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Contact Report 757/第757次接觸報告
接觸時間:2020 年 10 月 29 日,星期四,23 時 44 分
本次接觸中,Billy 提到他自 1975 年 1 月 28 日起,至 2020 年 10 月 29 日(也就是這次會面接觸)為止,與來自 Plejaren 的外星人及其聯邦成員已經進行了 2,173 次面對面的接觸和 1,541 次心靈感應的接觸,而這些接觸仍在繼續進行。
其次,按照他早在 1947 年的預測資料,到今(2020)年 11 月底,全球因新冠疫情,將有超過 6,000 萬感染者,約 150 萬人死亡。而僅僅在美國,到 11 月底,疫情將奪走超過 25.5 萬人的生命,而這其中,不學無術、病態的權力狂的白癡總統“莽漢川普”這個人就是罪魁禍首。
在其他談話中,由於過去需要保密的事件,在當事人逐一過世之後,現在應該可以攤在陽光下公開談論了,於是 Billy 向 Ptaah 追憶了一些往事。
This is an excerpt of the contact. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!
這是這篇接觸報告的一部分摘錄。這是一個授權但非官方的 DeepL 初步英文翻譯,很可能包含錯誤。請注意,所有錯誤和失誤等將持續修正,這將取決於有關人員的可用時間(依照與比利/FIGU 的合約所訂)。因此,不要複製粘貼和發佈此版本在其他地方,因為任何改進和修正將會在這個版本中發生!
Eduard, greetings, dear friend.
Greetings also, my friend, and welcome, Ptaah.
What we are talking about today, Eduard, again requires the attention of recalling and writing down or recalling and recording, because our last conversation you recalled was the one from the 28th of September.
我們今天所講的,愛德華,你又需要注意回憶和寫下來,或者是回憶和記錄,因為我們上一次的談話你回憶的是 9 月 28 日。
[中譯者註:FIGU 官方近期發布第 756 次接觸日期是 2020 年 9 月 28 日;而第 755 次接觸日期卻是 2020 年 10 月 20 日;順序似有錯置。]
Yes, I know that. Unfortunately, my extensive work has long since made it impossible to retrieve and write down all the conversations, so only those that are important are considered. We have always done this, but for some time now the whole thing has had to be further restricted. As a result, many conversations have also not been retrieved and written down during the last 2 years. If you look at the list here in the computer, there are 757 recorded reports of conversations so far with today's conversation, which I will add here right now … so it looks like this now, which I will add here when I write down the report when I call up today's conversation. The 17th volume is in print and ready for sale from spring next year, and the 18th volume is in control circulation and will probably also be in print next year.
是的,我知道。遺憾的是,我的大量工作早已使我不可能檢索和寫下所有的對話,所以只考慮那些重要的對話。我們一直都是這樣做的,但一段時間以來,整個事情不得不進一步受到限制。因此,在過去的兩年裡,很多對話也沒有被檢索和寫下來。如果你看電腦這裡的清單,到目前為止,有 757 份談話記錄報告,有今天的談話,我現在就在這裡補充… 所以現在是這樣的,我在調取今天的談話時,寫下報告的時候,會在這裡補充。第 17 卷已經印刷好了,明年春天開始就可以銷售了,第 18 卷正在控制發行,明年可能也會印刷。
From Monday, the 28th of January 1975 to Thursday, the 29th October 2020, there have been 2,173 personal and 1,541 telepathic contacts with extraterrestrials from the Plejaren in the ANKAR universe and from their Federation members on a purely missionary basis, and these contacts are still continuing. Written contact reports exist for 757 contacts, summarised in 17 volumes of about 500 A4 pages each, partly with contemporary documents/newspaper clippings etc. as proof of proven/fulfilled predictions and events etc. A large number of purely private visits, during which only private conversations are conducted, are not included in the official contact reports, which are purely mission-related.
從 1975 年 1 月 28 日星期一起,至 2020 年 10 月 29 日星期四為止,純粹以與任務有關的方式,在 ANKAR 宇宙中,與來自 Plejaren 的外星人及其聯邦成員進行了 2,173 次面對面接觸和 1,541 次心靈感應接觸,這些接觸仍在繼續進行。現存 757 次接觸的書面接觸報告,總結為 17 卷,每卷約 500 頁 A4 紙,其中部分內容為當代檔或剪報等,作為已證實或實現的預測與事件等的證據。大量純粹的私人訪談,在接觸期間進行的私人談話,並沒有列入正式的接觸報告,這些報告純粹是與任務有關的內容。
The data you mention here are also in line with our records.
That must be the case. But look here, our resident Michael put this on my computer. I have been attacked 23 times, but the last time Daniel could have been hit if the bullet had not bounced off a small tree trunk. But now, look at this, some lunatic in the USA has also been threatening to blow out Michael Horn's life light for some time, and that for about 2 years or so, as Michael says.
肯定是如此。但看看這裡,這就是 Michael 放到電腦上給我看的。我已經被襲擊了 23 次,但在最近一次,如果子彈沒有從小樹幹上彈起來的話,Daniel 可能就會被擊中。但現在你看,美國的某個瘋子已經威脅要毀掉 Michael Horn 的生命了,正如 Michael 所說,這大約已有兩年左右的時間了。
– – – That is unfortunate, and he should be careful, because people who make such threats are sneaky, and they act from ambush, as you know from your own experience. Greet him, and give him my advice to be careful, for the human beings who make such threats are unpredictable and act hatefully and usually from ambush.
– – – 這是非常不幸的事,他應該要小心提防,因為做出這種威脅的人都是很狡猾的,他們都是埋伏行動,你自己的經驗也知道。代我向他問好並給他我的建議,讓他小心,因為做出這種威脅的人是很難預防的,而且這種出於仇恨行為,通常都是埋伏突襲的。
Yes, I have also had experience with this, because all 23 times they were ambushed from a greater distance, but I was always lucky and was only injured once. That was at Ashoka Ashram in India, in Mehrauli. At that time there was still a police report about it because the Swami reported the incident to the police. I myself reported the first attack on me to the police in Hinwil when someone tried to shoot me in the head through the window, but there was only a hole in the window pane and the bullet went right past my head and into the ceiling. Although the matter was taken to the governor, he was obviously only amused about it, so nothing was done – not even a police report was made. Therefore, I gave up reporting any further attacks to the police. But then Silvano reported an incident when I was shot at in Saland, when we came from Wetzikon and also saw the shooter. The bullet bounced off the windscreen of the car, but it was so damaged that it had to be replaced. This indicator also fell flat and was made ridiculous, because everything was attributed to a stone chip, which must have been thrown up by a passing car, that is all. However, there was no other car on the road, but the police in Pfäffikon stuck to their false assertion and consequently not even a police report was made. So no attack has also been reported to the police since then. What's the point if everything is just made ridiculous, even when witnesses can confirm everything!
是的,我也有過這樣的經驗,因為那 23 次他們都是在較遠的地方埋伏,但我總是很幸運,只受了一次傷。那是在印度 Mehrauli 的 Ashoka Ashram。因為當時 Swami 向警方報了案,所以還有警方的調查報告。我自己在欣維爾(Hinwil)受到的第一次襲擊後,也向警方報了案,當時有人試圖透過窗戶向我的頭部開槍,但只在窗戶的玻璃上留下一個彈孔,子彈直接從我的頭上飛過,射進了天花板。雖然這件事上報了鎮長,但他顯然只是覺得有趣,所以什麼也沒做,甚至連個警方調查報告都沒有。因此,我放棄了再向警方報案。但後來 Silvano 向警方報了一次案,那是我在 Saland 被人槍擊事件,當時我們從韋齊孔(Wetzikon)回來,也看到了槍手。子彈從汽車的擋風玻璃上彈了出去,但擋風玻璃因而嚴重損壞,不得不更換,因此這個重要證物也弄丟了,而且這事件被曲解得很荒唐,因為一切都被歸因為濺起石頭屑,一定是對面而來的汽車造成的,僅此而已。然而,當時路上並沒有其他車輛,但普費菲孔(Pfäffikon)的員警卻堅持他們這種錯誤的說法,結果也是連個員警調查報告都沒有。所以,從此以後我再也沒有向警方報告過襲擊的案件。如果所有的事情都被弄得如此荒謬,即使目擊者可以證實一切,那又有什麼意義呢?!
I am aware of this, but I cannot understand such behaviour by the police and a governor, also this one, which is directed against Michael Horn. It is unquestionable why various people act in this way and even consider murder, namely because the truth should be suppressed, concealed and not come out in public. And this truth I see in our existence, as well as in your important 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life', firstly in your long lasting course of 'spiritual teaching' with almost 300 teaching letters, and secondly in your numerous multi-thematic books and writings. These, however, are only these 2 aspects, for the 3rd is also fought, even more strongly, by your predictions, which you have been trying to publish in public media for about 75 years. But you will not be allowed to make it public, because the whole thing reveals in the first place everything that is destroyed, annihilated and exterminated by the unrestrained growing overpopulation. Then, in the second place, in the front line of the disaster, come all the branches of the economy, which do everything in the foreground as a result of their greedy pursuit of profit and which unscrupulously and irresponsibly affect the planet, its nature, fauna and flora, all ecosystems, and the destruction of the climate, also the atmosphere, in order to satisfy the countless vital, but often unnecessary needs of the irresponsibly managed overpopulation. But this, with this threatening behaviour against Michael Horn, is pathetic.
