章節 |
段落名稱 |
Smashwords Edition Copyright 2013 Maurice Osborn |
1.1 Meier's biography from 1937 to 1966 1.2 Meier Meets Asket and travels to Egypt 1.3 Travel with Asket to the 13th Century 1.4 Meier's contact with Jmmanuel |
First Contact with Semjase |
3.1 Meier's Personal Qualities 3.1.1 Meier's Writing and Thoughts 3.1.2 Meier's Mission 3.1.3 Plots against Meier 3.2 Group 3.2.1 Finances 3.2.2 People Hans Jacob Ilsa von Jacobi Mr. K Gloria Lee Martin Sorge & Mara F.O. Karl Veit 3.2.3 Center |
4.1 Erra (Plejaren's home planet) 4.2 Plejaren Human Beings 4.2.1 Communicating with Earth Humans 4.2.2 Government 4.2.3 History 4.2.4 Language 4.2.5 Mission on Earth 4.2.6 Philosophy, controlling feelings 4.2.7 Secrecy, why, how 4.2.8 Ships, Great Spacer, Immigration 4.2.9 Technology 4.3 Entities 4.3.1 Semjase 4.3.2 Quetzal 4.3.3 Ptaah 4.3.4 Pleja 4.3.5 Menara 4.3.6 Sfath 4.4 Demonstrations 4.4.1 Photographs of craft 4.4.2 Space rides 4.5 Predictions |
5.1 Consciousness 5.2 Creation 5.3 Development, 7 stages 5.4 Laws of Creation 5.5 Levitation, Meditation and Mediums 5.6 Love and Hate 5.7 Reincarnation 5.8 Spirit 5.9 Spirit World |
6.1 Extraterrestrial History 6.2 Malevolent Aliens 6.3 Races 6.3.1 Akart 6.3.2 Agharta (underground city) 6.3.3 DALs 6.3.4 Desmon 6.3.5 Dwarfs 6.3.6 Exes System in Deron Galaxy 6.3.7 Giants 6.3.8 Kartag Planet in the Aratom Galaxy 6.3.9 Lesa Syatem in Nepon Galaxy 6.3.10 Neber Planet in the Beberas Galaxy 6.3.11 Nesar system 6.3.12 Taro System in Mara Galaxy 6.3.13 Time travelers 6.3.14 Zeta Reticuli 6.4 Entities 6.4.1 Arahat Athersata 6.4.2 Asket 6.4.3 Ashtar Sheran or Aruseak 6.4.4 Kamagol I & II 6.4.5 Nera 6.4.6 Petale 6.5 Interactions 6.5.1 UFOs observed 6.5.2 Contactees 6.5.3 Abductions |
7.1 Geography 7.1.1 Agharta 7.1.2 Atlantis 7.1.3 Bermuda Triangle 7.1.4 Easter Island 7.1.5 Hyperborea 7.2 Status 7.2.1 Atomic Bomb Aftereffects 7.2.2 Dams 7.2.3 Earthquakes 7.2.4 Evil on Earth 7.2.5 Magnetic Poles change 7.2.6 Mammoths and Elephants 7.2.7 Mountain, highest 7.2.8 Oil 7.2.9 Ozone 7.2.10 Parallel Earth, past Earth 7.2.11 Golden Age 7.3 Earth History 7.3.1 Flood, the Great 7.3.2 Ice Ages 7.3.3 Prison Planet 7.3.4 Pyramids |
8.1 Origin 8.2 Races 8.2.1 3 Special Races 8.2.2 Aryan race 8.2.3 Aztecs 8.2.4 Hebrews 8.2.5 Inca 8.2.6 Mongoles 8.2.7 Sumerians 8.3 People 8.3.1 Francisco Franco 8.3.2 Gilgamesh 8.3.3 Hitler, Adolf 8.3.4 Lee, Gloria 8.3.5 Muck, Otto 8.3.6 Noah 8.3.7 Pope Paul 8.3.8 Quetzalcoatl 8.3.9 Reiz 8.3.10 Saint Germain 8.3.11 Siragusa 8.3.12 Stetter, Amata 8.4 Characteristics 8.4.1 Age, obtainable 8.4.2 Barbarians 8.4.3 Birth Control and Abortion 8.4.4 Couples 8.4.5 Deceivers, Doubters 8.4.6 Face, a person's 8.4.7 Government 8.4.8 Healers, spiritual 8.4.9 Intelligence 8.4.10 Law, Swiss 8.4.11 Mental Illness 8.4.12 Names 8.4.13 Secret societies 8.4.14 Smoking 8.4.15 Subconscious 8.4.16 Ufologists 8.5 Necessities |
9.1 Anti-Christ 9.2 Bible 9.3 God (IHWH) 9.4 Jmmanuel (Jesus) 9.5 Jehav or Jehova 9.6 Prayer 9.7 Prophets on Earth 9.8 Saints 9.9 Satan 9.10 Sin 9.11 Talmud Jmmanuel |
10.1 Astrology 10.2 Astronomy 10.2.1 Age of Earth and Sun 10.2.2 Asteroid Belt-once a planet 10.2.3 Black Hole 10.2.4 Centauri, Beta 10.2.5 Central Sun 10.2.6 Comets 10.2.7 Cosmos 10.2.8 Destroyer planet 10.2.9 Dimensions, other 10.2.10 Eye of God 10.2.11 Life, in this solar system 10.2.12 Mars, life on 10.2.13 Moon 10.2.14 Universe, size of 10.2.15 Venus 10.3 Biology 10.4 Mineralogy 10.4.1 Crystals 10.4.2 Ecology 10.5 Physics 10.5.1 Atomic Structure 10.5.2 Energy/matter 10.5.3 Gravity 10.6 Technology 10.6.1 Beamships of Earth 10.6.2 Hypnosis 10.6.3 Secret private advanced Technology 10.6.4 Space Travel, space and time |