(上承 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-03)
Different Frequencies
Everything is energy; everything vibrates at different frequencies. The only reason one thing is different from another thing is because there are energies and frequencies which are different rates, different pitches than other frequencies. That difference in frequencies is exactly what determines what you perceive to be this object from that object, this person from that person. Everyone is made out of the same one homogenous substance. The only reason you appear to be different is because of the pitch, or vibrational rate, at which you operate, the level at which you define yourselves to be. Every being within creation is a self-aware, self-reflective, free will entity, a holographic representation of the Infinite Creation. You all have the ability to operate on any number of frequency levels that you so desire. Those frequency levels are automatically determined by the beliefs you buy into most strongly, what you believe is most true for you.
一切都是能量;一切事物皆以不同的頻率在震動。某件事物之所以異於另一件,唯一的原因是,有一些能量和頻率在速度、波形上有別於另一些頻率。這種頻率上的差異正是決定你認知不同物體或人物的因素。所有的人都是來自同一種物質,你看起來不同的唯一原因,是源於你運作的振動速率或波形;是來自你界定自己的層次。造化中的每一個存在體都是具有自覺、自省、自由意志的實體,都是「無限造化」的呈現。你們全都擁有在任何自己所喜歡的頻率等級上運作的能力。這些頻率等級是由你最為強烈接受的信念 —— 你所相信的、對你來說最真實的東西 —— 所自行決定。
As we have said, due to the type of society you have created, for a long time you have been heavily into self-invalidation. Being self-invalidational, has allowed you to buy into belief systems that are not necessarily representative of the belief systems that would precisely reflect who it is you have created yourselves to be, who it is you desire to be. If individuals put invalidations and judgments upon you, you may sometimes without even being consciously aware of it – buy into those invalidations and say, "Yes, I'm this; I'm that. It's not what I really want to be, but you must be right, because so many people tell me this."
我們曾經說過,由於你們所創造的社會類型,你們已有一段長時間嚴重喪失了自我價值。喪失自我價值讓你接受那些不一定具有代表性的信念體系,這些體系應當準確地反映出,你們所創造的自己、你們所渴望成為的那個人。如果別人剝奪你的價值,批判你,你就會 —— 有時甚至不自覺地 —— 接受那些判斷,並且說:「是的,我是這個,我是那個。這不是我真正想成為的那個人,可是你一定是對的,因為那麼多人都是這麼說。」
All right. But do stop looking outside yourselves for the things – that will allow you to be who you want to be. Be them – because you are the idea you imagine you can be. Act like you are what you imagine you want to be and you will be it. That will create the experiences, seemingly outside yourselves, that will represent who you now are willing to believe you can be. You are being rebounded from thing to thing, situation-to-situation, and bumped around because you are looking for the answers externally. They are always going to kick you back into the center of your being . . . because that's where the answers are!
好吧。但是,你必須停止往身外尋找可讓你成為自己想成為的某人的那些東西。你只要成為他們 —— 因為你即是自己所想像可以成為的那個意念。行動,就像你已經是自己所想像希望成為的那樣,那麼你就將會成為那樣。這將會創造一些似乎是外在的經驗,它們將代表你現在所願意相信可以成為的人。你在事物和情勢中間來回反彈,跌跌撞撞,因為你是在外面尋找答案。它們將常常把你踢回你自己的中心… 因為答案就在那裡!
Allow your life circumstances to change by knowing you will now accept another way for the answers to be delivered instead of the way they have been delivered up to now. You are now willing to be open to letting messages manifest themselves in the daily events of your life. But you will not see them if you do not believe you are the persons creating them. By looking for those effects outside of yourselves, you are denying that you are the ones who can create them in your lives.
(續接 來自我們未來生命的訊息CH06-05)