我知道這件事,但我不能理解警方和鎮長的這種行為,也包括這次針對 Michael Horn 的行為。各種人為什麼會有這樣的行為,甚至考慮要殺人,這是毫無疑問的,那是因為真相應該要被封鎖、隱瞞,不能對外公開。而這個真相,我在我們的生存中的確看到這些現象,在你重要的「真理的教導、造化能量的教導、生命的教導」(Teaching of Truth, Teaching of the Energy of Creation, Teaching of Life)中同樣也看到了,首先是在你「靈性教導」(spiritual teaching)的漫長歷程中,有近 300 封教導信件,其次是在你眾多的書籍和著作中,有許多主題都看到了。然而,這些只是在兩個方面,因為在第三方面也是由你的那些預測(predictions)所爭取而來的,甚至更震撼,這些都是你在大約七十五年來一直試圖在公共媒體上發表的預測。但你沒有被允許公開,因為整個狀況發生的第一禍首就是:那無節制增長的過剩人口,這個因素逐漸摧毀、消滅和滅絕了一切。然後,在災難前線的第二順位,就是所有的經濟體系的分支機構,由於這些機構成員在前台貪婪地追求利潤,他們不擇手段且不負責任地影響著地球,影響著地球的大自然、動植物、所有的生態系統,同時破壞著氣候,也破壞著大氣層,以不負責任的方式管理並滿足過剩人口的無數要緊但往往是不必要的需求。但對這件事,也就是對 Michael Horn 的這種威脅行為,實在是件可悲的事。
The whole thing is more than just primitive, stupid, simple-minded and intelligent, so there is probably nothing more to be said. But what interests me is this: What do you know about the second wave of the Corona epidemic in Europe and the world as a whole, which is now making a correct impact and will not be stopped for the time being. Switzerland is particularly hard hit, as are all the European countries that thought they had survived the epidemic, such as Italy and Spain. But now Germany, France and England as well as Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic, etc., then also Brazil and South America will be affected. Israel will also be severely affected once again, and if I recall the correct forecasts from 1947, which I called up again a few days ago, then since the official announcement of the epidemic at the end of December 2019 in Wuhan/China – although it is true that the epidemic began at the beginning of 2019 and had already claimed many lives by the end of the year without this being recognised – by the end of next November there will be over 60 million people infected and around 1.5 million corona deaths worldwide. In the USA alone, the epidemic disaster will continue for a long time to come, and by the end of next November, because nothing is being done about the epidemic, it will have claimed well over 255,000 lives, for which the unteachable and pathologically power-hungry and stupid idiot President Trample Tramp Trump alone will be to blame. Brazil is also growing rapidly, with deaths by the end of November expected to be around 170,000, in India around 135,000 and in Mexico around 103,000. Europe will also have many corona deaths by the end of November, with Germany at around 15,000, France and England at around 50,000 each, Austria at around 2,500 and Switzerland at around 4,000.
整個這些威脅的造成,不僅僅是粗陋的、愚蠢的、頭腦簡單而沒有智慧的,所以大概沒有什麼可說的了。但我感興趣的是。你對歐洲乃至全世界的第二波冠狀病毒疫情有什麼瞭解?現在這波疫情確實正在上升,而且暫時不會停止。瑞士受到的衝擊特別大,而義大利、西班牙等所有自以為躲過了疫情的歐洲國家也是如此。但現在德國、法國、英國以及奧地利、波蘭、捷克等國,那麼巴西和南美也將受到影響。以色列也將再次受到嚴重影響,如果我沒記錯的話,前幾天我又調出了 1947 年的預測資料,那麼自 2019 年 12 月底中國武漢正式宣佈疫情以來 —— 雖然事實是,疫情從 2019 年初就開始流行,到年底已經奪走了很多人的生命,但卻並沒有被發現 —— 到次(2020)年 11 月底,全球將有超過 6,000 萬感染者,約 150 萬人死於冠狀病毒。僅僅在美國,疫情災難還將持續很長一段時間,由於沒有採取任何措施來應對疫情,到下個(11)月底,疫情將奪走超過 25.5 萬人的生命,而這其中,不學無術、病態的權力狂和愚蠢的白癡總統“莽漢川普”(Trample Tramp Trump)這個人就是罪魁禍首。巴西也在快速增長,預計到 11 月底,巴西的死亡人數約為 17 萬,印度約為 13.5 萬,墨西哥約為 10.3 萬。歐洲到 11 月底也會有很多冠狀病毒死亡,德國在 1.5 萬左右,法國和英國各在 5 萬左右,奧地利在 2,500 左右,瑞士在 4,000 左右。
[中譯者註:據統計,到今(11 月 27)日,相關數字如下列截圖(網頁上每天數字會隨日期更新):
圖片資料截圖自:Goats and Soda
All around, and here I am talking about all the states of the Earth, all those responsible for states and authorities are not in any way ordering, enforcing and carrying out everything that needs to be done to not only contain the corona epidemic, which is raging as a pandemic, but to put an end to it. A further mutation of the virus will also occur in the coming weeks. So, as you say, by the end of next November the disease will have killed around 1.5 million people, because all those in positions of government and public authority are incapable of doing their jobs and do not know what they should be doing. Equally totally irresponsible are all conspiracy theorists and their followers, all other negators, know-it-alls and pathologically stupid people who do not use their reason and common sense to see and face the truth of the danger of the disease and the situation, if I may use your own words.
在世界各地,我在這裡指的是地球上所有的國家,所有國家的負責人和管理當局都沒有以任何方式下令、執行和實施一切的必要措施,他們不僅要控制這場冠狀病毒大流行疫情的肆虐,並且要結束它。在未來幾週內,病毒還將發生進一步的變異。所以,正如你所說,到下個(11)月底,這種疾病將導致約 150 萬人死亡,因為所有在政府和主管部門單人職務的人都沒有能力勝任他們的工作,不知道自己應該做什麼。同樣完全不負責任的還有所有的陰謀論者及其追隨者、所有其他“凡事都否定的人”(negators)、“萬事通”(know-it-alls),以及所有那些病態愚蠢的群眾(pathologically stupid people) —— 請允許我用你的說詞 —— 他們不努力理解並運用理智去認識和面對疫情的危險真相。
My question, to what extent all over the world the rulers and authorities will take and enforce the correct measures to prevent the worst from happening, is already answered by your answer. Then all the stupid idiots of the people, the negators as well as the rulers and the authorities of the peoples, as well as all those who deny the plague, are absolutely stupid, as well as all those who follow the mad conspiracy theorists as blind believers, who further the disaster and should also be put behind bars, as well as those who shout in their stupidity and irrationality and demand the observance of false basic rights at the expense of the health and death of many human beings. But when they themselves are hit by the plague, these demo roarers are the first to cry shamefully for help, healing and forgiveness for their 'misunderstanding' in their belief in God. But that doesn't help them either, because many of them will eventually be struck by the disease and die themselves, because their imaginary God cannot help them either, whom they are begging senselessly. But to talk about this any further would be to carry water into the Rhine.
What we need to talk about, however, is a question asked by these two persons who have been trying for years to prove scientifically that my photos and 8mm films are not fakes and the beamships are not models etc., but rather reality. With regard to the fir tree near the 'Hofhalde' above Wetzikon, we know that it was a projection and that in reality it stood about 25 metres below the place where I could take the photos and the 8mm film. But the film is just as lost without a trace as those of the Bachtelhörnli, one from the Sädelegg, one from Maiwinkel by jet, from Winkelriet in Wetzikon and one from Berg-Rumlikon. But now it's about what I asked you, namely that you were asked what happened to the other fir trees, especially the one outside Hinwil. I should also know the name of the place, and I also don't remember the name of the place or how I got there, because your daughter Semjase often took me to places where I had to carry my moped to take pictures.
然而,我們需要談論的是那兩個人提出的一個問題,他們多年來一直試圖從科學上證明我的照片和 8 毫米影片不是假的,光束船(beamships;通稱飛船)也不是模型之類的,而是真切的現實。關於韋齊孔(Wetzikon)Hofhalde 附近上方的那棵杉樹,我們知道那是一個投影,現實中它是在我可以拍攝照片和 8 毫米影片地方的下方約 25 公尺處。但是影片和那些 Bachtelhörnli 的影片一樣,一個是來自 Sädelegg 的,一個是乘坐噴氣式飛機從 Maiwinkel 來的,一個是來自韋齊孔的 Winkelriet 的,還有一個是來自 Berg-Rumlikon 的,但都消失得無影無蹤。現在是關於我問你的問題,也就是有人問你其他的杉樹,特別是欣維爾(Hinwil)外面的那棵杉樹怎麼了。我也應該知道那個地方的名字,但我不記得那個地方的名字了,也不記得我是怎麼到那裡去的,因為你的女兒 Semjase 經常帶我去一些我必須帶著我的輕便摩托車去拍照的地方。
Yes, it was like that, my daughter confirmed it to me. But, as she explained, it was inevitable because there were often people in the area where you had to do your filming and photography work. She also gave me the necessary information and answers to your questions.
First of all, you had to carry out your filming and picture-taking only in places and under circumstances that had been previously selected by two of our experts in special landscaping to guarantee certain backgrounds, which left no doubt that any fakes could have been made by hanging up small or larger beamship models. The fact that you would be accused of forgery, fraud and charlatanism was researched by us on the spot, so that for all the photographs, special landscapes were chosen where my daughter had to take you. The routes to these places were sometimes very arduous and difficult for you to drive and walk, but the pre-determined places had to be, because it was also determined with foresight that the places and their exact locations would later be checked and measured by various specialists from various organisations, filmmakers, scientists and secret services, and strictly dissected, researched and examined by means of manufactured object models etc.
