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Contact Report 775第775次接觸報告



英譯版本:2021829日,DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin

中譯版本:2021921日,DeepL Translator, James Hsu














This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



I am back already. Greetings, Eduard, my dear friend.



Greetings, my friend. It is good to see you back already. Welcome back. Here, as a continuation of this morning, I have two clippings from the 'Tages Anzeiger'. They just cannot help it, because they have to mention the FIGU and me in their newspaper all the time, it just doesn't work without that. But you have to be careful and slip away, because Eva is always over at the office and comes to the printer from time to time. Besides, I thought you wouldn't be back until night.

你好,我的朋友。很高興看到你再度過來。歡迎你。作為今天上午話題的繼續,在這裡我有兩張來自《Tages Anzeiger》的剪報。他們就是忍不住,因為他們必須在報紙上一直提到FIGU和我,不這樣就不行了。但你在這裡要提高警覺,必要時得悄悄閃開,因為Eva總是在辦公室那邊,偶爾會過來用印表機。而我以為你晚上才會過來。


It just turned out that my duty fulfilment was quicker than it was supposed to be. That's why I can already come back, which is a special need for me anyway. You don't have to worry about Eva, because I will be careful and she will not overhear our conversation either. Besides, I will be gone quickly if she comes into your workroom. But let me see what you have in your hands. … (reads) …



They must mention the FIGU in the first place. It is interesting, they just cannot do without it, because it seems that the FIGU does not give journalists a moment's peace. One way or another, they always have to mention you and us. It seems that the FIGU and we do not give them a moment's peace. It is interesting to note, by the way, that recently the aliens are again attracting more interest among Earth human beings, especially among those in space surveillance.



Seems so. But look here, Michael beamed this one onto my computer for me to ask you if this is real or fake. What do you say to that?



When I look at it like that, it seems real to me. It is known to me that this weapon here, which can be seen in action here, actually exists and is functional, even though nothing is officially known about it because it is considered classified. It seems to me that it is indeed real, although I cannot say anything further about it because we do not deal with these incidents. Meiners…



You are really on your toes. As quickly as you left …



That's no problem. I was just about to say – it is really sweet of Eva to take care of you – yes, I was just about to say that for my part there is actually no interest in how and where the strangers are operating. The only thing that is important to me is that we cannot be located by them.

這倒是沒問題。我正想說 —— Eva照顧你真的很貼心 —— 是的,我正想這麼說,其實那些陌生的外星人如何活動以及在哪裡活動我並不感興趣。對我來說唯一重要的是,我們不能被他們找到。


But our contacts are obviously known to them, because I am not holding back on the fact that we are …, well, you know what I mean.



The fact that they cannot locate us and cannot see us under any circumstances makes them live under the false assumption that our contacts are fictitious.



You say that so easily, because the guys can also think, so they can consequently draw their conclusions and act on them.



They really think that everything is fictitious, which is why they are content with that. They think in the same way as those Earth human beings who believe instead of thinking for themselves. They believe in the infallibility of their technology in the same way that religious Earth human beings believe in an imaginary God. Therefore, dear friend, they believe that we are pure fiction, as is also the case with all negators of the Earth human beings.



And they are really content with that?



Yes, for they have nothing like their technology, which aids their self-deception – sorrow I might even say. Their real thinking is still very deficient and determined by their technique, but not by truth and its reality.

是的,因為他們認為沒有什麼能比得上他們的技術,這助長了他們的自欺欺人 —— 我甚至可以說,這真是悲哀。他們仍然非常缺乏真正的思考能力,一切都依賴他們的技術,而不是由真相和現實狀況來下判斷。


Good, I understand, but look here, there I have the whole 2nd prediction from 1947 that you worked up from Sfath and that I was able to retrieve and write down. The one from the month of May 1947 Bernadette has already worked up and integrated in the book Predictions or something. I had completely forgotten about this prediction, so I no longer knew that I had already written something about predictions in May 1947. It is just a long time since then, and the second prediction of 1947 has now given about 35 pages, you can look through it little by little when we talk.



That is not necessary, because I know the contents, consequently I do not have to go through it yet. It will be necessary that I then photograph it and take it with me to archive it. Then we can move on to what we should discuss, I mean what I said this morning that we will discuss amongst ourselves.



As you hear, Eva goes over, presumably to the parlour because it's lunchtime. Then we will be undisturbed for the next while. Then at 1 o'clock I will go too, because I want to watch the news and see what's happening in the world outside.



That can be done, because I will leave then or come back later, maybe in the evening or at night.



Whatever you say. Anyway, it will be fine with me. What I think about the predictions, it will be good, as you say. I also think we can discuss the other things during the night or tomorrow, because I don't think there is any hurry, because first I would like to talk about what is happening on Earth, namely in Afghanistan, mainly through the Europeans and Americans who are withdrawing from the country as a result of the complete failure of the world domination airs. I feel the need to say something about this, because my thoughts revolve around it. The truth, of course, is that the Americans do not admit this, just as they are also silent about the fact that during the last 20 years of their occupation and failure, together with NATO troops – it was nothing else – they did not fight the IS that was spreading in the country. It is repeating itself, as it has also happened elsewhere before, especially in Vietnam and Korea, as I wrote in the predictions back in 1947. In Afghanistan, it is not only the Taliban who are at work, for even worse than them are those elements of the IS that have spread worldwide and are wreaking their religious-fanatic-political havoc especially in Africa. Although the IS fritters have more or less the same religion as the Taliban, they are much more thuggish, fanatical, conscienceless, massacring and, moreover, allergic to all progress and to everything Western, so that it is almost impossible to talk sense with them. In Afghanistan – thanks to the failure of the NATO troops, behind which is the Americans' greed for world domination, which the stupid people of NATO have not noticed until today – 2 fanatical religious groups will now stage their terror, one of which is worse than the other. This will lead to stink, because if two fanatical groups want to lead their sceptre and spread their madness, then everything will only get worse.

隨你的意思。總之,對我來說,這將是一件好事我對預測的看法是,就像你說的那樣,一切都會好起來的。我還認為我們可以在晚上或明天討論其他的事情,因為我認為不需要著急,因為首先我想談談地球上正在發生的事情,也就是在阿富汗,主要是因為歐洲人和美國人想統治世界的企圖徹底失敗,於是從該國撤出。我覺得有必要對這方面說些什麼,因為我的想法一直圍繞著這個問題。當然,事實是美國人不承認這一點,就像他們也對以下事實保持沉默,那就是:他們與北約部隊一起,在過去20年的佔領但最終失敗當中 —— 沒有別的,他們沒有打擊在該國蔓延的IS(The Islamic State;也就是「伊斯蘭國」)勢力。這種情況正在重演,正如之前在其他地方也發生過的那樣,特別是在越南和朝鮮,我早在1947年就在預測中寫道。在阿富汗,不僅僅是塔利班(Taliban)在作祟,因為比他們更糟糕的是那些已經擴散到世界各地的IS分子他們正在進行具宗教狂熱的政治性(religious-fanatic-political)破壞特別是在非洲。雖然IS分子的宗教信仰與塔利班大致相同,但他們更加殘暴、狂熱、沒有良心、殺戮成性,而且對所有的進步和西方的一切都極其反感,所以幾乎不可能與他們講道理。在阿富汗 —— 由於北約部隊的失敗,其背後是美國人對世界統治的貪婪,而北約那些蠢人直到今天才注意到 —— 兩個狂熱的宗教團體現在將上演他們的恐怖活動,而其中一個比另一個更糟糕。這將導致極大的惡果,因為如果兩個狂熱的團體想要爭取他們的領導權,傳播他們的瘋狂行徑,那麼一切只會變得更糟。

In addition to the Taliban henchmen and the IS henchmen, there are also the idiots of the rulers of all the states of the world, who are dividing the peoples in their countries into two camps through their Corona fear policy and their vaccination mania with regard to halfway unfit vaccines. This in addition to the fact – at least those who were involved in Afghanistan – that they begin to justify themselves with stupid sayings such as 'unfortunately we were wrong', or 'we made mistakes' or 'we did not think far enough and acted too late', etc. And it will be proclaimed or, or and again or, or, or or – and the stupid, precisely the non-self-thinking people will believe them and be lenient. This is precisely because those in power are only human beings and cannot think and see into the future. But the question arises, why are such people in government who have no ability whatsoever to calculate the future in order to avoid mischief that could bring harm to the people? How can such government incompetents, who cannot think for themselves about the future, be elected to government? This by the people, who are obviously incapable of thinking for themselves what this or that action or decision will bring. This is simply because they do not think far enough, or because they are incapable of thinking far enough into the future as to what this or that decision, this or that action, etc. will bring as a final result.

除了塔利班分子和IS的同夥之外,還有世界上所有國家的白癡統治者,他們透過他們對冠狀病毒恐懼的政策和對不合格疫苗執行不徹底的接種狂熱,把他們國家的人民分為兩個陣營。除此之外 —— 至少是那些參與阿富汗戰爭的人 —— 他們開始用“不幸的是我們錯了”或“我們犯了錯誤”或“我們考慮得不夠遠,行動得太晚”等愚蠢的說法為自己辯護。並且會宣稱或者這、或者那、再或者這些、或者那些、或者其他等等 —— 而那些愚蠢而沒有自我思考能力的人就會相信他們,並且會寬容處理。這正是因為那些當權者只是人,不能思考和預見未來。但是問題來了,為什麼這樣的人會在政府裡,他們根本沒有能力考慮到未來,以避免可能給人民帶來傷害的惡果。這樣的政府無能之輩,不能為自己的未來著想,怎麼會被選入政府中掌權?但這都是由人民決定的,他們也顯然沒有能力自己思考這個或那個行動或決定會帶來什麼。這只是因為他們想得不夠遠,或者說他們沒有能力想得那麼遠,不知道這個或那個決定、這個或那個行動等會帶來什麼最終的結果。

In their inability to govern, the rulers do not notice that they are dividing the people with their crazy vaccination policy and fear policy and dividing them into GOOD and EVIL, precisely in the present case of the Corona era, in which the vaccinated and unvaccinated are divided into 1st and 2nd class human beings and thereby divide the people, practically into GOOD and EVIL. This is because they are not given the free opinion and free will to be vaccinated or not to be. It is already the case that distinctions are made between the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated, thus allowing some but not others. This is ordered by the rulers, who make decisions and have them implemented by their henchmen instead of striving for the normal, e.g. that every human being makes it his or her personal duty to wear a respiratory mask and to keep a distance from one human being to the next, thus protecting himself or herself and the next person from a possible infection by Corona.


They, the rulers, are so thick as thieves that they do not realise that they are creating discord in the peoples with their method of fear-government, which also borders on fanaticism, and that they are disintegrating them and setting them in revolt against each other. They create strife and turmoil in the human beings with their fear-vaccination policy and turn them into 1st and 2nd class human beings, which must inevitably lead to differences. This, instead of using their brains to think and decide what is right and urge the people to be sensible, reasonable and to act in the correct way, they order where the mind and reason is to be addressed. What is to be forbidden when a plague breaks out, such as travelling in every respect and in every way, that is not done, although this is a necessity of a measure that cannot be evaded if the plague is to be contained and made to disappear. This is precisely because travelling around of any kind spreads an epidemic, which is obvious to every sensible human being and he consequently follows this measure, which unfortunately is not the case with contrarians and negators, who accordingly have to be brought to their senses and reason in a different way.

