

Contact Report 731     第731次接觸報告



在 Billy 83 歲生日這天,Ptaah 照往例來與他會面,並且繼續洋洋灑灑地談到新冠病毒的相關訊息(共十八大項,請參閱報告內容)。
而 Billy 也長篇大論地發表了他對純種pure species的看法,那是他來自 Sfath 的教導,以及他在全世界各地長期觀察的心得。
最後 Billy 正要提到最近發現許多來自多方訊息的 UFO 目擊現象,但又被 Ptaah 的保密義務給塞了回去


Eduard, dear friend, greetings.



Well, dear friend, you too, be greeted and welcome. As we have discussed, you are going to talk about the Corona pandemic today, which is more than just our normal conversations. But I would like to say that it would be good if you could explain everything in simple words, so that I and all those who will read our conversation later, when I have called it up and written it down, can understand everything correctly as medical laymen.

你好,親愛的朋友,歡迎你!就如之前我們討論過的,你今天要繼續談談冠狀疾病Corona disease),而這不只是我們平常的對話。這裡我想說的是,如果你能用簡單的話語來解釋這一切,在我把它記錄下來之後,這樣我和所有接著會閱讀我們談話資料的人,就能像醫學外行一樣正確地理解一切,那將會是好事一件。


You are not as laymanly as you act, my friend, as others will not be either. But you will still be right, because the majority of those who read the notes of the conversation later will probably not be medically educated. Then I will begin in a simple explanatory way as follows:


1. Our research unit, which has been working intensively since last year in late summer on the beginning of the SARS epidemic, which is very far-reaching and will now spread throughout the world as a corona epidemic pandemic, has so far produced alarming findings. This includes the fact that the highest responsible persons of all states, as people's powers, are incapable of correctly assessing the epidemic, which has been spreading strongly for some time and is already spreading globally. With a few exceptions, which, however, cannot penetrate with their opinions, the people's superiors are also incapable of recognizing, instructing and implementing the right protective measures, which is to be blamed on the pandemic that has already started. But this will be denied and trivialized by them, as is customary among them, in order to evade their responsibility, as is the case with all arrogant earthly state authorities.

一、我們的研究小組自去(2019)年夏末以來,一直在詳細研究SARS流行病的起源,由於這種流行病影響深遠,現在將成為冠狀流行病corona epidemic pandemic向全世界蔓延,迄今已造成令人震驚的結果。這裡所有國家的最高負責人,擁有人民託付的權力,卻無法正確評估這一場流行病,以致這場流行病猛烈傳播了一段時間,並且已經蔓延到了全球。然而,除了少數例外,大眾無法表達他們的觀點,但人民的管理當局也無法認清、指導並實施正確的保護措施,這是在流行病已經開始散播之時,就該受到的譴責。但正如他們之間的慣常作法,先是一概否認並輕視這方面的訊息,以逃避他們的責任,而地球上所有傲慢的政府當局都是如此。

2. Our experts have ascertained that this epidemic - of which you spoke several times already a long time ago and which is also recorded in written reports of conversations - will spread rapidly in the near future and intensify in its dangerous and deadly nature, and will consequently also claim a great many lives.

二、我們的專家已經確定這種流行病 — 這是你很久以前曾多次談到並記錄在書面報告中在不久的將來會迅速蔓延,並加劇其危險和致命的特質,因此將奪去許多人的生命

3. The danger and lethality of this insidious epidemic results from a mutation, whereby changes and from it new genetic variations of the virus develop, which become more dangerous and more aggressive.


4. Due to the changing danger of the corona virus, in the next few weeks the first to be infected will be older people, but also people who are already ill, which will also lead to high mortality rates. For the time being, younger people, especially adolescents and children, are even less susceptible to the corona virus. However, its self-acting mutation will result in new genetic variations that will be more dangerous and more aggressive, which will then spread to younger people, infect them and also claim victims.


a) In the near future, it will also become apparent that a large number of people will be infected and die on a global scale who, as a result of harmful blood mixtures between members of different tribes, have negatively altered immune systems, of which terrestrial immunologists, physicians and virologists etc. have no idea. I would like to say this for the benefit of those people who will read the notes of the conversation and who, on the other hand, have no knowledge of what the immune system is in the field of immunology:

a)此外,在不久的將來,將明顯看到,在全球範圍大量的人將都會受到感染並導致死亡,這是由於不同部族成員之間的有害混種,造成免疫系統immune systems發生了負面的變化,在這方面,地球的免疫學家、醫生和病毒學家等都還不清楚。我想說的是,這將有利於那些會閱讀這篇接觸報告的人,即使他們不知道免疫系統在免疫學immunology)中是什麼定義,現在說明如下:

According to the teachings of immunology or immunobiology, the immune system is the basis of the body's defence against biological and biochemical pathogens. Basically, the immune system corresponds to a factor of organic self-defence in the form of a defence against foreign substances that attack and invade the human (also other living beings) organism, such as biological toxins and environmental toxins as well as bacteria, microbes, fungi, parasites, viruses and other pathogens. All these cause malfunctions and disorders in the body, whereas the immune system uses defense mechanisms to fight the attacking foreign bodies etc. The teaching of immunology or immunobiology, and thus of the immune system, corresponds as a research subject to a sub-discipline of biology, namely a system of cellular and molecular processes that enable the recognition of various pathogens and foreign substances in the body and their inactivation. The processes of this kind are to be understood as immune feedback, whereby, due to its central role in relation to the human immune system, immunology in medicine is very important for the understanding of many diseases. Prevention and preventive measures are of paramount importance, whereby these are always aimed at reducing risks or mitigating or completely preventing harmful consequences of any kind that are harmful to health and can cause catastrophes or other undesirable situations. Immunology has various subdisciplines, with immunochemistry being used to study the structure of antigens, antibodies and the chemical basis of immune reactions. Immunogenetics investigates the genetic variability of immune reactions and the mechanisms of the generation of antigen-presenting relationship regions of antibodies of thymic cell receptors, or T-lymphocytes, which correspond to a group of white blood cells that serve the immune defense. These thymic lymphocytes - in the thymus the cells mature - together with the B-lymphocytes represent the adaptive or acquired immune response, or the response of the immune system.

根據免疫學或免疫生物學的解釋,免疫系統是人體防禦生物和生化病原體的基礎。基本上,免疫系統相當於有機體自我防衛的要素,其形式是防禦那些攻擊和穿透人類(以及其他生物)生物體的外來物質,如生物毒素和環境毒素;如細菌、微生物、真菌、寄生蟲、病毒和其他病原體。所有這些毒素會導致身體機能的故障和紊亂,而免疫系統就是使用防禦機制來對抗那些攻擊的異物等。免疫學或免疫生物學以及免疫系統的學科,相當於生物學的分支學科,也就是細胞和分子的處理系統,能夠識別各種病原體和外來物質及其失活性(inactivation)。這種過程應理解為免疫反饋(immune feedback),因此,由於其在人類免疫系統的核心作用,醫學中的免疫學對許多疾病的理解非常重要。預防或預防性措施至關重要,因此,這些措施在任何情況下都是為了減少出現或減輕或完全防止任何有害健康的風險,並阻止可能導致災害或其他的有害後果的不良情況。免疫學有各種子學科,其中免疫化學(immunochemistry)用於研究抗原antigens)的結構、抗體antibodies)和免疫反應的化學基礎。免疫遺傳學Immunogenetics)研究免疫反應的遺傳變異性以及胸腺細胞受體(thymus cell receptors)[或T淋巴細胞T-lymphocytes)]的抗體抗原呈現關係區域的產生機制,而T淋巴細胞相當於一組用於免疫防禦的白細胞。這些胸腺淋巴細胞在胸腺細胞成熟連同B淋巴細胞B- lymphocytes)代表適應性或獲得免疫反應,或免疫系統的反應。

Finally, there is immunopathology and clinical immunology, which study disorders of the immune system, such as allergies, auto-immune diseases, tumour formation, etc.

最後,還有免疫病理學(immunopathology)和臨床免疫學(clinical immunology),研究免疫系統的紊亂,如過敏、自體免疫性疾病、腫瘤的形成等。


All is well and good, dear friend, your explanations are well and good, but I assume that your explanatory remarks are probably not understandable for laymen, even if you have explained them in an understandable way. But I don't think further explanations are necessary, because I'm sure only a few earthlings would be interested, at least not those who don't have enough grits in their brains to even want to think about the whole thing, so they're just plain stupid.



Double dumb, because everything concerning this is of great importance for the preservation of health.



I know that, but you can't force someone to turn to reason and to rationality if they don't want to do it themselves. Basically, the majority of earthlings do not listen to anything and do not accept any truths, and therefore good, correct and important advice is thrown to the wind. If something is said, then it will be heard, but what is said will not be heard.



