


第三章 和諧波

August, 1987


We wish to discuss a tool, a perspective we will refer to as the harmonic wave – what you have labeled the Harmonic Convergence – in order to begin to recognize what the meaning of this idea was about. From our point of view in our interactions with you, from the perspective of extraterrestrial societies as they are beginning to interact with your terrestrial society, the explanation in mechanical terms of the Harmonic Convergence is as follows.

我們想討論一種工具,和諧波的觀點 —— 也就是你們所稱的“和諧會聚” —— 為了開始明白它的意義。從我們與人類互動的觀點來看,從外星社會開始與人類的領域社會互動的觀點來看,和諧波會聚的機械術語的解釋如下:

As suggested earlier, many of you have begun to instinctively recognize that great changes are taking place on your planet, that these changes are indicative of levels of awareness you have created within yourselves that have heretofore not been experienced on your planet for quite some time -- hundreds of thousands of your years. The idea of this recognition of the Harmonic Convergence was basically an observation of the overlapping of many different frequencies of energy, frequencies of consciousness.

正如早先所建議的,許多人在直覺上已經開始認識到地球上的重大改變,而這些改變顯示你們在自己內在所創造的覺知程度,那是人類在地球上,長久以來所不曾達到的覺知 —— 有幾千萬年了。認識和諧會聚,基本上就是觀察到許多不同頻率能量及不同頻率之意識的重疊。

You have put many different kinds of labels upon the idea, none of which are wrong, but many of which may be attributable to the idea of the labels you are accustomed to using in your society to refer to ideas and events, to allow you to understand them through the symbology you have been used to for all these thousands of years. While this does not make those labels incorrect, it may be that some of those labels are limiting, or perhaps in some senses a little bit misdirecting -- in terms of what the actual mechanical event was all about: an energy event, an overlapping number of vibratory frequencies of the primal energy of creation.

人類已經把許多不同種類的標示放在此一理念上,沒有一個是錯的,但是許多標示,可能是採用人類習慣使用所指的理念及事件,讓你們能運用已經使用幾千年的象徵來幫助自己明白。雖然這樣子並不會使那些標示不正確,不過某些標示可能是限制性的,或是在某些方面有一些誤導 —— 就真實的機械事件而言:是一項能量事件,是原始之創造能的多種震動頻率的重疊。

Everything moves in cycles; this most of you already understand. The Harmonic Convergence was simply representative of a nodal point, if you will, an overlapping of many different cycles coming into reinforcement play, one unto another -- reinforcing each other and opening up a gateway, a doorway. That is, in one sense reinforcing each other and in another sense canceling each other out. Forming a vacuum, so to speak, a limbo state, a state of disorientation and floating, in which you found yourselves able to perceive all the different variations, all the different probable realities that can exist, and thus in that floating state you could choose which reality you prefer to create on your planet.

每件事都會迴圈運作;這點大多數人都已瞭解。和諧會聚只是單純地代表一個節點,如果你願意,可看成是許多不同的迴圈疊合進入增加的運作,一個疊住一個 —— 彼此增強而打開一條道路、一個門徑。一方面彼此增強,另一方面則會互補抵消。形成一份真空,可以說是一種邊緣狀態,一種無定位及漂浮的狀態,在那裡你會發現自己感覺到所有不同的變化,因此在那種漂浮的狀態,你可以選擇在地球上喜歡與創造那一種實相。

The 40-Year Cycle


Different societies at different times have different cycles -- not only on your own world, but on countless other worlds. These civilizations all have their own timing for their convergences, and their own bringing together of harmonics, of resonances, of frequencies. One large-scale cycle -- although small perhaps in one perspective, but one that generally repeats itself over and over again in your particular Earth society -- is the 40-year cycle. In plain terms, it seems to be that in your particular brand of consciousness you will generate a cycle of 40 orbits. This is a 40-year period in which to create changes that allow there to be the ability to see things which are 180 degrees polarized from the way you used to see them 40 of your years ago.

