Contact Report 869/第869次接觸報告
最初英譯:2023年11月14日,星期二,DeepL Translator
改進版本:N/A,Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2023年11月21日,星期二,ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu
四、Plejaren和他們的聯邦並不熱衷於以任何方式與地球上的人類接觸,儘管曾經有人試圖這樣做,但沒有結果,因為地球人 —— 更確切地說,是美國人 —— 自大而狂妄,認為他們必須對Plejaren提出條件。當時,Billy與某些能夠與美國政府等進行交涉的人進行了接觸,結果他們提出了無法實現的條件。這是因為無禮和魯莽的行為,證明這種努力是毫無意義的,也絕對無法實現。
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
Greetings, Eduard, my friend, here I am, as I promised yesterday and you gave me the articles, which I have been able to copy and edit in the meantime. These are now formulated according to what the interviews revealed, following which you can reproduce them verbatim as you can read them here.
Thank you, but greetings and also welcome. Show me, please – – – Yes, I think that is a good thing, although I think that those fallible good-for-nothings and misgovernors in Bern, who are responsible for the EU dictatorship adopting sanctions and applying them against Russia, can take a noseful of what neutrality really is not and that it must also not be broken by the slime-mongering of those in power. And the fellow travellers who have allowed themselves to be 'bamboozled' into doing so are probably no better, as are those dubious elements who also betray neutrality and support offices of the murderous organisation NATO in Switzerland, thereby once again shoving neutrality into the mud. But these articles here, written by renowned foreigners who really know what Switzerland's neutrality is all about, say exactly what needs to be said and denounce those members of the Swiss government who have acted treacherously and adopted the sanctions of the EU dictatorship and applied them against Russia. But this also applies to those who, in violation of neutrality, treacherously advocate a NATO office in Switzerland, because whatever the case may be, neutrality allows neither one nor the other, nor anything else that would violate it or even make a mockery of it. However, rulers – from the highest to the lowest – who smear neutrality and thus first and foremost betray Switzerland do not belong in the office entrusted to them, which was given to them in good faith in order to lead the country honestly and in a Swiss manner and to represent it abroad. However, a government figure who violates neutrality in a smarmy manner and thereby calls it into question is to be removed from office immediately without pardon or ifs and buts and never reinstated in any office – regardless of which one it may also be. But here I want to read through what I skimmed over earlier and what you were in favour of:
Excerpt and free-form rendition of interviews:
"Switzerland's Neutrality Should Be Defended Tooth and Nail"
Harald Kujat, the former NATO general, warns Switzerland against a rapprochement with NATO. He was speaking about the war in Ukraine and also about the military mistakes of the West.
前北約將軍Harald Kujat(暫譯為哈拉爾德.庫查特)警告瑞士不要靠近北約。他在談論烏克蘭戰爭以及西方的軍事錯誤時發表了這番言論。
"Switzerland has its own goals, its own interests, which it must preserve."
This is what Harald Kujat says
這是哈拉爾德.庫查特(Harald Kujat)所說
Harald Kujat, born in 1942 in West Prussia, is probably the most experienced military expert of his generation in the German military. He lost his father in the Second World War and joined the Bundeswehr himself, where he made an impressive career. For two years, from 2000 to 2002, he served as the 13th Inspector General of the Bundeswehr, making him the highest-ranking military officer in Germany. He then moved to NATO Headquarters, where he served as Chairman of the Military Committee in Brussels until 2005.
As an experienced general and NATO expert, he is concerned with Switzerland and its neutrality, commenting in particular on the increasingly uncomfortable situation in NATO, which Switzerland is moving closer to or may even want to join. In an interview he gave on the subject in October 2023, he said the following: "Switzerland has achieved its security through well-considered and proven neutrality, which it should defend tooth and nail. But if it were to join NATO, the old motto would apply: 'In for a penny, in for a pound'. Switzerland would then be involved in every confrontation in which NATO is involved. But that would be a very unpleasant situation that would also be very uncomfortable. I also say this as former Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
作為一位經驗豐富的將軍和北約專家,他關注瑞士及其中立地位,尤其是關於瑞士與北約日益緊張的情勢,對此他發表了看法,表示瑞士應該謹慎捍衛其經過深思熟慮且經得起考驗的中立地位。他在2023年10月的相關採訪中說道:「瑞士通過謹慎和經得起考驗的中立地位獲得了自身的安全,瑞士應該不遺餘力地捍衛這種中立。但是,如果瑞士加入北約,那就會應驗那句古老的格言:『一旦開始,就無退路』(In for a penny, in for a pound)。換句話說,瑞士將參與北約參與的每場對抗。然而,這將是一種非常令人不快的情況,而且還可能變得非常不安寧。這是我身為前北約軍事委員會主席的看法。」
I am also in favour of dissolving the blocs and not strengthening them, so that we can move towards a multipolar world, a world in which every state has its place, which not only guarantees it security but also freedom, without becoming heavily dependent on a third state. Switzerland is a good example: This has its own goals and its own interests, and it must preserve these through its neutrality, consequently it must never make itself the executor of the interests of other nations and must never interfere in any wise in the affairs of other states."
"The World Can Be Pacified and Saved by the Neutral State of Switzerland"
Interview with Scott Richter
與斯科特.里特(Scott Ritter)的訪談
The USA is the greatest threat to peace in the world,
says former American naval officer Scott Ritter.
