Contact Report 781/第781次接觸報告
英譯版本:2021年11月07日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin
中譯版本:2021年11月15日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu
This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
There's a new visitor today. Be welcomed and greeted together, you of course Ptaah, and also you. May I ask what your name is and what it means? That is always one of the first questions.
Hanbal is my name, and it means 'He who opens the gates'. But greetings also to you, Eduard.
I also greet you, Eduard, my friend. Hanbal is coming here to tell you personally what has been decided regarding the registration with the 'Cloud', as well as regarding … But which you are not to speak about openly, by which I mean that you are not to make it public.
我也問候你,愛德華,我的朋友。Hanbal來這裡是要親自告訴你關於登録「雲端資料庫」(Cloud)的決定,以及關於... 但這方面的事你不能公開談論,我的意思是你不能將其公諸於眾。
Since I have been approached by Ptaah, I will come straight to the point and explain to you that I am engaged in security work, which is purely electronic in nature. Together – the 'we' meaning that we are 8 persons – we have been commissioned by the committee to deal with the so-called 'cloud' and to check its integrity. In this regard, our investigations have revealed that this is not a company that would provide sufficient security to store FIGU data. The following is to be explained, after which I must go back, because I have only come here to explain to you what we have decided, for which a justification has been given that has allowed us to come to the correct decision. We have looked into the whole thing thoroughly and found that it is insecure and therefore not recommended that this 'cloud registration portal' be used. It is really so insecure that it cannot be recommended in any way.
既然Ptaah已經提到,那我就直接切入主題向你說明,我從事的是電子方面的安全工作。我們共有8個人是受「委員會」(committee)的委託來處理所謂的「雲端資料庫」並檢查其完整性。在這方面,我們的調查顯示,這不是一家能夠提供足夠安全的公司來存儲FIGU的資料。在說明之後我就必須馬上回去,因為我只是來這裡向你說明我們的決定,在這方面有一個正當的理由,讓我們做出了正確的決定。我們已經徹底研究了整個狀況,發現它是不安全的,因此不建議使用這個「雲端登録入口」(cloud registration portal)。它確實非常不安全,無論如何不推薦使用。
The 'cloud' is not trustworthy enough to store FIGU data of any kind, because 'cloud computing' is not a single company, but a multiply expanding multiply provider community, which is not able to provide any security at all at length. This leads to the fact that the consequence of the fragmentation of cloud computing into different companies with different interests is already taking place, which will be criminally exposed in the long run. The fact that more and more cloud providers are using different services in this field has already become the uncontrollable mess of the newfangled technology. As a result, more and more trusting people are looking at the current state of this newfangled technology, and already it is the case that many different companies are offering a service that opens a way to criminally structured its progress into the future.
「雲端資料庫」不值得信任,不能存儲任何形式的FIGU資料,因為「雲端運算」(cloud computing)不是一個單一的公司,而是一個倍數擴張的多個供應商,它根本無法提供任何的安全性。結果這導致了「雲端運算」被分割成具有不同利益的不同公司,從長遠來看,這將提供犯罪的管道。越來越多的「雲端運算」供應商在這一領域使用不同的服務,這一事實已經成為新技術無法控制的混亂局面。因此,越來越多的使用者正在關注這項新技術的現狀,這已經是許多不同公司正在提供的一種服務,卻打開了一條通往未來結構化犯罪的道路。
The definition of the advantages and disadvantages, the different types of models and the security measures and concerns about cloud computing are such that already the whole thing is to be judged as the latest platform of the coming total misuse of information. The practical implementation of what is basically intended with the cloud system is already completely degenerated and has become something that will criminally disadvantage those who will join this system in false confidence in the future. Cloud computing has become increasingly important in recent years, but the result has been that everything has become more and more fragmented and more and more cloud providers have brought in different interests, some of which are already so criminal that everything has become unmanageable and, moreover, in such a way that the criminal is not recognised. Thus, services are offered in this area that are so covertly criminal that their actual purpose is not recognised, but will lead to financial damage. Although the current state of this newfangled technology offers a structured overview to define the advantages and disadvantages, the different types of models as well as the security measures open up too strong concerns about cloud computing for this modern technology to be recommended in the long run. Although the practical implementation of this technology is considered advanced on Earth with the cloud systems 'Amazon EC2' and 'Eucalyptus Open Source Cloud', the behaviour of web portals in clouds in particular is at issue here, because criminality stops at nothing in Earthly terms, consequently the resilience and high availability of the cloud systems will also fall prey to open traditional criminality over time.
雖然這項技術的實際運用是在地球上被認為先進雲端系統的「亞馬遜彈性雲端運算」(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud,簡稱Amazon EC2)和「Eucalyptus開源雲」(Eucalyptus Open Source Cloud),但雲端運算中的「入口網站」(web portals)的行為在這裡是有問題的,因為在地球上的犯罪行為無所不在,因此雲端系統的彈性和高可用性,也會隨著時間的推進而成為傳統犯罪的受害者。
The bottom line of all this is this: FIGU should – and this is advice to be followed, by all worldwide FIGU groupings of every kind – refrain in every way from ever using foreign services to store doctrinal things and data, or also group matters or information, etc., as well as other FIGU matters, ever in other than FIGU-internal channels. If FIGU information etc. is stored, or if other registrations etc. are to be made, then this should be done exclusively and absolutely only in or on FIGU's own portals, but never on foreign ones that do not belong to FIGU. There is already an uncertainty in the fact that the public network must be used in order to be able to guarantee the dissemination of FIGU matters, but this cannot be avoided with the earthly technology of the remote transmission of information. So, however, with regard to this deficiency, everything necessary must be taken into account to ensure that nothing can arise whereby direct or indirect foreign influences can interfere with the FIGU's affairs. Therefore, the rule must apply under all circumstances that NOTHING may be stored in foreign portals that concerns FIGU data of any kind. Everything and anything must always be purely controllable by FIGU, which is absolutely impossible as soon as data of any kind is inserted into foreign portals, etc. So everything and under any circumstances, it is to be avoided that something can occur that this security is breached. It is therefore to be decided and ordered by the core-group for all time that no FIGU grouping will ever be authorised to insert FIGU data of any kind into portals and channels other than FIGU's own.
這一切的底線是這樣的:FIGU應該 —— 這也是全世界所有FIGU的各種組織應該遵循的建議 —— 以各種方式避免在FIGU內部通路以外的地方使用外國的伺服器來存儲教導和資料,或小組事務或資訊,以及其他FIGU事務等。如果要存儲FIGU的資訊等,或者要進行其他的登錄時,那麼應該只在FIGU自己的入口網站上進行,而不應在不屬於FIGU的外國入口網站上進行。為了保證FIGU事務的傳播,必須使用公共網路,這已經有了不確定性,但這是地球上遠端傳輸資訊的技術所無法避免的。因此,對於這一缺陷,必須考慮到一切必要的因素,以確保不會出現任何直接或間接的外國影響來干擾FIGU的事務。
These, Eduard, are the facts I have to bring to you. With that, I have done my duty, so I can go back to my usual work. Farewell, and be anxious that what I have had to say should reach the minds and reason of those who do not seem to give thought to the exact consideration of what it means to entrust themselves blindly to portals which, in the long run, do more harm than good. These persons should and must be careful to find the logic of a matter and to act accordingly before they commit mistakes which, despite later repentance, cause serious damage. Goodbye, because it will certainly not be enough for us to meet again, because I have the thought that I will come here again to discuss things with you privately. But unfortunately that is not possible for today, so goodbye, Eduard. It was a pleasure to see you.
Goodbye, Hanbal. See you next time. – Then I must ask you, Ptaah, about what you say about Daniel's problem and what solution you found – whether you were able to settle it at all in the meantime?
再見,Hanbal。下次見。—— 那麼我必須問你,Ptaah,關於你所說的Daniel的問題,以及你找到的解決方案 —— 你是否能夠在這段期間解決這個問題?
Yes, we did, I wanted to tell you about that today anyway. Our result after the factual situation, as we were able to clarify it, was that with Daniel a case comes to the fore that is to be dealt with in a special way, namely in such a way that he determines everything regarding his commitment and his presence himself according to his best ability and capacity. This keeps him independent and allows him to set up and handle everything according to his own best work level palette, without restricting himself this way or that and somehow conflicting with his time of learning, his free time and commitment, his presence as a core-group member and his regular work in the company where he does his daily duty. He should be given more help by his co-workers in the computer area of the Centre, because there is too much on his shoulders in this regard, which overburdens him and makes him less and less able to cope with the pressure of responsibility. The commitment and the perception of responsibility of his staff are in fact never those that should be expected and should be in the foreground. It is urgently necessary to realise this. It is simply not acceptable that everything is shifted onto him and that he is overburdened, consequently he is overtaxed more and more often. This is to be changed urgently, which is only possible by Patric and Michael B. fulfilling their duty, for which they have decided and which is to be fulfilled in full, which can only be achieved through the necessary commitment, which is also to be fulfilled at times in their free time. As Quetzal has been telling me again and again for some time – as you told me that Daniel also made representations to you – there is not the necessary commitment on the part of Patric and Michael that there should be, which absolutely must be changed and brought into line with the necessity, otherwise the whole thing cannot function in the way it should.
在中心的電腦領域,他的同事應該給他更多的幫助,因為在這方面他肩上的擔子太重了,而且越來越重,這使他不堪重負。他對小組成員的承諾和對責任的看法,其實從來都不該是被期待而優先考量的。迫切需要意識到這一點。把所有的事情都轉嫁到他身上,讓他負擔過重,結果是他的負擔越來越重,這是絕不能接受的。這種情況迫切需要改變,這只有通過Patric和Michael B履行他們的職責才有可能,他們已經決定要實現這一承諾,這也可以在他們的閒暇時間去做。正如Quetzal一段時間以來一再告訴我的那樣 —— 也正如你告訴我Daniel向你陳述的那樣 —— Patric和Michael方面沒有作出應有的必要承諾,這應該是必須改變並使之符合需要,否則整個事情就不能以應有的方式運作。
I realise that, but for my part I cannot do anything but talk to them and make them realise the importance of the work they have taken on with computing. And this requires a good commitment to the whole thing, because everything nowadays depends all around on the computer system, which has to work perfectly, but unfortunately does not. For months now, all the monitors of all the members in the Centre have been blocking the search engines, on which we urgently depend, consequently we cannot find what we need from outside the Centre and have to buy via online shops. This has largely been denied to us for months because everything simply blocks as soon as we want to use the search. The whole thing hinders us a lot in our work, because we have to do everything possible and impossible to make sure that we eventually find what we want – or nothing at all.
