The Law of One, Book I, Session 18
February 4, 1981
1981 年 2 月 4 日
Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We communicate now.
RA:我是 Ra,我在無限造物者的愛與光中,向你們致意。我們現在開始通訊。
Questioner: I was thinking last night that if I were in the place of Ra right now, the first distortion of the Law of One might cause me to mix some erroneous data with the true information that I was transmitting to this group. Do you do this?
問:我昨晚在想,如果我現在處於 Ra 的位置,一的法則之第一變貌可能使我將一些錯誤資料混雜在真實的資訊當中傳遞給這個小組,你會這樣做嗎?
Ra: I am Ra. We do not intentionally do this. However there will be confusion. It is not our intent in this particular project to create erroneous information, but to express in this confining ambiance of your language system the feeling of the Infinite Mystery of the One Creation in its infinite and intelligent unity.
RA:我是 Ra,我們不會故意這樣做,無論如何,將會有些混淆。已發生的錯誤是由於該器皿攝取一種化學物質,導致其振動複合體偶爾的變動。
Questioner: Thank you. I have a question here that I will read: “Much of the mystic tradition of seeking on Earth holds the belief that the individual self must be erased or obliterated and the material world ignored for the individual to reach ‘nirvana,’ as it is called, or enlightenment. What is the proper role of the individual self and its worldly activities to aid an individual to grow more into the Law of One?”
問:謝謝你,我這裡有個來自 Jim 的問題,我把它逐字唸出來:"許多地球上祕傳的傳統相信個人自我必須被抹除或消滅,一個實體必須忽略物質世界以臻至涅磐(nirvana)或開悟。那麼個人自我與世俗活動的適當角色為何?它們如何幫助一個實體更多地成長進入一的法則?"
Ra: I am Ra. The proper role of the entity is in this density to experience all things desired, to then analyze, understand, and accept these experiences, distilling from them the love/light within them. Nothing shall be overcome. That which is not needed falls away.
RA:我是 Ra,一個實體在這個密度的適當角色是去體驗所有渴望的事物,然後分析,理解,並接受這些體驗,從中萃取愛/光。沒有什麼事物需要被克服,不被需要的東西會消失。
The orientation develops due to analysis of desire. These desires become more and more distorted towards conscious application of love/light as the entity furnishes itself with distilled experience. We have found it to be inappropriate in the extreme to encourage the overcoming of any desires, except to suggest the imagination rather than the carrying out in the physical plane, as you call it, of those desires not consonant with the Law of One, thus preserving the primal distortion of free will.
The reason it is unwise to overcome is that overcoming is an unbalanced action creating difficulties in balancing in the time/space continuum. Overcoming, thus, creates the further environment for holding on to that which apparently has been overcome.
All things are acceptable in the proper time for each entity, and in experiencing, in understanding, in accepting, in then sharing with otherselves, the appropriate distortion shall be moving away from distortions of one kind to distortions of another which may be more consonant with the Law of One.
It is, shall we say, a shortcut to simply ignore or overcome any desire. It must instead be understood and accepted. This takes patience and experience which can be analyzed with care, with compassion for self and for other-self.
Questioner: Basically I would say that to infringe upon the free will of another entity would be the basic thing never to do under the Law of One. Can you state any other breaking of the Law of One than this basic rule?
Ra: I am Ra. As one proceeds from the primal distortion of free will, one proceeds to the understanding of the focal points of intelligent energy which have created the intelligences or the ways of a particular mind/body/spirit complex in its environment, both what you would call natural and what you would call man-made. Thus, the distortions to be avoided are those which do not take into consideration the distortions of the focus of energy of love/light, or shall we say, the Logos of this particular sphere or density. These include the lack of understanding of the needs of the natural environment, the needs of other-selves’ mind/body/spirit complexes. These are many due to the various distortions of man-made complexes in which the intelligence and awareness of entities themselves have chosen a way of using the energies available.
RA:我是 Ra,當一個實體從自由意志的原初變貌出發,進展到理解智能能量的各個焦點,創造出特別的心/身/靈複合體之智能以及其環境,包括你們所稱的天然與人造(man-made)的環境。
Thus, what would be an improper distortion with one entity is proper with another. We can suggest an attempt to become aware of the other-self as self and thus do that action which is needed by other-self, understanding from the other-self’s intelligence and awareness. In many cases this does not involve the breaking of the distortion of free will into a distortion or fragmentation called infringement. However, it is a delicate matter to be of service, and compassion, sensitivity, and an ability to empathize are helpful in avoiding the distortions of man-made intelligence and awareness.