"A touch of might", Scott Ritter
Quetzal: Assessing Switzerland's role in the world, especially in the conflict of Switzerland's neutrality being severely and treacherously damaged by incompetent state leadership officials, the following was revealed in an interview with Scott Ritter:
Quetzal:評估瑞士在世界上的角色,特別是在瑞士的中立性受到無能的政府官員嚴重損害並被出賣的背景下,一場與斯科特.里特(Scott Ritter)的訪談中透露了以下訊息:
Switzerland has no military army that would somehow be able to change the balance of power in Europe, and furthermore, why then should Switzerland, as a state in neutrality status, join NATO – to become stronger or something? So why should Switzerland become stronger? Is it to make Europe stronger? Switzerland really cannot do that. Why should a Swiss citizen humiliate and betray his or her own country and diminish Switzerland's neutral influence throughout the world by joining NATO? The obvious fact is that Switzerland is a small, landlocked nation with limited resources and would become completely dependent on all other countries and NATO if it entered into a direct alliance with NATO. The fact that nobody is also interested in ammunition exports from Switzerland alone makes absolutely no difference to other countries that do not supply ammunition. So the Russians will also certainly never wake up one morning and shout: "Unbelievable, but here comes ammunition from Switzerland. Whatever may also happen, whether Swiss tanks or Swissair, there is actually nothing that Switzerland has that could change the outcome of the battle in Ukraine, for example. And what it exports in terms of tanks must not be passed on to other countries for war purposes.
「瑞士沒有一支軍隊,無法改變歐洲力量平衡,此外,人們懷疑為什麼瑞士應該加入北約並保持中立狀態 —— 是為了變得更強大還是其他原因?人們想知道,瑞士為什麼需要變得更強大?難道是為了讓歐洲變得更強大?瑞士確實不能這麼做。為什麼瑞士的公民要貶低、背叛自己的國家,透過加入北約而削弱瑞士在全球的中立影響力呢?顯然事實是,瑞士是一個小國,資源有限,如果與北約直接結盟,瑞士將完全依賴所有其他國家和北約。沒有人對瑞士單獨出口彈藥感興趣,這對不供應彈藥的其他國家來說完全沒有區別。因此,俄羅斯人也絕對不會在某天早上醒來大喊:“難以置信,但這裡有來自瑞士的彈藥”。無論發生什麼,瑞士坦克也好,瑞士軍機也罷,實際上都沒有什麼可以改變烏克蘭戰局的結局。而且,瑞士出口的坦克絕不能轉交給其他國家用於戰爭目的。
Switzerland has a touch of might in Europe as a result of its neutrality, so the question is, why are unrighteous leaders etc. fooling themselves? You should speak to a psychiatrist. Find out why they feel the need to be bigger than they really are. What gives Switzerland resilience is the country's neutrality. This might make Switzerland a great nation, indeed one of the greatest nations.
If you take Korea, for example, there is a so-called demilitarised zone, which once divided a state into two, with two highly armed armies facing each other. In this zone there is a unit of 10 men, 5 of whom are Swedish and the other 5 are so-called neutral Swiss. These enjoy the trust of everyone because they are not biased and do not belong to any bloc. The 5 men from Switzerland exert more influence on global security there than a million men on both sides of the border. The human beings of Switzerland want to be good citizens, and you Swiss want to be such, you want to be a neutral party, so each of you trusts and relies on the other. However, you are saving the world in this wise. But you can only do that if you are completely neutral. I hope you Swiss understand that. What might make you the greatest nation in the world is your neutrality. But if you lose it, you will become one of the most insignificant nations in the world."
These are the effectively truthful words of these 2 men, which should be brought to the attention of those fallible Swiss leaders, and also to all other leaders of any rank.
We will certainly be concerned about that, but not only that, because we will also 'delight' other European countries with mailings. In particular, the responsible rulers of those countries should be made aware of what has been and is being done by those ineffectual national leaders in Switzerland who are treacherously and meanly making a mockery of Swiss neutrality. But such irresponsible elements unfortunately exist all over the world, and all of them do not create friendship, freedom and peace, but discord, war, disaster, destruction and annihilation, which will not bring good to Earth for a very long time to come. When you consider that in the USA, elements that endanger the country and the world are once again being allowed to take the helm of the government, who have already been criminally appointed to their positions of leadership and have proven themselves to be lousy rulers, it makes you shudder. And the fact that a country can have a hegemonic effect on the world and has been interfering in all the affairs of foreign countries worldwide since its existence and has also waged war in these countries and committed millions upon millions of murders by creating deaths upon deaths is simply accepted everywhere in the world without a murmur. This, just as America also created the murderous organisation NATO and already dominates a large part of the world through it. But it is just as bad that a foreign minister can hatefully incite the rulers and large parts of the peoples of practically the whole world to bloody war, destruction and annihilation, and it is probably important that I openly mention the names of those who are to blame for the fact that the stink on Earth has now started anew in this wise manner and has begun to run rampant and is now continuing and bringing bad consequences.
America is at the forefront of all this mischief, and has been since time immemorial, and for some 75 years together with the murderous organisation NATO, which was brought into being in April 1949 by the fixed hegemony idea of Harry S Truman, which was supposedly founded as a counter-pole against communism and thus against the Soviet Union, but in truth was really intended solely to serve the realisation of America's world domination mania, as Truman led his nasty devious thoughts, which Sfath could experience personally and without any doubt with this creep. Truman, as a capitalist thinker, was vehemently opposed to communism, so he labelled it a dictatorship, and this 'assessment of communism' spread very quickly in America and throughout the Western world, so that since then communism has almost always been equated with anti-capitalism in the West. This is despite the fact that this claim of Truman's assessment is false, because communists and socialists see it as the realisation of democracy and the reconciliation of individual freedom with social justice. Well, because communism had as its basis the anti-capitalism that was triggered and pursued, but which from the beginning already had different directions, which entailed activities and attempts at implementation and conflicts in this regard, so also different ideologies of socialism, which were ideologically intended to overcoming capitalism, but also liberating the working class from its poverty and oppression, thereby striving for equality and solidarity together with emancipation, which should bring a social order orientated in this respect, which should actually be nothing other than a classless society. This was propagated in this wise, if I remember correctly, by a nationally organised party-political organisation called the Bolsheviks, led or led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. And if I remember correctly, the ideas of Friedrich Engels, a German factory owner, philosopher, social theorist, historian and, like Karl Marx, also a German philosopher, economist and social theorist, who lived sometime in the 19th century or the century before last, also played a role in socialism and communism.