我意識到這一點,但就我而言,我什麼也做不了,只能跟他們說,讓他們認識到他們在計算機系統工作中的重要性。而這需要對整個事情有良好的投入,因為現在的一切工作都依賴電腦系統,它必須完美地運作,但遺憾的是它並不是這樣。幾個月來,中心所有成員的電腦搜尋引擎都被封鎖了,而這正是我們迫切依賴的,因此我們無法從中心外找到我們需要的東西,只能通過網上商店購買。這幾個月來,我們基本上都被拒絕了,因為只要我們想使用搜索,一切都會被阻止。整個事情對我們的工作有很大的阻礙,因為我們必須做一切可能的和不可能的事情,以確保我們最終找到我們想要的東西 —— 或者根本就沒有。
This is just as unfortunate as Daniel having to try too hard, which brings him almost to the edge of his physical and nervous capacity. A reasonable effort on the part of the staff is very much necessary and should also be a matter of course out of a sense of duty. However, it gives me the impression that the whole thing is not taken as seriously as it might be and actually corresponds to elite work that has worldwide significance, but which has apparently not yet been recognised and understood, just as it has not yet been recognised and understood what responsibility it entails and how significant it will be in terms of personal usefulness.
That's the way it should be, so I do not think the whole thing should be brought up now, because I do not think there's any point in us 'kerstening' about it now, because it is better to talk about it at the general assembly.
I guess you are right about that.
So let's talk about something else, like the fact that the technological progress of Earth human beings has led to overpopulation, which in turn is to the detriment of planet Earth as a result of their machinations. Or about the fact, as we have already discussed, that there is no nuclear waste repository on the whole Earth that will last and exist for so long in a dense and reasonably safe manner that it will not one day become a danger to the life of all life-forms – also to human beings, if they have not by then wiped themselves out through overpopulation. Also the danger that human beings have built their houses etc. so close to the seas and have not become smarter, consequently they are still doing so, since every sea rises several millimetres per year due to the melting of glaciers and poles, just as the influence of climate change brings worse storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions year after year, just as tsunamis flood the still existing shores far inland and destroy everything – this should also be said. Also that historians often commit themselves to false records and then claim that everything was so and so in ancient times, although it is so untrue, like false assumptions by archaeologists that, for example, something was built in such and such a way, etc., that should also be discussed once in a while, because sometimes such nonsense is said and told that it makes your hat go up. If you have seen with your own eyes how reality was effective and then hear on TV, for example, what is being falsely explained, then it sometimes takes good nerves not to go berserk. We should also talk about the whistleblowers, because there is still a lot to be done about Assange, who is in prison in England and does not know whether he will be extradited to America or not. The issue of Sweden, where he is alleged to have sexually abused a woman, is not really off the table either. At least I have not heard anything more about it.
那我們就談點別的吧,比如地球人類的技術進步導致了人口過剩(overpopulation),而過剩的人口又因為他們的貪婪而損害地球。或者,正如我們已經討論過的,整個地球上沒有一個核廢料儲存庫會以密集和安全的方式存放到以至於有一天它不會成為所有生命的威脅 —— 包括人類,如果他們到那時還沒有因為人口過剩而消滅自己的話。
There's actually no hurry. Besides, and I have told you this before, it is now 'fashionable' for women to report men to the police and bring legal charges against them for alleged rape or sexual assault or abuse, etc., out of greed for money or revenge. But I will first come to what you have not told me so far from my father's Sfath times, for example, what you saw when you were together in the future of the present time. This I want to know, because my view of things does not look good as far as the future is concerned in relation to the Corona plague.
I am not allowed to talk openly about that, unfortunately, because Sfath said at the time that I had to keep quiet about it. And he specifically said must, and so I must abide by that, because I promised him at that time that I would remain silent and not inform the human beings of Earth.
I know that, that instruction and concerning your promises I have read in his annals, but so far, despite great efforts, I have not found anything about what you are to keep silent about. He also said that you should mention certain events, things and occurrences, etc., but that you must also keep silent about the exact time of the events that have been experienced and therefore also predicted. The coming events that will inevitably occur or have already come to pass may only be mentioned in a coded and half-open manner. According to his explanations, this is to prevent certain events, etc., which you predict, from worsening through wrong precautions, which Earth human beings try to prevent as if automatically. But that would inevitably lead to the wrong thing being done to prevent the coming predicted from happening.
That is precisely why not too much should be said, just as no time should be named. Everything should only be predicted in such a way that no time details are given. This is to prevent the human beings of the Earth from doing nonsensical things which, on the one hand, will not prevent the whole thing and, on the other hand, can only bring even worse damage. Knowing too much is usually harmful in relation to predictions because the human being wants to be cleverer and more clever than fate, which has certain determinations that cannot be circumvented or otherwise changed, so that what is unalterable will come to pass and happen. But if anything is done about it, then it is in every case – and it really would be in every single case – that the wrong thing would be done and everything would become much more evil and worse.
這正是為什麼不應該說得太多,就像不應該說出時間一樣。一切都只應該以這樣的方式來預測,不應該給出時間細節。這是為了防止地球上的人類做出無意義的事情,一方面並不能阻止整個事件的發生,且另一方面只會帶來更嚴重的損害。在預測方面,知道的太多通常是有害的,因為人類想要比注定的命運更聰明、更機靈,而命運有某些決定是無法規避或以其他方式改變的,因此,不可改變的事物一定會實現並發生。但是如果對它做了什麼,那麼在每一種情況下 —— 真的是在每一種情況下 —— 都會做錯事,一切都會變得更加惡劣和糟糕。
Yes, that is so. In Sfath's or my father's annals it is also listed that way.
That you cannot find what you are looking for in Sfath's annals, that is recorded separately by him, I know that. So you will not find what you are looking for in the annals, because you have to request it elsewhere in the library, namely under the code word … Only then will you get the further information, which also contains that which comprehensively discusses the future and lists what will really happen, which I am not allowed to talk about openly. This probably does not concern you, for you are not an earthling, consequently I think that I may pour you clear wine. But that will take a long time, which is why I think we can do it privately after the official conversation. Now, however, I want to ask you what a 'booster' vaccination is actually supposed to mean, and what else is worth mentioning in relation to the Corona virus.
那你在Sfath的《大事記要》裡找不到你要找的東西,那是他單獨記錄的,我知道。所以你不會在《大事記要》中找到你要找的東西,因為你必須在圖書館的其他地方申請,要以密碼... 只有這樣你才能得到進一步的資訊,其中也包含了全面討論未來的內容,列出了真正會發生的事情,我不允許公開談論這些。這可能與你無關,因為你不是地球人,因此我想我可以向你透漏一些訊息。但這將需要很長的時間,這就是為什麼我認為我們可以在正式談話後私下進行。不過,現在我想問問你,“加強型”疫苗接種到底是什麼意思,還有什麼與冠狀病毒病毒有關的事情是值得一提的。
You know more about Earth and its future than I, who is supposed to be concerned about you and stand by your side. But we will leave that alone, because you can explain to me after our official conversation why my father ordered it that way and why I do not know everything about his annals. Now, however, I will first talk about the current situation of the Corona epidemic, namely what we have been able to establish so far, what is being done in terms of governance as well as medically and virologically with regard to it.
Unfortunately, after our very precise research into the vaccines against the Corona epidemic that are being circulated and used worldwide, we have established – and I will speak without consideration – that these are not as tried and good as is constantly claimed publicly by corrupt and incompetent virologists and state leaders. First of all, however, I want to say that we are not interfering in earthly matters in this way, for I am only stating facts and actualities that have been recognised by us and our efforts, which prove that Earth human beings – as you say in each case – are being made fools of, because they are not being told the truth in this and that respect, but are being lied to. That is why I want to speak openly for once and say what really is, but in such a way that every Earth human being must decide for himself whether he wants to comply with it or not. No one shall be influenced by my words and explanations to act in accordance with what I have to say, for every Earth human being should and has to decide for himself what he wants to accept, how he wants to act or what he wants to refrain from, for as you often say, everyone is his own lord and master and he also has to remain so.
然而,首先我想說的是,我們並沒有以這種方式干涉地球上的事情,因為我只是在陳述我們努力所認識到的事實和實際情況,這證明地球上的人類 —— 正如你在每個案例中所說 —— 正在被愚弄,因為他們在各個方面都沒有被告知真相,而是被欺騙了。這就是為什麼我想開誠佈公地說一次,說出真實的情況,但以這樣一種方式,每個地球人必須自己決定是否要遵守它。
According to what is publicly proclaimed, the so-called vaccines have not yet been tested in such a way that they correspond to the efficacy values that are stated. These statements are based on deliberate lies, firstly because the filthy lure of profit attracts the companies and corporations that produce these allegedly 'good' and 'valuable' vaccines and distribute them worldwide, thereby 'earning' billions – which must rather be called robbing at the expense of the stupid vaccine believers. That the so-called vaccines, some of which are in reality only half-valent and others are in fact absolutely without real effect, and that those who have been effectively vaccinated or 'cured' with the half-valent vaccines are nevertheless re-infected with the Corona epidemic, is quite natural, because half-valent remains half-valent and can never bring full-value. Since the majority of today's vaccines of various kinds are unfortunately not yet sufficiently mature and not suitable for a useful vaccination due to their unresearched, untested and half-value effectiveness – the real research and testing of an effectively effective vaccine against the Corona virus will still require years – it is not advisable to understand and accept them as comprehensive safety. For many trusting human beings who have themselves vaccinated with these untested vaccines and believe that this offers them 100% certainty that they will really become immune to the Corona virus, or that they can easily take a vaccination without any consequences or late effects, time will tell in each individual case, which may be decades. But in the end, every Earth human being is responsible for himself, so everyone must decide for himself whether he is for or against. Consequently, no advice can or may be given as to whether a vaccination can or could be good or wrong, recommendable or harmful for someone, because it is everyone's own responsibility.
