanity, when it deals with every kind of new thing which can be used in any destructive and life-impairing way. For this reason, we must prevent the explanation and release of at least our very comprehensive, highly-advanced and very far-reaching technical, physical, medical, biological, chemical, astronomical - and so forth - knowledge, skills, practices, capabilities, possibilities and policy, and so forth, in regard to the Earth human being, because, through their irresponsibility, they would wreak still very much greater calamities than they have already done for thousands of years and continue to do. In accordance with our directives, we cannot even describe our advanced and extensive medical knowledge and practice, because the knowledge which we possess of medical science would also be irresponsibly and mercilessly abused by the Earth humans, be it for the purpose of torture, espionage, or in the sense that certain tyrants and other powers would use them only for themselves alone. For example, to extend their lives for many decades and even centuries, and to rule over their peoples as merciless, unscrupulous, brutal, and in many regards degenerate, tyrants. So our directives prohibit us from revealing our knowledge to such still monstrously barbaric and irresponsible human beings, and unfortunately there are not only individual power-greedy, but the bulk of the Earth's humanity is degenerated in such a way that the higher knowledge in the named areas is not permitted to be conveyed to them.
In fact, in today's mass of more than eight billion Earth humans, there is only a minority to be identified which is concerned with real humanity and actually being human. And, in relation to the perception, recognition and observance of the creative-natural laws and recommendations, it is only this minority that is also making conscious effort about the evolution of consciousness. The only way to help out in a general form is therefore only, that by way of impulses, we provide a certain help, regarding the development of righteousness of Earth humanity, so that they learn to perceive the creational-natural laws and recommendations, to make them their own, and they gradually implement them in a progressive manner. We are thus making an effort, in certain humanities, to teach unassuming persons by means of impulses of the universally-identically-worded, creational-natural laws and recommendations, so that these persons can become instructively active among their peoples, however, without them having an inkling thereby that impulse-related teachings have entered them. On worlds where larger groups of the most distant descendants of the Nokodemion line exist, sages - if they have reached a certain level of consciousness-evolution – are introduced among the people, who then achieve the instruction through them. This is also so, in a similar manner, with respect to the Earth human beings, whereby, in this case, however, a direct line to the Nokodemion-prophethood exists, in which a greater number of ancient mission participants are integrated, which, indeed, I do not need to explain specifically to you.
... but the over-population causes damage, and indeed increasingly, because it is growing ceaselessly and through that, with all the trappings of terrible things which are created from it, ever more natural disasters appear. In this regard, you told be privately recently that, by means of the climate change caused by humanity, the world’s oceans heat up quite enormously and thereby the so-called global conveyor belt which drives the water through all the world's oceans could break down.
… 但是「人口過剩」會造成傷害,而且這種傷害還在持續增加中。因為增加沒有停止,所有隨之而生的自然災害就越來越多。關於這方面,你最近私下告訴過我,由於人類造成的氣候變遷,地球上的海水受到大幅的增溫,因此具有驅動全球洋流作用的所謂「全球洋流輸送帶」將會停止。
That is right, because if the global conveyor belt – which as the enormous current runs through the seas and constantly mixes their water – breaks down, then the movement of the oceans will cease, which then means that the majority all life on Earth will be extinguished. It is already, at the present time, very bad, because the oceans have warmed to an alarming degree, and indeed in the last 17.9 years, with a thermal energy which must be computed as the equivalent of two (2) billion Hiroshima atom bombs. Through the fault of the Earth humanity, the Earth is now already in the midst of this destructive process, whereby the oceans, and the global conveyor belt, increasingly heat up increasingly dangerously.
But all talk and warning is useless, also with respect to all other terrible things, as, for example, in regard to the fact that cattle, pigs, other animals and all kinds of poultry are bred in enormous masses in order to control the human beings’ hunger for meat. However, the world’s population is no more informed about how enormous masses and tonnages of foods are thereby grown and are produced only to feed all these creatures, than it is with respect to the fact that enormous amounts of foods made from plants are converted into biofuel, in order to operate motor vehicles. And all this happens through unscrupulous multinational corporations and unscrupulous farmers, and so forth, who only rake in money and want to get richer, while millions of human beings go hungry and starve on the Earth. But we have already also talked about that often, for which reason I want to talk to you now about something quite unpleasant. ...
We Plejaren are also indeed nothing other than human beings - even if we, compared to the Earth human beings, are far more advanced in all forms of development. We are in every respect human and also remain human, at least as long as we do still have human bodies and have not yet entered the level of the “Supreme Council”.