As for the projections of various trees, which my daughter Semjase projected from different locations to other places, the reason was that these projections often had to be abruptly dissolved when, despite all the caution, persons appeared and …
至於我的女兒 Semjase 從不同的地點向其他地方投射的各種樹木的投影,原因是這些投影經常要突然消失,因為儘管小心翼翼,但還是有人出現並...
Which unfortunately was often the case despite all caution, as Semjase made the projection and her beamships suddenly disappear.
可惜的是,儘管一切小心翼翼,但情況往往如此,因為 Semjase 讓投影和她的飛船突然消失了。
Yes, she also said that. But the projections were also chosen for the reason that from the beamships a strong insolation would have destroyed the trees, and such action would be contrary to our directives and is therefore not allowed, because they tell us that we have to protect all genera and species of life-forms and only take defensive action against them when there is an effective need to do so. However, such a necessity never existed in the film and image project work, and therefore projections were made.
I can understand that, but you use a term to explain a destruction of trees, which I actually only know from physics and which is not to be explained as simple radiation. 'Insolation' is the term I use, and I don't understand what insolation has to do with radiation in relation to the beamships. If you can please explain this to me in simple words, because with the best will in the world I can't make any sense of it, because the beamships is not a sun and is also not visible like a sun and does not radiate heat.
So you know what insolation means, how this term is used in physics, and …
Yes, of course I know that, because I am also interested in physical aspects, so I also know that insolation actually means that something is exposed to and hit by strong solar radiation, like Earth or any other planet in the SOL system, but also in all galaxies with other suns and their systems. Insolation in astronomy simply means the radiation of the Sun on the Earth, the Moon and all celestial bodies in the SOL system. Furthermore I learned from your father Sfath that insolation also refers to dermatology and in medicine to the fact that the hot sun radiation affects the skin and causes sunstroke and sunburn. So that, dear friend, is something I can understand with my little martyred brain, but what it has to do with the radiation from the beamships, I can only understand effectively like a poor ignorant maniac standing in front of 7 Bohemian forests and hoping that you will explain the whole thing so that I can enter these forests, find the solution and be amazed.
是的,我當然知道,因為我對物理方面也很感興趣,所以我也知道日照其實就是指某種物體受到強烈太陽輻射的照射和衝擊,就如地球或太陽系中的任何其他星球,也包括所有星系中的其他恆星及其系統。天文學中的日照只是指太陽對地球、月球和太陽系中所有天體的輻射。此外,我還從你父親 Sfath 那裡瞭解到,日照也與皮膚病學和醫學上的案例有關,也就是炎熱的太陽輻射會影響皮膚,導致中暑和曬傷。所以,親愛的朋友,這一點我用我那顆可憐的小腦袋也可以理解,但它和飛船的輻射有什麼關係?我只能像一個可憐無知的瘋子站在七片波西米亞森林前用力去搞明白,希望你能解釋整個事情的來龍去脈,讓我能進入這些森林,並找到令我驚奇的解答。
Of course, you can't know that if nothing has been explained to you, but I can explain the whole of the insolation with our flying apparatus in a few words. It is correct what you say, because the radiation of our flying apparatus is a heat radiation similar to sunlight, which is generated at certain moments and has a dangerous and destructive effect on everything, if an aircraft comes too close or even directly in contact with any living being. However, since you have not been enlightened in this respect, you also cannot know that several of our flying apparatus, such as the one of my daughter Semjase at that time, were necessarily still radiating heat. This means that the flying apparatus we were using in the air 40 years ago was equipped with radiant heaters on its outer hulls, which generated a temperature of 276 degrees Celsius. This was a precautionary measure which neutralised and incinerated all the toxic gases in the finest aggregate states floating in the Earth's atmosphere, which are also present today and will continue to be present in the future, around our flying apparatus, so that they could not adhere to the outer hulls and pose a health hazard to us if they were to come loose again in our hangars and we inhaled them. That these deposits did indeed occur, and will also continue to occur in the future, on all existing materials etc., with which the human beings then come into contact again and are immune-damaged, has been proven beyond doubt by our physical forces. However, the entire earthly physics and medicine have no idea of this, just as they also have no technical possibilities whatsoever to detect and analyse all these fine gas aggregate states and their poisonous danger in the atmosphere, which have an immune-damaging and disease-promoting effect on life-forms, especially the human beings.
當然,如果什麼都沒跟你解釋過,你是不可能知道的,但我可以用我們的飛行器來解釋整個日照的情況。你說的是對的,因為我們飛行器的輻射是一種類似於太陽光的熱輻射,這種熱輻射在特定的時刻會產生,如果飛行器過於靠近甚至直接接觸到任何生物的話,那麼這種熱輻射對一切就會產生危險的破壞作用。不過,既然你沒有這方面的認知,你就不可能知道,我們幾架飛行器,例如當時我女兒 Semjase 的飛行器,必然會散發著這種熱輻射。也就是說,四十年前我們在空中使用的飛行器,其機體外側裝有輻射加熱器,而產生的溫度會高達攝氏 276 度。這是一種預防措施,它可以中和並焚燒那些靠近我們飛行器周圍,並飄浮在地球大氣層中的所有最細微聚集態的有毒氣體,這些氣體現在仍然存在,而將來也會繼續存在。有了這樣的預防措施,它們就不會附著在機體外殼上,如果它們在我們的機庫中再度飄浮,而我們又吸入它們,也不會對我們的健康造成危害。這些沉積物確實發生在所有現有的材料上,而且今後也會繼續如此,人類接觸到它們,免疫力就會受到損害,這一點已經被我們的物理科學家所證明,毋庸置疑。然而,整個地球上的物理學和醫學對此卻一無所知,就像他們也沒有任何可能的技術來檢測和分析所有這些細小的氣體聚集態及其在大氣中的毒害,它們對生命體,特別是對人類,會損害他們的免疫力並導致疾病發生。
The various exhaust gases and toxins which enter the Earth's atmosphere are transformed in the atmosphere into various new ultrafine gas aggregate states which are still completely unknown to terrestrial physics research, just as this is the case with toxins which are released by the entire terrestrial agricultural sector, chemical industry, factories of all kinds, by resource extraction and private use etc., which gass into ultrafine poisonous gas aggregate states and impregnate the atmosphere harmful to the health of all life-forms. This is, however, as I mentioned before, despite all previous and far-reaching knowledge of the entire earthly physics, still absolutely unknown, just as it also lacks all technical and other possibilities to be able to make determinations, gain knowledge and carry out analyses in the finest material area of gaseous states of aggregation.
進入地球大氣層的各種廢氣和有毒物質,在大氣層中都會轉化為各種新的「超細氣體聚集態」(ultrafine gas aggregate states),而這些新的超細氣體聚集態對於地球物理學研究領域來說還是完全陌生的。整個地球上的農業部門、化學工業、各種工廠、資源開採和私人使用等,都會釋放出一些有毒物質,這些有毒物質會氣化成超細的有毒氣體聚集狀態,並漂浮在大氣層中,這對所有生命體的健康都是有害的。然而,正如我前面所說的,儘管有關科學家對整個地球物理學領域以前已有深入的研究,但目前這個部分卻仍然是絕對未知的,就像在這方面仍缺乏所有的技術和其他的可能性,無法在氣態聚集態的最細微的物質領域中作出測定、獲得知識和進行分析一樣。
This is a steep one, but Sfath, your father, already spoke of this when he taught me that gas as matter actually corresponds to an unshaped invisible mass of a non-solid and non-liquid state, which can only be determined in the atmosphere in coarser or denser forms by terrestrial physics research, but not in the very finest states of matter, which, as he also explained, are deposited everywhere and also have an immunodefining effect on life-forms and thus also cause illness. He also taught me that poisons of all kinds, including all poisons released into nature as pesticides and growth promoters, poison not only the human beings themselves but also the entire fauna and flora, and that these are harmful to health, but he also explained that gases are produced from all these poisons. The poisons, which are dissolved by moisture after they are released and penetrate into the plants and poison them – whereby the human beings then also become poisoned and ill again, etc. – are also partially gasified, whereby these new gases that are created mix with other toxin excretions and new gas aggregate states, whereby changes are made again and thus, depending on their type, new and even very fine aggregate states are created, which are integrated into the atmosphere and are immunodeficient and harmful to health. But as Sfath said, like you too, our present physics and physics research is not yet, and not for a long time until the distant future, able to even perceive these fine gas forms. Our physics must be glad that it can detect, analyse and name the gases known to it so far, such as the flammable, explosive, liquid, poisonous, odorous and odourless gases, as exhaust gases of various kinds, such as exhaust gas and LPG, but also other gases such as corrosive gas, acetylene gas or hydrogen gas. Dissous gas, biogas, combustion gas, lignite gas, fuel gas, butane gas, chlorine gas, landfill gas, distillation gas, compressed gas, noble gas, natural gas, digester gas, long distance gas, cylinder gas, liquid gas, generator gas, odorous gas, blast furnace gas, poisonous gas, mine gas, heating gas, wood gas, inert gas, war gas, sewer gas, air-conditioning gas, Oxyhydrogen gas, laughing gas, illuminating gas, air gas, methane gas, moor gas, natural gas, nerve gas, oil gas, propane gas, flue gas, clean gas, irritant gas, raw gas, harmful gas, shale gas, protective gas, carbonization gas, mustard gas, town gas, swamp gas, synthesis gas, tear gas, propellant gas, greenhouse gases, combustion gas, water gas, wind gas.