根據公開宣稱的內容,所謂的疫苗還沒有以這樣的方式進行測試,即它們符合所宣稱的效用。這些聲明是基於蓄意的謊言,首先是因為骯髒的利潤誘惑吸引著那些生產這些所謂的“好”和“有價值”的疫苗並在全球銷售的公司和企業,從而“賺取”數十億美元 —— 這必須被稱為以愚蠢的疫苗信仰者為代價的搶劫。
所謂的疫苗,有些實際上只有「一半的效價」(half-valent),有些實際上絕對沒有實際效果,那些用半效疫苗有效接種或“治癒”的人卻重新感染了冠狀病毒疫情,這是很自然的,因為半效仍然是半效,不可能帶來「全面的效用」(full-value)。由於今天的各種疫苗大多不幸還不夠成熟,而且由於其未經研究、未經測試和半效的有效性,不適合進行有用的疫苗接種 —— 真正研究和測試有效對抗冠狀病毒的疫苗仍需要多年時間 —— 因此,理解和接受它們作為全面的安全是不可取的。
As far as the so-called 'booster' vaccination is concerned, it is to be explained that this means nothing other than a 'revaccination' or 'booster vaccination', which means that due to the half-life of the vaccines – which the manufacturers of the same are well aware of – they require a revaccination or a booster vaccination. This is because the antibodies that are formed after a vaccination evaporate after a certain time and thus the half-valence effect of the vaccination dissolves again. This increases the risk of a new infection with this disease.
至於所謂的“加強型”疫苗接種,需要解釋的是,這只不過是一種“再接種”或“加強型接種”,這意味著由於疫苗效用的半衰期 —— 這些疫苗的製造商都很清楚 —— 它們需要再接種或加強型接種。這是因為接種疫苗後形成的抗體在一定時間後會消失(evaporate),因此接種疫苗的半效效果又會消散。這就增加了重新感染這種疾病的風險。
It is also to be said that the claims of the correct effectiveness of vaccinations are based on lies, because these vaccines do not guarantee what is promised to the believers in vaccination, namely that they are safe and effective to a certain percentage. This, however, corresponds to another lie, because the allegedly 'good' active substances are on the one hand much lower in their efficacy values, and on the other hand too little tested to reach the alleged percentage of efficacy that is claimed.
Also the more frequently occurring consequences, ranging from mild and severe health problems to deaths and severe late effects of these vaccines, are considerable and are also deliberately misrepresented to the people through lies and concealment of the truth. They are not told the full truth, but much is concealed and a certainty is suggested that is not there, or only to a certain extent. It is also concealed from those willing to be vaccinated that in many cases the supposedly 'safe' vaccination does not protect them from being infected by some mutation of the corona virus, which in turn poses a risk of infection for others, because the infection is inevitably transmitted to fellow human beings.
Those responsible for the state or the leaders of all states act in a completely confused manner and lead their peoples to resist their illogical instructions, decrees and regulations. This is because everything they instruct and decree is contrary to what would really be necessary, consequently unrest and demonstrations are the inevitable result. Coercive legislation, which is considered misgoverning, will have unpleasant consequences and prove the ineptitude, incompetence and misconduct of the misgovernors in question who enact such anti-grassroots proposals. They are culpable for creating enmity between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated and thereby thoughtlessly dividing the peoples into two hostile communities. In their non-thinking or stupidity, they are unable to consider this, just as they are unable to consider that instead of their stupid instructions and regulations, a general wearing of a valid respiratory protection mask should be carried out under the personal responsibility of each person, which would guarantee a certain level of safety and prevent the danger of infection. Instead of doing the correct thing in this respect, or prescribing it to the peoples, free handling without protective masks and keeping one's distance is propagated, just as stupid G-rules [*g*eimpft, *g*enesen, *g*etestet = vaccinated, convalesced, tested] are invented by which this and that is permitted, whereby the peoples do not notice that it is already a dictatorial measure which will be followed by others. Once introduced and tolerated without objection by those who believe in it, the whole thing continues until the final dictatorship, which is finally found to be just and confirmed by those of the peoples who, in their stupidity, do not realise that, through the fallible authors of the dictatorially lawfully decided measures, they are falling into a servility which is equally unworthy and hostile to freedom as a real dictatorship.
在他們的欠思考或愚蠢中,他們無法考慮這一點,就像他們無法考慮代替他們愚蠢的指示和規定,應該在每個人的個人責任下普遍戴上有效的防護口罩,這將保證一定程度的安全,防止感染的危險。在這方面,人們沒有做正確的事情,也沒有對人民作出規定,而是宣傳不戴防護口罩的自由操作和保持距離,就像發明了愚蠢的G規則[*g*eimpft, *g*enesen, *g*etestet = 疫苗接種、療養、測試],允許這樣或那樣的行為,而人民並沒有注意到這已經是一種獨裁的措施,將被其他人效仿。一旦引入並被那些相信它的人無異議地容忍,整個事情就會繼續下去,直到最後的獨裁統治,最後發現它是公正的,並被那些愚蠢的人民所接受,他們沒有意識到,通過獨裁立法機構所採取措施的錯誤始創者,他們正陷入一種奴役,這種奴役與真正的獨裁同樣毫無價值,對自由充滿敵意。
In order to protect oneself against an infection of a person infected with the Corona virus, the only sure way is to keep as far away as possible from other persons. Where it is not otherwise possible, the wearing of a respirator mask should be strictly recommended, for this is necessary, contrary to any erroneous and stupid statist decree or misadvice that this is just as unnecessary as keeping one person at a distance from another. For as long as the Corona epidemic is rampant, keeping an appropriate distance is as urgently necessary as wearing masks towards persons of whom one cannot be sure whether they carry the Corona virus and can spread it further. Even with regard to persons vaccinated against the epidemic, there is no certainty, because firstly, the vaccines are only halfway useful or not at all, consequently they only protect halfway or not at all against an infection of any mutation of the Corona virus, which is why revaccinations – if possible in multiple sequences – are recommended, although a good vaccine that has been sufficiently tested for its effectiveness must be good for several years, consequently there will be no fear of infection for a long time.
即使是接種過疫苗的人,也不能確定,因為首先,疫苗只有一半的作用,或者根本沒有作用,因此它們對任何變異冠狀病毒的感染只有一半的保護作用,或者根本沒有保護作用,這就是為什麼建議重新接種 —— 如果可能的話,分多次接種,儘管經過充分測試其有效性的好疫苗必須在幾年內有效,因此在很長一段時間內不用擔心感染的問題。
What I want to recommend – something that every person can voluntarily follow or not – is that as long as the Corona epidemic has not become so void that there will no longer be any danger of infection – which will still take a certain time, as you have told me, about which you are however not supposed to speak openly – a respiratory protective mask of the FFP2 quality is worn and a due distance, calculated according to necessity, is kept from fellow human beings, and namely indeed at all times for as long as it is necessary. And as I see it all, this will be for longer than those responsible for the states and the so-called 'experts' will proclaim it to be.
我想建議的是 —— 每個人都可以自願遵守或不遵守 —— 只要冠狀病毒的流行還沒有消失到不再有任何感染的危險 —— 這仍然需要一些時間,正如你告訴我的那樣,但你不應該公開談論這個問題 —— 要戴好FFP2等級的防護口罩,並根據需要,與同伴保持適當的距離,而且只要有必要,就一直維持這樣。在我看來,這種狀況將比那些國家負責人和所謂的“專家”所宣稱的時間還要久。
A state ban on pleasurable travel would be absolutely necessary for as long as the Corona epidemic remains uncontrolled, which will henceforth be the case again on a larger scale, as you also know from the time with my father. Consequently, in order to contain the Corona epidemic, air travel and all other unnecessary travel that is only for holidays and the like, as well as air travel, would also have to be prohibited, as would all public events for purely recreational purposes and public sporting events. Commercial traffic could be permitted if the necessary safety measures were strictly observed, such as wearing masks and keeping a proper distance, which would also have to be taken into account at work. But whether this is understood by the responsible people of all species is very questionable, for such advice requires reason and rationality to be recognised and followed, and precisely these factors are lacking in those Earth human beings who are responsible for the welfare of the peoples. To say more is probably superfluous, for only a few will hear what is said and do what is right, because too many are in the rampant mass of overpopulation, who on the one hand are believers in their state leaders, as they are also believers in some religion or other, and in their delusion of faith assume that their God – who truthfully exists only in their imagination – will help them and protect them from all evil.
但是,負責各項事務的人是否理解這一點是非常令人懷疑的,因為這樣的建議需要理智和理性的認可和遵循,而恰恰這些因素在那些負責人民福利的地球人身上是缺乏的。說得更多可能是多餘的,因為只有少數人會聽到所說的並做正確的事情,因為太多的人處於氾濫的人口過剩之中,一方面他們相信他們的國家領導人,因為他們也相信一些宗教或其他,並在他們的信仰妄想中認為他們的上帝 —— 真的只存在他們的想像中 —— 會幫助他們並保護他們免受一切災禍的侵害。
Exactly, that should still be the case, but one is talking into the desert, because 1. nobody wants to hear it, because it goes against the will of the majority of mankind and their own stupid thinking, consequently non-thinking and stupidity triumphs and is in the foreground. 2. Faith in a 'dear God' and in 'infallible' rulers plays such an important role that it is hopeless to try to explain the effective truth to anyone who believes in God or in the government.
But let's talk about whistleblowers, because I want to know what you think about Assange and Snowden. Whistleblowers are praised or condemned as heroes or traitors, depending on the view or the case, such as Edward Snowden or Julian Assange.
但讓我們來談談那些吹哨人,因為我想知道你對阿桑奇和斯諾登的看法。那些吹哨人被讚美為英雄或譴責為叛徒,這取決於觀點或案例,例如愛德華.斯諾登(Edward Snowden)或朱利安.阿桑奇(Julian Assange)。
Edward Joseph 'Ed' Snowden as a US whistleblower was a former CIA employee who had insights into the extent of the worldwide surveillance and espionage practices of secret services, so also predominantly into every secret service power of the USA, which he revealed and made public. He now lives in exile in Russia, but is being pursued by the Americans.
作為美國的吹哨人,愛德華.約瑟夫.“埃德”.斯諾登(Edward Joseph 'Ed' Snowden)是一名前中央情報局人員,他對全世界的監視和秘密間諜行為有深入的瞭解,因此也包括美國每一個秘密活動的圖謀,他透露並公開了這些資訊。他現在流亡在俄羅斯,但正被美國人追捕。
Julian Assange, an Australian, founder of 'WikiLeaks', a disclosure platform, (which in German actually translates into Hawaiian wiki 'fast', as in English Leaks means as much as 'leaks' or 'leaking places' or even 'holes'), was arrested by the British years ago as a result of Ecuador's betrayal in its embassy, where he sought refuge and spent years until he was stripped of his Ecuadorian citizenship, obtained in 2018, by a court in Ecuador because that is what Ecuador's US-friendly president wanted.