美國一直站在整個災難的最前線,這種情況早已存在,自約75年前開始,與在1949年4月由哈瑞.S.杜魯門(Harry S Truman)的固定霸權思想催生了北約,這個組織據稱是作為對抗共產主義和蘇聯的反極權力量而成立的,但實際上確實僅僅是為了實現美國的世界霸權妄想,杜魯門在這方面的卑劣陰險想法,Sfath可以親身經歷這一切,毫無疑問,他是這個令人毛骨悚然的傢伙。杜魯門作為一個資本主義思想家,堅決反對共產主義,因此他給共產主義貼上了獨裁的標籤,這種「對共產主義的評價」在美國和整個西方世界迅速傳播,自那時以來,在西方,共產主義幾乎總是與反資本主義势力等同起來。儘管杜魯門的這一判斷是錯誤的,因為共產主義者和社會主義者認為共產主義是民主的實現,是個人自由與社會公正的協調。因為共產主義是以反資本主義為基礎的,反資本主義是由共產主義引發和追求的,但從一開始就有不同的方向,這就需要在這方面開展活動、嘗試實施和衝突,所以社會主義也有不同的意識形態,這些意識形態目的在克服資本主義,同時也將工人階級從貧困和壓迫中解放出來,從而在解放的同時爭取平等和團結,這應該帶來一個以這方面為導向的社會秩序,實際上應該是一個無階級的社會。如果我沒記錯的話,這是由弗拉迪米爾.伊里奇.列寧(Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)領導的一個名為布爾什維克(Bolsheviks)的全國性政黨政治組織以這種方式傳播的。而如果我記得正確的話,社會主義和共產主義也受到弗里德里希.恩格斯(Friedrich Engels)的思想的影響,他是一位德國工廠主、哲學家、社會理論家和歷史學家,同樣地也受到卡爾.馬克思(Karl Marx)的影響,他是一位德國哲學家、經濟學家和社會理論家,同樣也是19世紀的人。
Engels and Marx were good friends and had big plans, namely to change the world. They wanted a fairer society and thus a better life and existence for the working class, as well as justice, namely that there should no longer be any exploitation 'of human beings by human beings'. This led to the class struggle in the 19th century, with Marx in particular taking the view that the creation of the 'new order of society' that he and Engels were striving for could not be achieved without Gewalt. This could only be possible because the dictatorship of the rich, the rulers and the governed could only be abolished and broken by the proletariat through Gewalt. Only in this manner would it be possible to achieve socialisation and thus common ownership, and more precisely, through the worldwide abolition of private ownership of the means of production and its transfer to common ownership – which would then become socialisation – whereby the political rule of the rich, ruling classes and rulers could finally be enforced by the political rule of the working class, as well as a classless society.
恩格斯和馬克思是好朋友,他們懷有宏偉的計畫,那就是改變世界。他們希望社會更加公平,從而為工人階級帶來更好的生活,同時也希望實現正義,即不應再有「人剝削人」的現象。這導致了19世紀的階級鬥爭,尤其是馬克思認為,他和恩格斯追求的「社會新秩序」(new order of society)不能在沒有使用暴力的情況下實現。這特別是因為馬克思認為,只有通過無產階級用暴力來推翻和打破富人、統治者和執政者的獨裁統治,才能實現這一目標。只有這樣,才有可能實現社會化,進而實現共同所有制,更確切地說,是通過在全世界內廢除生產手段的私有制並將其轉為共同所有制 —— 進而實現社會化 —— 從而最終由工人階級的政治統治來強制執行富人、統治階級和當權者的政治統治,實現一個沒有階級的社會。
Well, America in particular – and its NATO in the rear – is therefore at the forefront of all those countries that idolise America and sneak in at the back and therefore even endanger the security of the whole world, as around 50 American-affiliated countries are doing, supplying Zelensky with weapons and thereby enabling the war to continue and human beings to be murdered en masse, unparalleled destruction to take place and unspeakable misery to arise and run rampant. Caught up in the hegemonic delusion, America does not shy away from doing everything in its power to achieve its sordid goals through vile and underhand or even outright murder. The fact that millions of human lives are effectively destroyed and immense destruction caused in the process is always hypocritically 'regretfully' accepted as a necessity, because the hegemonic delusion is maintained by the USA in this manner and handled with all mean and, above all, underhand means, also with lies and deceit, murderous assassinations and other nasty machinations. What the jurisdiction and prosecution of those who have the courage to publicise America's criminal secrets and machinations looks like, such as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who has been imprisoned in England in the interests of America since 2019 – now in Belmarsh maximum security prison. He is being persecuted and deprived of his freedom because the US judiciary accuses him, together with whistleblower Chelsea Manning, of stealing secret material from criminal US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as a huge number of diplomatic dispatches, and also publishing them on the Wikileaks internet platform. America therefore lies that Assange's actions have endangered the lives of American informants in many countries, which is why he is labelled a spy. He faces a sentence of up to 175 years in prison. This is America's justice system for human beings who stand up for freedom, humanity and the law, and who face discomfort for exposing the truth of criminal machinations and making it public. And Assange is such a person, because his publications have uncovered war crimes, as evidenced, for example, by a video showing the murder of civilians by the crew of a US helicopter in Iraq, for which absolutely none of the helicopter crew who carried out the massacre on the open road of a group of blameless and completely peacefully behaving civilian persons has yet to answer in court.