這是個很難釐清的問題,但 Sfath,也就是你的父親,他在教我的時候就已經說過了。氣體作為物質,其實是一種非固態非液態的無形聚集體,只有在大氣中才能通過地球的物理學研究確定其較粗或較密的形態,但在極細的物質狀態下就不行了,他還解釋說,這些物質沉積在各個地方,也會降低生命體的免疫力,進而引起疾病。他還告訴我,各種毒性藥物,包括農藥和促進生長藥劑所釋放到自然界的所有毒劑,不僅會毒害人類,而且會毒害整個動植物,這些都是對健康有害的,而他還解釋說,所有這些毒藥都會產生氣體,也會部分氣化,據此產生的這些新的氣體與其他毒素排放物和新的氣體聚集態混合,據此再次發生變化,從而根據其種類的不同,產生新的甚至是很細的聚集態,這些新的聚集態融入大氣中,導致免疫力下降並危害健康。但正如 Sfath 所說,也像你一樣,我們現在的物理學和物理學研究都還沒有發現,直到遙遠的將來很長一段時間內,甚至還不能感知這些精細的氣體形態。我們的物理學一定要慶倖自己能夠檢測、分析和命名目前已知的氣體,如易燃、易爆、液體、有毒、有味、無味的氣體,如各種廢氣、液化石油氣,也包括其他氣體,如腐蝕性氣體、乙炔氣或氫氣。分離氣(Dissous gas)、沼氣(biogas)、燃燒氣、褐煤氣(lignite gas)、燃料氣、丁烷氣、氯氣、垃圾填埋氣(landfill gas)、蒸餾氣、壓縮氣、稀有氣體(noble gas)、天然氣、沼氣池氣(digester gas)、長途煤氣(long distance gas)、高壓氣體(cylinder gas)、液化氣體(liquid gas)、發電機氣、惡臭氣體、高爐氣(blast furnace gas)、毒氣、礦井氣體、暖氣、木瓦斯(wood gas)、惰性氣體、軍用毒氣(war gas)、下水道毒氣、空調用氣體(air-conditioning gas)、氧氫氣(Oxyhydrogen gas)、笑氣、照明氣(illuminating gas)、空氣可燃氣體(air gas)、甲烷氣(methane gas)、高原沼澤氣(moor gas)、天然氣、神經氣、油氣、丙烷氣、煙道排氣(flue gas)、凈煤氣(clean gas)、刺激氣體(irritant gas)、粗煤氣(raw gas)、有害氣體、頁岩氣、保護性氣體(protective gas)、碳化氣(carbonization gas)、芥子氣(mustard gas)、煤氣(town gas)、沼氣(swamp gas)、合成氣、催淚瓦斯(tear gas)、氣體推進劑(propellant gas)、溫室氣體、可燃氣(combustion gas)、水煤氣(water gas)、腸胃氣(wind gas)。
The gases themselves are usually invisible, but nevertheless every gas has a colour, even if it is hardly visible, but still visible with suitable equipment, which is, as far as I know, also unknown to our 'bright' and 'smart' heads of physics, who are dealing with this much more far-reaching matter than they can imagine. They have no idea, let alone any knowledge, of this either, and indeed they would be amazed if they could see even a part of all that Sfath has shown me with your technical possibilities and showed me what will remain hidden to us earthlings with all our poor means in the world of physics for centuries to come.
這些氣體本身通常是看不見的,但儘管如此,每一種氣體都有顏色,即使幾乎看不見,但用適當的設備還是可以看見的,據我所知,我們的“聰明”和“精明”的物理學負責人們也不知道,他們處理的這件事比他們想像的要深遠得多。他們根本不知道,更不用說什麼知識了,事實上,如果他們能看到 Sfath 用你們的技術向我展示的所有東西,哪怕只是一部分,他還向我展示了在未來的幾個世紀裡,在物理學的世界裡,以我們這些貧乏的方法,目前對地球人來說仍然是被隱藏起來的東西,他們會感到驚訝。
What I say again, that does not really belong to what you want to explain. Excuse me, because I am simply always overwhelmed by explanations …
Yes, I know that, but it is a good thing, because you are used to adding remarks in order to present a matter in the best possible way, which makes it possible to understand the facts clearly. And this is not the case with earthly teachers of all kinds, because they have not acquired this ability, although it would be of great importance.
But back to what the real issue was: the poisonous gases in the atmosphere, which are as unknown to terrestrial physics as the fact that they settle on everything material, just as they would have settled directly on the outer shell of our flying apparatus, could have endangered our health if we had come into contact with them, and so we eliminated them by radiating heat. And this radiation was also dangerous for all living beings, so my daughter Semjase was also not allowed to come into direct contact with the trees used for film and image work, which were then projected. Our technology in the flying apparatuses produced a thermal radiation, which acts in the same way as solar radiation on the surface of living things of every genus and species, but only more intense and therefore dangerous and destructive. As you know, when solar radiation is used as a starting point, insolation forms the flux that impinges on a part of objects and irradiates them. This …
但回到真正的問題上:大氣層中有毒的超細氣體,對地球的物理學來說是未知的,它們會落在一切物質上,就像它們會直接落在我們飛行器的外殼上一樣,如果我們接觸到它們,就可能會危及我們的健康,所以我們通過輻射熱的方式來消除它們。而這種輻射對所有的生物來說也是危險的,所以我女兒 Semjase 也不允許直接接觸用於錄影和拍攝工作的樹木,所以對其進行了投影處理。我們的飛行器產生了一種熱輻射,這種熱輻射的作用就像太陽輻射一樣,會作用於各種生物的表面,只是更加強烈,因此具有危險性和破壞性。就像你所知道的,當以太陽輻射為出發點時,日照形成的日光流量(flux)會衝擊到物體的一部分,並照射它們。這...
Excuse me if I interrupt you, because if you are talking about objects now, then I think that you are probably not only talking about the flow of the incident natural solar radiation or solar radiation into the atmosphere and onto the surface of the sea and the surface of the earth, but also in relation to all of nature, its fauna and flora and all of the ecosystems and all of the material and living things in general in relation to direct radiation onto everything that arises in relation to a dependence on insolation, on solar radiation, right?
That is correct – what am I supposed to explain to you, Eduard, when you already know it?
沒錯 —— 既然你已經知道了,愛德華,那我還能給你解釋什麼呢?
Sorry, I just wanted to make sure. Let's forget it then. But what is it about what I asked – about Hinwil?
對不起,我只是想確認一下。那就算了吧。但我問的是什麼 —— 關於欣維爾(Hinwil)的事呢?
As far as the film and the pictures outside Hinwil are concerned, the place and its surroundings are called 'Frogslexes', as my daughter mentioned. My daughter also projected the tree there, a large fir tree, from the surrounding forest onto the meadow, about 10 – 12 metres away from a building that is also shown in the film and the pictures in the background.
就欣維爾外面的電影和照片而言,那個地方和周圍的環境叫做“Frogslexes”,就像我女兒提到的那樣。我女兒還把那裡的一棵樹,一棵大杉樹,從周圍的森林裡投射到草地上,距離一棟建築大約 10 ~ 12 公尺,這棟建築在影片的背景中也看得到。
Fine, thanks. So then we have this. Unfortunately only a small piece of old film exists today. I don't have any film left at all, but what I do have is about 200 photos, because most of them have disappeared without a trace, far more than 1300. Among them were also the 36 slides of the 'Frogslexen'. At every place where I had to take pictures, I always took the whole film, just their 36 slides. From various places where I had to make films and photos, various films and slides disappeared without trace from my office at Wihaldenstrasse 10 in Hinwil during the first few days after work, before I was able to take them to Mr Bear for development. How and who stole everything and made it disappear, I can only guess. More and more films and photos also disappeared in the course of time. Furthermore, my originals were, as Schmid, the photographer, emphasised again and again, falsified and 'hung up' and copies were made of them in collaboration and under control of 'Men in Black' who were CIA people, while these people took my originals, as he said when I confronted him. The whole thing was supposedly done to give the impression that I was photographing suspended models. So a lot of my films and photos had been manipulated, which I only noticed a long time later, after he gave me back some of my material. The missing material was taken away by the CIA people, who also manipulated and falsified the Asket photograph. Over and over again he explained that these people had forced him to do everything and that he had to do it. Furthermore, he was afraid, as he complained again and again.
好吧,謝謝。那麼我們還有這個。遺憾的是,如今只有一小部分老影片還存在。我根本沒有留下任何底片,但是我有的就是 200 張左右的照片,因為遠遠超過 1,300 張的照片大部分已經消失得無影無蹤,包括 Froschlexen 的 36 張幻燈片。在每一個要拍照的地方,我總是把整部片子拍下來,只拍他們的 36 張幻燈片。從我要拍影片和照片的各個地方,在我下班後的頭幾天,我都還沒來得及拿去給 Bear 先生沖洗,各種底片和幻燈片從我在欣維爾的維哈登(Wihaldenstrasse)大街 10 號的辦公室裡就消失得無影無蹤。是怎麼偷的?誰偷走了這一切?我只能猜測。隨著時間的推進,越來越多的底片和照片消失了。此外,我的原件被攝影師 Schmid 偽造了,他一再強調,是在“黑衣人”(Men in Black)的合作和控制下進行的,他們是美國中央情報局的人,他們提供了“吊線”,並將有吊線的版本複製了下來,而這些人卻拿走了我的原件,就像我和他對質時他說的那樣。整件事據說是為了給人一種我在拍攝懸空模型的印象。所以我的很多底片和照片都被篡改了,但我是在很久以後,他把我的一些資料還給我之後才發現的。丟失的材料是被中情局的人拿走了,他們還竄改並偽造了 Asket 的照片。他一再解釋說,一切都是這些人逼迫他而他不得不這樣做。此外,他再三抱怨說,他已經害怕了。
Various of my films and photos were also handled by Martin Sorge, who had received them from … because … everything was stolen that was possible, which is why there was also a dispute with a neighbour over a stolen, very expensive finger ring, as well as police stories and trouble with the boss and a saleswoman at Migros – over stolen bacon. I also stole and sold … my 8mm original films as well as copies, for Fr. 1000.00, as I only found out many years later from Michael Hesemann, because he wanted to buy a copy of a film when he was still a teenager, but of course he couldn't afford it as a trainee, because where would he have got so much money from!