他們這些統治者是如此愚蠢以至於他們沒有意識到,他們正在用他們的恐懼治理方式(fear-government),在人民中製造不和諧,這也接近於狂熱主義,他們正在瓦解人民,使他們互相反抗。他們用對疫苗是否接種恐懼政策fear-vaccination policy在人類中製造紛爭和動盪,把他們變成第一類人和第二類人,這必然會導致分歧。這樣一來,他們不是用自己的大腦去思考和決定正確的事情,督促人民理智、合理地去做正確的事情,而是去指揮需要用理智和理性來處理的領域。當疫情爆發時,應該禁止的事情,例如不可任意到各地和各國去旅行,儘管如果要控制並使疫情消失,這是一個不能迴避的必要措施。這正是因為任何形式的旅行都會傳播流行病,這對每一個理智的人來說都是顯而易見的,他因此會遵循這一措施,但遺憾的是,那些反對與否定的人卻不是這樣想,因此,必須以不同的方式喚醒他們的意識和理性。

Instead of doing this, however, those in power want to – and do – govern, i.e. command, which in reality is what the human beings do not want, for their will is not to be made willing by a command, but to be able to decide for themselves and to act according to their own will and decision. And this refers to everything and anything in life, even to order, to laws, to rules of decency and to all behaviour, general rational behaviour and dealings with fellow human beings, nature, its fauna and flora, the entire ecosystem, the planet, the atmosphere, the climate and life in general. If the human being, who is capable of understanding and reason, is approached in a rational way, then he considers everything and also acts in a rational way, so that what is necessary to do and to carry out can be achieved with correct argumentation – precisely without orders and that it is demanded in this way. And whoever acts contrary to this, disregards this, acts contrary to what life demands in every respect in terms of understanding and reason, in terms of order as well as the correctness of behaviour, whoever transgresses and violates the order – and this also concerns those in power – is indeed not worthy of life and should therefore never be conceived and never be born.

然而,那些當權者並沒有這樣做,而是想 —— 而且確實在 —— 管制,也就是命令,這實際上是人不想要的,因為他們的意願是不能用命令來左右的,而是能夠自己決定,按照自己的意願和決定行事。而這指的是生活中的一切和任何事情,甚至是秩序、法律、禮儀規則和所有的行為,一般的理性行為和與人類同胞、大自然及其動物和植物、整個生態系統、地球、大氣層、氣候和一般的生命之間互動。如果以理性的方式來對待有理解能力和理性的人,那麼他就會考慮一切,也會以理性的方式行事,這樣就可以通過正確的論證來實現需要完成與執行的事 —— 就是不需要命令,而是以這種方式要求的。而那些當權者的行為卻與此相反,無視這一點,在理解和理性方面,在秩序以及行為的正確性方面,與生活的要求背道而馳,他們越過和違反了秩序 —— 這也涉及到那些當權者 —— 確實不配活著,因此永遠不應該被孕育,永遠不應該出生。

However, as far as the organisation of the IS is concerned, which will operate alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan, these are, as already said, even worse in their inhumanity than the Taliban themselves, who are in and of themselves a terrorist society of murderers. The creatures of the IS are really even worse and surpass the Taliban many times over, which is yet to be proven and will sooner or later bring the Taliban and the IS one behind the other. When I think of what they have committed in Arabia alone in terms of murders, massacres and other mischief, and what they are doing in Africa with their offshoots, then I think there will soon be stink in Afghanistan too. In my opinion, in any case, it will not go well.



It will certainly come that way, because when religious fanaticism and other-worldly religious fanaticism clash, bad things will happen.



It will and it really will – inevitably. But the fear of those in power is just as bad, because they don't know what they are doing with their vaccination mania. They do not consider that they are provoking a division of human beings into 1st and 2nd class. And they do this in all countries, also in Switzerland. It is z…

會這樣,而且真的會 —— 這是不可避免的。但那些當權者的以恐懼方式治理也同樣糟糕,因為他們不知道自己的疫苗接種狂熱(vaccination mania)是在做什麼。他們沒有考慮到他們正在挑起人民的分裂,將其分為第一類和第二類。他們在所有國家都這樣做,在瑞士也是如此。那是...


Here I am again. What were you going to say before Eva came in?



I forgot about that. Now she has just come back again, that's what happens. You were gone so fast I couldn't say anything. – Ah yes, now it's coming back. I guess I wanted to say that it's enough to make you cry, by which I mean the stupidity shown by those in power. That they don't think about what they are doing to the people with what they are asking for, and thus they don't optimise the free will of the human beings.



Aestimate – what does that mean, I don't know that word?

善加處理(德文是ästimieren) —— 那是什麼意思?我不知道這個用詞。


It means as much as 'to accept' or 'to esteem highly', 'to take note of' or also 'to value' or 'to be benevolent towards' etc. It is also said with 'estemate' or 'estimate' as the case may be. Now, however, it is time for me to go over to watch the news.

它的意思和“接受”或“高度評價”、“注意”或“重視”或“仁慈對待”等差不多。根據情況,它也可以“尊重” (estemate;在此德文是estemieren)或“增進” estimate;在此德文是estimieren)來表示。然而現在,我該過去看新聞了。


Go ahead then, for my part I shall go to the station, for I have some work to do there which will occupy my presence for some time to come. Tomorrow I will be back, perhaps briefly at night or in the evening. In any case, I will be here for two more days. So goodbye, Eduard, my friend.



Goodbye, Ptaah. As usual, your visit was a great pleasure for me.



For me as well. It will be again soon.



It will be. But what I will still do: of course I will retrieve our conversation and write it down, and in doing so I will also include the prediction of 1947.



That will be correct all right.



What do you mean if possibly Achim still beams something?



You will have to decide that for yourself when you call up our conversation. Go now, otherwise you won't know the latest that's happening in the world. Goodbye, Eduard.



Good, goodbye.


The future of Earth Humanity and Earth looks bleak


8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th November 1947. Edi Meier


N.B. 8th November 1947: Since my birth on the 3rd of February 1937, I have been supported by my parents, my mother, my father and his friend Fritz Seidel, but especially by my very old friend Sfath, all of whom were joined by our priest, as well as by the teachers and their friends, who now and also later will teach me, who for the sake of their position and work must restrain themselves in public with what they do for me and help me and will continue to do so in the future.

1947年11月8日註:自從1937年2月3日我出生以來,我一直得到父母的支持,我的母親、父親和他的朋友Fritz Seidel,但特別是我非常年長的朋友Sfath,我們的牧師都加入了他們,就像我的老師們和他們的朋友一樣,他們現在和以後都會教導我,為了他們的地位和工作,他們必須在公眾面前克制自己,為我做什麼,幫助我,並將在未來繼續這樣做。

The priest secretly stands by my family and thus also me – although he knows that I do not believe in a 'dear God', just as he never tries to lead me to a faith. All of them, including my teachers, one who is yet to enter my life secretly, are always helpful to me, teach me, teach me to master the German language better and better, as they also always endeavour to support me with regard to sending letters, as they also endeavour in writing and correcting these predictions and sending them to newspaper editors and radio stations etc. all over Europe and all over the world. It is they who support me and make it possible for my predictions to be spread throughout the world and to go to radio stations, newspaper editors and to those in power, although they know that everything will remain fruitless and will only stick with individual human beings because too much cowardice prevails and everything is concealed. But the few individuals will be concerned to do what is necessary in their circles and to pass it on, so that some benefit will come from our work.

牧師秘密地支持我的家人,因此也支持我 —— 儘管他知道我不相信“親愛的上帝”,就像他從未試圖引導我去信仰一樣。所有的人,包括我的老師,他們仍然會悄悄進入我的生活,一直幫助我,教導我學好德語,他們也總是全力幫助我寄出我所寫的信件,因為他們努力糾正我有關這些預測方面寫作上的錯誤,並協助將它們寄給全歐洲和全世界的報紙編輯和電台等。正是他們支持我,使我的預測有可能在全世界傳播,並送到廣播電台、報紙編輯和當權者手中,儘管他們知道一切都將毫無結果,只能堅持到個別的人,因為太多的人沒有勇氣,以致一切都被掩蓋了。但少數個人會關注在他們的圈子裡做必要的事情,並把它傳遞出去,這樣就為我們的工作帶來了一些進展

Although I am only 10 years old, I am nevertheless concerned with many things of the future, such as, among other things, I am also concerned with present and future world events, which are occurring at present and are connected with what will happen in the future. In this respect I also have the possibility of foresight, which is why I also know many things in advance, which on the one hand can bring the future looking far ahead from the present time, if further action is taken in the wrong way. But on the other hand, what I know and reveal will also come true with absolute precision and certainty – what will happen absolutely unchangeably. It may seem strange to many people that I can already write like this as a 10-year-old, as I do, and that I have the knowledge regarding many things – and indeed also regarding the still distant future – that also give me insights into subject areas that also let me think, decide and act like an adult human being, which actually belongs to the realms of adults. But this can be fully and understandably explained by the fact that I have been able to educate myself in thinking, knowing, deciding, acting and writing as well as in all kinds of topics of world affairs and in all kinds of abilities in a way that is actually only granted to adults, thanks to the help of my very old friend, Sfath, as well as some other good friends who actively support me in all things and teach and instruct me. So, apart from my elderly friend Sfath, my mother, who is a simple housewife, my father, a shoemaker by trade, and his friend Fritz Seidel, a self-employed locksmith and master plumber, have also been helping me with my learning for years, which often lasts well into the night. This, along with our pastor, although he knows that I don't believe in a 'dear God' and he also never tries to lead me to a faith. This in addition to my teachers who look after me or will still teach me; one who already sought contact with me when I was still in the 1st school and only attended the 2nd class.

雖然我只有10歲,但我還是在關注未來的許多事情,包括現在目前正在發生和未來世界的事件,這些事件與未來將發生的事情有關。在這方面,我也有機會預見未來,這就是為什麼我能提前知道許多事情,一方面,如果我們以錯誤的方式繼續行事,那麼看似距今尚久的未來,就會按照那樣發生。但另一方面,我所知道和揭露的未來也會以絕對精確和確定的方式成真 —— 將發生的事情絕對會改變。很多人可能會覺得奇怪,我只是一個10歲的孩子已經可以寫出這些,而且我對很多事情都很瞭解,包括遙遠的未來,這讓我可以像一個成年人一樣思考、決定和行動,而這實際上是屬於成年人的領域。但這完全可以理解並解釋如下:我之所以能夠在思考、認識、決定、行動和寫作以及世界事務的各種主題和各種能力方面,以實際上只賦予成年人的方式教育自己,這要感謝我非常年長的朋友Sfath,以及其他一些好朋友的幫助,他們在所有事情上積極支援我,教導和指導我。因此,除了我的老朋友Sfath之外,我的母親是一位普通的家庭主婦,我的父親是一位鞋匠,他的朋友Fritz Seidel是一位自雇的鎖匠和水暖工師傅,多年來也一直在幫助我學習,這常常持續到晚上。還有我們的牧師,雖然他知道我不相信“親愛的上帝”,而且他也從不試圖引導我去信仰。此外,還有我的老師,他們照顧我或仍然會教導我;其中一位老師在我還在第一所學校,只上第二節課的時候就已經和我聯繫了

But the 2 teachers and the priest are also those who help me, teach me and make me learn the German language better and better, but how they also always try to support me with regard to the many letters, as now also in writing and correcting this prediction and sending it to many newspaper editors and radio stations etc. all over Europe and all over the world, when I am from … … … and unfortunately still have to go to teacher … … first during a year at school, who will beat me and also mistreat me in other ways.