因此,美國及其後方的北約是所有崇拜美國的國家中的佼佼者,他們從背後偷襲,甚至因此危及整個世界的安全,就像大約五十個效忠於美國的國家正在做的那樣,向澤倫斯基提供武器,從而使戰爭得以繼續,使人民遭到大規模屠殺,並發生無與倫比的破壞和難以言喻的苦難。在霸權妄想中,美國毫不猶豫地通過卑鄙、陰險,甚至是公開的謀殺,不擇手段地達到其骯髒的目標。在這過程中,實際上已經消滅了數百萬人的生命,並造成了巨大的破壞,但美國總是虛偽而“遺憾”地接受這一事實,認為這是必要的,因為霸權妄想是由美國以這種方式維持的,並以一切卑鄙的手段,尤其是暗中的手段,還有謊言和欺詐、卑鄙的謀殺和其他卑鄙手段來處理。對那些敢於公開美國犯罪秘密和陰謀的人,例如《維基解密》(Wikileaks)創始人朱利安.阿桑奇(Julian Assange),他自2019年以來一直被羈押在英格蘭,目前在最高戒備的貝爾馬什(Belmarsh)監獄。他之所以受到迫害並被剝奪自由,是因為美國司法部門指控他與舉報人蕭爾斯.曼寧(Chelsea Manning)一起,竊取了美國在伊拉克和阿富汗的犯罪軍事行動以及大量外交電報的機密材料,並將其公佈在維基解密的網路平台上。因此,美國宣稱阿桑奇的行為將許多國家的美國線人的生命置於危險中,因此將他稱為間諜。他將面臨長達175年的監禁。這就是美國對於那些為自由、人道和正義而奮鬥的人的司法制度,以及那些冒險揭露和公開揭示犯罪陰謀的人所面臨的不幸。而阿桑奇正是這樣的人,因為他的出版物揭露了戰爭罪行,例如,有一段影片顯示一架美國直升機的機組人員在伊拉克的公路上對一群完全無辜、表現完全和平的平民進行大屠殺,但至今沒有一個與此有關的人在法庭上認罪。
But America is also degenerate in other ways with regard to humanity – whereby it must be clearly stated that of course all righteous Americans are excluded in every respect from all accusations and distance themselves from all wrongs that America does of the base, shameful, inhumane, incorrect and evil of every kind, as well as war, murder by the military, the murderous organisation NATO and capital punishment etc. – which also affects all the righteous of the peoples of other countries whose rulers do the same kind of wrong – which has been proven many times over all the time that this land of America has been colonised and exists as America, robbed mainly by Europeans.
美國在人道方面也呈現其墮落的現象 —— 必須明確指出的是,所有正直的美國人都應在各方面被排除在所有指控之外,並與美國所做的一切卑鄙、可恥、不人道、不正確和邪惡的行為,以及戰爭、軍隊謀殺、殺人組織北約和死刑等行為劃清界限。這也適用於其他國家的正直人民,其統治者同樣在進行不義的行為 —— 這在歷史的漫漫長河中得到了多次證實,因為美洲這片土地主要是由歐洲人搶劫並建立的,並以美國這個國家的名義而存在。
It is probably correct and time for some names to be mentioned who are mainly responsible for the fact that, for example, the war in Ukraine continues and weapons are idiotically supplied to Zelensky while Russia is made a pig. Just as in the Middle East Israel is praised to the heavens and Hamas is stomped into the ground. Both sides are not being seen, but one side is being made to look like a pig and the other side is being praised to the heavens. This is particularly good for those who have no life experience whatsoever, are lowly intelligent and conceited, suffer from stupidity and are incapable of non-partisanship.
These brainless people interfere in things that are none of their business, and they create hatred, enmity and ruin, just as Baerbock of Germany does, for example, and von der Leyen of the EU dictatorship is also their equal in this respect. But there is also the war-hungry and warmonger Zelensky in Ukraine and in the Middle East the murderer Netanyahu, to whom nothing is repugnant, even to have countless children murdered by the military. But the opponents of the Middle East war and Ukraine should also be mentioned, because they have degenerated as human beings just as much as their adversaries, as a result of which they all together know only enmity, hatred, murder, revenge and destruction and thus create hardship, misery and grief. And all those partisan firecrackers and other idiots from at least 50 countries with absolutely incompetent rulers who listen to America and Germany – joined by many of their peoples – unfortunately know no responsibility, so they continue to create mischief in various countries around the world and bring all the evil in the world. Thus they spread hatred, enmity, discord, war and murder en masse as well as unspeakable misery and hardship in the world. And everything goes on endlessly and never ends, whereby everything is still religious or otherwise faith-based and therefore faith-based, because more than 96% of everything is still based on a belief – political, secular, religious or otherwise.
這些無知的人插手於不關乎他們的事情,卻更加激起仇恨、敵意和毀滅,例如德國的貝爾伯克(Baerbock)所做的那樣,歐盟獨裁政權的馮德萊恩(von der Leyen)在這方面也與他們不相上下。但是,在烏克蘭還有戰爭狂熱者和戰爭販子澤連斯基,在中東還有殺人犯納坦雅胡(Netanyahu),他毫不在意讓軍隊殺害無數的兒童。但也應該提到中東戰爭和烏克蘭的反對派,因為他們作為人類也一樣墮落,因此所有人都只知道仇恨、敵意、謀殺、報復和破壞,從而帶來苦難、困苦和悲傷。還有來自至少五十個國家的那些偏袒的傻瓜和其他白痴,其統治者絕對無能,他們聽信美國和德國,其中還有許多人的人民也加入其中,不幸的是,他們對責任一無所知,因此他們繼續在世界各地造成災難,帶來世界上的一切不幸。他們在世界上散播仇恨、敵意、不和、戰爭和大規模謀殺,以及難以言喻的苦難和困苦。而這一切永不停歇,並且無窮盡地繼續下去,其中一切都還與宗教或其他信仰有關,因為超過96%的一切背後都有一種信仰 —— 政治的、世俗的、宗教的或其他的信仰。
Note: Addendum from 9th November 2023: The following also proves how things are going in America with regard to humanity and human rights, but which is deliberately concealed from the world public, but which INFOsperber reported on 8th November 2023, 16:42 hrs published.
Two or three years ago, I, Billy Eduard Albert Meier, was allowed by INFOsperber to publish articles from this portal from time to time, which unfortunately are not or only laxly covered in the public media, so that the public is only vaguely, poorly or not at all informed about one or other machinations that are going on in the world.
大約在兩、三年前,INFOsperber允許我,Billy Eduard Albert Meier,不時在這個平台上發表一些在公共媒體中未能充分或根本未被處理的文章,以便公眾能夠對在世界上正在發生的某些事件有一些模糊、糟糕或根本不瞭解的訊息。
INFOsperber is an information portal, which (proper spelling infosperber) is a Swiss Internet newspaper. It has been published since the 21st of March 2011 and is updated daily.