Gratifying to hear that.
... Then I have a question related to the Neanderthals, that is to say, their extinction. Again and again, on television and in newspapers and magazines, reports about them are provided, whereby the scientists, however, still do not know what the real reason was for their extinction. There is the widest variety of horrible theories about that, including one which states that the Neanderthals were exterminated by the then emerging human Homo sapiens, indeed, as you yourself also once said. But that is really true up to the last detail? Among other things, we also both spoke about this on August 11th, 2008, at the 469th contact conversation, where you said this: (excerpt from Volume 11, page 422, sentences 135-139):
… 接下來我想了解有關於尼安德塔人,關於他們滅絕方面的問題。由於在電視與雜誌都一再作了相關的報導,然而科學家們都還不知道他們滅絕的真正原因。有種可怕的論調廣為流傳,是說尼安德塔是被後來出現的類似現代人的「智人」所消滅,而的確你也這麼說過,但是這是確切的事實嗎?關於這方面,我們在2008年8月11日的第469次接觸報告中你也有說道:
135. It was indeed the case that in the most various locations the modern human beings interbred with Neanderthals and begot offspring.
136. This however was not the rule, but occurred rather sparsely.
137. As a rule, the modern human beings hunted the Neanderthals and killed them, to use them as food, because the early homo sapiens were cannibals, and as such they by and by wiped out the Neanderthals.
138. Partly, the modern human beings held Neanderthals as captives, which they killed and ate in case of need for food. Such captives were also used, on certain occasions, to perform sexual acts with the homo sapiens, and indeed with both sexes.
139. As a result, also certain female Neanderthals and homo sapiens bore hybrids as offspring, which, however, was not often the case.
Additionally, I now want to ask you whether that which you have explained is comprehensive in relation to the extinction of the Neanderthals, or whether there were yet other factors which played a role? You did indeed once say later that the extinction of these early human beings led back not only to the then emergence of modern human beings, even though they exterminated different groups of Neanderthals. By the way, today the term Neanderthal is also written with a “th”, thus, Neanderthals. I also do not know why. If you could explain some more to to me in general now, about these early human beings and their environment, and so forth, as well as whether there were perhaps other reasons for their extinction, than those you named for me. For our scientists it is namely still not clear what the real reason was for the extinction, consequently their opinions differ. Maybe you can bring some more clarity to the matter?
[中譯者註:尼安德塔人(Neanderthals)是一群生存於舊石器時代的史前人類,1856 年,其遺跡首先在德國尼安德河谷被發現。至於是否為獨立物種還是智人的亞種則一直不確定,隨着2010年的研究發現部份現代人是其混血後代後,也可能被歸類於智人下的一個亞種。
That which I have said to you with my explanation in the 469th contact conversation corresponds very well to accuracy. But if you are mentioning the entire thing - questioning whether everything is comprehensively explained to the last detail - then there is this to say to that: that this is not the case. In fact, the modern human beings who emerged then, exterminated entire groups and tribes of Neanderthals, but also, for their final demise, anatomical influences as well as natural catastrophic climatic influences existed which I have hitherto never named, and which ultimately ended the existence of these early human beings.
Aside from the fact that modern human beings arrived in Europe from western Asia - who often ate human flesh and were anatomically far more advanced than the Neanderthals, who they hunted down, killed and used as food - there are, as already said, other important factors which led to the extinction of these early human beings. But if I am now to name still further important things, then I will be glad to do so and thus draw on our records, which we posses and with which I am familiar. Thereby, I will, however, not proceed chronologically, rather simply as I remember the facts at the moment. So the first thing to say is, that which I explained - regarding modern human beings’ cannibalism and in relation to the sexual acts between them and the Neanderthals - in fact, corresponds to the reality of that time.
Although, against all adversity at the time, the Neanderthals held their own a little more than 250,000 years ago, but, in the evolution of their body and metabolism, they were adjusted to the then prevailing very cold climate.That finally led to their last doom because, since, in a short time, extremely strong climatic changes occurred, the effect for the Neanderthals was the extremely negative impact on their food supply, consequently many began to suffer from hunger. This led over time not only to degenerative effects, but also often to death. In spite of their wildness, they were social entities and held tightly together, whereby they lived, however, only in small groups, and their total number always remained small. When diseases arose among them, they concerned themselves collectively with the sick and nursed them. Their diet consisted primarily of meat, which they captured by corresponding hunts for all kinds of small and large animals, whereby they then shared the meat among themselves in a remarkably communal way. However, they also nourished themselves with berries, fruits and plants, but the meat always remained the staple food, which was quite especially necessary for their entire constitution.
