Contact Report 732 第732次接觸報告
在本次接觸時間,Ptaah 不但受 Billy 請託,將一篇之前由FIGU發布的有關冠狀病毒防護的重要事項(就是《關於冠狀病毒的新消息,以及需要合理考慮的事項》這篇資料)再作補充外,對於配戴防護口罩有許多更進一步的說明,非常實用而重要!
據 Ptaah 在這次談話中的說法,強調美國與歐洲國家的說詞“一切都是反華人士、陰謀煽動者以及那些缺乏良知而聲名狼藉的記者所作出聳人聽聞的虛構、謊言和欺騙”,認為有違真相,但也提出“武漢市當局直到 2019 年 12 月 8 日才意識到疫情的大肆蔓延,然後向最高當局報告,但當局卻沒有即時處理”而說是該歸咎中國政府,因為他們在發現並意識到冠狀病毒及其傳播後,並沒有立即採取必要的措施,因此助長了疫情的快速散播,並促成了正在出現的疫情大流行。
Here I am, Eduard, my friend, to answer your questions as Enjana told you. She told me that Bernadette and you have written an information sheet about the corona pandemic that you want to distribute to all members, which is why I said I would come here and maybe contribute something.
愛德華,我的朋友,Enjana 告訴過你,我來回答你的問題了。她告訴我 Bernadette 和你寫了一篇關於冠狀病毒大流行病的注意事項,你想分發給所有成員,這就是我會來這裡的原因,也許可以提供一些這方面的意見。
Yes, Elisabeth faxed me an email from Andrea Bertuccioli, to which I should give some answers regarding the rampantly spreading corona disease; consequently, I have given Bernadette some information about that which you and I were talking about recently. Now, what she wrote is this here, which you can read and we can perhaps together expand on it further then, by which I mean you could add more information and I would write it down right away. Your information is probably more important than the nonsense that is spread by our terrestrial ‘experts’.
是的,Elisabeth 傳給我一封來自 Andrea Bertuccioli 的電子郵件,對其我應該發表一些有關冠狀病毒大爆發問題的答覆;因此,我已經向 Bernadette 提供了一些你和我最近談論的有關資訊。現在,她寫的是這些,你可以讀一下,也許我們可以一起進一步來作補充,我的意思是你可以添加更多的資訊,而我會馬上寫下來。你的資訊可能比我們地球上的那些“專家”所發佈的無稽之談來得更重要。
These ‘experts’, as you call them in a justified reproachful tone, are all persons who ought to have the largest responsibility in their offices for the populations of all countries, but who are absolutely incapable and irresponsible in terms of their task and fulfilling their duty, as I already explained during our conversation on the 6th of January.
正如你以合理責備的口氣稱呼他們那樣,這些“專家”都是那些應該對其國家所有人民負有官方最大責任的人,但他們在自己的工作和履行職責方面,絕對能力不足且不負責任,就像我在 1 月 6 日的談話中[中譯者註:指的是《第 730 次接觸報告》]已經解釋的那樣。
Good. Then we can start working right away, but then I still have a question from someone; namely whether vitamin C strengthens the immune system and prevents infections, which I certainly know is not the case, but to which you can give an answer later. And if you now want to explain something more about this presentation and list of questions here, which will certainly take some time, then that would be good.
好吧,我們接下來可以馬上開始工作,但我還有一個別人提出的問題,那就是:維他命 C 是否能夠增強免疫系統並防止感染,我當然知道情況並非如此,但你可以稍後再作回答。如果你想在這裡對這篇資料和問題清單作更多說明,這肯定需要一些時間,而那會很好。
Yes, it will take some time to explain everything, because as I see it there are some things to be completed and still further to be added to these explanations, in which case I can certainly also expect your help with what Bernadette has written down here in accordance with your instructions? You have already sent everything out, but it will be necessary that I still contribute further in order to complement it, and then later you can exchange the whole thing that has already been sent with that which will be added.
是的,這需要一些時間來說明,因為我看到有些事情還要進一步補充解釋,在這種情況下,我當然可以期待在你的協助下,Bernadette 依據你的指導所寫下的資料。你已經提供了所有的資訊,但我仍然有必要進一步作出補充,這樣你就可以在稍後將已經發送出去的整個資訊隨著補充資料作些調整。
Of course, if you think …
Therefore, let us begin, …
News about the coronavirus and what is rationally to be considered
The entire following information and recommendations correspond to statements and explanations by the Plejare Ptaah
以下全部資訊和建議係根據來自Plejaren Ptaah的陳述與說明
For your information
In September 2002, in the south Chinese province of Guangdong, the rampantly spreading disease SARS, which was not known until then, appeared for the first time. The pathogen of this rampantly spreading disease, however, did not exhibit any parasites that can multiply in host cells, such as mycoplasma, that is to say, the tiniest bacteria of the class of mollicutes, which live aerobically, right up to facultative anaerobically, nor did it exhibit any tiny chlamydiaceae, that is to say, gramnegative bacteria, wherethrough no bacterial infection arose, but a virus infection. Therefore, those were not pathogens, that cause an atypical lung infection or pneumonia, but a virus.
在 2002 年九月間,中國南方的廣東省,首次出現了在那之前尚不為人知但卻大肆散播的 SARS 疾病。然而這種疾病的病原體,卻沒有展現出任何能夠在宿主細胞;例如支原體(mycoplasma)中繁殖的寄生蟲,也就是說,軟體動物層級最細小的細菌,從需氧一直到兼具厭氧的特性,沒有一種展現出任何細小的披衣菌科(chlamydiaceae),也就是革蘭氏陰性菌(gram-negative bacteria),所以並沒有發生細菌感染,但是發生了病毒感染。因此,那些引發一種非典型性肺部感染或肺炎的東西,並不是病原體,而是一種病毒。
Consequently, antibiotics were not effective for those who were sick with it, which led to many deaths within 2 years, which officially was declared as being a little over 1000, which in reality however were many more. The unknown virus was then defined as coronavirus of the genus of coronaviridae, which – in a secret research laboratory – mutated from a pathogen of an avian mammal, that is to say, a horse-shoe-nose bat (rhinolophidae), even though it is claimed that the origin of the pathogen is unknown and perhaps could have been transmitted by bats. This virus then was described as the SARS associated coronavirus, SARS-CoV, but abbreviated as SARS, that is to say, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Effectively it was not a simple disease, but a rampantly spreading disease, which was then also called SARS pandemic.
結果,抗生素對那些得這種病的患者來說是無效的,而這件事也在接下來的兩年內導致了許多人死亡,官方宣佈的死亡人數略多於1,000 人,但實際上要多得多。當時,該未知病毒被定義為冠狀病毒屬的冠狀病毒(coronavirus),該種病毒是在一個秘密實驗室裡,從一種禽類哺乳動物,也就是:菊頭蝠(horse-shoe-nose bat;rhinolophidae)身上的病原體突變而來的,儘管官方聲稱:該病原體的來源未知,且有可能是經由蝙蝠傳播的。隨後,該病毒被描述為與 SARS 相關的冠狀病毒,也就是 SARS-CoV,但縮寫為 SARS,也就是「重症急性呼吸綜合症」(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)。但實際上,它並不是一種簡單的疾病,而是一種肆意傳播的疾病,後來也被稱為:SARS 大流行病。
The transmission of the pathogen happened mainly through direct or indirect droplet infection, namely through breath-droplet wafts, that is to say, expiration droplets or aerosols.
Firstly: While speaking the breath is exhaled from the mouth as moisture and also from the nose as a very fine waft of droplets, as expiration droplets or aerosols. During this process the breath from the mouth and nose becomes visible, however, only on cold days and not on warm days. However, this waft of breath-droplets, as a rule, has the characteristic that it spreads by about half a metre when it is cold and consequently is inhaled by conversation partners that are close to the person speaking, which in this form leads to breath droplet waft infections.
Secondly: On cold days the breath condenses out of the mouth and thus the waft of breath-droplets or expiration droplets becomes visible and appears in the air as small wafts of mist from the mouth and nose.
Thirdly: Condensing wafts of breath-droplets do not only arise from human beings but also from animals and certain creatures.
Fourthly: However, with the process of the waft of breath-droplets, which, as explained, is only visible on cold days but not on warm days, it is to be considered that it is also exhaled from the mouth while speaking when it is warm and consequently is inhaled by persons standing nearby.