What is to be said now, however, corresponds to a further truth, as it will arise in future times through the guilt of Earth human beings, who in egoism, ignorance and unreason will drive their masses up into the billions and breed an overpopulation, which will bring misery and distress to the Earth. The truth of this is hard to say, but it cannot be stated in soft words, for such would amount to lies and deceit. Therefore, I will only teach it with hard words, instruct and spread it on Earth among the earthlings, knowing full well that I will be called a do-gooder, a hater of religion, an antisocial, a megalomaniac, a liar, a cheat and a monster, in order to be silenced and even fall prey to assassination attempts. Not so, however, I want to say and explain at the outset: Fundamentally, I am neither one nor the other, even if in the future I will be vilified by the authorities, by enemies and by members of my own family around the world. And I will not be the human being who wants to 'save' all earthly humanity and 'convert' it to the better, because the teaching I will bring in the future will only be for those human beings who will make an effort to think, decide and act for themselves – without adhering to an imaginary or non-existent God and a religion or sect. There will be only a few human beings from the overpopulation who will turn to the effective truth and who will then learn the 'Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life' when I begin to teach it in about 25 years. It will all go around the world, but intrigues, lies and deceit, as well as much slander and hatred against me and against the Teaching will be spread, just as the Teaching will be stolen and falsified for profit by deceivers. But I will never defend myself against this, because the truth speaks for itself.

然而,現在要說的是與另一個真相,因為它將在未來的時代由於地球人類的過失而出現,在利己主義、無知和不合理的情況下,將使他們的人口數量上升到數十億,而滋生出一個人口過剩」(overpopulation)的結果這將給地球帶來苦難和困擾。這方面的真相很難說出口,但不能用柔和的語詞來說,因為這樣等於撒謊和欺騙。因此,我將只能用堅硬的詞調來陳述,以便讓地球人獲得訊息並在地球上傳播開來,而我清楚知道,我將被稱為行善者仇恨宗教者、反社會者、自大狂、騙子、怪物,以便被壓制,甚至成為暗殺企圖的獵物。然而實際並非如此,我想在一開始就解釋清楚。從根本上說,我既不是上述的好人,也不是上述那樣的壞人,即使在未來我將被當局、敵人和我在世界各地的家庭成員所詆毀。我也不會成為想要“拯救”地球上所有人類並使其“改邪歸正”的人,因為我將來帶來的教導將只針對那些努力能夠自行思考、決定和行動的人 —— 不是那些遵奉想像而不存在的上帝以及宗教或教派人士。在人口過剩的情況下,只有少數人將尋求實際的真相,然後當我在大約25年後開始傳授時,他們將學習真相的教導、造物能量的教導、生命的教導」(Teaching of Truth, Teaching of Creation Energy, Teaching of Life)。這一切都將在世界各地流傳,但陰謀、謊言和欺騙,以及針對我和教導的許多誹謗和仇恨將被傳播,就像教導將被欺騙者偷竊和偽造以獲取利益一樣。但我永遠不會為自己辯護,因為真相是不言自明的



8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th November 1947


What the future of humanity will bring to Earth in the future emerges from very clear foresights and from far-sighted considerations which must be repeated several times. Clearly and very distinctly and unmistakably they are to be set forth and state what will inevitably take place in the coming years into the 3rd millennium, as I have to describe it, so that the truth may be spread and the human beings shall learn from it. In this connection my aged friend Sfath explains that the human being of the Earth is only able to memorise any warning, knowledge, duty or anything else and also to keep it in mind as important and then act accordingly when he is repeatedly instructed on the same thing. This, however, does not refer simply to momentary present things, but to those which are seen over a longer period of time and therefore must be held in memory as important and must be anchored in order that they may also be observed in all time and carried out correctly as well as perseveringly. It does not matter whether they are fixed and inevitable predictions or warnings that will bring disaster if they are not followed.

人類的未來將給地球帶來什麼,是從非常清晰的預見(foresights)以及經透視而深思(far-sighted considerations)得知的並確定是由多次重複執行而來。是非常清楚明確而毫不含糊地提出來,並說明在未來幾年直到進入公元2000年時將不可避免地發生什麼,正如我的肯定描述那樣,以便真相可以傳播,使得人類將從中學習。在這方面,我的老朋友Sfath解釋說,地球上的人只能記住任何警告、知識、責任或其他東西,並將其作為重要的東西牢記在心,然後在他被反復指示同一事項時採取相應的行動。然而,這並不只是指一時當下的事情,而是指那些在較長時間內看到的事情,因此必須作為重要的事情記在心裡,必須被牢記下來,以便它們也可以在所有時間內被觀察到,並正確地以及堅持不懈地執行。無論它們是確定而不可避免的預告,還是如果不遵守就會帶來災難的警告,都不重要。

Although I am only 10 years old, I am concerned with a great many things, including past, present and future world events, and in this respect, through the help of my aged friend Sfath, I also have the immeasurably important possibility of seeing the future in various ways. Therefore I also know many events of the near, far and distant future of all peoples, consequently I can disclose and name some things in this respect. Some of the things that will happen in the future will be the fault of Earth human beings themselves as overpopulation, especially unpleasant, evil, degenerating, exterminating, destroying and destructive things. This is due to selfishness, unreasonableness and to fulfil their desires and needs, which will become greater and greater, depending on how fast the overpopulation will grow. This overpopulation will allow companies and corporations to unhesitatingly plunder the Earth – also independently and privately -, nature and its fauna and flora, and all ecosystems in general, resulting in machinations that will destroy, annihilate and eradicate everything, pollute with rubbish, that hitherto ensured the life of the whole planet. And furthermore, incompetent governors who have no idea of governing will constantly come to power. And this will happen because – as has been the case since time immemorial – the false leaders of the state have couped themselves into power as the rulers of the people. But this will also happen because, as has been the case since time immemorial, the false leaders of the state have installed themselves in power as the rulers of the peoples, but they are also falsely trusted by the peoples themselves as persons incapable of governing, who are only elected because the peoples trustingly believe their promises of lies. This, however, while the elected have no idea whatsoever of how the people must be led at all. Thus, only people who are absolutely incapable of ever leading a people correctly for its good and benefit will get into government or be elected for it, consequently, only figures who are absolutely unsuited for it will get into leadership. This, while I am not allowed to mention other things as a result of a given vow of silence, other things, however, must be kept secret because my sense of responsibility, my intellect and my reason do not allow me to openly mention forthcoming things, facts, events and occurrences, etc., which will bring much disaster upon humanity and would have even much worse consequences if I were to name them openly. And this would happen because attempts would be made to stop the whole thing in its course or to change its result by wrong precautions and confused actions to the contrary, which, however, would in any case only bring about even worse and more harmful things than will be the case in the unimpaired course. So I have to keep quiet about certain things that are going to happen in the future, because otherwise wrong things would be done to prevent them, because the human beings of the Earth generally want to be cleverer and wiser than cleverness and wisdom themselves, as a result of which in their inability to grasp the facts and their truth they would do the wrong thing as a result of their illogical thinking, decisions and actions down to the last detail and consequently would all the more bring about every conceivable disaster with every rash action.

雖然我只有10歲,但我關心很多事情,包括過去、現在和未來的世界事件,在這方面,在我年長朋友Sfath的幫助下,我也有無數的機會可以運用各種方式看到未來。因此,我也知道所有各個國家民族的近期、遠期和未來的許多事件,因此我可以披露一些這方面的事情。未來發生的一些事情將是地球人類自己的錯,因為人口過剩」(overpopulation),特別屬於不愉快、邪惡、退化、滅絕、破壞性的事情。這是由於自私、不合理並為了滿足人類的欲望和需求,這個問題將變得越來越嚴重,這取決於人口增長的速度。這種人口過剩將使得那些獨立與私人的公司和企業毫不猶豫地掠奪地球、大自然及其動植物,以及所有的生態系統,導致陰謀破壞、摧毀和根除一切,並用垃圾污染了整個地球的生命。此外,不稱職而無能的政府官員將不斷上台。這種情況之所以會發生,是因為 —— 正如自古以來的情況一樣 —— 那些國家的野心家費盡心機讓自己成為人民的統治者而上台。但他們是被人民誤信,但卻是沒有能力治理國家的人,他們之所以能夠當選,只是因為人民相信了他們的虛偽承諾。然而這時,當選者根本不知道如何來領導人民。因此,只有那些絕對不可能為了人民的利益而服務人民的人,才會進入政府或被選入政府,因此,只有那些絕對不適合的人物才會進入領導層。這一點,雖然我不允許提及這方面的事情,因為我有一個既定的沉默誓言,對於那些事情必須保密,而且我的責任感,我的心智和理性也不允許我公開提及即將發生的事情、事實、事件和發生的情況等等,因為如果我公開說出那些,這將給人類帶來很多災難,將有更糟糕的後果會發生,因為人們會試圖阻止整個事情的發展,或者通過錯誤的預防措施和混亂的行動來改變其結果,然而,在任何情況下,這樣都只會帶來比未受影響的情況下更糟糕和更有害的狀況。因此,我必須對未來要發生的某些事情保持沉默,否則人們就會做出錯誤的事情來阻止它們,因為地球上的人類一般都以為自己比他們本身更加聰明,但結果是,在他們無法掌握事實和真相的情況下,他們會因為不合邏輯的思維、決定和行動而做出錯誤的事情,直到最後的一舉一動,因此會因為每一個輕率的行動而帶來所有可以想像的災難。

So I may say that I know how to predict what the future may bring on the one hand if we act in the wrong way, but on the other hand I also know with absolute certainty what will unalterably happen in the future.


What the future of humanity will bring to the earth world in the future, far into the 3rd millennium, emerges from various perspectives, such as from very clear foresights and from far-fetched considerations, probability calculations and real visions, as well as from observations of time. These have been repeated several times and clearly and unmistakably lay down the statements that in the coming times until far into the 3rd millennium everything will inevitably happen as I have to describe it, whereby the truth will be spread and the human beings of the Earth shall learn much from it. This, for example, that in the north of the Middle East in the new 3rd millennium after the 2nd decade the capital and the district capitals will be largely destroyed by religious fanatics and the whole country will collapse economically, or because primeval storms will destroy many dwellings because they are built in places that should remain vacant so that the waters can give way, which in the coming future as a result of a man-made climatic catastrophe will pelt down from the sky by flash floods. Through the fault of overpopulation and its machinations – which are destroying the planet Earth and its ecosystems worldwide through private individuals as well as companies and corporations – nature and its fauna and flora are being damaged and many are even being wiped out, as they are also negatively influencing the atmosphere and thus forcing a climate change that has already begun and can no longer be stopped. This will result in primeval storms, great heat waves, hailstorms, cold snaps, earthquakes and storms, more frequent and in any case more destructive than Earth human beings have known since time immemorial. Man-made by the machinations, lusts, luxuries and desires of over-population, the whole will bring the world into a position of destruction that will not be borne in mind by the peoples who will simply live into the day. This, while those in power who are alien to the truth will, on the other hand, take their cue from wrong-thinking protesters who will see their 'wisdom' of all ecosystem destruction and the destruction of planet Earth and climate change solely in gasification (NB. 2021: greenhouse gases, CO2). The true reason for the whole disaster is neither recognised nor taken into consideration, namely the over-mass of human beings who, with their needs, their urge for luxury, their desires and the resulting machinations – which are fulfilled for profit by companies, corporations and private individuals – cause the downfall of the entire ecosystems and thus ruin planet Earth. A complete birth stop of several years' duration, as well as a following birth control, will not be considered at all, let alone given the necessary thought, just as far as the incompetent rulers will not take the steps and forbid that dwellings are built in endangered areas, because as government incompetents they will not consider the dangers that coming storms will bring. Storms that will be caused by overpopulation and its machinations, and that will be demanded as a result of greed for needs and desires – which companies and corporations will fulfil for them as a result of greed for profit and will destroy the planet, nature and its fauna and flora, as well as all ecosystems and thus the atmosphere and the climate – in order to enjoy life at the expense of the well-being and woe of planet Earth, its fauna, flora and all ecosystems. The incompetent rulers will not decree that dwellings and other buildings may only be built in elevated places, in places that are not endangered by water or landslides or rockslides and the like, in order to be safe from such occurrences.