朱利安.阿桑奇,澳大利亞人,《維基解密》(WikiLeaks)的創始人,一個披露平台,(在德語中實際上是翻譯成夏威夷語wiki是“快速” 的意思,因為在英語中Leaks的意思和“洩露”或“洩密”甚至是“漏洞”一樣),多年前由於厄瓜多(Ecuador)大使館的背叛而被英國人逮捕,他在那裡尋求庇護並度過多年,直到厄瓜多的法院於2018年撤銷了他厄瓜多公民的身份,因為這是厄瓜多親美的總統想要這樣做的。
Julian Assange was a journalist, political activist, programmer and computer hacker, chasing secrets, confidences, censorships and classified information that should never be made public. But they uncovered them, just like Assange and Snowden. In this way, US machinations were uncovered and made public, which of course did not suit the US, which is why they have been persecuting such people since time immemorial and even executed them in the past, while more recently, very long prison sentences are involved.
This is what happens when secret services exist and are tolerated in a state, as well as when the leaders of the state keep secrets and impurities from the people and keep them in the dark about what they discuss and decide at their meetings. It ca…
By gatherings, you must mean the meetings, deliberations and resolutions etc. that come about during state leadership debates, right?
Yes, that is what I am talking about.
Something should be said about this, I am thinking of the governmental system of you, which works completely different than it is the case on the warlike Earth or with the Earthling peoples. Here, racism still prevails in many places, which is not the case with you. With you, all human beings are equal, regardless of whether they are reptile humans or humans with other skin colours, such as black, brown, red, white, bluish or greenish, etc., bird-like or different, giants, normal-sized people or dwarfs, of which I know several.
關於這一點應該說一下,我想到的是你們的政府系統,它的運作與好戰的地球或地球人的情況完全不同。在這裡,種族主義仍然在許多地方盛行,而你們卻不是這樣的。在你們那裡,所有的人都是平等的,無論他們是爬蟲人(reptile humans)還是其他膚色的人類,如黑色、棕色、紅色、白色、藍色或綠色等,還有像鳥一樣的人或不同的人,如巨人族(giants)、正常大小的人或矮人族(dwarfs),其中我知道幾個。
Yes, that is so, also that and those whom Earth human beings would call monsters, because they are just not human-like, but have intellect and reason and therefore the capacity for self-evolution.
Monsters, now that is a broad term. And because I knew that we would be talking about it, because I had a question about it, I took the liberty of copying from the Internet which monsters or monstrosities have been spreading fear and terror among the earthlings since time immemorial, although they are actually nothing more than figments of human beings' imagination and wild fantasies that take place in their heads. This is done in the same way as the majority of all UFO sightings, which often correspond only to sensory illusions – or fibs and deception. But first I want to show you the list that can be found on the Internet about monsters and monstrosities:
怪獸,現在這是個廣泛的用詞。我知道我們會討論這個問題,因為我有一個問題,所以我就從互聯網上搜尋了那些自古以來一直在地球人中散佈恐懼和恐怖的怪獸或怪物,儘管它們實際上只不過是人類的想像力和發生在他們頭腦中的瘋狂幻想。這與大多數的UFO目擊事件是一樣的,它們往往只對應於感官上的幻覺 —— 或者是謊言和欺騙。但首先我想讓你看一下,這是在互聯網上可以找到關於怪獸和怪物的清單:
Known monsters or monstrosities
● Antipodes
● Basilisk
● Blemmyae
● Boogeyman
● Cthulhu
● Dragons
● Digimon – Digital Monsters (a Creation of the toy manufacturer Bandai)
● Unicorn
● Elliot the Smiley Monster
● Flying Spaghetti Monster
飛天麵神(Flying Spaghetti Monster)
● Frankenstein's Monster
法蘭克斯坦的怪物(Frankenstein's Monster)
● Godzilla (see Toho Studios; kaiju)
o Gamera
o Mothra
o Rodan
● Gorgons
o Medusa
● Mummies
● Hydra – a nine-headed sea monster of Greek mythology
九頭蛇(Hydra) —— 希臘神話中的九頭海怪
● Gremlin
● Grendel
● Hulk
● Jabberwocky
● King Kong – oversized gorilla that has been adapted as a film character since the beginning of the 20th century
金剛(King Kong) —— 超大的大猩猩,自20世紀初以來一直被改編為電影角色。
● Goblins/Bilwis
● Cookie Monster in the children's series Sesame Street
兒童系列節目《芝麻街》(Sesame Street)中的餅乾怪獸
● Lindwurm – dragon of Germanic mythology
林德蟲(Lindwurm) —— 日爾曼神話中的龍
● Pokémon – Poketto Monsutā (Pocket Monster; a creation of the video game manufacturer Game Freak)
寶可夢(Pokémon;舊譯「神奇寶貝」) —— Poketto Monsutā(口袋怪獸;視頻遊戲製造商Game Freak的創作)
● Roch – an oversized bird used in the tales of the Thousand and One Nights, among others
Roch —— 《一千零一夜》故事中一種超大的鳥
● Scylla and Charybdis
● Sphinx, a lion with a human head (created in Ancient Egypt)
斯芬克斯(Sphinx;人面獅身) —— 一隻長著人頭的獅子(創造于古埃及)
● Tarasque – a dragon that wreaked havoc in the southern French village of Nerluc (now Tarascon).
塔拉斯克(Tarasque) —— 在法國南部的Nerluc村(現在的Tarascon)肆虐的龍。
● Werewolf – half human being and half wolf
狼人(Werewolf) —— 傳說中一半是人,一半是狼的生物。
● Zombie – the walking dead
僵屍(Zombie) —— 行屍走肉
Works in which monsters play an important role
● Myth of Bellerophon
● Beowulf
● Call of Cthulhu
● Beauty and the Beast, traditional folk tale from France (ca. 18th century), which has been filmed several times and staged as a musical
《美女與野獸》(Beauty and the Beast),來自法國的傳統民間故事(約18世紀),曾多次被拍成電影並作為音樂劇上演。
● Dracula
● Frankenstein
● Dragonslayer legend of St. George
聖喬治(St. George)的屠龍傳說
● The Twelve Labours of Heracles ('Dodekathlos') for Eurystheus
《赫拉克勒斯的十二種勞動》('Dodekathlos';The Twelve Labours of Heracles),為尤里斯休斯(Eurystheus)國王所主持完成。
o Nemëan Lion
涅墨亞獅子(Nemëan Lion)
o Lernaean Serpent
勒拿九頭蛇(Lernaean Serpent)
o Kerynite Doe
o Erymanthian Boar
厄律曼托斯山的野豬(Erymanthian Boar)
o Stymphalian Bird
斯廷法洛斯湖怪鳥(Stymphalian Bird)
o Cretan Bull
克里特公牛(Cretan Bull)
o Steeds of Diomedes (man-eater)
o Geryon
o Kerberos
● The Hobbit
《哈比人》(The Hobbit)
● Harry Potter (novel and film series)
《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)(小說和電影系列)
● The Lord of the Rings
《魔戒》(The Lord of the Rings)
● Jabberwocky, in Through the Looking Glass
《愛麗絲鏡中奇遇》(Through the Looking Glass)中的傑伯沃基(Jabberwocky)
● Jack and the Beanstalk
《傑克與豌豆》(Jack and the Beanstalk)
● Saint Marthaand the Tarasque (saga)
聖女瑪爾達(Saint Marthaand)和塔拉斯克(Tarasque)(傳奇)
● Characters in the film The Monsters
電影《怪獸》(The Monsters)中的人物
● The Odyssey
《奧德賽》(The Odyssey)
● Myth of Perseus
● Theseus and Minotaur
● Alien (film series)
Now I want to tell you that I saw with your father Sfath how a supposed monster was created. At the end of February – it must have been 1946 – in the south of America on the border with New Mexico, we saw a Mexican wolf jumping on a mangy jackal, which was unusual but is supposed to happen here and there, and that these animals can then also partly reproduce and the young ones would become mangy again, as Sfath explained. Wolves and jackals are said to be close relatives, which is why the jumping of lupos on jackals is also something that can happen. He also explained that the manginess of the animals – i.e. their hairlessness – was caused by the fact that these creatures – which genetically differed only slightly from one another – were, as he explained, infested with a parasite that constantly itched the animal and therefore caused it to scratch and lick itself very frequently, which caused its hair to disappear and it became completely hairless. We saw such an animal later when it was brought to our attention by a woman who had met it and called it a 'monster'.
現在我想告訴你,我和你父親Sfath一起看到了一個所謂的怪物是如何產生的。二月底 —— 應該是1946年 —— 在美國南部與新墨西哥州交界處,我們看到一隻墨西哥狼(Mexican wolf)跳到一隻癩皮豺(mangy jackal)身上,這很不尋常,但應該是在這裡和那裡發生的,而且這些動物隨後也可以部分繁殖,年輕的動物會再次變得癩皮(mangy),正如Sfath解釋的那樣。據說狼和豺是近親,這就是為什麼狼瘡(lupos)會跳到豺狼的身上也是可能發生的事情。他還解釋說,這些動物會生滿疥癬 —— 即它們的無毛 —— 是由於這些生物 —— 它們在基因上只有微小的差別 —— 正如他所解釋的那樣,被一種寄生蟲侵襲,這種寄生蟲不斷地使動物發癢,因此使它非常頻繁地抓撓和舔舐自己,這導致它的毛髮消失,變得完全沒有毛。我們後來看到了這樣的動物,當時有一個女人把它帶到我們面前,說牠是“怪物”。
Because I could fly with Sfath high above the Earth and look at it from above – but not when he took me to Erra or elsewhere, because then there was no time to admire the Earth's sphere – I saw beautiful things at that time as a boy, seen for myself. I remember the sea glow, where Sfath explained to me exactly why and how one could see the blue or greenish glow in all the seas at night from the Earth's orbit. He also explained to me that the northern and southern lights, which could sometimes be seen as far as below Europe, 'danced' around the Earth due to energy rays from the sun. He also taught me a lot in the great outdoors, and so I got to know it and its irreplaceable value, as well as the Earth as the largest living being that exists here. And I learned from him to understand what the Earth was saying and what she 'felt' and that the depletion of her resources was hurting her, so to speak. And in that respect I could hear her 'voice' and I still hear it, only it has changed to a moan that expresses something I prefer not to say.