Fifthly: The breath-droplets of the human being, which must be mentioned again, always become visible when the moist-warm exhalation from the mouth and nose meets the cold and moist ambient air. The reason for this is based on a physical characteristic of air, because it can only absorb a certain amount of water vapour and allow it to become visible. Warm air also absorbs moisture, indeed more than cool air, in which case the warm air exhaled from the mouth during warmer temperatures, in contrast to when it is a colder temperature, spreads further and at the same time invisibly, namely up to about two (2) metres, depending on wind conditions even further, which corresponds to about the outer limit of the exhalation.
第五:這裡需要再次提及的是,人類的呼氣飛沫,在從嘴巴裡出來的濕熱呼氣,遇到周圍環境中冷和濕的空氣時,總是變得可見。發生這種現象的原因,是基於空氣的物理特性,因為只有在它吸收一定量的水蒸氣時,才能變得可見。溫暖的空氣同樣吸收水汽,實際上比冷空氣吸收的更多,在這種情況下,從嘴巴裡呼出尚處更暖溫度的溫暖空氣,相較於在更冷溫度時,不僅看不見,而且還傳播的更遠,也就是最多能達到大約 2 公尺的距離,這相當於呼氣所能到達的外部極限距離。
Sixthly: The breath-droplets of the human being also have a weight, namely at zero degrees [Celsius] – depending on the person and per cubic metre – it is about 4.5 – 4.8 grams, which means about 30 grams at 30 degrees [Celsius]. The breath-droplets, however, also saturate the air, consequently in this respect the air can also only absorb limited moisture out of the expiration droplets, depending on the atmospheric humidity.
第六:人類的呼氣飛沫也有重量,也就是在攝氏零度時,這取決於個人和立方公尺(計算基點),大約是 4.5 至 4.8 克,這意味著在攝氏 30 度時,大約是 30 克。然而,這些呼氣飛沫也會浸透空氣,所以在這方面,使之也只能吸收有限的水汽,這取決於大氣濕度。
Seventhly: When the breath-droplets continue to cool down, the breath-water-vapour changes such that tiny water droplets arise from the breath, which then float in the air and spread.
Eighthly: The breath becoming visible as breath-droplets during cool temperatures depends, on one hand, on the ambient temperature, but on the other hand, on the atmospheric humidity. Visible breath-droplets can thus only be produced and made visible at a lower temperature and this also only when the water vapour molecules contained in the exhaled breath condense so quickly that they immediately crystallise as tiny nebulas.
Ninethly: An infectious contact can also occur due to coughing and sneezing persons who are infected, or due to dogs and cats, because also pets can be carriers of the coronavirus. Also, the indirect way of contact infection or smear infection with the virus from objects, body surfaces, food or other things on which the infectious air borne droplets have settled, leads to contamination if they subsequently get into the body via the mucous membranes, for example, the mouth, nose or possibly the eyes. A transmission via the faecal-oral way and other body excretions is likewise possible, as is a transmission via infected animals, creatures and house beetles, such as possibly cockroaches and so forth.
All this is also the case with the new rampantly spreading disease, actually contrary to many other claims and fake news that are devoid of all reality. For this purpose, in the near future and in the next month of April, in public media in Europe, various freely devised ‘factual reports’ will be spread, which are supposed to relate to the ‘truth’ about the emergence, the becoming public and the many alleged circumstances in China in relation to the coronavirus. In truth, however, everything is sensational invention and lies and deceit by anti-China ones, sensationalists and conscienceless and extreme dishonourable journalists who will incite the world's population against China with their lies, which will lead to corresponding accusations and tirades of hate, threats and vilifications as early as mid-April. The whole thing at the beginning of this will be the European journalistic 'factual media reports' that are based on lies and deceit, which – spread all over the world – will unleash conspiracies and threats against China.
所有這一切,也就是新出現大肆流行的疾病,實際上與許多各方說法和缺乏事實的假新聞大相逕庭。為了栽贓,在不久的將來和四月份,各種精心設計的“事實報導”(factual reports),將在歐洲的大眾媒體上傳播開來,這應該與冠狀病毒的出現、公開和許多所謂中國疫情管控的“真相”有關。但事實上,這一切都是反華人士、陰謀煽動者以及那些缺乏良知而聲名狼藉的記者所作出聳人聽聞的虛構、謊言和欺騙,他們將用謊言煽動全世界反對中國,這最早將在四月中旬就導致產生的仇恨、威脅和詆毀。事情一開始,整個事情就是基於謊言和欺騙的歐洲新聞“事實媒體報導”,這些報導將在世界各地散佈,發動不軌陰謀並威脅中國。
Already in 1995 you predicted the emergence of the now rampantly spreading corona-virus-pandemic, after Quetzal also spoke about it in 1989, which was verifiably documented as usual at the time. And, as usual, this prediction has become reality with the first person already becoming infected with the coronavirus in a secret laboratory test as early as mid-2019 and, as a result of carelessness, infecting other persons in Wuhan; consequently, up to the month of December, already more than 240 human beings died from the virus. And this happened before the virus was discovered by another person who was arrested and accused of rabble-rousing, but then died in early February 2020 as a result of the rampantly spreading disease. Contradictory journalistic and freely conceived lie-interviews and claims regarding this rampantly spreading corona disease allegedly being predicted and warned against at various times over the past 10–15 years, correspond to nothing more than fake news lies. This equally applies to lies that the disease was recognised already in mid-November 2019 and the highest Chinese government and the WHO were informed accordingly. And with regard to a number of mentioned names of alleged ‘participants’ of the health care system and officials who are said to have made an effort in administrations to mobilise the highest Chinese government who did not take everything seriously and failed to take any measures to contain the rampantly spreading disease – these statements also only correspond to lies. Already soon these will lead to a world-wide malicious conspiracy theory and to hatred towards China and its populace when the irresponsible state executive of the United States of America will lie to the people and maliciously vilify China.
在 1995 年,你就預測了現在大肆流行的冠狀病毒會出現,而早在 1989 年,Quetzal 也談到同樣的狀況,當時這些資料是可以驗證的。和往常一樣,這個預測已經成為現實,早在 2019 年年中,在秘密實驗室測試中,第一個已經感染冠狀病毒的人,由於疏忽大意,在武漢感染了其他人;因此,截至 12 月,已有 240 多人死於該病毒。在此之前,另一名被逮捕並被指控煽動民心(rabble-rousing)的人發現了病毒,但隨後於 2020 年 2 月初因冠狀病毒疾病而死亡。[中譯者註:這裡指的就是所謂「疫情吹哨人」李文亮,依據「維基百科」相關記載:李文亮醫生於 2019 年 12 月 30 日在自己微信與同行交流,認為出現 SARS 提醒同行注意保護。2020 年 1 月 3 日轄區派出所因其「在網際網路上發布不實言論」提出警示和訓誡。事件後他仍持續在第一線工作,於 1 月 10 日左右出現症狀,因為病情嚴重進入加護病房觀察,1 月 31 日確診感染新型冠狀病毒肺炎。2 月 7 日官方通報李文亮於凌晨 2 時 58 分病逝,年僅 34 歲。]矛盾的新聞和自由構思的謊言採訪和聲稱,這種肆意傳播的冠狀病毒據稱在過去 10 至 15 年間,在不同時間被預測和警告,這只是假新聞的謊言。而對於 2019 年 11 月中旬就已經確認該病毒,中國政府和世衛組織最高層也因此得到通知,這同樣屬於謊言。至於一些所謂衛生保健系統“參與者”的名單和官員,據說他們已經在行政部門努力敦促中國最高政府,但他們並沒有認真處理疫情,也沒有採取任何措施以遏制猖獗的疫情 — 這些言論也都是謊言。當不負責任的美國政府官員對人民撒謊並惡意詆毀中國時,這些理論將很快導致全世界的惡意陰謀論,並對中國政府及其人民產生仇恨心理。
All of the upcoming fake news and so forth regarding alleged early knowledge of the rampantly spreading coronavirus disease – that it was recognised very early in November 2019 and reported to the authorities and the highest government in China, which, however, altogether did not respond to them and did not take any measures against the outbreak of epidemics – corresponds to nothing other than fake news which is deceptive and builds up conspiracy theories. The effective fact in this regard is that the authorities of Wuhan only became aware of the rampantly spreading disease on the 8th of December 2019 and then reported it to the highest government, which, however, did nothing. That alone can be blamed on the government of China, because after recognising and becoming aware of the coronavirus and its spread, it did not take the necessary measures and therethrough paved the way for the rampantly spreading disease and promoted the emerging pandemic. This is because, as I said, irresponsibly it did not immediately take the necessary measures to stop the already ongoing spread of the rampantly spreading disease. However, the Chinese authorities and government kept the outbreak and ongoing epidemic – which was recognisably, at that time, inevitably to become a pandemic – secret, wherethrough the chance of preventing the global spread of the rampantly spreading disease was forfeited. And this missed chance will now mean that, during the next two months alone, just according to official figures, around three million human beings worldwide will be infected by the coronavirus, which, however, in reality will be 10.4 times as high. This, while an official number of around 200,000 human beings will die of the rampantly spreading disease by the end of April, whereas also this official number will not correspond to the truth. Rather, according to our very precise and exact calculating forecast, it will have to be calculated at more than 512,000. Therefore the officially mentioned number will only be the one that will be announced by the authorities and state leaders, while the number of unreported cases worldwide, however, will be much higher, as has been the case since the onset of the rampantly spreading disease, and has remained so and will also remain so. This results, on the one hand, from inaccurate reporting and registering, and on the other hand, from many governments and health authorities, and so forth, concealing or deliberately falsifying the effective figures, as additionally many infections and the resulting deaths do not become known.