不同的社會在不同的年代裡有不同的迴圈 —— 不只是在地球上,在無數的其它世界也是如此。這些文明都有自己的時機來形成他們的會聚,自己帶來和諧、共震及頻率。一個較大輻度的迴圈 —— 也許從另一個觀點看比較小,可是在地球社會中,常常反復出現的是四十年的迴圈。用平常的術語,看來在人類特別的意識中,人類會創造有四十個軌道的迴圈,要再四十年的時間,才能創造改變,而允許人們看到於四十年前有一百八十度改變的事情。

Forty years has been used in much of your religious literature to indicate the change time necessary for whole societies and for whole cultures on your planet, while 40 days are needed for the change of a single individual. This 40-year cycle has allowed us now to apply the harmonic wave diagram and thus show you in very clear and graphic terms how the cycles play out in your society. And to show you the determiners that portray where you are within the overall series of events that is representative of your entire transformational age -- this age being generally 80 of your years long. You are now about -- or I'll say literally -- half way through.

在很多人類的宗教文獻中,有說這需要四十年才能使整個社會及文化有改變,而個人則需要四十天才能改變。此一四十年的迴圈,現在允許我們去運用和習慣的模式,因而能以十分清楚的圖畫方式,顯示給人們看:此一迴圈如何在你們的社會中運作。同時顯示給你們:在整個所有事件的序列裡,你們正處於整個轉化年代的何處 —— 轉化年份一般要八十年,而你們現在大約是 —— 或者我會說真的是 —— 已經過完了一半。

For this to be easily translated, we have a visual aid to assist you. Many of you will begin to recognize first of all familiar patterns within this. You have seen similar symbols throughout your society for quite some time: the idea of the lotus flower. You have seen expressed in this format many different forms of vibratory energy representations, which you have called mandalas, or in this sense, harmonic mantras. This is a literal mechanical tool that we utilize to gauge the momentum in particular societies with which we interact. We determine which ideas are playing out, and when they are most likely to be played out.


The Harmonic Convergence actually initiated the second part of a four-part harmonic. The first part, begun 40 years ago in 1947, can be called the Harmonic Initiation. Second: what is now going on in your society is the Harmonic Convergence. Third -- and we will point this out in a moment -- what will occur in your society will be a Harmonic Identification. And number four will be the idea of a Harmonic Synchronization.

和諧會聚真是引發了一項四部和諧的第二部份。第一部份是在1947年開始,可以稱為「和諧啟始」。其次:1987的和「和諧會聚」。其三:待會我們會指出 —— 在你們的社會中會有「和諧認同」。第四部則是「和諧同步」。

These are the four general steps that fit this particular template. When you overlay this template on any society, once you have determined the cycle of orbits that society is using, you can utilize this template, or tool, to determine the timing within the remainder of the transformational age that will bring about certain changes to your world.


At the very center of this diagram is what can be referred to as point, a. This is the Harmonic initiation begun in 1947, and is very strongly connected to the fact that it was the year wherein you began to recognize as a society, even though possibly covertly at first, that other civilizations, extraterrestrial civilizations do exist. And that you are not unique or alone. Unique in the way you present yourselves, yes, but you are not alone.


That initiation, the beginning of that ripple, was like a stone being dropped into a pond of water, beginning to create vibrations that moved outward in ever- expanding spirals and circles. As each of you may recognize, if you pluck a string on one of your instruments, you see that it vibrates back and forth. You see ghost images of two strings as the two end points are fixed, while the middle part begins to vibrate in harmonic resonance with itself, in polarity resonance.


Those vibrations from the plucking are represented by the yellow petals, as designated on the diagram, the idea of the stone first dropped, and then the resonances going out and coming back together at the end, at the tip of the yellow petal. Now, the tip of these petals define a small circle within the larger circle. That is where you are now. That is the Harmonic Convergence area: the coming together of all the vibratory interstices, all the vibratory axions, that determine the particular type of opening and momentum you are going through now.


Notice in the center of each yellow petal a straight line with arrows at either side defining the widest point of polarity resonance. Simply stated, it is the farthest point, the farthest polarity experience that any cord will strike. We will get back to that in a moment. At the very tip of the yellow petal you can recognize the Harmonic Convergence of this year.