人類的未來將給地球世界帶來什麼,遠至公元2000年,從不同的方式得知,例如從非常清晰的預見以及經透視而作的深思、概率計算和真實的景觀,以及從時間的觀察。這些已經重複了好幾次,清楚無誤地確定了這樣的看法:在未來的時代,直到進入公元2000年,一切都將不可避免地發生,正如我所描述的那樣,真相將被傳播,地球上的人類將從中學到很多。例如,在公元2000年的第二個十年後,中東北部的首都和地區首府將大部分被宗教狂熱者摧毀,整個國家的經濟將崩潰,或者因為原始風暴將摧毀許多住宅,因為它們建在應該保持空曠的地方,以便水流可以疏通,在即將到來的未來,由於人為造成的氣候災難,山洪會從天空傾瀉而下。由於人口過剩的過失及其不詭圖謀 —— 這些圖謀正在通過個人以及公司和企業破壞地球及其生態系統 —— 自然及其動植物正在受到破壞,許多甚至被消滅,因為它們也在對大氣層產生負面影響,從而迫使氣候變化已經開始,再也無法阻止。這將導致原始風暴、巨大的熱浪、冰雹、寒流、地震和風暴,比人類自古以來所知的地球更加頻繁,無論如何,破壞性更大。由人口過剩的疏失、欲望、人為製造的奢侈品,整個將把世界帶入毀滅的境地,而那些只顧今朝有酒的人民是不會在乎這些的。在這方面,那些與真相格格不入的當權者則會從錯誤思維的抗議者那裡得到提示,他們會把他們對所有生態系統的破壞和地球的毀滅以及氣候變化的“智慧”完全看成是「氣化反應」(2021年註:溫室氣體、二氧化碳)。而整個災難的真正原因既沒有被認識到,也沒有被考慮到,那就是過量的人口,他們的需求、他們對奢侈品的衝動、他們的欲望以及由此產生的圖謀 —— 這些都是由公司、企業和私人來完成的,導致了整個生態系統的衰落,從而毀掉了地球。一個持續數年的完全停止生育,以及隨後的生育控制,根本不會被考慮,更不用說給予必要的考慮,就像無能的統治者不會採取措施,禁止在瀕危地區建造住宅一樣,因為作為無能的政府,他們不會考慮即將到來的風暴將帶來的危險。過度擁擠及其陰謀造成的風暴,以及貪婪的需求和欲望造成的需求,只是滿足了那些公司和企業的利潤。然而所有的生態系統,也就是大氣層和氣候,都將被破壞,犧牲了地球及其動植物和所有生態系統的福祉,來讓他們享受生活。失職的統治者不會頒佈法令,規定住宅和其他建築只能建在高處,建在不受水流或山體滑坡或岩石滑坡等危害的地方,以避免此類事件的發生。


圖片來自:Climate change impacts

However, I will not explain all this clearly, although I have seen it with my own eyes and therefore know what is coming. Therefore, in the case of some events, I will always only say vaguely what I can responsibly call by name, for I do not want to and must not disclose everything comprehensively, but only that which may be explained in a warning manner. But this is almost saying too much, and already much more is demanded than the human beings of Earth are able to cope with mentally and with their intellect and reason.


Also the fact that I will first go out into the world and live an adventurous life far from home for many years of my life, but then come back to Switzerland and live with like-minded people far from the gun on the mountain, where the primeval storms will hardly reach us, which will come through the mad machinations of overpopulation and destroy and annihilate much. These will inevitably come, as I have seen in the future, primeval and as at that time when no human beings yet populated the Earth; then my predictions will come true. And it will be as I will say, for I have seen, experienced and witnessed it with my own eyes in the future.


As already said, if the population of mankind continues to increase, if overpopulation rises immeasurably and will already number 10 billion in 2030, then all the waters and soils of the Earth will also be poisoned and polluted in a life-destroying way, as will all of nature, its fauna and flora, so also its forests, floodplains, fields, moors, inland waters, seas and rainforests. And even the space outside the exosphere around the Earth will be polluted, because it will be contaminated with rubbish from the so-called Earth orbit objects, orbit stations, with many rocket parts and other orbit debris of terrestrial origin.


The Earth's atmosphere still protects us from the harmful UV radiation and X-rays of the sun, and it still lets the vital sunlight through to the Earth's surface, but already in the new 3rd millennium everything will change, because climate change will take care of that, which will affect the atmosphere through many certain exhaust gases, called greenhouse gases, in such a way that the climate will be damaged in such a way that it will bring great heat and, on the other hand, cold and storms over the world and many deaths. The rulers of all countries will make great speeches about this; magnanimity will be their thesis, but behind it there will only be empty air, because the great help will not be forthcoming and a few thousand francs or marks etc. will be paid out – if at all – and not even 1 per cent will cover the material damage suffered by those affected by the storms. When it is a question of real help being given, those in power become stingy and then only make big words, which they will conduct in a well-calculated manner in order to secure their position with expressions of suffering, while in reality, however, unimpressed by the suffering of the aggrieved, they laugh dirty in the background and make fun of the aggrieved. But they will struggle with psychological damage and despair, and many will lose their livelihood, and some will free themselves from the pressure of despair by committing suicide. But that will not matter to them, the rulers, because for them the only thing that will count is the impression they leave on the people through their alleged sympathy, which they will pretend to be calculating. This will be the reality that will emerge when the storms break over the countries and begin their work, which will be attributed to the machinations of overpopulation, but which will be denied for a long time by lunatics and other people – those who negate the truth. Everything will only be explained in terms of C02 emissions, because certain organisations and demonstrators will put the CO2 idea in the foreground, whereby the effective truth of the destruction of the Earth, of nature and its fauna and flora, and of all ecosystems in general, and thus also of the atmosphere and the climate, will be completely pushed into the background. In this way, the glossing over of the effective truth will lead to the birth rate not decreasing, the authorities and governments not doing anything about it and a necessary birth stop for years remaining unheeded. This thanks to the insane emergence of the pure CO2 theory that this gas, or 'greenhouse gas' as it will be called, is solely to blame for the destruction of all ecosystems – but not the all-destroying machinations of overpopulation, which is the only one to blame for the destruction of the Earth and all its natural ecosystems. The atmosphere will become so overloaded that the climate and temperatures will change life, because the greenhouse gases will drive up the average temperature and change the world's climate through the greenhouse effect in such a way that Earth's humanity – which will have to bear an unparalleled overpopulation – will need a reorientation if it wants to survive. The solution will only be:

地球的大氣層仍然保護我們不受太陽有害的紫外線輻射和X射線的影響,它仍然讓重要的陽光照射到地球表面,但在公元2000年後,一切都將改變,因為氣候變化受許多特定氣體(稱為“溫室氣體”)的影響如此之大,以至於氣候受到如此嚴重的破壞,它將給世界帶來酷熱另一方面,寒冷和風暴也將遍佈世界,並造成許多人死亡。所有國家的統治者都會對此發表偉大的演講;慷慨激昂將是他們的論調,但在其背後只有空洞的意義,因為巨額的資助不會出現,將支付幾千法郎或馬克等 —— 如果有的話 —— 甚至都不能彌補受風暴影響的人所遭受物質損失的百分之一。當涉及到真正的幫助時,那些當權者就會變得吝嗇,然後只說大話,他們會以精心策劃的方式進行,以便用痛苦的表情來保證自己的地位,而實際上,卻對受害者的痛苦不以為然,他們在背後取笑受害者。但受害者將在心理傷害和絕望中掙扎,許多人會失去生計,有些人將藉自殺來解脫絕望的壓力。但這對他們這些統治者來說並不重要,因為對他們來說,唯一重要的是他們通過所謂的同情給人民留下的印象,他們會假裝在乎這些。這將是當風暴席捲各國並開始其作用時出現的現實,這將被歸咎於人口過剩的過失,但愚人和其他否認真相的人將長期否認這一點一切都將只用二氧化碳的排放來解釋,因為某些組織和示威者將把二氧化碳的想法放在前台,這樣一來,地球、自然和動植物以及所有生態系統被破壞的有效事實,以及大氣和氣候,將被完全推到後台。這意味著,對實際真相的掩蓋將導致出生率不會下降,當局和政府對此不聞不問,多年來必要的出生停止也不被重視。這要歸功於瘋狂出現的純二氧化碳理論,這種溫室氣體是所有生態系統破壞的唯一罪魁禍首 —— 但不是人口過剩所造成的,然而,人口過剩才是破壞地球和所有自然生態系統的唯一罪魁禍首。大氣層將變得如此超負荷,氣候和溫度將改變生活,因為溫室氣體將推動平均溫度上升,並通過溫室效應改變世界氣候,以至於地球上的人類 —— 將必須以不同的管道來承載這些過剩的人口 —— 如果想要生存,就需要重新定位。唯一的解決辦法是:

Reduce the Overpopulation –
A worldwide birth stop for several years – Birth control.

減少人口過剩 ——
在全世界停止生育數年 —— 控制生育。

If the atmosphere is polluted with greenhouse gases, in which a large part of the Earth's water cycle is also regulated, in that the evaporated water condenses, thus forming clouds and falling back to Earth as precipitation, thus irrigating the plants and keeping them alive so that the human beings can harvest them as food and feed themselves, this is completely forgotten by the human beings. Also by those who will demonstratively and ignorantly stand up for environmental protection, shouting loudly in the streets in order to make a ruckus, to make a name for themselves and to be noticed and received by those in power. But then, without a doubt, they will decide this and that pro forma, fearing for their jobs. This in order to achieve in 20 or 25 years what has been decided – but will never be achieved, because in the meantime overpopulation has increased immeasurably and the problems have become even greater than before. And so those in power want to be off the hook and retain their power, but not in such a way that they would be serious about it and bear the responsibility to actually prevent the worst from happening. They will only act for the sake of the screams of the demonstrators, to be able to keep their position and their power, but not for the sake of finally doing the right thing, namely to bring about a birth stop and birth control. This is so that the world will not be further ruined by the machinations of human beings and the companies, the corporations and the greed for money of human beings.

如果大氣層被溫室氣體污染,其中地球水循環的很大一部分也被調節,也就是蒸發的水凝結成雲,並作為降水落回地球,從而灌溉植物並保持它們的成長,以便人類可以收穫作為食物並養活自己,這一點被人類完全遺忘。還有那些會上街示威,無知地站出來保護環境的人,他們在街上大聲喊叫,以便引起騷動,為自己出名,讓當權者注意和接受。但是,毫無疑問,他們會因為擔心自己的工作而決定這個和那個的形式(pro forma)。這樣做是為了在20年或25年內實現已經決定的事情 —— 但永遠不會實現,因為在此期間,人口過剩已經大大增加,問題變得比以前更加嚴重。因此,那些當權者想要脫身,保留他們的權力,不是以這樣的方式,他們應該認真對待問題,並承擔起責任,真正防止最壞的情況發生。然而,他們只會為了應付示威者的尖叫,為了能夠保持他們的地位和權力而採取行動,而不是為了最終做正確的事情,那就是實現停止生育和控制生育。這樣,世界才不會因為人類和公司的陰謀詭計,以及人類對金錢的貪婪而進一步毀滅。

What is predicted, listed and explained in the following corresponds to predictions based on foresight and journeys through space and time as well as on probability calculations between 95-98%, which will inevitably occur, happen and come true. Consequently, the whole thing is neither prophecy nor oracle, which since time immemorial as divinations have only corresponded to unclear assumptions and interpretations that may – or may not – arise under certain circumstances, nor is it fortune-telling, foreboding or clairvoyance, but rather predictions that will certainly come true exactly and inevitably.