所有關於據稱是“早期已知猖獗的冠狀病毒疫情”的假新聞等等,也就是:「早在 2019 年 11 月初已得知這項消息,並向中國當局和最高領導報告,然而這些政府領導階層完全沒有作出回應,也沒有採取任何措施來應對疫情的爆發。」這只是欺騙性的假新聞,並建立起了陰謀論。而這方面的實際事實是:武漢市當局直到 2019 年 12 月 8 日才意識到疫情的大肆蔓延,然後向最高當局報告,但當局卻沒有即時處理。就這一點,是該歸咎中國政府,因為在發現並意識到冠狀病毒及其傳播後,中國政府並沒有立即採取必要的措施,因此助長了疫情的快速散播,並促成了正在出現的疫情大流行。這是因為,正如我所說,沒有負起責任立即採取必要措施,阻止已經猖獗而持續蔓延的疾病。然而,中國當局和政府一直隱瞞疫情爆發和病毒蔓延的秘密 — 當時人們已經認識到,這將不可避免地成為一種大流行病 — 因而錯失了防止這種疫情在全球蔓延的機會。而這次錯失的機會,現在意味著,僅僅在未來兩個月內,根據官方統計的數據,全世界約有 300 萬人感染冠狀病毒,然而實際上,冠狀病毒的感染人數將是這個數字的 10.4 倍。到四月底,雖然官方統計,約有 20 萬人死於冠狀病毒,然而這一官方數字也不符合事實。相反的,根據我們非常精確的計算預測,數字將超過 51 萬 2,000 人。因此,官方提到的數字將只是當局和國家領導人宣佈的,然而,全世界未報告的病例數將高得多,正如自疫情開始以來的情況一樣,一直是如此,而且未來仍將如此。這一結果,一方面來自不準確的報告和登記,另一方面則是來自許多政府和衛生當局等單位的隱瞞或故意偽造實際的數字,還有就是有許多因感染而導致的死亡是還不知道的。
[中譯者註:依據法新社(AFP)彙整官方數據顯示,截至中國時間四月 30 日凌晨 3 時,受新冠病毒(COVID-19,新冠肺炎)疫情大流行肆虐,全球至少有 22 萬 4,402 人不治,確診逾 314 萬 1,250 例。
This new coronavirus corresponds to a further development and mutation from the rampantly spreading SARS, which is already spreading quickly and widely across the world as a pandemic, which, however, is still no more recognised by the majority of the irresponsible ones and the ones incapable of their office, by those responsible for state leaders and by the WHO – all of whom do not want to accept it – than it is by all health organisations of all countries, which still trivialise it all and consequently do not recognise the tragedy until it will be too late and there will be more and more deaths to mourn, as was already the case in Wuhan in the middle of last year when the rampantly spreading disease began and caused many deaths, but this was neither recognised nor became known, and consequently the coronavirus pandemic is rampant in all countries of the world.
這種新型冠狀病毒與肆意蔓延的 SARS 病毒進一步發展和突變相類似,SARS 已經成為一種大流行病迅速並廣泛在全世界蔓延,然而,這這種流行病仍然不被大多數不負責任的人以及那些沒有能力領導國家的人和世衛組織負責人所承認 — 他們所有人都不想接受它 — 這同樣發生在所有國家的衛生組織,他們仍然認為它微不足道,因此不承認這場悲劇,直到一切為時已晚,且目睹了更多死亡的哀悼時,就如同去年在武漢市中心發生的情況一樣,當病毒開始肆虐並導致許多人的死亡時,不但沒有得到當局的承認,也沒有及時警告大眾,因此造成了冠狀病毒在全世界各國的大肆蔓延。
Rules that should be followed
As before, any unnecessary risk of infection should be consistently avoided, which means that all unnecessary travel for the purpose of vacation and pleasure and so forth should be avoided and in this regard planes, ships, mass transport and crowds of all kinds should be avoided wherever possible. The motto for health and safety is: it is better to stay at home and avoid contacts to the outside, as well as not to organise any family events, such as birthday parties and so forth, than to expose oneself to the risk of infection or, in the case of an already existing infection, to rampantly spread it, that is to say, the virus, in the area and thus randomly infect other human beings.
How does an infection with corona viruses manifest or which symptoms, for example, show when Covid-19 becomes acute?
或當 Covid-19 急性發作時,會出現哪些症狀?
An infection with the coronavirus is not immediately noticeable for infected persons since the incubation period until the onset of the disease – contrary to false explanations by terrestrial doctors – can take not only 2 weeks, but between 2 and 4 weeks and, according to the information by the Plejaren, it can possibly even take up to 3 months, depending on the strength of the immune system and specific other factors of the infected person, which can be extremely different. Once the Covid-19 disease breaks out, the first symptoms are usually a mild scratchiness in the throat, which initially causes a mild irritation of the throat, which leads to a slight cough and then later to a full cough. Then also a fluctuating fever occurs – which means that the fever is sometimes higher and at other times lower – as well as a general malaise or a loss of the sense of taste, and, as soon as the symptoms become stronger, also a shortness of breath and other symptoms can appear which are similar to influenza, for example. However, Covid-19 is not equal to influenza and does not cause influenza symp- toms such as aching limbs, etc., and also has nothing to do with a common cold with a runny or blocked nose or head cold.
對感染者來說,感染冠狀病毒並不能被立即探知,因為該疾病在爆發前的潛伏期,與地球醫學官員作出的錯誤解釋截然不同,並不是 2 週,而是介於 2 至 4 週,根據 Plejaren 的說法,甚至能夠長達 3個月,具體取決於被感染者免疫系統的抵抗力和其它因素。一旦該 Covid-19 疾病爆發,最初的症狀通常是喉嚨的輕微搔癢,這最初會造成喉嚨的輕微刺激,導致輕度咳嗽,再然後是引發咳嗽。之後,還會引發起伏性的發燒(這意味著發燒有時會高一些,有時又會低一些),以及全身性的不適或味覺的喪失,一旦症狀加劇,還會出現呼吸急促和其它類似於流感的症狀。但是,Covid-19 並不等同於流感,不會引發流感症狀(例如:四肢酸痛等),也與普通感冒的症狀(流鼻水或鼻塞,或是傷風)無關。
Why also Europeans and members of the white races increasingly
fall ill with Covid-19, and not only the Asians
有越來越多的歐洲人和白色人種的成員也患上了 Covid-19?
Since the coronavirus’s emergence in the city of Wuhan/China – as a continuation of the rampantly spreading SARS, so to speak – it has changed very much in its mode of behaviour and effect. It has become significantly more aggressive and therefore in Europe initially also spreads much more quickly and more severely among older human beings with a weaker immune system than among younger human beings with stronger immune systems. But that will change quickly; consequently the rampantly spreading disease will then also encroach on younger human beings, which will claim 200,000 deaths worldwide within the next two months. Obviously, according to the Plejaren information, first Northern Italy will be very severely affected by the rampantly spreading disease, after which, however, all of Europe will not be spared. However, as the virus becomes more contagious and susceptible to mutations, the currently mutating coronavirus will become more aggressive; consequently, quickly the immune systems of the human beings of all peoples will not be spared by the pandemic.