我的各種底片和照片也是由 Martin Sorge 處理的,他從... 因為... 所有可能的東西都被偷了,這就是為什麼還因為一枚非常昂貴卻被偷的戒子而與鄰居發生爭執的原因,還有員警的故事,以及與 Migros 的老闆和一位女售貨員的麻煩 —— 因為被偷的培根。我還偷賣了.... 我的 8 毫米原版底片和拷貝,花了 1,000 法郎,很多年後我才從 Michael Hesemann 那裡得知,因為他在十幾歲的時候就想買一部影片的拷貝,但他還是一個實習生,當然買不起,因為他從哪裡弄來這麼多錢呢?!
And then there was … to whom I gave all my films and slides for administration, but this person also stole like a magpie and sold my original slides and photo prints, thus amassing a small fortune, which was enough for him and his brother, who had the private pilot's license, to rent a twin-engined Piper Aztec, which I had previously rented myself from the small airport Lommis in the canton of Thurgau – where Bernadette (note: the name of the airport was not known to me) had been based. where Bernadette (note: in her spare time) worked and where I also met her there – to Belp/Berne, because the pilot sitting next to me allowed me to do so. The data of this machine are quite interesting, so I will look it up at Wikipedia and add it to my explanation.
還有... 我把我所有的底片和幻燈片都交給他管理,但這個人還是像喜鵲(magpie;有收集零碎東西癖好的人)一樣偷東西,把我的原版幻燈片和照片拷貝賣掉,從而積攢了一筆小錢,這筆錢足夠他和他的弟弟(他有私人飛行員執照)租一架雙引擎的 Piper Aztec 飛機,這架飛機是我以前自己從圖爾高州(Thurgau)洛米斯(Lommis)鎮的小機場(我不知道機場的名字)租來的,那是 Bernadette 曾在那裡工作(業餘時間)的地方,我也在去貝爾普/伯恩(Belp/Berne)那裡遇到了她,因為飛行員讓我坐在他旁邊。這架飛機的資料相當有趣,所以我在維基百科上查了一下,並將其內容加到我的說明中。
(Wikipedia: Piper Aztec ; Piper PA-23 Aztec; Piper PA-23-250 Aztec C; Type: Business aircraft
(維基百科:Piper Aztec;Piper PA-23 Aztec;Piper PA-23-250 Aztec C;類型:商用飛機
Country of drafting: United States
Manufacturer: Piper Aircraft Corporation
First flight: 1 October 1958
Production period: 1959-1981
Number of pieces: 4930
首次飛行:1958 年 10 月 1 日
生產期:1959 年 ~ 1981 年
架數:4930 架
The Piper PA-23 Aztec is a twin-engine light aircraft manufactured by Piper Aircraft Corporation of the US and is the successor to the Piper PA-23 Apache. The aircraft went into production in 1959 and was built until early 1982. It has very good-natured, safe flight characteristics and requires only a short take-off distance.
Piper PA-23 Aztec 是美國派珀飛機公司生產的雙引擎輕型飛機,是 Piper PA-23 Apache 的後續機型。該機於 1959 年開始批量生產,一直生產到 1982 年初。它具有非常良好的品質、安全的飛行特性,且只需要很短的起飛距離。
The type was initially developed from a converted PA-23 Apache under the designation Piper PA-27 Aztec. In October 1957, Piper received approval from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (CAA) to rename the type 'PA-23-250', allowing the existing type certification of the Apache to continue to be used. However, the Aztecs were produced with serial numbers starting with '27-'. (instead of 23-).
該型機最初是由 PA-23 Apache 改裝而成,名稱為 Piper PA-27 Aztec。1957 年 10 月,派珀公司得到美國聯邦航空管理局(CAA)的批准,將該型飛機重新命名為 PA-23-250,允許繼續使用 Apache 的現有型號認證。但是,Aztecs 的生產序號以 27- 開頭(而不是 23-)。
In the USA the pattern is also known as 'AzTruck' because of the high possible payload and the rather low cruising speed of about 240 km/h TAS.
在美國,這種機型也被稱為 AzTruck,因為它有可能的高有效載荷和相當低的巡航速度—— 約達每小時 240 公里的實際空速(TAS)。
The aircraft is powered by two clockwise rotating six-cylinder boxer engines of type 0-540 and IO-540 with 186 kW each and offers a maximum of 5 passengers in addition to the pilot. It is equipped with a hydraulically retractable landing gear. The landing flaps are also operated hydraulically.
該機由兩台 0-540 和 IO-540 型順時針旋轉的六缸拳擊手發動機提供動力,每台發動機的功率為 186 千瓦,除飛行員外,最多可搭載 5 名乘客。它配備了一個液壓伸縮式起落架。起落副翼也是液壓操作的。
The first Aztec series, the Aztec A, still has the short nose of the Apache 235 without front luggage compartment. Only with the introduction of the B-series was the fuselage nose lengthened to provide more luggage space. At the same time the number of seats was increased from 5 to 6.
第一款 Aztec 系列的 Aztec A,仍然採用 Apache 235 的短機頭,沒有前行李艙。直到 B 系列的問世,機身機頭才被加長,以提供更大的行李空間。同時座位數也從 5 個增加到 6 個。
With the introduction of the C-Series in 1964, petrol injection engines were offered as standard, with turbochargers available as an option. Radiator flaps were introduced on the engine nacelles. In the D, E and F series, the main changes were then to make the instrument panel and the arrangement of the controls more ergonomic. For the E and F series, the fuselage nose was again lengthened.
1964 年,C 系列推出後,汽油噴射發動機成為標準配置,渦輪增壓器也可作為選裝配置。發動機機艙上引入了散熱器擋板。在 D、E 和 F 系列中,主要變化是使儀錶盤和控制裝置的佈置更加符合人體工學。而在 E 和 F 系列中,機身機頭再次進行了加長。
Piper PA-23 Aztec: Usage: Amongst others, the US Navy bought twenty of them and used them as UO-1 (from 1962: U-11).
Piper PA-23 Aztec 用途:美國海軍購買了 20 架,並將其作為 UO-1 使用(1962 年起:U-11)。
Until about the end of the 1980s, this aircraft type was mainly in commercial service with small airlines; private operation was rather rare.
直到 20 世紀 80 年代末,這種類型的飛機主要在小型航空公司進行商業服務,私人使用相當罕見。
Due to the high fuel costs (consumption approx. 100 l AvGas per hour) and the high maintenance requirements, commercial operation is no longer profitable today. However, they are still used in the Caribbean, where the aircraft have a high payload and high speed is not necessarily a priority.
由於燃料成本高(每小時消耗約 100 公升 AvGas)以及維修要求高,目前商業運營已不再有利可圖。不過,在加勒比海地區仍在使用這種飛機,因為這種飛機的有效載荷很高,而速度在那裡並不重要。
Six aircraft of this type are currently registered in Germany.
目前有 6 架該型飛機在德國註冊。
Technical data (PA 23-250 Aztec C)
技術資料(PA 23-250 Aztec C)
Piper Aztec B: Characteristics Data: Crew 1; passengers 5; length 9.51 m; wingspan 11.3 m; height 3.14 m; area of wings 19.3 m²; empty weight 1500 kg; take-off weight 2360 kg; range 1900 km; service ceiling 6100 m; maximum speed 340 km/h; max. rate of climb 460 m/min
Piper Aztec B 特性數據:機員 1 人;乘客 5 人;長 9.51 公尺;翼展 11.3 公尺;高 3.14 公尺;機翼面積 19.3 平方公尺;空重 1500 公斤;起飛重量 2360 公斤;航程 1900 公里;飛行高度上限 6100 公尺;最大速度每小時 340公里;最大爬升率每分鐘 460 公尺。
Engines two 6-cylinder boxer engines Lycoming IO-540-C4B5, 250 hp each (186 kW)
兩台 6 缸箱式發動機 Lycoming IO-540-C4B5,每台 250 馬力(186千瓦)
What came out of all this as a whole story was that about 2 years later the two brothers flew to Africa in the Congo with the rented plane and 1 or 2 passengers and spent 3 months on holiday there. When they came back, both of them were not with us in the FIGU for much longer, but dropped out. I had to be glad that I still got some of my film and photo material back, just the 200 or so pictures I still have today.
整件事的來龍去脈是,大約兩年後,兄弟倆帶著租來的飛機和 1、2 名乘客飛往非洲剛果,在那裡度了三個月的假。回來的時候,他們兩個人都沒有在我們 FIGU 多待,而是退出了。我不得不慶倖自己還能拿回一些膠捲和照片資料,只是我現在還保留著大約 200 張照片。
Your statements are much more than I was aware of before, because my daughter Semjase did not give me any information about them.
你的說法比我之前知道的要多得多,因為我的女兒 Semjase 沒有給我任何關於他們的資訊。
That is probably because you are individually responsible for your tasks and do not talk about your work among yourselves.