Unfortunately, this corresponds to the fact that the majority of people on earth are so focused on themselves, on their personal well-being and personal profit, as well as on all conceivable personal advantages and, above all, on a confused and crazy belief in God that, on the one hand, all personal logical thinking is effectively stifled, as you always say, and, on the other hand, the grasping, formation and use of understanding and reason is impossible. But now I want to go on with the further necessary things that still have to be said:


b) Atmospheric and climate-related factors also contribute to corona virus infection, as does airborne transmission, although this does not mean that the air or atmosphere is impregnated with the pathogen, but that it is only transmitted from person to person through the air if the distance between them is too small. It is therefore important that in every relationship, and especially during a conversation or communication between one person and another, a sufficiently large distance of about 1.50 to 2 metres is maintained. This is because breathing and speaking expels breath as well as expiratory droplets which float through the air and are inhaled at an inadequate distance by people facing each other, thus infecting them.


c) Exhalation droplets are not only inhaled by people facing each other when the distance between conversation partners is too small, but they also settle on all kinds of body parts, such as especially on face and hands, but also on clothing, on open meat of any kind, which means on open cut meat and open or cut fruits and vegetables, because the pathogen - like various other pathogens - can easily settle on moist surfaces, insist on it for some time and be contagious. Uninjured and uncut fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, can be washed and eaten well. This is because 'dead' objects and materials of all kinds in a completely dry state offer little or no possibility of deposit, but may only be able to do so when they are wet.

c)如果談話對象之間的距離太近,呼氣飛沫exhalation droplets不僅會被對方吸入,也會落到身體的各部位,尤其是面部和雙手,而也會落在衣服上,以及任何切開的肉類上,這也意味著會落在開切的肉類或切開的水果和蔬菜上,因為病原體 — 就像其他各種病原體可以很容易附著在潮濕的表面,並維持一段時間而具有傳染性。另一方面,未受損與未切割的水果和蔬菜可以洗好之後食用。這是因為無生命的”物體和材料在完全乾燥的狀態下,只會極少或根本沒有寄生病毒的可能性,但在潮濕的狀態時,就有可能寄生病毒。

d) Another factor for corona virus infection is that all genera and species of mammalian organisms are susceptible to the virus and can be affected by it, in particular domestic animals such as dogs and cats, but also all other mammals such as cattle, horses and pigs, rodents, etc.


e) The treatment of persons infected with the corona disease requires that doctors and nurses wear only fully protective clothing when carrying out their work, in such a way that this clothing must be changed for the next person infected and to be treated. This is because the protective clothing is contaminated and infectious by the damp exhalation or expiratory droplets of infected patients, and the virus inevitably spreads to other people, not only to patients but also to the medical and nursing staff.


5. Our predictions indicate that corona disease infections will continue to increase worldwide and that a new phase of growth is already underway, which will continue to wave across the world in the coming months, claiming many victims and sparing no country.


6. The irrationality of the people on earth, especially of the leaders of states, will lead to the fact that compatriots who are in other countries will be brought back home, whereby persons infected by the disease will spread the virus additionally and in greater numbers and very quickly in practically all countries. As a result, in countries where the disease is being reduced, it will be rekindled by new introductions and spread again.


7. Also due to the irrationality of the majority of the population, which will not change its incorrect behaviour and will not adhere to the issued ordinances regarding protective measures, the infections and deaths continue to rise steadily, but also because all measures ordered by the authorities are careless and extremely inadequate and to a large extent insufficient. This is because the majority of both sexes of all those responsible in the state leadership are incapable of foresight, as well as completely naïve about the danger and effect of the corona virus, which changes genetically within itself, as is partly the case with virology specialists.


8. Since the SARS epidemic, research into the SARS virus has been carried out by virologists, etc., which has provided some valuable information, but is far too lax in its approach Consequently, it is also not recognised that this valuable research and its results have produced valuable substances that could be developed and used against the mutated corona virus, which independently changes into new gene variations, in a relatively short time.


9. Unreasonableness and incapacity therefore prevail on the one hand among state leaders, state administrations, state officials and authorities, who are incapable of their positions and are neither able to consistently think ahead nor look ahead, as is also the case among the people. All of them are incapable of assessing threatening events and situations that may arise unexpectedly and are therefore incapable of ordering or having the necessary measures taken and of bringing the population under control. As a result, it is difficult or even impossible for the state authorities and all their sub-groups, up to the municipal authorities and security forces, etc., to ensure that the necessary measures are complied with before a catastrophe develops, such as the Corona pandemic, which started much earlier and caused deaths and was already being carried abroad before the disease was recognized and only dealt with laxly on December 8, 2019.