自從冠狀病毒在中國武漢市爆發以來(也可以說是一種 SARS 疫病的延續),其活躍和影響的模式都已發生了很大的變化。它明顯變得更具攻擊性,因此在歐洲,最初在免疫系統較弱的老年人中傳播的比免疫系統較強的年輕人中要快且嚴重得多。但這種情況將迅速改變;因此,猖獗的疾病也將逐步蔓延到年輕人,在未來兩個月內,全世界將造成 20 萬人死亡。顯然,根據 Plejaren 的資訊,首先義大利北部將受到疾情的嚴重影響,但之後整個歐洲也將不能倖免。然而,隨著病毒的更具傳染性和更易發生突變,目前變異的冠狀病毒將變得更加具有攻擊性;因此,迅速使所有人類的免疫系統都無法倖免於這一場大流行病。
How much longer will the coronavirus continue to rage
and can one hope that it retreats as soon as the temperatures rise?
How long the coronavirus will remain active is not foreseeable at the present time. However, it can already be established that it will probably not diminish with the rising temperatures. Influenza and some other viruses react sensitively to warmer external temperatures and therefore diminish in spring and during the summer months, which means they become largely inactive. Observations with regard to the coronavirus speak against this dependence on the temperature, because it does not only appear aggressively in the colder regions of our planet, but also in Southeast Asia and, for example, in Australia and other warmer countries, where it is spreading just as quickly as with us in Europe. Therefore, it is to be noticed that this virus is not subject to any climate dependence and that the risk of infection is also independent of the climate. According to the assessment of the strength-intensity of the coronavirus, which will remain for a long time in this form, it can be assumed that the virus will survive for a long time and may even survive for up to two or three years and wreak havoc. And since the virus is not a life form, but an organic structure, it cannot be killed, but can only be paralysed by a strong immune system that has to be strengthened specifically against the virus through medication that builds up one’s strength. Basically, such a medication is a vaccine, which, however, first has to be time-consumingly researched for the coronavirus, then it has to be tested and manufactured, which, however, can take months or years.
How is the virus transmitted and how high is its survival
duration outside of the human body?
There is no specific therapy against the coronavirus, which does not ‘live’ but simply ‘exists’ as an organic structure; therefore, for the time being, only special preventive measures against infections and an epidemic can be carried out. The coronavirus spreads as expiratory droplets, that is to say, droplet infection, namely especially via excretions of the breath and mouth as well as via the hands and virus-contaminated surfaces which are touched frequently. So, for example, doorknobs, bells, bedside tables, toilets and other objects made of metal or plastic and so forth, which are in the direct vicinity of a human being infected by the virus, can transmit the corona virus.
沒有針對冠狀病毒的特殊治療方法,因為冠狀病毒不是“活的”生命,而只是一種有機結構的“存在物”;因此,目前只能採取特別的預防措施,以防止感染和病情的蔓延。冠狀病毒是經由呼氣微沫(expiratory droplets)傳播,也就是飛沫(droplet)感染,特別是通過呼吸和口腔的排出物,以及通過經常接觸病毒污染表面的手來傳播。因此,那些被病毒感染人直接接觸過的地方,例如,門把手、門鈴、床邊小櫃(bedside tables)、廁所和其他金屬或塑膠製的物體等,都會傳播冠狀病毒。
On average, the coronavirus survives up to five days, although depending on the environment, it can last longer; for example, it survives up to nine days at normal room temperature and on surfaces of various materials and thereby remains extensively infectious. It is also the case that the existence period of the virus increases in the cold and at high humidity. In contrast to countless other viruses, of which the length of existence is only known for a few, the length of existence of the coronavirus therefore is presently known! In certain circumstances it can also remain active outside the human body not only for a few hours, as is the case with other viruses, but for many hours and, under favourable conditions, for days.
平均而言,冠狀病毒可存活(survives up)長達五天,雖然視環境狀況,它能夠存活更長的時間;例如,在正常室溫下和各種材料的表面,它可以存活長達9天,同時還維持廣泛的傳染性。還有的情況是,在寒冷和高濕度下環境下,病毒的存活期會增加。與無數其他病毒相比,只有少數幾個病毒的存活期是知道的,然而冠狀病毒的存活期目前卻已弄清楚!在某些情況下,它不僅可以像其他病毒一樣,在人體外存活少數幾小時,而且是可以存活好幾個小時,在有利的條件下,甚至可以存活好幾天。
The virus, as explained, is spread by infected persons by means of droplets, such as those that are expelled by human beings from the mouth as they cough and speak and as breath-droplet wafts out of the nose. These are then transmitted over a short distance via the air to other human beings, who inhale it all, but everything also settles on their clothes and hands and so forth, and thus infects other human beings. The virus can also settle on food – such as cut fruit and vegetables – and on any surface, where it remains active – as was said at the beginning – for a long time before it finally wanes and becomes inactive. It is therefore quite possible that a human being can already become infected by brushing against the clothes or body of an infected person and transferring the virus from their clothes to his/her own, or, for example, by eating a piece of fruit or something else that has previously been contaminated by an infected person with a droplet expulsion. If clothes are contaminated, it is not enough to hang them outdoors overnight because the virus remains active on them for a long time, rather they have to be washed thoroughly so that the virus certainly loses its existence.
Basically, one has to be mindful of ensuring that one keeps a minimum distance of at least one and a half, but correctly two (2) meters or even three (3) meters, from other human beings. It is also rational not to shake hands with anyone to greet them and so forth, and to wash one’s hands regularly with a suitable natural soap if touching another human being cannot be avoided, or if, for example, doorknobs or handles and so forth in a public space must be touched. Instead of using public transport, it is advisable to drive one’s own car wherever possible and also to disinfect, for example, it’s door handles and steering wheel regularly. Chemical hand cleaners and chemical hand disinfectants should not be used because they are health-damaging for the skin and also penetrate through the pores of one’s hands into the organism and therethrough cause suffering and illnesses.
It must also be said that disinfecting the hands with chemical disinfectants is not simply harmful to health, but after a short time already, if the hands are repeatedly disinfected with such toxic agents several times a day, severe disinfectant poisoning is the result, wherethrough the entire organism is negatively affected. In addition to severe organic ailments and illnesses, also unpleasant and even dangerous dizziness, unsteady gait and disorders with regard to thought, feelings and the psyche can arise, but also nausea and visual impairments, neurological disorders and behavioural disorders and so forth, which may remain for life.
How can one’s own immune system be best supported?
Can Vitamin C Prevent Infections and Diseases, and Can an Immunity Arise After a Recovery from the Coronavirus disease?
維他命 C 能預防感染疾病嗎?冠狀病毒疾病治癒後,能否產生免疫力?
Only taking additional vitamin C is not enough to keep one’s own immune system sufficiently active. Basically, a healthy diet providing energy and power and one’s good health are essential for strengthening and supporting the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, other vitamins and trace elements as well as minerals are essential, for example, Zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin E, and so forth; that means various vital substances. It may therefore be advised, depending on one’s diet – in addition to a healthy and careful diet – to take a good multivitamin preparation or individual necessary substances regularly; indeed in at least twice the dosage recommended by the manufacturers. Unfortunately, all supplements available on the free market are severely underdosed, which is also known to us, because also in this respect we make an effort to come to cognitions. According to our knowledge, a doubly increased dosage of a multivitamin preparation is usually not only harmless, but also advisable for a terrestrial human being who does not get enough vital substances through his/her normal diet.
僅補充額外的維他命 C,並不足以保持一個人自身免疫系統的充分活躍。基本上,健康的飲食提供能量和力量,而身體健康是加強並支援免疫系統的關鍵。除了維他命 C 外,其他維他命和微量元素以及礦物質都是不可或缺的,例如鋅、維他命 B12、維他命 E 等;這些都是各種重要的物質。因此,在一個健康且周全的飲食基礎之上,建議定期攝取好的複合維他命製劑;實際上,最好是藥劑製造商建議劑量的兩倍。遺憾的是,所有在自由市場上可用補充劑的劑量都嚴重不足,這也是我們知道的,因為在這方面,我們努力去識別過。據我們所知,服用雙倍多種維他命的劑量,通常不僅無害,而且對於經由正常飲食得不到足夠重要物質的地球人類來說,也是適當的。
It is not possible to prevent an infection by a virus by taking vitamin C and multivitamin preparations, even if the immune system and various organs and body functions are strengthened by such preparations. In principle, an infection by viruses, bacteria and many different microorganisms can only be avoided through certain precautionary rules, measures and behaviours and a strict compliance with them.