因為我可以和Sfath一起飛到地球的高空,從上面看它 —— 但他帶我去Erra星或其他地方的時候就沒有,因為那時沒有時間欣賞星球的球體 —— 那時我還是一個男孩看到了美麗的東西,是自己看到的。我記得海面上的光芒,Sfath向我解釋了為什麼以及如何在夜間從地球軌道上看到所有海洋的藍色或綠色的光芒。他還向我解釋說,由於來自太陽的能量射線,有時可以看到遠在歐洲下面的北極光和南極光,它們圍繞著地球“跳舞”。他還在許多戶外活動中教了我很多東西,因此我認識了它和它不可替代的價值,以及地球作為這裡最大的生命體的存在。我從他那裡學會了理解地球在說什麼和她的“感覺”,以及她的資源耗盡正在傷害她,可以說。在這方面,我可以聽到她的“聲音”,我仍然聽到它,只是它已經變成了一種呻吟,表達了我不願意說的東西。
With Sfath I learned a lot, a great deal even, and so with his help I also saw how various beetles and earthworms in the soil suddenly glowed blue or green, as did other life-forms living on the surface, in the shallow or deep water of streams and lakes, or flying around in the air. And it was not only the fireflies or their females that produced the glow through a chemical process in their bodies as a result of their willingness to mate, but also many other life-forms, as well as tiny micro-organisms that used their ability to produce light. So the glow appears not only in the oceans, but also in the ground, in the meadows and fields, in the moors and swamps, in the bushes, in the forests and even in the air, where you can observe and see everything here and there – as long as you have your eyes open and actually see what is to be seen. Just to see the briars in their bright green-blue glow once is an experience that a human being who has seen it will probably never forget – – But what am I talking about, there is no mention of all that at all, I have just completely forgotten myself and …
在Sfath的幫助下,我學到了很多,非常的多,在他的幫助下,我也看到了土壤中的各種甲蟲和蚯蚓如何突然發出藍色或綠色的光芒,就像生活在地表、溪流和湖泊的淺水或深水中的其他生命形式,或者在空中飛來飛去。而且,不僅是螢火蟲或它們的雌性通過體內的化學過程產生了光芒,這是它們願意交配的結果,而且還有許多其他生命形式,以及微小的微生物利用它們產生光芒的能力。因此,輝光不僅出現在海洋中,也出現在地面上,在草地和田野中,在荒野和沼澤中,在灌木叢中,在森林中,甚至在空中,你可以觀察和看到這裡和那裡的一切 —— 只要你睜開眼睛,真正看到要看的東西。只要看到一次石楠樹(briars)在明亮的綠藍色光芒中,就是一種經歷,看過的人可能永遠不會忘記 —— 但我在說什麼呢,根本就沒有提到這些,我只是自己完全忘記了,而...
It's all right, let it go. You are talking in memory, and I did not want to disturb you in your waking dreams. You speak of my father and what he taught you and what you have learned from it, experienced and embedded in your memories. And all this, dear friend, Eduard, makes me realise what is really going on in you, what moves you and that you are here for life. Well, I do not want to talk about that, because our subject was a completely different one, and that is to show that our Plejaren system of governing the people is of a completely different nature – if I may say so – from that of Earth human beings.
沒關係,隨它去吧。你是在回憶中說話,我不想在你清醒的夢中打擾你。你說的是我的父親和他教你的東西,以及你從中學到的東西,經歷過的並嵌入你的記憶中。而這一切,親愛的朋友,愛德華,讓我意識到在你身上真正發生了什麼,是什麼打動了你,你在這裡是為了生活。好吧,我不想談這個,因為我們的主題是一個完全不同的主題,那就是表明我們Plejaren治理人民的系統具有完全不同的性質 —— 如果我可以這麼說的話 —— 與地球人類的系統不同。
That our system of governance is indeed of a completely different nature from that of earthly peoples, where everything is always geared to war defence and also among human beings constantly to strife, violence, hatred, revenge and struggle, you know that. And let us say at the outset that with us there is no such thing, just as there is no keeping of secrets from the peoples, for nothing is discussed, negotiated or decided secretly in state leadership talks or state leadership debates, as you call them, for every word reaches the ears of every single person who wants to listen. Our communication technique is also designed to allow each person to express his or her opinion immediately, and also to express his or her concerns and opinions outside the meeting pyramid, if he or she is being listened to and has something to say, which, however, happens very, very rarely. The trust in the peoples participating in the meetings and negotiations is practically such that every decision is accepted without contradiction. Every resolution that comes about in the way of common and unified decisions and resolutions is recognised and followed, consequently there are also no contradictions and no attacks against the respective representatives of the people.
The respective ones, what does that mean?
It means that the cast of participants at each meeting, deliberation, resolution and decision-making largely includes other persons from the various peoples, who, however, when facts arise, represent in depth and comprehensively the interests of their entire people, the world's population, as well as planetary well-being, nature and thus also all genera and species of living beings, the atmosphere and climate, and all ecosystems in general. In addition, there are all the issues that arise with regard to social values and necessities, general interaction and, and, and. So it includes everything and anything, and nothing is pushed aside or postponed, just as there is no long back-and-forth discussion about a fact, but within a certain time – which is usually about 33 minutes according to earthly masses – to be finished, put aside and considered unacceptable. In this way it is avoided that unpleasant things break out and consequently everything is dismissed in the bud before it can grow bad on one or more sides and cause unhappiness or even disaster. And once a fact is rejected and put aside, then – if the earthly calendar is used for the whole period – it is completely taboo for the following 28 years, so that the same fact may not be discussed or dealt with again during this time.
因此,它包括一切和所有事物,沒有任何東西被擱置或推遲,也沒有對一個事實進行長時間的來回討論,而是在一定的時間內 —— 根據地球上的計時方式,通常是33分鐘左右 —— 就結束,如果結論是被視為不可接受的,那就放在一邊。通過這種方式,可以避免不愉快的事情發生,因此,在它在一方面或多方面變得糟糕並導致不愉快甚至災難之前,一切都退回到萌芽狀態。而一旦一個事實被拒絕和擱置,那麼 —— 如果時間是按地球上的日曆計算 —— 它在接下來的28年裡是完全禁止討論的,所以同一事實在這段時間內就不會再引起爭議,甚至再度處理。
So, as I have come to know it with you, everything works smoothly without quarrelling. Here on Earth, unfortunately, it is different, because there the same thing is negotiated for hours or days, often for weeks, until one party can get its way and do what it actually wants.
Of course. There are always longer disputes, that is, controversial conversations, so also exchanges of words, arguments, debates, discussions, etc., but they never get out of hand, as we can often observe at such political meetings among Earth human beings. But that is really not the case with us, for if a matter is not settled within the aforesaid time of 33 minutes, then it is really shelved for the duration of 28 years, which as a rule leads to its never being brought up again, for after so long a time it is generally realised that the fact has been so overtaken with innovations that it would only have led to disadvantages if it had been uniformly adopted.
Well, brevity is the spice. That is a saying with us, that what is resolved in short is what is right. If you throw away a motion after 33 minutes because no agreement is reached in that time and then you are not allowed to take up that fact again for 28 years, then you are not wasting unnecessary time on disputes, and on the other hand you are preventing any hatred because the provision puts an end to the unfruitful dispute and neither side can blame the other for it. This also says that something that cannot be settled within the 33 minutes is not worthy of a decision and must therefore be ended before it comes to persuasion and influence. So it is acted upon logically, in contrast to the earthly system, which is dependent on the parties and their opinions, and through persuasion usually achieves an approval result among the party supporters without the other side actually wanting it. Something, therefore, that does not occur with you, but which would also be necessary in ours and would make the party system and the political quarrels disappear. Parties are therefore an evil and should be abolished.
Parties are in any case a factor of evil, because they always tend only to quarrel, revenge, hatred and strife.
Yes, but unfortunately there is no other way on Earth, for there is no tendency in the Earthling for consensus to be reached in a peaceful way – especially not in and in politics, for each party wants to enforce by all violence what it has set as its goal. There is no such thing as a truly peaceful agreement, because if an agreement is reached, then there is always a thorny plant left behind that keeps pricking here and there. This is unfortunately the case with earthlings, for they want to 'taste' and savour their might, consequently bad tasting morsels keep popping up in everything and everyone. But you did not say anything about what should actually also be addressed, namely the body and the special advisory groups that guide and lead everything at meetings in the huge pyramid where everything is talked about and just discussed, deliberated, negotiated and decided.
是的,但可惜在地球上沒有其他辦法,因為在地球人中沒有以和平方式達成共識的傾向 —— 尤其是在政治領域,因為每一個政黨都想强行實現其既定目標。沒有真正的和平協定,因為如果達成了協議,那麼總會留下一根刺紮在那裡,不斷刺向這裡和那裡。遺憾的是,地球人就是這樣,因為他們想“品嘗”和品味他們的力量,因此,難吃的小菜不斷地出現在每一件事和每一個人身上。但是你沒有談到任何關於實際上如何解決問題的方式,那就是所有的機構和特別諮詢小組,他們在巨大的金字塔會議廳中管理和指導一切,在那裡所有的問題都被提出來,並付諸討論、審議、談判和決定。
There is not much to say, because of course everything is presided over by a suitable body that leads and guides everything, as you say, and also brings up everything, which are just seizure issues and so on, which can be submitted by any person. This leading and guiding body is composed of persons – 7 in number – who are well versed in leading and guiding and who are also completely objective, i.e. objective and unprejudiced, and therefore not in any way advisory or guiding. Consequently, the participants in the meetings must decide for themselves in every fact that arises and decide for their people or for the entire planetary community and for all other susceptibilities themselves and according to their own understanding and reason.
沒有什麼可談的,因為當然一切都由一個合適的機構主持,正如你所說的,它指導和管理每件事,這包括任何緊急問題,也受理由任何人提交的每件事,同時決定何時提出討論等等。這個領導和指導機構是由精通這方面的人 —— 由7個人組成,他們也是完全實事求是的,也就是客觀而無私的,因此也沒有任何諮詢或指導的意思。因此,參加會議的人必須在每一個出現的事實中自己作決定,並根據他們自己的理解和理性,為他們的人民或整個星球社會以及所有其他敏感性問題自己作決定。
But it is so that the body, outside of its competence to manage and conduct the meetings for the purpose of maintaining, advising and making decisions, etc., of the peoples and the planet, etc., can also privately give suggestions necessary for decision-making as counsellors.
Yes, of course, because there is nothing to prevent them from doing so. It is the same with other groups, as you call them.
While this is nothing new to me, neither is the fact that the Assembly Pyramid – which holds some 1.5 million human beings – is filled to the brim with people from all your peoples at government meetings. But it is certainly interesting for our earthlings to know.