10. The already for a long time running changes of the virus, which also now and in the coming time continue to occur, will not be recognized by the earthly researchers for quite some time yet, which will additionally lead to many infections and deaths.


11. Different peoples have different symptoms in relation to fever, cough and rhinitis and other characteristics of the disease of which there are others, so that some will suffer more from one form of symptoms and others from another. In this respect, the different populations and social strata also give rise to different forms of symptoms and negative immune susceptibilities, particularly because there is no uniform immune system in the entire population of the earth, and each population and stratum of society shows hardly any noticeable deviations from the norm, which is, however, decisive for the fact that the risk of infection is higher or lower, as the case may be. This fact, however, is still unknown to terrestrial doctors, medical doctors, researchers, virologists and immunologists, etc., as well as many other factors which they will have to fathom for many years to come.


12. The different immune systems and biological defence systems of the various Earth peoples, terrestrials and all higher organisms prevent tissue and organ damage from pathogens, but health professionals provide little or no information or instruction to populations on this and on health behaviour, etc., as is necessary. In this regard, it would also be up to the leaders and authorities to take and implement the necessary steps and actions nationwide to educate the populations, which would also teach them how to behave fundamentally so that great evils can be avoided when an epidemic or other disaster strikes.


13. The mentioned fact of the differences of the immune systems among the earthly people respectively their peoples, groups, clans, genders and mixtures of people is not known to the earthly physicians. These differences, however, must be taken into special consideration because they are very important, because they are not only atmospheric, climatic and territorial, but also depend on social behavioral factors, etc. Therefore, in various countries, they contribute particularly strongly to corona disease infection and deaths. The atmospheric and climatic influences on the immune systems lead to specific viral gene alterations in certain countries, which also cause different moments of infection, so that the ongoing virus gene alterations also show different symptoms in corona disease. These are particularly pronounced in certain areas in emigration countries as a result of mixing of peoples. However, there is some explanation for this, also with regard to the 'pure genus', the diversity of species and the mixing of peoples, because these have a special value with regard to the resistance of the immune systems of the terrestrial human beings, which are weakened or strengthened depending on the circumstances.

十三、地球上的醫生並不知道一個事實,那就是地球上的各個民族、族群、氏族、性別和混種人的免疫系統都存在著差異。然而,必須特別考慮到這些差異,因為它們非常重要。由於它們不僅因大氣、氣候條件和地域性而不同,並且還取決於社會行為因素等而有區別。因此,在各國,它們對抵抗冠狀病毒的感染和免於死亡,貢獻尤為重大。大氣和氣候對免疫系統的影響,導致在某些國家中特定病毒基因的改變,也導致不同的感染時機。根據這種現象,正在進行中的病毒基因相關變化,也使得感染冠狀病毒後顯示不同的症狀。由於各國人民的混種,這在移民國家中某些地區尤為明顯。然而,對於純種pure genus)、多樣化物種和混種的情況也有一些解釋,因為這些狀況對地球人類免疫系統的抵抗力有著特殊的意義也就是這些免疫系統會根據客觀的環境而有所減弱或加強

14. Humanity on earth consists of a single race and therefore not of several races, as is generally assumed. The terrestrial humanity thus corresponds worldwide to a single genus, which is called human, but which is divided into various species and which derive organically and structurally from each other, as well as in all species spread worldwide, which correspond to the genus Omedam or human. This means that they are classified as a derivative or a basic substance and thus as a parent compound which is chemically and organically identical. This parent compound and its derivatives are structurally closely related to each other, as the definition makes clear. In this respect, organic chemistry results in a substance which, because it has a structural unit, corresponds to a functional group of a parent compound and also contains a structural element of this functional group in the same oxidation state. If the functional group of the parent compound is considered, then a new functional group is found in the derivative as a species, but it contains a structural sub-element of the functional group of the parent compound in the same oxidation state. And w...