The area or arena called the societal complex is an arena in which there are no particular needs for care for it is the prerogative/honor/duty of those in the particular planetary sphere to act according to their free will for the attempted aid of the social complex.
Thus, you have two simple directives: awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in nature, awareness of the intelligent energy expressed in self to be shared when it seems appropriate by the entity with the social complex, and you have one infinitely subtle and various set of distortions of which you may be aware; that is, distortions with respect to self and other-selves not concerning free will but concerning harmonious relationships and service to others as other-selves would most benefit.
1:Ra 對於這個問題回答得非常仔細深入,相當不好翻譯,譯者特別在此感謝加拿大友人 Ian 的協助,方能順利完成此段的翻譯。
3:根據 Ian 的看法,第三密度的社會尚未整合為一個完整的存有,因此我們主要的工作為人與人之間的施與受。因而間接地幫助一個社會複合體。)
Questioner: As an entity in this density grows from childhood, he becomes more aware of his responsibilities. Is there an age below which an entity is not responsible for his actions, or is he responsible from the time of his birth?
Ra: I am Ra. An entity incarnating upon the Earth plane becomes conscious of self at a varying point in its time/space progress through the continuum. This may have a median, shall we say, of approximately fifteen of your months. Some entities become conscious of self at a period closer to incarnation, some at a period farther from this event. In all cases responsibility becomes retroactive from that point backward in the continuum so that distortions are to be understood by the entity and dissolved as the entity learns.
RA:我是 Ra,一個降生在地球的實體在連續體(continuum)的不同時間/空間點變得對自我有意識,容我們說,可以取中位數,(該時間點)大約是在 15 個月左右。有些實體在出生不久後就覺察自我,有些則在稍晚的時期。在所有的情況中,責任都是溯及既往的,如此該實體能理解這些扭曲,當該實體學到(功課),這些扭曲便會消融。
Questioner: Then an entity four years old would be totally responsible for any actions that were against or inharmonious with the Law of One. Is this correct?
問:那麼一個 4 歲的實體要為任何違反或與一的法則不和諧之行為負完全責任,是否正確?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It may be noted that it has been arranged by your social complex structures that the newer entities to incarnation are to be provided with guides of a physical mind/body/spirit complex, thus being able to learn quickly what is consonant with the Law of One.
RA:我是 Ra,這是正確的。值得注意的是你們社會複合體結構的安排,新降生的實體通常會有些心/身/靈複合體的指導者,因此得以快速學習什麼事物與一的法則相調和。
Questioner: Who are these guides?
Ra: I am Ra. These guides are what you call parents, teachers, and friends.
RA:我是 Ra,這些指導者是你們所稱的雙親,老師,以及朋友。
Questioner: You stated yesterday that forgiveness is the eradicator of karma.
I am assuming that balanced forgiveness for the full eradication of karma would require forgiveness not only of other-selves but also the forgiveness of self. Am I correct?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct. We will briefly expand upon this understanding in order to clarify.
RA:我是 Ra,你是正確的。我們簡短地闡釋這一個認知使這點更清晰。
Forgiveness of other-self is forgiveness of self. An understanding of this insists upon full forgiveness upon the conscious level of self and other-self, for they are one. A full forgiveness is thus impossible without the inclusion of self.
Questioner: Thank you—a most important point.
問:謝謝你 —— 對於我的思考方式而言,至為重要的一點。
You mentioned that there were a number of Confederations. Do all serve the infinite Creator in basically the same way, or do some specialize in some particular types of service?
Ra: I am Ra. All serve the one Creator. There is nothing else to serve, for the Creator is all that there is. It is impossible not to serve the Creator. There are simply various distortions of this service.
RA:我是 Ra,全都服務太一造物者,再無其他東西可服務,因為造物者是一切萬有,不可能不服務造物者,只是有不同的服務變貌。
As in the Confederation which works with your peoples, each Confederation is a group of specialized individual social memory complexes, each doing that which it expresses to bring into manifestation.