This is correct and was also the case with my father, so it is only now, while reading and looking up his annals, that I am learning what really happened and what has happened during the times of his work on Earth and with you. And in the process I also learn about events which he did not talk to you about, so that he also left you in the dark about various events, occurrences and all kinds of results. He also gave reasons for this, which I find understandable, but which are no longer relevant today. This for once, as he also advised you to keep silent about many facts, some of them even for your whole life, which you will undoubtedly keep. I know from the annals what it is about, which is why I do not want to talk about it now or later, because you know much more than just what my father wrote and what I am not supposed to know either, as a special note suggests.
And as for your silence, which you learned from my father, I would like to say that it was good, because if you hadn't been silent and had you not known to a certain extent …
All right, Ptaah, I don't want to talk about it. It is also not necessary, because I never broke my word that I gave to Sfath, because I kept my mouth shut.
好吧,Ptaah,我不想談這個問題。這也沒有必要,因為我從來沒有違背我對 Sfath 的承諾,因為我始終都守口如瓶。
I know that, but it is written in my father's annals that you no longer have to keep your silence on certain matters, such as when people have died and are no longer exposed to any danger that could harm them in any way, such as serious punishment under civil or military law, but also danger to their lives, their work, their partnership, neighbourhood or family peace, etc.
Yes, now that you mention it, but I simply completely forgot about it when I was a boy, because silence became a secular act or a uniqueness of something very extraordinary for me early on, which became a life behaviour of honour and dignity for me, in relation to myself as well as in relation to every human being, all living things, the laws of nature, all ecosystems, nature and its fauna and flora, the universe as well as in relation to everything creative in general. This silence also taught me to think through everything and anything thoroughly, to judge, decide, determine and consequently act according to reason and reason. And above all, it also prevented me from endlessly yapping a hole full of words and from endlessly babbling, self-referential and important, about something for which a few words would suffice. But the swashbucklers don't get it, and their gibberish only bores those who seem to be listening, who in reality don't listen, but very quickly lose interest in the babbling and lamenting of those who only superficially talk about it, and consequently nothing is learned or followed.
It may well sound banal and stupid to many human beings that silence leads to a consequence of logical reasoning and thus to the construction and use of logical thoughts, but effectively this is formed from silence as a leaping fact, as an ability. And only this makes it possible to grasp profound thoughts, to sort them out, to build them up, and accordingly to carry out clear and logical reasoning. And only through this can logical knowledge be gained and correct decisions and resolutions be made, which are also acted upon and, as a rule, everything is done correctly.
And this corresponds to a teaching that already benefits us Plejaren through parental education. And as for your explanation, my father has made a special note in his notes, namely that he did not teach you this knowledge, but that you gained it yourself, and that you oriented yourself to it.
對於這些教導,經由父母的教育,我們 Plejaren 已經受益匪淺。而對於你的說法,我父親在他的筆記中特別作了註明,也就是他並沒有教過你這些知識,而是你自己獲得的,並且是你自己熟悉了這些知識。
It just came about because I felt the need to live in honour and dignity from an early age and also to maintain honour and dignity in an appropriate manner towards everything and everyone. But I could only do this by keeping silent about many things, events, occurrences and situations, views, opinions and actions, etc. that came to me with and through other human beings, in addition to what Sfath told me to keep silent.
之所以會這樣,只是因為我從小就覺得要以榮譽和尊嚴的方式生活,並以適當的方式維護每件事和每個人的榮譽和尊嚴。但我只能做到這一點,除了 Sfath 讓我保持沉默外,關於太多的事情、事件、遭遇和情况、觀點、意見和行動,以及通過其他人而來的的事情等等,我都只能保持沉默,但卻給了我深刻的思考和考慮,以便找到關鍵點。
All those who talk a lot would have to do this, because then also those who are addressed would become listeners, who would only be uninterested in hearing the speech of those who like to listen to themselves talk, but would hear those important facts which are not just said for the sake of unnecessary and banal speech.
You have great desires, my friend, which should reach the ears of those who talk a lot, but I think that if that happens, then still neither thought about nor action will be taken. But if it is taken up, then the action is taken once or twice at most, and then everything is forgotten, and consequently the old way of talking is continued, so that those who are not listening also continue to sleep inside themselves, nothing is heard and also nothing is understood, nothing is learned and nothing is changed. But to philosophize about this is nonsensical, because what you mentioned about the fact that the silence no longer needs to be kept when there is no longer any danger for certain people, such as when they have died, is more important. You also said something that Sfath did not tell me anything about, but which I should perhaps know today?
我的朋友,你有很偉大的願望,這些願望確實應該傳到那些話多的人耳朵裡,但我認為,如果這樣的話,那麼他們還是既不會想到,也不會採取什麼行動。但如果採取了,那麼行動最多也就一兩次,然後就什麼都忘了,結果還是繼續用老的方式運作,所以那些不聽話的人也繼續在自己的內心沉睡,什麼都聽不到,也什麼都不明白,什麼都學不到,什麼都不改變。但是,把這個問題哲學化是毫無意義的,因為你提到當某些人不再有任何危險的時候,例如他們已經死了,就不需要再保持沉默,這點很重要。你還說了一些 Sfath 沒有告訴我,但我今天或許應該知道的事情,對嗎?
Yes, there are certain things you should know, but only that you know, without any special importance being attached to it, because for the most part they are facts that concern the past, but only few that concern the future.
Aha, but do you know, whether I still learn something from the past or not, it is not as if it is still relevant today, is it? But as far as things of the future are concerned, which your father Sfath didn't tell me, if he fathomed them in the future, I know that he also didn't tell me some things about this, but maybe it would be good to know today. And as for old things, which I no longer need to keep quiet about, I don't know what would be important to talk about.
嗯哼,可是你知道嗎?不管我是否還能從過去學到什麼,對今天都不會有什麼影響,不是嗎?不過,關於未來的事情,你父親 Sfath 並沒有告訴我,如果他在未來探索的時候預知到了什麼,我知道他也沒有告訴我這方面的事情,但也許今天知道也很好。至於過去的事,我已經不需要再保密了,而我也不知道有什麼重要的事情要談。
For you it would probably not be important, because you consider everything as over and forgotten, as you say often enough in our conversations, but the facts to be mentioned correspond to an importance as information, which should be mentioned and finally be disclosed to all persons informatively in order to clarify previously veiled connections, which are unavoidable for understanding the whole of our contacts and all persons involved.
Once again Aha, and what do you understand by 'veiled connections', my son?
再說一遍,你對“被掩蓋的關聯”(veiled connections)是怎麼理解的,我的孩子?
Aha, then again 'my son', is also becoming rare. I would be honoured if it were indeed so. But to your question: My father never told you that even before you were born, he contacted Father Rudolf Emanuel Zimmermann personally, instructed him in his flying apparatus for several hours about your mission and let him see the planet and also the whole Earth from a great height from the perspective of his flying apparatus. He pledged to remain silent for the rest of his life, as did all the others who were later initiated into your mission in the same way and were allowed to enter his flying apparatus once. All you know is that my father Sfath had direct and unique personal contact with your first teacher, Karl Graf, at the beginning of your school days, and you attended classes 1 to 3 with him. He was the second person my father contacted regarding you. However, it also happened with teacher Gustav Lehmann, who, together with teacher Graf, corrected and edited your predictions without you knowing it, which were then sent out. However, you did not get to know teacher Lehman in person until years later, when you completed the 4th to 6th grade with him.
啊哈,你再次說“我的孩子”,這也是越來越少聽到了。如果真是這樣,我會感到很榮幸。不過對於你的問題:我父親從來沒有告訴過你,在你出生之前,他就親自聯繫了 Rudolf Emanuel Zimmermann 神父,並在他的飛行器裡指導了他幾個小時,告訴他你的任務,並讓他從飛行器的角度,從很高的地方看到整個地球。他承諾自己的餘生都要保持沉默,就像所有後來以同樣方式被啟動你的任務並被允許進入他的飛行器一次的人。你所知道的是,我父親 Sfath 在你上學之初,與你的第一位老師 Karl Graf 有直接而獨特的個人接觸,他從一到三年級教你,他是我父親就你的事情聯繫的第二個人。然而,同樣的情況也發生在 Gustav Lehmann 老師身上,他和 Graf 老師一起,在你不知情的情況下,對你的預測進行了修改和編輯,然後發出去。然而,你直到多年後才認識了 Lehman 老師本人,你在他那裡完成了四到六年級的學習。
Because Teacher Graf often talked to you about your mission and you often brought up questions of a psychological nature which he could not answer, he sought the acquaintance of the pastor's son Professor Carl Gustav Jung, which Pastor Zimmermann arranged for him, also contacting him and initiating him into the whole of your mission. He also committed himself to a lifelong silence and supported teacher Graf with regard to your questions, which they discussed together, after which teacher Graf could answer them after days or weeks.
因為 Graf 老師經常和你談起你的使命,你經常提出一些他無法回答的心理學問題,所以他找牧師的兒子卡爾.古斯塔夫.榮格(Carl Gustav Jung;瑞士心理學家、精神科醫師,分析心理學的創始者。)教授認識,Zimmermann 牧師為他安排,也和他聯繫,並向他介紹了你的整個使命。他還承諾終身沉默,並支援 Graf 老師對你的問題,他們一起討論,之後 Graf 老師可以在幾天或幾週後回答你的問題。
Well, I didn't know that, because your father Sfath never told me anything about that, except that with Teacher Graf. But I'm not really surprised about that, because I always knew that Sfath didn't tell me everything, just as I adopted his way of doing things and therefore didn't tell him certain things, which he also knew. Either way, certain things were simply taboo, so we didn't talk about them.
