CHAPTER EIGHT Welcome to Fourth Density
第八章 歡迎來到第四密度
Just what is this fourth density you talk about so frequently, Bashar?
T i me: what a wonderful creation! But a creation it is, your own illusion, your own understanding of the idea of the way in which you have chosen to express the separation of yourselves from All That Is.
時間 ,這是項多麼奇妙的創造物!但是, 這項創造只是你的幻覺 ,是你表達自己從「萬有一切」中分離出來的理解方式 。
F i rst we will discuss a particular aspect of this idea of fourth density, and we will do it a bit differently than usual. This new idea, this singular notion, will be representative of the timing and certain allowances on your part, within yourselves. All the ideas we have shared with you these past two years have, in a sense, had a particular structure, a particular focus.
首先,我們來談談“第四密度”這個概念的一個特殊面相,並以略為不同的方式來說。這個嶄新的概念、這個非凡的觀點,將 代表你內在的時間選擇以及某種默許 。我們在過去兩年中與你們分享過的所有概念,在某種意義上,都曾有一個特殊的結構;一個獨特的焦點。
T hose ideas now can function as the soil, as the foundation, into which the singular crystalline seed, this new idea, can be planted. Recognize this is not against your will; only according to your allowance will this idea take effect. But in the sharing of this idea with you, it will then exist within your consciousness consciously; and in your own timing, according to your own degree of willingness, you can then allow this seed to burst forth and take root in the soil, now that we have laid down the foundation. It can bring forth a blossom that will be what you could call a revelation, one allowing you to finally physically perceive the idea of your own transition into fourth density. By physically perceive, I mean that your physical reality – once you allow full recognition of the idea we will share with you to exist within you, emotionally, knowingly, your physical reality will change as you have not seen it change for thousands of years. And it can be in "the twinkling of an eye.” It will be up to you.
那些觀念如今即可以發揮土壤般的功用,讓我們可以把這顆獨特非凡的晶狀種子 —— 這個嶄新的觀念 —— 栽種在這片土壤中。你要認清,這並沒有違背你的意願;這個觀念只有根據你的默許才能產生結果。然而,在與你分享這個觀念的時候,它將有意識地存在你的意識之中;那時,你將可以按照自己選擇的時間和意願,讓這顆種子萌芽並紮根在這片土壤中 —— 既然我們已經奠定了這個基礎,那麼,它便可以開花結果, 你可以稱之為「啟發」 ,這項啟發將使你終於得以 在肉身中領悟這個有關過渡到第四密度中的觀念 。所謂在肉身中領悟,我的意思是,你的肉身實相 —— 一旦你全然認清我們將與你分享的這個觀念,使其心甘情願駐留在你內心之中,你的肉身實相便會立即產生數千年來所未曾有過的改變 。而且 這可以發生在眨眼之間 。這將視你個人而定 。
T here will be no reason to judge the fact that in certain ways the understanding will come at different times for different individuals; that is still all part of the timing. But this idea, this speed idea, will be what this revelation change will hinge upon. And now we can discuss this with you consciously, rather than subconsciously or unconsciously, as we have been doing.
我們不會去評斷這項事實,那就是:對於不同的人,那份領悟將會在不同時間以某些方式到來;那全只是時機的一部分。可是這個觀念 —— 這個速度觀念 —— 將是這項啟發造成改變的關鍵所在。那麼,我們現在便可以有意識地 —— 而不是像過去那樣,一直無意識地或潛意識地 —— 討論這個問題。
But first, to review the ideas we have already discussed with you: we have discussed how you create your reality; that you create the past and the future from the present; that one moment is not connected to the next; that you create the idea of time; that memory is also still a present creation; and that the present is the only time in which you ever exist – because it is the only time you can ever experience.
不過,我們先要溫習一下過去曾討論過的觀念:我們曾討論過,你是如何地創造自己的實相;你是 從現在中創造出過去和未來 ; 某一刻並不與下一刻相連 ;你創造了“時間”這個觀念; “ 記憶”仍然是某種屬於現在的創造物 ; 現在是你曾經存在其中的唯一時刻 —— 因為它是你所能夠經驗的唯一時刻 。
W e have shared many of these ideas with you, and they have all gone into forming their own portion of the structure of the foundation that we have been laying down, co-creating together with you by your own allowance. Now the structure is intact in whatever way it needs to be within each and every one of you. We have discussed that your imagination is real, that your dream reality is real, and that it is only your degree of willingness, which allows you to perceive these things as real or not.