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Infosperber Sees What Others Overlook:
Wednesday, 8th November 2023 16:43 hrs
The USA Is Still Searching for Migrant Children
Daniela Gschweng / 7.11.2023
Daniela Gschweng / 2023年11月7日
The US authorities still do not know where the relatives of 1,000 children forcibly separated from their parents are.
Demonstration against family separation at the US border in Washington on 30th June 2018 CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 © Susan Melkisethian/Flickr
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 © Susan Melkisethian/Flickr
By June 2018, thousands of children had been separated from their families at the Mexican border as part of the Trump administration's so-called Zero Tolerance Policy. A quarter of them have still not seen their families again.
In order to deter migrants at the southern border, the Trump administration resorted to an equally inhumane and poorly coordinated means: Children were separated from their parents at the US border.
Family separation already caused horror in 2017
The practice caused worldwide horror. Among other things, a case documented by CNN in which US authorities took a breastfeeding mother's child away caused a great stir. Spokespersons for the Department of Homeland Security denied that the incident had taken place.
What they could not deny: Thousands of children who had come to the US alone or with their families were placed with others. With distant relatives, family friends, foster families or in reception centres. Almost nothing was centrally documented from the outset.
By April 2018, everything had already gone wrong
Public pressure and several lawsuits put an end to the practice in June 2018. A US court ruled shortly afterwards that families should be reunited within 30 days.
An illusory plan, as everything had already gone wrong. "Federal authorities have lost track of nearly 1,500 migrant children placed with others," was the headline in the New York Times on 26 April 2018.
Five years on, 1,000 cases still open
Five years later, not all families have been reunited. In February 2023, US President Joe Biden set up a task force to clean up one of the darkest chapters of the previous administration.
五年後,仍然有一些家庭尚未團聚。2023年2月,美國總統喬.拜登(Joe Biden)成立了一個特別工作組,以清理上屆政府最黑暗的一頁。
It estimated that 3,923 children had been separated from their families under Trump. She could not say exactly, the documentation was "patchwork at best". As of September, a quarter of these children, around 1,000, had still not been returned to their parents.
Some families are currently "in the reunification process", reports the US magazine 'Mother Jones'. Many more children are scattered across the USA. Parents who are in the USA illegally and are not registered, or those who have been deported in the meantime, are often only found with the help of volunteers. Moreover, a quarter of the children concerned were less than five years old at the time of the forced separation – some cannot remember their parents' names or where they lived.
據美國《瓊斯母親》(Mother Jones)雜誌報導,一些家庭目前正處於“團聚過程”中。許多其他兒童分散在美國各地。非法居留並未註冊或在此期間被驅逐出境的父母,通常只能在志願者的幫助下找到。此外,四分之一的受影響兒童在被迫分開時還不滿五歲,有些兒童甚至記不起父母的名字或住在哪裡。
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the records of various US authorities are so poor and incomplete that children have already been assigned to the wrong families. The organisation says it represents '4,500 to 5,000 children and their parents' and is shocked.
"No one thought it would involve thousands of children, that we would be travelling to so many countries looking for families, or that it would take years," says ACLU Deputy Director of the Immigrants' Rights Project Lee Gelernt.
ACLU移民權利項目副主管Lee Gelernt表示:「沒有人想到這將涉及成千上萬的兒童,我們將前往這麼多國家尋找家人,也沒有人想到這將耗時數年。」
US Government Wants to Stop Applying 'Shameful' Policy
Gelernt was lead counsel in a lawsuit that was settled on 16 October. The US government agreed to stop the forced separation of parents and children at the border in future. Victimised families will be granted support such as work permits and medical assistance.
Attorney General Merrick Garland described the practice of family separation at the south-west border as 'shameful'. The settlement cannot fully repair the damage that was intentionally inflicted on the children, says Gelernt, but it is a start.
司法部長梅瑞克.賈蘭德(Merrick Garland)將西南邊境的家庭分離做法描述為“可恥的”。 Gelernt表示,雖然和解無法完全彌補蓄意給孩子們造成的傷害,但這是一個開始。
Unfortunately, that cannot be changed, because Earth's humanity cannot be lectured to, and besides, as you say, everything is so faith-based religion-dependent that it is practically pointless to say anything sensible that will also be understood.
Unfortunately, that is indeed the case, and Earthlings would much rather have their skulls bashed in for their belief in a non-existent and therefore imaginary God than reasonably see reality and its truth and live according to it. Anti-Semitism in particular is to be mentioned here, the hatred of Jews that has existed for thousands of years, ever since the son of Noandakan, Shem, gathered human beings around him who, as followers of Shem, then simply called themselves 'Semites' after his name. As a result, those who were hostile to Shem and against the Semites simply expressed themselves as 'anti-Semites', of course in the ancient Hebron language of the time. However, this has survived to this day and is reflected in today's languages as anti-Semitism, although as a rule the big-headed and morbidly intelligent anti-Jewish people have no idea what the origin of the term 'anti-Semitism' really is and has nothing at all to do with the Jews. But as the saying goes: low intelligence knows no bounds, no logic, no understanding and no reason.