以下所預測、列舉和解釋的內容相當於基於預見和穿越時空的旅行以及95-98%之間的準確率計算的預測,這些預測將不可避免地發生、發生和實現。因此,整個事情既不是預言(prophecy),也不是神諭(oracle),自古以來,神諭視作占卜(divinations),只相當於不明確的假設和解釋,在某些情況下可能 —— 也不可能 —— 出現,預測也不是算命(fortune-telling)、預示(foreboding)或靈視(clairvoyance;俗稱千里眼),而是肯定會準確和不可避免地實現。

Prophecy as a term is usually called an evil, negative and bad premonition, which, however, truthfully is not to be understood in this way, as its meaning has been erroneously mistranslated and misexplained since time immemorial, consequently the term is fundamentally used in a completely wrong and absolutely misunderstood way and implemented as an evil omen up to the present time and still in the coming 3rd millennium. For, in truth, a prophecy means nothing more than a warning of something that is to be done differently and better, otherwise it will come true and be fulfilled in a bad way, just as it has been prophesied.


A prophecy as a concept thus embodies a value that fundamentally does not correspond to any prediction, but corresponds to an early admonition and warning of something evil, harmful, negative and bad that will or can come to pass if something is continued in the same negative way that should be done better.


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Russia and China will be picked on by the USA and, more recently, also by the coming 'European Union' – which will be created from an idea that will trace back to Harry S. Truman and his NATO idea, but which is to remain secret – as it has been since time immemorial. However, this Europe Union will be a real dictatorship and will reintroduce the death penalty in secret – whereby Switzerland and Germany will also help criminally, because they, too, will make arms deals with the criminal states, as the USA is mainly in the front line and in the first place. All in all, these will be murderous deals that will bring death, misery, destruction and annihilation to tens of millions of people all over the world, with Switzerland also bearing a great deal of the blame with its arms exports. All the wars that will continue to take place in many countries of the Earth, the terrorist machinations, as well as all the great murders, rampant misery, famines, as well as the epidemics that will arise in the future – one that will be rampant especially in the early 20s of the new 3rd millennium and will officially cost more than 6 million human lives within the first 24 months. This, while the dark figure will be another 7.4 million and the further epidemic period more deaths in high numbers. The vaccines themselves – which will be unproven and untested and will be tested on the mass overpopulation without the knowledge of the peoples – will also cause many deaths. The vaccinated people will not be protected from further infections of the constantly emerging new disease variations, just as they will also continue to be carriers of the disease virus and spread the disease. They will become less ill with further variations – but possibly still dangerous and – but it will take a long time before this truth is recognised by science.

俄羅斯和中國將被美國挑剔,最近,也將被即將到來的歐盟」(European Union挑剔 —— 它將從哈里.S.杜魯門(Harry S. Truman)和他的北約(NATO)想法中創建,但它將保持秘密 —— 就像自古以來的那樣。然而,這個歐盟將是一個真正的獨裁政權,並將秘密地重新引入死刑 —— 瑞士和德國也將提供犯罪幫助,因為它們也將與犯罪國家進行武器交易,因為美國主要處於前線,處於首位。總而言之,這些將是謀殺性的交易,將給全世界數千萬人帶來死亡、苦難、破壞和毀滅,而瑞士也將因其武器出口而承擔很大的責任。所有的戰爭將繼續在地球上的許多國家發生,恐怖分子的陰謀,以及所有的大屠殺,猖獗的苦難,饑荒,以及未來出現的流行病 —— 特別是在公元2000年的20年代初,一個將猖獗的流行病將在頭24個月內正式造成600多萬人死亡。但這方面,黑數將還有另外的740萬,進一步的流行期更多的人死亡,人數眾多。疫苗本身 —— 將是未經證實和測試的,並將在人民不知情的情況下對大規模的過剩人口進行測試 —— 也將導致許多人死亡。接種疫苗的人不會被保護免受不斷出現的新疾病變異的進一步感染,正如他們也會繼續成為疾病病毒的攜帶者並傳播疾病一樣。他們會因為進一步的變異而變得病情較輕 —— 但可能仍然很危險,而且 —— 但這一真相需要很長時間才能被科學所認識

This plague will be 'invented', spread worldwide and claim countless victims – hundreds of thousands and even many millions of human lives in total – when, through the hatred of one American, together with the approval of the Chinese authorities, the foundation stone for the plague is laid in the mid-1970s. This will break out in the new 3rd millennium with many mutations and claim many victims, and it will be the irresponsible and absolutely incompetent of the governments, especially in Europe and America, who will consider and enforce much that is unfair and, moreover, hostile to life, with regard to false and fearful security measures. They will fail completely at the expense of the populations and seek their refuge in measures by issuing vaccination cards, thus forcing the unwilling of the anti-vaccination movement to give up their free will and at the same time encouraging criminality. They will try to force the anti-vaccinationists into measures that will label them as second-class people and discriminate against them in an unlawful way that violates fundamental rights. Governments will induce vaccination with insufficiently tested vaccines as a way of masking their defining incompetence and fear.

這種疫情將被發明出來,在全全世界傳播,並奪走無數受害者 —— 總共幾十萬甚至幾百萬人的生命 —— 在那時,是由一個滿心想復仇的美國人,再加上中國當局的批准,疫情的基石在1970年代中期被確定。這將在新的公元2000年爆發,並有許多變異,並有許多受害者,而這將是不負責任和絕對無能的政府,特別是在歐洲和美國,他們將考慮和執行許多不公平的,而且是對生命有敵意的,關於虛假和恐懼的安全措施。他們將以犧牲人民的利益為代價而徹底失敗,並通過發放疫苗接種卡的措施來尋求庇護,從而迫使不願意參加反疫苗運動的人放棄他們的自由意志,同時鼓勵犯罪行為。他們將試圖迫使反疫苗接種者採取一些措施,給他們貼上第二類人的標籤,以非法的方式歧視他們,侵犯基本權利。政府將用未經充分測試的疫苗誘導接種,以此來掩蓋其定義的無能和恐懼。

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And in the future there will be a catastrophic exploitation of raw materials and a shortage of raw materials on Earth. In particular, there will be overexploitation of Earth's petroleum, metal ores and rare earths, as well as gas, but also of uranium ore, which will be mined on a large scale before the end of this century. This, on the one hand, in order to build nuclear weapons, but also in order to operate nuclear power plants, which will be built in the coming decades without hesitation because of their danger and their safety risk as well as the danger of radiation, and which will be built in many states in order to produce the constantly increasing demand for electrical energy, which will result from the inexorably growing overpopulation, which, however, will ultimately lead to catastrophes, for which the forthcoming climate change will only be the inglorious beginning.


The knowledge spread by espionage since the first early atomic research in Germany has mobilised the whole world of atomic research since the first atomic bomb test explosions. And as a 'success' for the USA, the unconscionable dropping of atomic bombs in Japan on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6 and 9 August 1945 'celebrated' the surrender of Japan in the last world war – by order of the unconscionable US president Harry S. Truman. His real reason for dropping the A-bomb, which was supposed to level other cities to the ground and only occurred due to a bad weather arrangement on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was banally that Truman wanted to use a new weapon of mass destruction with hitherto unimaginable explosive power and see the effect of the destruction. Hence, the tragedy took its course with the use of the new weapon on the two Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

自德國第一次早期對原子能的研究以來,通過間諜活動傳播的知識,自第一次原子彈試爆以來,動員了整個世界對原子能的研究。而由於美國的成功,1945年8月6日和9日在日本的廣島和長崎投下的原子彈,是對日本在上一次世界大戰中投降的慶祝 —— 由未受良心譴責的美國總統哈里.杜魯門所下令。他投擲原子彈的真正原因是,杜魯門想使用一種具有迄今為止無法想像的爆炸力這種新的大規模殺傷性武器,並想看看破壞的效果,這本來是要把其他城市夷為平地的,但由於惡劣的天氣才安排廣島和長崎。因此,悲劇隨著新武器在日本廣島和長崎兩個城市的使用而發生了。

In the future, a nuclear arms race will begin – which actually started secretly shortly after the A-bomb was dropped – which will shape politics worldwide, which will officially end for a short time after 1989, but will continue secretly and nuclear war will remain a permanent danger. And the real reason regarding the atomic bombs, which were mercilessly dropped on the two Japanese cities by American bombers in 1945, will be concealed for a long time and far into the 3rd millennium, namely that these two crimes against human beings were used solely as 2 unscrupulous and unscrupulous test purposes, which cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of human beings, many more than is currently said and will also be mendaciously claimed in the future. As my aged friend Sfath knows and explains, in a criminal mindset, it was secretly decided as early as 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, by President Franklin Roosevelt to intensify atomic research in order to take revenge on Japan in the future with nuclear weapons.

在未來,一場核軍備競賽將開始 —— 實際上在原子彈投下後不久就秘密開始了 —— 它將影響全世界的政治,在1989年後會正式結束一段時間,但會秘密地繼續下去,核戰爭仍將是一個永久的危險。而關於1945年美國轟炸機無情地在日本兩個城市投下的原子彈的真正原因,將在很長一段時間內被掩蓋,甚至一直要到公元2000年後,那就是這兩項危害人類的罪行完全被用作兩個不擇手段的試驗,使數十萬人喪生,比目前所說的和將來也會繼續狡辯的人數多得多。正如我年長的朋友Sfath所知道並解釋的那樣,在犯罪的心態下,早在1941年日本襲擊珍珠港後,富蘭克林.羅斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)總統就秘密決定加強原子能的研究,以便在未來用核武器對日本進行報復。

Years before the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, highly populated Japanese cities were therefore sought early on to test 2 different atomic bombs and their effects. And when in the early summer of 1945 – after the NAZI war in Europe had ended in May – Japan was still fighting on and America was also still involved, it was decided to drop the 2 atomic bombs, one uranium and one plutonium test bomb, unconscionably and without prior warning on Japanese cities, which was then also carried out criminally on 6 and 9 August. The decisive factor was a secret agreement between President Harry Truman and an Oppenheim employee by the name of Leslie Groves, who negotiated with Truman, without Oppenheim's knowledge, to use the two newest different atomic bombs for test purposes on two Japanese cities. The capital Tokyo as well as the cities Nagoya, Yokohama and Osaka were planned for this, but due to bad weather conditions etc. the plans were changed at the last minute and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.

因此,在廣島和長崎被原子彈摧毀的幾年前,人口眾多的日本城市很早就被用來測試兩種不同的原子彈及其效果。而當1945年初夏 —— 納粹在歐洲的戰爭於5月結束後 —— 日本仍在繼續戰鬥,美國也仍在參與其中時,就決定在沒有事先警告的情況下,無情地在日本城市投下兩顆原子彈,一顆鈾和一顆鈈的試驗彈,這也是在8月6日和9日進行的犯罪行為。決定性的因素是哈里.杜魯門總統和一位名叫萊斯利.格羅夫斯(Leslie Groves;二戰期間曾主持美國曼哈頓計畫)之間的秘密協議,他聘用了歐本海默(Oppenheim),而在歐本海默不知情的情況下,他與杜魯門密談,將兩顆最新的不同的原子彈用於在日本兩個城市的試驗。首都東京以及名古屋、橫濱和大阪等城市都被規畫在內,但由於惡劣的天氣條件等原因,計畫在最後一刻被改變,結果是廣島和長崎被轟炸。

After the atomic destruction of Hiroshima, the wartime government of Japan met immediately to decide on the surrender, which was also submitted to President Truman by the fastest possible means through a secret channel, but which, through the influence of Leslie Groves on Harry Truman, was officially concealed from the entire responsible USA government, such as Parliament, Congress and the War Department, etc., as my aged friend Sfath undoubtedly discovered. This resulted in the already made decision of Japan's surrender not being implemented by the USA because Truman unconscionably and unscrupulously ordered the 2nd test drop, for which he had been urged by the man loosely befriended by him named Leslie Groves, who desperately wanted 2 different types of atomic bombs to be tested, one made of uranium and the other of plutonium. And Truman, who had not long been in office, agreed, consequently Nagasaki was then used as the next target and destroyed.