Questioner: Can you tell me how Yahweh communicated to Earth’s people?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a somewhat complex question.
RA:我是 Ra,這是個有些複雜的問題。
The first communication was what you would call genetic. The second communication was the walking among your peoples to produce further genetic changes in consciousness. The third was a series of dialogues with chosen channels.
Questioner: Can you tell me what these genetic changes were and how they were brought about?
Ra: I am Ra. Some of these genetic changes were in a form similar to what you call the cloning process. Thus, entities incarnated in the image of the Yahweh entities. The second was a contact of the nature you know as sexual, changing the mind/body/spirit complex through the natural means of the patterns of reproduction devised by the intelligent energy of your physical complex.
RA:我是 Ra,有些基因改變的形式類似於你們所稱的複製(cloning)過程。因此,實體們以亞威實體的形象誕生,第二次的接觸,本質為性(sexual),透過你們肉體複合體智能能量設計的繁殖型態,以此自然方式改變心/身/靈複合體。
Questioner: Can you tell me specifically what they did in this case?
Ra: I am Ra. We have answered this question. Please restate for further information.
RA:我是 Ra,我們已經回答這個問題,請重述以獲得進一步訊息。
Questioner: Can you tell me the difference between the sexual programming prior to Yahweh’s intervention and after intervention?
Ra: I am Ra. This is a question which we can only answer by stating that intervention by genetic means is the same no matter what the source of this change.
RA:我是 Ra,關於這個問題,我們只能說,藉由基因手段介入都是一樣的,不管改變的來源為何。
Questioner: Can you tell me Yahweh’s purpose in making the genetic sexual changes?
Ra: I am Ra. The purpose 75,000 years ago, as you measure time, was of one purpose only: that to express in the mind/body complex those characteristics which would lead to further and more speedy development of the spiritual complex.
RA:我是 Ra,以你們的時間尺度而言,75,000 年前,這些改變的目標只有一個:在心/身複合體中表達一些特徵,以導引靈性複合體進一步,更快速的發展。
Questioner: How did these characteristics go about leading to the more spiritual development?
Ra: I am Ra. The characteristics which were encouraged included sensitivity of all the physical senses to sharpen the experiences, and the strengthening of the mind complex in order to promote the ability to analyze these experiences.
RA:我是 Ra,被鼓勵的特徵包括所有肉體感官的靈敏度,以銳化各種經驗;強化心智複合體,以促進分析這些經驗的能力。
Questioner: When did Yahweh act to perform the genetic changes?
Ra: I am Ra. The Yahweh group worked with those of the planet you call Mars 75,000 years ago in what you would call the cloning process. There are differences, but they lie in the future of your time/space continuum and we cannot break the free will Law of Confusion.
RA:我是 Ra,亞威群體在 75,000 年前與那些火星的實體工作,進行你所稱的複製過程,與(複製)有所不同,但它們(的細節)存在於你們時間/空間連續體之未來,我們不能打破自由意志,即混淆法則。
The 2,600, approximately, time was the second time—we correct ourselves: 3,600—approximately, the time of attempts by those of the Orion group during this cultural complex; this was a series of encounters in which the ones called Anak were impregnated with the new genetic coding by your physical complex means so that the organisms would be larger and stronger.
大約 2 千 6 百年是第二次 —— 我們更正:大約 3 千 6 百年前,也是獵戶集團嘗試在此文化複合體工作的時間。
透過一系列與被稱為 Anak 的群體的會面,藉由肉體複合體的方式使其受精,注入新的基因編碼,好讓有機體變得更大、更強壯*。
(*譯註:可能是舊約創世紀 6:4 提到的上古之英勇巨人。)
Questioner: Why did they want larger and stronger organisms?
Ra: I am Ra. The ones of Yahweh were attempting to create an understanding of the Law of One by creating mind/body complexes capable of grasping the Law of One. The experiment was a decided failure from the view of the desired distortions due to the fact that rather than assimilating the Law of One, it was a great temptation to consider the so-called social complex or subcomplex elite or different and better than other-selves, this one of the techniques of service to self.