十四、地球人類由單一種族race組成,並不是一般認為的有好幾個種族。因此,地球人類在全世界屬於同一個類型genus;依據生物分類法則譯為),統稱為人類man),但被分為不同的物種species),而在器官上和結構上相互有別。也就是散布在全世界的所有物種,都屬於Omedam類型,也就是人類。這意味著他們被歸屬於非獨創性或基本的物質,因此被歸類為化學上和器官上極為相似的母體化合物parent compound)。正如定義所表明的那樣,這種母體化合物及其衍生物在結構上彼此密切相關。在這方面,有機化學organic chemistry)產生一種物質,由於該物質其具有一個結構單元structural unit),相對於母體化合物的官能基functional group),它也含有這種官能基處於相同氧化態oxidation state)的一個結構元素structural element)。如果考慮母體化合物的官能基,則在作為一個物種的衍生物中發現一個新的官能基,但它包含處於相同氧化態的母體化合物官能基的結構子元素structural sub-element)。還有...


Sorry to interrupt, but this chemical stuff is probably not suitable to be understood by laymen. I'm also not very educated in these things, I can understand where it all leads to, but due to the lack of study, my intelligence is not sufficient to define the whole process exactly and put it together.



That was not the purpose of my attempt at explanation; unfortunately I fell into my acquired knowledge and did not think about giving an explanation that is understandable for laymen.



All right, it wasn't an accusation, just an interjection to draw your attention to the fact that for us laypeople, you have lapsed into shop talk, which would probably ultimately have lapsed into forms of human breeding and human monoculture. At least I assume so, because you spoke of a 'pure species', of a diversity of species and of a mixture of peoples, whereby I actually understand your term 'pure species' to mean 'pure breed' or 'racial purity'. In this respect, I learned from your father Sfath that a 'pure breed' as such has both advantages and disadvantages in terms of susceptibility to disease or immunity to disease. According to my understanding - as I learned from Sfath early in my life, and if I may call the 'pure kind' as you call it and call it that - they can generally have a good and strong constitution, but on the other hand also a less good constitution. And this is so related to the physical, mental and consciousness-based health, but also to the fact that earthlings can be stupid as beans or intelligent beasts. I have also experienced and learned this in my life in dealing with people of many 'pure-bloods'. So these facts are known to me and for me experienced and experienced facts, which I often simply observe, but from which I could learn a lot about the earthlings. But for me there is no reason to assume that the negative aspect of the whole thing is limited to the rank and file, and thus to the majority of the earthlings, because my findings I have made mostly also with academics and doctoral candidates and various large and well-known government figures, up to presidents, dictators and even the Emperor of Persia. And it was among these of all people that I generally found many deficits in character, action, understanding, reason and behaviour, which were much less or not at all present among the majority of the rank and file folk.

好吧,沒有怪你的意思,只是打個岔以引起你的注意。對我們這些外行人來說,你陷入了專業用語的陳述,這最終可能退化為人類配種human breeding)和人類單種裁培monoculture)的形式,至少我是這樣認為的。因為你所說的純種pure species、多樣化物種和混種,我實際上理解你說的純種意思是純品種pure breed種族純淨racial purity。在這方面,我從你父親Sfath那裡瞭解到純品種在敏感性或對疾病免疫方面,既有優點也有缺點。根據我的理解正如我早年從Sfath那裡學到的那樣,如果我可以稱之為純種類pure kind,如你所稱的純種他們通常可以擁有良好和更強的體質,但另一方面,他們也可能有一個不太好的體質。這與身體、心智與意識的健康習習相關,也關係到地球人可能是愚蠢或聰明的動物。在我的生活中,和許多純類型pure types的人打交道時,也曾經歷並學習到了這一點。因此我對這些事實很熟悉,對我來說也繼體驗過,也很有經驗,我經常能很容易就觀察到這些事實,但是從這些事實中我學到了很多關於地球人的知識。對我來說,沒有理由相信全部的負面影響只會局限於老百姓(rank and file),因此也會影響大多數的地球人,因為我的發現主要來自學術界和博士生以及眾多知名的政府人物,包括總統,獨裁者,甚至是波斯皇帝。而正是這些人中,我普遍發現他們在性格、行動、理解、理智和行為方面,都存在許多缺陷,但在大多數的老百姓中這些缺陷就要少得多,或者根本不存在。

Well, I also know that a mono-population, or rather a 'pure genus' of a people can be harmful, if there is no mixing with foreign immigrants and therefore no new blood is added, because the old blood and the immune system of a people is 'leached out', so to speak, and thus people become more susceptible to disease and consequently less resistant to pests and malignant, bad and poisonous environmental influences. If, however, within a reasonable and controlled framework, a mixture of blood etc. and a mixture of peoples is created, an indispensable mixed culture, so to speak, then, depending on the case, this results in either a higher and better or, conversely, a lower and worse resistance. And this fact can be observed and recognized worldwide among all peoples, whereby this principle can be recognized and found not only among the people of the earth but among all living beings, because the transfer from one form of life to another has positive or negative effects in any case, so also with regard to the earth-human species.