在廣島被原子彈摧毀後,日本戰時政府立即開會決定投降,這也是通過秘密管道以最快的方式提交給杜魯門總統的但通過萊斯利.格羅夫斯對哈里.杜魯門的影響,官方向整個美國負責任的政府,如議會、國會和戰爭部(War Department)等隱瞞了這一消息,我年長的朋友Sfath無疑發現了這一點。這導致美國沒有接受日本已經作出投降的決定因為杜魯門不顧良心而肆無忌憚地下令進行第二次試投,為此他被他那位交情不深的名叫萊斯利.格羅夫斯的催促,就是他迫切希望試驗兩種不同類型的原子彈,一種由鈾製成,另一種由鈈製成。而上任不久的杜魯門同意了,因此長崎被作為下一個目標並被摧毀。

From now on, through espionage and betrayal, various states around the world will become nuclear powers, whose power-mad rulers will all always be under the dangerous delusion of igniting wars and provoking nuclear war. Shamefully, there are also madmen in Switzerland who believe that Helvetia could also carry out nuclear research for the construction of atomic bombs and that tests could be carried out in the Gotthard massif, although this nonsensical project will soon be forgotten again because the realisation will arise that Switzerland will be useless as a nuclear power aspirant because it will have too little land available for testing purposes and the Gotthard massif will not be suitable for what it was originally intended for.

從現在開始,通過間諜活動和背叛,世界上各個國家都將成為核大國,其權力狂的統治者都將永遠處於點燃戰爭和挑起核戰爭的危險妄想之中。可恥的是,在瑞士也有一些瘋子,他們認為赫爾維蒂婭(Helvetia)也可以為製造原子彈進行核研究,並且可以在哥達斷層山地(Gotthard massif)進行試驗,不過這個無稽之談的項目很快就會被再次遺忘,因為人們會意識到,瑞士作為核大國的追求者將毫無用處,因為它可用於試驗的土地太少,而且哥達山地也不適合做它原來的用途。

In the distant future, however, it will be the United States of America that will, as always, presume to achieve its goals with world police airs and graces and world domination, while the USSR and the later emerging Russia and China will largely hold back, while US America will openly – and as it has always done – interfere in the affairs of foreign states. Its methods will change in form, but they will be geared, as they have always been, to interfering in the affairs of foreign countries with harsh threats, heavy punitive tariffs, sanctions, underhanded political manipulations, sleazy, murderous, subversive and otherwise criminal intelligence operations and military engagements, etc. This in addition to other lousy manipulations of many kinds, which will emanate from the USA in the coming decades and far into the 3rd millennium and, moreover, will be continuously falsified or made to disappear in all the chronicle annals of the USA in order to not only prevent but make absolutely impossible any enquiries into the fundamental truth. And when the so-called 1962 crisis in Cuba will have faded away, in which the Soviet Union under the leadership of its state power wants to station nuclear weapons in Cuba, but the American president has them removed on his intervention, the deception with the 'first moon landing' will follow in about 22 years, which will serve to trump the USSR in order to humiliate it and expose it in the 'Cold War' – the 'Cold War' has already begun at the end of the 3rd World War in 1945. The 'Cold War' will be called the conflict between the Western powers led by the USA and the so-called Eastern bloc states led by the USSR, which the latter will fight by almost any means from 1947 to 1989.

然而,在遙遠的未來,將是美國一如既往地以世界員警的姿態和風度以及對世界的統治來實現其目標,而蘇聯和後來出現的俄羅斯和中國將基本上按兵不動,而美國將公開地 —— 就像它一直做的那樣 —— 干涉外國的事務。它的方法將在形式上有所改變,但它們將一如既往地以嚴厲的威脅、沉重的懲罰性關稅、制裁、暗中的政治操縱、骯髒的、謀殺的、顛覆的和其他犯罪的情報行動和軍事交戰等方式來干涉外國的事務。除此之外,在未來幾十年和公元2000年裡,美國還將進行其他各種邪惡的操縱,而且,這些操縱將不斷被偽造,或在美國的所有史籍中消失,以便不僅阻止,而且絕對不可能對基本真相進行任何調查。當所謂的1962年古巴危機逐漸消失時,蘇聯在其國家政權的領導下想要在古巴部署核武器,但美國總統在他的干預下將其撤走,首次登月的騙局將在大約22年後也就是1969年出現,這將使蘇聯敗下陣來,以羞辱它並在冷戰中暴露它 —— 冷戰已於1945年第三次世界大戰結束時開始。冷戰將被稱為以美國為首的西方大國與以蘇聯為首的所謂東方集團國家之間的衝突,後者將在1947年至1989年期間通過幾乎所有的手段進行戰鬥。

The 1st World War actually took place as early as 1756 to 1763 under the leadership of the USA, but history conceals this from earthly humanity. The 2nd World War from 1914 to 1918 started in Europe, and then the 3rd World War took place in 1939 through the NAZI invasion of Poland until September 1945, during which the NAZI invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 was carried out. After that, the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbour resulted in US interference, with the Allied landing in Normandy in 1944, after which the 'Red Army' got going in the East with its 'Operation Bagration'.

第一次世界大戰實際上早在1756年至1763年就在美國的領導下發生了,但歷史向地球上的人類掩蓋了這一點。1914年至1918年的第二次世界大戰在歐洲開始,然後第三次世界大戰在1939年通過納粹入侵波蘭發生,直到1945年9月,期間納粹在1941年入侵了蘇聯。此後,日本對珍珠港的入侵導致了美國的干涉,盟軍於1944年在諾曼地登陸,之後蘇聯紅軍Red Army在東方的巴格拉基昂行動Operation Bagration開始進行。

By the end of this century alone, starting in Korea in 1950, some 90 wars will shake the world and claim millions of lives. As usual, the main belligerents will be the USA, which will set itself up as the world police and, in a desire for world domination, will grant itself all the rights of the world and exercise them in a self-determining manner. They will interfere in foreign 'dealings' everywhere in the world and reveal their war services under the banner of alleged 'peacemaking'. And they will be followed, under the same lie, by NATO, to which the North Atlantic states will belong in 1949, then the 'European Union', the dictatorship that will be established, as will also Switzerland with a so-called 'Peace Corps'.

僅在本世紀末,從1950年的朝鮮開始,約有90場戰爭將震撼世界,並奪去數百萬人的生命。像往常一樣,主要的交戰方將是美國,它將把自己設定為世界員警,並且為了統治世界,將賦予自己世界上所有的權利,並以自我決定的方式行使這些權利。他們將干涉世界各地的外國交易,並在所謂的建立和平的旗幟下揭示他們的戰爭服務。在同樣的謊言下,他們將被北約所跟隨,北大西洋國家將在1949年屬於北約,然後是歐盟,將建立的獨裁政權,瑞士也將建立所謂的和平工作團Peace Corps

The USA has been run as the most evil state since time immemorial and thus since its foundation, with the longest history of war in the world. The 4th of July is a lie, celebrated as the independence of the colonies from the oppression of England, while for the indigenous people, the Indians, in 1776 this day is associated with death and horror and the longest war in the history of the earth was started by the USA. This, namely, as a result of the war against the Indians, the native peoples, who, according to exact figures from Sfath, numbered around 21.7 million human beings in North America alone, who were almost wiped out by the land robbers, the new 'land squatters' – millions of European settlers. The whole thing was an unparalleled genocide. And as the final act, it all took place under the patronage of the 7th President of the USA, Andrew Jackson, when years later, in 1830, he signed into law the Indian Removal Act, which was closed to the world public and of course kept secret. This allowed the removal and relocation of thousands of Indian tribes to free up their land for settlers, mainly from Europe. Of course, many of the Indian tribes did not want to leave their fertile land, consequently they were simply murdered or brutally detained in Indian camps called reservations by the Gewalt of the USA government. More than 1/3 of the Indians died on this 'Trail of Tears', as the whole thing was later called. Then, in 1890, there was a final 'war' between the USA and the indigenous people, the Indians – which in reality was nothing more than a terrible slaughter – in which 568 unarmed Lakota Indians were literally slaughtered. Their true number and the entire circumstances were also distorted in such a way that the whole truth has never come to light until today. Finally, in 1924, under the patronage of the 30th President of the USA, John Calvin Coolidge, the Indians or native peoples were granted civil rights in their ancestral homeland, where they were treated as aliens. This is an example of what really makes the USA tick.

美國自古以來就被當作最邪惡的國家來管理,因此自建國以來,它的戰爭歷史是世界上最長的7月4日是一個謊言,被慶祝為殖民地從英國的壓迫下獨立,而對於原住民,即印第安人來說,1776年的這一天與死亡和恐怖有關,地球歷史上最長的戰爭是由美國發動的。這就是對印第安人、原住民的戰爭結果,根據Sfath的確切數字,僅在北美就有大約2170萬人,他們幾乎被土地強盜、新的占地者 —— 數百萬歐洲定居者消滅。整個事件是一場無與倫比的種族滅絕。而作為最後一幕,這一切都發生在美國第七任總統安德魯.傑克遜Andrew Jackson的支持下,幾年後,在1830年,他簽署了印第安人遷移法案》(Indian Removal Act),該法不對世界公眾開放,當然是保密的。這使得數以千計的印第安人部落被移走和遷移,為主要來自歐洲的定居者騰出土地。當然,許多印第安部落不想離開他們肥沃的土地,因此,他們被美國政府使用的暴力Gewalt直接謀殺或殘酷拘留在稱為保留地的印第安人營地。整個事件,超過1/3的印第安人死於這段後來被稱為的血淚之路 Trail of Tears途中。然後,在1890年,美國和原住民印第安人之間發生了一場最後的戰爭 —— 實際上這不過是一場可怕的屠殺 —— 在這場戰爭中,568名手無寸鐵的拉科塔族Lakota印第安人真的被屠殺了。他們的真實人數和整個情況也被歪曲了,直到今天,整個真相都沒有被曝光。最後,1924年,在美國第30任總統小約翰.卡爾文.柯立芝John Calvin Coolidge的支持下,印第安人或原住民在他們的祖國獲得了公民權利,他們在那裡被當作外國人對待。這是一個展現美國真正面目的例子

America or rather the USA as a former land-grabber state, which brutally murdered the indigenous people and drove them to the brink of extinction through genocide – which almost bordered on genocide and thus on the brink of extinction – has always strived for world domination and will continue to do so in the future. In doing so, all means are just about good enough for the US state. This is proved by the fact that since time immemorial – especially now through Harry S. Truman, who has been the 33rd President of the USA since his inauguration – America has secretly and without the knowledge of the people interfered in the political affairs between China and Tibet to try to drive the Chinese out of Tibet. This is because he secretly worships the present Dalai Lama, who was enthroned as a 13-year-old youth in 1940 as the 14th Dalai Lama, who is listed as the head of the Tibetans. In the future, he is supposed to be a 'man of peace', but in reality he is not. In truth, even at his young age, he is a high-handed and devious rebel, conspirator, insurgent and evil terror to the women whose enemy he is, which he knows how to conceal, consequently they will hang on him. But he does not like them, while he pretends to be equal to them in order to secure their adherence and necessary support for him, as well as to be sure of their gifts of favour to the religious leader. Contrary to his hypocrisy, it must be said that even at his young age he is only a 'man of discord, falsehood and misogyny', and as religiously mendacious as others and the Panchen Lamas before him. They used to have and still have their believers in bondage mistreated worse than slaves, by torture they used to have their torturers cut off the believers' fingers, hands, arms, legs or ears, or they used to have their believers blinded if they did not do what was asked of them. With my own ears I heard the 14th Dalai Lama idealising conditions in the former Tibet, where I saw with my own eyes the opposite of what he was lying about. I saw with my own eyes how the Lamaist monks, together with some members of a noble class, chastised serfs and slaves who were supervised by the monk police and subjected to corporal punishment with vicious violence that mutilated their limbs or even blinded them. A fact, however, that will be disputed by the Tibetan government-in-exile when the 14th Dalai Lama, alias Tenzin Gyatso, waves his sceptre and flees Tibet.