即使這種製劑加強了人體的免疫系統與各種器官和身體的機能,也不可能透過服用維他命 C 和多種維他命來防止病毒的感染。原則上,病毒、細菌和許多不同的微生物的感染,只能通過某些預防規則、措施和行為以及嚴格遵守它們來避免。
Fundamentally, even the strongest immune system can fail; namely when it is attacked by dangerous pathogens that trigger a shock effect and paralyse the whole system, which again corresponds to a fact that is just as unknown to all terrestrial medical sciences as is the fact that in certain human beings a recovery of their organism with regard to the corona-virus attack can occur, but no immunity arises because a coma impulse develops that persists regardless of the recovery, wherethrough the disease can renew itself, which, however, does not correspond to a reactivation, but a disease progression from the impulse coma. That should be enough, Eduard, but it took longer than I thought.
從根本上說,即使是最強大的免疫系統也會失敗;即當它受到危險的病原體攻擊時,觸發休克作用(shock effect)並癱瘓整個系統,這再次同樣是所有地球醫學界所不知道的事實,那就是某些人他們受冠狀病毒攻擊後而康復,但沒有產生免疫力,因為一種「昏迷脈衝」(coma impulse)會持續下去,儘管身體康復了,但疾病可由此自我更新,然而,這並不是重新激活(reactivation),而是一種從脈衝昏迷中引起的疾病。這些已經足夠了,愛德華,而花的時間比我想的要長。
That is always the case, because it is always as if time were running through one’s fingers.
I also know this phenomenon.
Unfortunately, however, it is ‘frittered away’ by many earthlings.
然而遺憾的是,它被許多地球人“揮霍”(frittered away)了。
What does that mean? I do not know that word.
It means ‘senselessly wasting time’, or as we also say, ‘stupefying time’, for example, like those – if I may say so – who, as fanatical spectators of low intelligence, have none of their own initiative to do something useful themselves, for example, by serving only as spectators while attending senseless sporting events and by frenetically-primitively howling cheers of applause, such as is the case with, among other things, football for which the fanatics even pay horrendous entrance fees. Although ‘each to their own’ applies here, I think that a human being should really do something useful and intelligent with his/her free time in order to get himself/herself up to speed, rather than being a stupidly fanatical and admission-paying spectator and ‘frittering away’ time. In order to understand this and also to muster initiative, to motivate oneself to do a useful job, to learn something, to do something valuable for oneself or for others who may need help – this requires intellect and rationality. However, if these conditions for it are not present then it is hopeless. But just as I said, each to their own, whatever their own is, consequently, everyone with low intelligence has to go through his/her life with his/her own low intelligence.
意思是“白白浪費時間”,或者也像我們說的“虛度光陰”,例如,像那些 — 如果我可以這麼說的話 — 作為愚蠢的旁觀者,沒有主動去做一些有用的事,卻去參加那些只是充當觀眾而毫無意義的體育賽事,用原始的吶喊鼓掌歡呼,例如足球就是這樣,狂熱者甚至支付可怕的入場費。雖然“各人想法不同”(each to their own),但我認為,一個人應該利用他的閑暇時間做一些真正有用和明智的工作,以讓自己跟上社會進步的速度,而不是成為一個愚蠢的狂熱者,而且還花錢作觀眾並“揮霍”時間。為了理解這一點,也為了能夠主動激勵自己做一份有用的工作,學習一些東西,為自己或那些需要幫助的人做一些有價值的事情 — 這需要智慧和理性。然而,如果這些條件不存在,那麼它是無望的。但正如我所說,每個人面對自己,無論自己是什麼樣的人,最終都必須經歷自己的愚蠢並伴隨度過自己的一生。
This is incontestably the case.
Exactly, but I have a question to that straight away: How is it with you? Do you also have so-called professional sporting events like the earthlings here with us? In my opinion, the earthlings who practice sport as a so-called calling because they think they are ‘called’ – that is where the term ‘calling’ comes from – are reluctant to work and, due to the low intelligence of the fanatical spectators, can pocket horrendous ‘wages’ and live in clover. This, just like the organisers, bosses and other employees and so forth of the so-called clubs, which are also financed by the low intelligence of the thoughtlessly paying fanatical spectators, while they themselves have to earn their income from hard work. But that is how it is: low intelligence knows no limits, and if a human being falls into this state and is incapable of logical thinking and acting, then he/she suffers harm and in this case in such a form that he/she pays an arm and a leg. And all of this, I think, is just as criminal as the criminal machinations of the fraud against older adults and other equally directed injustices.
沒錯,但我馬上有個問題:你們的情況如何?你們也有我們這裡所謂的職業體育賽事嗎?在我看來,那些把體育當作所謂「職業」(calling)的參賽者,因為他們認為自己是“被徵招來的”(called) — 這就是“職業”一詞的來源 — 不情願的工作,而且由於狂熱觀眾的愚蠢,他們可以收取可觀的“工資”,過著養尊處優的生活。這就像是那些籌辦者、老闆和其他員工等組成所謂的俱樂部一樣,這些俱樂部的資金也來自那些不用大腦狂熱觀眾的愚蠢支付,而那些觀眾本身則不得不從辛勤勞動中賺取收入。但就是這樣:愚蠢是沒有止境的,如果一個人淪為這種狀態,並且是無法邏輯思維和行為,那麼他就會受到傷害,在這種情況下,他會付出愚蠢的代價。我認為,所有這些對老年人的欺詐和其他同樣直接不公正行為的陰謀一樣,是涉嫌犯罪的。
No. – Our peoples do physical exercise individually or in groups, but not as a main occupation or as a ‘calling’ as you call it. As a vocation, our peoples pursue their physical exercise for their own enjoyment, including artistic moments that you call artistic gymnastics, as you once said. Even at public events such performances are put on display by individuals or groups, but this is only sporadic and never for the purpose of profit, because we do not know a financial system.
As far as your presentation of your opinion regarding the work-shyness of the ‘ones who are called’ and the low intelligence of the fanatical spectators – as you aptly call them – and everything connected with them is concerned, I can certainly be one with you and agree with you.
Very well, then I have won a fellow combatant in you with regard to this. But you see, this is how one deviates from the actual thing that I originally wanted to talk about. Basically, I was going to ask you something about the coronavirus, namely to what extent protective masks should be worn, because against the virus – as well as against bacilli, that is to say, bacteria and other microorganisms – actually only medical protective masks and goggles are effective. Although we already largely discussed this matter a month ago, I think that nevertheless some more things should still be explained about it, because also simple breathing masks, if they cover the nose and mouth, can prevent something. This is in the form, as you explained, that the breath exhalation and exhalation droplets as well as a ‘wet speech’ are not carried further and in this form a spread, that is to say, infection of other human beings, can be greatly reduced and also some things can be avoided with regard to oneself. That is that, which does not mean, however, that such simple protective masks would protect against viruses and bacteria, because this can only be guaranteed by special medical filter masks. Therefore I think that we should pick up again what we have discussed privately and that you say something explanatory about it, thus also that even simple masks can offer a certain protection, but that one should not consider oneself completely safe when they are worn and so forth. Furthermore, you said quite some time ago that you want to test protective masks. Did you do that, Ptaah?
很好,那麼我已經贏得了你這位戰友。但是你看,就這樣偏離我最初想談論的事情。基本上,我要問你一些關於冠狀病毒的問題,也就是防護口罩(protective masks)應該戴到什麼程度,因為對抗病毒 — 以及針對細菌,也就是細菌和其他微生物 — 實際上只有醫療用的防護口罩和護目鏡是有效的。雖然我們一個月前已經基本上討論過這個問題,但我認為還是有很多應該解釋的地方,因為同樣簡單的呼吸口罩(breathing masks),如果他們遮住鼻子和嘴巴,也可以預防一些東西。正如你所解釋的,這種形式是呼吸排氣和呼氣飛沫以及“含有飛沫的說話”(wet speech)不會以這種形式進一步的傳播,也就是說,感染其他人的情況,可以大大減少,而且有些事情自身也可以避免。然而,這並不意味著這種簡單的防護口罩可以預防病毒和細菌,因為只使用特殊的醫用過濾式口罩(special medical filter masks)才有保障。因此,我認為我們應該再談談我們私下討論的內容,而你對此有所解釋,因此,即使是簡單的口罩也可以提供某種保護,但一個人不應該認為自己有戴口罩就完全安全等等。此外,你很久以前說過要測試防護口罩。你做過了嗎,Ptaah?
