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Contact Report 392 (2005/6/25) 第392次接觸報告
接觸時間: 2005 年 6 月 25 日,星期六,下午 4 時 31 分
在本次接觸中, Ptaah 提到一項 驚人的預告 ,也就是靠近美國西北部外海的北太平洋海域,將會發生芮氏 9 級的海底地震,因而造成附近廣大區域極嚴重的生命與財產的損失 。這項消息在網路上流傳了好一陣子,不過由於英文翻譯原(德)文的解讀不同,其中部分內容略有差異,在 2010 年前後就有兩個版本,而其中一個版本的英譯者 Ben Stevens 作了必要的說明。
關於該地區的地震訊息,最近( 2015 年 7 月)有相關新聞報導,例如: “ 科學家稱 50 年內西雅圖或 將 發生大地震 ” ,其報導資料來源: “ The Really Big One - An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when.” 與 “ Will an Impending Earthquake "Devastate Seattle" ?” ,酌請參考。
Synopsis 摘要 (英譯者 Ben Stevens 於 2010 年 12 月 27 日所註)
For quite some time, an English translation of a prediction of Ptaah from the 392nd Contact has existed on the internet. The translation reads as follows:
"According to our preview, there will be a seaquake of 9 points on the Richter Scale in the region of the North Pacific not far from the American coast, from Portland to the south of California up to Washington in the north. As a result, there will be a gigantic fault of several hundred kilometers, when as never before a seaquake-tsunami will spread in a ring form and produce immense devastation on the main land and on the islands, which will cost many human lives. The seaquake will last for about 5 minutes, to be followed by additional and less forceful quakes, which will trigger another but less severe tsunami. Some facts about this threatening danger are known to terrestrial scientists, but they are not capable of realizing the really/factually developing catastrophe."
Per the request of a reader, I have independently translated this section of the Contact Report and have provided my translation below for comparison. The primary difference between the two translations is that the original translation, which has been on the internet for a while, strongly appears to have Ptaah saying that a seaquake-tsunami spreading out in a ring form has never happened before, whereas my translation simply has Ptaah saying that the seaquake-tsunami will be an unprecedented one and also that it will spread out in a ring shape, without implying that no tsunami has ever spread out in a ring shape before. I am quite confident that my translation of this portion accurately reflects Ptaah's original German statement and, thus, that the previous translation has caused unnecessary confusion on this matter.
Ben Stevens
Ben Stevens
... Yet, still I have a question, if you would allow.
…… 不過,如果你允許的話,我還有一個問題。
7. ...
8. Then, about what does it concern?
9. However, what question do you still have, which seems important to you?
It concerns tsunamis. – On December 26, 2004 occurred, as you know, the large seaquake,- respectively, tsunami catastrophe in Indonesia, where from, as you have explained, ultimately 359,796 human beings lost their lives. Differently to this, is officially maintained, that the number of victims amounts to only around 300,000. The process of the sea bottom fault, respectively, the seaquake has built up for more than 2700 years, as you have stated. Is this correct?
與海嘯有關 。—— 如你所知, 2004 年 12 月 26 日發生了一次大型 海震 —— 也 就是在印尼的海嘯災難。你解釋過,在那裡最終有 35 萬 9,796 人喪失了性命,然而官方卻堅持只有約 30 萬人受害。按你所說,那海底斷層的產生過程,也就是海震的形成過程已有 2,700 年以上,這樣說正確嗎?
10. Your information is correct.
11. Exactly, it was 2714 years.
精確地說,應該是 2,714 年。
12. And as for the number of victims from the catastrophe is concerned, such is our information correct up to the last digit.
I have no doubt about this. Now, however to my original question. In an unofficial conversation you said, that such seaquakes with enormous sea bottom faults always occur over large time periods, because the stress builds up in the earth crust often over a very long time, where over a century, or one, two or even three millennia, would not be rare. As well, so you have explained, quake waves move along at around 15,000 kilometers per hour through the interior of the Earth, and with strong quakes also surface waves become evident, precisely such, that the Earth surface visibly moves in regular wave form. Now, have I understood correctly, what you have said?
我對此毫不懷疑。然而,現在回到我原本的問題。在一次非正式的對話中,你說過這樣伴隨巨大海底斷層的海震,總是以長時間的週期發生,因為壓力在地殼的積聚通常需要一段很長的時間,往往超過一個世紀,甚至二、三個世紀也不罕見。同時你解釋過,震波伴隨強烈的震動,由地球的內部以每小時約 1 萬 5 千公里的速度向外擴散,就是這樣到達地球表面,而地表也以規則的波形明顯地震動。這樣,我對你所說的理解正確嗎?
13. You succumb to no misunderstanding.
Then, I want to ask you, when was the last large seaquake catastrophe equal to or even worse in extent before the tsunami catastrophe in Indonesia, respectively, in the Gulf of Bengal in Sumatra and Thailand, etc.; Do you know something about this?