我們曾與你們分享過很多這一類觀念 —— 它們全都是形成那個基礎結構的一部分,而我們一直在你的默許下共同奠定、創造那個基礎。如今,無論以任何方式,它仍在你們每一個人的心中保持完整無缺。我們曾討論過,你們的想像是真實的,你們的夢境是真實的,而且 將它們看作真實與否,也不過是你的意願程度而已 。
T h i s one idea we are going to share with you will be delivered in much the same manner as all the other ideas. It will seem to be a phrase like many other phrases, but there is a difference. For this is what will function as the key, and when you decide to turn it, the reality you unlock will not be the reality you have known. And you will begin to experience – not just think about it, not just philosophize about it -- but truly, physically, experience it.
我們所即將分享的這個觀念,將如同其它所有觀念幾乎一樣的方式來傳達。它看起來與其它說法一樣,但又有點不同 。因為,它的作用就如同一把鑰匙;而當你決定去轉動它的時候,你所開啟的實相將不是你所知道的那樣。你將開始去體驗 —— 那不只是思索,或是形而上的推究它 —— 而是真的在肉身中去體驗它 。
W e have discussed with you many ideas about what you call sanity and insanity: the sensing of other realities that are no less real than your own, but are not the mass agreed-upon reality. That what you call sanity is only the mass agreed- upon insanity – the idea that everything is an illusion, and yet everything is real. Because you are the creator, you are the gods; the universe is your creation. What you imagine is real is a portion of that universe, and can be really experienced on every level, including the physical one.
我們曾與你討論過很多有關你所謂神志清楚與瘋狂的觀念:你所感知到的其它現實,它們與你的現實同樣真實,但又不是那種大眾所認可的現實。你所謂的神志清楚只不過是大眾所認可的瘋狂 —— 一切皆是幻相,而一切又是真實 。因為, 你就是創造者;你就是「上帝」 。這宇宙就是你的創造。你所想像為真實的,就是這個宇宙的一部分,而且可以在每個層面(包括身體的層面)真實地體驗到。
W e have discussed with you many times the idea of prophecies, patterns, rituals, tools, things that you may choose for yourselves to create in order to understand yourselves in the way you chose to understand yourselves, in the path you chose to be, and the manner in which you chose to unfold yourselves. All these things will still be valid once we have shared the single idea with you. But you will have now incorporated this new idea, which will allow all that we have discussed to create this congruency, this concurrency, this simultaneity, this synchronicity, this explosion of reality within you.
Before we share this one idea, we will share something more. We have discussed a few ideas about your brain. We have told you, and your own scientists have since discovered, that every thought you have, every idea you create, physiologically changes the pathways in your brain; it rewires you. Every thought you have creates new pathways and eliminates the old ones. I do not mean it opens and closes pathways that do not change. I mean there are pathways where there were none before. And where there were pathways previously, there are none after the thought.
在分享這個觀念之前,我們將會先去分享某些事情。我們曾討論過幾個有關你的腦子的觀念。我們曾告訴你,而你們的科學家也已經發現,你所擁有的每一個思想,你所創造的每個觀念,就生理上而言都會改變你頭腦中的思路;它會幫你更換線路。 你所擁有的每個思想都會創造新的思路並且消除舊有的思路 。我的意思不是指,它開啟或關閉了一些不會改變的路徑。我的意思是,有些思路出現在從前沒任何路徑的地方,而且,過去曾有路徑出現在的地方,在這個思想出現後便沒有任何路徑了。
So in revelation you have the aligning of many different ideas, many different levels of your consciousness at once. The conscious recognition of your alignment in one moment: that is revelation. You allow there to be a majority or a totality of rewiring in every portion of your brain, for you emerge from that revelation a completely new person. You are, in all reality, a completely new person in every moment of time that you create, for, as we have said, one moment is not connected to the next. You recreate yourselves over and over again in the various moments of time that you also choose to create, to create the idea you call a continuity – which is an illusion.