So from the center of the circle to the tip of the yellow petal represents 40 of your years. From the tip of this petal all the way to the outer large circle is another 40 orbits. Thus you have an 80-year radius (a to d). At the tips of the petals you can see that every two of those petals in turn define a larger orange petal, and at the tips of the yellow petals there is again a representation in the large orange petal of another polarity resonance. Thus the widest point in that petal is defined by the tips of the yellow petals. That is polarity resonance manifestation number two.


There are no more petals now, but only the spheres that fit within the larger sphere, those moving into the green. From the point of the tips of the orange petals outward, where the lines cross again, the next point is where each circle meets tangentially at the edge of the larger circle. So you have point a at the center, point b at the tips of the yellow petals, point c at the tips of the orange petals, and where the small circle meets the outside of the larger sphere, you have point d.... Thus, a - b - c- d.


From the 1940s to the 1980s your transformation cycle was involved with the process of forming a global link for that 40-year period, while during the 40 years previous to that, you were initiating contact with all the major cultures on Earth and beginning to examine new modes of thought with regard to the religious manifestations in your world.


As we have said, at the tips of the orange petals is the Harmonic Convergence. So the outward movement, as you are passing through that apex, now brings you on an outer curve going to the tips of those orange petals. That is approximately 30 years hence, or about your year 2017.


At the tips of the orange petals you begin to see that there are no more petals. The realities you are converging, that were initiated 40 of your years ago at point c, will be represented by the Harmonic Identification. This is the point we have discussed with you which represents when the vibrational frequency of the particular reality you prefer will literally begin to separate from all other realities, literally placing you in whatever parallel Earth to which you are now most aligned.


As you then begin to separate from all other realities, all other parallel probable Earths, you continue the outer curve toward Harmonic Synchronization -- at the point when that will be the only experience you have on your Earth. It will be representative of what you have identified yourselves with, and have accelerated from point c within you. In forming synchronization at the outer edge that is 40 years hence, it will then be only a world that contains the things you identified most strongly with at point c, when you separated from all other probable realities.

當你們開始與所有其它的實相分開時,與所有其它平行可能呈現的地球分開,你們繼續把外弧發展向和諧同步 —— 那時那將是你們在地球上唯一的經驗。那將代表著你們所自我認同的,而且從C點開始,就在自身內加速。為了在外緣建立四十年的同步,到時只會有一個含有人類在C點最強烈認同的事物的世界。因為你們已經與其它可能的實相脫離了。

You may look at it simply as criss-crossing of energy, as a building of acceleration and momentum that leads you from one point, through that point to another point, and through that point to yet another point. There are 13 points including the center -- and no accident that this is your thirteenth day. You may note also that I3 is the transformational gate number. It is that which allows you to face all the different portions you have perhaps hidden from yourselves, segregated yourselves into. It is the passing through a doorway; it is why it is a transformational, magic number, and why there is so much superstition associated with it in your society. It gets you to face yourselves, because you are in the limbo door facing all that you are.


These 13 points represent gateways, vortices of energy within this harmonic wave template. This is what basically has determined the Harmonic Convergence, and also what has been picked up by many individuals in your society as the reason for the Convergence going on now... for the gathering together of all probable realities.


Star Trek


Two more interesting points. We have generally observed that within any particular society, there will be two manifestations in your culture which will indicate if and when and in what way you have begun to accept the idea, that you will blend with societies other than your own. These two points occur at the two polarity resonance manifestation points, the widest parts of the yellow and the widest parts of the orange petals -- indicated by the straight line across the yellow petals and the curved line across the orange petals. Number one; number two. As you can see, number one occurs by definition approximately halfway along the line from beginning to now, in your yellow petal. Number two occurs right in line with the Harmonic Convergence, because that is where all probable realities coincide.