好吧,我不知道,因為你父親 Sfath 從來沒有告訴過我有關的任何事情,除了和 Graf 老師的那件事。但我對此並不感到奇怪,因為我一直知道 Sfath 並不是什麼都告訴我,就像我採用了他的做事方式,因此沒有告訴他某些事情,而他也知道。不管怎麼說,有些事情根本就是禁忌,所以我們不談。
This is in my father's annals, as well as other things about which you kept silent not only to me but also to my daughter Semjase. Asket also explained that you both behaved in the way she explained to me when I was with her and Semjase to inquire about what you were asking me questions about.
這一點在父親的記載事項中也有提到,還有其他的事情,你不僅對我,而且對我女兒 Semjase 也保持沉默。Asket 還解釋說,你們兩個人也有過這樣的情況,當我和她以及 Semjase 在一起的時候,她就向我解釋過,詢問你向我提問的事情。
Yes what, did Asket actually complain to you that I also did not tell her everything?
是啊,什麼?!Asket 真的向你抱怨我也沒有把一切都告訴她?
No, there was no complaint, because she was talking about the usual way you know from our behaviour and you also behave in the same way. During our conversation, however, it turned out that she mentioned Wendelle Stevens and said that she also knew him personally. She did not want to go into further explanations, but referred me to you, which I also did and you asked me to ask her again for the place and date of your first meeting with Wendelle Stevens. Only a few days later did she tell me more about your and her first and further acquaintance with him. He was also strictly sworn to secrecy and was not allowed to talk to anyone about your early acquaintance. This was also not the case when the predetermined official path to official acquaintance with him via Lou Zinsstag – Professor C.G. Jung was a distant uncle to her – had come about. Your much earlier acquaintance with Wendelle Stevens, however, as Asket explained, had to remain as secret as her contact with him. He was under constant surveillance by the secret service and also had to answer questions on several occasions, but because he was silent and gave no information about what was suspected about him, false accusations were made against him, which he silently accepted and was therefore innocently sentenced to a longer prison term. Nevertheless, he continued to remain silent because otherwise he would have been accused of endangering the state and would have had to spend his last life as a prisoner. But now that he has gone, as Asket said when I asked her that she would probably not have to keep her silence anymore, she gave some dates where and when you first saw and met Wendelle Stevens. According to her, that was in the United States of America on 14 May 1969, in an area called Casa Adobes, but where the three of you had been several times until 1975, in areas Asket called 'Saguoro area', 'Javslina Rocks', 'Pine top Lake' and 'Gila Bend'.
不,沒有任何抱怨的問題,因為她說的是平常的事,從我們的行為中你就知道,而你的行為也是如此。不過,在我們的談話中,原來她提到了 Wendelle Stevens,說她本人也認識他。她不想再去解釋,而是把我介紹給你,我也是這樣做的,你讓我再向她詢問你和 Wendelle Stevens 第一次見面的地點和日期。幾天後,她才告訴我更多關於你和她與他第一次和進一步認識的情況。他也嚴格發誓保密,不允許對任何人說起你們早年相識的事。當初是經由 Lou Zinsstag —— 卡爾.古斯塔夫.榮格(C. G. Jung)教授是她的遠房舅舅 —— 與他正式相識的預定管道也不是這樣的。然而,你與 Wendelle Stevens 的認識要早得多,正如 Asket 所解釋的那樣,必須和她與他的接觸一樣保持秘密。他一直處於特務機關的監視之下,也不得不多次回答問題,但由於他保持沉默,對懷疑他的事情不作任何說明,所以有人對他提出了誣告,他默默地接受了,因此被無辜地判處了較長的刑期。但是,他還是繼續保持沉默,因為如果不這樣做,他就會被指控為危害國家罪,就只能在監獄裡度過餘生。但現在他已經走了,正如 Asket 所說,當我問她,她可能不必再保持沉默時,她說出了一些日期,你在哪裡和什麼時候第一次看到和見到 Wendelle Stevens。據她說,那是 1969 年 5 月 14 日在美國,在一個叫卡薩斯阿道比斯(Casa Adobes)的地區,但在 1975 年之前,你們三個人曾多次到過那裡,Asket 稱那裡為“巨人柱國家公園”(Saguoro area)、“標槍岩”(Javelina Rocks)、“松頂湖”(Pine top Lake)和“希拉本德”(Gila Bend)。
Asket also told me that she had given Wendelle Stevens the date and location of a forthcoming secret test flight concerning a secret new type of fighter aircraft, the F 117A, which was to take place in June 1981 in an area called Groom Lake. He was tempted to use it to penetrate and hide in the area and then, when the test flight was made, to take a large number of photographs at the risk of his life. If he had been noticed by the many guards who were securing the whole area, he would have been shot immediately without a phone call, as Asket said.
Asket 還告訴我,她曾給 Wendelle Stevens 提供了一個即將進行的秘密試飛的日期和地點,內容涉及一種秘密的新型戰鬥機 F 117A(即「F-117 夜鷹戰鬥攻擊機」),該試飛將於 1981 年 6 月在一個叫“古魯姆湖”(Groom Lake)的地區進行。他很想利用它在該地區進行滲透和隱藏,然後在試飛時,冒著生命危險拍攝大量照片。如果他被守衛整個區域的眾多警衛發現,就會像 Asket 說的那樣,不用警示就會立即被擊斃。
[中譯者註:「F-117 夜鷹戰鬥攻擊機」(F-117 Nighthawk)是美國空軍的一種隱身戰鬥攻擊機,也是世界上第一款完全以隱形技術設計的飛機。F-117 由洛克希德公司(Lockheed Corporation)設計生產,它的原型技術直接來源於「擁藍」(Have Blue)計劃。
F-117 在 1991 年波斯灣戰爭時發揮了極大的作用。在大約 1,300 次任務,6905 個飛行小時之中,F-117 成功摧毀了 1,600 個高價值目標,超過全部戰略目標的 40%。雖然 F-117 在歷次空中攻擊任務中表現出其極為重要的價值,但由於軍費削減之原因,美國國防部於 2006 年決定在數年內將所有的 F-117 退出現役。2008 年 4 月,F-117 正式退出作戰序列,並於 2008 年 8 月進行了它的最後一次飛行。
美國空軍的 F-117
And while I'm on the subject of taking pictures of a fighter plane, I would like to ask you what happened at the so-called Maiwinkel, where similar pictures were also taken, when my daughter Semjase was followed by a Swiss Air Force fighter plane with her flying apparatus, which had a special purpose, as my daughter mentioned. But I am supposed to ask you about this, because you were responsible for a certain situation and incident at the time, but you are allowed to talk about it today, because the two persons involved in the matter are also deceased, as my daughter said, because she clarified this during her last visit to you on 4 September, because she knew from a future review that this matter would also be brought up.
而當我說到給戰鬥機拍照的時候,我想問你在所謂的 Maiwinkel 發生了什麼事,在那裡也拍了類似的照片,當時我女兒 Semjase 和她的飛船被瑞士空軍的一架戰鬥機跟蹤,正如我女兒所說的,那架飛機有特殊的目的。但是我本來是要問你這個問題的,因為當時你對某一個情況和事件是有責任的,但是今天讓你談這個問題,是因為涉及到這件事的兩個當事人都已經去世了,就像我女兒說的那樣,因為她在 9 月 4 日最後一次去看你的時候澄清了這件事情,因為她從未來的審查中知道這個事情也會被提出來。
Are all the secrets that I had to keep silent for so long to be revealed? This seems very strange to me, and I also wonder if it will be good?
What will happen has not been worked out by us, so a reaction can also be positive or negative, but it should not be taken into account, because the circumstances of the time require that these facts be known. This may have unpleasant consequences, as you rightly fear, but as always you will also be able to cope with them.
This is a great comfort, and it takes a load off my mind, but then the Himalayas hit me in the head, smashed my skull and rammed me into the ground, maybe just deep enough to go down to hell.
You are not a person of faith anyway, so it is not relevant from this point of view, because you are also used to let a thing, whatever it is, come to you and then dissect and deal with it.
Yes, but this is not exactly a comfort that could make me cheer. But when Semjase says that I should say what happened in the Maiwinkel, then so be it, which will not be a joy to some people who were in Dübendorf at the time when the military airport … well, it doesn't matter, then just what was then. One day an elderly man, whose name I will not mention in any case, no matter what happens, appeared to me and he declared that he and his colleague, a pilot of a Swiss Air Force flight squadron in Dübendorf, were convinced that I was really in contact with you Plejaren. They would both know several of my photos and would also like to take some of their own, so he asked if I could arrange this. Of course I told him that I could not determine that, and whether Semjase would even consider it, which was very questionable, but I could ask anyway. So I did, and after a period of reflection she also said that this would be possible if I could judge the man as having integrity, which I did because I could check that he was telling the truth from his personal identity card and various supporting documents. So I telephoned him and explained to him that Semjase agreed.