However, basically, they were poor at digesting food, about which I will speak again. Physically, they were very strong, and also all their internal and external constitution was extremely robust and adjusted in such a way to withstand very cold temperatures, which was particularly important because they indeed lived during a very cold time. They were also clever and had their own, if still primitive, language. Their existence led them into productive hunting areas in the then forests in which they also lived and knew safe shelters, in whose protection they also had their accommodations.
However, all this changed uncommonly quickly, as around 45,000 years ago, the climate began to change drastically, in addition to the fact that modern human beings made their appearance and hunted them down, kept them prisoners, engaged in sexual relations with them, but also killed and ate them when there was need for food.
The emerging climate change gradually also altered the forests and landscapes, consequently, gigantic open expanses emerged in which the Neanderthals could not hold their own, and, as a consequence of their cumbersomeness, also could not hunt. Their employment was the forests in which they could stalk the game to be hunted and could kill it with primitive, heavy spears provided with well formed stone points. These heavy killing instruments and the ponderousness and clumsiness of the Neanderthals made it impossible for them to hold their own in the vast open plains. Moreover, they could not stalk the wildlife on open land because it fled quickly if it sighted or caught the scent of the human beings. So the Neanderthals crept away and hid in the now thinner forests, but where they also had more and more difficulties in relation to the hunt because, when stalking the animals, they had no more cover because of the forests areas becoming lighter. Furthermore, it was the case that the Neanderthals could not adequately utilise the nutrients from meat, plants, berries and fruits and could not efficiently convert them into energy, consequently they had to constantly eat large quantities. The cells, and their energies and strengths, of the early human beings were of an entirely different nature compared with the much lighter and more flexibly-built modern human beings.
With the Neanderthals, the entire metabolism was adapted to produce heat, which was absolutely necessary as a consequence of the then prevailing cold. This was completely different from the modern human beings who had emerged, and were downright puny compared to the Neanderthals and displayed totally different characteristics to the heavily-built, early human beings. And since Neanderthals increasingly lacked food, it naturally led to many starving, while others were hunted down by the modern cannibalistic human beings and captured, to use them as welcome sex objects and as food in need.
Since, through the sexual acts between the Neanderthals and the modern human beings, offspring were also conceived, it happened that the offspring increasingly had the characteristics of the modern human beings, consequently, this is another factor which led to the extinction and extermination of pure Neanderthals. And since evolution never stops, the result was that the modern human beings also evolved further until they became today's Homo sapiens sapiens whereby, to this day, preserved in the genomes of many Earth human beings is the inherited legacy of the Neanderthals. Indeed they became extinct nearly 30,000 years ago, but their genetic legacy persists today and will also continue from generation to generation into the future.
Regarding the direct descendents of the Neanderthals as well as those in which the modern human beings have been involved, it should be explained, however, that, also in this respect, factors of extinction played a role. Compared to the modern human beings, Neanderthals exhibited a larger skull, which made birth very difficult because of the birth canal often not adequately dilating, for which reason many females died in childbirth or through severe life-threatening infections. Births among Neanderthals were therefore particularly complicated and difficult, as well as often fatal, which was also the reason that the numbers of these early humans did not greatly increase, and they only appeared in small groups. But in addition to the genome of Neanderthals, also traces of the genetic material of other close relatives have found their way into today's Earth human beings living in Europe. While there are now, among the approximately 8 billion Earth human beings, no more pure Neanderthals, their heritage is still contained to a greater or lesser extent in the genome of many Earth human beings.
And, as you say, the fact is that with the terrestrial scientists, there are many theories regarding the Neanderthals, who, in their pure form, have not existed for approximately 30,000 years. But since their heritage, in small parts, namely up to seven per cent, still exists today, in the genome of many Earth human beings, it must really be asked whether the Neanderthals have actually died out, because if some Earth human beings nowadays are observed and considered, it could actually be assumed that Neanderthals have still not become extinct. This fact alone, of the Neanderthal heritage in the genome of many modern Earth humans, proves that these early human beings had sexual relationships with the modern human beings, from which offspring emerged that further propagated over many generations and have passed on their heritage - up into the present time.