Now we would like to play a little game for a moment. These two points, the polarity resonance manifestations, usually manifest in a culture through some art form, through some way that culture expresses itself most strongly. It is usually the strongest and most graphic representation of how that culture thinks of itself in terms of relating to other extraterrestrial cultures. So you can see that the second one, which is usually an amplification of the first, occurs now, in 1987, while the first one, being half way between 1947 and now, occurred in 1967. The guessing game is to decide which cultural phenomena in 1967, artistically speaking, represented in the most graphic way your ongoing relationship with extraterrestrial cultures.


(Star Trek.)


Yes. Now, we know some of you may find this quite amusing; however, your Star Trek program was initiated at exactly that halfway point in 1967 and now in 1987 is being re-initiated in a new format. It is the same expression upgraded and updated, to encompass your new understandings, and all the things you have learned to incorporate within yourselves within the last 20 years -- for the second half of the yellow petal. This will usually occur in every society in a way unique to that society.


Thus you have fit the pattern perfectly; you have fit the template perfectly. Some of you may think of that program as a frivolous representation, but it is your most overriding understanding. And it has endured for so long because it represents the blending of your society with other societies in the most graphic way you allowed yourselves to represent it at that time. That is why it is a worldwide phenomenon. There are no accidents in that energy, and there is no accident in the sense that your interest in that particular phenomenon, and in expressing it in that way, has only grown and not diminished.


Your Own Space Craft


Thus you can perhaps readily understand that point c, your year 2017, initiates and represents the time when there will be within your society the capability of joining us with your own space craft, although it may be earlier -- perhaps five years earlier. That is when your technology will allow you to develop the idea similar to our spacecraft technology. You will have this by 2017 if you maintain your adherence to the template, which it seems in all likelihood you will. By 2027 you will be absolutely inter-woven into the Galactic Association of Worlds.


Forty of your years hence: not so very long. It took you 40 years to get to this point; it will take you only 30 years to get to the next point. Only ten years after that you will be part of The Association as absolute equals. You are accelerating rapidly, and you fit the pattern most strongly, as we have indicated.



As an aside—: some of you may recognize within this the natural mathematical relationships that you call the Fibonacci Series. And if you look very closely, you may also recognize -- if you remove a few lines -- the old yin-yang symbol. For the yin-yang symbol comes directly from the harmonic wave template. And that is the ancient understanding that has been rendered into your polarity manifestation.


Allow yourselves to recognize that this energy wave is one that represents the frequency, the momentum, the acceleration. This Harmonic Convergence is your ability to understand that in coming together and focusing your consciousness for any such endeavor of harmony, love and light, you will create an impact on your planet, and you will allow change to occur very rapidly.


One of the ideas behind this Convergence, as the fulcrum point between an old reality and a new reality, is to recognize that as you each individually become the pattern for the reality you wish to experience, bit by bit each of you adds to the overall energy of your world's ability to become that world as you have envisioned it. It will accelerate in that direction; you will begin to see the blending and harmonics occur between what is now distinct and segregated levels of your society -- sociologically, economically, politically. Through the combination of all that consciousness, individuals who are so aligned can utilize that energy to take steps to escalate and accelerate themselves to new levels of awareness -- stepping stones, as you call them.


Many of you have recognized that there are many convergences and gateways occurring throughout any particular year. However, in your framework of time this octave month represents a very strong convergence cycle. The basic idea behind this particular gateway is that it is primarily for the specific blending of all places upon your planet, all energies within every one of you especially those energies representing the masculine and feminine aspects within each individual.


The Dream


Now let us relate a dream communication in which we participated through the physical channel, and you can see the symbology referred to as this Convergence. In the dream the channel remembered symbolically being in a location that represented many different locations around your planet: Hawaii, Japan, India -- many areas. There were symbologies which made it seem as if it was everywhere, and yet in no one particular place.


Many beings were waiting for a particular entity to step forth from out of a gateway -- a gateway on a plateau at the edge of a precipice overlooking a vast ocean and the horizon beyond. There was light and it was dark at the same time. In the dream the gate was called the Gate of the Moon, and was also known as the Gate of the Sun. It was all gates; it was the going in, the coming out, and the blending of many different avenues and motive forces on your planet.