The most important thing has already been explained, but I can add a few more things. And regarding the testing of protective masks, we have done that, about which I can explain a few things:
Basically, I have to first explain that, as a rule, mouth-breath protective masks are disposable masks which have to be disposed of after a single use. On the other hand, it is particularly important to say that the use, that is to say, the wearing of protective masks is health-sustaining and life-sustaining and, in the long term, lowers or completely prevents the absorption of health-endangering particles – such as various types of fine dust, which partially contains radioactive corpuscles –, wherethrough the risk of suffering and diseases, namely particularly various types of cancer, is lowered.
基本上,我首先要解釋的是,呼吸防護口罩(mouth-breath protective masks)通常是一次性的口罩,必須在使用過一次後就處理掉。另一方面,特別重要的是,配戴防護口罩是可以維護健康與生命的,從長遠看,可以降低或完全防止吸入危害健康的粒子,例如部分含有放射性物質的各類微細粉塵,從而降低帶來痛苦和疾病的風險,特別是各種類型的癌症。
We have looked around with regard to mouth-breath protective masks and researched and tested a wide variety of such over-the-counter protective masks very exactly to determine their suitability. In doing so we became aware of products that are divided into different classes and are called FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 and are useful, but cannot be declared completely germ-proof. These are protective masks which, as half masks and full masks, are effective against fine dust and reliably repellent of other fine particles; consequently, regarding that, they protect the respiratory tract from dangerous aerosols, that is to say, expiratory droplets and from various types of dust, for example, outdoors, on streets or also at workplaces and so forth.
我們四處尋找呼吸防護口罩,研究並測試了各種這類非處方(over-the-counter)的防護口罩,以確定其適用性。在此過程中,我們瞭解到產品分為不同的類別,被稱為 FFP1、FFP2 或 FFP3[中譯者註:FFP(filtering facepiece)是歐盟對防護口罩的分類標準(見FFP mask)],這些產品很有用,但不能完全防菌。這些是防護面罩,作為半面罩和完整的口罩,能夠有效抵禦細塵和其他微粒;因此在這方面,如果人在戶外、街頭或工作場所等,它們可保護呼吸道免受危險的懸浮微粒(aerosols),也就是呼氣飛沫和各種類型的灰塵所污染。
We have tested the FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3 protective masks in detail for their safety regarding their usability and permeability with regard to viruses, bacteria and microorganisms as well as fine dust, smoke and other toxins, as well as with regard to the particularly important connectivity to all areas of the face, especially around the eyes, respiratory system and chin. Of great importance in our tests regarding this was the important thing of the sealing of the mask, namely to what extent the breath can flow in and out of the mask at sealing points and introduce germs from outside into the respiratory system and into the mouth.
我們已經對 FFP1、FFP2 或 FFP3 防護口罩進行了詳細的測試,以詳細說明其在病毒、細菌和微生物以及細塵、煙霧和其他毒素方面的可用性和滲透性,以及與面部所有區域,特別是眼睛、呼吸系統和下巴之間特別重要的貼合性。在我們的測試中,最重要的是口罩的密封性能,也就是呼吸空氣在密封處進出口罩並將細菌從外部引入呼吸系統和口腔的程度。
The filter performance of these FFP masks is variable, as are the features of the masks, such that the filters can have an exhalation valve, which is particularly important if the breathing resistance has to be regulated due to material conditions.
這些 FFP 口罩的過濾性能不同,口罩的特性也不同,例如過濾器可以有一個呼氣閥,這在基於材料條件下必須調節呼吸阻力時,顯得尤其重要。
However, as far as the necessary protection against viruses, bacteria and microorganisms is concerned, these protective masks only partially protect against viruses and so forth or they do not at all, although the producers claim otherwise. In any case, this non-suitability applies to the products FFP1 and FFP2. The product of the protective class 3 is to be assessed differently, which certainly does not guarantee 100 percent reliable protection against bacteria, microorganisms and viruses, as is especially the case with the currently rampant coronavirus, that is to say, Covid-19, but nevertheless we can recommend this protective mask as good and largely protective, according to our assessment.
然而,就對病毒、細菌和微生物的必要防護而言,這些防護口罩僅部分或根本不能防阻病毒,儘管生產廠商說法不同。在任何情況下,FFP1 和 FFP2 產品並不適宜這方面使用。但對 FFP 3 的產品則有不同的評估,當然面對細菌、微生物和病毒,特別是目前肆虐的冠狀病毒(Covid-19),雖不能 100%保證有可靠的防護,但根據我們的評估,我們可以推薦這種防護口罩,它具有良好和基本的防護作用。
All of these three FFP protective masks differ particularly in terms of their purpose for which they are used, and consequently their protection is also determined in accordance with the protective filter and its permeability.
這三種 FFP 防護口罩在使用目的方面尤其不同,因此,其防護作用也是根據它的過濾器及其滲透性來決定。
All three respiratory masks tested by us correspond to suitable products that, above all, provide very useful protection against aerosols that are based on oil and water, but are also very useful against fine dust, other types of dust and against smoke, and can be used during various work processes and provide reliable protection.
我們測試的全部三種呼吸口罩(respiratory masks)都是合適的產品,這些產品主要對油和水的懸浮微粒,提供了非常有用的防護,而在防阻細塵、其他類型的灰塵和煙霧也非常有用,可用於各種工作過程中並提供可靠的防護。
The appropriate respiratory protective filters of all three classes, FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3, can be used depending on the application and needs, although the class three filter FFP3-filter, due to its good filter properties, can largely be used to protect against viruses, bacteria and microorganisms, however, depending on the coronavirus gene variation, possibly only partial but good or full protection can usually be offered.
FFP1、FFP2 或 FFP3 這三類不同的呼吸防護過濾口罩,可根據應用環境和需要而使用,雖然 FFP3 防護過濾口罩,由於其良好的過濾性能,可以廣泛用於防護病毒、細菌和微生物,然而根據冠狀病毒的基因變異,也可能只可提供部分但通常良好或完全的防護。
That, Eduard, my friend, is that, but there is more to explain:
Normal commercially available mouth-breath protective masks, which are also referred to as mouthnose protective masks or face masks and so forth, do not in any form protect against the corona virus or against bacteria and microorganisms, which also applies to self-made protective masks of all kinds and materials, such as handkerchiefs, scarves, multifunctional cloths or cleaning wipes, cuddle cloths, bibs, napkins as well as headscarves, underclothes, face towels, balaclavas and neckerchiefs and so forth.
一般市售的呼吸防護口罩(mouth-breath protective masks),也稱為口鼻防護口罩(mouthnose protective masks)或口罩(face masks)等,絕不能防止冠狀病毒或細菌和微生物,同樣的狀況也適用於各種材料自製的防護口罩,如手帕、圍巾、多功能布料或清潔濕巾、保暖布、圍兜、餐巾紙,以及頭巾、內衣、毛巾,巴拉克拉瓦頭套(balaclavas;套在頭上僅露出眼睛等部分的頭套)和領巾等。
Normal commercially available mouth-breath protective masks or self-made protective masks of all types can in any case be useful against the expulsion of breath and expiratory droplets and against a ‘moist’ speech, namely from one side as well as from the opposite side.
Wearing such masks in the case of contagious diseases, especially rampantly spreading diseases, is absolutely appropriate and necessary when dealing with other persons outside of one’s own home, such as perhaps in work areas as well as in public transport, department stores and in crowds and so forth.
Normally good commercially available mouth-breath protective masks – like self-made ones – should always be such that they can be used for a long time and consequently can necessarily be washed with natural antibacterial agents and thus reused. And after washing them – not by machine – it can be useful to spray them with a light, but not chemical, rather natural antibacterial agent.