這確實很遺憾,而地球人寧願因為相信一個不存在而虛構的上帝而被打得彼此頭破血流,也不願理智地看待現實和真相,並根據現實生活。這裡要特別提到的是反猶太主義,對猶太人的仇恨已經存在了數千年,自從Noandakan(即所謂的挪亞)的兒子閃姆(Shem)聚集了一群人,然後這些人就根據閃姆的名字自稱為“閃族人” (Semites;又譯為“閃米特人”)。這就導致那些對閃姆和閃族人敵對的人,在他們當時的古老希伯侖語(Hebron language)中,簡單地表達為“反閃族人”(anti-Semites)。不過,這種說法一直流傳至今,並在今天的語言中反映為反猶太主義(anti-Semitism),儘管通常那些頭腦簡單、病態愚蠢的反猶太分子通通不知道“反猶太主義”一詞的真正起源,實際上與猶太人根本無關。但俗話說得好:“愚蠢是無止境的,沒有邏輯,沒有理解,也沒有理性。”
The ancient hatred that was directed against Shem and his followers, which has no connection whatsoever with later Judaism, is based on an unfounded and idiotic hatred of stupid hate-mongers against believers in the Jews. For around four long millennia, this hatred has been repeatedly fuelled and exercised for no reason at all by idiots who do not even know why they are actually indulging in this hatred. This was already the case in very early times, when the Jewish tribes were persecuted and enslaved, as by the Egyptians and Babylonians, and it has remained so up to the present day, as there are still idiots who indulge in hatred of the Jews without knowing what is actually behind it – namely nothing but hatred, because the Jews think and act differently religiously than people of other faiths as a result of their religion – since the advent of Christianity and Islam, especially Christians and Muslims. It is idiotic and absolutely reckless as well as completely irresponsible and degenerate behaviour to hate, harass, persecute or even murder a human being – or even an entire people – because of their faith. Not only is such behaviour inhumane, but it also shows that human beings who behave in this manner have a miserable self-education and do not deserve to be called true human beings in any wise, but rather lousy creatures and the like. Also then, if a human being is a fanatic with regard to a religion, or adheres to another faith or is a simple non-believer in religion, there is never a right, purely as a human being, to hate, harm, be unfriendly towards, persecute or even murder another human being with regard to his faith. Also, if a human being cherishes his thoughts only according to reality and its truth, is against any religious or worldly belief and rails against it, sees everything according to it and acts according to what is correct, there is never a reason to hate, shun or harm another human being because he is a slave to a belief of any kind. The only thing that can be absolutely right in this respect is that the human being's faith is left untouched and not attacked, because it is absolutely and in every respect solely his/her freedom, decision and will whether he/she gives himself over to a faith or not. It is therefore appropriate and correct – regardless of whether a person is of a different faith or a normal-thinking and therefore unbelieving person – to treat every fellow human being in a friendly and normal manner, to treat them completely correctly and not to attack their faith, because this in particular is and remains a private matter. If fellow human beings want to talk about it, then that is their wish, otherwise silence is to be maintained. However, if it is only a matter of non-belief-based opinions, then it is of course absolutely free to talk about and discuss their correctness or incorrectness. After all, an opinion is always only an unproven assumption and therefore something that can be clarified as to its correctness or falsity through valuable discussion or proven by effectively existing evidence.
Well, the traditional hatred against the Jews, which was lived out by the NSDAP in the world war from 1939 to 1945, during which around 6 million Jewish believers were murdered, is very strong again today, although it has actually existed for thousands of years.
This world war lasted more than 6 years, from 1939 to 1945, and was the largest and most costly war in human history, which began when Adolf Hitler, a pathetic good-for-nothing from Austria, was able to seize might in Germany and establish himself as the Führer-dictator. As such, he initiated the world war through the Nazi army, starting with the fact that he invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 in violation of international law and let the war break out.
這場世界大戰從1939年到1945年持續了6年多,是人類歷史上規模最大、代價最慘重的戰爭,戰爭的起因是來自奧地利的阿道夫.希特勒(Adolf Hitler)這個可悲而一無是處的人篡奪了德國的政權,並自立為元首獨裁者。因此,他通過納粹軍隊挑起了世界大戰,具體而言,他違反國際法,於1939年9月1日入侵波蘭,引爆了這場戰爭。
What happened in this respect in Sem's time and actually had not the slightest thing to do with the hatred of the Jews that arose later, which unfortunately arose in particular as a result of Hitler's war, is something that the smarty-pants and hate-mongers do not want to understand because they probably lack the brains to do so, just as the idiot Hitler and his ilk lacked them. But today's idiots, who are once again surrendering to hostility towards Jews in a threatening manner, also lack the brains, just as it led to the Holocaust during the last world war under Hitler, with Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Martin Bormann and their ilk playing a major role as ringleaders. But they were not only men, but also true beasts of women. In this regard, I have an old list of war criminals that Sfath dictated to me when he let me see some of the atrocities that took place during the world war as the boy I was at the time. It was much more than I was able to cope with on my own, which is why he took me to Erra and … Well, I was all right then anyway, but I still have the notes from back then, which I do not really want now and will probably make them disappear. But here, it says that many of the murderers of Jews were Ukrainians – which perhaps encouraged the neo-NAZIs in the government in Germany to supply Zelensky with weapons and to stir up the world against Russia through the foreign minister, who was politically insane, that Zelensky, who is himself a Jew, was continuing the Nazi work of the last world war in order to destroy his own people of Jewry in Ukraine, as the Nazi Jewry in Ukraine paradoxically wanted to do even then. However, it was not only Jewish murderers of Jews from Ukraine who were at work, but also from various other countries, such as Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Hungary and even Nazi mercenaries and Jew-haters from Switzerland, but this was kept strictly secret and is still kept secret today. There were also people and Nazi friends from Belgium and Holland, as well as from France and Spain. And as you can see here, I have this name here from the Ukraine: John Demjanjuk, then a German Nazi woman called Liesel Willhaus, who shot several forced labourers in the Ukraine from her home as a joke. Then I have the names of murderers of Jews, such as a Dutchman called Klaas Faber, then also women who were as bad as the men, sometimes even worse. Sfath and I saw horrible things, and here I have the names of many female murderers of Jews, such as one here called Irma Grese, then Erna Petri, Hermine Braunsteiner, Liselotte Meier and Josefine Block, who even murdered children in the presence of their mothers. Other men's names are also written here, such as Erich Priebk, Gustav Wagner, Rudolf Hess and Slobodan Praljak, who also murdered many Muslims, as is noted there. And I also wrote here that in 1942 Switzerland issued an entry ban for foreigners who were persecuted solely on racial grounds, i.e. Jews, because at that time – as today – they were considered a race that had to be destroyed. America was of course at the forefront of excluding Jews with its ban on Jews entering the country, as were various other countries. In addition to all this, I noted down what Sfath said at the time, because he spoke of around 280,000 active direct Jew-haters who also committed murder after murder of Jews.