美國,或者說美國作為一個曾經的土地掠奪者國家,殘酷地殺害了原住民,並通過種族滅絕將他們趕到了滅絕的邊緣 —— 這幾乎接近於種族滅絕,因此處於滅絕的邊緣 —— 一直在努力爭取統治世界,並將在未來繼續這樣做。在這樣做的過程中,所有的手段對美國國家來說都是恰到好處的。長久以來 —— 特別是現在通過哈里.S.杜魯門(他是美國第33任總統,自他就職以來) —— 美國在人民不知情的情況下秘密干涉中國和西藏之間的政治事務,試圖將中國人趕出西藏,就證明了這一點。這是因為他秘密地崇拜現在的達賴喇嘛他在1940年作為一個13歲的青年被冊封為第14代達賴喇嘛,被列為西藏人的領袖在未來,他應該是一個和平的人但實際上他不是事實上,即使在他年輕的時候,他也是一個高壓和狡猾的反叛者、陰謀家、叛亂者和邪惡的恐怖,對於他是敵人的婦女來說,他知道如何掩飾,因此她們會掛在他身上。但他並不喜歡她們,而他卻假裝與她們平等,以確保她們對他的追隨和必要的支持,以及確保她們對宗教領袖的恩賜。與他的虛偽相反,必須說,即使在他年輕的時候,他也只是一個不和諧、虛假和厭世的人,和其他人以及在他之前的班禪喇嘛一樣,在宗教上也是狡詐的。他們曾經並仍然讓被捆綁的信徒受到比奴隸更惡劣的虐待,通過酷刑,他們曾經讓施刑者砍掉信徒的手指、手掌、手臂、腿或耳朵,或者如果信徒不按要求做,他們就把信徒的眼睛弄瞎。我親耳聽到十四世達賴喇嘛將前西藏的情況理想化,而我親眼看到的情況與他的謊言恰恰相反。我親眼看到喇嘛教的僧侶和一些貴族階層的成員是如何責罰農奴和奴隸的,他們在僧侶員警的監督下,用惡毒的暴力對他們進行體罰,殘害他們的肢體,甚至使他們失明。然而,當第十四世達賴喇嘛(別名丹增嘉措)揮舞權杖逃離西藏時,西藏流亡政府將對這一事實提出異議。

However, as far as the present Dalai Lama is concerned – who is on the payroll of the USA and the CIA with many dollars – he is seeking to do everything he can to shake up the Chinese occupation with a guerrilla movement financially supported by the USA with many millions of dollars, which the young Dalai Lama is forcing against the Chinese. In the process, as already mentioned, he, as the 14th Dalai Lama, becomes the ringleader of the Tibetan free fighters with bribes from the USA, who, in his greed for might and money, allows himself to be bought by the CIA secret service.

然而,就目前的達賴喇嘛而言 —— 他拿著美國和中情局的許多美元的工資 —— 他正在尋求盡其所能,用美國用許多美元資助的遊擊隊運動來動搖中國的佔領,年輕的達賴喇嘛正在強迫反對中國。在這個過程中,如前所述,他作為第十四世達賴喇嘛,在美國的賄賂下,成為西藏自由戰士的頭目,他在貪圖權勢和金錢的情況下,允許自己被中情局的特務機構收買。

The young 14th Dalai-Lama is a liar since his juveniles, whereby he deceives the whole world and his whole life will prove this doing, which is clearly shown by foresight. He will present himself as a peaceful angel, but in reality he is a wolf in sheep's clothing, who will be partly responsible for all the violent excesses in Tibet until the 3rd decade of the 3rd millennium. He will not stop at any outrage, which he will conceal from the outside world after he has fled Tibet and will continue his life in exile government under the protection of the USA. So everything will be completely different from his Tibet-friendly propaganda worldwide, and all the lies and deceit will be carried far into the future. But everything will change in Tibet when the young and selfish 14th Dalai Lama will flee and consequently abandon his believers in Tibet, when he will live a good but mendacious life paid for by stupid believers in the government-in-exile until old age. And he will also live a carefree life after his escape on large tributes, gifts and donations from his stupid believers and devoted followers, as has been the case with all religious leaders since time immemorial and will remain so for a long time to come.


For centuries there has been the tradition of the aggressive policy of the USA against the Soviet Union, which still exists today, and against China, which will continue to exist in this way, consequently conflicts are also pre-programmed and the far future of the 3rd millennium with the enormous mass of overpopulation, which will amount to almost 10 billion in 2030, which will make the whole thing much worse than it already is. So it will not bring any change for the better, but everything will become even more confused, as the powerful of the world see only struggle and war to push through and achieve their goals. On the contrary, an American will do everything to ensure that hatred of China continues to grow when, in the mid-1970s to come, he will secretly join forces with China's ruler as a result of hatred thoughts and feelings of hatred, from which a plague will then emerge that will mutate over the years and then cast its spell over the whole world in the 2020s of the 3rd millennium.


Unfortunately, once again the USA has to be brought in, because as always, the systematic world conquest plans of the USA will not be broken, because like its warfare – as well as its like-minded vassals – since the end of the last world war ,1945, the USA has developed within the barely 2 years into an essential economic sector that far surpasses its peers in the past. This is especially true with regard to the increasingly profitable arms industry and the finance and investment industry, through which US America earns countless billions of dollars from wars and armed conflicts. Mainly, as a result of the arms exports, which again serve absolutely criminally to wage new wars, the USA will earn further billions, whereby, on the other hand, the United States of America can increasingly extend its intrigues, wars and really insidious secret service actions, political murders, its interferences in foreign countries' affairs – under the guise of 'peacemaking' – and its political tricks in many states of the world. In doing so, they destabilise the individual states and then form a model for them, which, however, quickly has a negative effect, because through the machinations of the rulers, they quickly seek to bind themselves to the USA – in order to then supposedly become independent – in order to gain dominion over their people in this way. The latter will be oppressed and deprived of their freedom, and this will result far into the 3rd millennium, because by then all the state elites of the USA will take up their world domination airs with war, terror, intrigues and treachery.

不幸的是,美國不得不再次被拉進來,因為像往常一樣,美國的系統性世界征服計畫不會被打破,因為像它的戰爭 —— 以及它志同道合的附庸 —— 自上一次世界大戰結束以來,即1945年,美國在短短兩年內發展成為一個重要的經濟部門,遠遠超過了過去的同行。這一點在利潤越來越高的軍火工業和金融投資業方面尤其如此,美國通過這些行業從戰爭和武裝衝突中賺取了無數的美元。主要是,由於武器出口,美國將進一步賺取數十億美元,而另一方面,美國可以越來越多地擴大其陰謀、戰爭和真正陰險的特工行動、政治謀殺、干涉外國事務 —— 在建立和平的幌子下 —— 以及在世界許多國家的政治伎倆。在這樣做的過程中,他們破壞了各個國家的穩定,然後形成了一個模式,然而,這很快就產生了負面效應,因為通過統治者的陰謀詭計,他們很快就尋求將自己與美國捆綁在一起 —— 以便隨後所謂的獨立 —— 以這種方式獲得對其人民的統治權。後者將被壓迫,被剝奪自由,這將導致在公元2000年裡,因為到那時,美國的所有國家精英將以戰爭、恐怖、陰謀和背叛的方式佔據世界統治地位。

In the process, the new Russia, which will come towards the end of the 1980s, will be particularly targeted by the USA for incorporation into the United States of America, but this will fail and the attempt will be kept secret. The leaders – as they have always and since time immemorial – will not enlighten the US people and the world and will keep the secret plans secret, and they will continue to involve their military in wars and terror, thereby bringing much suffering and misery to the American people, as well as to those countries where the US military will spread itself under the guise of providing aid, but will spread death, hardship and misery.

在這一過程中,新的俄羅斯將在20世紀80年代末到來,它將成為美國的特別目標,被併入美利堅合眾國,但這將失敗,而且這一企圖將被保密。領導人 —— 就像他們自古以來的一貫做法 —— 不會啟迪美國人民和世界,並將秘密計畫保密,他們將繼續讓軍隊參與戰爭和恐怖活動,從而給美國人民以及那些美國軍隊將在提供援助的幌子下擴散的國家帶來許多痛苦和不幸,但將傳播死亡、困難和苦難。

… …

New emerging forms of religious hatred, xenophobia and hatred of nations will soon give rise to various forms of political extremism and lead to riots and terror in many countries. Around the world in the coming decades – and well into the new 3rd millennium – governments will also come apart at the seams. And it will soon become apparent in England, especially after the first 20 years of the 3rd millennium, after the death of the King Prince, among various members of the royal family, that calamities, inconsistencies, unacceptable and fehdish behaviour, divorces and among themselves falsehoods and spite will arise. In the course of time, these will call into question the continuation of the family unit and the continued existence of the old royal house. In time, the rulers will become incapable of exercising a correct, right and clean government, for basically their majority will only indulge in their degenerated power and mammon, while they will increasingly restrict the peoples' freedom with new nonsensical laws, ordinances, fines, taxes and decrees, etc., and drive them to suicide. All in all, everything is already coming to a head today and in the following time – especially from the beginning of the 3rd millennium – as well as the entire world situation in an extent of exuberant misbehaviour and misgovernance by incompetent politicians as well as the increasing incapacity of those in power to govern will have to be deplored, as will become particularly visible in US America, through a clumsy president who will bring down all order. In Europe alone, through the emergence of the European Union dictatorship, the European community of states will be deceived by guile, and its peoples will build up rebellion and hatred against their own national governments as well as against the dictatorship, which will lead to much discontent and disaster until the dictatorship is once again dissolved. Religious hatred, xenophobia and hatred of nations, and also various forms of political extremism, will again arise in many countries and cause turmoil. Governments around the world will fall apart in the coming decades and well into the third millennium.


… … …

Many human beings deal with death in their delusion of God, whereby they imagine their God or several Gods in their faith in such a way that this imaginary figure gives them the meaning of life and the strength that they could live at all. All delusionists, the Christians, the Jews, the Bahai, the Muslims and the Buddhists, and all the hundreds of delusionists of all religions and sects of the world, are waiting for a Messiah, that is, for someone who will save and redeem them. Even the first Christians, who were originally Jews, were waiting for a Messiah – who never came and never will come, because everything is based only on a delusion called faith.