因此,在啟發中,你會調整很多不同的想法,而許多不同層面的覺悟,都會跟著茅塞頓開。在意識體悟到那豁然開朗的一刻: 那就是啟發 。你重塑了腦海的每一部分中主要或全部的思路,因為你已經從那個啟發中煥然一新。你在你所創造全部實相中的每一個片刻中都是一個嶄新的人,因為,如我們所說的,某一刻並不與下一刻相連。你在不同的片刻中一再重新創造了自己,而你也選擇去創造那個你稱之為“連續性”的概念 —— 那不過只是一個幻相。
N ow, recognize this, for what we have to say it will not matter if you have shared with us once, never, or a million times. If you are present at this time, in this co- creation, you will understand what you need to understand. You do not ever have to have been near these ideas before. The fact that you are in the vicinity of them now will allow you to know that you cannot be anywhere but where you are supposed to be. Therefore, trust that you will understand the idea on whatever level you need to, and trust that you already have the foundation prepared to understand the idea.
Know that when the phrase is delivered again, it will not be hypnosis; it will not be implanted against your will. It will simply be allowed into your conscious recognition, and you will do with it what you will when you will. But again, recognize this is the fulcrum, the seed crystal idea, for if you can understand this, your reality will change.
你須瞭解,當那個句子再一次被傳遞的時候,它將不是催眠;它將不會在違背你意願的情況下被移植到你的腦海。它將只是被容許進入你有意識的認知中,而你也將會在你願意的時候用它來做自己所願做的事。你須再次認清,這就是關鍵、那個水晶般的種子觀念,因此, 如果你可以領悟它,你的實相便將會改變 。
O ne more thing about the brain: when you scientifically delve into the brain to understand your mentality, to understand your consciousness, recognize that your brains are wired according to your beliefs. And when you study the brain, you study it with your brain. So do be aware, therefore, that a brain cannot study a brain objectively, for it will only see what it is wired to see. Your reality exists in total. What you see of All That Is is only what you are wired to see. Thus, only by changing the idea of yourselves will you allow yourselves to rewire your brains in ways that will allow you to perceive the reality existing all around you, but to which you are blind, to all intents and purposes. You will reconnect, connecting in ways which will give you different sight, different sense.
還有一件關於腦子的事:當你科學地探入腦中,去瞭解你的心智,去瞭解你的意識時,你要認清,你的頭腦是按照你的信念而設定路線。當你研究頭腦的時候,你是用自己的頭腦來研究。故此你必須去察覺,一個頭腦無法客觀地研究頭腦,因為它只會看到自己的思路所能夠看到的。你的實相是一個整體的存在。你所看到的「萬有一切」,只是你的思路所看到的「萬有一切」。那麼只要改變有關自己的想法,你便可以改換你的思路,讓你看見那個環繞在你四周,但只是你別有意圖而無視於它的實相。你將會重新連結 —— 以一些將會給你不同的視野、不同感受的方式來重新連結。
O nce this phrase is delivered, many of you, once again, may feel you understand it intellectually, but not emotionally. "All right, I understand the words," you might say, "but I do not feel any different." That is all right. That is the way your imagination chooses to accept the idea and the understanding now. But understand, it will be there. That seed is what will explode in your mind, in your brain. Not physical explosion, but energy explosion that will, from the inside out, completely rewire your brain. And then the reality you perceive will be a reflection of that rewiring. It will be the fourth density, complete.
一旦傳送了這個句子,你們有很多人便會再次感覺,你是以理智而不是以情感來理解它。你可能會說:「沒問題,我瞭解這句話。」「但我沒有感到什麼不一樣。」沒有關係,那是你的想像力現在所選擇用以接納這個觀念與理解它的方式。但請瞭解,觀念會在那裡;那顆種子將會在你的心智、在你的頭腦中迸發。那不是物質的爆發,而是能量的迸發;它將從裡到外全然更新你頭腦的思路。到那時,你所領悟的實相將會是那個新思路的反照。它將是第四密度 —— 完完全全的第四密度 。
At this time, therefore, all of you close your eyes and relax, while taking a deep breath. If you are feeling feelings, feel them. If you are feeling fear, feel it. Live it; love it; enjoy yourselves. For you are now all you need to be in this moment to understand anything you wish to be at any other moment. Take two more deep breaths.