Wearing normal commercially available oral respiratory protective masks or self-made protective masks against infectious diseases, especially in the case of rampantly spreading diseases, means that there is no guarantee of protection against infections by dangerous viruses, bacteria or other microorganisms, thus a false ‘being lulled into a sense of security’ would be harmful to health.
Normal commercially available mouth-breath protective masks and self-made masks of all kinds can also be useful against dust particles and the like, but never against preventing infections by healththreatening germs such as viruses, bacteria and microorganisms of all kinds. A sufficiently great distance between human beings is always the best protection to avoid being infected, but unfortunately for many human beings wearing protective masks means that they become reckless and indifferent, no longer strictly adhering to the necessary precautionary measures and therefore they become infected with the pathogen despite wearing a mask.
Wearing mouth-breath protective masks against pathogens, in particular viruses and bacteria, as well as other health-endangering microorganisms of various types, requires appropriate medical products that have been specially made for this purpose and are probably only available from specialist retailers.
When using normal commercially available mouth-breath protective masks, it should be noted, and this must be said and observed again and again, that such masks, as well as self-made masks, absolutely do not protect against the corona virus, nor against harmful bacteria and many other kinds of microorganisms if there is direct or too close contact with infected persons, which is why a significant distance of 2 meters from such human beings is urgently required and must be observed, even if a normal commercially available or self-made mouth-breath protective mask is worn.
必須一再提醒,在使用一般市售的防護口罩時,如果與感染者有直接或過於密切的接觸,應當注意,這種口罩以及自製的口罩,絕對不能防阻冠狀病毒,也不能防阻有害細菌和許多其他種類的微生物。這就是為什麼即使佩戴了一般市售或自製的防護口罩,也迫切需要與這些人保持 2 公尺以上的距離並保持警覺。
Only specific full-face medical masks offer effective real protection against the coronavirus, as well as against various other dangerous pathogens, but sometimes also normal medical masks that have disinfectant filters, but must be disposed of after use, while others are intended for multiple use and can be equipped with exchangeable disinfection filters.
只有特定的全罩式醫用口罩(full-face medical masks)才能有效有效防阻冠狀病毒以及其他各種危險的病原體,但有時具有消毒過濾器的一般醫用口罩也有這種功效,但使用後必須經過處理,而另外一些口罩則屬於多種用途,其配備了可更換的消毒過濾器。
For an effective real protection against the coronavirus – as well as with regard to certain other contagious pathogens – it is absolutely essential to also wear appropriate protective glasses while wearing suitable mouth-breath protective masks, because certain pathogens, especially various viruses, use the characteristics of moisture in order to settle, while others, for example, influenza viruses, like an absolutely low level of moisture. As a result, some spread more when it is dry, but others spread more when it is moist, which is why, in any case, if there is a risk of infection, not only a mouth-breath protective mask, but also a good pair of protective glasses for the eyes should be worn.
Wearing mouth-breath protective masks should be paid attention to with regard to the rampantly spreading corona disease, but not unnecessarily on the street if no passers-by or only a few are on the move and there are no approaches to each other, but a necessary distance of at least two meters from one human being to another is maintained. There is no exception to this rule, which must be strictly adhered to, because it is urgent and necessarily unavoidable, because only therethrough can the rampantly spreading corona pandemic be contained and thus further infections and deaths can slowly be reduced and ultimately be completely rendered inoperative. But that will not be in a short time, because this rampantly spreading disease is persistent and will not come to a permanent end anytime soon.
For those terrestrial human beings who wear mouth-breath protective masks as a result of the rampantly spreading corona disease, this fact has – besides the protective function against infection – another important and positive aspect and affect at the same time, namely, on the one hand:
The direction of view, that is to say, the perspective and the point of view of human beings wearing a protective mask changes positively because mentally they deal with the dangerousness of the rampantly spreading corona disease, consequently they voluntarily integrate themselves into necessary measures that will help to contain the pandemic.
The thought-feeling swinging waves of the human beings wearing a protective mask have a positive effect on the state of their psyches and regulate their tension such that it improves to a calming endurability.
Even if normal commercial or self-made protective masks are not effective against the coronavirus, our investigations prove, however, that the use of such masks brings good and positive effects with regard to the aspects and affects mentioned, through which also the therefrom resulting and following of safety measures, which are important and necessary, contribute much to the infections and thus also the deaths gradually decreasing, which is a plausible consequence.
The whole procedure corresponds to psychologically profound values that have a calming effect on the thoughts, feelings and psyche of human beings who are open to intellect and rationality, and in this regard conveys a certain sense of security, which has a positive effect on behaviour and on the fact that the wearing of protective masks and keeping a necessary and sufficient distance from other human beings is considered normal and is maintained.
It is imperative to consider that human beings who are not open to intellect and rationality rise up – due to various selfish, egotistical and inconsiderate reasons and due to outrage – against necessarily decreed measures and regulations and do not comply with them, through which turmoil arises and health threats are evoked that are detrimental to the entire community.
Unfortunately, the protective effect of normal, simple mouth-breath protective masks against the coronavirus is basically overestimated because, on the one hand, these commonly bought or self-made masks have no protective effect against the virus, and on the other hand, because the protective effect in open areas and on the street is usually not necessary at all because the virus is not transmitted through the open air, but only when communication takes place between persons who are too close to each other in proximity.
Wrong recommendations from experts–or those who want to be such, for example, certain virologists, doctors and medical professionals and so forth – that wearing of commonly bought or selfmade simple mouth-breath protective masks is absolutely safe and prevents an infection by the coronavirus, corresponds to a malicious or at least dangerous and reckless false claim or lie, because fundamentally and effectively only medical specialist protective masks can offer the necessary protection against dangerous viruses, bacteria and microorganisms.
一些專家或希望成為專家的人,例如某些病毒學家、醫生和醫療專業人員等,他們錯誤的建議:佩戴一般市售或自製的簡單防護口罩是絕對安全的,足以防止冠狀病毒的感染。但這純屬惡意或至少是危險和魯莽的虛假斷言或是謊言,因為從根本上和實際上而言,只有醫學專家的防護口罩(medical specialist protective masks)才能提供必要的防護,才足以防阻危險病毒、細菌和微生物。
Basically, masks that can commonly be bought or are self-made can only prevent infection in the fresh air, in the country, on the street or anywhere else, namely also only if – all around and in close vicinity – there are no other persons present who may be infected with contagious germs. If it is the case, however, that infected persons are in the vicinity, then a proper distance of at least two (2) meters from them must be maintained, because the mentioned kinds of protective masks are absolutely unsuitable as protection from infection with viruses, bacteria and microorganisms.
And another time It should also be said that wearing a mouth-breathing protective mask outdoors, on streets and in the field is not necessary and is also nonsensical if there are no other human beings around, or, if however, persons wander about, a sufficiently large distance can be maintained. However, as already mentioned, the certainty that there will be no infection in open areas or on the street is due to the fact that the risk of infection outdoors is not only extremely low, but practically impossible if there are no other persons around. Even if other persons are present, but a sufficient distance is kept from them and a protective mask is also worn, infection with the coronavirus can, with great certainty, be reliably prevented and absolutely excluded. This fact alone, about wearing a mouth-breath protective mask, shows that there is no sense in wearing such masks all the time while outdoors. It is only necessary and important to wear them when there is a risk of coming into closer contact with other persons, because effectively wearing mouth-breath protective masks only then makes sense and is important for protecting oneself against infections.
If one personally suffers a corona infection and wears a simple mouth-breath protective mask, then this does not mean that therethrough other persons can be protected from the coronavirus, because simple protective masks that are not medically equipped in good form cannot prevent the virus from escaping through a simple mask and being carried further by the air; consequently, other human beings can be infected during contact with those who are too close. By means of unsuitable masks the breath and aerosols, that is to say, expiratory droplets, can only be prevented from escaping, be slowed down considerably and consequently cannot fly far away from the mask. However, tiny germs, such as viruses, bacteria and microorganisms, can emerge unhindered from mouth-breath protective masks and, due to their tiny size, can easily be carried up to 1.5 or 2 meters away on the air by the slightest breath of wind, consequently persons who are present can be infected by them.