是的,但這並不完全是一種安慰,可以讓我歡欣鼓舞。但是,當 Semjase 說我應該談談在 Maiwinkel 發生的事情,那麼就這樣吧,這對一些當時在迪本多夫(德語:Dübendorf)的人來說,不會是一件愉快的事,當時軍用機場... 好吧,這不重要,那就只是當時的事情。有一天,一位老人,無論如何我都不會提及他的名字,無論發生什麼事,他出現在我面前,他宣稱他和他的同事,迪本多夫的瑞士空軍飛行中隊的飛行員,確信我真的和你們 Plejaren 有接觸。他們都會知道我的幾張照片,也想拍一些自己的照片,所以他問我是否可以安排。當然我告訴他,我無法確定 Semjase 是否會考慮,這非常值得懷疑的,但我還是可以問一下。於是我就這樣做了,經過一段時間的思考,她也說如果我能判斷這個人有誠信的話,就可以這樣做,我也這樣做了,因為我可以從他的個人身份證和各種證明檔中查到他說的是實話。於是我打電話給他,向他說 Semjase 同意了。
The man came back to me after my phone call, whereby he then also came out with the request and the question what he and his colleague really wanted, namely firstly, whether a certain day and time as well as a precise place could be fixed for it, because he and his colleague had something in mind which could be evidence for me. When he told me what he and his colleague had in mind to do with the project, I was left with no more spit. But then, when I was sure that the man – and of course his colleague as well – was serious about what he was proposing, I asked Semjase whether she would go along with it. She asked for three days to think it over, after which she said yes, and then it went ahead. And that was when the man – his name was … … by the way, he was 53 years old and appeared in his uniform while taking the photos – and I were able to take the photos in the Maiwinkel. Unfortunately, the 8mm film I made and the whole slide film disappeared without a trace at my home, as did many other things, so that today there is only one photograph left, in which the beamships of Semjase and the Swiss Air Force aircraft are shown together. As for the photos that the man took and what he and his colleague did with them, I don't know. Only once did I hear from them, about 14 days later, when the man telephoned me and explained that all his photographs had been well taken and that he would keep them safe.
在我打完電話後,那個人又來找我,他隨後也說出了他和他的同事真正想要的要求和問題,即首先,是否可以確定一個確切的日期和時間地點,因為他和他的同事要做的事情,可以作為我的證據。當他告訴我他和他的同事對這個項目有什麼想法時,我已經啞口無言了。但後來,當我確定這個人 —— 當然也包括他的同事 —— 對他提出的建議是認真的時候,我就問 Semjase 是否願意配合。她要求給她三天時間考慮,之後她說願意,然後就去做了。就在這時,那個人 —— 他的名字叫 ╳╳,對了,他 53 歲,拍照時穿著軍裝出現 —— 我和他得以在 Maiwinkel 拍照。可惜的是,我拍的 8 毫米底片和整張幻燈片膠捲在我家消失得無影無蹤,其他很多東西也是如此,以至於今天只剩下一張照片,其中 Semjase 的飛船和瑞士空軍的飛機在一起。至於那個人拍的照片,以及他和他的同事用這些照片做了什麼,我不知道。只有一次,大約十四天後,那人打電話給我,解釋說他的照片都拍得很好,他會妥善保管。
Until about the middle of this year 2020 I heard nothing more from these two, just from the man and his colleague, the pilot, until one day Michael V. said that he had been with Erwin Mürner and that the latter had told him that the pilot, who at that time was flying his fighter plane around Semjase's beamships in Maiwinkel, had been with Erwin and had confirmed the matter to him. Erwin had secretly recorded the conversation with a tape recorder after he had located the pilot who was flying the fighter plane at the time. Although I had recently been able to listen to part of his testimony when Michael received a copy of the recording from Erwin, the sound quality was very poor, so that hardly anything could be understood correctly. Whether Michael will then receive any more sound material, and whether Erwin will publish anything at all, is just as questionable as how long he will live – I mean, he is already 88 years old.
直到大約在今(2020)年年中,我沒有再聽到這兩個人的消息,只是聽到那個人和他的同事,那個飛行員的消息,直到有一天,Michael V. 說他和 Erwin Mürner 在一起,後者告訴他,那個飛行員當時正駕駛著他的戰機在 Maiwinkel 的 Semjase 的飛船附近繞行,他和 Erwin 在一起,並向他確認了這件事。Erwin 在找到當時駕駛戰機的飛行員後,偷偷用答錄機錄下了這段對話。雖然最近 Michael 收到 Erwin 的錄音副本時,我曾聽過他的部分證詞,但音質很差,幾乎沒有任何東西能正確理解。隨後,Michael 是否會收到更多的聲音材料,以及 Erwin 是否會出版任何東西,就像他能活多久一樣值得懷疑 —— 我是說,他已經 88 歲了。
Considerable for an Earth human beings. But as far as your explanation is concerned, you didn't really say what I wanted to know, because, as you sometimes say on certain occasions, you 'talked around the porridge of what is really important'. And that, my friend, is something I know from our conversations when you don't want to talk about something, as you apparently do now, although I don't know why, because you speak only vaguely of the concept, but not of the broad outlines of what came to pass.
對於一個地球人類來說是很相當可觀的。但就你的解釋而言,你並沒有真正說出我想知道的東西,因為,正如你有時在某些場合所說的那樣,你“繞著真正重要的東西含糊其辭”(talked around the porridge of what is really important)。而這一點,我的朋友,我從我們的談話中知道,當你不想談論某件事情時,就像你現在顯然是這樣做的,雖然我不知道為什麼,因為你只含糊地講了概念,但沒有講到事情發生的大致輪廓。
Well, you're right, but it is always the silence that I have to keep, and when I'm no longer bound by it, because for some reason it no longer has to be kept, then the inhibition comes automatically, and so I talk 'around the porridge'. But well, the thing was this: The two of them, Mr. …, and the pilot agreed with each other, as I was told, according to a prearranged flight plan for a training flight which the pilot had to carry out, in which he would deviate for a short time from his actual flight area and turn up at the appointed time at the Maiwinkel. Semjase was then to turn up with her beamships at the exact same time, and the pilot would then conduct a sham hunt with his fighter for a maximum of two minutes just to mislead any observers that there was an effective pursuit of a UFO. Furthermore, Mr. Herr said, "contrary to the exercise plan, the whole thing would be carried out completely unofficially and would also not be officially recorded. What he also stipulated was that the exact effective date and time of the whole thing should not be given if I were to publish my photos, because that would be dangerous for him and the pilot. So he mentioned the date of 14.4.1976, which I should mention as the date my photos were taken, because that would not cause any problems for him and his colleague.
嗯,你說的沒錯,但我總是要保持沉默,當我不再被保密所束縛時,是因為某種原因不再需要保密,但那種克制力還是會自動出現,於是我就會“含糊其辭”(around the porridge)說話。但好吧,事情是這樣的。據我所知,他們兩位 ╳╳ 先生和飛行員相互約定,按照預先制定的飛行計畫,飛行員必須進行一次訓練飛行,在訓練飛行中,他將短暫地偏離實際飛行區域,並在指定時間出現在 Maiwinkel。然後 Semjase 帶著她的飛船在同一時間出現,然後飛行員將用他的戰鬥機進行最長兩分鐘的假獵殺,以誤導任何觀察者,讓他們以為對 UFO 進行了有效的追捕。此外,Herr 先生說:與演習計畫相反,整個過程將完全以非官方的方式進行,也不會有正式的記錄。他還規定的是,如果我要公佈我的照片,就不要公布整個事情的具體日期和時間,因為這對他和飛行員來說都很危險。所以,他提到 1976 年 4 月 14 日,我應該把這個日期說成是我的照片拍攝的日期,因為這不會給他和他的同事帶來任何麻煩。
When I reported everything about Mr. … Semjase's request, she somehow enjoyed it and agreed to explore the place in Maiwinkel from where he and I were to take the film and photo shots. She also said that I should explain to him, which of course I did, that he and his colleague could not be worried that their beamships could not be observed by the population, because for our cameras, for us and for the pilot they would only open a viewing wedge, as she often did, so that the beamships and at the same time everything could be seen, filmed and photographed in a completely normal way, but outside these two viewing wedges the beamships were not visible. Semjase, as I said before, had already done this on other occasions. So the whole thing also went off without a hitch.
當我把 ╳╳ 先生的要求全部告訴 Semjase 時,她不知為何很高興,同意我和他在 Maiwinkel 拍攝膠捲和照片的地方去探索。她還說,我應該向他解釋,當然我也這樣做了,他和他的同事可以不用擔心他們的飛船不能被人們觀察到,因為對於我們的相機,對於我們和飛行員來說,他們只會打開一個楔型觀察區(viewing wedge),就像她經常做的那樣,這樣,飛船和同時所有的東西都可以以完全正常的方式被看到、拍攝和拍照,但在這兩個楔型觀察區之外,飛船是看不到的。Semjase,就像我之前說的,在其他場合已經這樣做過了。所以,整個事情也順利進行了。
However, after Semjase's later detailed investigations, it turned out that in the entire Maiwinkel area the whole roar of the fighter plane was apparently only regarded as 'normal', as a training flight of the Swiss Air Force, which nobody really cared about, because such exercises were common in all areas at that time. Mr. … was then very eager and took his photos like mad, while I ran my film camera and took the slides with my little Olympus. That is the whole story of what is to be said about the Maiwinkel shots, my friend.
不過,經過 Semjase 後來的詳細調查,發現在整個 Maiwinkel 地區,戰機的整個轟鳴聲顯然只被認為是“正常”的,作為瑞士空軍的一次訓練飛行,其實沒有人在意,因為這種演習在當時所有地區都很常見。當時 ╳╳ 先生非常亢奮,瘋狂地拍著照片,而我則用我的膠捲相機,用我的小「奧林巴斯」(Olympus)拍著幻燈片。這就是關於 Maiwinkel 拍攝的全部故事,我的朋友。
How do you sometimes say that in some ways you look up your father and your mother on the one hand, and I think my daughter looks up her grandfather on the other.
Well, you are a little different, but that is the way it is, and we say 'to each his own'. But if you have no more questions?
沒錯,你們是有點不一樣,但就是這樣,我們說“各有所好”(to each his own)。但是否你現在沒有其他問題了?
No, because what I wanted to explain from my father's notes was detailed enough. If something else comes up, then I will ask for it again. But now, Eduard, my friend, I still have some things that we have to talk about together, but which is not meant to be called up and written down by you, because the following …
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