14. The last catastrophe like this occurred on January 26, 1700, in fact, exactly, at 21.00 hrs in the northwest Pacific in front of the American northwest coast.
最近一次這樣的災難,發生在 1700 年 1 月 26 日的晚間 9 時,地點是美國西北外海的西北太平洋海域。
15. It was such an enormous seaquake, that it raised up in the sea a very large fault and originated a tsunami, which spread out and wreaked havoc in all directions.
16. Especially, the northwest coast of America was devastated far into the inland, wherein also large forest regions were destroyed.
17. The tsunami water also rolled further southwards and reached the islands of Hawaii to Micronesia, where on the islands also large destruction and human lives were claimed, like this was the case in North America.
18. However, the gigantic tsunami also rolled over the Pacific to Japan, where likewise great havoc was caused by the wild water, as well as to certain parts of the Chinese coast, etc..
Was this the only large seaquake with large tsunami, which has developed since 2714 years ago up to the seaquake catastrophe in Indonesia?
是否自 2,714 年前到發生印尼大海嘯以來,這是唯一的一次引發大海嘯的海震?
19. No, for there are to be listed still others in similar size.
20. So it is recorded in our annals, for example, that occurred in the Pacific similar radiating large occurrences 2600 years ago, thus 600 BC, as well as 400 AD and 700 AD.
據我們的史料記錄, 2,600 年前在太平洋發生過類似的放射狀大海嘯,同樣在公元前 600 年、公元 400 年和公元 700 年也都發生過。
And are further such occurrences to be expected?
21. Undoubtedly, for mega seaquakes like this, through which enormous tsunamis arise, are already being created.
22. Probably, the largest one will also occur in the northwest pacific – in addition to more in Indonesia.
You are again sparse with information and explanations.
23. According to our forecasting abilities, there will arise though a seaquake of strength 9 on the Richter scale, in the area of the north Pacific not far in front of the American coast, from Portland and in the south California, up to Washington in the north, a gigantic fault of several hundred kilometers, as a result of which an, up till now never to have occurred there, seaquake tsunami breaks out in ring form and causes enormous destruction to the mainland and to islands and will claim many human lives.
根據我們的預測能力,在距美國海岸不遠的北太平洋海域,由波特蘭和加州南部,一直到華盛頓北部,會出現一場強度達芮氏 9 級的海震 。一條幾百公里的巨大斷層,造成一場到目前為止從未發生在那裡的海震海嘯,以環形爆發,對大陸和島嶼造成巨大的破壞,並奪去許多人類的生命。
24. The seaquake will last around 5 minutes long, after which then many further and smaller quakes follow and also even a smaller tsunami is released.
該海震將持續約 5 分鐘之久,之後,許多進一步的小型震動隨之而來,而且甚至還有一個較小型的海嘯被釋出。
25. Some facts concerning this threatening danger are known to Earth scientists, but they are unable to grasp the actual threatening catastrophe.
I can understand this myself, for our scientists are, as a rule, narrow minded and moreover live with incorrect ideas. Now tell me, when will this monstrosity occur?
26. It will occur on ..., however, about which you have to keep silent.
它會發生在 … ,然而,你必須對此保持沉默。
It goes without saying, my mouth is sealed. Thanks for the information.
Next section translated by Ben Stevens. 以下列出 報告中第 23 至 25 項 ,由 Ben Stevens 翻譯的版本 (中譯者註:這段英譯的內容比較正確):
23. According to our preview, in the area of the North Pacific - not far off the American coast from Portland and in the south of California all the way up to Washington in the north - a gigantic fault of several hundred kilometers will come about by means of a seaquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale, by what means a hitherto unprecedented seaquake-tsunami will spread out in a ring shape and cause immense devastation on the mainland and on islands and also claim many human lives.
根據我們的預見,在北太平洋的區 域 —— 在距 美國 波特蘭外海不遠處, 由加州南部一直到華盛頓州北部 —— 一條綿延數百公里的巨大斷層出現 , 引發一場芮氏 9 級的海震 ,因而一場迄今前所未見的海嘯將會以一個環形方式擴散開來,造成大陸和島嶼的重大破壞,並奪去許多人的性命 。
24. The seaquake will last for about 5 minutes, after which many other and milder quakes will then follow and will also trigger another smaller tsunami.
該海震將持續約 5 分鐘 ,之後,許多其他較溫和的餘震將會隨之而來,並同時會引發另一個較小的海嘯 。
25. Some facts concerning this threatening danger are known to the terrestrial scientists, but they aren’t able to grasp the genuinely developing catastrophe.
Source 資料來源:
以上由 Ben Stevens 直接插入本段資料
Further Reading 進一步閱讀參考資料 :
Contact reports 104, 106, 437, 516 and 517.
第 104 、 106 、 437 、 516 與 517 次接觸報告。
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