好吧,我也知道,一個單一人種,或者更確切地說,一個純類型pure genus;學術名詞稱純屬」)的人,如果沒有與外國移民混種,因此沒有加入新的血液,這可能對他們不利,因為單一人民舊的血液和免疫系統,這可以說是一種耗盡leached out)現象,因此人們更容易感染疾病,因此對病蟲害以及惡性、劣質和有毒環境的抵抗力也會降低。然而,如果在合理和受控的體系內,創造了混血和混種的人民,可以這麼說,這是一種不可或缺的混合文化,那麼,根據具體情況,這將導致更高、更好,或者相反,導致越來越低的抵抗力。這一事實在全世界所有人民中都能得到觀察和公認。這一原則不僅在地球人類中,而且在所有的生物中都能得到承認和發現,因為從一種生命形式轉移到另一種生命形式,在任何情況下,都具有正面或負面的影響,這對地球人類物種的影響也是如此。

As I learned from Sfath when I was a young man - on visits that led me to diverse peoples all over the world, where I had the opportunity to learn these facts through his help and the time travels, as it was later during my own wanderings through the world - the 'pure genus' is not good, even from the ground up. As I have found out, many valuable and positive, development-progressive new developments and evolutionary value complexes are created by a justified, controlled and targeted refreshment of the blood or mixing between members of different peoples. This, while from wild, unjustified and uncontrolled machinations and processes of this kind develop development-inhibiting or development-disrupting and even development-destroying factors, from which discord, hatred and all evil emerge. And exactly this, in my opinion, is the reason why blood replenishment between peoples and thus mixing of peoples should only take place within a controlled framework, but not mass immigration caused by globalization or by floods of refugees, who flood foreign countries as a result of wars, hunger, unemployment and terrorism and bring about blood mixtures with the natives, either indiscriminately and purposelessly or intentionally or forced by violence.

當我還是年輕人時,我從Sfath那裡學到了透過他的幫助和時間穿梭,我有機會拜訪世界各地不同的民族,來瞭解這些事實,就像我後來自己在世界各地遊蕩時所做的那樣 —「純屬pure genus是不好的,甚至從一開始(from the ground up)就不好。正如我所發現的那樣,在不同民族成員之間進行一種合理、受控、有針對性的血液更新或混合,會創造許多重要、正面、進步、創新和進化的珍貴複合體。在這方面,雖然也會因為來自瘋狂、無理和不受控的陰謀和這類過程,導致阻礙發展或擾亂發展,甚至來自破壞發展的因素,從中產生不和、仇恨和一切的邪惡。我認為,這正是各國人民之間重新補充血液的原因,因此,各國人民的混血只能發生在一個受控的體系下,而不是由於全球化或難民氾濫造成的大規模移民,後者是由於戰爭、饑餓、失業和恐怖主義所造成的難民大量湧入外國,這樣與當地人發生的混血,要不是不分好壞而毫無目的,否則就是故意為之或強迫就範。

Strictly speaking, I see all peoples with all their cultures each as a special and gigantic organism that is constantly growing and developing, but each organism is different from every other. And if this were not the case, the whole world would look very bad and sink into monotony, because if all people and their cultures were the same, there would be no further development, because the whole of humanity would be incapable of it and would wither away as a result of the factor 'pure genus'. This is precisely because in this 'pure genus' or racial purity no blood mixing or blood renewal would take place and various forms of atrophy would result, even to the point of the extinction of the peoples, as has already occurred in earlier times and thus various peoples have died out. Therefore, in order to preserve the peoples - and all mankind in general - it is necessary that in a controlled framework mixtures of members of the different peoples take place in order to refresh the blood among themselves and thus to counteract a mono-population or a 'pure species' or racial purity. And this is necessary because each people as a whole as well as each individual has to develop further, and for this purpose the renewal of the blood or the mixing between the peoples is also necessary. But if this does not take place, there is nothing that can be supplemented and combined, because only a supplementation and merging of different factors that fit together can create something new and produce something that is stable in life. And it is exactly every newly created constant that forms an important factor for further development and ensures stability, and this also refers to the continued existence of the earthling in its entirety and in all its diversity. It is therefore completely wrong to believe that a people is biologically and culturally 'pure' or 'pure' in nature pure-bred, because when this delusion arises, then a degenerative catastrophe is preprogrammed, as human history has proven since time immemorial and right up to the present day, when in the delusion of pure-breedness the world has always been overrun with war, murder, plunder and destruction, as it was also done from 1939 to 1945 by the NAZI regime, but which is still happening today worldwide, for example through terrorist organisations of all kinds, religious fanatical states and the like. In fact, earthly humanity must stop delusionally thinking of itself as pure-bred peoples and identifying itself as such pure-bred, because in truth there is not a single people on the Earth that is effectively pure-bred, because from time immemorial there has been undeniable blood mixing between peoples, which has led to the development of special new species, which is still the case today. That simply had to be said.