雖然這對我來說並不新鮮,但大金字塔會議廳 —— 可容納大約150萬人 —— 在政府會議上被你們所有民族的人塞得滿滿的,這也是一個事實。但對於我們的地球人來說,知道這一點肯定很有趣。
That will be so. But if I want to explain further, we do not have secret services in any way, that is even forbidden by our directives, because we have lived in peace with all peoples for more than 52,000 years, and furthermore we have a uniform development of all achievements, and in this respect there is no need for secrecy of the latest productions of any kind. So there is no such thing as the secret development of new weapons, which is customary on Earth among the various peoples, in order to be more strongly armed with war material against other states, for the very reason that the spiteful enmity against other states is maintained. This will be the case again before the end of the month, because a new missile weapon will be tested which can carry nuclear weapons and which will be equipped with a new technique of hypersonic.
就是如此。但我想進一步解釋的是,我們沒有任何形式的「情報機構」(secret services),根據我們的指令,這甚至是被禁止的,因為我們已經與所有民族和平相處了5萬2000多年,此外,我們的所有成就都是統一發展的,在這方面,沒有必要對任何形式的最新產品進行保密。
新的高超音速滑翔飛行器與火箭一起發射(圖片來源:FINANCIAL TIMES)
Also with regard to our development of equipment and apparatus, which – should it become necessary for some reason with regard to foreign forces or invaders from outside the planet that we have to take up a counter-defence – are absolutely uniform and equal. This possibility can never be ruled out, for as a rule not all alien beings from foreign celestial regions or from foreign worlds of foreign celestial bodies are peaceful-minded. Peacefulness is in no way common among life-forms in any universe, for peacefulness requires a socially balanced evolution, which unfortunately is not very common. Our Federation, which is spread over several universes of 2 Creations and covers so many light-years in earthly terms that they cannot be put into usual words, is quite peaceful, but outside the Federation community everything is of a different nature.
But let us return to our peoples on Erra, as well as to our other 5 worlds that exist in our vast double-solar system, some of which are also known to you. They all have the same systems of governance, so there are no differences whatsoever from one Plejaren planet to another, for each and everything is uniformly the same in governance, in the treatment of the rights of the peoples, as well as in their developments and everything else, so there are no differences whatsoever. This is also the case with regard to gender, i.e. female or male, as well as children, activities and abilities, etc., so that there are no special positions among us, not even with regard to the fact that a human being is valued more or less because of his achievements or his office, or enjoys more or less prestige, or would attract special attention as a prominent person. The fact that human beings make themselves great and go public because they want to present themselves in their wrong thinking and wrong feeling does not exist here. E…
So there is no publicity lust, as we call it. There is no such thing with you guys, I already know that since the time with Sfath.
No, that would also be frowned upon from the ground up. We are all equal as human beings, consequently we never do anything to make ourselves look, behave, attract special attention or value ourselves more than any other.
Sfath said respectively: A human being who puts himself in the foreground and thinks himself special is not only selfish but always looking out for himself in every way, not honest, devious and will go over dead bodies if it is necessary for him.
That's how it's taught with us and how young people are taught, even in their early youth, because according to our ethics it's not acceptable that one human being – for whatever reason – thinks he's more valuable than another. But if I were to go on about our universally valid systems: If, for example, we receive any knowledge and new achievements from the Sonaern, then these are made available indiscriminately and without conditions to all our peoples, who, by the way, all practise birth control and do not allow their population to rise above the level that could somehow bring harm and destruction, annihilation or extinction to the planet, its atmosphere, climate, ecosystems or nature and its fauna and flora. Since our planets are of different sizes etc., they are also inhabited with different numbers of human beings of the total population, so, for example, according to our calculations, Erra could support, feed, provide for and maintain about 1.4 billion human beings without any problems, without harming the planet, all ecosystems and thus nature and its fauna and flora for the duration of several million years. As you know, our world is slightly smaller than the Earth, consequently about the same number of human beings could easily inhabit and use this world, but the Earth is already so overpopulated with more than 9.2 billion and has been so destroyed and annihilated by overexploitation, besides that many genera and species of human beings have been wiped out, that the planet with all its life is on the way of early man-made perishing.
這就是我們的教育方式,也是年輕人的教育方式,甚至在他們年輕的時候,因為根據我們的道德規範,一個人 —— 無論出於什麼原因 —— 認為自己比另一個人更有價值,這是不能接受的。但是,如果我繼續談我們普遍有效的系統。例如,如果我們從Sonaern收到任何知識和新成就,那麼這些都會無條件地提供給我們所有的人,順便說一下,他們都實行生育控制,不允許他們的人口上升到可能以某種方式給星球、其大氣、氣候、生態系統或自然及其動植物帶來傷害和破壞,甚至消滅或滅絕的狀況。
But there is always talk of a total population of 500 to 530 million that is supposed to be on Earth, what is that all about?
This number was calculated by our scientists according to the overexploitation of resources, which was irresponsibly carried out by Earth human beings as early as 1940. The calculations were valid until the year 1972, because the measure of exploitation was exceeded to such an extent that the calculations also lost their validity and the planet began to suffer, which was not recognised by the Earth human beings until today, just as it was not recognised that it was already so exploited and battered through the fault of the Earth human beings that nothing can be made good in such a way that the inevitable decay could be stopped.
It looks really bad. The climate alone, or rather its change, brings about things and changes that no earthling thinks about today, so not even the so-called scientists, who always want to know everything better. For example, they obviously still have no idea that climate change will bring disasters for human beings, which will affect health and aggravate diseases. The climate conference, which will take place later this month, will go over with big words and resolutions, and environmental protection will probably be discussed. The reason for this will be the stupid 'brat Greta Thunberg', who will also be demonstrating and speaking out again. She is now a young woman and has discovered that she is adored by those who do not think that she can shine and put herself in the foreground. Unfortunately, she does not mention what is the real reason for environmental pollution, namely the real cause, which lies in overpopulation, which in turn promotes industry and drives it to full speed, so that it produces more and more dirt and pollutes the atmosphere as exhaust gases and thus the air we breathe and affects the climate more and more. The question arises as to how stupid and dumb an earthling must be that he does not see and understand that overpopulation alone, with its totally overbearing machinations – which are fulfilled by profit-hungry companies, corporations and private individuals, namely the machinations of needs, pleasures, holiday addiction, travelling, flying, desires, wishes and luxury, etc. – is in the first instance responsible for the fact that the entire environment, right down to the waters, is polluted with rubbish and dirt of all kinds. It is not only the entire industry that produces all the dirt that causes environmental pollution, but also the peoples themselves, who consciencelessly and irresponsibly 'dispose' of their rubbish in the open air or simply throw it away carelessly and thereby poison not only the land, but also the waters and the natural life-forms of all genera and species and thereby let them die miserably. And it is still not understood – not by the scientists, of all people, who want to be clever – that overpopulation is primarily to blame for the fact that environmental pollution of all kinds is overflowing and the forests are being cut down, robbed, burnt down and destroyed to the point of no return. This, while only in the 2nd line is the entire industry the further culprit involved in all the pollution and destruction of the planet, as well as in the extinction of animals, wildlife and all other life-forms of nature, as well as in the pollution of the atmosphere and the changing of the climate.
本月晚些時候舉行的氣候會議,將以說大話和表決的形式進行,環境保護可能會被討論。其原因將是愚蠢的“小傢伙格蕾塔.通貝里(Greta Thunberg)”,她也將再次示威和發言。她現在是一個年輕的女孩,並且發現她得到了那些自以為是群眾的支持,因此讓自己站在台前,以為可以大放異彩。遺憾的是,她沒有提到環境污染的真正原因是什麼,即真正的原因在於人口過剩,而人口過剩又促進了工業的全速發展,從而產生越來越多的污染物,並產生廢氣而污染大氣,從而使我們呼吸的空氣越來越糟,並對氣候產生影響。
問題是,一個地球人必須是多麼愚蠢以至於他沒有理解到,僅僅是人口過剩,及其完全氾濫的圖謀 —— 這些圖謀是由貪圖利潤的公司、企業和私人所造成的,那就是需求、享樂、度假成癮、旅遊、飛行、欲望、願望和奢侈等圖謀 —— 首先要對整個環境到水源,都被各種垃圾和污垢所污染的事實負責。造成環境污染的不僅是生產所有污物的整個工業,還有人們無意識而不負責任地在露天“處理”他們的垃圾,或者直接不經意地扔掉,從而不僅毒害了土地,也毒害了水源和所有種類的自然生命,從而讓它們悲慘地死去。
而且,人們仍然不明白 —— 所有想耍小聰明的科學家都不明白 —— 人口過剩是造成各種環境污染氾濫的主要原因,森林被砍伐、掠劫、燒毀和破壞到無以復加的地步。雖然這只是屬於背後的重要因素,而整個工業才是首要的罪魁禍首,它造成了地球所有的污染和破壞,以及動物、野生動物和所有其他自然界的生命形式的滅絕,以及大氣層的污染和氣候的變化。
In fact, no Earth human being has yet thought that the mass of overflowing Earth human beings, overpopulation, is the crux of all destruction, for it is this mass that is responsible for industry becoming more and more extensive, more and more specific, more and more constructive, and more and more enormous, and thus more and more a factor in pollution and environmental destruction. This is precisely because the mass of humanity – precisely overpopulation – demands more and more and consequently industry must grow as infinitely as the overpopulation that dictates everything.
事實上,還沒有一個地球人想到,地球人類的大量氾濫,人口過剩,是所有破壞的癥結所在,因為正是這種大量氾濫,導致工業變得越來越廣泛,越來越專門,越來越有規模,越來越有威力,從而越來越成為污染和環境破壞的要素。這正是因為人類的數量 —— 恰恰是人口過剩 —— 需求越來越多,因此工業必須像支配一切的人口過剩一樣無限增長。
No scientist, no matter how 'clever', who deals with these problems – let alone a non-studied but God-believing earthling – would even think of considering the facts of the effective truth, namely the origin of it all, which is to be found solely in overpopulation, which exploits all the possibilities of its machinations to live its life in glory and joy, regardless of losses, pollution, destruction of nature, extinction of fauna and flora, atmospheric and respiratory pollution and climate change. This by 'fuelling' industry with its companies, corporations and private individuals to fulfil the machinations of wants and desires, needs and luxuries.