RA:我是 Ra,亞威群體嘗試藉由創造,足以了解一的法則之心/身複合體,(進而)創造對於一的法則之理解。這個實驗從原本期望的變貌而言,(結果)算是決定性的失敗。事實上(接受實驗的)它們非但沒有消化一的法則,反而產生很大的誘惑將(自己)所謂的社會複合體或小團體視為精英,或不同,比其他-自我更好,這是服務自我的手法之一。
Questioner: Then the Orion group produced this larger body complex to create an elite so that the Law of One could be applied in what we call the negative sense?
Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The entities of Yahweh were responsible for this procedure in isolated cases as experiments in combating the Orion group.
RA:我是 Ra,這是不正確的。亞威實體們要為這個程序負責,他們在獨立的個案中從事實驗用來與獵戶集團戰鬥。
However, the Orion group were able to use this distortion of mind/body complex to inculcate the thoughts of the elite rather than concentrations upon the learning/teaching of oneness.
Questioner: Was Yahweh then of the Confederation?
Ra: I am Ra. Yahweh was of the Confederation but was mistaken in its attempts to aid.
RA:我是 Ra,亞威屬於星際聯邦,但它在嘗試援助的過程有些失誤。
Questioner: Then Yahweh’s communications did not help or create what Yahweh wished for them to create. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. The results of this interaction were quite mixed. Where the entities were of a vibrational sum characteristic which embraced oneness, the manipulations of Yahweh were very useful. Wherein the entities of free will had chosen a less positively oriented configuration of sum total vibratory complex, those of the Orion group were able for the first time to make serious inroads upon the consciousness of the planetary complex.
RA:我是 Ra,這個互動的結果相當混雜,當實體振動總合特徵擁抱太一性(oneness),亞威的操作就相當有用。當自由意志的實體選擇較不正面傾向的振動總合複合體,那些獵戶集團的實體第一次能夠嚴重侵入地球複合體的意識。
Questioner: Can you tell me specifically what allowed the most serious of these inroads to be made by the Orion group?
Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final full question.
RA:我是 Ra,這將是最後一個完整的問題。
Specifically those who are strong, intelligent, etc., have a temptation to feel different from those who are less intelligent and less strong. This is a distorted perception of oneness with otherselves. It allowed the Orion group to form the concept of the holy war, as you may call it. This is a seriously distorted perception. There were many of these wars of a destructive nature.
確切地說,那些強壯、聰明… 等等的實體,會有個誘惑使他們覺得跟那些較不聰明,較不強壯的實體有所不同。對於太一性與其他自我的關係而言,這是種扭曲的認知。它允許獵戶集團形成所謂聖戰[如你所稱]的概念。這是個被嚴重扭曲的認知,有許多這類戰爭其本質具有毀滅性。
Questioner: Thank you very much. As you probably know I will be working for the next three days, so we will possibly have another session tonight if you think it is possible. The next session after that would not be until four days from now. Do you believe another session tonight is possible?
問:非常感謝你,我相信對於理解一的法則之全面運作,這是非常重要的一點;這是有幫助的。你很可能已經知道,接下來 3 天我將(到外地)工作,所以如果你覺得可以,我們今晚可能要進行另一場集會。接下來的集會最快要 4 天以後才能舉行。你認為今晚舉行另一場集會可能嗎?
Ra: I am Ra. This instrument is somewhat weak. This is a distortion caused by lack of vital energy. Thus, nurturing the instrument in physical balancing will allow another session. Do you understand?
RA:我是 Ra,這個器皿有些虛弱,這是缺乏生命能所造成的一種扭曲。因此,在肉體平衡上滋養該器皿,將允許另一場集會,你懂嗎?
Questioner: Not completely. What specifically shall we do for physical balancing?
Ra: I am Ra. One—take care with the foodstuffs. Two—manipulate the physical complex to alleviate the distortion toward pain. Three—encourage a certain amount of what you would call your exercise. The final injunction: to take special care with the alignments this second session so that the entity may gain as much aid as possible from the various symbols. We suggest you check these symbols most carefully. This entity is slightly misplaced from the proper configuration. Not important at this time. More important when a second session is to be scheduled.
RA:我是 Ra,
(*譯註:這裡原文為 manipulate,隱含有按摩的意思。)
I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one Creator. Adonai.
我是 Ra,我在太一無限造物者的愛與光中離開你們,那麼向前去吧!在太一造物者的大能與和平中歡欣鼓舞。Adonai。