在閃姆時代發生的這方面的事情,實際上與後來產生的對猶太人的仇恨沒有絲毫關系,不幸的是,這種仇恨特別是由於希特勒的戰爭而產生的,這是自作聰明者和仇恨製造者不願意理解的事情,因為他們可能缺乏這樣的頭腦,就像白癡希特勒和他的同黨一樣。但是,今天再次以威脅的方式屈服於對猶太人的敵意的那些白癡也缺乏大腦,就像在希特勒統治下的上一次世界大戰期間導致大屠殺一樣,阿道夫.艾希曼(Adolf Eichmann)、約瑟夫.門格勒(Josef Mengele)、克勞斯.巴比(Klaus Barbie)、赫爾曼.戈林(Hermann Göring)、海因里希.希姆萊(Heinrich Himmler)、馬丁.鮑曼(Martin Bormann)和他們的同類作為頭目扮演了重要角色。但不僅僅是男性,還有真正的女性惡魔。在這方面,我有一份舊的戰犯名單,是Sfath口述給我的,當時他讓我這個孩子去看世界大戰期間發生的一些暴行。這比我一個人所能承受的要多得多,所以他帶我去了Erra星... 好吧,反正當時我也沒事,但我還留著當時的筆記,我現在不太想要了,可能會讓它們消失。但這裡說,許多殺害猶太人的兇手都是烏克蘭人 —— 這或許鼓勵了德國政府中的新納粹分子向澤連斯基提供武器,並通過這位政治上瘋狂的外交部長煽動全世界反對俄羅斯,澤連斯基本人也是猶太人,他在繼續上一次世界大戰中納粹的工作,以摧毀他自己在烏克蘭的猶太人,就像烏克蘭的納粹猶太人甚至在當時就想做的那樣。然而,不僅是殺害烏克蘭猶太人的猶太兇手,還有來自立陶宛、拉脫維亞、斯洛伐克、波蘭、義大利、匈牙利等其他國家的猶太人,甚至還有來自瑞士的納粹雇傭兵和仇視猶太人的人,但這一切都被嚴格保密,至今仍是秘密。還有一些人和納粹朋友來自比利時和荷蘭,以及法國和西班牙。正如你在這裡看到的,我這裡有一個來自烏克蘭的名字:約翰.德米揚魯克(John Demjanjuk),然後是一個叫Liesel Willhaus的德國納粹婦女,她在烏克蘭的家中槍殺了幾名強制勞工,當作一個玩笑。還有一些殺害猶太人的兇手的名字,比如一個叫Klaas Faber(暫譯為克拉斯.法伯)的荷蘭人,還有一些女人,她們和男人一樣壞,有時甚至更壞。我和Sfath看到了可怕的事情,這裡有許多殺害猶太人的女兇手的名字,比如這裡有一個叫伊爾瑪.格雷澤(Irma Grese)的人,然後是Erna Petri、Hermine Braunsteiner、Liselotte Meier和Josefine Block,她們甚至當著孩子母親的面殺害孩子。這裡還寫了其他一些人的名字,如埃里希.普里布克(Erich Priebk)、Gustav Wagner(暫譯為古斯塔夫.瓦格納)、魯道夫.赫斯(Rudolf Hess)和Slobodan Praljak,他們也殺害了許多穆斯林,正如這裡所記錄的。我還記錄了瑞士在1942年對受種族歧視的外國人實施入境禁令的事實,因此猶太人信仰者當時 —— 就像今天一樣 —— 被視為應該被消滅的種族。當然,美國在排除猶太人方面也毫不手軟,並且禁止猶太人入境,而其他國家也是如此。除此以外,我當時我還記錄了Sfath所說的話,因為他談到了約二十八萬名積極參與直接對猶太信仰者進行謀殺的仇恨者。
You should not keep these notes any longer. It can be very dangerous for you. Let us go out and burn them.
Until now, no one knew I kept these and wrote them down at all.
That was a good thing. But …
Now I am reassured.
Actually – but it is good. It is probably for the best. – The people did not realise much or anything about the whole thing, because everything was kept secret and the people were kept stupid and lowly intelligent.
實際上 —— 但這樣也不錯。這也許是最好的結果。——人們其實很少或根本沒有得知整個情況,因為所有事情都被掩蓋了,而人們也一直被愚弄。
But now the time has come, as I predicted back in 1949 and mentioned again around two years ago, when Zelensky, as a Jew-believer, began begging for weapons around the world – and around 50 countries have fallen for it to date – whereby America, with its hegemonic mania, and Germany have done everything they could to make it happen – consequently he is still being supplied with what he wants today and can thus drag out the Ukraine war even longer and longer – what I predicted back in 1949 is now happening. It is completely idiotic, but the fact is that every word that is spoken in warning is spoken into the wind and goes unheard as if in the vastness of the deserts, and the majority of Earthlings are so lowly intelligent and therefore incapable of thinking correctly and calculating the future – mainly the majority of those in power – that all talking and warning is pointless.
但現在時機已到,正如我早在1949年就預言並在大約兩年前再次提到的那樣,澤倫斯基作為一個猶太信徒,開始向全世界索討武器 —— 迄今已有大約五十個國家上當受騙 —— 而美國及其霸權主義狂熱者和德國則竭盡所能使之成為現實 —— 因此,他今天仍在得到他想要的東西,從而可以將烏克蘭戰爭拖得更長更久 —— 我早在1949年就預言的事情現在正在發生。這實在是愚蠢至極,但確實發生了,每一句警告的話都隨風而逝,就像在浩瀚的沙漠中無人理睬一樣,而地球上的大多數人 —— 主要是大多數當權者 —— 是如此愚蠢和無能,因此無法正確思考和預測未來,所以一切言論和警告都是毫無意義的。
Unfortunately, that really is the case, because only those human beings listen to words presented in thoughtful logic, understanding and reason that are also valuable and wise.
I know that. Words are like the wind for the majority of human beings, but it suddenly turns into a storm and becomes a hurricane and destroys everything that is not nailed down or simply not so durable as to be destroyed. But that is probably enough talk, and besides, I have an email here with a reply that I wrote. What do you think?