如果一個人受到冠狀病毒的感染,並戴著簡單的防護口罩,那麼這並不能保護其他人免受冠狀病毒的侵害,因為簡單的防護口罩在醫學上並沒有足夠的配備,無法防止病毒經由簡單的口罩逸出並被進一步帶到空氣中;因此,在與那些過於靠近的人接觸時,那些人可能會被感染。通過不合適的口罩,呼出物和懸浮微粒,也就是飛沫,只能被大大減緩逸出的速度,因此不能飛離口罩太遠。然而,微小的病菌,如病毒、細菌和微生物,可以從呼吸保護口罩中不受阻礙地逸出,由於其體積小,很容易經由微風在空氣中飄逸 1.5 或 2 公尺之遠,因此可能使在場的人受到感染。
It is and remains important that, while wearing normal commercial and self-made mouth-breath protective masks and in all situations, the most important safety requirements must not be neglected, such as that in all circumstances the distance between one human being and another must be kept, as also caution is required when dealing with mammals, which may also be carriers of the coronavirus, which has so far also occurred on different occasions in various countries, which, however, is usually kept secret just as honest official information regarding the correct number of infected and dead persons is. This, while there is also still a large number of unreported cases in this regard that can never be determined.
What arises from our observations and findings is the fact that wearing normal mouth-breath protective masks misleads many human beings to no longer exercise caution, for example, keeping the necessary distance from human being to human being, which should be at least 1.5 in a still, closed room, but usually not less than 2 meters.
根據我們觀察和發現的事實是,戴上一般的防護口罩會誤導許多人不再謹慎行事,例如,與人與人保持的必要距離,在無風的密閉房間內,至少應保持 1.5 公尺,但通常不少於 2 公尺的距離。
Normal non-medical mouth-breath protective masks must be changed regularly because they become moist due to the expiratory droplets and the breath, and consequently the necessary filter function of ‘dry exhalation’ is no longer guaranteed. Good protective masks can be washed with natural antibacterial soaps or other non-chemical agents and can be reused.
一般的非醫用防護口罩必須定期更換,因為它們會被飛沫和呼吸空氣弄濕,因此不再能保證“乾呼氣”(dry exhalation)的必要過濾功能。良好的防護口罩可以使用天然抗菌肥皂或其他非化學清潔劑清洗,並可重複使用。
With many normal commercially available mouth-breath protective masks, as of course also with selfmade ones, an instruction manual on how to use them properly is missing, as also it not explained that such masks do not offer protection against dangerous viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms, because they do not correspond to medical masks; consequently, regardless of such protective masks, human beings expose themselves to a risk of infection if they come into direct or close contact with infected human beings. Therefore it is downright negligent to trust such mouth-breath protective masks that are not designed for such dangerous viruses and other pathogens, which only protect against exhalation and sputum and the spread of expiratory droplets, that is to say, aerosols.
Only real medical masks, such as those used in medical facilities, such as hospitals and so forth, offer real protection against dangerous pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and other dangerous germs. In that case suitable protective glasses are also used. Indeed simple mouth-breath protective masks are used in such facilities, but not explicitly as protection against dangerous pathogens, but to prevent one's own breath exhalation as well as a possible sputum and the spread of expiratory droplets, but also to protect oneself in the same form from such expectorations by patients. These masks are therefore not about protecting against viruses, but about a different kind of purpose, because nursing staff naturally come much closer to patients than a passer-by on the street.
只有真正的醫用口罩(medical masks;一般是指surgical mask,稱作外科口罩),也就是在醫院等醫療設施中使用的口罩,才能真正防止病毒、細菌和其他危險細菌等危險病原體。在這種情況下,還要配合使用適當的護目鏡(protective glasses)。事實上,這類設施中使用的是簡單的防護口罩,並沒有防護危險病原體的明確作用,而只是為了防止自己的呼氣,以及可能的咳痰和飛沫的散布,同時也保護自己免受病人的侵害。因此,這些口罩不是要預防病毒,而是另一種目的,因為護理人員自然比街上的路人更接近病人。
The fact with such non-medical masks is that they are somewhat better than self-made masks, but of course they all work very much to a lesser degree and are also useless against dangerous viruses and bacteria, even if all kinds of ‘professionals’ claim the opposite and recommend such products, although effectively only professional medical protective masks can offer real protection against viruses and other dangerous pathogens.
As a rule, mouth-breath protective masks that can be bought normally are not about protecting against dangerous viruses and bacteria, and so forth, but are about stopping small or larger expiratory droplets that arise when coughing or speaking. In this respect it is therefore plausible that no expensive professional medical protective masks should be used for this. In addition, such protective masks are also not generally available for purchase in normal civil trade, and moreover, if they are, they are offered in free trade at high prices. Normally, however, normal, simple mouth-breath protective masks are already sufficient, which are particularly aimed at resisting expiratory droplets and sputum.
Effectively, medical protective masks that are equipped to ward off dangerous viruses and bacteria, and that are used for certain medical purposes and also require protective glasses, should only be reserved for medical personnel and corresponding nursing staff.
(資料來源 - 左圖:Pinterest;中圖:Made-in-China;右圖:Omnia Health)
(資料來源 - 左圖:kalingatv;右圖:Stay At Home Sale)
With normal commercially available simple mouth-breath protective masks there is no protection against dangerous viruses and other germs; consequently a benefit in this respect is not verifiable and using such protective masks can possibly create a danger if they are used incorrectly, especially if one’s hands that are infected with dangerous pathogens inevitably and unconsciously touch the mask and thus an infection results it in this form. And this is exactly what happens often, because the protective masks are often touched so that one can check their fit, correct them and put them back on the face properly because they always move due to physical movements and slip under the respiratory organ or chin, wherethrough saliva, sputum, breath or exhalation droplets get into the mask and a smear infection can come about.
A mouth-breath protective mask must always be worn and treated as if it were contaminated with germs, which means that, when it has to be removed, it must not be handled with bare hands during its removal but must only be touched, removed and disposed of while wearing disposable gloves, after which one’s hands should be cleaned thoroughly with a natural soap.
The necessary distance to other human beings, at least 2 meters or more, must absolutely be observed and maintained in the case of an infectious disease, rampantly spreading disease, epidemic or pandemic, while despite wearing a protective mask when coughing or sneezing, this is not to be done in one’s hand but in a suitable cloth or in the crook of the arm.
在傳染病疫情大流行的情況下,絕對必須注意並保持與其他人至少 2 公尺或以上的必要距離,儘管在咳嗽或打噴嚏時戴著防護口罩,也不該以手來遮掩,而是用合適的布料或彎曲的手臂去遮擋。
If mouth-breath protective masks have to be worn and a beard is present, then a mask must be such that it closes the face well despite the hair so that also nothing can penetrate into the mouth and breathing area from the outside.
What I also have to address in particular is the following: If protective masks have to be worn–as a result of human beings being in the immediate vicinity or nearby and because they are severely infectious – then this corresponds to a situation in which single-use masks should be worn and disposed of after use. Such disposable masks should only be handled with disposable gloves and also not from the inside, but only from the outside, whereby also the corresponding touch accuracy must be such that they are only gripped by the rubber bands and thus held in front of the face, and both rubber bands are pulled behind the ears. The mask-nose-bridge is to be adjusted on the respiratory organ by pushing it in, whereby the mask must fit snugly everywhere and then be pulled down over the chin with the thumb and forefinger.
Such a protective mask must not be pulled under the chin from time to time and put back in front of the face later, because if it is pushed under the chin a new mask is required in such a case. If necessary, glasses or goggles must then also be put on.
When removing such a special mask, it is necessary to hold one’s breath briefly because some kind of germs have settled on its surface and can cause an infection.
Used disposable masks must be properly disposed of in an appropriate waste container.
After performing a task, one’s hands are to be washed thoroughly with a suitable soap, but never with chemical disinfectants.
These are the most important and most necessary facts, Eduard, that I have to mention regarding your questions.
Then – I think – this should really be enough said on this matter for today. Then we could finish off for today, because for once I should again sleep a little more than only four hours, which Evi also keeps telling me again and again. To always stroll around – half floating like a dream walker and like on rubber shoes as a result of tiredness – sometimes causes me a little bit of effort.
那麼,我認為今天對這件事應該說得夠多了。然後,我們可以結束今天的談話了,因為這次我又只有睡四個多小時。這是 Evi 一再告訴我的,說我總是因為疲勞而像個夢遊者一樣,穿著膠鞋到處遊蕩,這有時讓我有點麻煩。
I can understand that, and you should set your working day to a maximum of ten and not regularly to twenty and/or 21 hours.
Unfortunately that is impossible, but let us talk about what ...