沒有一個科學家,無論多麼“聰明”,會處理這些問題 —— 更不用說一個沒有深思但相信上帝的地球人 —— 會想到考慮實際真相的事實,那就是這一切的起源,這完全可以在人口過剩中找到,他們利用所有的可能性,在榮耀和歡樂中生活,而不考慮損失、環境污染、大自然的破壞、動植物的滅絕、大氣污染和氣候變化。這是透過那些公司、企業和私人為工業提供“燃料”,以滿足他們欲望、需求和奢侈品的圖謀。
It does not occur to any of the earthlings – neither to the 'clever' scientists who are concerned with the continued existence of Earth human beings, nor to the believers in God who let the imaginary Lord God be a good man and hope in vain that he will already prevent and regulate the misery of the destruction of the Earth –, think about the fact that it is overpopulation alone that causes the evil of all environmental pollution, be it through the industry it has made big and strong, or through the pollution caused by the careless 'disposal' or 'throwing away' of waste into the environment. The throwing away of waste into the open countryside. So it does not occur to 'smart' and other human beings that a major cultural change is needed instead of making big speeches at the upcoming climate conference. And this applies not only to all participants in the climate conference, but also to the demonstrators who will be spouting their bullshit – first and foremost, of course, the small, stupid Greta Thunberg, who will only make big, stupid words and does not know what she is talking about at all. This will also be the case with the conference participants who will then talk senselessly, making big and lying words and promises that can never be kept. This is because humanity will continue to grow in numbers to such an extent that it will be impossible to keep the promises. Industry alone is growing in proportion to the increase in overpopulation, so the enormous environmental pollution from it alone will be much greater and more powerful than can be predicted. In addition to this, there is also the careless dumping of waste in the open countryside by the peoples, whereby the whole thing will take on ever more precarious forms than before. This, just as the destruction of forests is being driven up to the point of rainforest destruction, so that the CO2 they normally absorb from the air is 'stuck' in the air and adversely affects the climate.
任何一個地球人都沒有想到 —— 那些關心地球人類繼續存在的“聰明”科學家既沒有想到,而那些天真希望想像中的善良上帝能防止地球毀滅的信徒也沒有想到。想一想,只有人口過剩才會造成所有環境污染的惡果,不管是通過它使工業變大變強,把廢物扔到空曠的農村,還是不小心將廢物“處理”或“扔掉”到環境中造成污染。因此,“聰明人”和其他人類並沒有想到,需要進行重大的文化變革,而不是在即將召開的氣候大會上發表空洞的演講。而這不僅適用於氣候大會的所有參與者,也適用於那些大聲喧叫的示威者 —— 當然,首先是小不點、愚蠢的格蕾塔.通貝里,她只會大放厥詞,根本不知道她在說什麼。會議參與者也將如此,他們屆時將說些毫無意義的話,大話連篇,作出永遠無法兌現的承諾。
This was also the case in our Centre, because the previous owners cleared out the forest to 'earn' money with it, which is why one of the first jobs was to have part of the forest reforested by foreign labour for Fr. 85,000. Since then, we have invested another 180,000 Swiss francs in planting trees and bushes on the centre grounds, which are now growing splendidly. This is apart from the fact that a lot of money was invested in young plants, which were then maliciously cut up at night by a member of the army from the Schmidrüti missile base and made a complete pig of, because he obviously did not like something that had to do with Hinterschmidrüti or with me. After he then shot himself when he met the giant Andron of the Plejaren early one morning, no more plants were desecrated. But then the military found it necessary to often 'park' their helicopters on the pulpit above the house, or have whole caravans of military vehicles drive through the forest past our house and record everything carefully. This is apart from the fact that 1 time we were attacked with 4 armed men in a jeep when the siren of Semjase's spaceship sounded from the Centre, or that 2 times the army was informed about the beamships with more than 20 men at our house. But I am once again digressing from what I actually want to talk about.
Back in 2014, it was decided at that year's climate conference that forests and rainforests should be protected worldwide, but everything came to nothing. And this will also be the case this time, I know, because the whole thing will only produce big words, but nothing concrete. It will also not be recognised by all the 'overly clever', by which I mean this time the rulers of the world, who will pretend to be great and knowledgeable as well as important at the coming World Climate Conference, although they do not know what it is actually about, namely the rapid decimation of the enormous number of human beings on Earth through a worldwide birth stop for a longer period of time, after which birth control must be the consequence, which will prevent a further overpopulation, which today already amounts to 9.2 billion.
The fact that all the burdensome overpopulation and all the evils that are destroying the Earth today, the machinations, the environmental pollution, the extinction of the natural world, the pollution of the atmosphere and the air we breathe, as well as the change in the climate, cannot simply be traced back to car emissions and CO2 and all poisons and greenhouse gases in general, but to the mass of Earth human beings, the overpopulation itself, which controls everything through its mass and its manipulations in the form of its various machinations, is not recognised.
The worldwide and very blatant environmental pollution, however, will not be discussed at the conference in its true origin, as is usually the case. It will be concealed that everything is due to the indirect and direct machinations of the great overpopulation, so above all to the unstoppable offspring of earthlings constantly coming into the world.
In truth, it is not only industry that is to be held solely responsible for environmental pollution, because the fact is that too many human beings populate the planet Earth and with their machinations do everything to drive the industry that pollutes the atmosphere on behalf of the human beings or overpopulation and thus affects the entire environment. This together with the direct environmental pollution by human beings themselves, which is of such a nature that the majority in the form of individual human beings, completely irresponsible and indifferent to fauna and flora, carelessly and heedlessly take all their waste into the open air and throw it away somewhere, without even the slightest thought of what evil they are thereby causing and which they are unable to repair.
The fact that people are railing against industrial pollution is true, but it will certainly not be successful, because industry is the spawn of overpopulation, which is caused by overpopulation and is dependent on it, and therefore also dependent on the fact that many human beings populate the Earth. This alone clearly states who is the real and who is the secondary culprit in all environmental pollution, namely 1. overpopulation itself, and 2. industry, which has come about as a result of overpopulation. This once from this side, while the third side must still be seen, namely the overpopulation and its direct machinations, which consist in the fact that every person of this present 9.2 billion mass creates every kind of rubbish and waste and simply 'disposes' of much of it in the free nature or carelessly, consciencelessly, thoughtlessly and irresponsibly simply throws it away in fields, forests, mountains, meadows, moors, marshes and waters etc. The guilty people do not care about the fact that this carelessly discarded rubbish not only damages nature, but also causes many animals and other natural creatures to fall ill and die, or even to die miserably as a result of this irresponsibly discarded rubbish. They effectively do not care about anything, namely the earthlings of overpopulation, if it is not about their own well-being or about their lives, because all their stupidity resp. their selfish thinking only goes so far as their personal weal and woe goes through their brain windings. If you take a closer look at everything, you will realise that the majority of humanity only thinks about itself, but does not know any true thinking that would include nature, its fauna and flora, the atmosphere and the climate as well as the planet Earth. This, however, means sheer stupidity, for not thinking is the true expression of stupidity, and he who does not think is therefore inherently stupid. So if a human being only thinks for himself, for his own good and for a belief in a 'dear God who will sort everything out', he is stupid. So he also thinks in the way, "What is the welfare of my neighbour and of nature and its fauna and flora to me?"
But back to the upcoming world climate conference: nothing positive will come out of it, that is already certain – as with the stupid Greta Thunberg – because the effective truth will not be discussed at this 'meeting' of the loud-mouthed rulers. Why all the environmental pollution of any kind is taking place at all, namely as a result of the machinations of overpopulation, which companies, corporations and private individuals carry out by fulfilling the overpopulation machinations or their wishes – the needs, desires, wishes and luxuries – for great profits, by unconscionably depleting the planet's resources through the overexploitation of the Earth, or by torturing and robbing the Earth, that will not be brought up. And the fact that the planet is dying as a result of this exploitation – because the Earth is also a life-form and therefore not inanimate matter – is not even clear to the 'great' and 'all-knowing' scientists.
但回到即將召開的世界氣候大會:沒有任何積極的結果,這已經是肯定的了 —— 就像愚蠢的格蕾塔.童貝里一樣 —— 因為實際的真相不會在這個大話統治者的“會議”上被討論。為什麼所有的環境污染都會發生,即由於人口過剩的圖謀,公司、企業和私人通過滿足人口過剩的圖謀或他們的願望 —— 需求、欲望、願望和奢侈品 —— 以獲得巨大的利潤,通過對地球的過度開發無情地耗盡地球的資源,或通過折磨和搶劫地球,這不會被提起。而地球因這種剝削而死亡的事實 —— 因為地球也是一種生命體,因此不是無生命的物質 —— 甚至連“偉大的”和“全知的”科學家都不清楚。
The fact that the Earth is dying because the debate about effective environmental protection is not being tackled correctly is of no concern to the stupid brat Greta Thunberg or to those in power who will be attending the World Climate Conference as the main participants and who will only be talking big – or all around the demonstrations, which will certainly take place together with this Greta Turbo – because due to ignorance and the lack of any knowledge concerning the effective real truth, namely that the main culprit in the whole environmental disaster is overpopulation, this will not be spoken of. And since there will be no talk of rampant overpopulation, but only of industry, which pollutes the Earth's air with its exhaust fumes and smoke pellets and, of course, thus produces much of the pollution, the truth will neither be recognised, nor understood, nor spoken of. It is, of course, good and right that this is denounced, but this is not the main cause of environmental pollution, for this is to be found in abnormal overpopulation. It is only for the sake of this that coal-fired and nuclear power plants are built and operated, the landscapes are disfigured with countless wind turbines, many of which endanger birdlife, the oceans with tidal power plants, and the rivers and mountains built up for hydroelectric power plants. This, and much more, in order to produce electricity for the more and more overflowing and inexorably growing humanity. And recently, all vehicles and motors etc. are being converted to electric power, which requires even more production of electric power, which cannot be guaranteed for the time to come. In the long run, renewable natural energies cannot be used in such a way that they will suffice for the endlessly growing overpopulation, not even the use of solar collectors and wind turbines to generate electricity. This is because, on the one hand, there is also food production for humanity, which is already partly only possible on a chemical basis, because the natural cultivation of food – such as vegetables, grain, fruit, other fruits and plants of all kinds and others – is becoming increasingly scarce and precarious due to the lack of sufficient land and cultivation areas. This in addition to the fact that the endlessly growing overpopulation has grown to a mass of no less than 9.2 billion in just 70 years.