Question from Frank …
2) In 'Pleiadian-Plejaren Contact Reports', Block 2 (39th Contact Report, 3 Dec 1975):
On page 25 it is reported about the journey from Earth (with Semjase) to the dimension of the triple world.
第25頁介紹了從地球(與Semjase一起)到三重維度的世界(the dimension of the triple world)之旅。
According to Ptaah (sentence 10), the third world is 870 years ahead of earthly time. On page 39, according to Semjase (sentence 356), the inhabitants of the third world live approximately 500 years in the future and (sentence 358) also have approximately 500 years more development behind them than the Earth's humanity in Billy's time. The statements regarding the years on pages 25 and 39 seem to contradict each other. Is there an error here?
[中譯者註:關於上述矛盾之處,在英漢對照版的《第039次接觸報告》中,就在Ptaah的第10句:「那個世界大概比你們的世界先進870年」,譯者就有提出:“對照前後文,應該是 470 年”;這也與Semjase的說法(大約五百年)相符合,請讀者鑒察。]
There is no mistake: Firstly, the triple world exists in a different dimension, and secondly, it also involves 3 planets/worlds that have different stages of development, i.e. in which the peoples on 3 different worlds have different stages of development, which in the 1970s – according to our calendar – differed between 500 and 870 years. However, when this was mentioned, it was not referred to as such, but only as a three-world system.
Kind regards
What do you think? I did not want to explain more.
That will also not be necessary, because the knowledge of such is not important for Earth's humanity and is therefore superfluous. What is and remains important is learning about the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation-energy, Teaching of Life', through which human beings should truly get to know themselves and learn to shape their behaviour in such a way that they become true human beings.
Of course, that is also the point of it all. But look here, this question that I was asked by telephone, why I would not tell the UFO crews that they should land officially, and further, why I do not go public and give lectures etc. etc. I said I would answer that. To which I said I would answer that by talking to you about it at our next conversation. And I have written the following here:
I have had nothing to do with so-called UFOs since my adolescence up to the present time, and I also have no contact with the occupants of such flying apparatus. So as far as my contacts with the Plejaren and their federation are concerned, they have nothing whatsoever to do with the so-called UFOs. And the Plejaren and their federation are not keen to make contact with human beings on Earth in any manner, although an attempt was once made to do so, but it came to nothing because the Earthlings – or more precisely the Americans – in their megalomania believed they had to impose conditions on the Plejaren. My contacts at the time with certain people who were able to intervene with the American government etc. resulted in demands that could not be met. As a result, of course, the attempt to make contact with America was immediately cancelled and it was declared that this attempt to make contact had been a one-off and would not be repeated. This was because the impertinence and primitiveness had proved that such an endeavour was pointless and absolutely impracticable and that equality could never be created with incredibly self-important demands of a primitive nature.
從我青少年時期到現在,我與所謂的UFO沒有任何關係,我也沒有與這種飛行器上的人接觸過。因此,就我與Plejaren及其聯邦的接觸而言,它們與所謂的UFO沒有任何關係。Plejaren和他們的聯邦並不熱衷於以任何方式與地球上的人類接觸,儘管曾經有人試圖這樣做,但沒有結果,因為地球人 —— 更確切地說,是美國人 —— 自大而狂妄,認為他們必須對Plejaren提出條件。當時,我與某些能夠與美國政府等進行交涉的人進行了接觸,結果他們提出了無法實現的條件。這當然導致了與美國的接觸嘗試立即被取消,而在當時就聲明這次接觸嘗試是唯一的一次,不會再有第二次。這是因為無禮和魯莽的行為已經證明,這種努力是毫無意義的,也絕對無法實現,而且永遠不可能用非常霸道的魯莽要求來創造平等。
Now, the so-called UFOs that have been observed in Earth's airspace for many decades and even centuries have nothing whatsoever to do with the Plejaren and their federates, for these are absolutely intent on being neither seen nor located. In the early days of contact with the Plejaren it was somewhat different, because at that time it was still possible for the Plejaren beamships etc. to be seen and observed, for example in the 1970s and 1980s, for which between 120 and 130 persons could testify. However, after the failure to make contact with America, the Plejaren and their federates were henceforth anxious not to be seen or located. As a result, there is no longer any possibility of observing or locating a beamship or persons belonging to the Plejaren or their federates.
現在,所謂的 UFO,自很多年乃至幾個世紀以來一直在地球的空中被觀察到,這與Plejaren及其聯邦沒有任何關係,因為他們絕對不希望被看見或被探測到。在與Plejaren接觸的早期,情況有些不同,因為當時仍有可能看到和觀察到Plejaren的飛船等,例如在1970年代和1980年代,約有 120 到 130 人可以作證。然而,在與美國的接觸失敗後,Plejaren及其聯盟從此就避免被人看到或探測到。因此,再也不可能看到或找到屬於Plejaren或其聯邦的飛船或人員。
As far as my person is concerned, I am not at all keen to go public with lectures etc., because firstly, this is not my task and mission, for this lies solely in bringing the 'teaching of truth, teaching of Creation-energy, teaching of life' to the human beings of Earth. However, this is done in such a way that it is set down and recorded in written form and disseminated in this wise, so that every human being can take it up and learn it of their own accord through their own determination, will and initiative.
Through these teachings, human beings on Earth should fathom and get to know themselves, and also, through knowledge of reality and its truth, shape and mould their character, their faith-free, valuable, open, clear and very own thoughts and, from this, their impeccable behaviour in order to become true human beings.
My own personality is only important as a bearer of teaching, but not as a person of worship and admiration, because I am no more than any other human being, just a human being. As such, I am not eager for adulation, special value or any other speciality, and publicity lust is as far from me as effectively the end of the immeasurable universe. I am also not fond of megalomania or any kind of self-importance, which is why I do not want to present myself in public or be praised. Basically, I do nothing other than what every other righteous human being also does, namely my work and duty.
Those are good words, and they effectively say what needs to be said. But now, Eduard, dear friend, I have been summoned because a change is imminent. I will return as soon as I am able, but it will probably take some time. Until then, farewell, my friend.
So be it. – Farewell also, my friend.
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