N ow, simply relax into your imagination, and pay attention: . . . Your present is not the result of your past . . . Your present is not the result of your past . . . Your present is not the result of your past . . . YOUR PRESENT IS NOT THE RESULT OF YOUR PAST! Take a deep breath, followed by two more. . . . And you may open your eyes. . . . You may emerge into your natural state of existence.
現在,你只要放鬆地進入想像中,並且注意:… 你的現在不是過去的結果… 你的現在不是過去的結果… 你的現在不是過去的結果… 你的現在不是過去的結果 !作一下深呼吸,跟著再做兩次…… 你可以張開眼睛… 你可以浮現在你自然的存在狀態中。
R ecognize that once you allow the explosion of understanding to truly – emotionally, experientially – understand that your present is not the result of your past, you will, once and for all . . . BREAK THE CONNECTION TO THE THIRD DENSITY!!
請認清,一旦讓領悟迸發,使你真正在情感上、經驗上領悟: 你的現在不是過去的結果 ,你便會斷然… 打破與第三密度的連結 !!
Y ou will experience things in your physical reality, which will be a reflection that you no longer have the need for what you call memory. For you will know everything you need to know in the present; in any situation that you create in the present, you will know what you need to know. You will begin to lose the ideas of the methodologies you have created that you call learning – in the way you have created it. You will understand that you do not need to learn by process that which you can know by experience in the moment.
你將會在肉身實相中經驗一些事情,它們將反映出,你不再需要所謂的記憶 。因為,你將會當下就知道所有你需要知道的事情;在任何一個你在當下所創造的情境中,你都將知道你所需要知道的。你將會開始失去那些你經由所謂“學習”(以你們所創造的方式) 而來 的概念或知識 。你將瞭解,你不需要藉由這種過程來學習那些你憑著經驗就能夠立即知道的事情。
R i ght now you are creating yourselves to be the idea of persons who have habitual patterns from the past. And now you are creating yourselves to be the idea of persons who have habitual patterns from the past; and now, the same thing, over and over again. But you do not have to have that definition of yourselves. When you are willing to know that you can change that definition, and changing that definition will change the physical reality in the way you experience it, then you will understand that your past has nothing at all to do, in a controlling way, with what you are experiencing now.
當你願意知道,你能夠改變那個限定,而改變它就會改變你所經驗的那個肉身實相時,你將會領悟: 你的過去與你現在所正在經歷的事情,根本就沒有任何連動的關係 。
T he present is not the result of the past. The present is the result of what you think it is the result of now. If you think your present is the result of your past, that's the effect you are creating. But you are creating that effect now in the present. So you create all the apparent linear continuity manifestations that seem to fall into place to make sense out of the theory you have of whom you think you are at this moment. Change that theory and you will no longer experience anything that has to do with supporting the old theory. You will now only experience the manifestations in your life, the feelings in your life and the belief systems in your life, that go toward supporting the new theory you are being at this moment.
現在不是過去的結果。你認為現在的結果是什麼,現在便是你那個想法的結果 。倘若你認為,你的現在是你過去的結果,那麼那只是你所正在創造的一個效果。但你此刻就正在創造那個效果。所以,你創造了所有看似線性的連續景象,這些景象似乎都符合你現在認為自己是誰的論點,而顯得有意義。改變那個論點,你將不會再體驗任何支持該論點的事情。那時,你只會體驗在你生命中的那些景象、感覺和信念體系,它們都會趨向成為你此刻就正在體驗的那個嶄新理論。
N ow, this is sinking in on many different levels. We realize that some of these concepts may be new to you. But allow us to remind you of one very important thing: never is it possible for you to hear something you are not ready to hear. So if you are now in this conversation with us, that is an indication that on whatever level you need to, it's sinking in and making sense. And, bit-by-bit, at whatever rate you are comfortable in changing those frames, your outer reality will also change.
現在,這些觀念正在各個層面上滲透你。我們明白,有些觀念對你來說可能很新鮮。可是,讓我們提醒你一件十分重要的事: 你永遠不可能聽到一些你仍未準備想聽的事情 。所以,如果你現在正與我們對話,那即表示,無論在那一個合乎你需要的層面上,它都已經滲透並產生了意義。而且,無論以何種你在改變那些架構時感到舒適的速度,你的外在實相都將一點一滴地逐漸改變。