許多人在對上帝的妄想中處理死亡問題,據此,他們在信仰中想像他們的上帝或幾個上帝,以這樣一種方式,這種想像的人物給了他們生命的意義和他們可以生存的力量。所有的妄想者(delusionist),基督徒、猶太人、巴哈伊(Bahai)、穆斯林和佛教徒,以及世界上所有宗教和教派的數百名妄想者,都在等待一個「彌賽亞」(Messiah),也就是說,等待一個能拯救和救贖他們的人。甚至最初的基督徒,他們原本是猶太人,也在等待一個彌賽亞 —— 他從來沒有來過,也永遠不會來,因為一切都只是基於一種叫做信仰的錯覺。

… …

Countless people will turn to new technologies and become slavishly dependent on them, whereby a particularly emerging and refined electronic technology, which will become more and more refined very quickly in the coming time, will already emerge in the next few decades. This electronic technology, as it will be called, will be an extended branch of electrical engineering, developed especially by the use of apparatus, devices and sensors, etc., with electron tubes, photocells and other and similar things, etc., and in the further future will be driven to undreamt-of heights and refinements. And this electronic technology will become such that in a small device the size of a thimble the entire acquired knowledge of mankind since its origin will be stored. And the word 'electronics' will in future be given a new meaning and name, for from it will be formed the term 'electronic'. However, this term will soon be overtaken by a completely new technology, and its meaning will be trumped by a new term. At the beginning of the 3rd millennium, another industrial revolution will be ushered in that will far surpass anything industrial that has gone before and will be based on a Digitus technology. This will cause a furore and become an addiction and almost the end of interpersonal relationships for the majority of the ever-growing overpopulation in terms of use. This new technology is supposed to be based on the fact that a 'conversion of signals of a similar, comparable or like nature' will be converted steplessly into 'Digitus formats' or 'Digitus modifications' – whatever that is supposed to be or will be, at least I don't know.


For this technology, original still unclear ideas and the basic beginning for it were already created in 1937, whereby the development of a first fully electronic Digitus universal computer took place early and quickly, which was constructed about 10 years ago – whereby the very first beginning did not start with this, because this actually leads fundamentally back into antiquity, whereby however the technology that has emerged from this until today leads to immense progress and will revolutionise everything that emerges from electronics. This will inevitably lead to new developments that will result in computing devices and appliances, etc., which will point the way for all further technical, electronic and Digitus technology. This will promote and determine progress into the future. This will happen especially from the beginning of the 3rd millennium, with young and old worldwide using the new Digitus technology, to the point of addiction and crime in many cases, violent crime, terrorism, family discord, indifference and relationship destruction. This new technology will, however, cause cancer and disorders of consciousness in human beings, animals and other creatures, etc., as well as other ailments that can be life-threatening, through far too long exposure to the strong electromagnetic rays. This Digitus technique, in all its further development, will lead to the development of highly calculating apparatus and devices, etc., as well as to the manifold kinds of data-processing systems. Everything from the smallest to the largest will be measured, but it will also influence remote viewing technology, as of course will many things for medical and military purposes, as well as many other kinds. With this new technology, completely new paths of technical development will be opened up, which will then lead to the striving for an 'artificial intelligence' or 'cognitive ability to act' and to rocket travel to the outer regions of planet Earth.

早在1937年,就有了最初不明確的想法和這項技術的基本開端,這導致了第一台完全電子的數位通用電腦的發展,這是大約十年前建造的 —— 儘管最初的開始並不是從這個開始,因為它實際上從根本上追溯到了古代,但由此產生的技術直到今天都帶來了巨大的進步,並將徹底改變電子產品帶來的一切。這將不可避免地導致新的發展,包括電腦處理設備和設備等,這將指導所有其他技術、電子和數位技術特別是從公元2000年開始,全世界的年輕人和老年人都在使用新的數位化技術,在許多情況下,會出現成癮和犯罪,暴力犯罪,恐怖主義,家庭不和,冷漠和關係破壞。然而,這種新技術將導致癌症以及人類、動物和其他生物等的意識紊亂,還有其他疾病,通過太長時間暴露在強大的電磁射線下,可能會威脅到生命。這種數位化技術,在其所有的進一步發展中,將導致高度計算儀器和設備等的發展,以及多種資料處理系統的出現。從最小的到最大的一切都將被測量,但它也將影響到遙感技術,當然還有許多用於醫療和軍事目的的東西,以及許多其他種類。有了這項新技術,將開闢全新的技術發展道路,這將導致對人工智慧」(artificial intelligence認知行動能力的發展,並導致火箭旅行到地球以外的區域

It is to be said that the new electronic technology will not only bring bad things, but also much good and progress, for example with regard to medicine and the health of human beings, although everything will be abused in this respect too. One of these abuses will already develop when, in 18 years, the first heart transplantation will be carried out on a human being and will be successful, from which, however, the beginning will result that, on the one hand, such transplantations will henceforth become the order of the day, so to speak, in corresponding clinics all over the world, but also with regard to various other organs that will be transplanted or transplanted countlessly in the course of time. And this will be the beginning of the emerging criminality, which will then result from the fact that human beings in financial need will be motivated to sell certain of their organs for transplantation to foreign human beings. It is also clear from forecasts that human beings will also be murdered by various methods in order to obtain their organs for organ transplants, although these will not be recognised as a result of the underhanded murder. And it will become a fact that a real organ trade will develop, for which unlawful, irresponsible and disregarding human dignity governmental efforts will also arise to establish by law that an organ donation system should become compulsory. But whether this nonsense will prevail could not yet be fathomed through previews.


In the future, many inventors will turn their attention to the rapidly developing electronic technology and produce an enormous number of inventions, some of which will be very useful, others, however, completely nonsensical and even very dangerous. This new technology will be triggered on a large scale as a result of an electronic technology hysteria that will come about in later decades and to which countless human beings will dock. In the process – as accurate foresight will prove – an unreasonable and exuberantly uncontrolled enthusiasm will be aroused and considered progressive and forward-looking when, in just a few years and in the following decades, corresponding films of the future will be broadcast and distributed in the private sphere and in the homes of society through cinematography and electronic remote viewing devices. This will lead to the fact that many human beings who are gifted in terms of imagination and technology will, as a result of such future films, induce themselves to invent through their own emerging ideas and consequently make sensible future-breaking, but also completely nonsensical, dangerous and useless electronic inventions. This will lead to the development of a technology that is still far too early for Earth human beings and will bring a great deal of disaster upon the world and all peoples, because this new technology, which is emerging far too early, cannot be controlled or mastered by humanity for a long time yet and will therefore lead to a thousandfold disaster. It will also be inevitable that such inventions relating to the future will be used completely irresponsibly as tools of mass murder and that they will be criminally misused for military purposes, and that wars will be waged with them in many ways. However, this new technology will also provide various small and large political and religious fanatical terrorist organisations all over the world with the opportunity to carry out their murderous, criminal and destructive terrorist actions. In the future, this new electronic technology and the 'silent state of war' – which was fuelled by the USA and will therefore continue to exist between the USA and the Soviet Union for a long time, and will later also continue to exist with Russia – will inevitably further result in the military arms race with new and henceforth electronically equipped and controlled deadly weapons and spy systems, which will also turn the whole Earth into a hotbed of completely degenerated evil. And as a result of this dubious progress based on electronics, with regard to private and public transport mobility, electronically-controlled production processes will make it possible to eventually have billions of private automobiles soar just as very quickly as the productions of countless other vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines, These are all emitting toxic exhaust gases into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, as has been the case since 1862 with the gas combustion engine invented by Nikolaus August Otto, and then since 1886 when Hans Benz in Germany put the first internal combustion engine-powered motor tricycle into operation. And these poisonous gases will cause more and more damage in the times to come and even, in connection with the climate falling out of the normal course, cause malignant mischief, as well as harming the health of human beings and making them suffer. The whole thing will come about, along with many other gaseous substances and along with poisons of all kinds, and especially through the machinations – which companies, corporations and private individuals carry out as a result of financial gain, and which are especially intended to satisfy the needs, luxuries and desires of the mass overpopulation – which viciously destroy nature, its fauna and flora and all ecosystems, thus also affecting the atmosphere and forcing the climate to change prematurely, which would only naturally change the face of the Earth in several 100,000 years. And all this will come true and become true as I predict and bring it to the attention of all those human beings who want to know and who will make a conscious effort to orient their lives accordingly, so that they can lead them differently and better than the great masses will do, who unthinkingly and conscienceless, self-important towards everything and everyone, are spiralling up to an endlessly growing overpopulation and bringing forth offspring en masse, who will ultimately destroy all the foundations of life for all earthly life.

在未來,許多發明家將把他們的注意力轉向快速發展的電子技術,並產生大量的發明,其中一些將是非常有用的,然而其他的則完全是毫無意義,甚至非常危險。這種新技術將作為電子技術歇斯底里的結果而被大規模觸發,這種歇斯底里將在以後的幾十年裡出現,吸引了無數人。正如詳細的預測所顯示的那樣,這將產生一種不合理的、過度失控的熱情,並將被視為是進步的、前瞻性的,在未來幾年和幾十年內,電影和電子電視設備將在私人領域和社會家庭中播放和發行這方面的未來電影。這將導致許多在想像力和技術方面有天賦的人,由於這種未來電影的結果,引發自己通過自己的新奇想法進行發明,從而做出聰明的未來破壞設施,但也是完全無意義的、危險的和無用的電子發明。這將導致一種對地球人類來說還為時過早的技術的發展,並將給世界和所有人民帶來巨大的災難,因為這種過早出現的新技術在很長一段時間內還不能被人類控制或掌握,因此將導致千夫所指的災難。這種與未來有關的發明也將不可避免地被完全不負責任地用作大規模殺戮的工具,而且它們將被犯罪地濫用於軍事目的,並以多種方式用它們發動戰爭。然而,這種新技術也將為全世界各種大大小小的政治和宗教狂熱的恐怖組織提供機會,開展他們的謀殺、犯罪和破壞性的恐怖行動。在未來,這種新的電子技術和無聲的戰爭狀態 —— 由美國推波助瀾,因此將在美國和蘇聯之間繼續存在很長一段時間後來也將繼續與俄羅斯存在,將不可避免地進一步導致軍事軍備競賽,使用新的和今後電子裝備和控制的致命武器和間諜系統,這也將把整個地球變成一個完全退化的邪惡溫床。作為這種基於電子技術的可疑進展的結果,在私人和公共運輸的流動性方面,電子控制的生產過程將使最終有數十億輛私人汽車的飆升成為可能,就像無數其他配備內燃機的車輛的生產一樣迅速。這些都是以二氧化碳的形式向大氣排放有毒廢氣,正如自1862年尼古拉斯.奧古斯特.奧托(Nikolaus August Otto)發明的氣體燃燒引擎以來,以及自1886年德國的漢斯.賓士(Hans Benz)將第一輛內燃機驅動的機動三輪車投入使用以來的情況。這些有毒氣體將在未來的時代造成越來越多的損害,甚至與氣候脫離正常軌道有關,造成惡性破壞,並損害人類的健康,使他們遭受痛苦。這一切將與許多其他氣體物質和各種毒藥一起發生,特別是通過公司、企業和私人的圖謀 —— 這些圖謀是由於經濟利益所驅使的,特別是為了滿足大規模過剩人口的需求、奢侈和欲望 —— 這些圖謀詭計惡意破壞了自然、動物和植物以及所有生態系統,從而也影響大氣,迫使氣候過早改變,這只會在幾十萬年後自然改變地球的面貌。所有這一切都會像我預測的那樣成真,並提請所有那些想知道的人類注意,他們會有意識地努力據此確定自己的生活方向,這樣他們就能以不同的方式更好地引導他們,而不是像廣大群眾那樣,不假思索地、無意識地、自以為是地對待一切和所有人,正螺旋式上升到無休止的人口過剩,大量生出後代,他們將最終摧毀所有地球生命的所有生活基礎。

12th November 1947
Edi Meier





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