地球正在死亡,因為關於實際環境保護的辯論沒有得到正確的解決,這一事實對於格蕾塔.童貝里這個愚蠢的孩子和那些將作為主要參與者參加世界氣候大會的當權者來說並不關心,他們只會大談特談 —— 或者到處示威,這肯定會和童貝里旋風(Greta Turbo)一起發生 —— 因為由於無知和缺乏關於有效的真實的知識,即整個環境災難的罪魁禍首是人口過剩,這將不會被提及。由於沒有人談論猖獗的人口過剩,而只是談論工業,它用廢氣和煙塵污染了地球的空氣,當然也產生了大量的污染,因此真相既不會被承認,也不會被理解,更不會被談論。當然,譴責這一點是好的,也是正確的,但這並不是環境污染的主要原因,因為這可以在不正常的過度人口中找到。
只是為了這個原因,燃煤電廠和核電站被建造和運行,風景被無數的風力發電機破壞,其中許多危及鳥類,海洋被潮汐發電站破壞,河流和山脈被水力發電站建造起來。這些,還有更多,都是為了給越來越多氾濫和不可阻擋的人類生產電力。而最近,所有的車輛和電機等都在改用電力,這就需要更多的電力生產,這在未來的時間裡是無法保證的。從長遠來看,可再生自然能源的使用方式不可能滿足無止境增長的過剩人口需要,甚至使用太陽能集熱器和風力發電機來發電也不行。這是因為,一方面,還有人類的食物生產,這已經部分地只能在化學基礎上實現,因為由於缺乏足夠的土地和種植區,自然種植的食物 —— 如蔬菜、穀物、水果、其他各種水果和植物等 —— 正變得越來越稀缺和不穩定。除此之外,在短短的70年裡,無休止的人口過剩已經發展到不少於92億的數量。
When I think of the groaning of the Earth alone, which is becoming more and more unmistakable, as well as the overpopulation and the environmental pollution that is being caused on a large scale, then I have to agree with your words. But there is no point in talking about it anymore, because the main problem of all the disaster, destruction, etc. is not that environmental pollution alone is the great evil of all extinction, destruction and annihilation, as the young brat Greta Thunberg proclaims in the world and wants to make Fridays free for demonstrations. Basically, the focus is on the blatant and planet-destroying overpopulation, which must be drastically reduced. It is this overpopulation, with its machinations – which are fulfilled as necessities, desires and delusions of luxury by companies, corporations and private individuals for a hefty profit – that is causing the depletion of the planet and the pollution of the environment. If Greta Thunberg's demands were first and foremost that the mass of humanity should be reduced to a healthy level through a worldwide birth stop and governmental birth control, which would stop the overexploitation of the planet for all time and put a definitive stop to environmental pollution, then there would be no objection to her efforts. But where there is no brain, there can be no thought, so it is pointless to talk about it any further. I also want to bring up something that seems important to me: you do not have a military that functions around with weapons and military combat testing. That still needs to be addressed – I think.
正是這種人口過剩,以及它的圖謀 —— 被公司、企業和私人作為必需品、欲望和奢侈的幻想來滿足,以獲取豐厚的利潤 —— 造成了地球的枯竭和環境的污染。如果格蕾塔.童貝里的要求首先是通過全球的停止生育和政府控制生育,將人類的數量減少到一個健康的水準,這將永遠停止對地球的過度開發,並徹底停止環境污染,那麼人們就不會反對她的努力。但是,沒有大腦的地方就不可能有思想,所以再談下去也沒有意義。我還想提出一些對我來說似乎很重要的事情:你們沒有一支以武器和軍事戰鬥為職能的軍隊。這一點仍然需要解決 —— 我想。
I think that needs to be said. – Yes, we do not have a military, because we do not need one, because all around everything is peaceful and our peoples of all planets are classified in this peacefulness. So also all our devices and apparatuses of possibly necessary defence do not have any lethal effect on human forms or animals etc., but in any case they only produce a paralysis which lasts for several hours, but without exception all vital functions are guaranteed and harmless. We may well learn to use such apparatus and appliances, but we do not hold exercises involving the use of such things.
I know all this since the time with your father Sfath, and the visits to Erra, but that was not my question, because it was about the whistleblowers Assange and Snowden, just about what you think about it? Both are wanted by the USA as prisoners to punish them for something they have done rightfully, namely that they have uncovered the secret machinations of the USA or its secret services and the military and made them available to the public as knowledge.
That corresponds to a crime against these two men Assange and Snowden. Besides, you can be glad that you were not also murdered by the henchmen of the US intelligence services, which was attempted once in India and then also at the Centre when you were sitting on the sofa with Wendelle Stevens in front of the house. In Mehrauli you were shot through the left arm by a large calibre bullet, which you still had at the time, and a police report was also drawn up. In front of the house, a large calibre bullet hit you on the left temple by a hair's breadth, which your daughter Gilgamesha then found under the sofa after it bounced off the wall, where it made a big hole. After all, there have been 24 such attacks on you over the years, whereas I know …
這相當於對阿桑奇和斯諾登這兩個人的犯罪行為。此外,你可以慶倖的是,你沒有被美國情報部門的心腹謀殺,這在印度曾有過一次嘗試,後來在中心也有,當時你和Wendelle Stevens坐在屋前的沙發上。在Mehrauli,你被一顆大口徑的子彈射穿了左臂,當時你還帶著這顆子彈,警方也起草了一份報告。在屋前,一顆大口徑子彈擊中了你的左太陽穴,僅有一線之隔,你的女兒Gilgamesha隨後在沙發下發現了這顆子彈,它在牆上彈出一個大洞。畢竟,這些年來對你有24次這樣的攻擊,而我知道...
Yes, that's true, but I have to say that never before and also since then have I ever seen a human being jump up and disappear into the house as quickly as Wendelle Stevens did when there was a bang and the wall splinters flew around our ears. And what you just said about 3 times … … … I do not care, because they have been trying to get out of there since … … …but so far I have been able to stay on top. Even the thing with my ex and D.G., who … … apparently talked them into unbelievable things and then … … … … Well, for me the whole thing is … … but I am already coming to terms with it – even if it's hard and takes a long time.
是的,這是事實,但我必須說,在這之前和之後,我從來沒有見過一個人像Wendelle Stevens那樣跳起來並迅速消失在房子裡,當時有一聲巨響,牆的碎片在我們耳邊飛過。而你剛才說的3次... 我不在乎,因為他們一直想離開那裡,因為... 但到目前為止,我一直能保持在上面。即使是我的前任和D.G.的事情,他... 顯然說服了他們做一些不可思議的事情,然後... 嗯,對我來說整個事情是... 但我已經在接受它了 —— 即使這很難,需要很長的時間。
But all that would be something you should report to the police – also the attacks on you with firearms.
但所有這些都是你應該向警方報告的事情 —— 也包括用槍支攻擊你。
As a rule, yes, but once and not again. It was with Silvano, when we were driving Eva's car from Hittnau to Saland, when we saw the shooter aiming at us with the small-calibre rifle and shooting into the windscreen in front of me. There was no one else to be seen far and wide, also no lorries and no PW. We immediately drove to the police station in Pfäffikon and reported the incident, but we were right to do so, because we were accused of dreaming and that the damaged windscreen had probably been hit by a stone, by a lorry or something that had driven past. Our protestations were of no use, that we had seen the shooter with the small-calibre rifle, who had quickly disappeared after firing. That was quite enough for me never to go to the police again – which I already did not do in Hinwil, when the shot went through the window and the bullet bounced off the copper spiral in the study ceiling and got stuck in the ceiling. Then at the Centre one day the shooter came forward and apologised, and it was a woman who belonged to the sect … and thought she had to get rid of me as an unbeliever. However, she then left the sect and found it necessary to come to me and confess everything. Who all shot at me – often in the presence of our people – including a throwing knife attack, where fortunately the knife apparently hit my back with the handle, on the one hand I do not know, but on the other hand I am not interested in which lunatics in their delusion believe that they have to send me to hell or otherwise to the hereafter.
這對我來說已經足夠了,我再也不會去找員警了 —— 在欣維爾(Hinwil)我已經沒有這樣做了,當時槍聲穿過窗戶,子彈在書房天花板的銅制螺旋上彈開,卡在天花板上。後來有一天在中心,開槍的人站出來道歉,是一個屬於教派的女人... 她認為她必須把我這個不信教的人趕走。然而,她後來離開了該教派,發現有必要來向我坦白一切。誰都向我開槍 —— 經常當著我們的面 —— 包括一次投擲刀子的攻擊,幸運的是刀子顯然是用刀柄打在我的背上,一方面我不知道,但另一方面,我不在乎那些瘋子相信他們的錯覺,必須把我送到地獄或其他地方。
Yes, you told me about that. But let's hope it's finally enough and over with, because you have done everything Quetzal ordered.
We have, but it has led to it being seen all around and it will probably be that it will be asked about. But what I want to say about Assange: He is still in prison in England, and it is also not yet certain whether he will actually be extradited to the USA. I would not be surprised if, in the end, an assassination attempt is made on him by an American secret service in order to finally silence him, because America has been used to sorting out problems in this way since time immemorial. Well understood, I do not mean the righteous citizens of the USA who are against such practices, but all those who conform to the murder and approve of every outrage committed by their rulers, the secret services and the military of the USA. And these are more than ashen, I can testify, for I have seen with my own eyes, through travel opportunities with Sfath and Asket, the crimes committed against human beings by the military and intelligence services of the USA, as they also made fake films and paraded them before the public and their military as genuine. So, together with Sfath, I have seen – e.g. in the last world war in NAZI Germany, as well as with Asket in Vietnam, in the neighbouring countries, as well as in Korea, etc., but also with your daughter Semjase in various theatres of war – how US-Americans made fake films and later presented them to the public and their military as real factual films, thus fuelling hatred against the natives of those countries. And so it happened that the American military then went on the rampage like berserkers and savages among the alleged degenerates, cruelly massacring even women, children and old human beings.
我可以作證,這些不只是那樣就灰飛煙滅了,因為我通過與Sfath和Asket的旅行機會,親眼看到了美國軍方和情報部門對人類犯下的罪行,因為他們還製作了假電影,並在公眾和他們的軍隊面前把它們當作真的。因此,我和Sfath一起看到 —— 例如,在納粹德國的上一次世界大戰中,以及與Asket一起在越南、鄰國以及朝鮮等地,還與你的女兒Semjase一起在各個戰區看到 —— 美國人如何制作假電影,後來將它們作為真實的事實電影展示給公眾和他們的軍隊,從而助長對這些國家當地人的仇恨。於是,美國軍隊就像狂暴者和野蠻人一樣在所謂的墮落者中橫衝直撞,甚至殘酷地屠殺婦女、兒童和老人。
I am aware of all this, and it is more …
It's good, you do not have to say it because I know what you are going to say.
Then it should be time for us to end our official conversation and for you and I to continue to talk privately about what I want you to explain to me. …
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