And it has been well explained, and moreover, you have anticipated all the necessary explanations in an understandable and simple way that I wanted to give in this regard. But now I want to elaborate on the other explanations that I had started:


15. Spread of the disease can occur within seconds or after the moment of infection, not when it becomes detectable and acute. Wearing protective masks against pathogens only makes sense if they are used sensibly, but this cannot be the case if they are worn during the day on the street and in buildings, instead of in crowds and in the near or close vicinity of people infected with the disease. On the one hand, they are basically useless without protective goggles, because even masks that are available to the general public are only of use if they are thick and dense enough to prevent the exhalation of breath and the spread of expiratory droplets, and if they cannot be absorbed or inhaled by the outside world or other people. Ordinary face masks, however, are of no use in this respect, because they are usually not suitable for a protective function against bacteria and viruses and normally only against dust, sand and pollen and the like. Only special filter masks and special medical masks are suitable for this purpose. So protective masks should be equipped for a specific purpose on the one hand, on the other hand they should only be used if an effective sense is connected with it, but if this does not correspond to a necessity and protective masks are worn nevertheless, then this is not only nonsensical but also ridiculous and is equivalent to a carnival fuss.

十五、疾病的傳播可能發生在感染的幾秒鐘後甚至是感染的當下,也就是不只在感染已可檢測出後和已成為急症時。配戴防護口罩以防止病原體,只有在合理使用時才有意義,但如果不是在人群中和在感染病人的附近,而是在白天的大街上和建築物中,就不需要佩戴。一方面,如果沒有護目鏡,口罩基本上毫無用處,因為即使流行的口罩也只有在厚實密到足以防止呼氣和飛沫擴散,且不會被他人吸入的情況下才有用。然而,普通的口罩ordinary face masks在這方面是沒有用的因為它們通常不具有對細菌和病毒的保護功能,而通常只針對防塵、防沙和防花粉之類的有效。唯一合適的口罩是特殊的過濾口罩special filter masks和特殊的醫用口罩special medical masks)。因此,一方面,防護口罩應在特定目的之下才要配戴,另一方面,只有在有效感應與之相聯的情況下才應使用,但如果在不必要時仍然佩戴防護口罩,那麼不僅是荒謬,而且可笑,這相當於狂歡節的行為。


圖片資料來源:The New York Times

16. The incubation period or the time between the infection/infection and the outbreak and acute development of the corona epidemic corresponds to the time that elapses between the infection with the pathogen and the appearance of the first symptoms. The incubation period of this disease is insidious and cannot simply be set at 14 days, as is erroneously claimed by expert doctors or virologists etc. According to our initial research, clarifications and findings, the incubation period can be as long as one month or even three months, depending on the case, as well as from a few hours to a few years, depending on the type and condition of the immune system.


17. Our findings and knowledge also show that the second genetically modified corona virus in the human organism behaves very aggressively to fatally, depending on the corresponding immune status, as well, it can be retained [in the system], which leads to recovery although this does not correspond to complete destruction of the virus. Our findings show that certain genetic variants do not die off during recovery, but remain latently present, but are not immediately recognisable and cannot be detected, as is the case with various other diseases. In the case of this insidious corona disease, however, it can happen unexpectedly some years or decades later, e.g. through intimate contact, that the latent, dormant evil can be transmitted, but then an unusual phenomenon occurs in such a manner that, as a result of the altered gene variations of the known virus, a disease reaction occurs in a completely different form. However, it is not possible to grasp this fact by earthly research with medical and virological apparatus and other technology, because according to our predictions, the necessary instruments cannot yet be developed and constructed in the current third millennium. Although the Earth humans think that they have a highly developed technology with very high technological values at their disposal, but what is the truth is that the entire earthly technology of any kind is no more than a first step out of the deepest darkness into a faint glimmer of a still very distant light.