許多存在都在等待某一種存有,由門道中造出來 —— 在海邊的一座高崖上的門道,可以遠望遼闊的海洋及背後的水平線。同時又有光又是黑暗一片。在夢境中那扇門被稱為「月門」。也被稱為「日門」。它是諸門之門,可進,可出,是許多不同的通道的總出入口,而且推動地球上的能量。

When the being stepped out from the gate to greet all of the individuals who were waiting, it was both literally and physiologically masculine and feminine -- wearing a simple white sarong from the waist down. It was to some degree a Pleiadian representation, and was marked by some of the interactions taking place on your Fuji and Shasta areas, and in your Hawaiian area. For from the Shasta area, and the Fuji and Hawaiian areas there is a triangle that encompasses the entire energy of the Pacific basin on your planet, representing the strong re-emergence of Lemurian energy. And this dream was within Lemuria as well. The being stepping forth represented the blending of the feminine and masculine aspects within each and every one of you that has been taking place at this time on your world, the equalization of all of this energy, all levels of your consciousness.

當那存在由大門走出來,向所等候的個體打招呼。那存在的確是在生理上是雌雄兼具 —— 在腰以下穿著簡單的白色沙龍。某種程度上有些像是昂宿星人,身上有像是斐濟及莎斯塔及夏威夷地區土著的記號。因為由莎斯塔、斐濟及夏威夷構成一個三角形,涵蓋了地球的太平洋盆地的整個能量。代表著強烈的萊姆能量的重現。而此一夢境也出現在萊姆人之內。走出大門的那個存在,代表著每一個人內在陰陽的融合,所有這些能量的平等化,所有人類意識層次的結合。

It was recognized within the dream that this represented the idealized energy of the Convergence itself, which is the willingness within each one of you to blend and pull together to integrate all the different formerly segregated aspects of your consciousness into one unified whole. Thus you will function as a representational whole being, a strong and full individual, assisting and giving to your world the necessary energy to allow your entire planet to become the single individual it must be in the transformational age. This unified oneness then can interact with other whole worlds. Therefore, any way your imagination and dreams reflect to you the understanding and awareness of convergence within yourselves, it will be reflected in the exterior format.


Now, many individuals are viewing this Convergence as a negative idea -- time to shake things up, perhaps even to have geophysical changes. We can hardly stress enough the idea that if you are willing to consciously allow yourselves to understand your own symbols and what they represent in terms of your own blending, your own awakening, and your own taking of responsibility for your lives and the creations therein, then you will be awake through the time of the Convergence and thereafter. It will not be necessary to create an unconscious manifestation of geophysical changes to shake you awake.

現在,許多人都把會聚看成一種負面的理念 —— 是該把事情震動出來了,也許甚至要有地理的變化。我們幾乎無法足夠的強調;如果人類願意有意識地告訴自己去瞭解你們自己的象徵,以及象徵對人類的融合、覺醒以及對自己的生命及創造負責,所代表的意義,那麼你們就會在會聚及其後的時間內覺醒。如此就不必無意義的創造大地震來喚醒自己。

Wake up now, and you will allow the transformations upon your planet to be ones of blending and smooth harmony, so that it will be the gate of the dawn, the rising sun, the gate of the moon, and all things that have formerly represented your unconscious being. These things will all blend together into one smoothly flowing energy, that will allow you to recognize that your physical reality is, in fact, simply a waking dream.




a=和諧之啟動,由1947年開始,在新墨西哥州找到一架墜毀的外星飛碟(羅斯維爾事件),證明了外星人的存在。 b=和諧會聚,在1987年的能量會合,代表著更大的全球的覺知,以及地球與其它世界的關係。c=和諧認同,會在2027年發生,這份結合將代表統一的地球、平衡的生態管理,公開地與宇宙聯盟有互動及參與。


pa代表1967年,這一年星際大戰開始上演。pb代表1987年,當時有新版的星際大戰(第二代)出現 —— 更正確地反映地球成長的太空知識,以及外星生命的可能性。有刻劃的線(ad),是模版上的年份,每一刻度代表兩年。











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