18. To conclude my remarks, it should be said that, according to our investigations, there are completely inadequate laws on epidemics in all countries throughout the world, as well as a complete lack of understanding of how and when an epidemic or pandemic must be effectively countered in order to prevent it.



Your father Sfath already explained that to me. But all the things you have explained and explained now are probably being thrown to the wind by various so-called 'experts' with and without academic titles, such as doctors, biologists, chemists, immunologists and virologists etc., as well as by the majority of people who, as usual, want to know everything better. Moreover, as it is always the case when something special happens, all the upper-minded of all kinds come, starting with the highest rulers down to the foot people of the majority of humanity, who want to make their pseudo-explanations public and thus make big and important for themselves the banalities, pseudo-knowledge, pseudo-intelligence and completely stupid nonsense they babble about. Particularly pitiful are the supreme rulers who make themselves incredibly important, but who in reality neither understand anything of the whole of what they are talking about in a nonsensical way, nor are they effectively farsighted and consequently do not order logical measures and cannot carry out such measures and cannot enforce them. And this is effectively the case worldwide, unfortunately also here in Switzerland, where I see only one person in the Federal Palace who I do not have to count as a failure and whom I can pay my respects, which I have done and received a handwritten estimate for.

你父親Sfath已經向我解釋過了,但你現在解釋和說明的所有事情,可能都會被那些無論有或沒有學術頭銜的所謂專家,包括醫生、生物學家、化學家、免疫學家和病毒學家等,以及大多數的人民,即使他們想知道更多,但還是當成了耳邊風。此外,當一些特殊的事情發生時,總是像往常一樣,所有高尚的思想(upper-minded)都來了,從最高統治者開始,到大多數的平民百姓,他們都公開宣布他們的虛假宣言(pseudo-explanations),想要讓自己顯得偉大而重要,但他們嘮嘮叨叨的,只是些平凡無奇的偽知識、假智慧和完全愚蠢的廢話。尤其可悲的是那些高高在上的管理者,他們自詡自己極為重要,但實際上他們既不了解他們夸夸其詞的全部內容,也缺乏有效的遠見,因此既沒有採取合乎邏輯的措施,也不能大力執行這些措施。實際上全世界都是這樣,遺憾的是,我只在瑞士聯邦議會Federal Palace;聯邦宮,即瑞士聯邦議會所在地)中看到一個人,我不必將他算作失敗者,我可以向他表示敬意,而我已經這樣做了,並收到了一份書面的預測資料。


I am aware of all this, and the fuss they make about their pseudo-wisdom in making pompous public statements to the media such as newspapers, journals, lectures, radio and television, etc., is just embarrassing and ridiculous.



How right you are, my friend. But I think that we should get away from this subject and talk about something else, like the fact that lately I've been getting UFO reports from all over the world by phone, e-mail, and also in writing, that some strange flying objects are being observed for up to 15 or 20 minutes, flying by like a long chain high up in the sky, flying by one after the other, completely silently. Some allow me to publish these sighting reports, while others observers, men and women, wish me to keep quiet about it and not to disclose their reports or names. Obviously it is about those unknown flying objects, which we have talked about together several times, because you also have these UFO phenomena or UFO activities in your focus and you have told me various things about them, also with regard to what the reason for the whole of these UFO operations is peculiar or what the background for it is and what is the purpose of it.



I also told you to keep silent about it and not to make any statements about it when you are asked about it.



I'm keeping to that, Ptaah, because I'm not passing on a word of what you've explained to me, nor what you've just figured out about the origin of these flying objects, which are UFOs to the earthlings. I am also silent with regard to your explanations about the tasks, efforts and purposes of the crews of these UFOs and their increased flights, etc., which you have found out with your much higher technological possibilities than those of the crews and fellow satellites and the whole large group. What I have answered in each case was only related to the fact that these flying objects do not belong to you Plejaren and do not correspond in any way to your Plejaren technologies, which according to your information are still very poorly developed compared to yours, despite their higher technology. Therefore, as you explain again and again, this foreign grouping with its UFOs is also not in a position and therefore not able to locate you Plejaren, your presence and your beamships, just as they do not perceive them despite their higher technology and therefore cannot determine that they are being observed, investigated and 'X-rayed' by you in their secret machinations. And that you are only allowed to state this knowledge in confidence and obliged to silence, I can fully understand, because ...



Exactly, because...



And I stick to that.










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